The rich underwater world of the Red Sea - a photo with the names of fish. A fairy tale in reality - the fauna of the Red Sea: a sketch about underwater inhabitants

IN clear waters The Red Sea, on the coastal reefs, is home to a lot of multi-colored fish trifles, which is why these places are so loved by novice scuba divers. But some extremely attractive coral reef dwellers are deadly.

Clownfish, or orange amphiprion
Amphiprion percula

Known for her symbiosis with poisonous anemones, as well as the fact that she "starred" in the cartoon Finding Nemo. All young individuals of this fish are males, however, during the life of the fish changes sex. The incentive for a male to change sex is the death of his female. Amphiprion itself is not dangerous, but in no case should you touch its anemone house.

Spiny sea urchin
Asthenosoma varium

Many species live in the Red Sea sea ​​urchins, and it's best not to deal with any of them. In this one, the ends of short red needles are covered with tiny white bubbles filled with poison.

Spiky Arotron
Arothron hispidus

From the family of pufferfish. Lives at the very bottom, leads a lonely lifestyle, strictly guards its territory. There are 11 species of pufferfish in the Red Sea. Them famous relative, also pufferfish - fugu (Takifugu rubripes), this fish is sometimes eaten in Japan by those who like to tickle their nerves (it is cooked in a special way to reduce the concentration of poison). Almost all pufferfish are poisonous, their insides contain a strong poison tetrodoxin.

Lionfish, she is a lion fish
genus Pterois

Weighs up to a kilogram. Despite the name, it cannot fly. In beautiful fins, rising like a bush above the body of the fish, there are sharp needles. The injection causes severe pain, followed by convulsions and interruptions in the heartbeat.

blue surgeon
Paracanthurus hepatus

A distinctive feature of surgeonfish is a sharp spike located at the base of the caudal fin. The blue surgeon (forgetful fish Dory) is another hero of the cartoon "Finding Nemo".

crown of thorns
Acanthaster planci

The only known poisonous starfish on the planet; there are quite a lot of them in the Red Sea. However, minimal caution is enough, the star, with all its desire, will not be able to catch up with you: its usual speed of movement is about 10 centimeters per minute, in emergency circumstances - up to 30.

Stone fish, or wart
Synanceia verrucosa

Record holder for disguise, mimics a stone. It is considered one of the most poisonous fish in the world, a person can die from its injection after a couple of hours.

Indo-Pacific electric ray
torpedo panthera

Up to a meter long, the force of an electric shock is up to several tens of volts. Stingrays are viviparous fish; embryos not only hatch from eggs in the uterus, but are also supplied with nutrients from the mother's body there (which does not happen in other fish).


Modern people do not believe in fairy tales! Childhood, when magical characters, unusual heroes, fantastic events, are behind. Vanity, problems, passions live in our world, that is, ordinary reality. Where to earn money, how to spend it, where to go are the main issues of our time. But the fairy tale exists, and for Russians who have been to Egypt (lovers exclusively comfortable living and not counting), it's not a secret!

The tale of the Red Sea is amazing inhabitants, fantastic outfits, unusual fate every resident. The underwater world has its own mode of being. There is no rush here. Loud sounds, blinding lights - all this remains on the surface.

For fabulous paintings, tourists do not have to go far. Even walking along the edge of the beach, you can see colorful fish in the water. But if you stand on a pontoon or, wearing a mask and flippers (), freeze on the surface, then the picture will become much more beautiful. There are so many living creatures that it becomes insulting: “We don’t know anything about them!”. Our story is a short sketch about some representatives of the Red Sea depths.

The coral reef is a whole universe inhabited by myriads of animals. About 4,000 mollusks, 2,000 fish, 350 species of echinoderms hide in calcareous colonies. Many reefs are the same age as dinosaurs! Some coral beds are 2 billion years old.

Amazing close!

Coral labyrinths for marine inhabitants are a home and an elite restaurant. Hundreds of fish swim near the shore, not at all embarrassed by bathers. Even children, always squealing and laughing, will not distract them from everyday worries. Nature generously decorated the scales of fish, and people gave them funny names.

