Children's game of association. Jumping without a parachute is a psychological game. For memory development


There are many options for playing " associations", and each one plays the game differently. If there are four or more of you, sit in a circle. The presenter whispers to his neighbor on the right whatever comes to his mind.

The next person also comes up with his own association for “Newton” or “tree” and tells it to his neighbor. Thus, all players along the chain transfer their - associations.

Useful advice

If your company is small, you can use another version of the game. Someone says the word first, and then everyone takes turns saying their associations to it. If the association is too unexpected, the player explains it. The game goes on until the participants get tired of it. And during the game you can learn a lot of funny incidents from the lives of your friends.


  • Table game "Associations"
  • Let's play in association!

The game "Crocodile" involves 2 teams. Each should have 4 people. A leader and a person who knows how to count well is needed. He will announce the results of the rounds and the entire game.


The game "Crocodile" begins with it. You are given 30 seconds to warm up. The team selects one person who, using facial expressions and gestures, will try to show a certain object. What exactly is on a piece of whatman paper. It is placed in such a way that no one from the team can see what is written on it.

If the object is guessed correctly and the word is pronounced out loud, the team receives 5 points. If it is named incorrectly, then 5 points are immediately subtracted from the result obtained.

The number of points must be strictly monitored by the presenter or the person selected before. He will count the points earned by those playing Crocodile.

The manipulations of the silent participant trying to show the object are funny to watch. At this moment he is unable to utter a word.

Then the teams change places, and a member of the opposing team shows the words. Then the player changes again. Thus, everyone takes turns showing what they are capable of.

At the end of the “Warm-up” the results are summed up. Each team is assigned as many points as it earned through the efforts of all participants.

Thematic round

After the players have warmed up, they will have a “Thematic Round”. Each team is given 90 seconds. There are 5 topics of 5 words per round. Complex words “cost” more, and you can instantly get a lot of points for them (if you manage to guess).

As in the previous one, in this round the players are also silent and take turns to show one word. If the team cannot guess it, then the mime can say: “Stop” to save the allotted time.

You can come up with any topics. For example, “Office”, “Village”, etc. The participant names the topic and has the opportunity to see the word. With the help of gestures and his facial expressions, he depicts the object, and the team guesses. The “price” of words is from 10 to 30 points. For 10 - easy, for 30 - difficult. At the end of this round, the results are also summed up.

Round "Situation"

The player is put on a mask, and he shows only with gestures - without facial expressions. For each correct answer 40 points are given. The time for one show is 40 seconds. There are many situations that can be described in one word. For example: acquaintance, quarrel.

Not everyone participates in this round, but only 2 people from each team.

“Book”, “Round Attraction” and the result

The next task is to guess the book. She is silently portrayed by a person who is not a member of any of these brigades. If the time is up and the team did not guess correctly, then the right to name the book goes to their opponents. Displaying one book takes 30 seconds. For the correct answer, 40 points are awarded.

For the “Round Attraction” a screen is put up. A light is placed behind her. Competitors see only the shadow of their showing player. 2 people from each team participate in turn. The pantomime must “show” a cartoon, TV show or movie in 40 seconds. For each correct answer, 60 points are awarded.

In the final round, duels are held. Two opponents from different teams stand with their backs to each other. Each one depicts some great person.

At the end, the results of all rounds are summed up and the winner of the Crocodile game is announced.

Crocodile is played by 2 teams of 4 people. The fun competition consists of five rounds. The one who “shows” the word does not have the right to talk at this time. Only facial expressions, gestures, or, depending on the topic of the round, one of these are allowed.


Before plunging into the world of facial expressions and gestures, choose a presenter and decide whether he will also be a bookkeeper or whether he will entrust this mission to someone else. When the roles are assigned, you can start playing Crocodile.

If you have been chosen as the host and scorekeeper, then begin the humorous competition with the first competition, called “Warm-up”. Prepare for it, as well as for subsequent ones, in advance. Take several A4 sheets and write words on them large with a felt-tip pen. First, call the first member of one of the teams, which one will be decided by lot.

