Philip Kirkorov is an exemplary father and loving son. Unknown facts about Kirkorov's mother The mystery of "Natasha's mother"

He actively shares concert announcements, tour stories, vacation impressions and family pictures on his blog. More than 2.7 million people have subscribed to the artist's Instagram page. November 25 is celebrated as Mother's Day in many countries. Philip posted archival photo with Victoria Markovna, which he had never shown to fans and journalists before.

“Few people know the fact that my Mom Victoria, back in 1957, when she was only 20 years old, played a tiny role in the movie “FIGHTER AND CLOWN”.

A film about one of the brightest pages in the history of the Russian circus. Famous artists - wrestler Ivan Poddubny and clown trainer Anatoly Durov - were world famous and loved by the people. But their destinies were full of dramatic collisions, as well as all our human destinies ... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, beloved Mom! You are in my heart forever!” - the artist emotionally turned to Victoria Markovna.

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Victoria Markovna Likhacheva (Kirkorova) (center)

Fans of the artist warmly welcomed the photo of his mother. Victoria Kirkorova passed away 24 years ago - she passed away at the age of 57 on her birthday only son. Subscribers tried to support Philip: “Your mother would be proud of you! Do not doubt, Very beautiful! Who are you from! Unusual like your mother", "Very beautiful woman”, “I would like to honor the memory of this beautiful woman, your unforgettable mother”, “Blessed memory. What a good photo."

It can be treated differently, but it cannot be denied that on national stage Kirkorov achieved a lot and went through all the evolutions of a modern artist. There are undoubted advantages in such popularity - impressive earnings, travel around the world and the love of the public. But there are also disadvantages - the biography of Philip Kirkorov is full of moments of negativity and loss. What is he really - controversial and bright Philip? What is the secret of its popularity over the years?

We will try to highlight the most piquant moments from his biography and discuss them from the point of view of facts. After all, there is something to tell about Philip besides his family life with Primadonna Russian stage.

Childhood and adolescence

In 1967, a bright and unique artist of Russia was born, who at the same time remains a true Bulgarian. His homeland - the Bulgarian city of Varna - impresses with beauty and authenticity. It is not surprising that this creative person was born here. In addition, since childhood, he was surrounded exclusively by people of art. For example, the boy's father is Bedros Key. Rkoryan, born in 1932, was a popular Bulgarian singer. However, he is Armenian by nationality. The boy's mother, Victoria Markovna, grew up in a family of circus performers.

First appearance on stage

The main tragedy in Philip's life is connected with the family: at the age of 57, Philip's mother died of cancer. The musician mentioned this more than once in his numerous interviews.

In his early childhood parents were the main support and source of adventure. Philip Kirkorov has been on tour since the age of five. His biography in stage terms started just at the age of five, when the boy went on stage in Petrozavodsk. His father gave a concert there and performed an autobiographical composition called "Son". This song "illustrated" the meeting of Bedros with tankers Soviet army in 1944.

When the composition ended, a baby with carnations got on the stage. The singer introduced his son to the audience and the first applause was heard, which Philip Kirkorov heard in his address. Biography, nationality and good progress in school would provide the boy good start on stage in his native Bulgaria, but Philip's family moved to permanent residence in Moscow, where he went to school.

Initially, it was obvious that Kirkorov was not interested in physics and mathematics: he studied diligently, but without enthusiasm, because he understood that obtaining a certificate was necessary. Still, as a little Kirkorov, he wanted to become an artist, and therefore he studied playing the piano and guitar.

student body

After school, the guy decided to enter GITIS at the department musical comedy but it was not accepted. Then the decision fell on the Gnessin School. The guy graduated from high school with honors. While still a student, Kirkorov had a chance to participate in the program "Wider Circle" on television, where he sang a song in Bulgarian. So for the first time Philip Kirkorov "lit up" in Moscow. Biography a year later new round, and the young man was invited to the shooting of "Blue Light".

After such a "step" he was called to the music hall to work, and almost immediately had to go on a foreign tour of Germany. And then a significant acquaintance with the songwriter Ilya Reznik took place. It was Reznik who introduced Kirkorov to Alla Pugacheva in April 1988. By this time, the guy had a red diploma of higher musical education.

