Denis Matsuev boasted of the abilities of his little daughter. Ekaterina Shipulina: secrets of the ballerina's personal life Who did Denis Matsuev marry

Denis Matsuev is a truly virtuoso musician, whose talent made him famous not only throughout Russian Federation but also abroad. Denis is not only a Russian social and musical figure. In addition, he has the title of People's Artist of Russia and is the Laureate a large number variety of music awards. And all this he is alone - an ordinary guy who was born in an ordinary, but musically gifted family.

It is worth recognizing that it is quite difficult to establish his nationality. As well as which of the members of his family had the strongest influence on the future of the pianist. But one thing is truly known - even in childhood he chose the only true path for himself. And it was this path that, in the end, could lead him to a truly impressive success and the emergence of a huge number of admirers not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Admirers who would be insanely happy to meet their idol.

As time goes by, more and more more people interested in this delightful pianist. In addition, fans are interested in him not only as a virtuoso musician, but also as a person. In particular, they are interested in such parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Denis Matsuev is also one of the frequently asked questions. Therefore, we will answer all at once. Denis is an adult colorful man - he is 42 years old. Women adore him also because he is very tall - 198 centimeters. And 85 kilograms of weight suggests that his figure is also excellent.

It is easy to find such information on the net as Denis Matsuev photo in his youth and now. Looking at them, it is easy to guess that most armies of his fans were women. Tall, handsome, and also a musician - what can resist such a thing?

Biography of Denis Matsuev

Denis was born on June 11, 1975, in Irkutsk, in a family not particularly famous, but directly connected with music. Father - Leonid Matsuev - was a pianist, wrote music. And mother - Irina Matsueva - taught to play the piano.

Approximately thirteen years ago, the international festival "Stars on Baikal" was organized in the same city, now it has traditionally been held there, in Irkutsk, for many years now.

We can say that the biography of Denis Matsuev, as a musician, began about fifteen years ago. It was then that fame came to him. In addition to the famous pianist, Matsuev became the head of the society of novice musicians, and also - music competition Crescendo. Most of the townspeople respect the musician very much, since it was with his assistance that a concert hall was opened in the city. Let it be small, accommodating only sixty people, but nonetheless.

The life of this person is really rich in colorful and interesting events. For example, not so long ago the famous opera diva Maria Maksakova celebrated her birthday. And Denis was one of the first to congratulate the singer. A lot of fans, mostly women, were immediately interested in this fact, and made them wonder what really connects these two famous artists.

The truth turned out to be that Denis Matsuev and Maria Maksakova have been close friends for many years now, which Denis himself confirmed. Answering a question from journalists, he noted that they met while studying at a music school, and it was there that their friendship began. In fact, there is absolutely no reason to spread rumors. By the way, Denis studied music at the Moscow Music School.

Often Matsuev's fans are also interested in the question of his nationality. The musician himself prefers to remain silent on such questions, answering simply: "I am a Siberian."

Personal life of Denis Matsuev

The personal life of Denis Matsuev is very for a long time was one of the main topics of discussion among the admirers of the pianist. Mainly for the reason that, despite the relatively middle-aged age, the man was in no hurry to get married. In his interviews, the composer stated that family life it is, above all: respect, trust and love. In the past, the musician claimed that he is still single only because he has not yet met a woman whom he could call his wife. And marriage is not only a stamp in the passport, but also a responsibility.

After a certain time, news began to appear in the media. At first, that Denis Matsuev started a relationship with Ekaterina Shipulina, the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. Somewhat later, rumors began to arise that Denis Matsuev and Ekaterina Shipulina broke up. But this seems to be just a rumor. Because last fall the ballerina gave birth to a girl for him.

Family of Denis Matsuev

Interestingly, the family of Denis Matsuev is very creative. It seems that the talent of a pianist is in his blood, as they say. And it was relatives that had a significant impact on later life musician. Father is a pianist and composer who wrote music for the theater in their hometown. As did his grandfather. And his mother is a music teacher.

From his very childhood, his parents developed in him a talent for music. Little Deniska not only studied at a music school, but did not forget to practice at home. It is obvious that in such a situation, the future musician did not even have a question about the profession. He was completely sure that he would become a celebrity in the world of music.

Children of Denis Matsuev

During the period when Matsuev began his relationship with Shipulina, at some point the press decided to raise the question of whether there are children of Denis Matsuev? Or the relationship with the ballerina has not yet grown to such heights. Fans immediately became interested in the reasons for such a question. After all, this could mean only one of two things: either Matsuev began a conflict in relations with his beloved wife, or Catherine, at least, became pregnant.