Fish from the cartoon "Finding Nemo"

The creators of the popular cartoon glorified two small Red Sea fish: a clown and a surgeon. Clownfish is a fun name for an orange fish with two white stripes around it. The fish surgeon with a flat blue body became the prototype of the forgetful little Dory.

Fish - butterfly

A flat oval fish with black stripes arranged symmetrically on yellow scales. Sad in loneliness? It's not about the butterfly. She is always surrounded by the same striped yellow girlfriends. If an enemy appears nearby, the fish changes color, becomes darker with anger and boldly attacks the enemy.


A large, serious inhabitant of the deep sea. It got its name because of the similarity of its superciliary protrusion with the headdress of the French emperor. The impressive size and serious appearance of Napoleon did not spoil his good disposition. He is curious and often swims up to the hotel pontoons, causing the delight of tourists. Meeting scuba divers at depth, he swims side by side for a long time, not at all frightened.

Sea urchin

He does not look like a cute character in children's fairy tales. Sharp, long needles of a small creature look intimidating. Prickly and formidable, he will instantly plunge the entire arsenal of his spears into the offender. The hedgehog has to build a prickly monster out of himself - he has too many enemies. Predators love to feast on its tender meat. The sea urchin moves on thin tentacles filled with liquid. On such strange legs you cannot run far from the enemy. Needles are the only salvation.

If you want to get to know the fauna of the Red Sea better, the best option is. There you will be taken to the coral reefs, everyone can go scuba diving and touch the beauty in the truest sense of the word. In addition, in the reserve you will find magnificent sandy beaches and the cleanest sea.

A spectacle available only to divers

Not all marine inhabitants love the proximity of the coast and people. The most mysterious characters can only be seen by diving 5-10 meters. lovers undersea world will open new pages.

moray eel

One appearance fish - a long rough body with a crocodile's mouth - causes a shudder, fear, a desire to run away. But this is a misleading impression. Moray eel, so similar to a snake, is terrible only in appearance and is a relative common eel. The unattractive moray eel is endowed with the grace and plasticity of a ballerina. During the day, she hides from bloodthirsty neighbors in coral caves, exposing her muzzle. The moray eel opens its mouth wide, gasping for air, and this frightens everyone who has not seen the “beauty” before. [email protected]


"Many-armed Hercules" is one of the nicknames for the octopus. The creature is peaceful, calm and friendly. This huge clam highly values ​​his own home. He builds it with his own eight legs. Build a house, climb into it and sleep. Seven legs sleep, and the eighth, swaying from side to side, guards, scaring off others. Octopus is an emotional animal. He expresses even the simplest feelings brightly, expressively, changing the color of the body, changing the shape and disguising itself as surrounding objects.

Sea turtle

An underwater reptile that has nothing to do with the slowness of its land relative. On land, the tortilla is clumsy, but at sea it develops speed and exceptional navigational abilities. Meeting with her is a great and rare success!

But bloodthirsty predators are not the only horror story Egyptian holiday. poisonous fish, stinging jellyfish, electric rays scare vacationers no less. How dangerous animal world the Red Sea?

In fact, many "dangerous animals" are quite peaceful and kind. If you do not touch them, they will not rage and bite. "Survive!" - the main task inhabitants of the underwater world. “If you don’t get eaten, you can live a long time!” - guided by this motto, some creatures burrow into the sand, others accumulate in themselves electric charge in case of an attack, still others always keep a drop of poison in reserve. We will talk about those cautious creatures that scare tourists when they meet.


Bright, beautiful, real underwater model. Slowly and unhurriedly, enjoying her own perfection, she soars over the reefs, exclaiming with all her appearance: “Look at me! Admire! Envy! Her fins look like peacock feathers - juicy, colorful. The external beauty of the lionfish is a terrible force. Luxurious fins - burning and razor-sharp - poisoned by the poison of her beauty. The sting of the lionfish is very painful. The merciless lionfish searches for a victim for a long time and carefully, hypnotizing, enveloping, captivating. A swift jerk ends the life of a gaping roach. Salvation is impossible here: missing the prey is not in the rules of the lionfish.

