Aquarium catfish photos and names. Aquarium catfish Predatory aquarium catfish

All types of aquarium catfish, of which there are a huge number in nature, are surprisingly similar in appearance. More than 1,200 thousand different waterfowl variations of this species live in aquariums alone.

Otherwise, these fish are called cleaners, because they eat the remains of half-eaten, rotting food lying on the bottom.

And many amateurs purchase such “orderlies” precisely because of their accuracy. You can buy such interesting specimens at any pet store.

When buying a catfish, you should keep in mind that you will not constantly admire its cute face.

Many of them are nocturnal and during the day they hide behind snags and in other shelters. The only exception is.

Also, catfish generally have a protective coloring and completely blend in with the surrounding soil.
Many fish in this group grow to very large sizes and are predators.

Therefore, aquarists sometimes miss the small inhabitants of the aquarium: or.

Catfish are egg-laying fish and reproduce quite easily.


Stellate Ancistrus photo can be enlarged. The aquarium fins are decorated with 7 luxurious fins: two pectoral, a pair of abdominal, a large dorsal, anal and adipose. On the elongated lips of the round mouth there are large horn-like suckers, with the help of which the fish stick to snags and feed on green algae. Small eyes gleam on their impressively sized heads.

Speckled catfish

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Or the common catfish is one of the oldest inhabitants of freshwater aquariums, into which it came at the end of the nineteenth century. Natural environment Habitats for speckled catfish are shallow standing ponds South America.

These are relatively small fish, females (about 8 cm) are slightly larger than males (4-6 cm), their body is short, dense and stocky. The shape of the body is completely adapted for the bottom lifestyle - the back is strongly arched, but the abdomen, on the contrary, is almost flat (see photo of a speckled catfish). The entire body of the catfish is covered with bony plates and resembles a shell. The dorsal fin is high and straight, slightly rounded in females. The body color is brownish-gray with yellow on top, with a slight metallic sheen, and the catfish’s abdomen is yellow-pink.

An albino form of the speckled catfish has been bred - it is pale pink in color with red eyes, like all albinos. Easily crosses with the regular form. The lifespan of speckled catfish is approximately six to eight years.

The optimal conditions for keeping speckled catfish are as follows: temperature - 20-25 ° C, pH - 6.0-7.5, water hardness up to 20 °. Catfish do not like water temperatures that are too high. You need to install a good filter in the aquarium, and change about 30% of the water to fresh water every week. Catfish love to live in a flock, so it is better to have several pairs at once, this will make them much more comfortable.

It’s better to choose something small and not sharp, because this fish loves to dig for it. In addition, the soil layer must be of decent thickness.

Breeding speckled catfish is also not very difficult and is accessible even to novice aquarists. Perhaps beginners should even try their hand at these fish, because there is nothing difficult about it. An aquarium of ten liters or more is suitable for spawning.

Spawning of speckled catfish begins when several conditions are met, namely: a decrease in water temperature, increased aeration and regular water changes. The soil in the spawning area is not necessary; it is enough to press down any plant with a medium-sized stone. Usually one female and two or three males are released for spawning. Producers are placed in the aquarium in the evening, spawning itself occurs in the morning.

It is advisable to place the aquarium so that the rays of the sun fall on it, then reproduction will occur with the sunrise.

The fry are quite large, feeding them is not difficult, and they are as unpretentious as adults. Any food for fry or finely ground food for adult fish will do. With normal nutrition and housing conditions, by a month the fry reach a centimeter length.

Striped platidoras

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The striped platidoras is a species of catfish of the armored catfish family. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. Lives in the Amazon, Tocantins, Parnaiba, Orinoco and Essequibo river basins in French Guiana and Suriname.

In nature, the size of these catfish can reach 24 cm, and their age, according to some sources, is up to 20 years.

It is better to catch catfish using a jar or vessel, as they can very easily become entangled in the net due to the rather sharp rays of the fins. When fishing, you should be careful, as the sting from their spines is painful.

They are omnivores, so they are not picky about food. In nature, they feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and various aquatic insects. For aquarium catfish, food should contain a lot of protein.

About 20-30% of the diet should be plant foods. Earthworms are suitable as food. Since these fish feed from the bottom, you should give them sinking granules or tablets.

Sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce occurs at the age of one year. The spawning tank must have a volume of 100 liters or more. Aeration, filtration and creation of water flow are required. Water for dilution: GH up to 6°; pH 6.5-7.0; t 27-29 °C. Carbonate hardness is minimal. As a rule, the spawning process is activated by the injection of gonadotropic hormones. Catfish can build a small nest (3 to 10 cm in diameter) from pieces of plants. After this, they lay eggs and attach them to the substrate. You can use synthetic threads and small-leaved aquatic plants.

The female lays up to 300 eggs. After spawning, the catfish are removed. The eggs develop within 2.5-3 days. Juveniles begin to swim at 5-6 days. Fry should be fed with live dust and microworms.

The fry are quite large, feeding them is not difficult, and they are as unpretentious as adults. Any food for fry or finely ground food for adult fish will do. With normal nutrition and housing conditions, by a month the fry reach a centimeter length.


Catfish Tarakatum is an excellent choice for those who prefer to keep an aquarium with large unusual fish at home. Despite their size, these pets are very unpretentious, have a reputation as kind and peaceful neighbors, and watching catfish swarm in the aquarium is a pleasure. At home, the Tarakatum catfish grows to a decent size - 14-16 centimeters, and combined with restlessness, this produces a very funny impression. Many breeders kindly compare these cute catfish with cockroaches, because similar name

. Their resemblance to insects is also given by their long, spectacular antennae, restless nature and ability to survive in any “aquarium” conditions.

