Alexander Sokolovsky - biography, information, personal life. Alexander Sokolovsky: “My beloved painted my portrait Alexander Sokolovsky personal life

Sokolovsky Alexander Vitalievich (b. 1989) is a Russian film and theater actor.

Childhood and school years

Sasha was born on February 12, 1989 in St. Petersburg (at the time of his birth, the country was also called Soviet Union, and the city of Leningrad). Sasha was born in Petrogradka, then his parents had to sell the apartment, and the family moved to the Primorsky district, where the childhood of the future actor passed.

None of his relatives acting profession had no relationship, creativity and art were respected, but not so deeply. Although, according to the stories of relatives, Sasha's great-great-grandmother sang on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, and he even saw her old photographs.

As a child, parents gave their son to different sections - football, swimming, acrobatics. The boy was fascinated by sports until he got acquainted with the theater.

A friend of Sasha's father was an employee of a small St. Petersburg theater (forty seats). They had a set of children for classes in a theater studio. Mom and dad, seeing their son's desire to constantly amuse someone and make faces, decided to try him in the theater field and see what happens. When the boy was brought to the studio, he really liked it there.

Even when the family moved to another area of ​​the city, Sasha told his parents that he wanted to continue his studies at the theater studio. To satisfy her son's desire, his mother took him to the St. Petersburg theater studio "Duet", where the children's theater. Here Sokolovsky entered the stage with his first major role - Truffaldino. After these sensations, the boy was no longer just fond of the theater - he fell ill with it. At the age of thirteen, he was firmly convinced of who he wanted to become in life, Sasha could not imagine his future without the acting profession.

However, exactly a year has passed since the career of the artist Alexander was no longer interested, he told his parents that he wanted to become an economist in the future. Their example was before my eyes, Sasha's mother worked as a marketer, dad worked in the advertising business, so his son wanted to learn a similar profession. Parents identified their son in a school with an economic bias. Alexander began to work hard on the economy, chose to enter Faculty of Economics Petersburg state university.

At some point, his plans almost changed again. In the economic school where Sasha studied, in the summer, students were given the opportunity to try themselves in practice in some other areas. He chose journalism for himself and went to work for a newspaper. Alexander really liked the profession, but soon he realized that he could not work in it, because a journalist must be an absolutely impassive person. For example, if a house was collapsing, and Sokolovsky was assigned to shoot a report about it, he would stand with a microphone for a maximum of five seconds, after which he would drop everything and run to save people. And in journalism, this is unacceptable, you must be able to abstract.

Realizing that he was not good at abstraction and that he was unlikely to become a good journalist, Sasha returned to the theater again. He went to study at the theater school, which he graduated in the 11th grade. Having received a certificate of secondary education, Sokolovsky left to enter Moscow.


He immediately decided that he would enter the theater institute in Moscow. Because many St. Petersburg residents, having graduated from LGITMiK (Leningradsky state institute theater, music and cinematography), anyway, then they go to the capital in search of work, since the film industry is not yet so developed in St. Petersburg. In addition, it coincided that at that moment the parents decided to move to Moscow. The Sokolovskys left with the whole family. True, after some time, the parents returned to St. Petersburg, and Alexander remained in the capital.

In Moscow, Sasha applied for admission to several universities at once. He “flew” everywhere and only in GITIS made a good impression on the examiners. Sokolovsky got on a course with Evgeny Steblov.

At the end of the fourth year, Sasha met the guys who graduated from the directing department of GITIS and created their own own theater. This was his theatrical debut. The team had neither its own premises, nor money for development, the performances were staged on bare enthusiasm. Alexander worked in this creative team for two years, but due to lack of funding, the theater closed.

During his studies, Sokolovsky played several episodic roles in films and TV shows:

  • "Kamenskaya-4";
  • "Understand. Forgive";
  • “Everyone will die, but I will stay”;
  • "I want with you";
  • "Russia-88";
  • "Lawyers".

The hard way to cinema

After graduation, Sasha got into a big movie, he was lucky enough to star in Nikolai Dostal's serial historical film "Split". He considered the role of Savva in the film of such a master of Russian cinema as Dostal a giant gift of fate. Sokolovsky was so saturated with the creative process that he was ready to act forever. But he did not receive more filming offers, and there was a period when Alexander had to go through hard times.

