What happened to Tina Karol. What happened to Tina Karol's husband - Eugene Ogir? Fans published a video in memory of Evgeny Ogir, which included footage from Tina Karol's clips and family videos of the singer with Ogir and their son Veniamin

As it turned out, about a year ago, Tina Turner, she is now 78, suffered major surgery on kidney transplant. About this magazine People with reference to the book of the star "My love story”, which will only be released on October 16,

The donor for Tina was her third husband, music producer Erwin Bach. At the time of the wedding, which took place in 2013, Turner was 74 years old, and her husband was 58 years old. The age difference is 16 years. Before the wedding, the couple lived together for 27 years, and yet the man was accused of commercialism. It was said that after the death of a star, he wants to take possession of all her millions. But life, as it often happens, put everything in its place.

In the book, Tina spoke about her husband's act, which leaves no doubt: Erwin loves her. In 2017, Turner underwent a kidney transplant. In 2016, the singer was diagnosed with bowel cancer. The singer refused chemotherapy, she was afraid side effects irradiation, and for a long time treated oncology with homeopathy. As a result, the condition worsened: the singer developed kidney failure, she urgently needed a kidney transplant.

“Only a transplant would give me a very good chance of leading a life close to normal, but the chances of getting a donor kidney were negligible,” Tina writes in her book.

Her condition was so severe that she refused food and constantly thought about death. Tina even joined the Exit group, which helps organize legal euthanasia. “I didn’t want to sit and suffer. I thought my time had come. I decided that I would rather leave this world. But my husband said, “No, Tina. I don’t want another woman in my life, ”Tina outlined the details of the episode in her memoirs.

In 2017, Erwin and Tina underwent two surgeries, and the singer received her husband's kidney transplant. “I wondered if anyone would think that Erwin's donation was in any way businesslike. Incredibly, considering how long we've been together, there were still people who wanted to believe that Erwin married me for my money and fame," Turner writes.

Recall that Tina and Erwin met in 1985. Before him, the artist was married twice. In 1957-1958, Tina met with musician Raymond Hill. In this relationship, she gave birth to her first son, Craig Raymond Turner. Craig committed suicide three months ago, the man shot himself in July 2018. Tina was married to musician Ike Turner from 1962 to 1978. In this marriage, Turner gave birth to her second son, Ronald. The musician constantly raised his hand to Tina, she even tried to commit suicide, avoiding violence from her husband.

A bright and unlike any other TV presenter, businesswoman, and now the general producer of Match-TV, Tina Kandelaki has always attracted the attention of the strong half of humanity.

Since her divorce from the father of her two children, artist Andrei Kondrakhin, she has been credited with having affairs with many influential men, such as Suleiman Kerimov.

However, the truth turned out to be much simpler. Tina Kandelaki married a man 10 years younger than herself.

In 2016, Tina Kandelaki opened all the cards - she is married to a business partner, director of communications, analytics and strategic research at the Rostec state corporation Vasily Brovko.

Tina and Vasily met in 2008, when the TV presenter was still married. The woman immediately attracted attention young man. At that time he was 21 years old. Before he headed the directorate of prime-time broadcasting of the Mayak radio station. At that time, Tina did not perceive Vasily as a man, but she saw good professional inclinations in a young ambitious guy.

Tina at that moment just wanted to change her role, and frankly admitted to Vasily that she did not want to lead the projects that she was offered. “What's the problem?,” the young and daring Brovko told her, “let's do the project that you yourself want. There is internet."

At a time when Kandelaki, as a host, was at the very top, start some kind of dubious project using global network, it seemed to many pure water adventure. The environment believed that Kandelaki was a little out of his mind. It turned out that both co-authors of the new show were very "in themselves", and became almost pioneers in the development of Internet media.

They opened a joint project- "Unreal politics". Pilot releases were held with great resonance on the network, and the daring project bought out one of the federal channels. The show turned out to be rated, and the cooperation was fruitful.

