Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech. Outline of the lesson in the Russian language (Grade 10) on the topic: Spelling endings and suffixes of various parts of speech





Cycle methodological commission of general humanitarian,

socio-economic disciplines


combined lesson

for the teacher

Discipline: Russian language

Section 2


Speciality: 34.02.01 Nursing (basic level of education)


Developer: teacher of Russian language Khritankova N.Yu.

Motivation for studying topic 4

Extract from work program disciplines "Russian language" 5


Information block 7

Plan independent work students 8

Appendix 1 9

Appendix 2 9

Annex 3 10

Appendix 4 11

Sample Answers 12

List of sources used 14

Methodical sheet

Class type: combined.

Level of assimilation of information: first (recognition) + second (reproduction).

Learning goals: to form the concept of basic units and levels of the language, their features and relationships; learn to build your speech in accordance with linguistic, communicative and ethical standards; to form the concept of punctuation norms of the modern literary Russian language; to teach to analyze your speech from the point of view of its normativity, relevance, expediency; to form the ability to eliminate errors and shortcomings in their oral speech, observe in the practice of writing the spelling and punctuation norms of modern Russian literary language.

educational goals: to promote the formation of the ability to exercise speech self-control, evaluate written statements in terms of design; observe in the practice of writing the punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Development goals: develop the ability to analyze life situations draw conclusions, accept independent solutions to be organized and disciplined; form and develop practical creative thinking understanding of the essence and social significance of one's future profession, sustained interest in it; develop the ability to work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues.

Teaching methods- reproductive.

Lesson time: 90 minutes.

Motivation for studying the topic

Norms writing are studied in the general education school in the Russian language lessons. It is at school that students learn the rules of spelling and punctuation, as well as the rules for writing letters. However, not every school graduate is fully versed in the norms of written speech, and, as you know, no expressive, logical, accurate and rich speech will make the proper impression if the author of the speech writes illiterately, makes mistakes in punctuation. In this regard, it is necessary to replenish their knowledge in the field of the norms of written speech of the Russian literary language for every educated person, including future medical workers. In this lesson, the ability to analyze life situations, draw conclusions, make independent decisions, be organized and disciplined is formed and developed.

Extract from the work program of the discipline "Russian language"

Name of sections and topics

Watch Volume

Level of development

Section 2

Norms of the modern Russian literary language


Subject2.8. Spelling endings different parts speeches


Spelling of vowels. Spelling of consonants. The use of the letters b and b. Compliance with the spelling norms of the Russian literary language in the practice of writing.

Laboratory works


Test papers

Independent work of students:

Work with lecture notes.


Stage name


Purpose of the stage





Organizational stage

Organization of the beginning of the lesson, preparation of the workplace for students

Marks absent students in the journal

The headman calls the absent students. Students align appearance prepare jobs.

Journal, notebooks

Motivational stage

Developing interest in a new topic

Explains to students the importance of studying this topic

Listen, ask questions

Lesson objectives

Setting priorities when studying a topic

State the purpose of the lesson

Listen, write in a notebook new theme

Methodical development lessons

Control of the initial knowledge of students, checking homework

Complete assignments and answer teacher questions

Appendix 1, 2.

Statement of background information

To contribute to the development of the formation of the ability to observe the spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language in the practice of writing; understanding the essence and social significance of their future profession, sustainable interest in it.

Outlines new material

Listen, read the material in the textbook, write down

Methodological development of the lesson

Completing tasks to consolidate knowledge

Consolidation of knowledge, the formation of the ability to analyze life situations, draw conclusions, make independent decisions, be organized and disciplined; develop the ability to work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues.

Instructs and controls the execution of tasks, discusses the correctness of answers

Perform tasks, check, make adjustments

Annex 3 (task 1, 2)

Ultimate control of new knowledge

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the lesson and identification of shortcomings in new knowledge

Instructs and supervises

Perform tasks

Appendix 4

Task for independent extracurricular work of students

Formation and consolidation of knowledge

Gives a task for independent extracurricular work of students, instructs on the correct implementation

Write down the task

Working with a textbook, doing exercises;

Work with lecture notes.


