Biography of the singer Alsou: career and personal life. Yan Abramov - Chairman of the Board of Directors of New Weapons Technologies JSC Who is Alsu Yan Abramov's husband by nationality

Their marriage a few years ago was the No. 1 event in the country. Their romance was placed on the front pages of glossy publications both before and after the wedding. He is the husband of one of the most charming women Russia and father of two little daughters. He is Yan Abramov, a businessman. For almost ten years now, he has been the main man in the life of Alsou Safina.

Childhood, family, achievements

Yan Abramov was born on December 4, 1977 in the family of the famous banker and businessman Rafael Abramov. Since childhood, he was distinguished by independence and purposefulness. It was these character traits, which he did not tire of developing, that helped him achieve many successes.

In parallel with his studies, Yan Abramov, whose biography is very interesting to Alsou fans, was quite seriously interested in football, tennis, and basketball. After graduation high school in Baku, he moved to the United States to continue his studies there. He should not be treated as typical representative"golden youth" with an inexplicable propensity for a disorderly lifestyle. Thanks to this trip, the young man learned almost perfectly three languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.

"I'll do everything myself!"

Yes, of course, Jan had some support from his father. Rafael Abramov - more than wealthy and influential person. And yet, Yan Abramov managed to build his career completely independently, without relying on anyone's help.

In the early 2000s, he took an active part in the creation of the Russian-American Business Cooperation Council. A little later, Abramov Jr., in tandem with Konstantin Borov, began publishing the America magazine. For the fourteenth year he has been the head of the Moscow Pyrotechnic Association and chairman of the board of directors of New Technologies JSC. It is under the leadership of Jan that Joint-Stock Company set up a sufficient production of one of the most famous types of weapons in Russia - "OSA". Abramov quite deservedly believes that this is his main achievement to date.

A beautiful stranger

A very successful career of a young singer was one day interrupted by marriage, in which she found simple female happiness. This girl was Alsu Safina, whose acquaintance with the audience took place after she sang the song "Winter Dream". Over the past ten years, Yan Abramov, Alsou's husband, has been the most important man in her life.

Their acquaintance took place in one of the metropolitan institutions. Alsu's friend invited her there to introduce her to good guy. Yang liked the girl at first sight. He simply charmed her with great erudition and a wonderful sense of humor. But when he invited her on a first date, the girl was smitten: the young man suddenly sat down at the piano and poured a potpourri of her songs.

Young people started dating. Yan Abramov looked after Alsou elegantly and beautifully: he made amazing surprises for her, presented luxurious gifts, simply showered her with bouquets of chic flowers.

enviable bachelor

For many years, the name of Abramov Jr. was among the ten most enviable suitors in Russia. There were rumors that even Ksenia Sobchak opened the hunt for him. Journalists attributed to him a relationship with Volochkova and Kabaeva. But when he was directly asked about whether this was true, Yan Abramov, whose nationality also aroused considerable interest, expressed his opinion. He communicates a lot with business people and creative people. He is friends with almost half of the capital, so he is not surprised that novels with many women are attributed to him. He stressed that he treats all his friends with a great sense of respect and warmth. But ... But in the life of every man, there can be only one beloved woman - his future wife. For him, Alsu Safina became such a woman.

And cries of "Bitter!"

After the first meeting, only a few months have passed, and Jan has already offered his beloved to become his wife. To this important point in their life passed in an atmosphere of special solemnity, he arranged a very beautiful romantic evening on the roof of the restaurant.

The marriage of the young was simply gorgeous. The entire Russian beau monde gathered at the Rossiya State Concert Hall to congratulate Alsou and Jan. The marriage certificate was handed to them by Yuri Luzhkov himself. The gifts that the young newlyweds received were simply luxurious: Vacation home in the Moscow region, jewelry, a Bentley car, sums of money.

Very nice outfit the brides were sewn in the atelier of the wife of brother Alsou. It was ivory and had a classic cut. And the groom's suit was sewn to order in one of the Italian ateliers. Wedding rings ordered in the Moscow salon.

A chef invited from Austria prepared a multi-tiered cake for the celebration with whipped cream, syrup and other delicious ingredients.

It's been a while since the wedding. There have been some changes in the life of the spouses. They had two adorable daughters. And in the spring of 2014, they became winners in the nomination "The most stylish couple according to HELLO!". The stars were married for 8 years, agreed to a joint photo shoot for the first time. The spouses are very pleased that the readers of the magazine perceived them as a single entity. And it's true: in the styles of clothing they have made some progress. Previously, it was impossible for Yana to see someone not dressed in a suit, and Alsou could not imagine how you could constantly walk in high heels. But over the years life together they influenced each other even in matters of clothing.