The wide distribution area also provided a noticeable difference in the color of the fish. If you want to know what a cockroach looks like, the photos will show cute hulks with the same long antennae, but completely different color . Most often you can find a dark, almost black color, with light streaks throughout the body. There are spotted and striped “aquarium cockroaches”, also known as “tiger” and “leopard”. Such catfish are light gray, greenish or pink color

body, over which darker spots are scattered.

Aquarium fish Tarakatum are ideal for inexperienced owners: they are friendly, unpretentious and quickly get used to new conditions. The main and basic requirement for your mustachioed aquatic pets is a large aquarium, at least 100 liters (or more). The soil is better sandy or small rocky - playful catfish love to rummage in the ground for a long time, and sharp stones can injure their antennae or head. Tarakatums prefer to frolic at night, but quickly get used to it and can be active at any time of the day. These are sociable animals, so it’s worth keeping a small flock of catfish at home to constantly admire their games. A particularly beautiful sight is aquarium cockroaches on vacation - large fish naturally lay side by side on the bottom and resemble a group fur seals

on a rest. However, such calm is only a temporary phenomenon, so do not forget to close the aquarium with a lid - not only can a naughty cockroach jump out of the water, all surfaces near the vessel will be splashed. IN wildlife

In Tarakatum fish, reproduction occurs as follows: catfish choose a flat leaf of a plant that floats on the surface, and the male builds a foamy nest under it, where the female lays eggs. In a home aquarium, such a sheet successfully replaces a piece of foam plastic 15 by 7 centimeters and about 2 centimeters thick, which is attached to the corner with suction cups. If you have 3-4 pairs of cockroaches or one male for several females, there should be 1-2 more pieces of foam than required - this will help to avoid a fight for space.

Breeding cockroaches begins with preparing the aquarium - the temperature is slightly increased, and the water is changed more often. After the female lays eggs, the male and the foam nest are placed in the spawning area (if the female is not removed, the male cockroach himself will begin to drive her away from the eggs).

The fry are quite large, feeding them is not difficult, and they are as unpretentious as adults. Any food for fry or finely ground food for adult fish will do. With normal nutrition and housing conditions, by a month the fry reach a centimeter length.

Panda catfish are peaceful, schooling fish that live in the Paquitea, Rio Paciteo, and Ucayali rivers, which flow in South America. IN aquarium conditions these catfish can live with any non-aggressive fish, even those larger in size. The neighbors in the pond do not seem to notice the pandas, and they, in turn, also do not show any interest in them. That is why teenage pandas can be placed in a community aquarium as early as 2 months of age.

Corydoras pandas have additional intestinal respiration, which is why they sometimes swim to the surface of the water and swallow air, after which they calmly swim to the bottom again. It is at the bottom that pandas spend most of their time.

It should be noted that these catfish are not “orderlies” of the aquarium; they do not eat leftover food from other fish. Panda catfish eat live, frozen food, flakes, and catfish tablets. Food is taken mainly from the bottom. Breeders of these catfish believe that if the juveniles of these fish are not given live food, namely well-washed tubifex, then the catfish turn out to be tight and small. By the way, the length of an adult healthy panda catfish should be about 5-5.5 cm.

Optimal temperature water for keeping these catfish – 22-26℃; pH 5.8-7.5;

hardness 5-16°. Filtration, aeration and weekly water changes are required. Panda corydoras reach sexual maturity at 10 months. The females of these catfish larger than males

, their dorsal fin is rounded, and the abdominal line has an arched profile. In males, the abdominal line is straight, the dorsal fin has a pointed shape.

The fry are quite large, feeding them is not difficult, and they are as unpretentious as adults. Any food for fry or finely ground food for adult fish will do. With normal nutrition and housing conditions, by a month the fry reach a centimeter length.

Glass catfish The glass catfish gets its name from its transparent body. Through the skeleton of the fish you can see the background of the aquarium. The body is elongated and laterally compressed. Both the skeleton and swim bladder are clearly visible. Rest internal organs

located in the front of the body and are not visible. Depending on the light, the body may acquire blue tints. Like all catfish, the fish has a pair of antennae on its upper jaw.

An aquarium for glass catfish must be planted with a large number of live plants.

Catfish swim in the middle layers of water, and unlike other relatives, they do not hide in shelters. Fish love shaded areas, so it is advisable to place floating plants in the aquarium. Lighting should be dim as bright light can cause unnecessary stress for the fish. As for water parameters, then glass catfish

is very sensitive to water purity, so care must be taken to ensure good filtration in the aquarium. Aeration is also desirable. The optimal water parameters are: acidity 6.5-7.5 pH, hardness 4-15° dH, temperature 23-26ºC. It is better to change water weekly, approximately 20-30% of the total volume.

For feeding, you can use live food and some high-quality dry food. The diet should be varied. These aquarium catfish have a peaceful character, so you can choose calm small fish for company.

To breed glass catfish at home, first lower the water temperature by several degrees and the water level in the aquarium to half. After this, soft water is added every day in small portions. To stimulate spawning, fish are fed large amounts of live food before spawning. After spawning, the producers are removed from the aquarium. If it was possible to stimulate spawning, the female will spawn eggs on the plants. Imitating the rainy season will also help the eggs develop. The starting food for fry is encapsulated brine shrimp.

The fry are quite large, feeding them is not difficult, and they are as unpretentious as adults. Any food for fry or finely ground food for adult fish will do. With normal nutrition and housing conditions, by a month the fry reach a centimeter length.

Catfish changeling

The shifter catfish belongs to the fringed catfish. It has a characteristic body, almost triangular in cross-section, a semicircular mouth and powerful spines in the dorsal and pectoral fins. It has three pairs of antennae, two of which are feathery, as if fringed. In nature, this catfish feeds mainly on insects (that have fallen on

water surface

During the day, the catfish mainly hides among snags, in various caves; at night it begins to become active, looking for food. Large aquariums with various shelters, snags, grottoes, and plants are suitable for keeping catfish shifters. Water temperature +22-+27 ºС. Aeration, filtration and water changes of 1/3 volume weekly are required.