Truthfully, fortunately for the fans, it turned out to be the second option. And in the fall of 2016, Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to a daughter to the composer, which caused great joy and immense delight for all their relatives and friends.

Daughter of Denis Matsuev - Anna Matsueva

The daughter of Denis Matsuev, Anna Matsueva, is a rather late child, but adored by her parents. Now the girl is only a year old. And now the famous composer and pianist devotes all his free time to spending time with his daughter, who is just a copy of her mother.

It would not be superfluous to mention that the musician does not like it at all when the media try to get into his personal, his relationship with his family, they try to discuss close people and so on. And the man, with some difficulty, puts up with the fact that, one way or another, one cannot do without it, because he was and remains public person, and any details of his life sooner or later appear in newspapers and the Internet.

Denis Matsuev's wife - Ekaterina Shipulina

Almost all the time that they are married, Denis Matsuev's wife, Ekaterina Shipulina, like the composer himself, did not provide journalists and their admirers with any reason to spread rumors about their couple. They have been married for over ten years. And especially given fact became one of those that served as a real explosion when the news finally got reports that the musician and ballerina had finally had a baby. However, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Denis himself did not comment on this long-awaited event for the press.

Something like this was to be expected, because Denis does not want to talk about personal things in the press. And not particularly delighted when one of his close associates does it. During one of the interviews, he did not even begin to answer a completely harmless, it seems, question about whether he had a girlfriend before the wedding. But, if you remember Denis' attitude to marriage, one thing is clear - he loves and respects his wife very much, otherwise he would not marry and, even more so, have children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Denis Matsuev

Mainly due to the fact that their idol is so secretive, fans are often interested in such pages on the Internet as Denis Matsuev’s Instagram and Wikipedia, in the hope that at least these sources will be able to open for them the veil of mystery that the musician himself and his wife so diligently cast .

The pianist often claims that due to a fairly busy work schedule and frequent flights every month, he does not have time to chat about personal things, as well as keep pages in in social networks. Thus, admirers only have to watch the life of their idol through the Instagram profile of his wife Ekaterina and read the Wikipedia page dedicated to him.

One of the best Russian pianists, National artist Russian Federation Denis Matsuev ranks 36th in the world ranking of professionals in 2015, according to the version of the portal. Already at the age of 9 he played a Haydn concerto with the Irkutsk Symphony Orchestra on the stage of the regional philharmonic, and at 23 he became the winner of the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition. Now Matsuev skillfully combines concert activity with social and musical activities and is more popular than ever. Denis Matsuev's wife should be an unusual woman - the musician's fans think and they are right.

Artistic, well-mannered, always friendly and very likeable, Matsuev attracts many female glances. However, the famous pianist is reluctant to talk about his personal life, because he “does not like to discuss it,” and tries to laugh it off. Usually, he declares that by nature he is a romantic and is married, in fact, to Music, and if he has a mistress, then it is Jazz. And he adds that he is always in love - this is very conducive to successful musical creativity.

In fact, Denis Leonidovich has been married for more than 10 years and his wife is the ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina. She is 4 years younger than her husband and has managed to make great strides in life. She is the winner of the IX International Competition of ballet dancers and choreographers in 2001 in Moscow - 2nd prize, the silver medalist of the same competition in Luxembourg in 1999, the winner of the Golden Lyre competition in the nomination "Female Face of the Year" in 2005 and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. at the Shipulin Bolshoi Theater in good standing: she often dances solo parts in popular ballet productions and has played the main roles in such performances as Giselle, Notre Dame Cathedral, Spartacus, The Legend of Love, Manon Lescaut and many others.

The Matsuevs often have to part, but this only strengthens their love. According to the ubiquitous media and relatives, their union is considered one of the strongest in the region. Russian culture. Denis Leonidovich very often goes on tour around the world, and besides this, he is engaged in social activities. He is the chairman of the New Names charitable foundation, which deals with music education the younger generation in the regions and the support of young talents in studies and creativity, the organization of competitions. He is also a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation, chairman Public Council under the Ministry of Culture. He and his wife have little time for leisure and they try to spend it together.

