What is the purpose of seeing a white mouse in a dream? The best interpretations: why do you dream of a white mouse?

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

Associated with mice folk signs and sayings that could have contributed to the appearance of the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before a fire”, “Eat what a mouse has bitten, its teeth will get stronger”, “If a mouse gets into your bosom, then there will be big trouble”, “Mice will gnaw clothes (dress) - to death”, “Do not name, caressing , kittens become little mice: the mother will gnaw them to death.”

The bat is the personification of night and blindness. But according to some folk beliefs bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that happened in your life, in one way or another connected with folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so do not act arrogant with them at the present time.

Setting a trap in a dream to catch a mouse is evidence that real life You are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situations. difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, from which you can emerge victorious only thanks to your courage.

See in a dream large number mice - to a happy release from problems.

To see a bat in a dream - the dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your old hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your affairs, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should be careful at night. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Perhaps you have a profitable business ahead of you that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of those around you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Rodents quite often appear in dream plots, so the question of why a white mouse dreams is quite relevant. To find out the answer to this, you will need to look through several dream books and take into account a number of details that were present in the plot.

According to the famous psychologist, a white mouse in a dream is a harbinger of problems and minor troubles. Perhaps relations with household members will become tense, so you will have to go through several tense moments. This symbol sometimes foreshadows problems with friends. Most likely, they will hide something from the dreamer, which will result in an unpleasant situation. The dreamer will simply be disappointed in people and subsequently begin to communicate less with them. He should keep his ear to the ground so that his friends do not take away from him the profitable business on which he has worked for a long time. Another similar dream may indicate that the sleeper’s friends are not sincere with him. In any case, you shouldn’t take their words on faith, since for their own benefit they can simply deceive someone who helped and supported them in difficult situations.

According to the famous psychologist, a white mouse in a dream is a harbinger of problems and minor troubles

If you dreamed of a white mouse from Thursday to Friday, you should expect material problems. A person should not make thoughtless expenses, otherwise he will have to borrow. He will not be able to repay the loan in the near future, so it is better to buy only the essentials and learn to think through the budget.

Seeing a white mouse with offspring in a dream means problems at work. Most likely, one of the colleagues wants to get rid of the sleeping person. He should be on his guard, otherwise the spiteful critic’s plan will quickly come true. As a result, the dreamer will have to look for new job. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows minor fuss, so a person will have to do a lot of things, without this he will not be able to move forward.

Why do you dream about a mouse (video)

Russian folk dream book

A Russian will help you figure out what white mice mean in dreams. folk dream book. If you believe this book, the symbol promises gossip. A woman should be wary of slander, as it can negatively affect her reputation. It is not recommended to trust even close friends with your secrets. There is a high probability that they will become known to many, including the spouse, who will not be happy with such details.

A white mouse is often a harbinger of a quarrel with a close friend. As a result, many of the dreamer's secrets will be made public. It will be difficult for the dreamer to clear her name, since many will judge her and laugh behind her back. However, she should not quit her job or attempt to move; it is better to hide for a while and work harder to prove to everyone her worth and determination to act alone.

A mouse seen in a dream is considered a harbinger of minor troubles. It will be difficult for a person to cope with them, but one should not give up either, since such a position can lead to misunderstandings. It’s better to try to resolve everything yourself; if you don’t have the strength to do this, it is recommended to ask for help from friends who can correct the situation.

The Russian folk dream book will help you figure out what white mice mean in dreams.

You may have a dream in which small rodents attack the sleeping person. In this case, caution should be exercised. There is a high probability that the enemies will plot intrigues. It will be difficult to cope with them, so all incoming information should be subjected to critical analysis. You shouldn’t take everyone’s word for it, as some of your loved ones may be looking for their own benefit. If you neglect this advice, you can easily find yourself in an unenviable situation from which it will be difficult to get out.

Dream book of psychologist Freud

U famous psychologist Sigmund Freud is also there own dream book, a white mouse, according to which, promises problems for a person. At the same time, a dream may indicate that a person has serious illnesses. He doesn’t know about them because he doesn’t like going to doctors. He should urgently undergo examination and take tests, since the body is weakened and in the near future the dreamer will simply fall off his feet. Sometimes this symbol is a harbinger of poverty and hunger. Most likely, the dreamer will make a number of mistakes, as a result of which he will be left without a livelihood. This situation will affect him very badly, he will not even want to fight for benefits.