Show the player words one at a time. Stand so that only he can see them, and the team does not have such an opportunity. The player must remain silent and try to convey the word he sees to his team using gestures and facial expressions.

If they guess correctly, award them 5 points. If a word is incorrectly named, subtract 5 points. After thirty seconds, the turn goes to the opponents. Then the second person of the first team comes out. Make sure you take turns and follow the rules.

There are many games with associations, and they are all very simple and fun - just what you need for a group of friends. Most of them have cards with words that need to be explained. Some games even come up with new meanings.

Why do some associations seem strange to us, while others are absolutely clear and logical? This is because we combine objects according to different principles: by similarity or, conversely, by contrast, we build cause-and-effect relationships and find commonalities in time or space. So, for some, the plane will be associated with birds, because it flies and has wings, and for others with twins, because it was invented by the Wright brothers. In addition, mutual understanding is influenced by our erudition: associative thinking primarily uses the storehouses of our memory.

The best way to understand in practice how our consciousness builds connections between individual events, facts and objects is to play one of the board games with association cards.

Are you too old to play games?

If you still think board games are made for children, then you've probably never played Age of Empires or Game of Thrones. Because not every adult is able to understand their rules, not go crazy and reach the very gameplay. Fortunately, association games are usually very simple: the rules take no more than two pages, are quick to read and easy to understand. At the same time, associative games are always very positive, so everyone likes them - regardless of age, religion and race. People play them with pleasure at home and at corporate events, and take them with them to the dacha and on vacation. Speaking of corporate events, games are a great option for team building if you understand what we are talking about.

Something about benefits

Association board games develop:

  • Imagination and creativity: they teach you to think outside the box, finding original solutions. After all, the number of ideas generated directly depends on how wide a range of associations you have;
  • Analytical skills, helping to find connections between the most disparate objects;
  • Logical abilities: In games where you need to guess words, for example, it is very important to follow the thread of reasoning.


Imaginarium is the first association to board games on... associations. And all because it is almost entirely built on the work of the imagination. Here you need to make associations, choose pictures for them, and then try to guess where the author’s fantasy card is. The game develops not only associative thinking, but also helps to get to know each other better. After all, after a few moves, you will already know who has read Stephen King and who has not.


Activity is the most famous game in which you need to explain words to each other in three ways: draw, tell and show. The method depends on what field your chip is on. And where it will come depends directly on you: you first decide how difficult the word card is to take, and only then explain it, moving forward if successful. This great game for a party, family gatherings or meeting with friends.


Equations develop not only imagination, but also the most amazing skills. So after hundreds of games you will be able to read any word backwards on the first try. Even a synchrophasotron. And all because there are a lot of ways to explain words - from drawing to modeling from plasticine. And every turn, everything is decided by the roll of the dice: beware of the six - the craziest tasks lie in this deck

Elias Party

Elias Party is another popular game where you have to explain words to each other. True, you won’t have to show or draw - just tell. But you may well come across a bonus task: are you ready to think, speak and jump on one leg at the same time? Can you explain several words in a row while maintaining a threatening expression on your face? Yes, quantity matters: the more task cards your team completes in a minute, the further the chip will move forward. And the winner, of course, is the one who comes to the finish line first.


Those who like to read gossip columns will automatically have an advantage at the beginning of the game: after all, in the game Boom you need to explain celebrities to each other. This is done like this: everyone is divided into teams of two, and a certain number of cards are drawn from the deck. Then everyone takes turns talking about famous personalities to his partners without naming their names. The task is to guess as many as possible in the allotted time. When the cards run out, the results are recorded and the second round begins. Now we need to show the same people to each other. In the third stage, for an explanation, you will have the opportunity to give only a hint - to say one word that evokes an association. Boom is not only an opportunity to have fun in a group, but also a great way to get to know each other better and make friends.