By the summer of 2016, persistent rumors began to circulate around this married couple that Ekaterina Shipulina was preparing to become a mother, but both of them kept a mysterious silence. True, the ballerina somehow noticed in one of the conversations that she was not worried about the career difficulties associated with the birth of a child: her mother, also a ballerina, managed to give birth to two daughters and return to the stage. In October, Denis Matsuev's wife gave birth to a daughter. Now their family happiness has become even more harmonious and full.

Ekaterina Shipulina - prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2009). She performs with equal ease both classical and contemporary productions. Her repertoire includes almost all ballet performances of the theatre. Talented and sparkling, she immediately attracts the attention of the public. Starting her career with the corps de ballet, with the "sixes" in "The Nutcracker" and "Giselle", the "fours" in "La Bayadère", she was able to prove her right to solo parts in the most significant productions of the main musical theater countries.

And it all began in Perm in 1979, when twins Katya and Anya were born in the "ballet family" of the Shipulins. As a child, the girls spent a lot of time in the theater and therefore no one was surprised when, at the age of ten, the sisters entered the Perm State Choreographic School. In 1991, parents accept an invitation to the Moscow Theater. Stanistavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. When the question arises of transferring the sisters to Moscow, Anya quite unexpectedly refuses to continue ballet classes. Unlike her, Katya enters the Moscow Choreographic Academy, where Lyudmila Litavkina becomes her teacher. At first, it was not easy at the school - increased workloads and high requirements, as well as additional special subjects that were not in Perm. But Ekaterina copes well with all the difficulties and in 1998 she graduated with honors from the Academy and was accepted into the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. Her new teachers are Marina Kondratieva, and later Tatiana Golikova and Nadezhda Gracheva. But her main and most strict teacher, of course, is her mother - Lyudmila Shipulina.

Repertoire of Ekaterina Shipulina

grand pas (La Bayadère by L. Minkus, choreography by M. Petipa, revised version by Y. Grigorovich)

Giselle's friends (Giselle by A. Adam, choreography by J. Coralli, J. Perrot, M. Petipa, revised version by V. Vasiliev)
mares, Tsar Maiden (The Humpbacked Horse by R. Shchedrin, staged by N. Androsov)
mazurka (Chopiniana to music by F. Chopin, choreography by M. Fokine)
The Queen of the Ball (Fantasy on a Theme of Casanova to music by V. A. Mozart, choreography by M. Lavrovsky)
Three Dryads, 2nd Variation in Grand Pas, Queen of the Dryads (Don Quixote by L. Minkus, choreography by M. Petipa, A. Gorsky, revised by A. Fadeechev)

“two couples” in movement III (“Symphony in C major” to music by J. Bizet, choreography by J. Balanchine)
The Heir's Wife (Russian Hamlet to music by L. van Beethoven and G. Mahler, staged by B. Eifman) — First Performer (world premiere)
Fairy of Gold, Fairy of Lilacs (The Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by M. Petipa, revised version by Y. Grigorovich)
Kongo (The Pharaoh's Daughter by C. Pugni, staged by P. Lacotte after M. Petipa) — first performer
2nd variation in Raymonda's Dreams (Raymonda by A. Glazunov, choreography by M. Petipa, revised version by Y. Grigorovich)
second variation in the painting "Shadows" ("La Bayadère")

Myrtha (Giselle, edited by Y. Grigorovich and V. Vasiliev)
Polish bride, three swans (" Swan Lake» by P. Tchaikovsky in the second edition by Y. Grigorovich, fragments of choreography by M. Petipa, L. Ivanov, A. Gorsky)
Gamzatti (La Bayadère)

Odette-Odile ("Swan Lake")

Classical dancer (The Bright Stream by D. Shostakovich, staged by A. Ratmansky)
Henrietta ("Raymonda")
Esmeralda ("Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris» M. Jarra directed by R. Petit)
Seventh Waltz and Prelude (Chopiniana)

Kitri (Don Quixote)
pas de deux (Agon by I. Stravinsky, choreography by G. Balanchine)
soloist of movement IV ("Symphony in C")
Leading soloist (Magrittomania by Y. Krasavin, staged by Y. Possokhov) — the first performer at the Bolshoi Theater
Aegina (Spartacus by A. Khachaturian, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)

Hermia ("Dream in midsummer night» to music by F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and D. Ligeti directed by J. Neumeier)
Action (Foreshadowing to music by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by L. Myasin) — the first performer in Russia
soloist (Playing Cards by I. Stravinsky, staged by A. Ratmansky) - was among the first performers of this ballet