Often small rodents promise negative events. If a person saw them at work, then in reality he should be wary of the machinations of his colleagues. At the same time, the sleeper is advised to work harder, otherwise it will be difficult for him to prove his innocence to his superiors.

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud also has his own dream book, a white mouse, according to which it promises problems for a person

If in a dream a cat caught a mouse and brought it to a person, in reality one should expect a situation in which he will be able to avoid danger. This will happen thanks to an acquaintance about whom little is known. However, you should not rely on him, since he is also looking for his own benefit and will gladly extract it from the relationship with the dreamer. It is best to stay away from him without making any attempts to get closer. At the same time, this dream suggests that a person has many enemies who want him to be defeated.

Why do you dream about mice (video)

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to the wanderer's dream book, small rodents are a harbinger of a change in career. However, the book of dreams says that they can be both positive and negative. A person may be offered a higher paying job or position. The dream can also promise shame, which the dreamer will experience for a long time. He will have a nervous breakdown, which will not affect his health in the best way.

If you see a lot of dead rodents, then in reality the sleeper will experience changes in his personal life. In this case, they can also be either pleasant or not very pleasant. A person may experience a divorce or meet new love. The dream book does not give a definite answer, so all that remains is to wait to see what gift fate will bestow.

According to the wanderer's dream book, small rodents are a harbinger of a change in career

When you have a dream in which a person passively watched rodents scurrying around in a box or running around the room, you should expect problems in the work sphere. In this case, the sleeper will simply watch his career collapse and will not take any action. decisive action. This behavior can lead to his dismissal; you should pull yourself together and try to correct the situation.

White mice seen in a dream are most often a harbinger of problems that may arise in any area

Seeing a lot of rodents in a dream means making a profit in a hopeless project. You shouldn’t throw it away, because you can take out some money and try to invest it in another business. However, in this case you should be as careful as possible, since there is a risk of listening to your friends again and making a mistake.

White mice seen in a dream are most often a harbinger of problems that may arise in any area. But this symbol can also bring positive changes in one’s career, which is why most psychologists and esotericists consider it ambiguous.

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Interpretation of dreams in which a mouse is present.

Many people experience an unpleasant feeling if they suddenly dreamed of a mouse. A dream involving these small rodents makes you wonder if life has an unpleasant surprise in store. What does such a dream promise? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do you dream that you are bitten by a mouse?

Important: In real life, people do not like these rodents. They are associated with such qualities - dullness, sabotage, pettiness, cowardice. In addition, if there is a mouse in the house, the owners try by all means to get rid of it.

Because of these negative qualities a dream involving mice does not promise a very pleasant near future.

A dream in which a mouse bites you can have several meanings:

  1. Your spouse cheated on you
    2. They want to take revenge on you for something
    3. Trouble at home
    4. If there are a lot of mice, they surround you from different sides, there will be troubles not only at home, but also at work
Almost always a mouse dreams of troubles and problems.

Important: When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details. If the mouse only tried to bite you, but it didn’t succeed, the situation will turn out to be a good outcome for you. If the mouse does bite you, failure cannot be avoided. Notice how hard the mouse bites you.

Why do you dream of mice in large numbers?

  1. According to Nostrdamus's dream book, hordes of mice foreshadow a hunger strike, war, and disaster.
  2. However, there are also modern dream books, in which rodents are not a bad omen. According to the 21st century dream book, a lot of mice means monetary profit. It's a bad sign if mice are dead. This portends financial losses.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: many mice dream of disaster

Why do you dream of mice in the apartment?

  • If in a dream a mouse gets into your home, in reality the dream indicates illness.
  • If you see a mouse eating food in your house, take immediate care of your health.
  • If someone in your house is trying to eat you, this is a very bad sign and indicates a threat to life.
  • The mouse ran away and hid from you - a dubious victory. The rivals are hiding and preparing to strike again.

However, there is also a good interpretation of a dream where the mouse is in an apartment or house:

  • If a young girl catches mice, but does not take them with her hands, people will woo her.
  • You caught a mouse in a mousetrap - the fight with your opponent will turn into a victory for you.

Important: According to Vanga’s dream book, dreams with rodents indicate an increase in the price of food and essentials. Stock up on what you need in reality.