Warty - "stone fish"

Its formidable body, completely dotted with warty outgrowths, is hardly distinguishable in the coral thickets. She is a master of underwater camouflage. Choosing special places for disguise, the wart freezes, merging into one with the surrounding objects. Nature has not endowed the stone fish with beauty and plasticity, her whole life is a silent revenge for their absence. Her body is a dozen prickly thorns saturated with poison. Stepping on it is deadly! The spikes are strong and will pierce even rubber slippers for swimming.


Stingrays are considered dangerous animals. Some for their menacing appearance, others for their ability to poison or inject a person. But there was no case that any of the stingrays attacked a person. The stingray is a peaceful, even timid inhabitant of the underwater space. He looks like a living kite that floats in the air. "Landing", he burrows into the sand in search of prey. All the power of the stingray is in its tail. One blow, and sharp needle-thorns pierce the body of the enemy, and poison flows down them, into the wound made by the point. The power of poison is legendary. In ancient times, they smeared arrows with it, soaked the clothes of enemies. The Mayan tribe used it as a pain reliever.

Fish delicacies

There are so many fish in the Red Sea that trying to eat at least one is a great temptation. IN hotel restaurants the fish menu is usually poor. But fish restaurants (for example, on the Promenade in Naama Bay, on the Old Market) are simply amazing. Shrimp, squid, octopus, crabs - all this stirs and flutters in large trays. The client chooses the delicacy he likes, waits (and sometimes personally observes the preparation) of a delicious dish.

sea ​​fishing

People explore the underwater world in different ways. Some admire him, looking through the glass of a simple mask. Others boldly sink to the bottom with scuba gear. Others taste it. Some people enjoy fishing.

For those who wish, local firms organize a tour from Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh "Sea fishing". The excursion program combines a walk on a yacht with fishing. During the day, the boat will make three stops, and the fishermen will be given simple equipment: a plastic circle with a hook and a sinker on a fishing line. For dinner, the yacht's cook will cook the fish you caught.

The catch, even for novice fishermen, is usually rich. The hook comes across a fish of all colors and sizes: lizardhead (the most voracious, and therefore forgetful of danger), red-striped grouper (spotted skin), thalassomas, heilins, goatfish. Do not count everyone!

“Three times I rested in Hurghada and always bought a trip on a yacht with fishing. The price is 50 dollars. You can just swim, and then catch colorful fish on pieces of squid. The idea is simple, but there is a lot of pleasure from it!


Outlandish fish fluttering in the water of the Red Sea surprise and fascinate. They want to be touched. But many of them are dangerous: their bodies exude poison, their beauty is deadly. It happens!

Nov 22, 2015 Kate

Scientists know hundreds of species of Red Sea fish. Most of these species are harmless. But the Red Sea is fraught with many dangers, the main one for vacationers is carnivorous and poisonous fish.

People are most afraid of sharks, but the main threat still does not come from them. There are no man-eating fish on the coast of Egypt, which means that no one deliberately hunts a person.

The only exception is four sharks that bit several people in 2010, but this threat has already been taken care of by the Egyptian government.

Almost all bites and poisonings occur as a result of fish guarding their territory or life. Sea dwellers rarely attack first, especially the poisonous inhabitants of the bottom.

The scorpion family holds the lead in the number of poisoned tourists. These are the most poisonous fish in the Red Sea.

The most dangerous fish from this family wart (stonefish). Remaining motionless on the seabed, this fish disguises itself as a stone, which makes it almost impossible to notice it even in shallow water. To avoid meeting her, walking on the seabed is not recommended.

Special shoes will not help, one has only to step on the dorsal spine of the wart. If the victim is not treated in time, paralysis or loss of consciousness may occur.

Another poisonous fish of the scorpion family - lionfish, not only does not mask, but also has a bright color, which is why its danger tends to zero if vacationers are instructed that do not touch marine life with your hands.

Surprisingly, there is a fish that can poison a person who has not even entered the sea. It's called hedgehog fish. Both the insides and the thorns are poisonous, but this is not the only danger.

