Brown hare. Lifestyle and habitat of the brown hare. What do hare and hare eat? A story about a hare. E. Shim. White pants

How does a hare spend the winter? educational stories about the hare in pictures, fairy tales, poems for children, speech exercises, educational video for children. Interesting about the world around us.

How does a hare winter?

How do hares winter: do hares have “skis”?

In winter, the hare has many enemies - foxes, wolves, birds of prey. But he also has “magical helpers” who help him quickly escape from his enemies. What kind of helpers are these? You and your children will learn about them from this article.

The hare's first assistant in winter is the hare's “skis”! Yes, almost real! Where did the hare get his skis? Listen :).

In winter, the soles of the hare's feet are covered with thick hairs. This causes the toes to move apart greatly and look like “skis.” Therefore, the bunny runs easily even on loose snow. And the sweat that is released on the hare’s paws lubricates the soles of the paws and protects them from snow sticking. These are the winter paws - all hares have “skis”! In winter there is freedom for hares! They walk on loose snow as if wearing felt boots, and on the crust they rush like an arrow on their “skis” - paws - no one will catch up!

People say: “They wear the hare’s feet.”

What is the difference between a hare - a white hare and a hare - a hare?

There are different types of hares: there is a white hare, and there is a brown hare. What are the differences?

  • The white hare lives in the forest. And the hare is a hare - a resident of fields and meadows.
  • The hare's ears are shorter than those of the hare. And they are black at the tips.
  • The hare's hind legs are longer than those of the hare so that it can run quickly. But the white hare has “skis” - wide feet, and he can easily stay on the snow and not fall through.

This is how it is said in a fairy tale for children - a fairy tale about how a white hare and a brown hare argued with each other in winter.

E. Shim. White and hare

- You, Rusak, live in the fields, in wild places. Must be a better runner than me forest hare.
“I’m already a better runner.” You, Belyak, can’t keep up with me!
“Let’s run all the way to that tree.” Who's the fastest?
- Let's! ...
- Well, Rusak? Did I overtake you?
- Overtook... Ufff!..
- That's it! Don’t boast that you can run better than me, the forest hare. The snow in your fields is always strong, the wind blows it, and covers it with infusion. But in our forest the snow is always loose, and in order to run on it, you need to have paws like these!
- What are these?
- But look: the fingers are spread out, there is fur between the fingers. What's your ski? Where can you, shoeless, keep up with me!

The hare's second assistant in winter is its strong hind legs. It is with them that the hare pushes off the snow, running away from enemies. Invite your child to jump like a bunny - ask: “How do you push off the floor? Are your legs strong? Can you jump far ahead?

It is with its strong hind legs that the hare fights off its enemies if they overtake it. The hare will lie on his back and let's fight off the enemy with his hind legs! And not everyone can grab it!

How a hare winters: getting to know the word “loop” and words related to it

The bunny is very smart and cunning. He can’t just hide under a bush - at first meander through the snow will begin to confuse his tracks. Ask your child how he understood the word “loop.” What word does it look like? (for the word “loop”). Where are the loops? (on clothes, on a rope, etc.) Invite your child to gallop or walk like a hare, looping around at home and on a walk.

Invite your child to listen to a poem about how a bunny meandered through the forest:

The bunny ran away from the wolf

The bunny ran away from the wolf
And he dodged it deftly.
Then he ran behind a bush,
Then he ran up the hill,
I ran away from the wolf
And he rested in the shade. (E. A. Alyabyeva. From the book “Development of the Verbal Dictionary” - M.: Sfera, 2011)

After reading the poem, ask: “What did the bunny do? He’s from the wolf..., behind the bush..., on the hill..., from the wolf... And then home... (he ran).” Explain to your child that all these words are “ words are relatives.” List your relatives with your child, tell him who is called relatives. Tell me that words also have relatives - related words. The words “run away, come running, run in, run in” are words that are relatives. They come from the word “run, run.”

For kids, read a poem by V. Berestov about how a hare confuses its tracks.

V. Berestov. Hare song

It won't be long before trouble is in the forest.
But the hare is not a simpleton.
Know how to cover your tracks!
Like this! Like this! Like this!