Alsou is infinitely grateful to her husband for teaching her to be more attentive to others. In addition, only with him she every second feels confident in tomorrow. Therefore, the spouses simply do not pay attention to all sorts of articles in the yellow publications that Alsou and Yan Abramov are getting divorced.

Although Russian capitalism is only two decades old, however, in this short period of time, a rather significant layer of rich and very rich people has already formed in our country. Therefore, to be honored means mass media and the public, it is not enough to be an "ordinary" millionaire. It is necessary either to move into the category of billionaires (which also by no means guarantees national fame), or to take an important place in the life of a person known throughout the country. The name of businessman Yan Abramov appeared on the pages of newspapers and in the news blocks of TV channels for the most joyful of possible reasons in this regard: he married the popular singer Alsou.

As you know, Alsu is a representative of one of the most influential families in Russia, her father, Ralif Safin, in the past one of the leaders of the LUKOIL company, now a member of the Council of Federations of the Russian Federation. However, Yan Abramov's family also has something to boast about: his father, Rafael Abramov, was one of the first Russian bankers who founded his business in the turbulent and difficult era of the birth of domestic capitalism, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Yan Abramov was born on December 4, 1977 in Baku, in a family of Mountain Jews (Mountain Jews are a special ethnic group of Jews living in the territory Eastern Caucasus already for one and a half thousand years and possessing original cultural, religious traditions and language). Jan had an ordinary Soviet childhood with all the features and joys of living in the multinational Azerbaijani capital. Abramov Jr. in 1994 graduated from secondary school No. 27 of the Khatai district of Baku, after which the question arose of obtaining higher education. By that time, Rafael Abramov had already firmly decided to tie later life his family with Russia, where he had much more opportunities for the effective development of the banking business than in the hard times of the Transcaucasian republic. Therefore, after Yan graduated from school, the Abramov family left Azerbaijan, and the young man himself was sent by his parents to study in the United States.

American education did not go unnoticed for Yan Abramov, who was striving for self-improvement: in the USA he mastered three foreign languages, English, Spanish and Portuguese (Russian, of course, was never foreign for a native of the USSR). In addition, he adopted a family hobby and began to play basketball at a good amateur level: in turn, Rafael Abramov was vice president of the Moscow Basketball Association for a long time. In the same place, in the United States, Yan Abramov began his entrepreneurial activity. IN early XXI century, he was one of the founders of the financial association "Russian-American Business Cooperation"; then, together with Konstantin Borov, he published the magazine America. Since 2002, Abramov Jr. has refocused on the weapons business, becoming chairman of the board of directors of New Weapons Technologies JSC. The most famous product of this company on this moment is a traumatic weapon for self-defense "OSA".

All this is commendable and deserves respect, but if it were not for the events in his personal life, only a narrow professional circle and figures of Moscow bohemia would have known about Yana Abramov. In April 2005, Jan met the singer Alsou, and sympathy immediately arose between them, which, thanks to beautiful courtship young man quickly developed into more serious feelings. Events developed so rapidly that already a little over two months after they met, Abramov made Alsou a marriage proposal. The wedding took place on March 18, 2006 at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", the celebration was attended by more than five hundred guests, among whom, as you might guess, the majority were representatives of big business, culture, show business, government circles. Suffice it to mention that the first to congratulate the newlyweds was Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

Yan Abramov was born on December 4, 1977 in the oil capital of the USSR - the city of Baku. His father is a famous Russian banker Rafael Abramov.

At the age of 17, after graduating from a regular Baku high school, Jan was sent by his parents to study in the United States. There he learned three foreign languages- English, Spanish and Portuguese, became interested in basketball and started his own business.

The name and money of his father helped young Jan only partly. Yan Abramov made many career achievements on his own. So, in 2001, he took part in the creation of the Russian-American Business Cooperation Council. Later he began to publish the magazine "America" ​​(in partnership with Konstantin Borov). Today, Abramov is at the head of the Moscow Pyrotechnic Association and has been chairman of the board of directors of New Technologies JSC (since 2002). It is interesting that Abramov's company produced the most famous OCA traumatic weapon in Russia today.

Personal life of Yana Abramova

Since March 2006, Yan Abramov has been the husband of the singer Alsou. The acquaintance took place a year before the wedding. Young people were introduced by friends. The courtship period was very romantic. Expensive gifts, endless bouquets of flowers ... As Alsu said, their first meeting was "like in a movie." Alsou, not knowing that her friends were taking her to an expensive restaurant, came in fashionable ripped jeans. Yang, on the other hand, was immaculately dressed in an expensive suit, his hair was styled with gel. For a while, Alsou felt very embarrassed, but Yang, with his sense of humor and tact, managed to completely liberate the girl.