Systematization, consolidation of material, development emotional stability, objectivity in assessing one's actions, the ability to work in a group

Evaluates the work of the group as a whole, individually, motivation for evaluation

Listen, ask questions, participate in the discussion

Group log

Information block

Usage b

1. To indicate the softness of consonants (except for hissing), the letter b is written:

1) at the end of a word (including in the indefinite form of the verb and the imperative): eight, pour, horse;

2) in the middle of a word - after a soft l before any consonant (hard or soft): album, flatter, boy, but the letter b is not written between two l: illustration, allergy; after a soft consonant before a hard consonant (braid); after a soft consonant standing before soft g, k, b, m, which are the result of a change in the corresponding hard ones (earrings - earring). In other cases, ь in the middle of a word is not written to indicate the softness of consonants (bush).

Note: it is useful to remember that the letter ь is not written in combinations of h and u with other consonants: chk, ch, nch, nsch, schn, rch, rsch (to nurse) (although a nanny), a predator); the letter ь is preserved before the suffix -sya in the indefinite form of the verb, before the ending -te in the imperative mood (meet - meet.)

2. Since sizzling are either only hard ([g], [w]), or only soft ([h], [u]), then when writing the letter b after them does not serve as an indicator of softness. After hissing, the letter ь is used primarily to denote grammatical form words and is written in the following cases:

1) in nouns g. R. 3 declensions in the form of units. h. (a trifle, but a noun m. p. rich man without a soft sign);

2) in the following forms of verbs: in an indefinite form (to captivate, to get carried away); in the imperative mood (hide, hide); in the 2nd person singular. hours of the present (and future) time (wash, wash). In addition, according to tradition, after hissing it is written: in adverbs), except for unbearable, already, married (wide open, completely); in particles (only, ish).

3. Separating b is written in the following cases:

1) before e, e, u, i inside the word, not after prefixes: career, sparrow;

2) in some foreign words before about: broth, companion.

Usage b

Separating b is written before the letters e, e, u, i in the following cases:

    after a prefix ending in a consonant (entry, internuclear);

2) in foreign words in which there is a prefix ending in a consonant (ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, counter-, ob-, sub-, trans-), the compound particle pan– (injection);

3) in compound words, the first part of which is formed by the names of the numerals two-, three-, four- (two-tiered).

As the rule shows, the letter ъ is not written under the indicated conditions before the vowels a, o, y, e (cloudless, limit).

Note: this rule does not apply to complex abbreviated words: foreign language, children.

Plan for independent work of students

Stage name

Stage description

Identification of the level of training

Control of the initial level of knowledge

Performing tasks to control the initial level of knowledge. Application No. 2

Identification of the degree of preparation of students for the lesson and the degree of assimilation of the material of this topic by school curriculum

Performing tasks to consolidate current theoretical and practical knowledge

1. Completing tasks with different spellings of ь and ъ. Application No. 3

Systematization, consolidation of the material, the formation of skills, instilling accuracy, the ability to work in a group. Developing the ability to correctly determine the spelling ь and ъ, as well as use knowledge of the norms in your written speech

Ultimate control

Performance of the task for the final control. Application No. 4

Finding out the degree of achievement of the goal of the lesson

Appendix 1

Checking homework

Appendix 2

Task to control the initial level of knowledge of students

Rewrite with missing letters.

1. But Shurka could not even cry. He kept looking ... at the stove, at a pile of fiery black ... r ... pkov and for some reason thought that everything in life ... lives beats for happiness - so said Aunt Nastya, and her words ... once Impossibly miraculously fulfilled: the father has risen from the dead. And the grandmother demanded that the first pot be broken at random ... to smithereens ... zgi. Where is sch ... ste? (Smyrn.) 2. “Yes, she, the truth, whatever it is!” - cracked sound ... neel, clearing his throat with a cough, Mitriy Sidorov. He rubbed his face red-hot ... with his shirt sleeve, deftly hung his old hair ... n ... flax on one shoulder ..., somehow daringly pleasantly shook his blond b ... bom, softly x ... x ... poked and became the same old talker ... m-liar. (Smyrn.) 3. The heat was rising, and the boys and girls close to the good fire ... began to quietly move away, t ... dream away, without taking their eyes from the flame enthusiastically widened, motionless. (Smyrn.) 4. It is possible for a soldier to quietly exchange secret words with another servant ... about dry ... ryah, canvas ... out to ... volumes and a distant d ... horn. (Smyrn.) 5. Once a black ... black, maybe even black ... more than a rook's wing, a scythe, time is slightly swirling ... lo with ... a dyne, but the eyebrows that they were in their youth, see ... sheets, remained so. (Babaev.) 6. Sprinkled with burning debris, the tank rushed to self-propelled guns, which were already retreating along w ... ss. (Skin.) 7. The builder enjoys ... the view of ... growing factory buildings, new residential ... buildings, in ... khalls, t ... atrs erected by his ... projects. (Ov.)

