Future Simple - formation and use. Future Simple Tense - simple future tense in English

Future action in English language can be expressed in many ways. The most famous of them is Future Simple(simple future tense). However, it is not as “simple” as it seems at first glance. This time has many functions and we invite you to explore them in our article.

How is the Future Simple formed?


In order to form Future Simple, we need an auxiliary verb will. The subject will come first, followed by will, in third place - the main verb without a particle to.

You may have once heard that auxiliary verbs Future Simple- This shall And will. Yes, it was like that, but a long time ago. Today will is the only auxiliary verb, and shall sometimes used in questions.

In an affirmative sentence will combines with a pronoun to form an abbreviated form:

  • I'll come.
  • She'll understand.
  • They'll agree.


In a negative sentence, a particle appears between the auxiliary verb and the main verb not.

In a negative sentence will combines with a particle not, forming a shortened form. But there is one feature here - a change in the form of the word: will + not = won't. For example:

  • It won't break.
  • We won't find.
  • You won't see.


Question in Future Simple begins with an auxiliary verb will followed by a subject and a main verb.

We have separated all functions Future Simple into 3 groups, so that it is convenient for you to study at this time. If you're not already familiar with it, the first place to look is the green box. It contains the basic functions required for entry-level. In the yellow frame you will find those functions that are needed at the intermediate level. And in red there are more rare and complex cases of use Future Simple, studied at a high level.

Using the Future Simple

First level

Future Simple denotes the same phenomena as Present And Past Simple , only in the future.

  1. When we express single actions in the future.

    We will take a taxi. - We let's take Taxi.

    He will spend his vacation in China. - He will hold vacation in China.

  2. When an action will be repeated several times in the future.

    I will go to London a few times next year. - I I'll visit London repeatedly next year.

    Words that indicate future action may be used in this tense: tomorrow(Tomorrow), tonight(tonight), the day after tomorrow(day after tomorrow), next week(next week), next year(next year), in a week / in a month(in a week / in a month), soon(soon) etc.

    She will call me tonight. - She will call to me In the evening.

  3. Future Simple used when we make a decision instantly and immediately voice it, in other words, when we make spontaneous decisions.

    I will order a steak and chips, and you? - I I'll order steak and fried potatoes, And you? (I came to the restaurant, looked at the menu and spontaneously chose a steak)

    Hold on. I "ll get a pen. - Wait, I I'll get it handle. (there was a need to write something down, so I immediately said that I needed to take a pen)

When else is the Future Simple used?

Average level

  1. Future Simple used when we make an assumption regarding an action in the future, that is, we think, suspect or guess that in future will happen some kind of action.

    This website will give you lots of useful information. – On this site you you'll find a lot of useful information.

    People won't go to Jupiter even in 100 years. - People won't fly to Jupiter even after 100 years.

    Such sentences often contain words showing assumption, doubt, certainty or uncertainty: think(think), hope(hope), believe(to count, to believe) wonder(to be interested) expect(expect), imagine(imagine, imagine) be sure(sure), be certain(sure), be afraid(afraid); probably(probably), certainly(definitely), perhaps(Maybe):

    I am sure you will enjoy the film. - I sure what's the movie for you I'll like it.

    The rain won't probably stop soon. - Rain, probably, will end not soon.

  2. Will can be not only an auxiliary verb of the future tense, but also a modal verb. The situation in such sentences most often refers to the future, and we will also translate into Russian into the future tense. By using will we can pass multiple values:
    • Promise.

      I will come and see you before leaving. - I I'll visit you before leaving.

    • Offer.

      Will you have a cup of tea? - You have a drink a cup of tea?

    • Please.

      Will you help me to find an earring? I dropped it in the bathroom. - You will you help should I find an earring? I dropped it in the bathroom.

    • Warning or threat.

      Don’t drink coffee at night. You will have problems with sleep. - Don't drink coffee in the evening. At your place will sleep problems (warning)

      Listen carefully to me or I will punish you. – Listen to me carefully, or I will I'll punish you. (threat)

      Sometimes the actions in such sentences are similar to simple single actions in the future. If in oral speech you want to emphasize that your words are a promise or a warning, then highlight will voice. The offer and request are usually presented in the form of a question.

Complex cases of using the Future Simple

High level

You know what's next if(unless) we use will. Students learn this “reinforced concrete” rule when they meet. But it can be violated in two cases.

