Mysterious deaths of famous people. Mystery or accident: the mysterious deaths of famous people

Death is usually a rather sad and sad event. Many are very afraid of this event and try to delay the moment of death as long as possible. But for some people, this action occurs very unusually. It is these individuals who fall into the top of the most stupid and ridiculous deaths.

Death by animals

Even harmless rodents or domestic chickens can cause a real tragedy. So, the top most stupid deaths are opened by people who died in the process of contact with representatives of wildlife.

A bright personality from this category is a resident of Germany. He died at the age of sixty-three, and the reason for this was an ordinary mole. The rodent that settled on the site harassed its owner too much. The man tried with all his might to fight the annoying animal. In the end, he decided to use the most radical method he could think of - the German placed metal rods around the perimeter of his site, connecting them to a power line. The result, of course, was positive, and the rodent ended up in the next world, but the man himself went there with him.

But if that man was guided by at least some kind of logic, then the next lover of experimentation, it seems, was completely deprived of common sense. Twenty-seven-year-old Steve Conner was at work at the zoo when he came up with the brilliant idea of ​​feeding an elephant laxatives. The dose fed to the animal was considerable, so it is not surprising that the man was simply crushed by elephant dung.

If someone says that there are few such “uniques” in the world, then one can argue with this. The most stupid death can overtake several people at the same time. A similar incident occurred in an Egyptian village, where six people died due to one chicken. And it all started with the fact that his owner, who was trying to get the poor bird out of the well, drowned. All his relatives rushed to help him. As a result, both of his brothers and sister, who could not swim, also went to another world. Local residents tried to save all of them, but as a result, there were two more drowned people. Rescuers who arrived at the scene of the tragedy took out all the bodies from a deep well. By the way, that same ill-fated chicken survived.

Reasons for killing

The most stupid death can come at the hands of another person. What could provoke such a desperate step?

The murderer of forty-two-year-old Peter Stone was his little daughter. For some fault, dad sent his child to the nursery, leaving him without dinner. The girl did not agree with this state of affairs. She figured that if she didn't eat, no one else would eat either. A nimble child slipped more than seventy rat poison tablets into his father's coffee. Barely taking one sip, the man died on the spot. The court acquitted the girl, as it considered that at the age of eight she could not perform meaningful acts. But a few months later the situation repeated itself - the young individual tried to kill her mother in the same way.

Seventeen-year-old boy David Danil died during a meeting. To numerous harassment, his young lady answered quite briefly and clearly. The girl killed a fan with a double-barreled shotgun. That's how her father taught her to do it.

Quite rightly, the most stupid death overtook the twenty-seven-year-old Javier Halos. The reason for his falling into the afterlife was non-payment of rent. The owner of the apartment that the young man rented beat him to death with a toilet seat. He must have been very angry, because the tenant did not give him money for eight years.

Jealous lovers

The list of the most stupid deaths continues, it would seem, a completely inappropriate topic for this - love. It is she who pushes people to rash acts, which are sometimes committed in haste.

Some people are of the opinion that revenge is a dish best served cold. The famous American physicist Harold Simms killed his wife gradually. And the reason for this was her betrayal of her husband with a neighbor. The scientist thought out the retribution very carefully. For several months, he replaced his wife's favorite shadows with a uranium composite, which was very radioactive. The woman was so stupid that, despite the obvious signs of radiation sickness, she never went to the doctor. She developed ulcers on her skin, her head completely lost her hair, she lost her sight. Even the fact that her earlobe fell off did not make the traitor think about something. Three months later, Harold Simms' wife died.

The death of John Joe Winter's wife was very loud and memorable for local residents. Perhaps such a decision was influenced by the military activities of the killer. The man decided to deal with his unfaithful wife. He loaded the woman into her own car, in which he had previously laid more than seven hundred kilograms of explosives. The sound of the explosion was heard within a radius of fourteen kilometers. Now John himself and all people are reminded of this situation by a hole fifty-five meters deep and the absence of half a kilometer of the road.

Alcohol addiction

Every year, many people are sent to the next world thanks to their boundless love for alcoholic beverages. Some of them had no idea that the Darwin Award for the most stupid death would someday go to them.

Die of an overdose like this in an unusual way successful resident of Texas. Mike Warner was an avid drinker. But at one point, the poor man was overcome by a sore throat. The man could not speak, it was painful for him even to eat, there was no talk of drinking alcohol. But he decided not to give up and introduce alcohol by another method - rectally. Since the fifty-eight-year-old man gave himself enemas quite often, his wife did not even suspect anything. At one party, a man poured three liters of sherry into himself in this way. But since the alcohol content in the blood exceeded the permissible norm by six times, the unfortunate alcoholic died.

If there are entire drinking championships in the world, then it is not surprising that there are so many deaths from it. For example, in 2006 the owner of one of the stores in Volgodonsk decided to hold a drinking championship. Six local residents competed for a prize of ten liters of vodka. Only one made it to the end of the tournament. The man drank one and a half liters of combustible substance in forty minutes. The old woman with the scythe appeared instantly. Two more participants of the championship fell into a coma. The police opened a criminal case against the organizer of this action.

controversial points

For the most ridiculous deeds, the Darwin Award is given. The list of the most stupid deaths is continued by the dead, who wanted to prove something to others.