The businessman spent about $3.5 million on the wedding. The hall where the ceremony took place was decorated with stained-glass windows, flowers, and golden columns. However, the young people signed in advance, at the Griboedovsky registry office, in order to perform the most important part of the event in a narrow circle - only with the closest ones. The marriage certificate was handed over to the newlyweds personally by Yuri Luzhkov.

It is known that the couple received a separate blessing from their spiritual fathers, because they are of different faiths: Jan - Jewish, Alsou - Muslim. The couple has three children - two daughters and a son. September 1, 2006 was born Safina, April 29, 2008 - Mikella. In 2016, the couple had a son, Rafael. Alsou gave birth to him in an Israeli clinic, the same one in which her youngest daughter was born.

In March 2019, another rumor about the couple's divorce appeared. On the Internet, they began to discuss their long absence joint photo. However, Alsu and Yang commented on this, saying that their marriage is fine, they just do not like to appear in public and show their personal lives.

In April 2019, another scandal broke out related to famous couple. The daughter of Alsou and Yan, Mikella Abramova, became the winner of the show “Voice. Children-6 "on Channel One. The media and the public were outraged, rumors spread that the vote was "bought" by Michella's father. The first channel began the procedure for checking the SMS voting of viewers. The results were published - 56.5% of the audience voted for Mikella, 27.9% for Yerzhan Maxim, and 15.6% of the vote for Valery Kuzakov. Experts pointed to signs of "abnormal" voting. Channel One promised to check the results for interference and moderation.

Alsou's representative called the audience's version of falsification "stupid cliché". She also stated that Mikella did not suspect that she would even go to the super final, so she did not prepare a song for him. Daughter Alsou dreamed of taking part in the "Voice" from the age of five.

The opinions of the fans of the singer and the fans of the show "Voice" were divided. Someone considers Mikella's victory unfair and "bought", while others think that the girl deservedly won and is now being persecuted. Part of the “blame” for her victory was placed by the media on celebrities, who on social networks urged their fans to vote for the girl. Among these stars were

Surname: Abramov

Name: Jan

Middle name: Rafaelevich

Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors of New Technologies JSC


Born in Baku on December 4, 1977, his father is a well-known businessman and banker Rafael Abramov. After graduating from Baku secondary school, he left to continue his education in the United States. In addition to Russian, he is fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

In 2001, he took part in the creation of the Russian-American Business Cooperation Council. Later, in partnership with Konstantin Borov, he began to publish the magazine America.

Since 2002, he has been chairman of the board of directors of New Technologies JSC, and is at the head of the Moscow Pyrotechnic Association.
Under the leadership of Abramov, New Technologies JSC launched the production of the most famous today in Russia traumatic weapons WASP.

For a long time he was considered one of the most enviable Russian suitors. In 2006, he married the popular singer Alsou, who bore him two daughters.
Source: BusinessTimes


The pyrotechnic business of Yan Abramov (friends call him Yanik) was created with the direct help of relatives and cannot be compared with the turnover of the entire clan.

For the first time, Yanik Abramov appeared in high society in 2004. Then, at the Ferrari-Maserati party in Tretyakovskiy Proyezd, he was introduced as the official companion of Ksenia Sobchak.

Then he brought Mariah Carey to Russia and, to the surprise of many, showed her unambiguous signs of attention and gave fireworks in honor of the singer.

Source: STRINGER.Ru, 03/26/2006

On March 18, 2005, builders had to knock out frames from the windows of the Rossiya Hotel. Vladimir Pozharsky, editor of the investigative department of Express Gazeta, together with his colleague Dmitry Lifantsev, filmed. When Pozharsky was choosing the required angle, standing on the sidewalk with a camera in his hands, a foreign car pulled up next to him. The passenger window went down, and Yan Abramov, who was sitting in the car, grabbed the camera and pulled it towards him. Pozharsky's hand was pulled up to the elbow into the cabin. The command to the driver immediately sounded: “Drive!” He pressed the gas, and Pozharsky was dragged behind the car. The journalist miraculously did not break his arm, but hit his head hard on the door. After a dozen meters, the car slowed down, and Abramov, seeing that he would not be able to take possession of the camera, pulled out a flash card from the camera. Leaving the robbed Pozharsky on the side of the road, the car drove behind the cordon.

Chopovtsy with carbines at the ready surrounded the journalists and, hanging on their hands, dragged them to the hotel. Journalist Rustam Solntsev received two blows in the stomach on the way. He also lost his wallet and video camera.