  1. If if is used not as a condition, but as an indirect question, then you can use will. An indirect question is a subordinate clause that begins with a conjunction if/whether(whether), but it is not a question. It maintains regular word order and puts a period at the end rather than a question mark. Don't confuse indirect questions with conditional sentences. In both cases the conjunction is used if, but in a conditional sentence there is a condition: something can be done if the condition ( if= if). In an indirect question there is no condition, it has an alternative: can you do something or can’t ( if= whether).

    I want to ask if he will go to Japan next year. - I want to ask, will he go he's going to Japan next year.

    I have no idea if she will like these flowers. - I have no idea, will you like it these flowers for her.

  2. Will can be used in conditional sentences after a conjunction if(if) as a modal verb. In order to emphasize modality, we place a strong emphasis on will. Situations can relate to both the present and the future, but in Russian they are more often translated into the future tense. We can supply will after if:
    • When will It means “to do something persistently and persistently,” that is, to continue to defend one’s opinion without listening to others.

      If you will stand your ground, you will lose your job. – If You you will continue to stand on your own, you will lose your job.

    • When will denotes a polite request.

      If you will pass the salt, I will be obliged. – Pass it on, Please, salt, I will be grateful to you.

  3. One of the functions will How modal verb- show the speaker’s reluctance to do something. In this case will denotes a situation in the present, therefore it is translated using the present tense. Usually in such sentences we need to highlight will voice, so we let the interlocutor understand that will is a modal verb, not an auxiliary verb Future Simple.

    I've tried to give her advice, but she won't listen. “I wanted to give her advice, but she doesn't want to listen. (we want to emphasize her reluctance to listen)

    My father won't lend me his car. - My father doesn't want to borrow your car. (he shows reluctance to borrow a car)

  4. Sometimes we use Future Simple when we talk about a pre-planned event in a formal speech style. Most often, in this case, we report not only about the event itself, but also about some of its details.

    The meeting will begin at midday. The presentation will start at 12.30. - Meeting will begin at noon. Presentation will begin at 12:30.

    Please note that we usually use or construction when we talk about a planned action in the future, as well as when we talk about a scheduled action.

    We 're having a meeting in the café in two hours. – We have a meeting in a cafe in two hours.

    I 'm going to have a meeting with Andy today. - Today I going to meet Andy.

    The meeting begins at 9 a.m. - Meeting will begin at 9 am.

At the time Future Simple a wide range of tasks, and for most future situations you will be able to find a suitable function. It can rightly be called the “universal” future tense. Of course, like any English time, Future Simple can be found in unexpected contexts, so at all levels of language proficiency you will learn something new about it.

To better remember the functions Future Simple, take the following test. You can also download a table with forms of forming the simple future tense in English.

(*.pdf, 184 Kb)


Future Simple Tense - simple future tense

To make plans and guesses in English, you need to master the future tense. Unlike Russian speakers, residents of “Foggy Albion” are more picky in this matter. So, do you want to know all the secrets of Future Simple?

The Simple (Indefinite) group includes three main tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple Tense. All of them differ in frequency of use, ease of construction and use. Let's start with folk wisdom: “If you want to make God laugh, tell us about your plans.” It is very difficult to know something for sure, but it is very necessary to assume and dream. This role in English is played by the Future Simple (Indefinite).


Without the participation of auxiliary verbs, no time can fully exist. So it is in this case. Helps reflect future action will/shall, the first of which is used with the subjects You, she, he, it, they, and the second - I, we. This rule has existed for many centuries. But the modern fashion for simplification gives us an indulgence, and today it is allowed will with all the faces. But the second auxiliary verb is increasingly used as a modal verb. Although classical grammar adheres to the first option. There are no changes to the verb - infinitive without to: S + will/shall + V.

IN colloquial speech more used abbreviated forms:

I shall=I’ll, You will=you’ll, she will=she’ll

Will not = won’t, shall not = shan’t


The rules of the Future Simple (Indefinite) are very specific, as are the usages, which can be easily understood.

1. When we express simple action in the future or several consecutive, and the time frame is vague, the Future Simple is used.

She will be at home in a few minutes. — She'll be home in a few minutes.

The day will become shorter soon. — The days will soon become shorter.

My mother will visit a doctor tomorrow, and after then she will go home. - Tomorrow mom will go to the doctor, and after that she will go home.