When fishing on an industrial scale, when shoals are caught by one big network, hedgehog fish may be in the catch. In moments of danger, this creature releases into the environment poison cloud, as a result of which the scales of neighboring fish also become poisoned.

Slightly less dangerous eagles, better known as stingray. Seeing a person, they try to swim away as far as possible, because the risk of being stung by a long poisonous tail is minimal.

Marine predators dangerous to humans

Which predatory fish poses the greatest threat? No, it's not a shark at all. - that's who to be wary of in the waters of the Red Sea. They are active in the summer, when the nesting period begins. As soon as a person swims into their territory at this time, he is immediately attacked.

To better imagine the threat posed by this predator, it is enough to know that the size of their teeth reaches 7 centimeters!

Slightly less aggressive, but more deadly brindle And long-winged sharks can attack a person if they are hungry or annoyed. In order not to arouse interest among sea hunters, you need to turn to face them and behave calmly, do not hit the water with your hands.

The least aggressive predator of the Egyptian coast - moray eel. If you don't touch it, there won't be any trouble.

Without malicious intent, but with unpleasant consequences

There are three types of fish in the Red Sea that are dangerous not because of their teeth or poison, but because of their body features:

  • electric Stingray;
  • crocodile fish;
  • surgeon fish.

Danger from electric rays everyone understands, but cute looking surgeon fish underestimated by many tourists.

The sharp tails, from which this sea dweller got its name, cut through flesh like a scalpel.

sharp thorns crocodile fish do not contain poison, but are very dirty, which is why the wound, if not treated, can become inflamed.

Other threats from the Red Sea should not be ignored either. Coral cuts, sea urchin stings and poison cones can deliver less problems than encountering an aggressive fish.

How to protect yourself while on vacation?

Predatory and poisonous fish rarely attack first, but they can still be provoked.

It's not just about trying to grab or stroke, it's enough just to go into the water with bleeding wound. The taste of blood excites carnivorous fish and makes them aggressive. If the wound was received in the water, you should immediately go to land, so as not to risk it.

Can't swim alone, because in case of a bite or poisoning, there will be no one to help, and if some fish attack, it will be quite difficult to get to the shore due to severe pain. The main thing is to get out of the sea, and there, if there are lifeguards on the beach, medical assistance will be provided to the victim.

At correct behavior in water and compliance with all safety requirements, nothing threatens a tourist, no matter what species of Red Sea fish he meets on his way.

The ancient sea for millions of years of existence is filled with underwater inhabitants in huge numbers. One and a half thousand fish have been studied and described by man, but this is less than half of the inhabitants of the mysterious water area.

Not a single river flows into the warm sea. This factor helps to keep the purest water and the development of a special living world. Red Sea fish are unique. Many species are not found in other water bodies.

Popular and safe fish

A visit by tourists to popular resorts is not complete without scuba diving and sea ​​fishing. Famous representatives of the water depths will leave a vivid impression:

parrot fish

The name corresponds to the bright appearance: multi-colored coloring and a growth on the forehead like a bird's beak. Blue-green, yellow, orange-red in color, large (up to 50 cm long) fish are safe.

Napoleon fish

The outgrowth on the head, similar to the cocked hat of the emperor, gave the name to the species. The impressive size of the Maori wrasse (up to 2 meters long) is combined with good nature and gullibility of character. The fish is so sociable that it swims up to the drivers to get to know them better.

The Napoleon fish is often referred to as sloth


A schooling fish of a very small size (7-15 cm). The inhabitants of coral reefs bright colours orange, green, red shades. Up to 500 fish can gather in a flock.

Biband amphiprion

Bright unusual coloring with stripes in a black stroke on an orange background attracts photographers. Fish live in pairs in sea anemones, they are not at all afraid of scuba divers.

The tentacles of anemones, poisonous to others, do not harm the settlers covered with protective slime, as if protecting them. Sometimes called amphiprions. Near their shelter, they behave bravely.