Synodontis changeling is a schooling fish, this must be taken into account. But the most important thing to consider when purchasing these fish is that many of them (or rather, most) active predators and they will not swim peacefully next to their small neighbors, they will certainly devour them. It is better to keep them with cichlids or similar big fish.

Sacbranch catfish

The fry are quite large, feeding them is not difficult, and they are as unpretentious as adults. Any food for fry or finely ground food for adult fish will do. With normal nutrition and housing conditions, by a month the fry reach a centimeter length.

Under natural conditions, this catfish is widespread in Asian countries - Iran and Pakistan, India and Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Catfish prefers large and small reservoirs with stagnant water, muddy channels with weak currents, and is occasionally found in brackish water.

If an ordinary river catfish has a flat body, compressed at the top, then Heteropneustes fossilis is a bit like an eel. Its body is compressed laterally, and only its muzzle is flat, equipped with four pairs of long, stiff whiskers. He swims like an eel, wriggling his whole body. The color of the fish is unremarkable: dark brown or gray, but there are also albino catfish with off-white skin color.

This catfish is a fairly large fish, and during its life processes a lot of waste is generated. Accordingly, good filtration and medium intensity aeration are necessary. Water changes should be done 1-2 times a week (10-15% of the total volume).

Feature home care is the fact that the catfish acquires body length in accordance with the size of the aquarium. For example, in a 200-liter jar it can grow up to 35-40 cm. In a small volume, the length of the fish will be shorter. You need to create shelters in the aquarium - grottoes and caves, driftwood, fragments of ceramic pipes or inverted clay pots with a side hole. But the bottom of the artificial reservoir should not be cluttered - at night, when the owners are sleeping, the catfish actively swims and hunts.

The predator is unpretentious in food. It can be fed frozen dry food, worms, meat, fish fillets, and shrimp. Commercial feeds include Neon BloodWorms, Sera Viformo, Tetra PlekoMin, Tetra TabiMin and some others. Under optimal conditions, catfish can live in an aquarium for up to 20 years.

Asian catfish become sexually mature at the age of 2 years. Under natural conditions they spawn during rainy periods. In artificial home reservoirs, spawning is induced by injection of a special drug - gonadotropin.

Shark catfish

The fry are quite large, feeding them is not difficult, and they are as unpretentious as adults. Any food for fry or finely ground food for adult fish will do. With normal nutrition and housing conditions, by a month the fry reach a centimeter length.

In nature, the shark catfish is quite impressive in size: it reaches a length of more than 1 meter, and in aquariums it grows up to 50-70 cm. If you watch a video with a shark catfish, you will see how much this fish really looks like a real large predator.

The homeland of this fish is the lakes and rivers of Vietnam. Initially, aquarists were not interested in it, but in the food industry the shark catfish Siamese pangasius played a big role, and not by chance - the fact is that the catfish is capable of gaining up to 40 kg in a short period of time. However, later aquarists paid close attention to the beauty and unusualness of this fish.

When these aquarium fish are still young, their body is colored silver-gray and has discreet dark longitudinal stripes. Over time, the color of the fish becomes monochromatic. Two pairs of long mustaches still make it possible to distinguish this fish from a small shark; large eyes are located on the sides of the head. Females are slightly larger than males, and their color is paler.

Shark catfish are not only large, they are also very active fish, and mainly like to be in the middle layers of water. Therefore, the optimal tanks for them are aquariums of at least 400 liters, elongated in length. The aquarium should have a lot of space, free from decorations, provided for the free swimming of its inhabitants. Adult fish can only be kept in huge public aquariums with a volume of several thousand liters. While catfish are still young, they can live in aquariums as long as 1.2 m, but keep in mind that freshwater sharks grow very quickly, so they will soon need a new home. All decorations with sharp edges must be removed from the aquarium, since this species tends to make sudden lunges, as a result of which the freshwater shark can damage the skin.

It is worth saying that freshwater sharks eat quite a lot. However, they only grab the food that is in the water column next to them. Therefore, in order to maintain cleanliness in the aquarium, it is advisable to have fish that will pick up food particles from the bottom - then there will be much less pollution in the aqua. Freshwater sharks should be fed in the evening.

It happens that they refuse to eat if there is too much light in the room - in this case, the lighting should be reduced. The optimal water parameters for keeping shark catfish are the following: temperature - 22-27 °C, hardness - dH 2-20, acidity - pH 6.5 - 7.5. It is necessary to change a third of the water volume every week. In addition, organize powerful filtration and aeration of the water, since in old water the fish will feel uncomfortable and may even get sick. It is especially important to ensure that the levels of nitrites, ammonia and nitrates remain low, and other components of great importance

don't play. About two thousand species of catfish inhabit fresh waters peace. These are some of the ancient fish

planets, their fossil remains were found in sediments of the late Cretaceous period (70 million years ago). One of the main signs is the absence of scales, often replaced by bone plates. Catfish lead a bottom nocturnal or twilight lifestyle. There are also predators among them, but most species prefer detritus, plant food and benthic invertebrates. Aquarists keep up to 800 species of catfish, not counting hybrid forms. Normal aquarium conditions are suitable for keeping: hardness 6-12°, temperature 22-26 °C. acidity is neutral, with slight deviations in one direction or another. Through cutaneous respiration, or the ability to breathe atmospheric air

They are represented by almost one and a half hundred species, common in the waters of South America. These are typically omnivorous bottom-dwelling fish. Their body is quite tall, triangular in cross section, covered with bone plates arranged in two parallel rows, reminiscent of parquet. The small lower mouth is surrounded by three pairs of antennae, which help in searching for food. Males are slimmer than females and have more developed dorsal and pectoral fins. Callichthids get along well with any fish, simply ignoring them completely. They themselves are unattractive prey even for large predators. In aquariums with armored catfish that constantly dig at the bottom, it is necessary to arrange efficient water filtration, cover the bottom with pebbles, and plant plants with a strong root system.