2. Also in the case of verbs and adverbs think, believe, to be sure, probably, perhaps, certanly, imagine, expect, be afraid of, hope, who say that we we assume, think, express our ideas and thoughts regarding future events, but the information is not accurate: it may be so, or maybe vice versa.

I am sure you will enjoy your flight. - I'm sure you will enjoy the flight.

They hope she will get a job. “They hope she gets a job.”

I'm afraid Mr Brown won't wait for you. - I'm afraid Mr. Brown won't be waiting for you.

3. For expression momentary, spontaneous action that arose on the go , during a conversation, and we immediately want to carry it out, it is also necessary to use the Future Simple form (important: unplanned).

I am too tired to go on foot. I'll take a taxi. — I'm too tired to walk. I'll take a taxi.

Look. You have left the door open. I'll go and shut it. - Look. You left the door open. I'll go and close it.

4. Threat, request, promise, advice, offer The English express it in the simple future tense.

I’ll not tell anyone your secret, I promise. “I promise I won’t tell anyone your secret.”

Will you get me a paper while you are out? — Could you give me the documents while you're gone?

5. You can display in a separate line subordinate clauses of condition and time, in the dependent part of which the future tense cannot be used under any circumstances (the present tense is used instead). Although the Russian version says the opposite. But be careful not to fall for this trick.

As soon as he passes the exams, he will go to the camp. — As soon as he passes the exams, he will go to the camp.

If you visit this place one time, you will return there one more. — If you visit this place at least once, you will definitely come back again.

The future simple tense, like any other, has its own signal words, which sometimes help to recognize it in context: tomorrow, next month, next year, in a week, in a month, the day afrer tomorrow, soon.

Comparison of times

After reading the cases of use, a general picture seemed to emerge. But when performing exercises or various tests, confusion again arises. After all, the Future Simple is often confused not only with future tenses, but also with the present. And all because of the discrepancy between the Russian form and the English one. The table will help you place emphasis in all cases.

Future Simple

Future Continuous

Future Perfect

Present Continuous

Present Simple

Anticipated action in the future, without clear time boundaries Planned action in the future with a clear time frame An action that will be completed in the future by a certain moment Planned action for the near future, structure to be going to (get together) Action in the future according to a schedule, according to a time set by someone
I will wait for him tomorrow. I will be waiting for him at 6 o'clock tomorrow. I will have waited for him by 7 o’clock. I am going to visit my granny.I am waiting for him tonight. The train leaves at 7.
I'll wait for him tomorrow. I will be waiting for him at 6 o'clock tomorrow. I will wait for him until 7 o'clock. I'm going to visit my grandmother. I'm waiting (will be waiting) for him tonight. The train leaves at 7.

Passive Voice

Future Indefinite Tense also has a form in the passive voice. So, all cases of use remain the same, the education changes a little.

will\ shall + be + V ed (V 2)

The letter will be sent next week. — The letter will be sent next week.

He will be called the best pupil tomorrow. - Tomorrow he will be named the best student.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. That's why it's called simple. Future Indefinite (Simple) can be called the usual future tense, familiar to Russian speakers. Features such as uncertainty, vagueness of the period or time of an event clearly distinguish this time from others.

From today's grammar material you will learn:

— rules for using Future Simple,
- how to say a regular sentence in the simple future tense,
- how to ask a question in Future Simple,
- sentences with negation - “He won’t go, she won’t find out, etc.”

Future Simple - education

To talk about something in the future tense, you just need to put the word ‘will’ in front of the main verb.
This is all. No endings and no to after will - Not necessary.

I will work tomorrow. Tomorrow I will work.
He /she /it will work. He, she, it will work.
We/they will work. We, they will work.

I'll call the police now. I'll call the police now.
I'll make you a coffee. I'll make you some coffee.

I'll go to the movies tonight. In the evening I will go to the cinema.
We'll see. Let's see.

I'll do that later. I will do it later.
He will arrive on Sunday. He will arrive on Sunday.
I'll meet him at 9:00 pm. I'll meet him at 9 pm.

In colloquial speech, the English shorten will and say:

I will = I’ll = Isle,

You will = you’ll = Yul,

He will = he’ll = Heel,

She will = she’ll = Sheel,

We will = we’ll = Will,

They will = they’ll = Zale.