Damaged phone

It's easy to draw any word. Understanding what is depicted is also quite simple: one hundred out of one hundred players can cope with this. But it rarely happens that these answers coincide - only if a group of professional cartoonists joins the game. As you already understood, in Broken Phone you first need to draw the hidden word, then identify the picture and write your own version, which the next player will draw. So a sheriff can easily become a bank robber, and a girl can easily become a boy. By studying the chains of pictures and word associations to them, you will definitely smile, and sometimes even laugh out loud.

Tick ​​Tock Boom Party

The most important thing in the Tick Tock Boom Party game is the plastic bomb. Because it can explode in your hands at any moment, and no one knows when this will happen. Therefore, you need to complete all tasks very quickly: remember celebrities, come up with words or make anagrams from them. Having managed, you need to throw the bomb to your neighbor - now it’s his turn to worry. Tick-tock-boom is incredibly exciting and very fun game. The plastic projectile makes a very authentic explosion sound, amusing everyone around, and a randomly triggered timer adds adrenaline to the game. That is why Tick-tock-boom is not just a word game, but a real bomb of any party.


>Can you convince your friends that “Romaika” is a Jamaican alcoholic drink? What if each of them puts forward their own, no less convincing version? As you already understand, in Abracadabra you need to come up with your own new interpretations of various little-known words through associations. And then vote for the option that seems closest to the truth to you. By the way, in fact, “Romayka” is a Greek folk dance. True, hardly anyone will believe it.

Crocodile Big Party

Crocodile is a game in which you need to show each other words, trying to do it in a minute. In the Big Party, you will need to not only show them, but also draw and explain them. Only, unlike Activity and Ekivoki, you yourself choose the way to convey your thoughts to your partner. Additional fun is provided by special "buy-trap" cards: they in different ways complicate the task. Every turn you can take a similar card, and if you cope with the explanation of the word, despite the obstacles, then you will keep it. And you can play it against a rival team or use its second, easier-to-explain property to your advantage.

This game promotes the development of associative thinking, memory, expands vocabulary and teaches you to think logically.

To play the Association game, you need at least two players. The age of the participants is not important, even children can play it from about the age of 5-6 years. Props for “Associations” are not required; if the participant cannot completely rely on his memory, then he should stock up on a sheet of paper and a pen.

Association game rules

The first player is selected by drawing lots or counting. He starts the game: he thinks of a word (noun), which must be divided in his mind into several syllables. Then you need to come up with words (also singular nouns) that begin with the letters of each syllable. Further - even more difficult: the player remembers association words that would fit each word containing letters from the syllables of the main word. It is these association words that he says to other players.

When the other participants learn the associations from the leading player, they must guess what kind of words the letters from the syllables of the main word contain.


The lead player can give hints to other players as they guess words made up of the syllables of the base word. You can give hints using the following words: “very cold”, “cold”, “warm”, “even warmer”, “hot”, “guessed right”. You also need to remember that for each word of syllables you can come up with and say a maximum of three association words.

Players must name their options one by one.

How to win

The winner is the player who names the main word first. Before this, of course, you need to guess what kind of words are made up of syllables. The winner becomes the next leading player to guess the main word.

An example of an Association game

The leading player thinks of the main word: “Head”.

Then he breaks this word down into three syllables: “go”, “lo”, “va”.

For each syllable, come up with a word consisting of these syllables:

  • "go" - dove;
  • "lo" - boat;
  • “va” - felt boots.

And the final part: you need to come up with association words for them.

  • Dove - bird, monument;
  • Boat - fishing, ship, river;
  • Valenki - winter, boots, Russia.

Now let's look at the tips. For example, a participant names his options: “seagull”, “yacht”, “felt boots”.

The leading player must prompt the participant: “warm”, “even warmer”, “you guessed it!”.

Number of players: any from 2 people

Additionally: No

Association games are useful for both adults and children. Linking figurative and logical thinking, they give a good impetus to increase intellectual development, as they increase the speed of intellectual processes. The best way activation of thinking and memory, perhaps, cannot be found.