The impetus for spawning of callicht catfishes is the fall atmospheric pressure, the addition of soft, cooled water at five degrees and the presence of a substrate for laying eggs. The incubation period is 5-8 days at a temperature of 25 °C. The starting norms are rotifers, microworms, brine shrimp and mixed feed.

Of the armored catfishes, the most common among aquarists are genera Corydoras and Hoplosternum. The genus Corydoras includes the golden catfish (C. aeneus) and the speckled catfish (C. paleatus). The body of the Corydoras is short and ridged. The abdomen is flat, the back is convex. The male's dorsal fin is pointed. The main color of the speckled catfish is olive with a metallic sheen, the back is darker, and the belly is yellow-orange. Irregular dark spots are scattered throughout the body. The golden catfish has a wide shiny dark green stripe running along its entire body. In the anterior third above it there is a narrow golden one. The head and back are dark brown. Both species have albino forms. The speckled catfish is an old-timer in aquariums. Its first breeding dates back to 1878.

Hybrids of golden and speckled catfish, as well as their hybrids with the Corydoras Rabo, Schwartz and the black-striped Bond. The fish grow up to 7 centimeters in length, females are larger than males. Vessels with a volume of at least 80 liters are suitable for spawning. The fish are placed in a spawning tank in a group, with a predominance of males. The water temperature is slightly above 20 °C. The composition does not play a role. The female lays eggs in folded together pelvic fins, where they are fertilized by males, and glues them to a solid substrate. This could be a leaf of a plant or glass of an aquarium. If spawning occurred in general aquarium, the eggs can be carefully removed with a razor and transferred to a separate vessel for incubation. The best starter food is brine shrimp.

In addition to those mentioned, at least three dozen more Corydoras can be found in aquariums.

The genus Hoplosternum is much less rich in species. But one of them is perhaps the most famous aquarium catfish.

Torakatum ( Hoplosternumthoracatum) from Eastern Brazil has been bred in Russia since 1910. This is a fish with a long round body, reaching 18 centimeters in length. The body is covered with two rows of plates, like the Corydoras. At the highest point of the back there is a rather large dorsal fin. The color of the catfish is brownish-brown, with irregular dark spots. There is a black color option. In males, the anterior ray of the pectoral fin is greatly thickened and turned into a powerful bony spine of orange-bloody color.

Torakatums build foam nests under floating objects and plant leaves, releasing air bubbles not with their mouths, like labyrinths, but from under the gill covers. In the spawning area, the easiest way is to use a foam raft the size of school notebook. During spawning, a female can spawn up to 1000 eggs. The male is left to guard the nest, but the raft with the eggs stuck to it can be transferred to a separate vessel. It is advisable to carry out prophylaxis against fungi and add methylene blue or trypaflavin to the water. Two days after hatching, the juveniles begin to take artemia.

Beige hoplosternum ( Hoplosternumlitorale) the size is not inferior to the previous type. The color is beige-olive, sometimes gray with a greenish tint. The body is torpedo-shaped. These catfish build nests in the form of a large and high cap of foam mixed with scraps of plants.

Both species of Hoplosternum are unpretentious, peaceful fish that love darkness. In aquariums, shelters made of driftwood and stones and shaded areas of the bottom are desirable. During maintenance, water parameters do not play a role. In spawning grounds, it is necessary to add soft water and raise the temperature to 24 °C.

Neither experienced aquarists nor beginners are deprived of attention. Distinctive feature These bottom fish have a strongly elongated or flattened body, completely covered with multifaceted bony plates, and a well-developed oral sucker with tubercles and outgrowths for scraping off algal formations. Males are larger, brighter and slimmer than females. In adulthood, they have numerous outgrowths on their heads that resemble plant roots - tentacles. In females they are much less pronounced. The main food of loricariid catfish is plant-based, but they do not refuse bloodworms, tubifex, and fillets. sea ​​fish and sinking feed.

The eggs are deposited in ceramic or glass tubes. During the entire incubation period of the eggs, 6-10 days, the male sits in the tube, covering the eggs with his body. If spawning occurred in a common aquarium, the tube, along with the male and the eggs, is transferred to a separate container, simply closing the ends with your hands. When the fry swims, the male is removed, and the fry is fed with brine shrimp, mixed feed or algae paste.

- from Brazilian waters. The flat body is painted in dark colors with light spots. The abdomen is light. The large dorsal fin resembles a flag. The fish grow in good conditions up to 14 cm. They swim ineptly and reluctantly. They spend most of their time clinging to the glass of the aquarium or plant leaves and scraping off algae. Activated in the dark and when atmospheric pressure drops. Ancistrus are quite suitable for the conditions of a general aquarium, to the other inhabitants of which they do not pay the slightest attention.

The female lays 50-100 sticky, oblong, bright orange eggs that resemble small barberries. The water in the spawning tank and nursery aquarium needs to be slightly acidic, pH=6.0-6.5, temperature 26 °C. The fry begins to take food 6-8 days after hatching.