Vasily Brovko, together with his colleague, left Mayak in order to create their own business, and they succeeded. They created the company "Apostol", which for a short time became the market leader in communications. Kandelaki joined the board, until 2013 the post CEO was occupied by Vasily Brovko, and after he left for Rostec, this position was taken by Tina Kandelaki.

Close and mutually beneficial business cooperation brought Tina and Vasily closer both as people and as a man and a woman. Friends of the couple recall that she did not immediately pay attention to Vasily's courtship. He had to run around to prove his worth.

Interesting Notes:

And many agree despite his age, he managed to achieve a lot. Vasily is stubborn, strong, gifted and already very experienced. He also managed to achieve Kandelaki.

Tina says that she and her husband are a non-trivial couple. They started in business together, developed together. Kandelaki's husband studied with her, and she studied with him.

“My husband and I are partners, although this word is dangerous in marriage,” says Tina, a man should remain a man, and a woman should remain a woman. Tina hopes that her husband understands that she is an unusual wife.

She admits that sometimes she has a hard time not bringing home her need to streamline, structure and build everything. But she understands that everything in the family should be based on love and mutual respect, and not on the desire to solve all problems and get the best result. This is the realm of business and career.

Spouses often consult with each other, they became together in the world of business, this fact cannot be erased. Tina admits that at a difficult moment she is ready to lend a shoulder to her husband - you can’t get away from the vast experience of partnership.

Tina is passionate about fitness, and Kandelaki's husband is a passionate football fan. At the dawn of the relationship, Tina was very annoyed by her husband's habit of surfing all the sports channels upon returning home. Now, on duty, she watches them with her husband.

“If someone had told me at the moment when we met,” Vasily admits, “that we would watch football matches together, I would never have believed it. It's good that they didn't argue."

Like any Georgian wife, Tina cooks well, this can be seen from the numerous photos of mouth-watering dishes in her microblog. She even admitted on Instagram that her love for delicious food brought them together with her husband.

The age difference isn't shocking at all. Tina, 42, shows her perfect abs on social media and athletic figure. Vasily, in his 30s, is a well-established, responsible and successful man.

Naturally, everyone is interested in whether the spouses plan to replenish the family. Latest Rumors about Kandelaki's dismissal from Match-TV closely coexisted with gossip about her possible pregnancy. Neither information is confirmed, but Tina does not exclude anything in the future.

01.05.2013 22:31

April 28, 2013 at about 23:00, the husband of the Ukrainian singer died in Kyiv. The cause of death of Eugene Ogir was stomach cancer, which the doctors could not cure. At the moment of death star wife producer gave a concert in another city.

Just a few days ago, Yevhen returned to his native Ukraine, home from Germany, where he was undergoing treatment. The doctors issued a verdict that they definitely could not help him with anything. Then Eugene immediately decided to return home.

Eugene was 33 years old.

Recall that Tina Karol became Ogir's wife in January 2008, and in November they had a son, Benjamin. They met when Tina came to Eugene as a producer. He recalled that Tina was in a very unusual costume and immediately sunk into his soul. In an interview, they repeatedly mentioned family happiness, made plans for life. Last years Ogir was the producer of Tina Karol, before working with her he worked on the M1 channel, in particular in the Your Format project.

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02.05.2013 00:08 Producer Evgeny Ogir's funeral was held in Kyiv

On April 28, Tina Karol's husband Yevgeny Ogir died after a long and serious illness. The man was buried at the Berkovetsky cemetery. According to Ukrainian journalists, the funeral and farewell to Ogir took place at the Baikove cemetery. But they buried him at the Berkovets cemetery. They immediately installed wooden cross, she is forced to ve...

Lena Miro published the results of her investigation on a page in the popular social network"Livejournal". "Tina Kandelaki's husband (Vasily Brovko. - Approx. Ed.) Is a young guy, and for 12 years younger than wife. Smart Tina, she avenged everything for everything, showing that a woman also loves fresher meat, "Lena Miro praised the sultry brunette for a start.


Next, the blogger did small digression. She posted several photos of a certain dark-haired young woman. “Meet Nicole Sakhtaridi – you don’t know her for sure, because she is nobody. Well, like nobody?