After all, the profession of an actor is terribly dependent, there are no roles and offers for filming - and that’s it, many begin to “swim”, energy disappears. So it was with Sokolovsky, when he was in the creative process, he seemed to be torn apart from the inside, he constantly wanted to do something, to invent. And as soon as he began to sit at home, the energy gradually faded away. But he did not allow himself to relax to such an extent and turn into an unemployed actor. Sokolovsky returned to St. Petersburg and got a job as a waiter at Pulkovo Airport.

This work turned out to be moral torture for him, but Sasha is such a person that he finds positive sides at any life situation. He also thanks fate for the work of a waiter, because this profession taught him to contact with absolutely any people. Every working day, hundreds of completely different people, and this greatly contributed to the development of Alexander's communication skills. For the rest of my life I remember my most harmful client - a poor American who behaved as if he had a million in a bank account and hysterical because he was served not enough french fries.

But at some point, the final realization came that he could not live without Moscow and without cinema. Sokolovsky was ready to work on either side of the cell. He wanted to dedicate his life to cinema, regardless of what he would have to do - act in films or participate in their creation. Therefore, he again left for the capital and began to look for any approaches to the world of cinema. Before returning to the set, he worked as an assistant producer and second director, set administrator and location manager. And finally, the film "Passion for Chapay" came into his life, he again found himself in front of the camera, Sasha got the role of the legendary Petka.

After this film, the directors paid attention to the young actor, and Sokolovsky began to appear more and more often:

  • 2013 - "Method of Lavrova-2", "Vangelia";
  • 2014 - "Sklifosovsky" (third season);
  • 2016 - “Classmates”, “Superbad”, “Daughters Time”;
  • 2017 - "You all piss me off!"

"Youth" and hockey in his life

The role of the captain of the hockey team "Bears" Yegor Schukin in the TV series "Molodyozhka" on the STS channel brought immense popularity to the actor.

Initially, the rating of the series was quite low, but it rose week after week and reached its peak by the end of 2013. The series was in the top five most popular on Russian television. After the first season, the rating of the project went off scale so much that with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the series was extended four times. The second, third and fourth seasons not only did not lower the rating of the project, but, on the contrary, added to the audience. "Molodyozhka" entered the TOP-4 of the most popular TV series on Russian television and in the fall of 2017 the premiere of the fifth season will take place.

After the role of the captain of the Bears, Alexander became so interested in hockey that he now plays in the Amateur League in Moscow. It is not always possible to have the strength to go to the skating rink after a day of shooting. But Sasha tries to keep up and, if possible, not to miss training. In big hockey, Alexander is a fan of the St. Petersburg team "SKA" and, when he is in his hometown, he always goes to matches with his girlfriend.

In 2015, his team from the Amateur League participated in the hockey tournament in Sochi. Alexander at that moment could not fly, so he had filming in Moscow, which he regrets very much. After all, his club went on the ice against the team in which Russian President Vladimir Putin played. Sasha is far from politics, but he says that if he became the president of the country, he would direct all his efforts to the development of sports and art.

In general, when he looks at professional athletes, something seems to click inside. Sokolovsky considers himself a gambler, and he would very much like to plunge into sports world with its intensity, competitions. It would be nice for him to win and become the first in everything. According to him, it is with the help of sports that a person can prove to himself that he is better, stronger, higher, faster. Now, a little jealous of the athletes, Sasha realizes that he could also achieve something in life if he had not fallen in love with the theater as a nine-year-old boy.

And thanks to hockey, Alexander feels so confident on the ice that at the end of 2016 he became the winner of the Channel One project “ ice Age” paired with Olympic champion Adelina Sotnikova.

In addition to hockey, Alexander is very attracted dangerous species sports, he loves extreme sports, when adrenaline goes off scale in the blood.

Moscow Provincial Theater

Little by little Sokolovsky tries himself as a director. While these are commercials, and also Sasha made a video for his friend, he completely thought it out, organized, filmed and edited it. Perhaps one day he will shoot his big movie, but so far he considers himself too young for the profession of director.