The trail winds here and there,
Forward, backward and sideways.
Where the hare was, there is no hare.
Jump-jump! Jump-jump! Jump-jump!

The hare has a timid soul
And a careful mind
But how good are carrots!
Hrum-hum! Hrum-hum! Hrum-hum!

Space and freedom are ahead,
And behind - fierce enemy!
And a hare's heart in the chest -
Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock! Tick-tock1

But in the circus, where there are people all around,
He forgets fear
And he beats the drum bravely:
Bang! Bang! Bang!

For an older child, read a story about how a hare loops and how long it is.

N. Sladkov. How long is the hare?

How long is the hare? Well, this is for whom? The beast is small for a human - about the size of a birch log. But for a fox, a hare is two kilometers long? Because for the fox, the hare begins not when she grabs him, but when she smells the scent. A short trail - two or three jumps - and the hare is small.

And if the hare managed to follow and loop, then it becomes longer than the longest animal on earth. It’s not easy for such a big guy to hide in the forest.

This makes the hare very sad: live in eternal fear, don’t gain extra fat.

And so the hare tries with all his might to become shorter. It drowns its footprint in the swamp, tears its footprint in two - it keeps shortening itself. All he thinks about is how to run away from his trail, hide, how to break it, shorten it or drown it.

The hare's dream is to finally become himself, the size of a birch log.

The life of a hare is special. Rain and snowstorms are little joy for everyone, but they are good for the hare: they wash away and cover the trail. And it’s worse when the weather is calm and warm: the trail is hot, the smell lasts a long time. No matter what kind of thicket you get into, there is no peace: maybe the fox is two kilometers behind - now it’s already holding you by the tail!

So it’s hard to say how long the hare is. Which is cunning - shorter, stupid - longer. In calm weather, the smart one stretches out, in a snowstorm and downpour, the stupid one shortens.

Every day, the length of the hare is different.

And very rarely, when he is really lucky, there is a hare of the same length - as long as a birch log - as a person knows him.

Everyone whose nose works better than their eyes knows about this. The wolves know. Foxes know. You should know too.

Ask your child after reading the story, how long is the hare? Why does the hare “stretch out” in calm weather, and “shorten” in rain?

How does a hare winter: what does a hare eat in winter?

During the day it is dangerous for a hare to run through the forest - he sits in a hole - hiding from everyone. And in the evening he comes out of his hiding place to eat and run around to his heart's content. The hare eats tree branches and the bark of young birches and willows in winter. The hare loves the bitter bark of young aspen trees. Hares have very sharp teeth - like scissors!

The hare's third assistant in winter is his white winter coat. During the day, hares sit under snowy white bushes in a white fur coat, and they are unnoticed. The color of their fur blends with the color of the snow.

You will learn why a hare needs a white coat in winter from an educational fairy tale for children.

Why does a hare need white pants in winter?

A story about a hare. E. Shim. White pants

It’s freezing in the forest, the animals are getting ready to exchange their summer clothes for winter ones.
And this is a novelty for the young Bunny. He is just facing his first winter. And the Bunny can’t wait to show off his new look. I didn’t wait until all my clothes were ready, I took them and put on new pants.
“Ehma,” he says, “I’ll walk around and show off!”
And the pants are really good. White, like the first snowball, fluffy, warm! The Hare is walking, and you can see his new pants far away, as if someone is waving a handkerchief. The Hare rejoices:
- Let everyone see, let everyone envy!

And of course, we saw it.
As soon as the Bunny came out into the clearing, the Owl noticed from the tree. She rushed down, aimed her claws, and was about to grab them! The Hare barely dodged, ran wildly into the bushes - under a Christmas tree, under a birch tree...

He jumped out into the birch forest - the fox noticed it from afar. She chased with all her might, even yapping with joy as she ran... The Hare barely forestalled her, circled for an hour until the Fox fell behind.

He flew out to the edge of the forest - and here you are: the Hunter is walking towards him with a gun. Right now, right now, he'll take aim at you!

Oh, if only I could take off my white pants!
Don't jump out of them.
The Hare hid in the deepest thicket and hid in the bushes behind a hummock. He’s lying there, trembling: as if someone had inadvertently noticed.
I now understand that white pants are not given for beauty alone.