He also managed to travel around Mongolia, where he gave free concerts to the Soviet military. In addition, he performed at a competition for young performers in Yalta and went through the shooting of the first video for the song "Carmen".

Becoming an artist

Further, the biography of Philip Kirkorov impresses with an abundance of happy acquaintances. At the "Christmas meetings", where he was invited by Pugacheva, he got along with the songwriter Leonid Derbenev. Very soon after they met, Derbenev will give Philip the hits “Atlantis”, “Heaven and Earth”, “You, You, You”, “Day and Night”.

And in 1989, the guy will tour Australia and Germany in company with the Prima Donna herself. In the same year, the first solo concert was held in Perm and it happened to get into the final of the Song of the Year festival.

Already by 1990, Kirkorov actively began an independent concert activity, without the help of the Alla Pugacheva Theater. In the same year, the Schlager-90 competition was held, at which Philip took the Grand Prix.


Two years later, the artist presented two show programs at the same time, and Atlantis was recognized as the best show of the year, as was the video for the song of the same name. Solo tours took place in Israel, the USA, Germany and Canada.

The biography of Philip Kirkorov went up sharply in 1993, when he received the Ovation and Golden Orpheus awards. A tour of Australia was also successful. A year later, the paths of Kirkorov and Pugacheva again converged in Atlantic City. After that, they almost did not part. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Diva, Kirkorov took the position of the pop king of the Russian stage and has firmly held it for more than a quarter of a century..

euro look

Biography of Philip Kirkorov remembers another significant year- 1995, when he represented Russia at music competition"Eurovision". Success, however, did not please, and the foreign audience did not appreciate the king of pop. As a result - 17th place.

Perhaps then Kirkorov received good lesson, because he began to produce young performers from the CIS countries participating in competitions of this type. His protégé was Anzhelika Agurbash, who in 2005 represented the Republic of Belarus. But then she took only 13th place. Two years later, Philip sent Dmitry Koldun to the competition. The performer also represented Belarus and the result was already better - the sixth position.

The most successful was the performance of the representative of Ukraine - Ani Lorak, who took second place in 2008. For such success in producing activities, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Kirkorov the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. It turned out to repeat the success in 2016, when Philip wrote a song for Sergey Lazarev. The result was also second place.

Life in the field of cinema

Develop only in music for real creative person got bored. Therefore, a biography of such a star as Philip Kirkorov is so interesting. The year of his birth in the cinema took place in 2000, when the shooting took place in the serial television series "Beauty Salon".

Then there were works in the series "Women's Happiness", "My Fair Nanny". Not spared Kirkorov and filming in the newsreel "Yeralash". And then it was time for New Year's musicals. Not a single one could do without Philip, and always his roles were bright and center. In the asset of the artist postponed:

  • "Red Riding Hood".
  • "New Year's Matchmakers".
  • "Golden Key".
  • "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors".
  • "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka".

By the way, in last Philip received the role of the devil, and was later awarded at the Kinotavr-2002 festival for the best male role.

But it was modern cinema that connected Kirkorov with the role of St. Valentine in the Love in the City trilogy..

About personal

For women whose dream is Philip Kirkorov, his personal biography will seem unnecessarily modest. His first relationship began in 1988 with graceful dancer Maria Shatlanova. The girl was then 17 years old, and she actively starred in the singer's videos. There were rumors about an imminent wedding, but instead the relationship fizzled out.

And in 1994, Kirkorov took the most serious step and made an offer to Alla Pugacheva. He sought the favor of the chosen one for a very long time, but he did not retreat from his own. Philip himself later admitted that he fell in love with this woman while still a child. Of course, you can’t refuse the guy’s determination! In March of the same year, registration took place in St. Petersburg. And two months later, the couple also got married in Jerusalem. For the public, it was a shock, because the bride was 18 years older than the groom.

The marriage lasted 11 years and Alla got married again, but her chosen one was even younger - showman Maxim Galkin. But Philip is still alone. In an interview, he repeatedly said that Alla was and remains one of the most important women in his life. He does not hide the fact that he no longer plans to marry. FROM ex-wife he maintains a warm and sincere relationship, trying to take an active part in her life.