Annex 3

Tasks to consolidate knowledge

Exercise 1.Listen to the sentences, select and write down only those words that require the spelling b or b.

1. Perky ... furious, I burst into the meeting with an avalanche (M.). 2. P ... er remembered that under the princess there were always companions ... onki (L. T.). 3. I am mainly afraid of everyday life ... (Ch.). 4. Valleys of the night ... still about ... embraces (P.). 5. He stands at the bust, leaning on the p...pedestal (Got.). 6. And in ... reality, I see before me the days of the past proud traces (P.). 7. Kashtanka ate a lot, but did not eat, but only got drunk from food (Ch.). 8. The ascent became steeper and harder (Closed). 9. Life is arranged in such a way ... yavolsky skillfully ... but that, not knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love (M. G.). 10. Bagration shouted to him from the mountain so that he would not go further than the stream ... I, but Rostov pretended not to hear his words (L.T.). 11. The shooting was creatively unproductive (Cherk.). 12. And the rumble rises ... flies around (L.). 13. He got better on the saddle and touched the horse in order to once again go around ... his hussars (L.T.). 14. Nikolai could not, as it seemed to him, endure this situation longer and went to explain himself to his mother ... (L.T.). 15. Never take on the next one without mastering the previous one ... the previous one (I.P.). 16. It was September ... September, windy and wet, when Artamonov approached ... drove to Dremov (M. G.). 17. The lanky subject sighed and shrugged.

Task 2. Write out the words with different occasions use of ъ and ь, grouping these words in accordance with the rules.

1. The camp woke up early, only the morning dawn was engaged. (Fedos.) 2. Polina Vasilievna is now embarrassed both in front of her daughter and in front of herself for this involuntary lie. (Lip.) 3. Believe me, Staszek, in war it is better to be a sergeant major than an ordinary soldier, and it is better to be a general than a colonel. (Sart.) 4. One must enter science on a white horse, and not knock on the pauper's door, having nothing for one's soul. (Grand.) 5. It was high time to take the suitcases and go down to the entrance. (Malts.) 6. How did the earth not part and swallow Mark Bovkun, how dare he walk the streets, breathe the same air with honest people! (Sobko) 7. The foliage on the trees was not sluggish, but only, paying tribute to the beautiful, changed colors. (V.) 8. The patient was given every day chicken bouillon. (Cover.) 9. An early December frost bound the earth. (Kazan.) 10. The Soviet state border stretches for more than sixty thousand kilometers. (Cover.) 11. The lush branches of apple trees froze. (Bet.)

Appendix 4

Tasks for final control

Exercise 1.

Languish in (bondage), play (piano), hearing about (defeat), stand on (square), think about (implementation) (idea), travel around (Central Asia), in quiet (solitude), arrival (parliamentarian) , walk along (path), play a role in (development) of the plot, calm down at (thought), shoot at (duel), come to (mother), visit (construction), prepare for (revision), participate in (excursion) .

Task 2.