One of these stubborn personalities was the Briton Michael Toye. Convincing a friend that white spirit is a combustible substance, he set himself on fire, having previously doused himself with this liquid. He struggled with death for six days, after which he died from terrible burns.

Carried away by the bet, a resident of Valparaiso was hit by a train. The essence of the argument between the two friends was that it was necessary to walk along the rails as long as possible. They gathered at the appointed place at midnight. The driver did not notice the debaters, so he did not even try to slow down.

dangerous sport

In this area, dangerous injuries are not uncommon and deaths, so the most stupid and ridiculous deaths also affected sports.

An example is professional equestrian Frank Hayes. During the next competition, the athlete had a heart attack. But nothing bothered the horse, and it did not stop. The horse came to the finish line first. This was the only time in horse racing that a dead athlete was the winner.

Died at the hands of his opponent Olympic champion Vladimir Smirnov. During the competition, the athlete's opponent pierced his eye. Due to the fact that the swordsman was injured in the brain, he died nine days later.

Extreme lover

There are people who are not afraid of anything in the world, including death. Many of these extreme sports went to the Darwin Award. The list of the most stupid deaths in this category is opened by Bobby Leach. This man was simply fearless. He was the second person in history to cross Niagara Falls. He just did it in a barrel. Bobby was a performer of many dangerous stunts. But he died not during their execution, but from a complication after a fracture. He just slipped on an orange peel.

Death on TV

The most stupid death in the world also touched the television spaces. During the live broadcast, Christine Chubbuck stated that she would demonstrate the broadcaster's policy of constantly showing blood and death. The reporter was the first person to shoot herself in live.

Also, laughter did not prolong the life of Alex Mitchell. The man lived half a century and died very positively. He laughed at jokes from his favorite television series and died of a heart attack. After the death of her husband, his wife wrote thank you letter project leaders for making the last minutes of his life happy and fun.


The most stupid death can wait for its victim in completely unexpected places. This is not about plane crashes. You can also go to another world thanks to an ordinary toy. For example, a resident of Arizona, blinded by the sun, lost control of the plane, and he crashed into his head. The man died on the spot.

Failure lay in wait for the Belgian young man. Due to technical problems, the pilot of the Polish fighter was forced to eject. An out-of-control car crashed into the poor guy's house.

musical death

The most stupid death in the world overtook Jean-Baptiste Lully while beating the rhythm with a conductor's staff. He got carried away and injured his toe. The man refused medical care, as a result of which the neglected situation turned into gangrene. The next music he heard was a funeral march.


It can be concluded that the most unusual, mysterious and stupid deaths that have happened throughout history, most often were the cause of human negligence or unreason. Although there are still times when it seems that you can’t escape fate. After all, there are cases when centenarians died the day before their birthday. Or people who are said to be "born in a shirt" died from an absurd set of circumstances. In any case, you can never predict the exact moment. Everyone will definitely meet with an old woman with a scythe, and it is quite possible that this event will not be tragic.

Statistically, even developed countries one in three murders remains unsolved. At the same time, oddly enough

Most mysterious deaths celebrities

 15:00 September 16, 2017

According to statistics, even in developed countries, one in three murders remains unsolved. At the same time, oddly enough, the victims mysterious deaths become not only simple people, but also celebrities, whose every step is watched by thousands of eyes. However, the stars sometimes die a mysterious and mysterious death, the secret of which the police cannot reveal.

Jack Nance

Jack Nance is David Lynch's favorite actor, having starred in almost all of his films - from the director's first film Eraserhead in 1977 to the iconic Twin Peaks. On December 29, 1986, Nance was having dinner with friends, and they noticed a bruise under his eye. Nance brushed it off: they say, nonsense, he got into a fight with some aggressive young punks. It turned out not to be nonsense: the next morning, Nance was found dead in his own bathroom. According to doctors, the blow received in the fight caused the formation of a hematoma in the brain, which, growing, killed the actor in two days. But many did not believe in this version. Nance found in the blood high level alcohol, so the cause of death was called both drinking (Nance was a famous alcoholic) and conflicts with colleagues (even David Lynch was blamed). But confirmation alternative versions never found.

Barbara Colby

Barbara Colby was a TV show star in the 1980s. On July 24, 1975, she left the studio with colleague James Kiernan. acting skills in Venice, a suburb of Los Angeles. Suddenly, two men approached the couple and shot both at point-blank range. Colby died on the spot, Kiernan died shortly after her, having managed, however, to testify to the police. He said that they did not know the attackers, they did not provoke them in any way, and they did not even try to rob them. What provoked the murder is still unknown.