Since 2014, Alexander has been involved in productions of the Moscow Provincial Theater, which is directed by National artist RF Sergey Bezrukov. The Arts Council has long been choosing the lead actor in the play “The Jungle Book. Mowgli" and as a result settled on Sasha's candidacy. He agreed with great pleasure, because he wanted to work under the direction of Sergei Bezrukov, whom he considers one of the best actors in Russia. Sergei Vitalyevich understands the theater very subtly and maintains a creative atmosphere in the team. Thanks to this, the production turned out to be powerful, with large-scale scenery, both adults and children are happy to go to it.

Alexander for the role of Mowgli had to additionally engage in acrobatics. With the production of "The Jungle Book. Mowgli" the troupe has already traveled to many cities of Russia, they are warmly welcomed everywhere, and critics note that they have not seen anything like this in the children's repertoire before.

Alexander is involved in two more productions of the Moscow Provincial Theater:

  • Yura in "Spring" based on the works of Mikhail Zadornov;
  • young Captain Jim Hawkins in Treasure Island based on Stevenson's novel.

Personal life and hobbies

Alexander has a fad: he never mixes his personal life with work, he believes that love affair at work on the set, the actor will only interfere. Therefore, on the set, he devotes himself entirely to the work process, and leaves all feelings for later - before or after the working day.

He has a girlfriend, her name is Ulyana, she is an artist. Young people have been dating for a long time. Like any normal person, Alexander dreams of a family and children. He loves kids, because the actor likes to play in performances for a young audience.

Sokolovsky's favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio. He considers the Hollywood actor today the most courageous in the world, possessing the highest superpower - to play completely different roles. According to Alexander, DiCaprio always sets a new bar for himself, always reaches it, each time he plays better than the previous one. This Hollywood actor for Sokolovsky, an idol, if such an opportunity arose, Sasha would definitely take a picture with Leonardo and ask how he manages to play so cool.

Sokolovsky's life motto: “When there is some kind of goal in life, then you must definitely move towards it, even if something does not work out along the way. You have to fight for your dream."

Alexander Sokolovsky is a young Russian theater and film actor. The actor became famous for his roles in the popular TV series Molodezhka and Sklifosovsky. Film critics call Alexander Sokolovsky a promising actor, because for his young age he has already had an enviable film career. Creative biography Alexandra has 25 roles in films and television series.

Childhood and youth

Sasha was born in St. Petersburg on February 12, 1989. In his family, no one is connected with cinema, but the guy firmly decided that he would enter the theater institute at the age of 12. A childhood dream led him to the Duet studio, where he began to learn the basics acting skills already in school age.

Amateur performances gave him great pleasure, but growing up, Alexander Sokolovsky understood that this was not enough for a professional actor. He also understood that the road to recognition would be thorny, so he looked for alternative options.

At first, Sasha wanted to enter the Faculty of Economics, then the Faculty of Journalism. After school, he left for Moscow and applied to several universities at once - GITIS was also on this list. To his own surprise, the examiners believed in the guy's talent. Soon he became a student at a prestigious theater university in Russia.


The theatrical debut of Alexander Sokolovsky took place in the fourth year of the institute - it was a student project with many problems. The theater did not have its own premises, funding, all the performances were based on the enthusiasm of the actors. Sokolovsky worked on this project for two years - this time was enough to gain experience.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the play "Treasure Island"

Then Alexander got a job at the Moscow Provincial Theater under the direction of. The audience saw him in the role of Yura in the play "Spring", Mowgli in "The Jungle Book" and Jim Hawkins in "Treasure Island".


In the cinema, Alexander Sokolovsky began acting in student years. In 2005, he played an episodic role in the TV series Kamenskaya-4. In 2008, there were two more small roles in the films "Russia-88" and "Everyone will die, but I will stay." Three years later, the actor appeared in the series "Split" - he considers this work to be his full-fledged film debut: firstly, the role was noticeable, and secondly, they began to invite him to shoot more often.

Fame came to Alexander Sokolovsky in 2013, after the premiere of the series "Vangelia". In the same year, he played Petka in the film "Passion for Chapay", and also starred in the historical film "Son of the Father of Nations." But the audience remembered him and fell in love with the images of the cadet Arkadyev in the serial film "The Lavrova Method-2" and the hockey player Yegor Schukin in "Molodezhka". In the series about hockey players, Sokolovsky plays leading role center forward, so the actor starred in all episodes of the season.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the series "Molodezhka"

In the same year, the actor played a major role in the Russian-Ukrainian melodramatic series "Beautiful to Death".