- one of a large family of fish, most widely known as “red loricaria”. The body is elongated, highly elongated, thin. Length adult fish reaches 12 cm. Color red, various shades. The male is slimmer and has a brush of bristles on his pectoral fins. Loricarias are absolutely peaceful fish. They lead a modest lifestyle, often hiding so that it is impossible to find them in the aquarium. They take any food from the bottom. Spawning is seasonal - in winter. It flows like ancistrus. Suitable tube diameter is about 30 mm. Swimming fry look like scraps of threads 7 mm long. They are very sensitive to water contamination with organic matter. In a nursery aquarium, an activated carbon filter and daily complete replacement water with fresh water, the same composition and temperature. Settled tap water, passed through a filter, is suitable. The fry grows quickly and soon ceases to react painfully to pollution.

When installing filters in aquariums with chain-linked catfish, and especially with their juveniles, it is necessary to prevent fish from getting into the structure. They tend to look for cracks and holes and crawl into them. Once caught in the filter, catfish usually die.

- a catfish with a very thin and long body. The snout is sharp, the pectoral and dorsal fins are large, in the shape of a sharp triangle. It grows up to 30 cm, while being almost a complete vegetarian. He is picky about food - he needs algae tablets, lettuce, even cucumbers. Does not tolerate pollution. The eggs are laid in a tube.

Luxurious catfish from the river. Orinoco. Black or dark brown spots - brocade - are evenly scattered over the light body. The dorsal fin is large and high, sail-shaped. The mouth is a large, strong sucker. Swims poorly and reluctantly. It eats fouling and scrapes wood snags that need to be provided to it. But he doesn’t refuse bloodworms either. Water hardness varies widely, temperature from 23 to 30 °C.

The "brocade catfish" has become very fashionable in recent years, but often becomes a problem for beginners. On sale there are usually juveniles measuring 5-7 cm. When purchasing a catfish, they often do not know that it can grow up to 30-35 cm. In a small aquarium, pterygoplicht becomes a “bull in a china shop”, and in a large aquarium, with slow large fish, for example discus fish, trying to attach to them. Catfish are probably attracted to the mucus that covers their body. As a result, the scales are damaged and ulcers may occur. Pterygoplichts does not pay attention to small fish. We can recommend catfish from the genus Hystomus, similar to Pterygoplichthas, which lack this disadvantage and do not grow so quickly.

The body shape is strongly reminiscent of Pterygoplichthas. The dorsal fin is smaller, the color is brown, reddish or reddish. Imported under the names Hypostomus sp., Hypostomus spotted, Hypostomus red, Hypostomus albino and Hypostomus watawata. The last name seems closest to the truth. The conditions of detention are no different from the brocade catfish.

Watawata from Peru is the most useful inhabitant of the aquarium. A convinced vegetarian, not paying attention to bloodworms, is constantly busy cleaning the aquarium of algae. To perform ideal continuous cleaning in a two-hundred-liter container, one catfish is enough. In my pet store, there is always one Watawata catfish in each aquarium. If the catfish does not have enough pasture, it is necessary to feed it with plant food.

Covered with a durable bone shell, absent on the flat belly. Crepuscular, solitary fish looking for food at the bottom. The dorsal and pectoral fins are equipped with strong, jagged spines. Be careful: catfish easily get entangled in the net, and a pricked finger hurts for a long time. If you pick up a catfish in your hands, it makes a loud squeaking noise. Omnivores, but need at least a third of plant food. Withstands a wide range of water hardness, acidity and temperature. They are indifferent to the oxygen content in water and can swallow atmospheric air. Aquariums most often contain agamix (Agamyxis flavopictus) - black in color, with light spots, and platidor (Platydoras costatus), which has yellow stripes on its dark brown body - two on the sides and one on the ridge. Both fish have a short massive body and a large head with not very long whiskers. They grow up to 12-15 cm. They do not pay attention to their neighbors, busy with their own affairs. They require not too coarse gravel at the bottom and shelters made of ceramics or driftwood. The content is not complicated. Breeding is only available to experienced aquarists.

Killer whales are fast, sociable, diurnal catfish that stay in the water column. They are not very predatory and can be kept in a species aquarium with other fish. The skin is bare, without bony plates, the first ray of the dorsal fin is transformed into a hard spine. Water parameters can vary widely. Omnivorous, but live food is preferred. Males are smaller and slimmer.

The most popular killer whale is . It would be more correct to call the catfish “tengara”, since several other mistuses are common, but the name has taken root in the aquarium hobby. The body is elongated, silver-gray, with a bluish tint and light longitudinal stripes. The eyes are large, with contrasting “earrings” behind the gill covers. The snout has four pairs of rather long antennae. Length up to 12 cm. Mistus is a “shock” fish. If there is a sudden change in conditions, for example during a transplant, he “faints” and may die. It doesn’t matter whether the new conditions are worse or better, the mystus reacts only to their change. Before planting newly acquired fish in the aquarium, you need to smoothly equalize the water parameters. The easiest way is to add water from the aquarium intended for it to the water in which the catfish arrived, using a thin tube.

Reddish killer whale ( Mystusmiracanthus), similar in shape to Mystus, but colored in pink-red tones, with large dark spots behind the gill covers and a dark band on the caudal peduncle, and the Siamese killer whale (Leiocassis siamensis), dark brown, with wide yellow transverse stripes, like a bumblebee, contain less often. Caring for them is not difficult, breeding is not mastered.

- a genus of African catfish from the rivers Zaire, Nile, Niger, Zambezi and others. About 10-15 years ago they suddenly entered Russian aquarium fashion. Many of them are peaceful and calm fish, quite large in size. The body is torpedo-shaped, triangular in cross-section, with a large, wide head. Three pairs of long branched mustaches. The color is very variable - from ash-gray to almost black with dark and light spots. All types of synodonts are able to swim belly up, combing the surface of the water with fluffy mustaches and collecting insects that have fallen into the water. For the skinwalker (S. nigriventris), this method of swimming has become the main one. Keeping synodonts is not a problem. The water reaction is neutral, the temperature is 22-26 ° C, but it is advisable to increase the hardness to 18 °. Catfish become active at night, eating bloodworms and other food prepared in advance for them at the bottom. Reproduction of synodonts is very difficult. Only from one species (Synodontis spec.) is it possible to obtain offspring in the traditional way, and even then not always.