Johnny Stompanato

Johnny Stompanato was famous in 1950s Hollywood solely for his amorous connections: he was a gigolo who specialized in aging movie actresses. At the time of his death, he lived with actress Lana Turner. Relations in a couple were scandalous: Stompanato beat his girlfriend, threatened and scoffed in every possible way. One evening, in the heat of an argument, he threatened to stab her 14-year-old daughter Cheryl. Cheryl stood outside the door and heard everything, and when Stompanato left the room, the girl stabbed him with a knife. Alphonse bled to death before the paramedics arrived. Despite the apparent clarity, this crime is still a mystery. Many believe that Turner herself killed Stompanato, and Cheryl took the blame, since she, as a minor, faced a much less severe punishment. There is another version - that Cheryl herself was in love with Johnny, and killed him, realizing that she would not get him. But to what extent these versions correspond to the truth, it is now impossible to say.

Elliot Smith

Elliot Smith was a talented and in-demand musician who wrote, among other things, the soundtrack for the movie Good Will Hunting. In October 2003, he committed suicide by stabbing himself in the chest. The extremely strange choice of suicide method gave rise to a lot of rumors that in fact Elliot was killed. Moreover, at the time of his death, his girlfriend was in the house, with whom, in her own words, they quarreled. According to her, she locked herself in the bathroom in anger for about a quarter of an hour, and when she came out, it was all over. What can be said here? Really strange story.

Jill Dando

Jill Dando was a BBC journalist. After 14 years of career, she was shot in the head on the doorstep of her house in the suburbs of London. No one heard the shot, the body was discovered only 40 minutes later. Neighbor Dando saw some male figure moving away from the house, but could not describe the man. The death of the journalist is still a mystery, although there are many suspects in her murder: with her bold journalistic speeches, she has made many enemies - from Yugoslav terrorist groups to the pedophile mafia.

George Reeves

George Reeves became famous for his role as Superman in The Adventures of Superman, a 1950s cult TV series. On June 16, 1959, he went down from the second floor of his house to the first, where his fiancee, Leonore Lemmon, had a party with friends. After that, he got back up and shot himself in the heart with a revolver. A typical suicide... only the revolver from which Reeves allegedly committed suicide did not have his fingerprints - and indeed, at least someone's fingerprints. Self-motivated investigators put forward two versions. The first - Lemmon in a fever or accidentally shot the groom during a quarrel. The second is that the mafia is to blame for everything, since Reeves was the lover of Toni Mannix, the wife of Eddie Mannix, the president of the MGM studio, who is closely associated with the mafia. However, for some reason, the police were not interested in these versions, and Reeves' death remained a mystery.

Mary Rogers

Mary Rogers was not an actress - she was a simple saleswoman who worked in the 1830s in a cigar shop in New York. However, the girl was so beautiful that she considered a real city celebrity. The city newspapers wrote about her, calling her "a wonderful cigar saleswoman." However, in 1841, Mary Rogers drowned unexpectedly in the Hudson. This death gave rise to a whole wave of rumors. One or the other of her many admirers was blamed for her death. Well, when her fiancé committed suicide a month later, it was he who became the main accused. However, no one's fault in the death of Mary Rogers has ever been proven.

Thomas Ince

Thomas Ince, the "father of the Western", who made over 800 films, died under the most mysterious circumstances. Together with his wife, he went to the yacht of his business partner, media mogul William Randolph Hearst, to celebrate his own birthday. However, a day later, Ins was brought to shore of the dead. The doctor wrote in the conclusion that Ince died of a heart attack, but the port workers and sailors who saw the body observed with their own eyes Ince's pierced head with dried blood. According to rumors, Ince was shot by Hurst himself by accident - after which it was not difficult for the millionaire to inspire witnesses with the correct version of what happened.

William Desmond Taylor

William Desmond Taylor was a famous film director during World War II. He was famous for his generosity, cordiality and good manners, so that, as far as is known, he had no enemies. All the more was the public's astonishment when Taylor's body was found in his Los Angeles home with a bullet in his back. No one heard the shot or saw the killer, there were no weapons at the crime scene, and all fingerprints were carefully erased. The police tried to solve the mystery for many years, but could not.

Tupac Shakur

In the fall of 1996, Tupac Shakur received several gunshot wounds on the streets of Las Vegas. For several days, doctors fought for his life, but on September 13, 1996, he died in the hospital from internal bleeding. It is known that Tupac Shakur was one of the most active participants in the so-called "war of the Eastern and western coasts"- a conflict between two rapper groups, often resulting in shootouts. Therefore, the most plausible version says that one of the enemies-colleagues in the rap scene is behind Tupac's death. However, the police have not yet found either the perpetrator of the murder or his customer .

Notorious B.I.G.

The main enemy of Tupac Shakur, a rapper with East Coast Notorious B.I.G., aka Christopher Wallace, was killed just six months after his damned rival. Wallace's car, which was vacationing in Los Angeles, stopped at a traffic light when another car flew up to it, from which four shots were fired. Wallace died instantly. Despite the abundance of people on the street, no one really saw the shooter, who was never found. Wallace's death is called revenge for Tupac, and some people even suspect Los Angeles policemen, tired of endless rapper wars, of it. But no one knows the exact answer to the question of who fired and who was behind these shots.