In 2014, the third season of the Sklifosovsky series with the participation of Alexander Sokolovsky was released. The actor also starred in the new series of the Molodezhka project. In 2015, the actor returned to the role of intern Artem, Irina's son, in the fourth season of Sklifosovsky.

Personal life

In Sokolovsky's personal life, not everything is as successful as in his film career. The actor admits that he met with many girls, but to no avail. Alexander is the only child in the family, his parents have been happily married for 30 years, dreaming of grandchildren. Their son's failures in his personal life upset them.

A few years ago, Sokolovsky was vacationing in the Crimea in the company of Alexandra Knyazeva, a graduate of GITIS. The actor said that they are friends.

But with the actress and model Kristina Lazaryants, Alexander had romantic relationship. The couple dated for almost a year and a half, but at the end of 2014, the lovers broke up. Christina explained the gap by the unwillingness of the actor to serious relationship. She believes that Sasha is frivolous about life and turns everything into a joke.

Fans also attributed the actor an affair with Sokolovsky's colleague on the TV series Molodezhka. The characters of the actors experienced romantic feelings for each other, which became the basis for rumors. But relationships in real life the actors have not confirmed.

In his free time from filming, Alexander Sokolovsky is fond of wakeball, hockey, swimming, and acrobatics. The actor is an ardent admirer healthy lifestyle life, he does not drink or smoke.

Alexander does not hide from fans and shares news from his personal life on a verified page on a social network "In contact with", where the actor has 190 thousand subscribers. Also on the actor's page there is a link to "Instagram" Sokolovsky. On Instagram, the artist has 550 thousand subscribers.

Alexander Sokolovsky now

In January 2016, the melodrama "The Time of Daughters" was released, in which Alexander Sokolovsky took part. The picture tells about a plot atypical for this genre. The screens show not the classic modern Cinderella, but practically a revolutionary. A poor orphan girl gets a job at the firm of a famous oligarch, but not in order to improve her personal life, but in order to find dirt and take revenge on the person responsible for the death of her parents.

In the summer of 2016, Sokolovsky played a bartender in the comedy Odnoklassniki, the plot of which is built around a bachelorette party before a failed wedding.

In 2016, the actor appeared in the boundless comedy Superbad. In the same year, Alexander returned to the role of an intern Artyom in the fifth season of the Sklifosovsky medical series, which was subtitled Resuscitation. Sokolovsky also played in the short film "Unfulfilled Promise".

From October to December 24, the actor participated in a television competition figure skating"Ice Age". The actor's partner was a figure skater, the only Soviet and Russian Olympic champion in women's singles. A pair of Sokolovsky and Sotnikova won this season of the show.

In January 2017, the STS channel launched a new comedy series “You all piss me off”, in which Sokolovsky played the role of Timur. The series tells about an unfriendly journalist of a popular publication and the problems of her life.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the show "Ice Age"

In April 2017, Sokolovsky played the lead role of Prince Felix in the Ukrainian adventure series The Testament of a Princess. The actor played the prince of a small state in which social equality has been achieved. The country is under threat because of an old debt that the king took from the ruler of France and cannot return, so the prince tries to find the semi-mythical treasure of his great-great-grandmother.

On May 27, 2017, the melodrama “Life without Faith” will be released on television, where Sokolovsky will play the main role of the boxer Vasya, who is in love with an excellent student Vera.

At the end of 2017, the premiere of the mystical adventure drama Nevsky Piglet is scheduled, in which Alexander Sokolovsky will appear. The drama will take up the issues of time travel and the question of whether everyone is worthy of love and how to earn that feeling.

In the same year, the mystical thriller Sleepers will be released, in which the actor will play the main role of photographer Kostya. The plot was based on a story about photographs of sleeping people, in which the souls of the dead are supposedly enclosed. Photographer Kostya is part of a team of art lovers who collect such photographs.

Also in the plans of the actor is shooting in the series "A Souvenir from Odessa" and "The Story of a Movie Fan".

