What does the wife of Urgant do. Ivan Urgant and Natalia Kiknadze: A happy romance in slow motion. Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze: biography

Restaurateur. The wife of the popular presenter Ivan Urgant.

Natalya Kiknadze was born on March 5, 1978 in St. Petersburg. Her father, Avtandil Yuryevich, a jeweler, her mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, kept home comfort and instilled in her children all the most best qualities. Brothers Yuri and David grew up as real defenders of their beloved sister. They chose medical professions and became doctors.

The girl's surname was already well-known, since her uncle, Vasily Kiknadze, was a well-known commentator on football matches, and then became CEO TV channel "Sport".

Natalya Kiknadze studied at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. She was known as a comedian-activist. The girl played in KVN, took part in campaigns, skits. future teacher star couple- Larisa Belgusheva, said in an interview: “The guys played in one theatrical performance based on the fairy tale Cinderella. The lot gave Kiknadze the negative role of the evil stepmother. All teachers noted the indisputable talent of the student. Natasha prophesied an acting future. But, she chose a different path.

At the gymnasium, Natalya studied with Vanya Urgant, the future famous host of Russian humorous television programs. Then they both did not yet know that someday they would become the most dear people for each other. The girl recalls that Ivan was extremely popular with classmates and other girls at school. And Ivan recalls the eleventh grade with nostalgia, since it was then that he fell in love with Natasha. The girl did not reciprocate, moreover, she got married immediately after graduation. Her chosen one was the Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia.

The biography of Natalia Kiknadze is silent about why she got married so early. It is also unknown why she broke up with successful businessman. It is known that during life together with Vakhtang she bore him two children. But this did not stop her from dissolving the marriage.

More than ten years have passed since former classmates Natalya Kiknadze and Ivan Urgant met again in their native St. Petersburg, where Ivan came to visit his relatives. At dinner in one of the cozy cafes, old acquaintances talked about life, shared their joys and sorrows. Apparently, already that evening they decided that they had been looking for each other all these years.

Lovers Ivan and Natalia met secretly. Neither parents nor the press knew about their relationship for two whole years. When Ivan proposed to his beloved, she, without hesitation, packed her things and moved to Moscow. Despite the fact that Ivan lived in an official marriage with K. Avdeeva and in a civil marriage with T. Gevorkyan, Natalya Kiknadze calls his first and only wife.

In May 2008, Natalia gave birth to their first joint child- daughter Nina, and already in 2015, baby Valeria was born. Erika, Natalya's daughter from her first marriage, was brought up in new family and very easily got along with the new dad.

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze in 2017 was rightfully included in the TOP of the most stylish media faces of the Russian beau monde. It is difficult to call her a representative of show business; she does not take part in popular projects on television. She devotes a lot of time to the restaurant, which she owns together with her husband's friend and partner Alexander Tsekalo.

0 March 29, 2016, 04:35 PM

Erika Kutalia

15-year-old Erika Kutalia - daughter and Natalia Kiknadze - recently took part in the May issue magazine Tatler, on her Instagram page there are already more than 20 thousand subscribers, and in in social networks Erica talks on rather serious topics in such a way that it immediately becomes clear that she is very different from most star children. We decided to learn more about Eric and tell you about it.


Erika was born on August 18, 2000, her mother is Natalya Kiknadze, and father- Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia. Ivan Urgant is formally Erica's stepfather, but the TV presenter great relationship with the girl and Vanya does not make any distinctions in relation to native and adopted children. Erica has an older brother from her mother's first marriage, he lives with his father in Georgia. She also has two sisters: 7-year-old Nina is the first common child Ivan and Natalya, and six months old Valeria, who. All the girls grow up together and get along great.

Erika, Natalia Kiknadze, Nina and Ivan Urgant


At the age of five, Erica studied at a ballet school. Now she is interested in art and architecture, travels often and posts photos from her trips on Instagram. The girl is not a fan of selfies, joint and shots of her reflection in the mirror in fashionable clothes: she appreciates the aesthetics of cities more, which she tries to convey with the help of a phone camera.

By the way, Erica loves music very much, among her favorite performers are Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys and Zemfira.

