Why do people become angry? Why are people angry when they are hungry?

To indicate such a state exists (it has occurred merging English words“hungry” (hungry) and “angry” (angry)

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter our body with food are broken down into simple substances: free fatty acids, sugars, amino acids. These substances are then absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and lymph and distributed to all cells of the body. It is worth mentioning here that during metabolism, all carbohydrates received from food are ultimately broken down into glucose, which is then absorbed into the blood.

Glucose is the main source of energy; it “burns” in the body’s cells, which ensures their functioning. The more time has passed since your last meal, the less nutrients remain in the blood. If the blood glucose level drops significantly, the brain will perceive this situation as a threat to life. This reaction is due to the fact that the brain, unlike other organs and tissues, is not able to synthesize glucose, and meeting its energy needs is entirely dependent on the supply of glucose from the blood.

The brain sends a signal that the energy supply is running out and it is in danger. In response to this, some internal organs react by producing hormones that can increase the amount of glucose in the blood. There are only a few hormones that increase glucose levels and maintain them at the desired level (3.5-7 mmol/l). These hormones are called contrainsular because their action is exactly the opposite of insulin.

The first hormone, somatotropic hormone (or growth hormone), is produced in the pituitary gland. The second is glucagon, a pancreatic hormone. The next ones are the thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. And the fourth hormones - adrenaline (or epinephrine) and cortisol - are produced by the adrenal glands. The latter, in turn, are also stress hormones that are released into the blood in stressful situations, and not just when the blood glucose level drops. The hormone adrenaline is one of the main hormones involved in the “fight or flight” response. It causes an increase in heart rate, stimulates the center of the vagus nerves (provides innervation to the muscles of the esophagus, heart, and lungs).

Another reason why hunger is associated with irritability is that both emotions are controlled by the same genes. The product of one of these genes, neuropeptide Y, is a powerful stimulator of nutritional activity. It acts on the hypothalamic satiety centers and the hunger center, including the Y1 receptor. Together, neuropeptide Y and the Y1 receptor are responsible for regulating aggression. According to this, people with high level neuropeptide Y in the cerebrospinal fluid tends to be more irritable.

Everyone has their own truth. Some people become callous and angry from life; some from circumstances, very often people become angry from a bad life. They get tired of everything bad and they understand that life is unfair. This is probably why most people do not stand on ceremony... After all, people are different, there are those who, at any cost believe in good, but there are those who see only bad. Not everyone has the strength to believe in fairy tales, especially when people understand how fair life is. But I think that for real a kind person will always be kind, in any situation, no matter what. And besides, now all around they show only bad things, violence, cruelty, everything terrible. On TV they show one crime movie all day long and replay it constantly. It’s all like little things , but they also leave their mark on a person’s psyche. But I think, I know and I hope that most people on earth are kind.

Of course, before there were people who were kinder and had compassion for each other. Social stratification in society does not in any way depend on the anger in people’s hearts, it only pushes towards hatred, and hatred and anger are already the internal feelings of each person individually. Lack of spirituality and massive degradation of universal human values ​​make people the way we see them every day on the street and on television news channels. Anger is born in a person’s heart and, like an epidemic, infects those people who come into contact with it and enter into “communication.” If the world once again embraces the full moral values ​​and compassion of Christian in a general sense, then everything will change or begin to change in better side. Everyone can change themselves and their hearts towards creativity and love, and the world, which was the personification of evil, will begin to transform, and people will love each other and look into the eyes of passers-by and their loved ones without a hint of malice and hatred.

I also think that people have become angrier. Not only angrier, but also more indifferent to others. People care only about their fate, only about their deeds. And it seems to me that this is due to the fact that the world around has become different. The situation is tough and competitive, people are forced to live in constant tension. To live well, you need to constantly be aware of current events, constantly keep your finger on the pulse. And now it’s very difficult, because the situation changes instantly. The man became lonely and angry. How can you be lonely in the world of the Internet? Yes, there are now so many ways to connect with friends from anywhere. globe. Now there is cellular telephone, Skype, SMS and many other things for communication. But all this communication is virtual. A person lacks simple communication, in the kitchen on a weekend evening. All devices cannot replace real communication. In addition, general fatigue accumulates. With fatigue accumulates and anger towards others. It's simple. The more complex the world around us becomes, the more difficult it is for us to navigate, the angrier a person becomes.

Modern people They are always in a hurry to get somewhere, I don’t think people have become angrier - they have become more indifferent. Imaginary values ​​- wealth, fame, influence, success, beauty, fashion... you can go on and on about what every second person in the world strives for. All this “degrades” the state of a person’s soul and he is ready for any tricks and deeds just to feel at least one of the above. It should be mentioned that for several decades (or even centuries) people have been drinking wine ( modern world the beer was flooded) - this greatly affects nervous system person, but first of all the brain suffers and the person loses control over his actions. On this moment humanity lives in terrible complex world. Experiences depression from loneliness, problems with weight, work, and many others. etc. But the main thing is that man deviates further and further from nature. It is not surprising that people in big cities are angrier than in villages. They are devoid of nature! But man belongs to nature and its deficiency can lead to serious consequences.

