In March, if there are sand in Vietnam. The best prices for tours to Vietnam at the moment. Which resort to choose for a holiday in March

Description of the weather in Vietnam in March 2019, information about the air temperature in Vietnam in March from “Subtleties of Tourism”.

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In March, dry and hot weather reigns over the entire territory of Vietnam. Almost no precipitation southern regions They are basking in full force under the scorching sun, and even the mountainous provinces north of Hanoi are enjoying the long-awaited warmth.

In the northern regions, the beginning of March is quite cool, but by the end of the month average temperature reaches +22 °C. The capital is becoming a paradise for fans of “excursion”: daytime temperatures of +25 °C and night temperatures of +20 °C are ideal for exploring local architecture. It’s too early to swim in Halong Bay: if the air is already heated to +23 °C, then the water reaches the coveted +20 °C only by the end of the month. Well, until then you can brighten up your leisure time with trips to the picturesque surroundings.

In the central regions it is an order of magnitude hotter (in the daytime the thermometer rises to +23...+28 °C), precipitation is insignificant. In Hoi An, with its clean sandy beaches, around +26 °C during the day, up to +20 °C at night, it rains no more than 9 days during the entire month. Hue is on average a degree warmer, but cloudier. And in Nha Trang all everyone does is swim: in the sea +26 °C, on the shore +28 °C - a real summer fairy tale.

The mountains are cooler than neighboring areas, but warm enough for walking and relaxing in the spa.

IN southern Vietnam March is the driest month of the year. Ho Chi Minh City is melting from the heat: during the day, only cold lemonade can save you from the sweltering +34 °C, sunscreen and a Panama hat. IN

This month is good for swimming, fishing, snorkeling, spa treatments, sightseeing and jungle adventures. Beach on the island Phu Quoc Sao Beach in March

I have personally tested holidays in March more than once. I specially made a plan for myself from north to south to check climatic features.

Statue of Christ in Vung Tau in March

I offer my options for relaxation.

From Hanoi it is convenient to go on an excursion to the picturesque Ha Long Bay. The weather is great, fresh.

Phu Quoc Island is located in the Gulf of Thailand, it’s great to sunbathe, swim in clear water. We did excellent snorkeling and saw colorful fish. Heavy showers take place every night.

In Vung Tau it is hot during the day and the sea has high tides. The evening embankment is suitable for a promenade. We had fun on the attractions of the local park until 10 pm. I liked the view from the cable car.

It's very stuffy in Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to religious sites, cool museums, a viewing platform with a restaurant, we went to a shooting range.

Dalat - city eternal spring. It is interesting to see coffee and tea plantations, apiaries, and greenhouses for flowers and vegetables. At night it is quite cool in the mountains. Of all the waterfalls, only Pongur is not particularly interesting in March due to the lack of water.

Nha Trang is famous for its mud resorts and mineral waters. We are now regulars there, we found three of them. The city beach is great for sunbathing, oh. Vinpearl - for swimming.

Pongur Falls in March

Advice from experienced people:

  • Don't take winter clothes with you...
  • On about. Fly to Phu Quoc with Vietnamese low-cost airlines without luggage.
  • Take water-repellent sunscreen with you, and buy beachwear on the spot.
  • March 8 is a holiday in Vietnam, people give gifts and flowers. Ladies, take what you give, everything is free.
  • On the route Ho Chi Minh City - Dalat - Nha Trang take buses, Vung Tau - boat, and Hanoi - air.

The southern resorts of Vietnam in March are characterized by stable hot weather and lack of precipitation. At the beginning of spring, tourists can relax peacefully on the beaches, or have an interesting time exploring the historical and cultural heritage countries.

Which resort to choose for a holiday in March

The magnificent weather that prevails in the south of Vietnam at the beginning of spring allows you to organize a wonderful, varied holiday. Most vacationers still go to exotic Vietnam for a great beach holiday. Tourists who prefer passive recreation usually go to Phu Quoc Island. Here you can swim in calm waters Gulf of Thailand, sunbathe, sit in a coastal restaurant where you can try national Vietnamese cuisine. Extreme lovers prefer to stay in Nha Trang, where windy weather brings magnificent waves for windsurfing. Those who want to get acquainted with the unusual underwater world Vietnam, can stop in Da Nang or Hoi An. Created here ideal conditions for diving.

As for the excursion program that is offered to tourists in Vietnam, we can say with confidence that travelers will not be bored here. The country is famous for its huge number remarkable places. There are both historical and natural attractions here. Among the most popular tourist routes is the city of Da Nang. Incredible sights await tourists here. natural objects. The most striking thing is the marble mountains and unique cave temples. Nature lovers will surely enjoy a trip to the highlands of Dalat. Here you can see magnificent waterfalls, mountain lakes, blooming gardens. Connoisseurs of beauty will be delighted by the picturesque landscapes of this paradise.

March is rich in holidays and festivals that will help you understand the culture and customs local residents. Kwang Nam Province invites travelers to a magnificent whale festival. The main event of the holiday is the launching of a decorated boat. It is also worth paying attention to the Giong Festival, which takes place in the north of the country. This festival will help you form the right impression about the culture of the country.

Prices for tours from Moscow

Popularity Vietnamese resorts in March it is quite large, so prices for tours are quite high. It is better to book tours using the Early Booking promotion. Most hotels offer a good discount to tourists who book a promotional tour. On average, the price of a trip to Vietnam from Moscow in March is 52,400 rubles for two.

On the Indochina Peninsula, washed from the south and east South China Sea, is in Lately A country increasingly revered by tourists is Vietnam, which officially has the status of a socialist republic.