Cinderella (Cinderella by S. Prokofiev, choreography by Y. Posokhov, dir. Y. Borisov)

soloist (In the Upstairs Room by F. Glass, choreography by T. Tharp) — was among the first performers of this ballet at the Bolshoi Theater
Mekhmene Banu (Legend of Love by A. Melikov, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Gulnara (The Corsair by A. Adam, choreography by M. Petipa, production and new choreography by A. Ratmansky and Y. Burlaka) — first performer
soloist (Class Concert to music by A. Glazunov, A. Lyadov, A. Rubinstein, D. Shostakovich, choreography by A. Messerer)

soloist (Misericordes to music by A. Pärt, choreography by C. Wheeldon)
soloist of movement I ("Symphony in C")
Jeanne, Mireille de Poitiers (The Flames of Paris by B. Asafiev, choreography by V. Vainonen, choreography by V. Vainonen)
variation (Grand classical pas from the ballet "Paquita" by L. Minkus, choreography by M. Petipa, production and new choreographic version by Y. Burlaka) - was among the first performers
a couple in green (among the first ballet performers at the Bolshoi Theatre), a couple in yellow (Russian Seasons to music by L. Desyatnikov, staged by A. Ratmansky)

Medora (Le Corsaire) - made her debut on the tour of the Bolshoi Ballet in the USA

soloist in Rubies (part II of the ballet Jewels) to music by I. Stravinsky, choreography by J. Balanchine) — participant in the premiere at the Bolshoi Theater
soloist (Serenade to music by P. Tchaikovsky. choreography by J. Balanchine)

Fleur de Lis (Esmeralda by C. Pugni, choreography by M. Petipa, production and new choreography by Y. Burlaka, V. Medvedev)
Florina (Lost Illusions by L. Desyatnikov, production by A. Ratmansky)
part in Chroma by J. Talbot, J. White (choreography by W. McGregor) — participant of the premiere at the Bolshoi Theater

lead role in "Emeralds" (I part of the ballet "Jewels") to music by G. Fauré (choreography by J. Balanchine)
soloist (Dream of Dream to music by S. Rachmaninoff, staged by J. Elo)

In 2001 and 2003 took part in the International Festival of Classical Ballet named after R. Nureyev, held in Kazan (danced the Queen of the Dryads in the ballet "Don Quixote").
In 2011 - participant joint project Bolshoi Theater and the Californian Segerstrom Center for the Arts (Remansos to music by E. Granados directed by N. Duato, Dumka to music by P. Tchaikovsky directed by A. Barton, Cinque to music by A. Vivaldi directed by M. Bigonzetti ).

In 1999, the ballerina was awarded the second prize at the International Competition "Prize Luxembourg", and in 2001 she was also the second prize at the International Ballet Competition in Moscow. In 2002 she received a youth grant of the Triumph Prize. In 2004, she was declared the winner of the "Soul of Dance" prize established by the Ballet magazine (Rising Star nomination). In 2005, Ekaterina Shipulina became the winner of the Golden Lyre contest (“Woman's Face of the Year. Moscow's Creative Elite”).

On pre-premiere days, rehearsals usually start at ten in the morning and end at eleven in the evening, as well as performances and tours. Despite this, Catherine has time for sports (football, tennis, ice skating). The artist considers herself extreme man. What is the case when the ballerina accidentally broke her arm at the beginning of the performance, but the dancer worked so hard that the audience did not even guess about it. And Ekaterina is not against scuba diving or parachuting. We wish the ballerina new roles and happiness in the coming New Year!

Denis Matsuev is a Russian musician, a famous virtuoso pianist, who in 2011 was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. His popularity extends far beyond the narrow circle of classical music lovers.

The number of the pianist's concerts per year reaches 150. The disc "Unknown Rachmaninov" was included in the list of nominees for the prestigious Grammy Award.

Childhood and youth

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev was born on June 11, 1975 in Irkutsk, Siberia. The great pianist's family has been associated with music for many generations. Grandfather Matsuev worked as an artist in a circus orchestra, where he played drums and percussion. Leonid Viktorovich Matsuev, father of Denis, was a pianist and composer who composed music for theatrical productions Irkutsk. Irina Dmitrievna Gomelskaya, the mother of the future celebrity, taught piano.