Alone with myself

But few people know what Philip Kirkorov really is. The biography, personal life and interests of the pop king still remain behind a veil of secrecy. It turned out that he had long dreamed of a family and, having parted with the woman of his dreams, he decided to resort to the help of a surrogate mother.

His repertoire has become more adult, lyrical, often sad. Philip himself says that he lives by his songs, and they convey his mood. Sometimes he compares himself to troubadours and says that modern performers sing little about true heartbreaking love.

Philip is condescending about his age and 50-year milestone. He understands that with age it is necessary to change the direction of the texts and the style of performance. So far, Kirkorov's work is coming out quite harmoniously.

Philip and his family

The biography of Philip Kirkorov and his children is of interest to fans, but today family life performer seems surprisingly quiet and calm. He is a kind father who loves his children and brings them up in luxury. He always generously presents the nannies of his kids, loves to give gifts.

Philip named his daughter in honor of the two most beloved women - mother and ex-wife. He invited Pugachev to become a godmother. But nothing is known about the mother of Kirkorov's children. He spread a rumor that surrogate mother- American. But the journalists made their assumption, based on the statement of Alla-Victoria, that “papa Philip and mother Natasha” helped her in creating children's crafts.

After such information, Kirkorov was forced to confirm that the mother of the children spends a lot of time with them. Under the name "Natasha" may be hiding a well-known business lady in the capital, Natalya Efremova, with whom Philip became friends against the backdrop of common love to shopping. True, the singer reported that Efremova was the godmother of his children, and not theirs. real mom. He does not say anything about their own mother, except that he considers his family complete for Alla Victoria and Martin.

Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov is a bright and unique personality in Russian show business. A performer whose songs certainly become hits, a talented producer who gave a start in life to more than one musical nugget, a shocking brawler and a fan of shocking the public with outfits and details from his personal life.


Philip Kirkorov was born in the family of a Bulgarian singer with Armenian roots, People's Artist Bulgaria and Russia Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov and Victoria Markovna Likhacheva, concert presenter. They met in 1964 during a concert by Bedros accompanied by the Eddie Rezner Orchestra in Sochi. 27-year-old Vika and her mother watched the performance from the eighth row. Later it turned out that the singer and the girl lived in the same hotel. Gathering courage, she asked him for an autograph, and Bedros Filippovich asked her hand and heart.

From the age of five, little Philip accompanied his parents on tour.

In 1984, Philip entered the Gnesins State Musical College. From there, the singer came out with a red diploma in his hands in 1988. BUT creative career Kirkorov began in 1985. It was this year that the first television shooting of the future artist took place on the Wider Circle program. There, Philip sang the song "Alyosha" in Bulgarian.

For the first time Philip Kirkorov was invited to work as a musician in 1987. The future singer received an invitation from the Leningrad Music Hall, which was directed by Ilya Rakhlin, and the artist immediately went to Berlin to the famous Friedrichstadtpalas show theater. And after Philip left the musical hall, he met the poet Ilya Reznik. He became one of the first who helped Kirkorov to conquer the Olympus of domestic show business.

Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva - the king and the prima donna

In 1988, Philip Kirkorov first met Alla Pugacheva. It happened at the opening day of Ilya Reznik. At the end of the year, the singer received an invitation from the Diva to take part in her "Christmas Meetings". By that time, Kirkorov had already graduated from a music school and performed in Yalta at his first competition, shot the first video clip for the song "Carmen" and sang for free in Mongolia for Soviet soldiers.

While preparing for the "Christmas Meetings", Philip Kirkorov met the poet Leonid Derbenev, who later wrote such hits for the singer as "Heaven and Earth", "You, You, You", "Day and Night" and "Atlantis".

And a year later, Philip Kirkorov, together with Alla Pugacheva, went on tour to Germany and Austria, and also gave his first solo concert in Perm. And in the same year, the artist for the first time became a finalist of the prestigious Song of the Year festival.