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Scientists from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a study: they decided to find out whether our behavior and our psychological appearance have changed over the past thirty years. A very unsightly picture emerged: we have become three times more aggressive and rude...

We're not all like that! Well, not everyone, of course, became boors. But this is the general trend: the degree of aggression in society has increased. It’s not for nothing that, according to statistics, the number of serious crimes and murders increases every year... In this regard, we are two times ahead of the United States, and even old Europe by five! What is most frightening is that about 80% of murders are committed in our country without reason - in a state of spontaneous aggressiveness. So why have we become so angry? They usually explain it this way: the majority of compatriots have become more conflicted because we live in an unstable environment and in a situation of outrageous property inequality.

Well, they say, in the Soviet Union the vast majority of the country's residents had approximately the same income, so envy did not arise and people were kinder - there was nothing to divide. But, Dear friends, it is difficult to imagine that life in India is more stable, but its population is considered one of the friendliest in the world. Or, say, the Thais have a higher standard of living? Yes, they live on 20 dollars a month! And at the same time they are called “smile people”. Of course, in the 1990s we had a very powerful turning point, shock therapy, but, thank God, twenty years have passed! A crisis is a crisis, but why, as the classic used to say, break chairs. Kindness is the key to health Another indicator is even more terrible: in proportion to the increase in aggression, people’s readiness for sympathy decreases - we are not able to regret. That's what's terrible. We are used to walking over corpses.

Success at any cost is our main driver. And young people are especially susceptible to this “mental illness”. It is not surprising: those who were born at the turn of the epoch grew up and began to enter into independent life, and gained intelligence in the 1990s, when education, culture, even families were bursting at the seams - under the pressure of new economic conditions... These people do not know how cope with their own emotions, they do not even have basic ideas about decent behavior in society, and they very easily take out their anger on others. And their discontent is constantly boiling: they don’t like the government, laws, work, financial situation, prices...

They are unaware that the cause of all problems is within them. But I would say that this is not aggression. The word “anger” is more appropriate here. Because aggression is a healthy beginning on which it stood primitive society. It is intended for self-defense, to protect its territory and offspring, for success in hunting mammoths and in the fight for a female... Aggression is a necessary element of survival and procreation. But our distant ancestors, who walked in mammoth skins, used it sparingly: when it came to protecting life. Or in ritual forms: threatening sounds and poses, power struggles without causing serious injury, marking the territory with signs...

What are we doing?! We shoot at each other from behind a dented bumper! Schoolchildren kill teachers because of an unjust B grade. Neighbors are killing each other because of the noise of the drill! In the language of specialists, this is called “regular inadequate emotional reaction to circumstances caused by psychological trauma.” That is, our rage over little things is a diagnosis. We're going crazy. A coward with a club And natural healthy aggression is given to us to defend our boundaries when someone violates them. To save your family. To be indignant when they commit lawlessness.

It also encourages us to refuse to comply with stupid demands - from a boss, an official, an authority. But after this, you should not go out into the street with a club, but write a complaint, file a lawsuit, finally. And then it turns out that in our “vertical society” this is almost impossible. The procedures themselves for asserting one’s rights, if there are any, are very unclear and cumbersome. Sue the offender? But this is such red tape! And if the trial does take place, what are my chances of winning it - with our justice system?

And then we let down our resentment or anger. This is one of the most common mistakes - translating aggression “vertically”. That is, having received a boorish scolding from your superiors, be rude to your subordinate. After listening to the teacher’s attacks, punch a classmate in the eye. Having quarreled with your husband, beat the child. And another way to “drain” aggression is to redirect it “horizontally”. Simply put, be angry at everyone around you, at anyone and everyone who, willingly or unwillingly, stands in your way. There are, of course, disadvantages: if you constantly throw yourself at anyone, you will quickly acquire a reputation as a person with bad character. So it’s better not to be angry at everyone, but at “others”: based on beliefs, skin color, religion, sexual preference, occupation, and so on...

But in both the first and second cases, the reason for everything is deep and serious: lack of faith in one’s strength, awareness of one’s cowardice, contempt and self-hatred. And to the others. After all, to someone incapable of self-defense, the whole world seems alien and dangerous. In order not to feel humiliated in it, people use aggression - as a way to try on the role of a winner, at least for a while, to feel their superiority. Yes, oddly enough, it’s usually those who don’t know how to stand up for themselves in a civilized manner who usually take out their anger on others. He is afraid to say: “I don’t agree, this doesn’t suit me,” he doesn’t dare to argue - with his boss, his wife or his parents. Be angry according to the law Have you noticed that the crowd of people at protest rallies turns out to be much more friendly, polite and cheerful than the crowd in the subway at rush hour? Because these people are trying to master a civilized way of expressing their aggression directly at the address, and not at others.

We live in an aggressive environment where everyone survives as best they can. But we are not evil - we are unhappy. Our psyche simply cannot withstand the rhythm big city, eternal running, crowding and uncomfortable proximity of other people's energy - in the subway, in shops, on the roads. Hence the constant, chronic stress, and hence the desire to somehow relieve enormous tension and let off steam. We are designed this way: negative energy spontaneously and continuously accumulates inside us. But this energy breaks out only when we feel bad: in response to irritating factors.