Christa Helm

Sometimes celebrities die under such strange circumstances that the gossip about what really happened does not subside for a long time. Many believe that Marilyn Monroe was poisoned on the orders of the Kennedy brothers, Michael Jackson was deliberately sent to the next world by a doctor, and the accident in which Princess Diana died was set up by the British royal family. Dilettant. media remembered the most mysterious deaths in the world famous people

Russian Emperor Alexander I died in Taganrog on December 1, 1825 from a severe fever, which he picked up during inspection trips on horseback through the cities of Crimea.

Some time after the death of Alexander I, a poor old man named Fyodor Kuzmich appeared in Siberia, who surprised those around him with his knowledge of several languages ​​and knowledge of court affairs. There were rumors that this was the autocrat hiding from everyone. The elder never directly denied these rumors. After Kuzmich's death in 1864, a marriage certificate of Alexander I and a hand-drawn monogram in the form of the letter "A" were allegedly found in his belongings. A genetic examination of the remains has not yet been carried out.

The legendary actress, sex symbol of many generations, Marilyn Monroe had problems with drugs and alcohol.

When she was found dead at the age of 36, the cause of death was said to be a drug overdose. Another version is the assassination by order of the Kennedy brothers, whose mistress was Marilyn.

Princess Diana, wife of Prince Charles and heir to the throne, died in a car accident in a Paris tunnel in the summer of 1997. Many fans of the princess do not believe in the accidental death of their idol. It is officially recognized that Diana died due to the paparazzi chasing her car on high speed. The driver lost control at the entrance to the tunnel.

According to another version, the accident was set up by the British royal family, which was not satisfied with Lady Dee's affair with the Arab businessman Dodi al-Fayed.

Glenn Miller while serving in the US Air Force

Popular American jazz musician and leader of his own orchestra, Glenn Miller, went missing on his way from England to France in 1944. Miller was going to play the troops that had just liberated Paris. However, at that time, few people knew about the disappearance of the musician. The fact is that on the same day the Germans launched their last major offensive against the Allied forces, called the Ardennes operation. News of these events captured all the front pages of newspapers.

What happened to the plane on which Miller flew 10 days before Christmas remained a mystery. That day there was thick fog, eyewitnesses said that even birds landed on the ground. The most logical version is that the plane crashed into the English Channel, but no traces were found to prove this. There were rumors that the musician was captured by the Nazis, who tortured him for a long time. The version that the plane was shot down by the Germans was not confirmed, since there were no sorties that day. Miller's death was a huge loss for the entire American musical culture.

Harold Holt and Lyndon B. Johnson, October 1966

It doesn't happen often that an incumbent head of state disappears without a trace. But that is exactly what happened to Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt on a December morning in 1967. The official went for a swim near Portsea, Victoria. Nobody saw the prime minister again.

Two days later he was declared dead, and John McEwen took over. Naturally, all the forces of rescuers were thrown into the search for Holt, the search operation became one of the largest in the history of the country. As a result, even the body of the politician was not found.

There have been many rumors surrounding Holt's disappearance. The minister was said to have committed suicide or faked his own death in order to escape with his mistress. There were also the most outlandish versions. How can you seriously believe that the country's prime minister was abducted by a Chinese submarine or UFO? Most likely, the reasons for the disappearance were quite natural - the 59-year-old Holt was not quite healthy, and these places are famous for strong and dangerous currents.

Yuri Gagarin died on March 27, 1968 during a training flight with test pilot Vladimir Seregin in the Vladimir region. The official version, which Dmitry Ustinov, a member of the commission investigating the crash, told the head of state Leonid Brezhnev: the plane went into a deadly dive after a sharp maneuver that the pilots made, evading a collision with a meteorological probe.

Already at the final stage, Leonid Brezhnev ordered to stop the investigation of the disaster, so as not to "excite the Soviet people." Most of the materials of the case, numbering 29 volumes, are still classified.

On July 20, 1973, the newspapers came out with a front-page message: "Bruce Lee is dead!" It was so unexpected that rumors were connected with the filming in which the actor participated - his character was supposed to die. When later the information about Li's death was confirmed, the whole world was taken aback. No one could have imagined that one of the most strong men on the planet can die so unexpectedly.

The official cause of death is cerebral edema caused by a headache pill. According to another version, while taking the pill, the actor smoked hashish, and the combination of the drug with painkillers had a deadly effect. Another version - Lee was killed by one of the Chinese martial artists for revealing the secrets of kung fu to the world.

On August 16, 1977, Presley's girlfriend Ginger Alden found the body of the 42-year-old "King of Rock and Roll" on the bathroom floor at the Graceland estate. Officially, Elvis died of acute heart failure due to an overdose of sedatives and painkillers.