Lana Del Rey

About the "elite"

15-year-old Erica is a great example for many star kids. The girl does not welcome the fact that her rich peers show off their parents' money and their position. On her page on the social network, Erica once wrote a post with the following content:

I have a negative attitude to the concept of "elite". And I feel sorry for all those 13 year old little girls trying to squeeze in by showing off their Valentino bags. All this "elite" irritates me. I'm not talking about specific people, no. I'm talking about the concept itself. It's strange for me to see how they all show off with their bags, yachts, expensive cars, decorations. And the money is not theirs, but their parents'. What's the point of showing how many Prada bags you own? I won't love you anymore, I won't like you anymore if you have 30 Celine bags. In the "elite" than more money, all the better. The tougher you are. If you are with a hookah, you are cool. "With a kalik for life." What is this nonsense? Do you think smoking/drinking is cool? It looks like they worship money. Money can not buy happiness. Further, all these, in fact, children exhibit OOTD (outfit of the day - "image of the day" - ed.). If you calculate the amount from all this onion, then it will be, well, at least 5 thousand euros. Do you think it's normal to dress so expensive at the age of 13-15? I don't want to offend anyone. It's my personal opinion. Just keep it simple. Instagram photo

If you ask any person who Natasha Kiknadze is, then a specific answer is unlikely to be received. Only football fans can assume that she is a relative sports commentator who glorified the name Kiknadze - Vasily. They will be right - she is the niece of a famous announcer, but that's not all the information. Who is Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze, Interesting Facts biography and personal life, family photos.

Who is Natalia Kiknadze

Unfortunately, not many details are known from the biography of Natalia, as about her husband, the famous showman Ivan Urgant. Natalya Urgant is a Russian woman with Georgian roots. Beautiful woman does not aspire to be public person. Natalia prefers to stay in the background, not to attend social events. Their relationship with the TV presenter is a secret under seven locks, because there is not a single interview that reveals all the secrets of their family life.


Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze was born on March 5, 1978, grew up in St. Petersburg. Her father, Avtandil Yuryevich, a Georgian jeweler, collaborated with high-ranking officials Soviet Union, mother - Tatyana Vasilievna, was engaged in family comfort, raising children. Kiknadze has two brothers who have dedicated their lives to medicine. The family lived in a luxurious apartment in the most prestigious area of ​​the city.

All the golden youth studied in St. Petersburg together, at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum. The girl's classmate was her current spouse, future showman Vanya Urgant. They spent a lot of time together, played in the same KVN team, were active participants in creative acting circles. Natalia filed great expectations, all the teachers promised her a successful acting future.

It so happened that for personal reasons, Kiknadze chose a different path in life for herself. The woman recalls that Urgant was very popular with all the girls in the school, especially classmates. Ivan warmly recalls the graduation class of the gymnasium, when the first school love for a girl was born in his heart. At that time, there was no reciprocity, because immediately after school, Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia became Natalia's husband.

Personal life of Natalia Avtandilovna Kiknadze

Rumor has it that Ivan Urgant made a marriage proposal to Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze graduation party but was rudely denied. After all, at that time the girl was already engaged to Vakhtang Kutalia, she was waiting for the birth of children. Now a woman cannot answer the question herself, what played leading role in her marriage, love or respect for her father, who introduced his daughter to the son of his business partner. After some time, Natalia divorced, left her husband with two children (daughter Eric and son Niko), without fear of lack of financial support.

The couple have been together for ten years, since 2007. The spouses are not only officially scheduled, but also sealed their union before higher powers, getting married. The solemn ceremony took place in St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Only the closest people attended the wedding. Vanya's beloved grandmother Nina Urgant told the world about this. According to her, Urgant was motivated to take this step by the death of her mother, who became a terrible tragedy in her life. famous TV presenter. Natalia supported her husband, and this made him reconsider his views on life.

Love story

Many years have passed since the former classmates saw each other again. The meeting took place in 2006, on the territory of his native St. Petersburg, where Vanya came to visit relatives. At dinner in a cozy restaurant, the couple talked about life, shared their life events. Already that evening, they realized that they were in love, and began to communicate constantly. Ivan calmly accepted the fact that in a previous marriage, Natalya gave birth to two children.

Ivan and Natalya met in secret. For more than two years, they carefully concealed their relationship: neither relatives nor funds knew anything. mass media. When Urgant made an offer to Natasha, she, without hesitation, moved to him in Moscow. The press suggests that they did not have an official marriage, but it is likely that this was done in strict secrecy, Ivan nevertheless proposed to Natalya to marry him.

First and last wife

Previously, Ivan Urgant was married to Karina Avdeeva, then was in civil marriage with Tatyana Gevorkyan, his second wife, but the relationship did not reach the wedding. In front of everyone, he boldly calls Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze his first and only wife. According to the relatives of the TV presenter, the news of the marriage shocked everyone. They hoped that there would be a wedding, but Tatyana Gevorkyan would become the bride, because Ivan had lived with her for more than four years. They were notified about the wedding immediately before the event.