After reading, ask your child: “Why is the hare given a white winter coat and white “pants”?

Video for children about how a hare lives in winter

Wonderful forest fairy tale about the hare for children - very interesting and educational. You will learn a lot of new things yourself! Be sure to listen to this fairy tale with your children!

And here is another video - this is a story for older children preschool age about a hare and his life in winter.

How a hare winters: stories and poems for children

L. Tolstoy. Hares.

At night, forest hares feed on tree bark, field hares on winter crops and grass, and bean hares on grain grains on threshing floors. During the night, hares make a deep, visible trail in the snow. Hares are hunted by people, dogs, wolves, foxes, crows, and eagles. If the hare had walked simply and straightly, then in the morning he would have been found by the trail and caught; but the hare is cowardly, and cowardice saves him.

The hare walks through fields and forests at night without fear and makes straight tracks; but as soon as morning comes, his enemies wake up: the hare begins to hear the barking of dogs, the screeching of sleighs, the voices of men, the crackling of a wolf in the forest and begins to rush from side to side in fear. He will gallop forward, get scared by something, and run back in his tracks. If he hears something else, he will jump to the side with all his might and gallop away from the previous trail. Again something knocks - again the hare turns back and again jumps to the side. When it becomes light, he will lie down.

The next morning, the hunters begin to disassemble the hare's trail, get confused by the double tracks, and yes
light jumps and are amazed at the hare’s cunning. But the hare didn’t even think of being cunning. He's just afraid of everything.

M. Prishvin. Hare's overnight stay

In the morning Zinochka walked with me hare trail. Yesterday my dog ​​drove this hare here right to our campsite from a distant forest. Did the hare return to the forest, or did he stay to live near people somewhere in a ravine? We walked around the field and found the return trail. He was fresh.
- Following this trail he returned to his old forest, I said.
- Where did he spend the night, hare? – Zinochka asked.
For a moment her question confused me, but I came to my senses and answered:
“We spend the night, and hares live at night; he passed here at night and went into the forest during the day; He's lying there now, resting. We spend the night, but the hares spend the day, and they are much more afraid during the day than at night. During the day, everyone strong beast may offend.

Ask after reading the story - what is “day and night”? Why do hares “sleep during the day” and people “spend the night”? Why is a hare more afraid during the day than at night?

T. Belozerov. Hare.

Rustle, ringing kurzhak
Woke up the brown hare.
The poor thing is afraid and cold,
He's hungry and has no time to play!
In a blue snowy ravine
He ate willow bark.
Emboldened, I warmed up little by little,
I ran around the frosty forest,
Crossed the deserted road
And disappeared into the green winter...

More about the hare and how the hare prepares for winter You will find interesting material for activities with children in the article - (experiments, fairy tale, cartoon, speech games and tasks)

You learned from this article, How does a hare spend the winter? If you want to introduce children to other animals and winter nature, then I invite you


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

It turns out that not all hares are the same. The hare and the hare are so different from each other that it is even surprising how some people manage to confuse them. However, the problem is common. Understanding the differences will be useful not only for amateurs wildlife, but also to hunters, rangers, forest workers, and just young naturalists. Ability to recognize characteristic differences of these animals will also be useful to those who study the habits of these animals, and they differ greatly.

White man and hare - who are they?

It is worth considering each representative of these species separately in order to understand the main differences at an early stage.

White hare- a fairly large animal, can reach a body length of up to 60 centimeters, weight from 1.6 to 4.5 kilograms. The usual habitat is northern Europe. In Russia, it is mainly distributed in the north up to and including the tundra zone. Considered to be a forest dweller. The ears are long, but not as long as those of his relative the hare. Solid white tail, short and rounded, wide paws. In winter it has a clean white color except for the tips of the ears, and in summer it is grayish or reddish.

White hare

Brown hare- also large (57–68 centimeters, weight up to 7 kilograms), often larger than a white hare. Lives in Western and Minor Asia, Europe, North Africa. In Russia it is found within the European and northern parts. Considered a resident of the steppes, fields, and meadows. It has a fragile build, long ears, a wedge-shaped tail, black or black-brown on top.

Brown hare

Main differences

As already mentioned, the first thing you should pay attention to when identifying an animal is the size of the ears. The hare's are shorter, and the hare's are longer.