A mouse eats your food - a serious illness

Why do you dream of killing a mouse in a dream?

Modern dream books interpret a killed mouse in a dream as a victory over an opponent; favorable outcome of a difficult situation. If a mouse is caught in a mousetrap you set, you will cope with troubles thanks to courage and dexterity.

However, most other dream books agree that a killed mouse dreams of sadness.

Important: In the Mayan dream book you can read that a killed mouse is a sign that someone wishes you death. But this dream book also suggests protecting yourself: burn a rag at midnight, and in the morning do someone a good favor.

Killing a mouse in a dream means defeating a rival, enemy,

Why do you dream about little white mice?

Important: The color of rodents in a dream indicates the degree of danger of the ill-wisher in real life.

Thus, modern dream books indicate that a white mouse is a favorable sign. Expect support from people you know.

For a young girl to see a mouse on herself is bad. This is a harbinger of gossip, scandal. But if a white mouse sits on a girl, she should not be afraid. In reality, this girl expects matchmaking and a successful marriage.

A white mouse in a dream does not symbolize danger

Why do you dream about little black mice?

Black mice indicate someone's evil intentions. Be careful. Your opponent is dangerous and cunning. How more mouse, the worse for you.

Dreaming of a black mouse - beware of an ill-wisher

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a gray mouse?

Important: Psychologists advise working on yourself if you suddenly dream gray mouse. Perhaps you feel like an “inconspicuous gray mouse” in reality.

Through a dream, your subconscious is trying to convey to you a signal that it is time to declare yourself. It's time to overcome your fears and concerns and come out of the shadows. Stop being a gray mouse.

Why do you dream about eating a mouse?

  • Eating a mouse in a dream is a bad sign. It promises danger.
  • If you see yourself feeding a mouse, be more lenient towards people who are weaker than you.

Why do you dream about bats?

Important: It would seem that there is nothing worse than seeing a mouse in a dream. But worse than an ordinary mouse can be a bat.

Interpretations of dreams with bats:

  • See sleeping people bats- you are in a bad situation, a bad time has come.
  • A bat walks over your body - you are on the edge of an abyss.
  • Feed a bat - avoid danger if you show great patience.
  • You were attacked by a pack - a threat to your life.
  • If you see an injured bat, don't walk alone late at night. It may also portend robbery and attack.

If you dream about a bat, your life is in danger

Bats that fly in a dream but do not touch you are not a harbinger of danger. This is the only action that carries positive characteristics. So, if you see a bat flying, get ready in reality for your hopes to come true.

Why do you dream about a cat catching a mouse?

  • If a cat catches a mouse in a dream, it means unexpected profits.
  • If you are in the role of a mouse hiding from a cat, then you will be able to get around your opponent.

A cat caught a mouse in a dream - to receive money

It also doesn’t hurt to know some folk signs associated with these rodents. They will help you decipher your dreams:

  1. The mice ran away from the house - there was a fire
  2. Overpowered by a mouse - wait for a hunger strike
  3. A mouse gets caught in your bosom - great grief is coming
  4. Mice eat clothes - death

Believe it or not is your own business. Before you look for mysticism, remember that perhaps the day before you saw a real rodent on TV or in reality. Or there was a conversation on this topic with someone. In this case, the subconscious is simply scrolling through the facts of life; do not look for a catch in such a dream.

Video: Why do you dream about a mouse?

As a general rule, dreams about rodents of any kind are not considered auspicious. But the white mouse is almost an exception. Not always, but often it is considered a harbinger of positive life changes of any kind, ranging from improved financial conditions to joyful events in personal life. So let's look at the interpretations various dream books and find out why a white mouse dreams.

White mice according to Vanga's dream book

The dream book suggests paying attention to what day of the week you dream about a mouse. If this happened on Tuesday, a strictly kept secret from your family or loved one will cease to be her. Since this is inevitable, it is worth revealing your version of the secret to avoid misunderstandings.

If the dreamed mouse is in close proximity, this means an imminent increase in prices. This is especially important for those whose business is trade.

A sleeping white mouse or simply at rest - good sign, talking about well-being in the lives of children and grandchildren.

Miller's Dream Book - Why do you dream about a white mouse?