To date, Natalia Avtandilovna Kiknadze is the best daughter-in-law, who gets along well with her parents, and the mother of Vanya's two children. Eldest daughter Nina Kiknadze gave birth on May 15, 2008, the girl was named after Ivan's grandmother, famous actress Nina Urgant. In 2015, the daughter Valeria was born. Children and the creation of family comfort are the meaning of a woman's life. Urgant's wife Natalya Kiknadze copes with this mission just fine.

What does Ivan Urgant's wife do

On the given period time, Natalia devotes herself completely to home and family, brings up three children: a child from her first marriage with a Georgian businessman, and two daughters from Ivan Urgant. She cooks well, only thanks to her efforts in the family there is comfort and a warm atmosphere. In addition, the woman owns the restaurant "The Garden", which she received as a gift from her beloved husband.

Secular gossip

At one of the social events that Urgant and his wife attended, a change in the style of Natalya's clothes was noticed. Kiknadze appeared in a spacious black dress that did not restrict movement. This gave reason to assume that Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze was pregnant. Ivan Urgant and his wife are expecting a baby again? Is Natalia pregnant with a boy? This is a mystery shrouded in darkness, because the couple refuses to comment on such guesses. Only time in this case is able to reveal all the secrets. Instagram stars on this issue is laconic.

Divorce Rumors

Urgant carefully tries to hide his life from prying eyes. On any question concerning the family, he is able to deftly, with a sense of humor, laugh it off. Recently, the press reported that a beautiful couple is on the verge of breaking up. From time to time, several publications at once report the news of a divorce. It is possible that this is due to the fact that the Urgants are trying not to open the veil of their personal lives, and journalists fantasize, compose the biography of the star as they please.

Evil tongues say that Natasha is getting a divorce because she is not satisfied with the absence of her husband at home, conflicts constantly occur. All the speculations of journalists have recently been confirmed at one of the parties in The Garden - young people were tense, shunned each other, smiled feignedly. The press immediately spread rumors about imminent divorce. This angered Ivan Urgant, and he nevertheless gave an interview to one of the journalists, saying that his wife and children are the most precious thing in his life, and media rumors are another trick for reporters to increase their ratings.


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Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze is familiar to many as the wife of the famous showman Ivan Urgant. It is not surprising that she managed to win his heart: Russian Georgian origin has an attractive, pretty appearance. Nata does not talk much about her personal life, but she still managed to find some facts.

Kiknadze was born on March 5, 1978 in St. Petersburg. At that time, the surname was already glorified by the girl's uncle, football commentator Vasily Kiknadze. Natasha's mother was a housewife and raised children, while her father, Avtandil Kiknadze, was engaged in jewelry business. Nata studied at the elite St. Petersburg gymnasium at the Russian Museum, where she played KVN, sang and danced.

Natalia Kiknadze 12 years old

Acquaintance with Ivan Urgant

Natalia studied with Ivan in the same class. Then she did not yet know that the merry fellow and cool joker would become her serious love. How Urgant treated Natalia at school is not exactly known, someone writes that he was in love with her and even made an offer, while others claim that he did not pay attention to her.

Natalia Kiknadze and Ivan Urgant in a school production:

Class photo:

From a school photo album:

Immediately after graduation, the girl married a profitable party matched by her father, the son of his businessman friend Teimuraz Kutalia. A rich and successful Georgian courted Nata beautifully, which melted her heart. However, information about the marriage is carefully hidden: not a single photo from the celebration can be found on the network, but it is known for sure that in this marriage Natalya gave birth to a son, Niko, and a daughter, Erika.

At the same time, young Ivan decides to go to the capital. There he falls in love with a student Karina, who is 4 years older than him, after which he invites her to marry him.

Parents were against this marriage and did not approve of the choice of their son. And not in vain - the young broke up almost six months after the wedding.

The beginning of the novel by Kiknadze and Urgant

In 2006, Urgant arrived in St. Petersburg by chance meets Natalya. By that time, she had already divorced her first husband, from the marriage with whom she had two children.

Son of Nico

Eric's daughter

Nata falls in love with a school bully, and he does not have a soul in a young and beautiful Georgian woman.

In one of the interviews, Ivan admits that he wanted to make Natalya his wife immediately after he saw her again.
They met secretly, without notifying even relatives, and even more so - the press.

Then they decided to get married, which shocked their parents and acquaintances, who considered Ivan's bride to be MTV TV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan.

However, the artist made it clear: Kiknadze is his the only love with which he wants to link his fate.

In 2008, the couple had a daughter, Nina, named after Urgant's grandmother.

In 2015, little Valeria saw the light.

The first photo of Valeria

Erika, Kiknadze's daughter from her first marriage, was brought up in the Urgant family and very quickly found a common language with him.