Also, the hind limbs of the hare are somewhat longer than those of his brother. The length of the foot can reach 18.5 centimeters. This provides him with faster running than the hare. But the latter has wider feet in order to stay on the snow.

The difficulty in distinguishing one from the other arises in the summer, when both are gray in color. However anatomical features it will not be possible to disguise it, so an experienced observer will always be able to recognize who is the real white hare and who is the hare.

The peculiarity of the hare's diet is that if deep snow cover is established, it can move onto bark and bushes. Moreover, there is maple, oak, hazel, and broom wood. But willow and aspen are not so favored. While the latter are the hare’s favorite delicacies.

Conclusions website

  1. The hare is often larger in size than the hare.
  2. The hare's ears are noticeably smaller than those of the hare and have black dots at the tips.
  3. The hare is more slender and sinewy, while the hare is more streamlined.
  4. The hare's hind limbs are longer and he runs faster, while the hare is slower.
  5. The hare has wider paws so as not to fall through in the snow, but the hare cannot boast of this.
  6. Willow and aspen are the hare's favorite delicacies, but the hare does not really like them.

Still, it’s nice to read the fairy tale “Belyak” by M. M. Prishvin, even for adults, you immediately remember your childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages one to rethink oneself, was crowned with success. All heroes were “honed” by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, paying great and deep importance to children’s education. And the thought comes, and behind it the desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, win the love of a modest and wise princess. The text, written in the last millennium, combines surprisingly easily and naturally with our modern times; its relevance has not diminished at all. The dialogues of the characters are often touching; they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. An important role for children’s perception is played by visual images, of which, quite successfully, abound this work. The fairy tale “Belyak” by Prishvin M. M. can be read for free online countless times without losing love and desire for this creation.

Direct wet snow sat on twigs in the forest all night, broke off, fell, rustled.

The rustling drove the white hare out of the forest, and he probably realized that by morning black field will turn white and he, completely white, can lie quietly. And he lay down on a field not far from the forest, and not far from him, also like a hare, lay weathered over the summer and whitened sun rays horse skull.

By dawn the whole field was covered, and both the white hare and the white skull had disappeared into the white immensity.

We were a little late, and by the time we released the hound, the tracks had already begun to blur.

When Osman began to disassemble the fat, it was still difficult to distinguish the shape of the hare's paw from the hare's: he was walking along the hare. But before Osman had time to straighten the trail, everything completely melted away on the white path, and then on the black path there was neither sight nor smell left.

We gave up on hunting and began to return home at the edge of the forest.

“Look through binoculars,” I said to my friend, “that it’s white there on the black field and so bright.”

“Horse skull, head,” he answered.

I took the binoculars from him and also saw the skull.

“There’s something still white there,” said the comrade, “look further to the left.”

I looked there, and there, also like a skull, bright white, lay a hare, and through prismatic binoculars you could even see black eyes on the white. He was in a desperate situation: lying down meant being in full view of everyone, running meant leaving a print on the soft wet ground for the dog. We stopped his hesitation: we lifted him up, and at the same moment Osman, having seen him again, set off with a wild roar towards the sighted man.


Leo Tolstoy "Rusak"

The brown hare lived in winter near the village. When night came, he raised one ear and listened; then he picked up the other one, moved his whiskers, sniffed it and sat down on his hind legs. Then he jumped again and again in the deep snow and again sat down on his hind legs and began to look around. Nothing was visible from all sides except snow. The snow lay in waves and glittered like sugar. There was frosty steam above the hare's head, and through this steam large bright stars could be seen.

The hare had to cross the main road to get to the familiar threshing floor. On the high road you could hear the squealing of runners, the snorting of horses, and the creaking of chairs in the sleigh.

The hare stopped again near the road. The men walked next to the sleigh with the collars of their caftans raised. Their faces were barely visible. Their beards, mustaches, and eyelashes were white. Steam came out of their mouths and noses. Their horses were sweaty, and frost stuck to the sweat. The horses jostled in the collars, dived, and surfaced in potholes. The men caught up, overtook, and beat the horses with whips. Two old men walked side by side, and one told the other how his horse was stolen.