In 2018, the premiere of the drama " Prophetic Oleg". In the film, Sokolovsky will play the role of Slavko. The drama will be a free adaptation of the book of the same name and will show the events of the 9th century AD, taking place with the disunited Slavic tribes.


  • "Son of the Father of Nations"
  • "Passion for Chapai"
  • "Sklifosovsky"
  • "Youth"
  • "Everyone will die, but I will remain"
  • "Russia-88"
  • "Vangelia"
  • "Deathly beautiful"
  • "Team Che"
  • "Method of Lavrova-2"
  • "Princess's Will"
  • "Life Without Faith"
  • "You all piss me off"

Actor Date of birth February 12 (Aquarius) 1989 (30) Place of birth Leningrad Instagram @a1ex_sokolovsky

Alexander Sokolovsky - a young actor originally from St. Petersburg, serving great expectations in the field of Russian cinema. By his age, he won grandiose professional success and lit up in several projects with high rating. The series "Molodezhka" is one of the most famous and discussed among teenagers. There, Alexander played the main role, demonstrating acting skills in the form of Yegor Schukin, a central striker.

Biography of Alexander Sokolovsky

The birthplace of Alexander Vitalievich Sokolovsky is St. Petersburg. Exactly at northern capital he was born on February 12, 1989. Relatives were not associated with acting skills, but little Sasha, when watching his favorite films, admired this attractive profession with might and main. Childhood impressions from watching cinematic tapes were so strong that at the age of 12 the boy was determined - the stage was waiting for him.

AT school years Alexander began to visit the theater studio "Duet". The atmosphere of art and the ability of self-expression gave the little actor pleasure and turned his head with wonderful prospects. But, as is often the case, growing up dulled the dream and posed the question with a rational edge: either vague chances or a lucrative career - like everyone else. In this regard, it was decided to enter the economy or journalism.

School is over, certificate in hand. It would seem that that's all - you can apply to any university and receive one of typical professions. However, childhood dreams did not leave the graduate, and he, having emptied the piggy bank, rushed to Moscow - to audition for the theater. The capital received the newcomer well and allowed him to knock on several prestigious educational institutions. In GITIS, Alexander was seen as a talent, he began to study with the legendary Evgeny Steblov.

The novice actor managed to work by profession already during the training period. He appeared in an episode of the series "Kamenskaya-2", and three years later participated in dramatic controversial projects - "Everyone will die, but I will stay" by the scandalous Valeria Gai Germanika and "Russia-88" about the Nazi subculture in modern Russia. In one of the last courses, he played on the stage of the theater, however, unprofessionally. The productions were amateurish and made with enthusiasm.

Having received the coveted specialty, now a professional and more or less experienced actor did nothing for some time, not finding acceptable projects. From 2009 to 2011, in the filmography of Alexander Sokolovsky - entirely episodic roles. But the full-fledged debut was loud - this is a prominent role in the series "Split". The event gave impetus to a career young actor and the track record began to grow.

A 12-year-old dreamer turned into a brilliant star. A special place in his career is occupied by work in the television series "Vangelia" and "Passion for Chapay", in the historical film "The Son of the Father of Nations". The real peak of popularity came at the time of the screening of the serial films "Lavrova's Method - 2", "Molodezhka" and "Sklifosovsky". Since 2014, Alexander has been an artist of the Moscow Provincial Theater under the direction of Sergei Bezrukov.

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Personal life of Alexander Sokolovsky

As Alexander himself admits, his personal life is fickle. There were few long-term romantic relationships, and they can hardly be called long-term in the conventional sense. The girls succeeded one another, leaving almost nothing behind. Among them were both ordinary girls and popular and wealthy ladies. The personal life of actor Alexander Sokolovsky attracts the attention of fans who go crazy over him, is discussed in in social networks and gives rise to absurd assumptions.

So, for example, at one time they talked about his love affair with a young colleague, GITIS graduate Alexandra Knyazeva. In 2013, the guild of female fans was upset by the fact that the famous handsome man had an affair with Karina Lazaryants. This person could compete with anyone - on beautiful actress and the model immediately came under close scrutiny. However, the girl turned out to be quite demanding of her partner and decided to break up with him because of the frivolity of his actions.