The most common are: Angelic synodont, (S.angelicus)- black, with white polka dots. Contrary to its name, it attacks small fish and is only suitable for keeping with cichlids or other fish that can fend for themselves. Size up to 20 cm, usually no more than 15. Changeling (S. nigriventris)- a peaceful catfish up to 6 cm long. Suitable for any aquarium. The color is gray, with streaks, but recently a pure black color option has appeared. Cuckoo (S. multipunctatus)- not a bad companion in a community aquarium. The color is gray-yellow, with dark round spots. Drops its eggs on spawning African cichlids.

- the only species in the family. The body of this catfish is cylindrical, elongated, and the color is black-blue or brown. Sometimes with two golden longitudinal lines. There are also albinos. On the jaws there are 4 pairs of long, dark whiskers directed forward. Size up to 30 cm. Males are brighter and slimmer than females.

During spawning, the coloration of the spawners intensifies and spots appear on the body. The catfish is attractive not because of its color, but because of its unusual shape. These catfish breathe atmospheric air. From the gill cavity to the tail itself, two air sacs extend, acting as lungs. In nature, this adaptation allows catfish to wait out drought, remaining almost without water in semi-dried mud. They can be kept in normal aquarium conditions. During the day, catfish prefer to hide in shelters under stones, snags or plant roots. They treat other inhabitants with indifference, but they can thoroughly scare away other fish trying to take their favorite place on the bottom. In order to avoid conflicts, it is better not to keep other bottom-dwelling species in an aquarium with them. The spawning area requires sandy soil, on which after stormy mating games Up to 5000 eggs are spawned. The fry swims on the seventh day, it is easily fed with compound feed and grows quickly.

When young, it is very similar to the sacbranch catfish. The main difference is the dorsal fin, which extends almost along the entire body. The natural color is brown, with small specks. The marble form often goes on sale. The body is light yellow with dark brown large “marbled” spots. This is a voracious predator for a large species aquarium. It can grow as thick and as long as a teenager's arm. The content is very simple - almost any water parameters. Omnivorous and very voracious.

Catfish from Thailand are very popular in aquariums around the world. It has been imported to Russia not very long ago and is still little known among newcomers. The body is shark-shaped, bluish-silver, with a dark longitudinal stripe. The back is dark. A flock of pangasius rushes feverishly around the aquarium, adhering to the middle layers of water, greatly enlivening the underwater landscape. Quite a peaceful species, suitable for keeping with not too small species. He may panic and “faint,” but quickly comes to his senses. Gluttonous, grows quickly reaching 20 cm. Any food, temperature 23-27 "C, neutral water with slight deviations.

Active during the day, completely peaceful catfish with a transparent body. Internal organs and skeleton are visible through transparent muscles and skin. Lives in average aquarium conditions, but only in a flock. Single individuals die quickly. Keep only with peaceful neighbors such as small characins or livebearers. Easily catches infection from sick fish. At the same time, the transparent body of the catfish becomes cloudy. Thickets of plants are needed as shelters. A small regular water change is needed. Does not tolerate dirt well. It stays in the middle layers of water, swims slowly, “carefully”. Live and dry food is suitable. It grows no larger than 10 cm.

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There are about 2,000 species of catfish in nature, 800 of which are successfully kept and bred by aquarium enthusiasts. The overwhelming majority of catfish prefer a nocturnal lifestyle and mainly live in shelters in the lower layers of water.

Among the huge variety of catfish, there are peaceful and aggressive, herbivorous and predatory individuals, not to mention other distinctive features. The most popular among aquarists are chain-mailed and armored catfish, as well as the so-called sticky catfish, the maintenance and care of which are approximately the same and quite simple.

First of all, you need to understand that catfish in an aquarium are not scavengers and scavengers at all, although they successfully perform the work of orderlies. They, as well as other inhabitants of the aquarium, require proper care.

And before you buy and introduce a representative of the catfish family into the aquarium, you need to take into account such parameters as soil at the bottom, the presence of shelters, vegetation, and compatibility with other fish.

Aquarium soil is required for keeping catfish. In the process of searching for leftover food, the catfish will make some noise by moving pebbles on the bottom of the aquarium. It is not advisable to lay coarse gravel so that the catfish do not damage the abdomen and antennae.

The water temperature in the aquarium should be at 18...26°C, with neutral acidity and hardness of 6-8º. As for plants, artificial ones are mainly used to keep catfish. Echindorus or cryptocarina are suitable as living vegetation.

Catfish prefer a solitary lifestyle and low lighting. For comfortable stay they simply need shelter - grape roots, stones, shells, where they can hide during the day.

A significant place in the maintenance and care of catfish fish is occupied by their proper feeding. They are omnivores, so their main diet may consist of bloodworms, tubifex, koretra, black bread, daphnia, lean meat, and dry food. To ensure adequate nutrition, sometimes they need to be fed with spirulina tablets.

Improper maintenance and care of aquarium catfish can lead to their illness. Excess salts and nitrates in water lead to poor health. They become lethargic, hardly move, refuse food, and their antennae fall off. In this case, they must be immediately removed from the aquarium and enhanced care must be provided - frequent changes of water, increased aeration, and prevention of food rotting.

The underwater world is a very fascinating environment to watch. It is especially interesting to study the behavior of its inhabitants, who swim unnoticed and lurk at the bottom. Aquarium catfish are probably the most popular fish to keep at home. And there are certain reasons for this.