Clownfish seeks protection in sea anemones, which are poisonous to other aquatic life

Butterfly fish

It is easy to recognize a beauty by a high, strongly flattened oval body with a long dorsal fin, bright black and yellow color. Due to their diurnal lifestyle at shallow depths, they have been well studied by masked divers.

They live in small flocks, in pairs. There are color options of blue-orange, black-silver, red-yellow.

Black Speckled Grunt

For wide lips, he is nicknamed the sweet lip. Names of fish in the Red Sea often speaking, so the color of the fish and the gnashing when biting through corals determined the name of the inhabitant.


Inhabitants of the coastal line of the sea. They feel great among rocks, reefs rich in vegetation. Greenish-brown in color with dark spots on the sides. Fins and interorbital space red-pink. Body length up to 50 cm.

imperial angel

The fish is hard to miss even among other beauties warm sea. Decorated with forehead and eye stripes. Color from yellow-blue-white tones in variations of shades and patterns. A variety of solid and interrupted stripes, spots, specks, transitions and mergers.

The directions of the pattern are also diverse: circular, diagonal, vertical, transverse, wavy. With all the individuality of the outfits of the fish, they are recognizable in their grace.

The imperial angel has a variety of colors


Young crescent-shaped fish grow up to 70 cm in length. The body is flattened laterally. The color is bright orange or yellow with three black stripes. Curious by nature, not shy, swim close enough to the drivers. Keep in groups. With age, the color becomes silvery monochromatic, as the stripes are blurred. The size of the fins is reduced.

lantern fish

The most luminous organs are the eyes. The emission of greenish light comes from the lower eyelid, sometimes from the caudal or abdominal part. Small-sized fish, up to 11 cm, live in caves at a depth of up to 25 m. They hide from divers. Light attracts prey to them, serves as a contact for their species.

Aggressive inhabitants

sea ​​depths may be dangerous. The inhabitants of the sea do not all attack when they meet, but you should not provoke their attack. So, for example, an open wound, the smell of blood always attract predators. Compliance simple rules can secure acquaintance with the Red Sea:

  • do not touch the fish with your hands;
  • avoid night swimming.

Insidious behavior at a meeting or an unexpected attack of fish can result in serious injuries, a risk to human life.

poisonous fish

Surgeon fish

The tail fins have sharp spikes for protection. In the normal state, they are hidden in special recesses. When danger arises, the spikes move apart like cutting scalpels.

The length of the fish reaches 1 meter. Trying to pet bright beauty, blue, pink-brown or lemon, can result in a retaliatory blow and a deep wound.

stone fish

Insidiousness in inconspicuous appearance. Warty growths, gray color give a repulsive appearance. Buried in the seabed, fish blend with the surface in color and shape. An unexpected prick of the dorsal fin with spikes is so dangerous that, without medical assistance, a person dies after a few hours.

Excruciating pains, clouding of consciousness, vascular disorders, failures of heart rhythms follow after a poisonous lesion. A cure is possible, but it is difficult and long.

Fish stone perfectly disguises itself as the seabed

Lionfish or zebra fish

It is notable for ribbon-like fins of an exotic look with poisonous needles. Defeat with spikes causes a convulsive reaction, loss of consciousness, respiratory spasms. Brownish-red scales resemble a fan with alternating stripes. Many fearfully keep their distance Marine life.

On the edges of the fins of the lionfish is a strong poison

Stingrays (electric and stingray)

Despite the strong damaging effect, stingrays are not aggressive. Careless handling of residents can lead to

  • to an electrical discharge, as a result of which paralysis or cardiac arrest is possible;
  • prick with a poisonous thorn - the wound is very painful and difficult to heal.

No deaths have been recorded after meeting with, but no one wants to step on a stingray.

Sea Dragon

By the appearance of the inhabitant, it can be confused with the well-known bull. But dark spots-stripes give out one of the most unpredictable predators. It hunts prey both at a depth of up to 20 m and in the shallow waters of the coast. There were cases when people simply stepped on a dragon buried in the sand.

An inconspicuous fish, up to 50 cm long with an elongated body, attacks with lightning speed. The eyes are set high - it helps to hunt. The spread fan of the dorsal fin is a warning, but it is not always noticed. All needles are toxic. Additional spines are located on the gill covers.