Negative sentences in the Future Simple

To talk about something in the future with a prefix NOT: I WILL NOT say, I WILL NOT go, I WILL NOT, etc.
you need to use the construction will not or won’t for short.

I won't do the washing up. I won't wash the dishes.
I will not speak to him. I won't talk to him.
I won't tell you anything. I won't tell you anything.
He won't know. He would not know.

She won't agree with that. She won't agree.
I won't smoke anymore. I won't smoke anymore.
Your sister will not like it. Your sister won't like this.
You will not win. You won't win.

After the word When - the word will is not placed.

When I get home, I'll call you.
I'll call you as soon as I get home.

Interrogative sentences in the Future Simple

Who will you meet in Moscow? Who are you meeting in Moscow?
Will you please subscribe to my channel? Please subscribe to my channel.
Will you buy me an ice-cream, please? Will you please buy me some ice cream?

When to use the Future Simple

Future Simple - The simple future is used when we need to talk about actions that will happen in the future.

Namely, in cases where it:

— spontaneous actions/decisions: “I’ll pick up the phone.” / when the phone rings /.
- premonition - forecasting: “It seems that it will begin now.”
— opinion: “I think Manchester will win against Spartak.”
— promise: “She promised that she would help me with English.”

If you are just starting to learn English, then perhaps you should stop here. To begin with, this material will be quite enough to be able to express your thoughts using the word will to denote the future tense. Don’t bother yourself with complex designs, remember the rule: the simpler, the better.

If, however, you are already at a level higher than pre-intermmeddiate, then it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with

Hello people! What will you do tomorrow? What? You don’t know what to say? No worries! We're gonna teach ya:) The future tense in English is expressed different ways, but today we will focus on the most famous - Future Simple or Future Simple Tense. In this article we will look at: the rules for using the future simple, diagrams and examples of the formation of affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in this tense. So let's keep going!

Education Future Simple

To form the Simple Future Tense, you need to use the auxiliary verb " will" before the infinitive (first form) of the main semantic verb (without the particle " to»).

Affirmative sentence is built according to the scheme " subject + will + semantic verb" For example:

I will open the window.- I'll open the window.
You will go to London.- You will go to London.
He will play football.- He will play football.
She will finish the game.- She will finish the game.
It will eat a bone.- It will eat the bone.
We will be at school tomorrow.- We will be at school tomorrow.
You will arrive on time.- You will arrive on time.
They will buy a new flat.- They will buy a new apartment.

In an affirmative sentence " will" is combined with a pronoun and forms a shortened form:

I'll open.
She'll play.
They'll buy.

Negative sentences are formed by adding a particle " not" To " will» = « will not" For example:

I will not open the window.- I won't open the window.
You will not go to London.- You won't go to London.
He will not play football.- He won't play football.
She will not finish the game.- She won't finish the game.
It will not eat a bone.- It won't eat the bone.
We will not be at school tomorrow.- We won't be at school tomorrow.
You will not arrive on time.- You won't arrive on time.
They will not buy a new flat.- They will not buy a new apartment.

You can also use the short form " won't».

I won't open.
He won't play.
They won't buy.

Question in the Future Simple begins with auxiliary verb « will", followed by subject And main verb. For example:

Will I visit her?- I'll visit her.
Will you help me?- Will you help me?
Will he go to school?- Will he go to school?
Will she dance tomorrow?- Will she dance tomorrow?
Will it climb a tree?- Will it climb a tree?
Will we have a party?- Are we having a party?
Will you leave the office?- Will you leave the office?
Will they go on a picnic?- Will they go on a picnic?

In a special question “will” is put before the subject, A before the auxiliary verb the necessary one is used interrogative pronoun:

Where will I play? - Where will I play?
Why will he play? - Why will he play?
With whom will you play? -Who will you play with?

Using the verb "shall"

Verb " shall" is practically not used in modern English. It is found only in issues, when it comes to proposal to do something or help:

Shall I help you?- Can I help you? - Should I (should) help you?
It's too cold here, shall we go home instead?- It’s too cold here, maybe we’d better go home?

In older texts the meaning of promise, warning or threat is found:

You shall never be alone again.-You will never be alone again.
You are too arrogant and one day you shall regret it.-You are too arrogant and one day you will pay for it.