At the end of 1989, Philip Kirkorov left the Alla Pugacheva Theater and began active concert activity. In 1990, the singer received the Grand Prix at the Leningrad competition. In the same year, the song "Heaven and Earth" brought Kirkorov first place in the "Shlager" contest. And two years later, the video clip for the song "Atlantis" was recognized as the best. The artist released two programs called "Heaven and Earth" and "Atlantis". The latter was recognized as the best show of the year. And at the same time, Kirkorov for the first time went on tour in the USA, Germany, Canada, Australia and Israel. In 1993, the artist received the Ovation Award as " Best Singer of the year, as well as the award international competition"Golden Orpheus".

Wedding of Kirkorov and Pugacheva

An important year for Philip Kirkorov was 1994. It was at this time that the singer made an offer of marriage to Alla Pugacheva, and received consent in return. On January 13, in Moscow, the couple announced their engagement. And already on March 15, the marriage was registered in St. Petersburg by the mayor Anatoly Sobchak. Two months later, Kirkorov and Pugacheva got married in Jerusalem.

Family happiness does not at all prevent Philip Kirkorov from pursuing a career. In the year of the wedding, he releases the solo program "I'm not Raphael", the main part of which was the songs of their repertoire Engelbert Humperdinick, Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka, Tom Jones and Elvis Presley. In the same year, the legendary composition "I raise my glass" was recorded.

Philip Kirkorov and Nastya Petrik - video for the song "Snow"

In November 1994, the already married couple Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva gave a joint grand concert in Atlantic City. The couple performed at the Taj Mahal, the largest American casino, and six months later the artists went on tour to Israel together.

Creative success

In 1995, Philip Kirkorov's performing abilities were again awarded prestigious awards. The artist received two Ovations at once as a performer of " the best program and as "Best Singer". In the same year, three clips for the hits “Bird”, “Darling” and “Look What a Summer” were aired.

A week before the popular Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin, Philip Kirkorov learned that he would represent Russia there. However, the performance was not enchanting, and the singer took only 17th place. At the competition, the artist performed "Lullaby for the Volcano".

At the end of 1995, a double CD by Philip Kirkorov, “Say the Sun: Yes!”, was released. At the same time, the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You” is released. It was presented at the State Variety Theater, and then successfully passed throughout the country. In 1996, the artist received the prestigious Monte Carlo World Music Awards for the record circulation of sound carriers among Russian performers (2 million).

Philip Kirkorov and Masha Rasputina - Tea Rose

In 1997, the singer travels around with the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You!” about a hundred cities in Russia, CIS countries and far abroad.

In early 1999, Philip presents in Moscow the program “Oh, mother, chic ladies!”, Which was based on temperamental oriental melodies. In the same year, the artist again receives the World Music Awards, and then goes to represent Russia in the Michael Jackson and Friends. What more can I give. Michael Jackson himself invited him there. Upon his return, Kirkorov presents the Diva program.

In 2002, Philip Kirkorov Production acquired the right to stage the Russian version of the popular musical Chicago. Kirkorov is producing the project, and also plays the main male role in it. This musical, by the way, was named "Premier of the Year" at the end of the year.

In 2003, the artist makes his debut as a TV presenter. He begins to lead the program "Morning with Kirkorov" on STS. However, the project did not last long. In 2005 it was closed.

In 2005, Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva officially broke off family relations.


In 1995, Philip Kirkorov went to Eurovision and returned from it, having won only 17th place. After such a failure, the singer decided to become a producer and composer for contestants from the CIS countries. The first experience was unsuccessful. Kirkorov's ward Anzhelika Agurbash took only 13th place in the semi-finals in 2005. And in 2007, singer Dmitry Koldun went to the competition with Philip Kirkorov's song. However, the Belarusian artist took only 6th place.

The third attempt was more successful. The artist wrote the song "Shady Lady" for Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who went to win the European competition in 2008. The artist has already taken 2nd place. For such a breakthrough, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko awarded Kirkorov the title of People's Artist of his country.

"Pink blouse"

On May 20, 2004, a real scandal erupted at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, the main character of which was Philip Kirkorov. To the question of Irina Aroyan, journalist of Gazeta Dona: “What is the reason for such a large number of remakes in your repertoire?”, the singer began to swear obscenely and insult the correspondent. Aroyan sued the celebrity and won. Kirkorov was ordered to pay a fine of 60 thousand rubles.