Catfish are one of the most popular aquarium fish.

Reasons for popularity

Aquarium catfish are almost invisible in a home aquarium because they are always on the bottom. Their popularity is due to many factors:

  1. Huge species diversity. It is impossible to find two identical catfish. Scientists number more than one and a half thousand representatives different types. They differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, food preferences, shape and size. Among the existing specimens, it will not be difficult to find a new resident for your home aquarium.

    The reason for the popularity of catfish is the huge variety of species

  2. High level of endurance and unpretentiousness. If a person has not previously kept fish, then the best option for him would be to purchase catfish. But do not forget about aquarium hygiene, since catfish also need clean water, regular feeding and quality care. But they are more tolerant, so they can forgive some mistakes in the content.
  3. Catfish are excellent at cleaning the aquarium of everything unnecessary. Since they swim on the bottom, they eat food that was originally intended for other fish. Catfish also eat algae, preventing them from growing too much in the aquarium.
  4. This type of fish is perfect not only for beginners, but also for experienced aquarists. Catfish will be an excellent addition to other fish species.

    Proper care and maintenance

    For normal living, catfish need to simulate as much as possible the environment in which they lived previously. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the aquarium. You need to choose a container that is as spacious as possible, since catfish can reach 30 centimeters in length.

    The bottom of the aquarium is also an important stage. It is better to choose sand or soft gravel as a soil. It is necessary to place small stones on it where the catfish can rest. It is important to build a place where the fish can hide. Small driftwood that should be placed at the bottom is ideal for these purposes.

    Feeding catfish is quite simple. They need to purchase special food in tablet form. Catfish eat only in the lower layers of water. Food in tablet form prevents theft from other fish and allows catfish to eat normally. These fish are omnivores and can be given any food. It is best to carry out the last feeding immediately after sunset, since these fish are active only at night.

    Although catfish are very hardy, they can suffer from various diseases. It is necessary to carefully monitor their condition. The main symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease in pets:

    • sharp deterioration in appetite;
    • enlarged swollen abdomen;
    • pressed fins;
    • the skin is inflamed or discolored.

    If at least one sign is detected, then it’s time to contact a specialist.

    With regular care, catfish will become the best silent inhabitants of a home aquarium. All that remains is to choose the most interesting views these aquatic inhabitants.

    Catfish only eat at the bottom of the aquarium

    Types of catfish

    There are more than one and a half thousand species of catfish, but not all of them have gained great popularity for keeping in an aquarium. The most favorite species among aquarists include Ancistrus, Corydoras, Otocinclus and some other varieties of catfish. Which fish to choose depends on the preferences of the owner of the artificial pond.

    Ancistrus for beginners

    Ancistrus belongs to the chainmail family. Its Latin name is Ancistrus. But this family also includes about 30 species. Very often its representatives are called stickers, cleaners and suckers. Ancistrus is loved for many reasons:

    1. They clean the aquarium perfectly.
    2. Unpretentious in content.
    3. Their suction cup-shaped mouth gives them the ability to eat small algae that grow on aquarium glass and decorations.
    4. Unique behavior.

    Catfish require certain living conditions. The temperature in an artificial reservoir should be in the region of 20−28 °C, acidity - 6−7.3, and water hardness - up to 10.

    The average life expectancy of Ancistrus representatives does not exceed 7 years. The fish are small. As a rule, their length does not exceed 10 centimeters.

    Catfish can be kept with many other fish, but it is not advisable to house them with cichlids. The latter are very aggressive in nature and can eat catfish fins.

    For several fish you will need an 80 liter aquarium. The bottom should be replete with various shelters - stones, snags and vegetation.

    Catfish get along especially well with cichlids

    Cleaners eat plant foods. They are excellent at eating growing algae from decorations, but they also need to be fed with food, which is sold in large tablets. Catfish are also great at eating scalded spinach and can gnaw on driftwood.

    Catfish corridors

    The fish, which bear the Latin name Corydoras, are considered the most popular. This genus includes a lot of representatives from the smallest specimens to representatives of impressive size. The choice of colors is also quite varied. There are golden, yellow, beige, spotted and purple fish.

    Corydoras catfish are very social and do not like to be alone

    It is not recommended to keep Corydoras alone. These fish are very social. To avoid exposing catfish to loneliness and stress, it is necessary to house them in at least 5 specimens. Catfish are very active. During the daytime, they constantly swim and rest in the thickets. The most popular types aquarium catfish corridors:

    1. Golden.
    2. Shterba.
    3. Panda.
    4. Adolf.
    5. Work.
    6. Speckled catfish.

    These are not all the types that can be purchased. There are many more specimens intended for keeping at home.

    Otocinclus babies

    There are many species of catfish belonging to this genus, but Otocinclus affinis is most suitable for keeping in an aquarium. Most likely, this is what the store will offer first.

    Fish of the genus Otocinclus are the smallest among all types of aquarium catfish. Their length does not exceed 2-3 centimeters. Most often they have a light back, white belly and clear black stripes on the sides.

    Otocinclus grow no more than 2-3 cm in length

    If there are frequent temperature changes in the water, the catfish may experience severe discomfort and stress. This can subsequently lead to death.

    Catfish feed mainly on algae, including dry algae. For variety, you can add small pieces of zucchini. But you need to make sure your pets eat them. If the catfish have not shown interest in them, then the vegetables must be removed from the bottom, otherwise the water may spoil. Otocinclus go well with other types of fish. They get along well with Corydoras.

    Glass representative of catfish

    The glass catfish is considered the most amazing and... unusual appearance. It is distinguished by a peculiar body that allows you to see its bones and entrails. The homeland of catfish is the islands of Borneo. A representative of this species has a body that does not exceed 10 centimeters in length. The skin has no scales, but is colored pearlescent.