According to skeptics, the musician, tired and starting to lose shape, faked his death in order to calmly stretch out the rest of his days in one of warm countries. For some reason, the investigation into Presley's death was carried out in a classified mode. The only photograph of his body roaming the Internet is most likely a fake (that is, none of the skeptics saw him dead). Two hours after the official announcement of the singer's death, one of the fans allegedly took his autograph at the Memphis airport, and the examination allegedly showed the authenticity of this signature.

In this post, we will explore the veiled mysteries of the death of our domestic celebrities- actors, musicians and just famous public figures

Vasily Shukshin

His Last year life was very successful ... Sergei Bondarchuk offered Shukshin the role of Lopakhin in the film "They Fought for the Motherland." Filming began in August 1974 on the Don. By the beginning of October, Shukshin had almost completely completed the role, he had to star in the last episode. On October 4, he was supposed to return to Moscow ...

On October 1, Shukshin felt well. He called home to Moscow from the post office, went to the bathhouse, and until late at night, together with everyone, watched the USSR-Canada hockey match on TV. Upon completion, they separated. At about nine in the morning, Burkov went out into the corridor with the intention of waking Shukshin. He recalls: “I knocked on Shukshin’s door. The door was not locked. But I didn’t go in. I was frightened of something. I called out to him. It was time for him to get up for the shooting. From the memoirs of Burkov: “I went down the corridor and ran into Gubenko. “Nikolai,” I asked, “look at Vasya, he will soon be shooting, but he doesn’t get up for some reason.” He came in. He began to shake his shoulder, hand, as if lifeless, touched the pulse, but it was not there. Shukshin died in his sleep. "From heart failure," the doctors said.

There is a version that on that fateful night there was a murder on the ship "Danube". After all, Vasily Makarovich never complained about his heart. Before filming, Shukshin was examined in the "Kremlin hospital". According to the testimonies of some members of the film crew, a day or two before the death of the actor, some kind of stranger. And no one knew where he came from and for what purpose he wandered there. And he disappeared immediately after the death of Vasily Makarovich.

Zoya Fedorova

On December 11, 1981, 71-year-old actress Zoya Fedorova was shot in the back of her head in her three-room apartment No. 243 at 4/2 Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The murder has not yet been solved. Among his possible motives are the alleged involvement of the actress in secret KGB operations (there were rumors of KGB involvement in the murder) and her connection with the so-called "diamond mafia", which consisted mainly of relatives of high-ranking Soviet officials and was engaged in buying and reselling jewelry and antiques.

Viktor Tsoi

On August 15, 1990, at 12:15 pm on the 35th km of the Soka - Talsi (Latvia) highway, a dark blue Moskvich-2141 car collided with an Ikarus-280 regular bus. The driver of the Moskvich was famous musician, leader of the Kino group Viktor Tsoi.

The official version: "the car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km / h, the driver Viktor Robertovich Tsoi lost control. The death of V.R. Tsoi came instantly ..." From the case file: "Ikarus-250" was blown off the road into the small rivulet Töitupe, over the bridge... The driver J. K. Fibiks, who works in the Tallinn branch of Latselhoztechnika, escaped with minor bruises and fright. Before that, he took the tourist group to the airport and returned back. The new "Moskvich-2141" Ya6832 MM was thrown 18 meters to the bridge with a powerful blow. Only the rear bumper remained intact. On examination, it is noticeable that the blow to the car fell from left to right, front to back. Apparently, the front bumper of the "Ikarus" went over the hood of the "Moskvich" straight into the cabin. The steering wheel is bent on the driver's side, the seats are knocked down, the front panel shield is broken. The hood flew off, everything else was crumpled."

A forensic medical examination showed that no alcohol was found in the blood of the deceased. Death occurred as a result of an accident from numerous injuries to the body. The criminal case was not initiated "due to the lack of corpus delicti in the actions of the drivers." And, consequently, forensic, investigative and other examinations were not carried out.

Mike Naumenko

In August 1991, Mike Naumenko, the leader of the Zoopark group, was found dead in his room in a communal apartment on Razezzhaya Street: the cause of his death was a fracture of the base of the skull. Doctors determined that death occurred on August 27, 1991 from a cerebral hemorrhage. The circumstances of his death remain largely mysterious. As the rock journalist N. Kharitonov wrote: "With Tsoi, at least, everything was clear - if not in essence, then in form - how it all happened. Mike ... just disappeared, leaving no traces."

The drummer of the Zoopark group Valery Kirilov expressed a different point of view: according to him, Mike Naumenko really died of a cerebral hemorrhage, but it did not occur due to natural causes, but due to a fracture of the base of the skull as a result of a severe blow inflicted on him in the yard in robbery time. This is evidenced by the loss of personal belongings of Mike Naumenko. There is also the testimony of one teenager who allegedly saw Mike being picked up from the ground in the yard. After the attack, Mike did not die on the spot, but managed to go up to his home, but there he finally weakened and lay unconscious for a long time, no one in the communal apartment is not noticed. When his family finally found him and called an ambulance, it was already too late. Alexey Rybin, producer of Mike Naumenko's album of songs "Mike Period Park", had his own version: "Of course, alcohol is to blame. On the night before his death, Vasin drank heavily. Mike was ill, in very serious condition, with a black face. In in such a state, falling with the back of your head on the asphalt is easier than a lung. Mike received a fracture of the base of the skull - a typical alcoholic death, when a person falls on his back in deep intoxication.

Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov was killed on October 6, 1991. It all happened in the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg: the singer was shot right near the dressing room as a result of a scuffle with his concert director Valery Shlyafman and Igor Malakhov. The second possible suspect in the singer's murder, Shlyafman, now lives in Israel. Criminal proceedings on the death of Talkov were suspended several years ago, but not closed.

During the investigation into the murder of Talkov, his administrator Valery Shlyafman became one of the main suspects, along with Aziza's bodyguard Igor Malakhov, who on October 6, 1991 started a showdown with shooting. After a series of examinations, the investigation concluded that the last, fatal, shot was fired from Shlyafman's pistol. The funeral of the legendary musician, who died at the height of his fame, was crowded. The burial to this day is a place of pilgrimage for connoisseurs of his work, and a lot of mystical is connected with the grave itself, as well as with the life of Talkov.

Igor Sorin

According to the official version, Igor Sorin, the ex-soloist of the Ivanushki-International group, jumped out of the balcony of the sixth floor of the Kosmos studio. At 7.10 am Igor was taken to the 71st city hospital. Doctors ascertained a fracture of the first and fifth cervical vertebrae, kidney contusion, complete paralysis of the lower body, partial paralysis of the arms. The decision was made to operate. The operation was successful, but the artist's heart could not stand it, and on September 4, the artist died.

Meanwhile, in July 2013, Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov told in an interview with Yevgeny Dodolev (Moskva-24 channel) that in fact there was a manslaughter: Igor's neck was accidentally twisted and then thrown out of the window to hide the circumstances of death . Grigoriev-Apollonov clarified that he visited Sorin in the hospital - he was still conscious. “He didn’t have bruises. Will you fall from the seventh floor without bruises?” continued “red-haired Ivanushka.” “Some karateka just twisted his neck.” In this regard, on August 29, 2013, State Duma deputy Nadezhda Shkolkina sent a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu. Chaika with a request to check the circumstances of the death former soloist group "Ivanushki - International" by Igor Sorin.

Michael Krug

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, an attack was made on Krug's house in the village of Mamulino (Tver microdistrict). In the house, in addition to the singer, there were four more people - his wife, mother-in-law and children. The door of the three-story house was open. Two unknown intruders entered the third floor of the house between approximately 11:00 p.m. and 0:15 a.m., where they found Krug's mother-in-law, and attacked her, causing her bodily harm. Mikhail Krug and his wife Irina ran to the screams of the woman. The criminals opened fire with pistols. Irina managed to hide with her neighbors, and Mikhail received two severe gunshot wounds, after which he lost consciousness for a while. The perpetrators fled the scene. Krug, who came to his senses, managed to get to the house of his neighbor Vadim Rusakov, where his wife was hiding. Rusakov took him to Tver City Hospital No. 6. In the meantime, the police called arrived and “ Ambulance", who discovered his wounded mother-in-law in the Krug's house. The children of the Circle were not injured, as they were sleeping at the time of the crime. Mikhail Krug himself, despite the efforts of doctors, died on the morning of July 1.

A farewell memorial service was held on July 3 at 10 am at the Tver Drama Theatre. The funeral was attended by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Semchev, Efrem Amiramov, Katya Ogonyok, the Zhemchuzhny brothers, Vika Tsyganova, many leaders of the Tver region, including its governor, Vladimir Platov. The funeral procession of cars stretched for several kilometers. After the funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral in Tver, Krug was buried at the Dmitrov-Cherkassky cemetery. Versions of the murder were built very different. For example, producer Vadim Tsyganov suggested that this could be an attempted robbery. Shortly before the murder, Krug recorded an album under the working title "Tverichanka" (later released under the name "Confession"), for which he was supposed to receive a fee from day to day. This version was dismissed by those who believed that Krug was sincerely respected in criminal circles, but it was she who was the most popular at the beginning of the investigation. According to another version, the Circle became the victim of a planned, and, possibly, contract killing.

Murat Nasyrov

According to the official version, Murat Nasyrov committed suicide. The prosecutor's office completed the investigation into the death of the singer and, having not found any evidence confirming the violent nature of his death, closed the case. On January 19, 2007, the singer jumped from the fifth floor, putting a camera around his neck and clutching his own portrait to his chest.