Even a dead fish can poison with a poisonous injection within 2-3 hours. Therefore, it poses a particular danger to fishermen. In the fish caught on the bait, the thorns are pressed, but in the hands it will show its cunning. As a result of a poisonous injection, edema, paralysis develop, there is a risk of death in heart failure.

Arotron stellate

big fish, growing up to 1.5 m, can be invisible in the water surface due to the color in a small dot and the slowness of movement. main feature- in the ability to inflate to a ball.

This is facilitated by a special chamber near the stomach, where water is collected at the time of danger. Skin without elasticity. The bloated look scares off enemies.

Tetradotoxin poison accumulates in the body of the arotron, so eating is not recommended. Bites are painful. Durable tooth plates grind shellfish and corals.

Poisonous fish of the Red Sea often surpass in strength the paralyzing effect of terrestrial reptiles.

dangerous fish


The body of a narrow hexagonal shape is elongated up to 1 meter in length. Color varies in color from light green, gray to reddish-brown. With its long jaws, the fish can easily bite through the body of a person. Meeting her is dangerous.

Tiger shark

The insidiousness of the species is in the unpredictable appearance of man-eating fish in the port, on the beach area, in the bay. large predators, from two to seven meters long, are decorated with tiger stripes on the sides. Color on a gray background fades with age. Feature - in the ability to hunt even in complete darkness.

Tiger shark occupies one of the first places in the attack on people


It looks like a river with small scales, up to 2 meters long. The large mouth of a barracuda with knife-like teeth captures prey tightly, can cripple a person’s limbs by taking them into muddy water for the fish.

It does not show aggression towards humans, but hunts with sharks, which creates an additional threat. Connoisseurs attribute certain species to edible fish with valuable meat.

The risk of eating the delicacy of the "unknown" barracuda is in severe poisoning with many symptoms, which complicates the diagnosis. Violation of the body systems: respiratory, nervous, circulatory, leads to lethal outcome.

moray eel

Varieties can be from 15 cm to 3 m long. A serpentine body without scales gracefully moves at the very bottom among stones and crevices. The dorsal fin runs from head to tail.

Color is varied. There are individuals both monophonic and spotted, striped in yellowish-gray tones. Huge mouth with two jaws. After an attack, you can unclench the moray eel teeth only with outside help. A torn bite does not heal for a long time, although the fish is not poisonous.

bluefin balisthode

It is especially dangerous in the summer months, when the nesting period begins. A meeting with a person will certainly end with a predator attack. At other times, the balistod is calm, does not react to large objects. Found near coral reefs.

The color is spotted or striped, on a dark greenish background there are bright stains. Powerful teeth, up to 7 cm in size, split shells of crustaceans, grind limestone. The bites are not poisonous, but the wounds inflicted are always very severe. The fish are considered unpredictable and one of the most dangerous on the reefs.

Spotted flathead (crocodile fish)

Favorite habitats - in coral reefs. In size, the fish reaches 70-90 cm. A large head with a wide mouth makes it look like a crocodile. The body is covered with scales of a sandy color or a dirty green color.

It swims little, mostly burrows into the bottom sand and remains motionless for several hours. With sudden jerks it catches gaping fish. The mouth is small, so it only hunts small prey.

The view of the flathead is frightening, covered with spikes that protect against other predators. When meeting with a person does not show aggression. It is impossible to touch the spotted flathead. The danger is inflicting accidental wounds from the dirty spikes of the bottom crocodile. They lead to inflammation, if the site of the lesion is not carefully treated.

Red Sea tilozur

The predator can be seen at shallow depths while hunting for small fish. Large individuals, up to 1.5 meters, are similar to barracudas, but their jaws are longer. A feature of the tylosurs is the ability to jump out of the water and, bending, fly over the waves for a decent distance.

With their tail, they seem to push off the water, accelerate to jump into the school of fish that do not see the hunter. More than once, fishermen fell victim to the toothy snout of a powerful tylosur.

dangerous fish red sea not fully explored. The unique qualities of the inhabitants, surviving in the natural reserve for millions of years, fascinate with the variety and unpredictability of manifestations. The richness of the underwater world continues to amaze tourists and researchers with its evolutionary beauty.