Vladimir Pozharsky appealed to the internal affairs bodies, where they opened a criminal case. As the detective of the criminal investigation department explained to him, “this act of Abramov is regarded as robbery, which entails punishment in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for a period of 3 to 7 years.”

A source: TVNZ, 22.03.2005

On March 18, 2006, Alsou married businessman Yan Abramov. The wedding, which brought together the entire Russian beau monde, was distinguished by a large scope of celebrations. They received a marriage certificate from Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and from their parents and guests they received money, a country house in Moscow, jewelry, and a Bentley car. The solemn part was held at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", Honeymoon spent on the island of Fiji.

Source: Kommersant, March 20, 2006

In 2006, in Gorno-Altaisk, a picket was held near the walls of the state assembly, the participants of which - young athletes - protested about the possible re-election of Ralif Safin as a senator from the Altai parliament. The picket was not authorized by the city authorities, and those who returned from lunch break officials working in the State Council were very surprised by what was happening. Young people unfolded sheets of drawing paper with slogans: "Safin, return our money", "Shame on Safin", "Safin did not justify the trust." They also handed out leaflets to passers-by, which contained a story about the wedding of the senator's daughter with banker Yan Abramov. The article said that the wedding cost the former Altai senator $15 million, while, according to the confessions of laconic picket participants, sports in the republic are in distress.

Alsou went to give birth overseas. But before that, I decided to complete all the important things. She persuaded her husband Yan ABRAMOV to make a special Muslim rite- nikah. Which took place in the strictest secrecy in the homeland of Alsu's father - Ralif SAFIN - in the Bashkir village of Uyandykovo.


The Safin family is very religious, the singer's father, a businessman and ex-presidential candidate of Bashkiria, even built a mosque in his homeland with his own money - as a gift to fellow countrymen. The singer herself, until recently, not only did not observe the customs of her ancestors, but also Tatar language knew much worse English. When she decided to marry a Jew, this completely upset the patriarchs of the Safin family. Some relatives didn't even come to her wedding. Both grandmothers Alsou - Khalida and Taskira - were very worried that the marriage did not receive the blessing of the mullah.


Alsu, of course, could not be indifferent to all this. And so, before giving birth, I decided to observe a very important tradition. Nikah is one of the major events in the life of Muslims, it is he who spiritually turns people who are strangers to each other into husband and wife.

But in this case there was a serious obstacle - the husband must be a Muslim! Since Jan agreed to scrupulously fulfill everything that is required during the sacred ceremony (Abramov even wore a traditional Tatar skullcap), an exception was made for him. In the eyes of the mullah, he was a full-fledged Muslim at the time of the sacrament. As witnesses, as expected, the fathers of Jan and Alsou were present. True, it is customary to go from the mosque to the groom's house, and the Abramov couple, for obvious reasons, invited everyone to a treat at the house of Alsou's grandmother, Khalida. But the happy old woman herself baked Tatar triangular pies with meat and potatoes - echpochmaki.


Alsou's Muslim relatives had no reason to fear that they would not find common language with the Jewish husband of her favorite.

Having got to know Abramov better, I was convinced that he is a very decent, well-mannered young man, - assures the famous Ufa composer and poet Rim Khasanov, who has been friends with the Safin family for many years. - By the way, we spoke Tatar with him! He's not an ordinary Jew, he's a "tat" - that's what Azerbaijani Jews are called. His family is from Baku, and as you know, mostly Muslims live there. By the way, it was Khasanov who wrote several songs in Tatar for Alsou: one of them - "Papa" - the singer always performs at all her father's birthdays. The star guests did not stay long in the village. After spending the night, we went to Ufa. Ralif Safin chartered the ship and arranged for his daughter and son-in-law a cruise on the Belaya River. For the guests, among whom were Yan's parents, Tatar and Bashkir pop stars sang. Alsou's husband also pleased his father-in-law - he sang national songs in a duet with local celebrity Aidar Galimov.


The newspapers were full of rumors that Alsou was going to give birth in London. This had its own logic, since Alsou has a house there and she knows this city very well. But in order to protect themselves from annoying journalists, the Abramov couple decided to look for another place. Another option is Israel, where Jan has many relatives and friends, which would make it easier for many organizational matters. However, the war with Hezbollah forced them to abandon these plans as well. According to our information, the Abramovs chose a hospital in Los Angeles, where many Hollywood celebrities. Since Ian has an American passport, this has facilitated many formalities. But Alsou will now get back to Russia no earlier than in a year. After all, it is categorically not recommended to make such long flights across the ocean with babies. But the baby will automatically become a US citizen by birthright.