From childhood, parents developed in Denis a love for music, as well as piano playing skills. The first lessons for the future virtuoso were given by his grandmother, Vera Albertovna Rammul, who had the skills to play on several musical instruments. In Irkutsk, Denis attended an art school and studied at the 11th school named after - the oldest educational institution cities. The first piano teacher in Matsuev's life was Lyubov Nikolaevna Sementsova.

Musical talent did not prevent Denis from remaining a restless boy who spent his free time on the football field or ice rink. Matsuev seriously dreamed of sports career, and devoted only 2 hours a day to music - there was not enough patience. But even during this time, the boy managed to master the material that his peers had been learning for weeks. The young pianist went in for sports more selflessly, although at one time he was considered the smallest in the class. No one imagined that in his youth the young man would turn into a giant under 2 meters tall (Denis is now 198 cm tall and weighs 85 kg).

After graduating from school, the guy studied for some time at the Irkutsk School of Music, but already at that time he felt the need to continue his studies in the capital.

In an interview, Matsuev speaks with gratitude about his parents, whom he considers the main reason for his success. Mom and father made sacrifices for their son, moving from Irkutsk to Moscow, changing their established life to living in a one-room apartment - and all this in order to provide Denis with the opportunity to study with the best teachers in the country. Parents believed that education should become an integral part of Denis's life. Thus, the boy had access to opportunities that other children did not have.


Since 1990, the Moscow biography of Matsuev begins. Here the young pianist begins his studies at the central specialized music school at the Conservatory. . A year later, Denis Matsuev becomes the laureate of the competition held by the international public charitable foundation"New Names". Thanks to this organization, the young virtuoso gets the opportunity to visit 40 countries with concerts, including Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands and France.

In 1993, Matsuev entered the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied at the piano department with Alexei Nasedkin and Sergei Dorensky. While still a student at the conservatory, Denis became a soloist with the Moscow Philharmonic in 1995.

In 1998, while studying in his last year at the conservatory, Matsuev won the XI international competition named after Tchaikovsky. The performance of the young pianist was noticed by critics, caused a response among the public, laying the foundation for his popularity. Denis considers this victory the most significant achievement in his life.

Denis Matsuev performs jazz improvisation

During the competitive performance, the performer preferred the concert style of playing instead of the average-correct manner of performance adopted at the competitions.

Since 2004 Denis has been representing concert program The Moscow Philharmonic has its own annual subscription called "Soloist Denis Matsuev". A feature of these concerts was the involvement of famous world and Russian orchestras while maintaining the affordability of ticket prices for most listeners. The ensembles participating in the maestro's concerts included the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra under the direction of, the Russian National Orchestra with Mikhail Pletnev, the Orchestra of Soloists led by.

In the same year, Denis signed a contract with the SONY BMG Music Entertainment label, which is the result of the merger of two large media holdings and still remains one of the largest recording studios in the world. Gradually, Matsuev's performances are becoming more and more popular around the world, and albums do not gather dust on the shelves of music stores.

Together with the label, the musician recorded the first album Tribute to Horowitz. The disc includes Vladimir Horowitz's favorite concert numbers, including variations on themes from classical operatic masterpieces, Mephisto Waltz and Hungarian Rhapsody. In addition, Matsuev becomes a representative of Yamaha pianos. This position was held at one time, of which Denis is a fan.

Gradually the man becomes recognizable musician in many countries of the world, and not only Russians are looking forward to his concerts. The tour schedule is scheduled for several years ahead, about which Matsuev informs fans from the pages of the official website. In 2017, he continued to give joint concerts with the famous classical musical groups of the planet.

Among the achievements of the musician, a special place is occupied by the disc "Unknown Rachmaninov", recorded on the piano, which belonged personally to the great composer. The history of this recording began with the fact that, after a concert in Paris, Alexander, the composer's grandson, suggested that Matsuev perform the fugue and suite of the great composer found in the archives. Denis received the right to the premiere performance in exchange for a friendly promise to give up smoking given to Alexander Rachmaninov, which, by the way, he kept.

Denis Matsuev - "Prelude No. 5" op. 23 Rachmaninov

Matsuev also loves musical marathons. Until now, he remains the only pianist who performed all 3 Tchaikovsky concertos in one evening. Then the artist repeated a similar success, but this time for 2 pm.

Denis is one of those performers who, having achieved success in academic music, reached the level when their popularity began to capture more and more listeners who are not included in the circle of classical music lovers. In performing art, the artist combines an innovative approach and rich traditions of Russian piano art.