The son from Niko's first marriage, whom Ivan also loves, did not lag behind her.

Ivan Urgant values ​​​​his wife very much, because she is the mother of his two daughters. With the children of Natalia from his first marriage, he has no less reverent relationship. In an interview with Pozner, the artist admitted that he considers Natasha's children from his first marriage his own and even corrected the journalist when he said that Urgant had only two children.

In 2011, Urgant, together with Tsekalo, bought the restaurant "The Garden", which brought them even more popularity. They made their beloved wives managers.

Victoria and Natalia are actively trying to improve the restaurant: they hired an experienced sommelier, help with the development of a new menu, and welcome guests. The restaurant is famous for its wine list and beautiful interior - even in winter there are fresh flowers in tall vases.

Today, Ivan and Natalya still appear in public together - happy and in love.

However, they try to keep their personal lives away from the press: it is impossible to find compromising evidence on either one or the other on the network. It can be seen with the naked eye that Kiknadze and Urgant value their relationship very much. Since 2006, there has not been a single confirmation that the spouses were caught in the scandal.

There are practically no separate photos of Nata, sometimes they can be seen on Ivan's Instagram.

Usually everywhere she poses with her husband, who either hugs her reverently, or whispers something in her ear.

Rumors about the divorce of Urgant and Kiknadze

However, envious people and gossipers periodically spread rumors that the couple is getting divorced, or that their relationship has been shaken due to Urgant's constant absence from home. In addition, Urgant usually laughs off all questions about the family. But recently, the intrigues of envious people completely bothered him, and he gave an interview to a journalist in which he stated that for him there is no one dearer than his wife and children. On Instagram and other social networks periodically appear happy photos families, so all the speculations of ill-wishers are scattered to smithereens.

Son Niko with sisters

And his wife Natalya Kiknadze is one of the most mysterious couples in Russian show business. Ivan did not give a single detailed interview about his relationship with his wife, and Natalya herself prefers to stay away from the press and social events. But their love story still deserves special attention- Ivan and Natalya had known each other since school, but they really understood that they wanted to be together much later. It is about this beautiful couple"Lady Mail.Ru" will tell today.

The first love

Natalya Kiknadze and Ivan Urgant studied in the same class at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Ivan allegedly was in love with a classmate, and at the graduation party he plucked up courage and even proposed to Natasha. At that moment, the girl did not take Urgant's words seriously, and their paths diverged for several years.

After graduating from school, Ivan Urgant nevertheless hurried to marry - this time to a student Petersburg University culture Karina Avdeeva.

“We did not approve of this marriage. Because Karina was much older than Vanya, ”recalled the showman’s father Andrei Urgant in an interview. At that moment, Ivan did not obey his parents, but in vain - the early marriage did not last even a year. However, Urgant did not lose heart, because he never experienced a lack of attention from girls.

The next notable novel by Ivan Urgant was long term relationship with TV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan. They worked together on the MTV channel, so the couple had a lot in common. This time, Ivan, taught by bitter experience, was in no hurry to get married - he lived with Tatiana for almost 5 years, but the matter never came to a wedding. However, Gevorkyan herself claims that Urgant called her to marry many times, and she took a "male position" and was afraid of a "stamp in her passport."

Ivan Urgant lived with Tatyana Gevorkyan for 5 years

Be that as it may, the lovers broke up, and much later, the 39-year-old Gevorkyan married her lover Alexander. Urgant at that time had long been the husband of Natalia Kiknadze and their father common daughter Nina.

Mystery shrouded in darkness

Very little is known about the personal life of Natalia Kiknadze. She was married to Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia. The rest of the details of this marriage and divorce are very contradictory - some say that Natalya allegedly left, taking their two children in common, other sources report that Kutalia himself initiated the gap, and others even call Natalya Kiknadze a “widow”.

Be that as it may, having met again with his school love, Ivan Urgant decided that he wanted to marry her, and he was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the bride already had children and difficult story over your shoulders. According to rumors, Urgant met Kiknadze again when he flew to St. Petersburg for the holiday of one of his friends.

Natalia and Ivan created a happy family

Ivan and Natalya hid their relationship so carefully that even the TV presenter's grandparents found out about their grandson's wedding from the newspapers. It goes without saying that the employees of the newspapers themselves did not suspect anything about the celebration. But now, when Urgant so protects his relationship from any outside interference, he has become a happy father big family. In 2008, Natalya and Ivan had a daughter, Nina, and the children from Kiknadze's previous marriage now live with their mother and her new husband. By the way, quite recently, Urgant for the first time showed a photo of his daughter, who