When the convoy passed, the hare crossed the road and walked lightly to the threshing floor; The little dog from the convoy saw a hare. She barked and ran after him. The hare galloped to the threshing floor on Saturday; the hare was held by suboi, and the dog got stuck in the snow on the tenth jump and stopped. Then the hare also stopped, sat on his hind legs and slowly walked towards the threshing floor. On the way, he met two birds with one stone in the greens. They fed and played. The hare played with his comrades, dug with them in the frosty snow, ate winter crops and moved on. Everything in the village was quiet, the lights were extinguished. All you could hear was the crying of a child in the hut through the walls and the crackling of frost in the logs of the huts. The hare went to the threshing floor and found comrades there. He played with them on the cleared drain, ate oats from the open pantry, climbed up the snow-covered roof onto the barn and walked through the fence back to his ravine. The dawn was shining in the east, there were fewer stars, and the frosty steam rose above the ground even thicker. In a nearby village, women woke up and went to fetch water; the men were carrying food from the barn, the children were screaming and crying. There were even more convoys along the road, and the men were talking louder.

The hare jumped across the road, went up to his old hole, chose a higher place, dug up the snow, lay down backwards in the new hole, laid his ears on his back and fell asleep with his eyes open.

Hares They are not rodents, as we often think, and they are not actually that harmless. This mammal shows aggression when threatened. We know about the white hare from fairy tales, but we remember little, what are the differences and similarities between hare and hare. Why are they so confused? Let's figure it out together, starting with the characteristics.

Description of the hare

Hare body length 68-70 cm, despite the fact that the body itself is slender and the sides are compressed. Weight can reach 7 kg! Main feature – wedge-shaped ears, growing from 9 to 15 cm. It is thanks to long ears, hares have well-developed hearing, vision and a weaker sense of smell. Hind limbs They have long feet; in case of danger, their speed reaches 80 km/h. A sudden change in direction puts predators into a stupor; they climb slopes well, but go back down head over heels. Hare fur rough, but very warm, the color depends on the season of the year. In winter, only the hare wears completely white fur, which is where it got its name; in summer, its color is gray. And only the tips of the ears remain dark in color, which looks very beautiful. Hare lifespan 5 years, but the female can live up to 9; in some cases, hares live up to 12-14 years.

How does a white hare differ from a brown hare?

Because many of us are confused hare and hare, we will tell you about the similarities and differences between these hares.


1. Both hares

2. Lead sedentary image life

3. Gray fur in summer

4. They eat only plant foods.

5. They don’t stock up for the winter.


1. The brown hare is larger in size

2. The hare is completely white in winter, only the tips of the ears remain dark, and the hare only becomes lighter.

3. The hare lives only in the forest, while the hare lives in gardens, meadows, steppes, and arable lands

4. The hare has wide paws adapted to snow

5. The hare's ears are noticeably shorter than those of the hare, and they are colored with a dark dot

6. The hare has wavy fur, the hare has smooth fur

7. The hind legs of the hare are much shorter than those of the hare

8. The hare has a wedge-shaped and long tail, the hare has a short and rounded tail.

9. In winter, the hare feeds on aspen and willow, while the hare feeds on oak and maple bark


What does the hare eat?

Undoubtedly, the hare's nutrition depends depending on the time of year. In winter, for example, they cause extreme damage to trees and shrubs by feeding on their bark. They also dig up crops in the snow. But a hare cannot be called a vegetarian! In the northern regions it was discovered that hares were attacking partridges.

In summer time hare eats various plants like clover, dandelions and many other herbs. Branches and leaves of young trees and shoots of bushes are perfect. It is unlikely that a hare refuses vegetables, especially when located near villages where you can profit from cabbage and carrots.

Where does the white hare live?

Where do our fairy-tale creatures live?

The White Hare has spread almost all over Russia! But it can also be found in different countries our world, for example, in Ireland, in Mongolia, in Northern Europe And South America. Belyaka Can't be confused with anyone! Yes yes! After all, only he dresses in all white in winter. Hares live in open forest and steppe landscapes, in fields and meadows, on forest edges. They do not go deep into the forest, preferring to live close to people, because there is something to profit from there. They are active in the evening and at night, but during the day they sit out in their burrows.