The flora and fauna of the Red Sea are unique. This is because no river flows into it. That is why this part of the world water basin characterized the purest water. Read about the fish that live in the Red Sea in this article.

Instances used for food

Many people wonder: "Where is the Red Sea?" It is located near the state of Egypt, popular with tourists from all over the world. Travelers tend to get to know the flora and fauna of the local sea and, of course, they want to taste Egyptian delicacies. They are usually made from edible fish Red Sea. For example:

  • Fugu is a popular dish that came to the Gulf countries from Japan. It is made from a fish called "ballon". It swells and becomes like a ball in moments of danger. It does not attack humans, but its needles are very poisonous. Therefore, the preparation of fugu is trusted only by highly qualified chefs. You need to perfectly master special recipes in order to neutralize a dangerous poison.
  • The trevally reaches a length of 40-150 cm. Its meat has good palatability, which is why fish is often fried, baked and stewed.
  • Mackerel - valuable commercial fish, the meat of which contains a large number of vitamin B 12 and healthy fats for humans. In addition, there are no bones in it, and it is distinguished by tenderness.
  • Marlin is a representative of the ichthyofauna, whose body can reach 4 m in length. Its dorsal fin is stiff and its muzzle is spear-shaped. Marlin is an object of sport fishing. Often caught individuals are released back into the sea. Their meat is considered a delicacy and is served only in the best restaurants.

parrot fish

It's all about looks

The Napoleon fish got its name because of a large growth on its head, similar to the cocked hat of the notorious French emperor. Another name is common among the people - "gubach", which the fish received because of its peculiar appearance. It seems that individuals of this species have huge plump lips. The fish can reach a length of 2 meters. However, the external severity does not reflect the good-natured disposition of representatives of this species. The Napoleon fish is very sociable. Often, individuals swim up to divers and try to get to know each other better. But they never attack people.

Biband amphiprion

Red Sea fish are unique. Most of the species living here have an unusual coloration. For example, the amphiprion got its name from the fact that its body is painted with bright orange-white stripes with a black outline. Sometimes there may be another name for this species - "clown fish". Very often, representatives of this species become the object of photography. They are absolutely not afraid of divers and underwater photographers. For protection from predators, these fish settle near sea anemones. These marine inhabitants are completely safe for representatives of this species, but other inhabitants of the water expanses eschew such places. The fact is that there is poison in the tentacles of anemones. But special mucus protects the body of amphiprions.

Butterfly fish

This species is easily recognizable by its high oval stigma. It is heavily flattened. Also, individuals belonging to this species have an unusually long dorsal fin. The body of the fish is usually yellow-orange, on a bright background there are white elongated spots in a thin black border. These representatives of the ichthyofauna live at shallow depths. Lead daytime look life. Because of this, they have long been studied by divers and scientists. Usually fish either live in pairs or gather in a few flocks. Color at different populations can vary from blue-orange and red-yellow to black-silver.

imperial angel

Red Sea fish belonging to this species have an unusual color. Their body is covered with stripes, spots, specks. The predominant colors are yellow, white and blue. They can be combined in different ways, smoothly move from one to another, or even merge, turning into a completely new shade. The drawing can be directed in different directions. It can be circular, diagonal, wavy, transverse or vertical. Although no two imperial angels are absolutely identical, these exotic fish The Red Sea can be recognized without difficulty.

Predatory inhabitants of the deep sea

Aggressive representatives of fauna and even flora can live at great depths. Many fish and marine animals attack in self-defense. They will not attack a person if they do not feel threatened by him. However, you can provoke their aggressive behavior. For example, the instincts of predators are aggravated if a person has an open wound, because of which the smell of blood comes from him. In order not to suffer while relaxing on the Red Sea, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not touch the fish, even if they seem harmless and you really want to touch them.
  2. Do not swim at night, as visibility decreases at night and you may simply not notice a predator approaching you.