Blogger insult

On June 27, 2010, on Twitter, the singer again spoke obscenely in response to criticism from the active blogger Evgeny Grak. Thus, the artist again inflicted public insults. The story again received wide publicity - a series of articles appeared in the media under the heading "Kirkorov Scandal on Twitter." However, thanks to the scandal, Kirkorov got about 3,000 subscribers to his microblog.

Philip Kirkorov - video for the song "Fire and Water"

Attack on Marina Yablokova

On December 4, 2010, during a rehearsal of a performance for the Golden Gramophone, Kirkorov rudely expressed his dissatisfaction with the spotlight directed at him. The second director of the event, Marina Yablokova, asked to wait until the lights were put on. However, in response to this, I heard from the speakers foul language. After the director's requests to calm down, Kirkorov ran up to Marina Yablokova and said, "I'll kill you!" hit in the face. The victim sued her offender. The artist publicly apologized to the woman and said that he himself was shocked by what had happened. After media coverage of the incident, the artist was hospitalized in the psychiatric department of the Israeli center. On December 16, Kirkorov and Yablokova entered into an amicable agreement.

Philip Kirkorov and his children

On November 26, 2011, Philip Kirkorov's daughter Alla-Victoria was born. She was born by a surrogate mother in America. The father announced the birth of his daughter on the air of the program “What? Where? When?". A few days later, Philip revealed in the program “Let them talk” that his daughter was named after his mother Victoria and Alla Pugacheva. Three months later, the joyful father moved his daughter to Russia, to his house near Moscow. On April 8, the girl was christened, godfather became a famous TV presenter

Victoria Markovna Kirkorova (Likhacheva), born on April 6, 1937, worked as a concert host, when Philip graduated from Gnesinka and became popular, her mother sorted through numerous mail and answered letters from fans, she felt sorry for the girls suffering from unrequited love to her son.

creative union

Bedros Filippovich met his first love in 1964. Then the 32-year-old performer gave concerts at the Sochi Summer Theater and noticed her on the 8th row. The girl was accompanied by her mother. Later it turned out that the singer and his fans lived in the same hotel, and when Vika asked for an autograph, Bedros suddenly offered her a hand and a heart.

Victoria Markovna Kirkorova got engaged to Bedros Filippovich in 1964, after 3 years (April 30) Philip appeared, the union lasted 30 years, and after the death of his wife, the loving 62-year-old singer was depressed for a long time and did not appear in public. In 1997, Kirkorov Sr. returned to concert activity. By the will of fate, he ended up in Novgorod, where he performed for 30 years. There he also met Lyudmila Smirnova, who holds a senior position on the Trudovik collective farm.

Being single, and having taken the position of a doctor of economic sciences and a teacher at the institute, the woman needed Bedros, and the age difference (18 years) did not bother her. The couple got married in the spring of 1997, choosing the cathedral for this solemn event. Saint Sophia Cathedral Novgorod Kremlin. Now the Kirkorovs' union has its own farm near Novgorod.

Cause of death of Kirkorov's mother

The story of the death of the mother of the "King" of pop music dates back to 92, when the diagnosis of the disease became known - liver cancer. The doctors warned: or surgical intervention or death. After 2 years in St. Petersburg, the famous professor Gradov, who deals with blocking metastases, agreed to the procedure, which led to a temporary improvement.

The singer and his son regularly visited his wife in the hospital, told his wife about a joyful event - Pugacheva's engagement to Kirkorov. But Professor Gradov suddenly found himself on the operating table. And he could no longer control the health of his patient. One day, Bedros was informed that it was time to say goodbye to his relatives. The woman leaves the world of the living. Philip could not decide on such a test, but Pugacheva was nearby, and she insisted on a meeting. They both arrived. The woman blessed them. And quietly left the world of the living.


Philip is descended from 5 nations: Armenians, Jews, Bulgarians, Russians and... even Italians. The mother was Jewish - the nationality of children is determined there by their mother, but the King himself calls himself a Bulgarian.