The singer’s relatives said: “For us, Murat’s death is still a mystery. But we know for sure: he definitely wasn’t going to die. the assumption of our family. Three hours before the incident, he was sitting in a company, everyone drank a cocktail. Murat also drank. Then he left, and the girl Kristina from the company after the cocktail became ill, she does not even remember what happened to her next ... And Murat came home ... From the story of his brother: "They show that Murat called Baghlan Sadvakasov's close friend from home:" Zhanna, everything is fine. Do you know that he called from Natasha's mobile phone (the singer's wife - approx.), which was at home? But Natasha herself was not at home. When those events happened to Murat that he allegedly fell into a seizure, wanted to commit suicide, they said that the daughter allegedly sent her mother a cellular message, and the mobile phone, it turns out, was at home! "" He was going to go somewhere. What happened, why is he dressed so beautifully? And then, where is the camera they are all talking about?.. And then the fact itself: who saw Murat fall from the window? the true reason hard to know. Murat took everything with him. But I am convinced that there was no suicide or accident."

Roman Trachtenberg

The death of the famous showman, successful TV and radio host Roman Trachtenberg struck all his colleagues, close friends and the public. Roman Trachtenberg was 41 years old, he said about himself that he had never been sick. On November 20, 2009, during the live broadcast of the Trakhty-Barakty program on Mayak, he suddenly became ill. His co-host Lena Batinova recalls: “When some song was on the air, Roma said:“ Batinova, I feel bad ... I took him to the window so that he could breathe fresh air. The editors called an ambulance, but she didn’t did not have time to take Roma to the hospital. According to the official conclusion of experts, Trachtenberg died due to acute cardiovascular failure and coronary disease heart, he also had problems with the liver. The experts explained that the causes of death were obvious: Trachtenberg had a weak heart. An average dose of alcohol was found in Roman's blood, there were no traces of drugs. Before his death, Roman often spoke on the air about constant dreams in which he invariably died. Literally a few hours before the tragedy, on his last live broadcast, he pathetically noted: "I want to die on stage ...".

Vladimir Turchinsky

Vladimir Turchinsky died on December 16, 2009 in his country house in the village of Pashukovo, Noginsk district. According to experts, Turchinsky died as a result of acute coronary insufficiency. Upon the death of Vladimir Turchinsky, investigators checked the medical facilities where he was observed for the last six months of his life. One of the clinics that was checked first of all was a hospital in the Begovaya district, where Dynamite performed a blood purification procedure. His friends said: “Volodya was supposed to stay in the clinic for a day after the transfusion, but instead he immediately went home to spend the night. he was crazy ... All because of this rejuvenation "

Vladislav Galkin

During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found. The examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and acute heart failure with cardiac arrest was named the cause of death. The death certificate lists "cardiomyopathy (sudden cardiac arrest)" as the cause. In the program "Man and the Law," Vladislav Galkin's father, actor Boris Galkin, provided facts on the basis of which one can make an assumption about a premeditated murder. So, on February 19, Vladislav Galkin withdrew $ 136,000 from the bank, which he was going to spend on repairs in the apartment he bought after breaking up with his wife. According to his father, the actor kept the money at home (which the alleged customers and perpetrators of the crime could know about); in addition, threatening SMS messages came to the phone of Galkin Jr., and a few days after the visit to the bank, bruises appeared on the face of the actor.

According to Boris Galkin, abrasions and bruises were visible on the body of an already dead actor and during the initial medical examination immediately after the discovery of the corpse. The amount indicated by Galkin Sr. was not found during the search of the apartment. The father was embarrassed by the presence in the room next to the body of a bottle of cognac and a package tomato juice: after Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, he stopped drinking alcohol and went on a diet. The version of Boris Galkin is also supported by a family friend, doctor Mikhail Zakharov, who suggests that the characteristic bruising and hemorrhage speak of death as a result of strangulation.

Alexander Belyavsky

On September 8, 2012, in the center of Moscow, he died after jumping out of the window of his apartment, National artist Alexander Belyavsky. The performer of the role of Fox in the Soviet TV series "The meeting place cannot be changed" died on the spot as a result of hitting the ground, according to law enforcement agencies. According to preliminary data, the 80-year-old actor jumped out of the window on landing between the fifth and sixth floors of a residential building. At the same time, he lived on the second floor and, after suffering a stroke, could hardly move. Eldest daughter actor Nadezhda claims that even if he could independently climb the stairs to the fifth floor, he could hardly climb onto the windowsill. She is absolutely sure that the death of her father is a tragic accident. He could have fallen out of the window due to heart problems.

Andrei Panin

On March 7, 2013, Andrey Panin was found dead in the apartment of the house on Balaklavsky Prospekt. Initially, the cause of death was given as an accident. The actor was found lying on the floor in his apartment, and experts at first believed that he had fallen from his own height and hit his head. However, some time later, forensic experts came to the conclusion that before his death, the artist was severely beaten. The actor had multiple fractures of the vault and base of the skull, severe brain contusion, abrasions on the knuckles and bruises on his knees. Strange sounds and moans were also heard by neighbors who did not pay due attention to them.