Fish attack can result in serious injury. Their attack carries a potential danger to human life.

deceptive appearance

The dangerous fish of the Red Sea may seem kind and friendly. In order not to fall for the "hook" and not be deceived by their pretty appearance, you need to know the "enemy in the face." So, one of the most dangerous for humans is the surgeon fish.

To protect themselves from attacks by stronger predators, representatives of this species release sharp spikes hidden in special recesses on the caudal fins. In their sharpness, they are not inferior to surgical scalpels. This is where the fish gets its name from. The length of individuals is about 1 meter. The body is very brightly colored. It can be blue, pink-brown and even lemon. However, you should not make an attempt to stroke these inhabitants of the sea, because this can end badly.

stone fish

Inconspicuous in appearance, this representative of the ichthyofauna merges with seabed in shape and color, burrowing into soft ground. Her appearance is repulsive: the entire gray body is covered with warty growths, which allows the fish to disguise itself. Because of this, it can be overlooked and accidentally stepped on. An injection on the spikes located on the dorsal fin can cause death. Therefore, you must immediately contact medical care to the nearest hospital.

After intoxication with poison, a person experiences excruciating pain, he begins to cloud his consciousness. Vascular disorders and problems with heart rhythms are signs that a swimmer has stepped on a member of this species. It is possible to recover, but this process is very difficult and takes a lot of time.


What other fish exist in the Red Sea? These include the lionfish, which has ribbon-like fins and poisonous needles. When it is hit by spikes, a person loses consciousness, he begins to experience respiratory spasms. Due to their coloring, representatives of this species resemble a fan: brown-red scales are covered with wavy stripes. For this reason, it has another name - "zebra fish".


Where the Red Sea is located, or rather in its waters, two live - an electric and a stingray. An attack by these fish can lead to serious consequences, however, without a reason, stingrays do not show aggression. What can happen if you provoke these representatives of the ichthyofauna to attack?

First, the victim may receive an electrical shock. It is so strong in power that as a result, the heart can stop or paralysis occurs.

Secondly, a venomous thorn stab is a very painful wound, the healing of which is a problematic and long process.

However, no deaths from stingray attacks have been reported to date.

Sea Dragon

These Red Sea are considered perhaps the most unpredictable predators. On their body are dark stripes and spots. In general, the fish is inconspicuous, its length is no more than half a meter. The body is elongated. The eyes are set high to make it easier to hunt. Sea Dragon warns of an attack by spreading the fan of the dorsal fin. However, the victims do not always have time to notice this gesture. All needles located on the elongated body of the fish are very toxic. Spikes are also found on the gill covers.

Representatives of this species can hunt in shallow water, near the coast, as well as at a depth of up to 20 m. Sometimes people inadvertently stepped on a dragon lying in the sand. An interesting fact is that the fish is still poisonous for several hours after death. Therefore, it poses a great danger to fishermen. An injection of a poisonous dragon leads to the appearance of edema, paralysis. Heart failure has a high risk of death.


big fish The Red Sea can reach a length of 2 m. Barracuda in appearance resembles a pike. She has small scales and knife-like teeth. With their help, the predator firmly captures the prey. She does not show aggression towards a person, but she can confuse his limbs with fish in troubled waters. In addition, while hunting predatory fish The Red Sea are joined by sharks, and this increases the risk of injury. It is believed that certain varieties of barracuda are edible. Moreover, their meat is very valuable. However, after tasting such a delicacy, a person can get severe poisoning with many symptoms. These include violations in the work of certain organs, and this, in turn, can lead to death.

Coral reefs

The pearl of Egypt and the Red Sea are coral reefs. These are invertebrate organisms. They absorb calcium from the water and then use it to build colonies. Simply put, they create their own skeleton. The most mesmerizing coral views open at night. It is at this time of day that they begin the “hunt” and reveal all their color scheme.


The Red Sea is home to amazing plant life. Among them is the blue-green alga Trichodesmium. During mass reproduction it acquires a pronounced red or brown color. The bright pigment is called phycoerythrin. During such periods, it seems as if the water itself “blooms”. It is because of this that the Red Sea got its name.