1. And below, on mountain ash ..., busty red-throated bullfinches scattered, and, having alarmed, the whole hundred ... and flew off, and, like beads, sat on the branches of a white birch, shaking off the silver in ... d (S.- Mick.). 2. The next day, the news of the fire ... spread throughout the neighborhood. Some guessed the truth ... and claimed that the culprit of this terrible disaster ... was Dubrovsky himself ... (P.). 3. Dunno quickly dressed and climbed the creaky wooden stairs ... (Nose). 4. Icing occurs when ... rain and sleet fall, during evaporation ... of water, when the air temperature is very low. The strongest icing occurs when splashing ... a vessel with a wind force of more than five points. 5. Arabic books say that in the middle ... of the first millennium ... the Slavs ... carried on a great trade with the Greeks. 6. In the morning on the still yellow winter ... only the edges of the puddles turned green ..., and by evening the whole winter turned green (Prish.). 7. Cold winds blew ... Many times snow began to fall in large flakes. Stretched across the road and disappeared into the spruce forest ... accelerating hare trail. Fox, stitched, paw by paw, winds along the roads ... (S.-Mik.). 8. Once Fedya had a fight with Grisha ... and Kopeikin ... m because of a bottle of carcasses .... It turned out to be a blot on his forehead ... Here, no one without laughter ... could not look at him (Nose.). 9. When a thick cloud floated on the suns, the cold breeze intensified (Nag.). 10. Water in the tanks ... remained only at the very bottom (Cat.). 11. The lighthouse was so high that not every bird could climb to its top ... In bad weather ... the lighthouse went into a foggy height and its top disappeared ... (House.). 12. You are going. Streams of sand... fall asleep behind your trail (Sweet). 13. By myself big love and reverence ... was used in the aviation detachment by the manual crane Vasily Ivanovich (S.-Mik.). 14. Nothing, of course, can give such an accurate feeling ... of the past as a meeting with a living witness ... m (Paust.). 15. There are words, as if simple and harmless, which, once spoken at the time ..., again and again appear in the memory ... and do not allow you to live (Nag.).

Sample answers

Appendix 2

1. But Shurka could not even cry. He sees everything about trilled on the stove, on a pile of fiery h e R e pkov and for some reason thought that everything was and zni beats to mid a stu - so ck a hall aunt Nastya, and her words about Once upon a time, it was impossible, miraculously fulfilled: the father rose from the dead. And grandmother demanded that the first pot be broken at random about to the vreb e zgi. Where is the a stye? (Smyrn.) 2. “Yes, she, the truth, whatever it is!” - cracked sound e neel, clearing his throat with a cough, Mitriy Sidorov. He reddened his faces about sleeve of his shirt, deftly hung up his old and slack on one shoulder about somehow daringly pleasantly shook the fair-haired h at bom, quietly x about X about poked and became the same trepach about m-lie. (Smyrn.) 3. The heat was coming, and the boys and girls close to the good fire about nk began to quietly move away, t e dream away, never taking his eyes off the flames with rapturous, wide, immovable eyes. (Smirn.) 4. It is possible with about ldat unnoticed to throw secret words about m with another service and oh dry a ryakh, canvas about exit to about tomkah and far d about horn. (Smyrn.) 5. Once upon a time e rnuyu, maybe even h e earlier than the rook's wing, the scythe time is slightly swirling and lo s e Dina, but what were the eyebrows in his youth, see about leafy, and remained so. (Babaev.) 6. Sprinkled g about roaring debris, the tank rushed at the self-propelled guns, which were already retreating along the about ses. (Leather) 7. Builder a waiting for the view a shrinking factory buildings, new and buildings, in about kzalov, t e atres erected according to his pro e ktam. (Ov.)

Annex 3

Exercise 1.

Vz b furious, P b er, company b onki, everyday life, night b about b emlet, p b edestal, in b reality, with b go, op b yanela, under b eat, d b yavolsky, ruch b I'm with b tank, under b eats, about b go, mother b yu, previous, september, under b went, sub b ect.

Task 2.

b at the end of the word for mitigation: Camp, engaged, take, parted, walk, breathe, tribute, apple trees.

L in the middle of the word: only, dawn, involuntary, Believe me, sergeant major, Sick, December, sixty.

Separating b: Vasilievna, daughter, trees, broth.

b after hissing: lie, only.

Tsya: knock, go down.

Dividing b: enter, to the entrance.

Appendix 4

Exercise 1. Rewrite by opening parentheses. Determine the type of declension of nouns and their case. Graphically indicate the endings.

Languishing in captivity (1, p.p), playing the piano (2, p.p), hearing about defeat (on -s, p.p), standing in the square (3, p.p), thinking about implementation ( on -e, p.p) ideas (1, p.p), travel around Central Asia(1, r.p), in quiet solitude (2, n.p), arrival of a parliamentarian (2, r.p), walk along the path (1, d.p), play a role in development (on -i, n .p) the plot, calm down at the thought (3, p.p), shoot duels (3, p.p), come to the mother (3, p.p), visit the construction site (2, p.p), prepare to audit (on -iya, d.p.), participate in excursions (on -iya, p.p.).