Matsuev is the head of numerous charitable programs, the purpose of which is to popularize classical music among young people, support young talents and hold piano competitions. One of the goals of Denis's program is to bring art to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Continuing cooperation with the New Names Foundation, Matsuev becomes its president. In 2011, the musician was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Moscow State University. The pianist also organized the Stars on Baikal festival, which takes place annually in Irkutsk. Later he became a member of the jury of the talent show of the channel "Russia-1" Blue bird».

Denis Matsuev at the closing ceremony of the Sochi Olympics

In 2014, I remember Denis Matsuev's performance at the closing of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Fans of the pianist still remember the enchanting concert with nostalgia.

Personal life

Denis Matsuev did not dare to marry for a long time. He was satisfied with his personal life and did not take the stamp in his passport seriously. Soon, information about the pianist's beloved began to appear in the media. She became Ekaterina Shipulina, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. The pianist's wedding took place in a narrow family circle.

In October 2016, his wife gave Denis a daughter. The girl was named Anna. The pianist told the public about the heiress only a year later, still not showing her photo. According to Matsuev, the daughter shows interest in music, the little girl especially likes "Petrushka". Her father noticed Anna's penchant for conducting: during her father's game, the girl moves her hands to the beat.

Among the hobbies of the famous performer are visiting the Russian bath and walking in nature - Matsuev likes to visit Lake Baikal.

The pianist on such trips is often accompanied by his friends. The star of the scene is nostalgic about his city. He decided not to sell or repair his parents' apartment in Irkutsk, but to leave everything as it was. Compatriots also keep the memory of the great maestro. In his native school, the desk, at which the musician sat, the piano, on which little Denis played during breaks, has been preserved.

The pianist also retained a love of football from childhood. Denis is a fan of the Spartak club, and, by his own admission, he was helped to win the Tchaikovsky competition by watching the broadcast of the World Cup instead of listening to the performances of competitors. The musician also remains a fan of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater.

Fans of Matsuev's talent have repeatedly been interested in the pedigree of the famous pianist, trying to find out his nationality. Denis Leonidovich responds to such aspirations to learn about his life simply by stating that "by nationality he is a Siberian."

Denis Matsuev now

Denis Matsuev's love for jazz is well known. The artist highly appreciates this style of music, considering it no less significant than the classics. The pianist often supplements his concerts with jazz miniatures and improvisations. In 2017, he presented to the audience new program"Jazz among friends", which included works by the musician himself.

Denis Matsuev on the TV show "Evening Urgant" in 2018

On the 145th anniversary of Sergei Rachmaninov, Matsuev fulfilled another dream - in 2 evenings he performed all the composer's piano concertos. The performance took place in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky on April 1 and 2, 2018.

Do not forget Matsuev and charity, regularly arranging concerts for the disabled, visually impaired children. At one time, Denis became a participant in the marathon "Children of Beslan". The performer is kind to the younger generation of young musicians.

Elisey Mysin and Denis Matsuev

In 2018, the maestro performed at the economic forum in Davos with a concert in which novice pianists, wards of the New Names Foundation, Elisey Mysin, Sonya Tyurina and Varvara Kutuzova took part.


  • 2004 – Tribute to Horowitz
  • 2005 - Stravinsky - Firebird Suite, Shchedrin - Piano Concerto No.5
  • 2006 – Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich
  • 2007 – Unknown Rachmaninoff
  • 2008 – The Carnegie Hall Concert
  • 2011 – S. Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No 3 & Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
  • 2013 - S. Rachmaninov. Piano Concerto, G. Gershwin. Rhapsody in Blue
  • 2014 – Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3

The famous Russian pianist became a father for the first time. The musician admitted about replenishment in the family as part of the Evening Urgant show. Matsuev said that his wife Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to a daughter at the end of 2016. The girl was named Anna.

The virtuoso pianist admitted that he was very happy to be a father. He said that due to the tight schedule, he had a hard time combining raising his daughter and work, but Matsuev stressed that he always hurries home to the baby and his beloved woman, ironically asking him to finish the program as soon as possible so that he could see Anna Denisovna.

The musician's fans started talking about the upcoming replenishment in the family of Denis Matsuev back in mid-2016, but the pianist never confirmed the fact of his wife's pregnancy and his paternity. The pianist always evasively answered questions about his personal life, not wanting to devote others to his happiness.

Denis Matsuev admitted that he became a father (video):