In 2015, the actor found a new "great" love in the person of the major Muscovite Ulyana Grosheva. A wealthy girl with her own living space on Sparrow Hills and a brand new Mercedes actively participated in the public life of the actor and shone with him in photographs on the Internet. Joint rest, events and pleasant moments also did not last long - by the end of the year the union broke up.

Alexander is an ardent supporter of extreme sports. This is most clearly manifested in his love for wakeball - a collective sport. It includes elements of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing and water skiing. After filming in Molodezhka, in an interview, he expressed a desire to continue playing in an amateur hockey team.

Alexander Vitalievich Sokolovsky. Born February 12, 1989 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian actor theater and cinema.

His family are native Petersburgers. But among his relatives, no one had anything to do with the acting profession. Unless his great-great-grandmother - she sang on the stage of the Alexandria Theater, and, according to the actor, he even "saw her old photographs."

He decided to become an actor at the age of twelve, when he began studying at the St. Petersburg theater studio "Duet".

True, in high school he began to get in a fever in terms of choosing a profession: “What I didn’t try, where it didn’t pull. There is such a practice when high school students are taken to work for the summer in an organization as volunteers. You can choose any direction for yourself. Journalism, economics, management - everything was tried by me, but in the end the passion for the stage took over," Alexander recalled.

In the eleventh grade, he finally decided to enter the theater. He applied to several universities, but could only enter GITIS. “Probably, if it were not for the support of my family, I would hardly have had the strength to bring the matter to an end,” the actor admitted.

He studied in the studio of Evgeny Yurievich Steblov.

At the end of the fourth year, Alexander meets the graduates of the directing department, who organized their own theater. So Alexander gets his first theatrical experience and, since the theater did not have its own premises, he learned to play on any stage. True, after the start of the financial crisis, this theater had to be closed.

Graduated from GITIS in 2009. After graduation, he did not work according to his profession, but soon he received a call from Mosfilm and was invited to a casting in a historical television series "Split" Nikolai Dostal, where he played one of the key characters - Savva. He got a professional debut, which many aspiring actors can only dream of. The epochal film has become one of the major events in domestic cinema in 2011.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the series "Split"

In addition, working with such a master as Dostal gave him invaluable experience.

“Nikolai Nikolaevich Dostal taught me a lot. Since we don’t teach “film technology” in theater universities, you have to learn to exist in front of the camera right on the set. And it’s very important to get a very strong and experienced director at the beginning of your journey. Of course, I am very grateful to fate. It was clear how Nikolai Nikolayevich was inside the process, how he paid attention to all the actors, regardless of the leading role. He is a very attentive person to details. Probably, this is one of the most important points that I learned from my first film project - always be attentive to every little thing, because in the cinema everything is too clearly visible, "Sokolovsky noted.

After the “Split” he took part in such notable projects as “The Lavrova Method-2” and “Passion for Chapay”.

But the role of hockey player Yegor Schukin in the television series brought him the greatest fame. "Youth" where he played Yegor Schukin.

I got into the series quite by accident: an Internet mailing list with information about the casting came to the post office. He immediately sent his data. “I love hockey for a long time and never doubted for a minute. It was interesting for me to try myself as a hockey player,” the actor said. Before filming, he was a fan of St. Petersburg SKA and the American Pittsburgh Penguins. However, he did not seriously engage in this sport. “But after trying, I realized that after filming I would continue to play in an amateur team. Now I think that hockey is like a disease: if you catch it, then forever,” Sokolovsky noted.

Alexander Sokolovsky in the series "Molodezhka"

Since 2014 - an artist of the Moscow Provincial Theater, of which he is artistic director. He played in the performances: "Spring" (according to the stories of Mikhail Zadornov, directors Evgeny Gomonoy and Stepan Kulikov) - Yura; "Dedication to Lermontov" (a musical and poetic evening based on the works of Mikhail Lermontov and romances based on his poems); "The jungle book. Mowgli "(based on the stories of Rudyard Kipling, directors Tatyana Vdovichenko and Anton Kramar) - Mowgli; "Treasure Island".

He starred in the video of the group "Pizza" for the song "Lift".

Since 2016, he has become the host on the Match TV channel.

Height of Alexander Sokolovsky: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Sokolovsky:

At one time, they talked about Alexander's romance with the young actress Alexandra Knyazeva, a graduate of GITIS.