Task 2. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters in the endings, graphically indicate the endings and indicate the case of the noun.

On a mountain ash (p.p), a flock (t.p), hoarfrost (v.p), about a fire (p.p), about truth (p.p), disasters (r.p), up the stairs (d. p), during precipitation (p.p), during evaporation (p.p), during splashing (p.p), in the middle (p.p), the first millennium (r.p), the Slavs (i.p) on winter (p.p), the edges of a puddle (p.p), winds (p.p), in a spruce forest (p.p), along the road (p.p), with Grisha (t.p) Kopeikin, carcasses (r .p), on the forehead (p.p), without laughter (p.p), in the sun (p.p), in the tank (p.p), to the top (p.p), in bad weather (p.p ), sand (r.p), reverence (t.p), sensations (r.p), with a witness (t.p), by the time (d.p), in memory (p.p).

List of sources used

    Grekov, V.F. Manual for Russian language classes in senior
    classes [Text] / - M .: Education, 2008. - 286s.

    Rosenthal D.E. / Directory [Electronic resource] / Access mode http://evartist.narod.ru/ .

    Dictations / Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation [Electronic resource] / Access mode http://dictations.ru/

Spelling: Spelling of suffixes various parts speeches(except -Н-/-НН-): spelling of noun suffixes, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

1. Spelling of noun suffixes

Suffixes -chik/-schik. Suffix -chik written after roots ending in d, t, z, s, zh, suffix -schik- in other cases (scout, tap, sampler, subscriber, defector, porter, changer).

Suffixes -ek/-ik. Suffix -ek it is written if the vowel in the suffix drops out during the declension of the word; suffix -ik it is written if, when the word is declined, the vowel in the suffix is ​​preserved (lock - lock, key - key).

Suffixes -ets/-its. Suffix -ets it is written:

  • in nouns male(brother, businessman, loaf);
  • in nouns of the middle gender, when the stress falls on the ending (letter, finger).

Suffix -its- it is written:

  • in nouns female(street, soap dish, mill);
  • in nouns of the middle gender, when the stress falls on the base (dress, structure).

Suffixes -ichk-/-echk-. Suffix -IC- written in feminine nouns formed from nouns in -its-(onion - onion, mitten - mitten). Suffix -echk- written in words formed from nouns not on the -ic- (nanny, bast basket, Tanechka).

Suffixes -yshk-/-ushk-/-yushk-. Suffix -yshk- it is written in neuter nouns (the ending -o is written after it) (grain, sun, bottom). Suffix -ears- written in masculine and feminine nouns (grandfather, girl, nightingale). Suffix -yushk- written in the words of all three genera(polyushko, dolyushka, uncle).

Suffix -ink-(-in- + -k-)/-enk-. Suffix -ink- written in words formed from nouns with the suffix -in-(straw - straw, mountain ash - mountain ash). Suffix -enk- written in diminutive forms of nouns -na, -nya, which in R. p. pl. h. not spelled at the end soft sign (baubles - baubles - baubles, tower - towers - turret ), as well as in the words refugee, sissy, french, cherry etc.

2. Spelling of suffixes of adjectives

Suffixes -iv-/-ev-, -evat-/-evit-. Suffix -iv- written under stress -ev- in an unstressed position (handsome, arrogant, combatant, dashing). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

Suffixes -ov- and -ev-. After hissing and c suffix is ​​written under stress -ov-, without stress - suffix -ev-(brocade, pepper, reed, key, end, bucket, clothing).

Suffixes -chiv-/-liv-. Always written with and(friendly, changeable).

Suffixes -k- and -sk-. Suffix -to- it is written:

  • in quality adjectives that have short form(sharp - sharp, low - low);
  • in adjectives formed from nouns with a stem on k, h, c, the suffix -sk- is simplified into k; sounds k, h alternate with c (Nenets - Nenets, Cossack - Cossack, weaver - weaver). Exceptions: Uzbek - Uzbek, Uglich - Uglich).

Suffix -sk- preserved in relative adjectives with a base on consonants d, t, h, s(sailor, French, fraternal, urban) and with a basis in consonants g, k, x, which often alternate (Onega - Onega).