Climate and weather in Vietnam in March 2019

In order not to spoil your vacation, you should know the peculiarities of Vietnamese weather conditions. Here because of the monsoon tropical climate most of year has high humidity. The best time to travel to Vietnam is in March. being a hot and dry month. Just north of Hanoi, in mountainous areas not hot, but warm.
Climatic conditions in the regions are somewhat different from each other, which is due to the difference in latitudes and the relief features of a particular area.

Northern Vietnam

March in this region, including the capital Hanoi, is quite dry, with virtually no rain. There is very little precipitation - a maximum of 70 mm. At the beginning of the month it is still cool, but towards the middle and end of the month the temperature rises significantly to +22 V daytime and up to +18 - at night.

Ha Long Bay and Cat Ba Island

In March 2019, the air here will warm up to +22-26 , water in the middle of the month - up to +22. However swimming season not active at this time. Tourists prefer boat trips around the bay and short swims on the islands.

Central Vietnam

In the middle part of the country (Hoi An, Hue, Da Nang) there is warm, and often even hot, clear weather. Rainfall is rare and short-lived with precipitation up to 100 mm. The air heats up to + 23-28 , A sea ​​water has a comfortable temperature for swimming + 24-25 . It’s just that in mountainous areas, for example, in the Bana resort near Da Nang, it’s a little cooler.

South Vietnam

In this area, as in January-February, March is very dry. There is practically no precipitation. The air is warming up up to +32, and water - to + 27-29. It is somewhat cooler in Dalat, but it is also quite dry. The Mekong Delta and Can Tho also experience hot and dry weather.

Nha Trang

It is the height of the dry season in the main city of Khanh Hoa province. The air temperature in the “beach capital” is - up to +30 during the day and +22 at night. There is little precipitation, 21 mm. The calm sea is perfect for diving.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

The weather here is similar to Nha Trang: daytime air temperature +30, night – +22. The water is warming up up to +27. Solar activity is observed. The stable wind blowing across the bay is conducive to kiting.

Ho Chi Minh City

IN largest city In Vietnam, March is the penultimate month of the dry season. At this time, humidity reaches 65-70%, and air temperature varies from +23 to +30. Precipitation is rare, sometimes none at all.

Phu Quoc Island

In this area, March is also part of the dry season. There is little precipitation, maximum 50 mm. It should be noted that this is three times less than in April. On average the temperature reaches +28.5, water – +28, humidity – 76%. It was here in 2002 that the absolute minimum air temperature was recorded at night, which was +15.7.

Where to go in Vietnam in March

Beach holiday

March weather in Vietnam is very comfortable for a beach holiday in this wonderful country. Perhaps, the most popular place in this regard is Danang, whose main beaches are located on the Son Tra peninsula. Excellent conditions for family vacation created in the modern resort town of Phan Thiet. Near each hotel there is a private beach area with sun umbrellas and sun loungers.

Things to do here aquatic species sports, play golf. The white sandy beaches of Nha Trang overlooking the beautiful bay attract many tourists. The city is also known as a resort where diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated with mud and mineral waters. Bai Zou (Mulberry) – best beach for a holiday in Vung Tau, which is a calm, beautiful place.

Phu Quoc Island, turned into a resort area in the mid-70s of the last century, has excellent sandy beaches with coconut palms. Staying in a bungalow at the only Saigon hotel complex attracts a lot of tourists.


Scuba diving in Vietnam is cheap and fun. Fortunately, the weather in March is conducive to contemplating amazingly rich flora and fauna, coral forests, a variety of bright exotic fish in the South China Sea. The best places for diving are Cana, Hoi An, Danang, Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, Whale islands.

Kite and windsurfing

It is best to practice these types of water sports in the Mui Ne beach area, which is located near Phan Thiet. In March, northeasterly winds blow here at a speed of 20 m/s. monsoon winds, which attract kite and windsurfing enthusiasts here.


You can see the picturesque nature and ancient culture of Vietnam throughout the year. The month of March is no exception. The country has 7,300 man-made monuments and many natural attractions. First of all, you should get to know Hanoi, the capital of the state, most of whose attractions are within walking distance from Lake of the Returned Sword.

Ho Chi Minh City is also interesting - the largest Vietnamese city, better known as good old Saigon, which has hidden tunnels in the vicinity Vietnam War. Material and spiritual monuments of Vietnamese culture await visitors to the cities of Hue and Hoi An.

A variety of natural attractions amaze tourists. Near Dalata you can see waterfalls and lakes, evergreen forests, passes and picturesque valleys that form passes and natural parks.

Phu Kok Island is interesting not only beach holiday, but also luxurious nature with tropical forests and mountainous terrain.

– an amazing country with excellent opportunities for good rest of any kind, be it serenely lying on a sandy beach, practicing various water sports or educational excursions.

In March, tourist tickets to Vietnam are very difficult to purchase, so they must be booked in advance, since it is during this period that very big flow tourists. Vietnam is exotic country, which has a huge number of buildings with ancient architecture and many famous places around the world. While visiting excursions, you will enjoy the peace and tranquility of the parks, lovers nightlife will be able to visit clubs, and the most unforgettable experience will be a vacation on the beach. In March, it is very comfortable for families to visit the country, even with the smallest children. Vietnam will offer you to visit a wide variety of excursion routes to get acquainted with the sights of the country.

The weather in Vietnam in March is the most favorable for attracting the main flow of tourists. The climate here is monsoon, winter and summer are not very pronounced compared to other countries located at this latitude. The air temperature fluctuates between +30°C, and the water warms up to +28°C. Weather this country will give you a sea of ​​emotions and positive mood. Even if it rains, you won’t be too upset, because there is nothing better than splashing in the sea under the warm rain.