"They beat me with hard blunt objects. Wooden legs from stools and chairs. And also with bottles," experts say. They said that they found fragments of glass in Panin's wounds, which got there during blows. Also on Panin's head there were at least three serious wounds. A close friend of the artist, Boris Polunin, said that at the time Panin's body was found, the entire apartment was covered in blood. "There was blood in all the rooms," he said. According to him, Andrei Panin was found in the kitchen, while the balcony was closed and propped up with a kitchen table and chairs. Investigators opened a criminal case into the death of actor Andrei Panin in Moscow. The case was initiated under part 4, article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim).

It's hard to let go of a mysterious death that we can never explain. While detectives can become obsessed with unsolved crimes, imagine the anguish unsolved crimes inflict on the families of the victims. It's easy to think that there is one missing piece of the puzzle needed to solve it. But, sometimes the puzzle will never be solved. The secret will remain. And we'll wonder what really happened. Here are 8 mysterious deaths we will never be able to explain.


1. Blazing car killer.

Being in serious financial debt, Alfred Rouse planned to fake his death and flee the city. He picked up a stranger on the side of the road and planned to kill him and then set fire to his car. He beat him up and burned him in his car. As a result, Rouse was caught and hanged for this crime. Around the same time, a man named William Briggs left his home for a doctor's visit and was never heard from again. People thought that Briggs was the man Rouse killed, but recent DNA tests have shown that it is not Briggs, which raises two questions. What happened to Briggs and who was the man in the car?

2. Edgar Allan Poe.

On October 3, 1849, in Baltimore, Edgar Allan Poe was found lying in a ditch by Joseph W. Walker, the composer. Poe was alive at the time, but delirious. Poe spent the next four days in fits of delirium and hallucinations. Officially, he died of cerebral edema. But no one understands how he got into such a state. Theories abound, from murder and the flu to rabies and alcohol poisoning.

3. Albert Dekker.

famous actor, Albert Dekker held most his life in Hollywood, creating successful career. At the age of 62, Dekker played a role in a classic Western film « wild gang » . The film he never saw. His wife found him in her Hollywood apartment, naked and dead, hanging from a leather belt around his neck. His eyes were covered with a scarf, he had a ball in his mouth, and his hands were tied behind his back. The bathroom door was locked from the inside with a chain, and there was no other way out. How he could do all this with himself is a mystery.

4. Black dahlia.

In 1947, Elizabeth Short, nicknamed "The Black Dahlia", was a 22-year-old girl who dreamed of conquering Hollywood. She worked as a waitress to support herself until she achieved fame, but unfortunately that day never came. Later they found her naked body, which was completely torn in half and mutilated. Her killer also completely bled her out and took out her insides. Despite the efforts of the police and the FBI, the killer was never found.

5. Tom Thomson.

The famous early 20th-century landscape painter Tom Thomson enjoyed painting landscapes in Algonquin Park. He was in awe of its beauty. Tragically, this is the same park that will take his life. On July 8, 1917, his canoe turned upside down, but the artist's body was nowhere to be found.

6 The Grimes Sisters

It was in 1956 Chicago, just days after Christmas, when the Grimes sisters, Barbara, 15, and Patricia, 13, asked their mother to let them go on a bus ride to see Love Me Tender, Elvis Presley's first film. They were huge fans of the singer and their mother agreed. A month later, a construction worker driving down the road to Willow Springs, Illinois, found their dead, frozen bodies. After the autopsy, forensic experts found no blows, wounds, or bullet wounds. They concluded that the girls died from freezing. The autopsy also showed that Barbara had sex, but there was no other evidence. Over time, the case was closed.

7. Mass kill in Villisk.

A little over a hundred years ago in the small town of Villisca, Iowa, a man with an ax entered Moore's residence with cruel intent. It was midnight and the man went through the open back door, slipping silently past two sleeping girls and up the stairs to where Jay Moore slept next to his wife. The man hit Jay's head with the ax first and quickly did the same to his wife. Then he calmly approached the rooms of their children and killed them with an axe. Finally, he went downstairs and killed two other girls who were sleeping. Instead of leaving, he stayed, went upstairs again and hit Jay's head with the ax one more time and did the same to the rest of the family. It is believed that he stayed in the house for several hours until he left at about five in the morning, locking the door behind him. Several suspects were put on trial, but no convictions were issued. The case is still unsolved.

8. Karen Silkwood.

When Karen Silkwood got a job as a metallographer at the Cimarron plutonium plant, she hardly knew where it would lead. She later joined the Union of Oil, Chemists and Nuclear Workers and became part of the negotiating committee that commissioned to investigate health and safety issues. In 1974, she reported to the Commission on atomic energy that it found serious health and safety violations among workers. This is where the strangeness began. Shortly thereafter, she discovered that in her working system 400 times the legal limit for plutonium, although she never dealt with hazardous items as part of her job. She decided to publish all her findings and was heading to a New York Times reporter when her car went off the road and hit culvert by killing her. While sleeping pills were found in her car and her blood, indicating she had fallen asleep at the wheel, few believed it. Even more suspiciously, the documents in her car, which she was about to show to a New York Times reporter, are gone. A federal investigation into the plant confirmed Silkwood's claims. The factory closed in 1975.