And yet, the main “inciter” of aggression is not external circumstances, but the displeasure and unpleasant feelings we experience: pain, hunger, jealousy... But anger is contagious, have you noticed? A mentally mature person is not bothered by other people's emotions; he understands that if a boss (husband, mother, wife, passerby) yells at him, this does not apply to him personally. Any of us can be dissatisfied, irritated, angry - we are living people, but getting rid of anger without harming anyone is the main human skill.

And it is given by education. Mental maturity does not at all imply that one must necessarily push, extinguish in oneself negative energy and aggressive impulses. In no case. Aggression directed inwards is even more destructive. Any negative emotion must be properly processed and released. But not just into the world, but onto a certain object. Remember how the wise Japanese placed stuffed bosses in the gyms of their companies? We need to come up with something like this. But the main thing to do in situations where boiling aggressive energy is about to spill out is to realize your condition and take control of it.

To do this, at the most acute moment, try to describe your physical sensations: your body is tense, your hands are clenched into fists, your lips are trembling... While you are choosing expressions, you will calm down. So what can we do about the aggressive environment around us? How to react to boors and psychos? Any psychologist will tell you: the way a person is, that’s how he sees the world.

If I only notice anger, envy, indifference, and aggression around me, it means it’s in me. That is, changes in outside world always start with changes in yourself. In order for there to be fewer aggressive and embittered individuals around, you need to show politeness and cordiality more often. At least just smile. Shall we try?

Why do people become angry

In this article we will look at why people become evil, what is happening on earth? Why are there so many envious people? often "friends" rejoice at your failures more than your enemies?

Why nowadays cleaning negativity is normal, magic and protection people are very interested in?

You know, when there are many individuals of one species in nature, the struggle for existence begins and the strongest individual survives, which can bring healthy offspring and enter into competitive relationships for food.

Now something similar is happening to humanity, there are a lot of us, but there is little “food”. By the word “food” I mean all the good things:high paying job , good housing, a prestigious educational institution, comfortable rest, etc.

So we are all competitors.

Why do people become angry? Initially, we do not wish harm to everyone, sometimes we can even be humane if this does not concern us.

Example 1

Can you take pity on tramps or orphans and give them alms? I think yes. It turns out you are a humane person. But then you will gloat about the dismissal of a work colleague or discuss your roommate.

Why does this happen?

Because a group of tramps and unfortunate children have no competition with you, so you feel sorry for them, and a neighbor or work colleague acts as your competitor and can take away your “food” - a good position or buy a better furnished apartment, and so on...

And at this time, the poor homeless people also have their own hierarchies - someone is a strong king, and someone is taken away a piece of bread, children in orphanages behave very cruelly - this can only be compared to a prison.

Why do people become angry?

Example 2

Let's move on - your “master”, for whom you work, is absolutely not interested in the problems and competitive relations of his workers, he can become generous and give you a bonus. So he is a humane person???

But he will fight in every possible way with another private owner who opened a similar store and gloat over his “friend” who went broke in business...

Is the meaning clear?

We can be kind to those people who are not our competitors in a certain niche.

In less civilized countries there are much fewer envious people; many are satisfied with what they have. In remote villages you can also notice remnants of humanism.

The higher the development, the greater the competition.

If in nature a tiger refuses to cause pain to its victims, it will die.

And if in society a person becomes humane and stops fighting and competing, then he will also not live long. The strongest will bypass him, therefore he will be left without a good job, this will lead to poor nutrition and lack of housing, therefore he will not be able to feed his family...

They tried to remove competition and divide everything equally under socialism, but corruption flourished even under socialism, bosses and party workers lived better than ordinary people. Scientists have proven that such a system simply cannot exist, since in nature everything is driven by the struggle for existence...

It cannot be equally good for everyone; if you were promoted to a position, then someone at that time was removed from a similar position. Therefore, if you have joy, then someone has grief.

In my personal life I have friends and a group of sympathizers. Can be divided into two camps. Married women and singles. Even if your neighbor does nothing wrong to you, but she is divorced, you will be in the enemy camp. She will enviously discuss you with her divorced friends:

-Why did this cow get such a man? What did he see in her?

And you and your friends will discuss it:

-You need to stay away from girls like this, otherwise she’ll quickly jump into bed with your husband...

Why is this happening? Why do people become angry?

On a subconscious level, people understand that in a fight one of the two will emerge victorious. And if a lonely neighbor does not touch your family, but takes away another woman’s husband, she is still your enemy, because the same lonely woman can take away your husband too...

Or one friend is getting married, but the other is not yet, then very often this is where the friendship ends. A single friend has competition on a subconscious level - her friend’s husband is not interested in you as a man, but at the same time, someone may be marrying your chosen one. There is more competition - fewer men. And as a result, a single friend’s chances of getting married decrease. Now two women find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades...

Where have you seen two tigers from different families calmly sharing an antelope equally???

If you were given a cottage for free, and you already have housing, can you give this cottage to a homeless tramp free of charge? Or will you sell it and spend the money on your family, or maybe leave it to your still small child???