Miro explained why she suddenly jumped from her husband Kandelaki to Sakhtaridi. “The thing is that young Vasya, Tina’s husband, is not only subscribed to Nicole on social networks, but also diligently likes her photos,” Miro announced.

Lena developed an idea. In her opinion, Tina Kandelaki should be worried. "12 years of difference is not in favor of Tina. Vasya - hoo and generally well done. That's just the trouble - he rummages through social networks n *** and, without hesitation, likes their young charms. Now we put ourselves in Tina's place, bunnies, and we understand that there is nothing good in this situation," Lena concluded.

According to Miro, Brovko's attentions towards the young star of "The Bachelor" are a humiliation for Kandelaki. "Where is Tina, and where is Nicole, can be seen with the naked eye. And Tina can be seen, and you, and even her husband Vasya, who likes young body, and not the old wife-raskoryaku. And Vasya's likes are a humiliation, from which to treason is a step or even less," Lena Miro is convinced.

What happened to Tina Karol's husband? This question interested many fans of the young Ukrainian singer, who followed her work and personal life. As you know, the wife's name was Eugene Ogir, and he died at the age of 32. What is known about the young man? What did he do, how did he meet Tina Karol? And what happened to the singer's husband? We will tell in our article.

What is known about Eveniya Ogira?

Eugene was born in 1980. After graduating from school, he entered the Kyiv Theater University with a degree in film and television producer. After graduation, he worked as an executive producer on the Kiev music TV channel M1. His main work was the project "Your Format". In addition, the husband of Tina Karol was the concert director of the Belarusian musical group Leprikonsy.

In January 2007, Eugene met his future wife Tina. At this time, the singer was just looking for a producer and found him in the face of Ogir. Their relationship quickly grew from professional to friendly, and then completely acquired a more intimate character. However, the love idyll did not last long. What happened to Tina Karol's husband?

Secret wedding. Marriage and birth of a son

After a year of close cooperation and close communication, Tina and Eugene decided to officially legitimize the relationship. Young people secretly signed in January 2008, and already in June, on the Trinity, they got married in the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Only after a certain amount of time Ukrainian singer remember a few bad omens that happened on that day.

During the wedding, Tina Karol's veil caught fire, and the day before the ceremony, she almost lost her Wedding Dress in dry cleaning. However, at that time, no one paid attention to such trifles. In November 2008, the couple had a baby, who was named Benjamin.

Young people were called one of happy families in Ukrainian show business. What happened to Tina Karol's husband - Eugene? And for what reason is the man not with his family?

What happened to Tina Karol's husband?

On the eve of Yevgeny's 31st birthday, the popular singer gave her husband an expensive gift - a Subaru sports car, the approximate cost of which, at that time, was about 50 thousand dollars. In addition, Karol pleased Evgeny with an exciting trip to Odessa, where a concert by Garik Sukachev took place in one of the elite nightclubs. Eugene was in good shape and joked a lot. However, after some time, misfortune befell the star family. Something happened to Eugene, he noticeably lost weight and haggard.

At young man diagnosed with stomach cancer. For a year and a half, the singer never complained about the serious condition of her husband and continued to tour with concerts.

At that time, no one could even imagine that what happened to Tina Karol's husband Eugene Ogir was so serious. However, the talented singer celebrated her 27th birthday already in the ward of her sick spouse. Karol raised everyone to their feet famous doctors, even took her husband to Israel and Germany for treatment.

But everything turned out to be fruitless. Producer Evgeny Ogir was never able to overcome his disease - stomach cancer. In April 2013, a reliable shoulder, a caring husband and a wonderful father were gone in one of the Kyiv hospitals. Karol at that time was on tour, she sang in Zaporozhye.

Funeral of Eugene

In response to these statements, on the eve of March 8 this year, a documentary about the singer was released on television, during which she said that she was ready to become a mother again. When asked about the new chosen one, Karol replied that she had a person with whom she was passionate.

In addition, the girl spoke about her perfect man. He, of course, is the son of Benjamin. As the singer assures, the boy matured a lot after the death of his dad and realized that their family was missing important man- his father.