According to Miller, seeing a white mouse in a dream is not a very good sign, foreshadowing troubles at home and the duplicity of others. If you managed to kill the mouse, then you will be able to cope with troubles, but if it runs away, the fight will not bring results.

If a girl dreams of a white mouse, you should be on guard: there is a secret enemy, a deceiver or an envious person nearby. And if a mouse runs across clothes, a major scandal is inevitable.

Why do white mice dream - according to Freud

The dream book presents any dreams with mice in a negative way. A mouse in a dream is a harbinger of poverty and the failure of all endeavors, as well as harm from the immediate environment. Also, a dream with mice indicates an unsuccessful marriage and problems with children.

White mice in a dream according to Nostradamus' dream book

Why do you dream of a white mouse or white mice according to Nostradamus? The dream book of Nostradamus also considers a mouse (even a white one) a bad omen. If a white mouse is killed in a dream, it means serious financial difficulties are approaching. It’s bad when you dream of a lot of mice - regardless of color, this means impending global disasters.

White mice in Loff's dream book

A dream about a white mouse will help you find out who is spreading gossip and fables. Mouse color in this case indicates that this is someone from a very close circle.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why white mice dream

Any mouse means a secret ill-wisher. Similar to the previous dream book, the white color of the mouse means that it is one of your close relatives or friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and the Hopes of Winter

Seeing a mouse in a dream also means unfavorable circumstances. If a woman dreams of a mouse, this is a warning about intrigues that will disturb her family peace. If the mouse is white, enemies and envious people are very close, you should be more careful.

Why did White mice dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • A similar dream has positive value, but only if you see not just one White mouse, but many at once.
  • Why do you dream of white mice - get a reason for joy. This will be pleasant news, a successful completion of business.
  • Why does a woman dream of white mice? faithful sign prosperous and strong family union.
  • Caught white mice symbolize satisfaction, a pleasant end to long-standing affairs.
  • Why do you dream of scurrying white mice - a warning about deceit and betrayal of loved ones.
  • Being bitten by white mice in a dream is a warning about the presence of a serious enemy who wants to take your place in your career or relationship.

Why do the dreamers dream of White mice (Miller's Dream Book)

  • White mice symbolize troubles that are not of decisive importance, but cause a lot of grief. This is a quarrel with a friend, a disagreement with a loved one, gossip and the like. Do not attach importance to such things, life consists not only of joyful events. And let all the troubles be only minor, the same as the White Mice.
  • Why do you dream of white mice gnawing something - a sign that there is a distant enemy with whom you do not communicate personally, but through third parties. White mice identify distant enemies.
  • Seeing White mice running chaotically is a sign of rising food prices. Therefore, if you suddenly dreamed of White Mice, the dream book advises not to waste money in vain, but to start making the necessary supplies. This is the original explanation of the dream about White Mice given by Miller’s dream book.

Analysis of a dream in which White mice were dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

Why do white mice dream? The father of psychoanalysis associates the image of White mice in dreams with food shortages. This dream is negative character and symbolizes hunger. The dream is a warning about impending poverty or a likely rise in food prices.

White mice represent enemies who cause anxiety or trouble.

Interpretation of the White Mouse from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • White mice or rats come into dreams to warn that trouble is in the offing. Or you will become a participant in dangerous events. Coping with them will not be easy; this will require willpower, wisdom, and endurance. Remember that it is easier to deal with a problem together, so find yourself comrades and, of course, do not neglect reasonable advice.
  • Why do you dream about dead white mice? Changes in your personal life are coming soon.
  • Passively watching mice means trouble in the business sphere.
  • Chasing white mice or catching at least one of them is an unexpected turn in your career, the end of a hopeless cause.

Why do you dream about White mice (interpretation by Rick Dillon)

  • The number of White mice in a dream determines how many joyful and happy moments await you in life.
  • Why do you dream of white mice if they are running around a cage - the dream was about the nearest happy marriage. This marriage will be prosperous and strong.
  • Scurrying white mice will bring a lot of worries and troubles related to the hearth and home.
  • Why do you dream of white mice lying down and looking sick - serious health problems will appear, problems with teeth are also possible.
  • When you catch White mice in a dream, then know that soon the people whom you considered enemies will become allies.
  • A white mouse locked in a cage suggests that you will become a hostage to a secret.
  • But in a dream, stroking or feeding mice means a declaration of love.