Many adults suffer from the fact that they cannot quickly find the right word. Ability to quickly retrieve necessary information It is useful to develop from the depths of memory from childhood. Association games are especially useful for children with in different forms developmental disorders. We give examples of games to search for associations. We hope they will show interested adults areas of work.

Let's conditionally divide them into 2 groups:

  1. word association games,
  2. games for figurative associations.

Word Association Games

Associations by contrast

Instructions. I'll name a word, and you quickly find the opposite meaning.

  1. High/low.
  2. Distant/close.
  3. Thick/thin (thin).
  4. Sweet/sour.
  5. Evil/good.
  6. Weak/strong.
  7. Good/bad.
  8. Raw/cooked.
  9. Long/short.
  10. Black/white.
  11. Sinking/swimming.
  12. Shout/be silent.
  13. Throw/catch.

Associations by similarity

Instructions. I'll name the object, and you tell me what it looks like.

  1. Watermelon/ball.
  2. Head/ball.
  3. Pear/triangle.
  4. Sun/dandelion.
  5. Camel/mountain humps.
  6. Snowy field/white blanket.
  7. Fountain/rain.
  8. Boots/feet.
  9. Frozen river/mirror.
  10. Puddle/ocean.
  11. Blooming meadow/carpet.
  12. Sky/blue bowl.
  13. Dandelion fluff/helicopter.

Associations by contiguity in space/time

  1. Winter/snowfall.
  2. Autumn/leaf fall.
  3. Spring/flowering of primroses (snowdrops).

Here you can search for both individual words and chains of words. At one of the classes on time orientation, the preparators were tasked with naming as many “winter” words as possible - associations with the word “winter.” The list turned out to be impressive.

We complicate the task by observing the condition: to name something that happens only in winter.

Cause-effect associations.

  1. Day/light.
  2. Rain/puddles.
  3. Water/wet.
  4. Germs/disease.
  5. Sun/drops.
  6. Drops/spring.
  7. Physical education/health.
  8. Sun/light, warmth, life, tan.

These are the main types of associations. Additionally, associations include:

  1. Generalization: dandelion/flowers, stool/furniture, sheet/bed linen, floor lamp/electrical appliances, cow/pets, apple/fruit, carrot/vegetables, jar/dishes.
  2. Subordination: flowers/asters, furniture/bench, dishes/plate, hats/Panama hat, animals/monkey, toys/scooter, transport/cart.
  3. Addition: notebook/pen, palette/paints, desk/student, soup/spoon, vegetable garden/potatoes, mother/child.

Additionally practical material for association games you can take it from here.

This classification is for students and teachers. It’s difficult for parents and grandparents and they don’t want to figure it out, so we offer several tasks (games). Doing them with the guys of different ages(including schoolchildren) quite regularly, you can achieve good results.

You should start with a simple search for associations, as described in this article

Game "Tail to the word"

A similar association game for schoolchildren and adults is found on the Internet under the name “associated associations.” We adapt the name to the age of our students, additionally introducing an image. What do you think older preschoolers can imagine? A mouse with a tail: what more words, the longer the tail. A train with carriages: more words - longer train. Beads, round dance...

The course of the game is like this. Choose an object or phenomenon and invite the children to name as many words related to the topic as possible. It is advisable to write them down in order to later establish the connection between the word and the association. If there are two or more children, we introduce a competitive aspect: who has the longest tail.

Example: spring. Instructions: name all the words you know that relate to spring. Dialogue:

  • Spring - snowdrop.
  • Why snowdrop?
  • Because snowdrops grow in spring.

The better the skill of searching for associations, the more difficult words can be offered. Let's say the original word is "vacation". Our northern children know a lot about it, they are waiting for it because they will go on a trip. But they have few “vacation” associations. While playing with your child (one at a time), introduce new words: passenger, fellow traveler, conductor, etc.