    The fish got its name not only for its body, but also for its particularly fragile health. Getting it from the store to the aquarium is already a problem. Catfish often die during transportation. That is why it is necessary to pay careful attention to caring for them.

    Glass catfish have a special body structure

    These pets require high-quality water with moderate acidity and hardness. The temperature should be between 21−26 °C. Fish prefer live food, but they can be accustomed to artificial food. During the retraining process, they need to be given shrimp and insects.

    Representatives of glass catfish are very friendly to other species of fish. They are also very social. To maintain it, you must purchase two or more copies at once. When one of the catfish dies, you need to immediately buy a new one. If the fish is left alone, it may die.

    The aquarium should be replete with plants and various decorations. Without decorative elements, a catfish will not be able to feel completely safe.

    Sinodotis changeling

    The fish got its name for a reason. These types of aquarium catfish swim exclusively in an inverted state, that is, with their belly up.

    Changeling catfish swim belly up

    Representatives of Sinodotis are characterized by a beige color and the presence of two antennae near the mouth. The caudal fin is very similar to a fork.

    For changelings to thrive, the water temperature in the aquarium should be between 22 and 28 °C. The pet's diet should include live and dry food in equal parts. It is advisable to keep these catfish in a group of 4 individuals.

    The requirements for the aquarium are the same: it must be spacious and replete with driftwood, stones and vegetation, where the catfish can hide while resting.

    Representatives of the Sinodotis shifters are the calmest. They can live with any other species of fish. The best neighbors for them are corridors.

    This type of catfish is the most exotic and the most difficult to care for and maintain. The fish is quite impressive in size. Its second name is destroyer. Due to its timid nature, it can begin to rush around the entire artificial reservoir, demolishing everything in its path. Catfish may even be afraid of aquarium maintenance. It is important to always close the lid as Pseudoplatistoma has a habit of jumping out of the water.

    Tiger pseudoplatistoma is a large species of catfish that does not get along well with other species

    Pseudoplatistoma has a brindle coloration and a long body. To support an adult pair, you need an aquarium of 1 thousand liters. The bottom of it needs to be covered with stones. Gravel is not suitable in this case, since there is a possibility that the catfish will eat it and clog its stomach. The aquarium should contain driftwood and depressions where the pseudoplatistoma can rest.

    Protein foods are most suitable for catfish

    You can feed catfish with any protein food. Small viviparous fish are great, but you need to make sure they look healthy, otherwise there is a risk of infecting your pets with serious diseases. It is best to limit yourself to shrimp, earthworms and krill meat. It is necessary to carefully monitor feeding so that the fish does not become obese.

    Keeping this aquarium spotted catfish is extremely difficult. He can live up to 20 years. Very often, fish are purchased in the hope that in the future it will be transplanted into a larger aquarium. But often this ends with the catfish simply being disposed of. This is also very difficult to do: zoos are full of offers, but ordinary hobbyists simply don’t have such large aquariums. Breeding these specimens is almost impossible at home.

    Transportation methods

    When buying catfish, a person thinks about quality transportation. It needs to be done correctly, otherwise there is a risk that the fish will not survive the trip home. There are two main methods of transportation:

    In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you need to pay attention to some factors when choosing aquarium pets. The following tips will help you choose the right catfish:

    1. Behavior. For a home aquarium, it is preferable to buy calm and peaceful species.
    2. Neighborhood. For artificial reservoirs, which contain small fish, you should not purchase predatory catfish.
    3. Dimensions. It is worth considering that some individuals can reach one meter in length. It is necessary to purchase species that do not grow to such sizes.
    4. Shipping. Containers are used to transport catfish, since the fish have spines on their bodies that can pierce a regular oxygen bag.

Aquarium catfish

Golden or bronze Corydoras (Corydoras aeneus) is one of the most famous and popular aquarium fish; this type of Corydoras can always be found on sale. Also, with the help of selection, additional strains of this species were bred: albinos and a variety with long fins. For some time, “short-bodied” golden corydoras and artificially colored specimens appeared on sale. Golden corydoras are very hardy,

Albino Corydoras (Corydoras paleatus) is a pseudoalbino cultivar that was developed commercially from dark speckled Corydoras paleatus. Currently, the Albino Corydoras is a very popular and common aquarium fish, pinkish-white in color with bright red eyes. Externally, this variety is very similar to the albino aeneus obtained from the bronze or golden corydoras catfish (Corydoras aeneus),

Corydoras julii is a beautiful aquarium fish with an interesting pattern, a small bottom-dwelling catfish. The body of this species is creamy white, covered with small black spots with bold central horizontal stripes. For such an interesting coloring, the fish is also called leopard catfish or leopard corydoras. This is a very active small (up to 5 cm in length) corydoras, peaceful, loves to be in company

Hypancistrus zebra is an amazingly beautiful aquarium fish, the chain-mail catfish, quite rare and expensive. In the numbering of chain-mailed (loricariid) catfish, it is listed under the numbers L46 or L98, also known as zebra pleco, imperial pleco catfish.

Bunocephalus coracoideus is an aquarium fish for those who want to keep an unusual pet. Catfish banjo is very strange in appearance, but is becoming increasingly popular among hobbyists. Bunocephalus translated from Latin means “lumpy head.” And all appearance catfish, wide head and narrow body, resemble a guitar or banjo, for which the catfish received

Green Corydoras or emerald brochis (Corydoras splendens, formerly Brochis splendens) is a relatively small aquarium bottom-dwelling catfish. Previously, emerald brochis was assigned to the genus Brochis, but later, in 2003, it was included in the Corydoras. Currently, it is still often found under the name "brochis". Like other corydoras, Brochis emerald has a modified, highly vascularized intestine, which