3. Spelling of verb suffixes

  1. In past tense verbs before the suffix -l- the same letter is written as in the indefinite form before -th(see - saw, relieve - facilitated, accept - accepted).
  2. Suffixes are written in the indefinite form of the verb and in the past tense -ova-, -eva- if in the 1st person the verb ends in -ooh, -ooh(draw - draw).
  3. If in the 1st person the verb ends in -I am, -I am without emphasis on a, then the suffix -yva-, -iva- is preserved (think - think, finish - finish).

Difficult questions of spelling endings and suffixes of different parts of speech Russian language lesson in grade 10 Author: But Natalya Alexandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MOU "Veidelskaya secondary comprehensive school Veydelevsky district of the Belgorod region»

Training exercises At the station .. young naturalists, in the groves .., in the sky .., at a lecture .., in a sanatorium .., in a project .., in life .., at a conference .., about Mari .., Mary ..; signature..ik, buoy..ik, foundry..ik, transport..ich, newspapers..ik; drawing..val, coloring..wait, disbanding..veyut, overhearing..waiting, calculating..we, rasprob..val.

Training exercises 1. Write off, denoting the conditions for choosing a spelling depend..t, top..t, okle..t, stro..t, pash..t, stel..t, amplify..t, fight..tsya, cat..t, se..t, hide..t, look..t, rub..t, ta..t, cotton..t, breathe..t, kol..t, sway..sign t

Write off, inserting the missing letters, denoting spellings 2. Dependent ..schey, glue ..schey, remembering ..schey, lele ..my, glue ..my, hear ..my, building ..schy, plowing ..shy, naveva .. my memories, hating .. lying, red .. paint, breeze .. breezing, waterproof .. my cloak, explaining .. my wind, breathing heavily

Sources 1. G.A. Bogdanova. Russian language lessons in 8th grade. M. Enlightenment I.V. Zolotareva, L.P. Dmitrieva. Lesson developments in the Russian language for A. I. Vlasenkov's teaching materials. Grade 10 M. "WAKO" Yu.A. Potashkina. Practical guide according to Russian spelling. Voronezh, T.Ya.Frolova. Russian language in drawings and diagrams. Simferopol 2005

I bring to your attention a lesson of the Russian language in the 10th grade, which allows you to systematize the disparate material received in previous classes on the spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech. This work is intended for teachers working in high school, as well as for students preparing to take the exam in grade 11.



Russian language lesson in grade 10 on the topic: "Spelling endings and suffixes of various parts of speech"


  • Repeat and systematize the scattered material obtained in previous classes on the spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, participles, verbs.
  • Develop creative language thinking in the application of algorithms for choosing the desired word suffix.
  • To consolidate the skill of quickly and correctly solving the problem of choosing the right suffix of the word.

Lesson objectives:

  • To study the spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, participles and verbs in the system.
  • To train the skills of controlling writing and holding attention through hearing, vision, and the writing hand.
  • Train your memory through a system of specially selected examples.

Lesson equipment:

  • Interactive board. (In addition, a monitor, keyboard and graphics tablet can be placed in front of each student).
  • Summary printouts educational material spelling of word suffixes.
  • Text material necessary for work and textbooks used by the teacher.
  • Alternatively, interactive tasks specially prepared by the teacher or taken from the site can also be used.
  • "Unified collection of digital educational resources":http://school-collection.edu.ru/

Formulation of the problem:Guys, next year you are taking the exam. At the Russian language lessons, we prepare with you for this exam. So today I want to invite you to consider one of the tasks of the exam - A11. You can see examples of this task on the interactive whiteboard screen:

  1. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

opening ... May

mind ... sh

indescribable ... my



  1. Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.

floor..shaya (garden)

view..schey (through)

(geese) nibble..t (grass)

rejoicing .. rejoicing (to the guest)

number..schey (subject)

  1. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap




hear.. my


So, tasks A11 are the spelling rules for endings and suffixes of various parts of speech. We continue to work on the rules of spelling words. Do you remember that in the last lesson we talked aboutthe organization of Russian words is morphemic. Therefore, by collecting the spelling rules of words in single block and distributing them by morphemes, we will greatly facilitate their study for the subsequent correct and unmistakable spelling of any words. At the same time, we must not forget about the order of studying the material. An algorithm for reasoning on a particular problem is a great thing!
So, in the word of everything
five positions where it can be admitted spelling mistake: prefix, root, suffix, ending and joint of the prefix with the root.