Since 2013, the actor began a relationship with actress and model Karina Lazaryants. Their romance lasted a year and a half. The couple broke up at the end of 2014. Karina decided to break their connection, explaining her step to journalists by Sokolovsky's unpreparedness for a serious relationship.

In 2015, Sokolovsky had an affair with Muscovite Ulyana Grosheva. It is known that she is from a very wealthy family - her parents bought Ulyana a luxurious apartment in the Sparrow Hills residential complex and presented a new Mercedes. The couple actively posted joint pictures on social networks. However, by the end of the year, this novel came to naught.

Filmography of Alexander Sokolovsky:

2005 - Kamenskaya-4 (Film 3. "Double")
2007 - Understand. Forgive
2008 - Everyone will die, but I will stay
2009 - I want with you
2009 - Russia 88
2009 - Lawyers (Film 8. "The defendants will sit down for sure")
2011 - Split - Savva
2012 - Team Che - Sasha Lukovtsev
2012 - Tail (29th episode. "Dancing on the Edge") - Vadim
2013 - Lavrova Method 2 - Egor Arkadiev, cadet
2013 - Passion for Chapai - Petka Isaev (Petka), Chapaev's orderly
2013 - Vangelia - Alexei Neznamov, grandson of Olga and Alexei
2013 - Time for daughters - Maxim
2013 - Deadly beautiful - Sasha, Dasha's brother
2013-2017 - Youth - Yegor Schukin, player of the hockey club "Bears" / "Titan"
2013 - Son of the Father of Nations
2014 - Sklifosovsky (Season 3) - Artyom Pavlov
2015 - Sklifosovsky (Season 4) - Artyom Pavlov
2016 - Superbad
2016 - Bitch
2016 - Classmates - bartender
2016 - Broken promise (short)
2017 - Sklifosovsky (season 5) - Artyom Pavlov, son of Irina, intern

Biography of Alexander Sokolovsky

Alexander Sokolovsky was born on February 12, 1989 in St. Petersburg. Already in childhood, the young man decided on his future profession. Alexander was fond of creativity famous actors. At the age of twelve, he already began to choose a future university. Sokolovsky decided to study in Moscow. However, after school, the young man had doubts about whether it was worth devoting his life to such a complex and unpredictable profession. At the last moment, Alexander decided that he would try to enter theater university and if he succeeds, he will link his fate with the stage.

Acting career of Alexander Sokolovsky

The future actor from all the educational institutions where he tried to enter, went only to GITIS. Alexander received his first theatrical experience thanks to university acquaintances. As a fourth-year student, he met a student director who created his own theatre. Of course, the beginners did not have their own premises, so sometimes they had to play in the most unusual places. However, this experience was useful to Alexander in his future career.

Despite his young age, the 25-year-old actor has already been featured in several prominent film roles. Work in the series brought Sokolovsky recognition and recognition.

Sokolovsky starred in the sensational film by the young director Guy-Germanika "Everyone will die, but I will remain". The film was shot in 2008, when the actor was still studying at GITIS. After that, there were a dozen more films and several TV series. Trying to earn a living, the actor did not disdain episodic roles in serials. So, Alexander managed to star in one of the episodes "Kamenskaya".

A huge number of episodic roles replaced full-time work as the main character, or the hero of the second plan. As Sokolovsky admits, he considers the film to be his film debut. "Split". In 2011, the audience could see the Petersburger in one of the main roles of this picture.

On the this moment the actor manages to act more and more often. The director noticed him and began to invite him to various roles, each of which opens Alexander from a new side.

The main thing that the actor has managed to achieve at the moment is that he overcame the image of an actor of episodic roles and proved that he can successfully act in films and television projects.

Personal life of Alexander Sokolovsky

Alexander Sokolovsky prefers not to talk about his personal life. Here he is not particularly stable. Most likely, the main thing for an actor is his career, which at the moment is developing very quickly and requires a lot of attention. Almost all the time Sokolovsky spends studying scripts and on the set.

The 25-year-old Petersburger, in spite of everything, was able to prove to his parents, who did not believe in the acting future of his son, that he was right. From childhood, he aspired to get on stage and managed to achieve this. In the Sokolovsky family, Alexander is the first to choose this difficult path for himself and become an artist. At the moment he is the pride of his whole family.