Game “Which word is missing”

Instructions. I will say two words, and you add a third to them so that it becomes clear how they are connected. For example, I will say: evening, food. How to connect them? They eat in the evening. What is the name of the food in the evening? Dinner. So the third word will be “dinner”. It turns out to be a chain: evening, food, dinner.

  1. Relatives, pencil (letter).
  2. Book, carriage (reading, forgetfulness).
  3. Holiday, mail (postcard).
  4. Pen poetry (poet).
  5. Vegetable garden, arable land (tractor).
  6. Butter, cake (cream).
  7. Beads, round dance (outfit, decoration).

If a child has difficulty coming up with sentences (which is often the case with speech-language learners and children with other disabilities), the third word can be an action: doll, girl (play).

Game "What's Right?"

Instructions. I will name the words, and you tell me what other words they fit with.

  1. Light/fluffy.
  2. Light/wooden.
  3. Multi-colored/fragrant.
  4. Bitter/healthy.
  5. Dark/hot.
  6. Sweet/milky.
  7. Darling/little one.

Association games will be useful for children's party, on a trip, on vacation, in a word, wherever boredom sets in.

Number of players: any
Extras: paper, pens

After several youth meetings, you can check how much the guys know each other. Give everyone a piece of paper and ask everyone to write 4 things about themselves that not many people know. For example:

I have a dog and a parrot.

I love to play chess.

I really want to buy a computer.

I'm going to become an agronomist.

Liar - psychological game for adults

Number of players: 5-8 people
Extras: question papers, pens

This game will also help you get to know each other better. Prepare forms equal to the number of players. The forms should contain questions similar to the following:

The farthest place I've been to is...

As a child, I was forbidden to do... but I did it anyway.

My hobby is...

When I was little, I dreamed of becoming...

The most great achievement in my life this is...

I have one bad habit -...

Sheets with these questions are given to each player, and everyone must fill them out, answering all but one question truthfully. Those. one answer will be incorrect, false.

Jumping without a parachute - a psychological game

Number of players: nine
Extras: chair

For this game, four pairs of participants stand on one side of a chair facing each other, crossing their arms as is recommended when carrying the wounded. Another player who will be the “jumper” stands on the chair with his back to them. He stands on the edge of the chair and falls back like a stick of wax. 8 people standing behind with crossed arms catch him.

The thrill and success of having a comrade caught are exciting and captivating. The fear that their comrade might hit them makes them hold on tightly to each other.

5 steps - psychological game

Number of players: any
Optional: board and chalk or pens and paper

The facilitator invites the group to identify some interesting professional goal, for example, to enter some educational institution, register for interesting work, and maybe even do something outstanding at work in the future. This goal, as formulated by the group, is written out on the board (or on a piece of paper).

The facilitator invites the group to determine what kind of imaginary person should achieve this goal. Participants must name his main (imaginary) characteristics to the following positions: gender, age (preferably this person is the same age as those playing), school performance, financial situation and social status of parents and loved ones. This is all also briefly written down on the board.

Psychological game to identify a leader

Number of players: any
Additional: no

To do this, the participants are divided into two or three teams of equal numbers. Each team chooses a name for itself. The presenter offers the conditions: “Now the commands will be executed after I command “Start!” The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner.” This creates a spirit of competition.

So, first task. Now each team must say one word in unison. "Let's start!"

In order to complete this task, all team members need to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.

Second task. Here it is necessary for half the team to quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. "Let's start!"

Search for benefits - psychological game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

Participants are divided into 2-3 groups. Each group chooses a profession from among those offered during their acquaintance with information professionograms (the profession must be one of those in demand in modern market labor of your city). Next, each group is given the task of presenting itself in it, its capabilities, working conditions, workforce, prospects, benefits, etc.

After everyone has imagined who, by whom, where and how they work, participants are asked to come up with and indicate: what needs (physical, safety, social, egoistic, self-actualization) can each participant satisfy in their chosen profession?


In what way is it satisfied?