In the last lesson, we examined a set of rules regarding the endings of nouns, adjectives, participles, verbs. Today we will consider the suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs, participles.

II. Learning new material

A summary of the studied material is displayed on the screen of the interactive whiteboard. The teacher gives a brief explanation of what the students see. Further, the study of new material is carried out in three blocks, of which the summary material consists: "Suffixes of nouns", "Suffixes of adjectives and participles" and "Suffixes of verbs".

I-th BLOCK OF RULES: Suffixes of NOUNS


Conditions for choosing a suffix


  1. - ek-ik
  1. -chik - chik
  1. -ets-its


If the vowel drops out during declension, write–ek

After d-t, s-s, write-chik, after other consonants box

In nouns m.r. write - ec,

At noun. zh.r. write - itz

At noun. cf. write - e , if she stands before a stressed vowel, write - and if it comes after a stressed vowel.

After hard consonants write about , after soft consonants - e

Exceptions: hare, goodbye, goodbye

son (son)

Ball (ball)

Oiler, storyteller, defector, sawyer







Fixing the material.

Test on the topic "Spelling of endings and suffixes of nouns" Grade 10

1. Indicate the row in which all words have an ending - and:

A) about the snowfall ..., about the joys ..., about the banners ..., about the piano ...

B) to joy ..., in a sanatorium ..., in geography .... to Marie...

C) in the building ..., in the alley ..., in the notebook ..., oh health ...

2. Indicate the row where in all words the ending is - e:

A) in thought ..., in the gorge ..., oh Dar ..., in misfortune ...

B) in the army ..., with acacia ..., oh Mary ..., in a dress ...

C) on a branch ..., on a branch ..., about the house ..., to the city ...

3. Indicate the row in which h is written in all words:

A) Story ... hic, census ... hic, defector ... hic

B) time ... hic, drum ... hic, adjust ... hic

B) pil…ik, cargo…ik, years…ik

4. Mark the words with the letter o:

A) ivy ... m

B) crying ... m

B) shoulder ... m

D) call ... m

5. In which word is the suffix -its written?

A) dress ...

B) letter ... tso

C) brother ... c

6. What word is written in the suffix and?

A) aunt ... nka

B) uncle ... nka

B) dad ... nka

D) for ... nka

Mutual check of the test: 1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-a, c, 5-a, 6-d


Fixing the material:

  1. Task: Write down, insert the missing spellings.

Fleet ... cue breakfast, weaving ... cue machine, Caucasian ... cue custom, Uzbek ... caftan caftan, summer cottage ... ny village, San Francisco ... cue glamor, uglich ... cue (Uglich), lane, battle ... howl squad, Siren ... your boulevard, he got a three ... a fool ... a coat ... shko, chair ... tse, handsome ... tsa, leaf ... k, birch ... nka, pa ... nka, flute ... k, vis ... nka, blockage ... nka, prostrate ... cue (Nice), krupitch ... cue, Volgograd ... cue, beast ... cue, November ... cue, horse ... cue, official ... cue, arrogant ... man, skull ... roof, Barents ... at sea, saved ... cue descent (Spassk), sorbon ... cue level, pilgrimage ... apprenticeship, apprenticeship, swamps ... a flock of terrain, caring ... father, clouds ... nki, table ... k, fire ... in; fire ... howl; ravine ... to; there are many swallows in the village ... k; processing ... to; oboch ... on the roads; exemplary ... to (obsolete), reversibility ... of the mechanism; trimming machine; break ... the cost of speech; charring ... wood burning.

  1. Task: Write down, insert the missing spellings

A neighbor who hates me; unpredictable ... my result; significant event; multiplying ... the scientist who multiplied the results; hearing about it; recovered ... former child; he ridiculed me; he depended on it; he cherished ... a dream; he was in charge ... of the department; he deduced ... a shaft of mystery; they lay...the foundation; the kid looked ... the shaft and looked ... the shaft; he will succeed; haze ... darkens the sky; I overcome it ... wow; the horses were decapitated ... whether; he is dumbfounded ... l; villages are depopulated ... whether; choose ... those and write out ... those!; I insist on it; chatting…talking with me; confessed...had it; they preached...went it; oil ... pancake; thrown ... stone; purchase ticket; extra ... sense of humor; fearless ... th beast; saved ... child; edited text; se ... herbs; sluggish ... th fish; other jacket; ditch ... th wound; unheard of ... ny case; leaning ... on a cane; fearing ... thunderstorms; ... late for work.

Irrigated ... watered area; the fields are irrigated ... and prepared ... for sowing; terminated ... session; the work stopped ... ah, it was natural ... on, fiery ... feelings, natural ... awn; unheard of ... th case, unexpected ... th meeting, corrected ... th manuscript, glass ... th glass, end ... th man, ironed ... trousers in the atelier, worn ... th-ended ... th suit, washing ... lingerie worn by mother, worn dress ... about; powerful ... cobblestone roads, little crowded ... th track, armor ... th-overlaid ... th fur coat, freshly washed ... th lime, slain ... by this person, they are sure ... in victory, uninvited ... th guest, risky ... th project, endure ... oh wine, its superiority is generally recognized ... oh, the berries are freshly frozen ... s, the knives are rusty ... s and dirty ... s, the sister intends ... but to leave, his insolence intends ... but; orientated…tourist in it; they are oriented towards this; illuminated ... th street; the room is illuminated ... and; holy places are defiled ... s and shame ... s.

  1. Spelling minute. Preparation for the exam.

setting . my

seen ...

hear... my

broken ... broken

unforgettable ... my

USE assignment No. 11:


Fixing the material:

  1. Examples for spelling warm-up:

I’m telling - telling a story, telling a story; I'm late - to be late, I was late; I scatter - scatter, scatter, scatter; despair - despair, despaired; peeping - peeping, peeping, finishing - finishing, finishing; I sow - sow iva, sow iva l; conversation yu - conversation ovat, conversation oval; in yuyu - in eva t, in eva l; feeling th - feeling ovat, feeling oval; I use - use, used, anticipate - anticipate, anticipate; mountain yuyu - mountain eva t, mountain eva l.

Working part

control part

Column #1

Column #2

1 educate the will

2 explore the area

3 steps creaked

4 roll up the tent

5 sacrifices

6 happy to meet

7 dispel doubts

8 participated in the competition

9 lay a heating main

10 head of the section

1 expend funds

2 recovered quickly

3 uncork a bottle

4 cement the track

5 instill medicine

6 rolling on asphalt

7 bring up_shaft in severity

8 extend visa

9 toss the ball

10 re-glue windows











Column #3

Column #4

1listen_to record

2 stumps

3 preach good

4 danced until the morning

5 taste test

6 required_val explanations

7 ask about him

8 nights by the fire

9 evaluate results

10 treat guests

1 grieve about the deceased

2 binoculars

3 friendly advice

4 count on success

5 report to the commander

6 feel awkward

7 unbutton a button

8 look with interest

9 confuse traces

10 play guitar

and e


Oh Oh








3. Explain the spelling of verb suffixes. Form the form of the 1st person singular from these verbs, indicate the type, highlight the suffix.



Owls. view.










4. Verbs in the past tense

Vowel before -l-



For verbs in the past tense, the same vowel is written before the suffix -L-, which is in the indefinite form before the suffix -т

Notice and t - noticed

Resentment is - offended

I -

I melted - melted

Hear a tsya - heard

1 view_l sky

2 you offended him

3 sow carrots

4 halls_l loud

5 melted snow

6 nervous

7 worried about a friend

8 saw a mountain

9 left a trail

10 led by freshness

1 feel something

2 re_l eagle

3 dependent on labor

4 offended by chance

5 pasted stamp

6 coughed heavily

7 hung on a nail

8 building house

9 appointed commander

10 walls

IV. Homework

Studied theoretical material know. Distribute text material prepared in advance and printed on paper with missing endings of different parts of speech. (Floppy disks or flash drives may be used if classroom equipment permits and if computers are available or accessible in students' homes.) You need to insert suffixes and explain verbally and graphically your decision.
As an option, select exercises from the textbook or part of them in a certain proportion with similar tasks and instruct them to familiarize themselves with the paragraphs of the textbook that correspond to the topic studied, comparing with the material given here.