So, we seem to have sorted out the form :)

Using the Future Simple

  • When we talk about a single event in the future:
He will spend his money on vacation.- He will spend his money on a vacation.
We will have a party tomorrow.- We'll have a party tomorrow.
  • When The action will be repeated several times in the future:
We will visit our grandmother several times next year.- Next year we will visit our grandmother several times.

Unforgettably markers, which indicate action in the future: tomorrow(Tomorrow), tonight(tonight), the day after tomorrow(day after tomorrow), next week(next week), next year(next year), in a week / in a month(in a week / in a month), soon(soon).

  • When make an instant or spontaneous decision and immediately voice it:
I"ll have a cup of coffee and a piece of an apple pie, and you?- I'll have a cup of coffee and a piece of apple pie, and you?
It's late right now. I"ll call a taxi.- It's already too late. I'll call a taxi.
  • When we make assumptions about the future, that is we think, guess or suspect that some events will happen in the future:
I think it will be a great day tomorrow!- I think tomorrow will be a wonderful day!
I am sure you will enjoy the movie.- I'm sure you'll like the film.

In such sentences you can often find the words: think(think), hope(hope), believe(to count, to believe) wonder(to be interested) expect(expect), imagine(imagine, imagine) be sure(sure), be certain(sure), be afraid(afraid); probably(probably), certainly(definitely), perhaps(Maybe).

If our assumptions are based not only on personal opinion, but also on some evidence(proof) - something that confirms that some event will happen in the future (more precisely in the near future), then we use the construction “ be going to" In this case, the speaker is confident about what will happen based on the present. For example, you see a person who has walked too close to the edge of the roof. He's not scared at all, but you started to panic because you see that he might fall. So you say: “Step back! You are going to fall!»

She's going to have a baby(we see her big belly and that's our evidence).
Look at these clouds. It's going to rain(you can see dark heavy clouds in the sky).
Liverpool is going to win the game(the game is almost over and the score is 2:0).

Modal verb "will"

In English " will"can act not only as an auxiliary, but also as a modal verb. All actions in such sentences will refer to the future tense. With "will" we can pass multiple values:

  • Promise- Promise:
I will call you before leaving.- I'll call you before I leave.
I will not watch TV tonight.- I won't watch TV tonight.
  • Offer- offer:
Will you drink a glass of orange juice?-Will you drink a glass of orange juice?
Will you marry me?- Will you marry me?
  • Threat- threat:
Listen to me closely or I will punish you.- Listen to me carefully, or I will punish you.
Freeze or I'll shoot you!- Freeze or I'll shoot you!

We all know the rule that in conditional sentences after “ if»/« when» Future Simple not used, but as always there are exceptions.

If "if" is used not as a condition, but as indirect question, then you can use “will”. An indirect question is a subordinate clause that begins with the conjunction " if»/« whether"(whether), but it is not a question. It maintains regular word order and puts a period at the end rather than a question mark.

I want to know if you will be free at this weekend.- I want to know if you will be free this weekend.

"Will" can be used in conditional sentences after the conjunction "if" as modal verb.

  • When "will" means " do something persistently and persistently", that is, continue to defend your opinion without listening to others:
If you won't apologize, you will lose her forever.- If you don't apologize, you'll lose her forever.
  • When "will" denotes a polite request:
If you will speak to him, I will be obliged.- If you talk to him, I will be very grateful.

As you can see, Future Simple is not such a simple tense. “Will” is not only an auxiliary verb that helps form a sentence in the future, but also a modal verb that has different meanings depending on the situation.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other tenses of the English language

Learn English with an eye to the future. And may it be bright for you. Cheers!

Big and Friendly family EnglishDom

Future Simple Tense is translated into Russian as “simple future tense.” With its help, we talk about actions that we will take in the future.

This is one of the most popular English tenses. It's very easy to use. But it is important to figure out how to do it correctly from the very beginning.

In the article we will analyze the rules for using the Future Simple, patterns and examples of the formation of affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in this tense.

  • Is it possible to use shall to form the future tense?

If you are just starting to learn English, then start with these articles:

Using the Future Simple tense

Future Simple Tense - simple future tense. It is used in the following cases:

1. When we talk about facts that will happen in the future.
(I will go on vacation; he will buy a car; they will go on a visit.)

2. When we talk about an action that may take place, that is, we make a forecast or express a personal opinion.
(I think it will be warm tomorrow; he thinks prices will rise)

How are affirmative sentences formed in the Future Simple?

The Future Simple is formed very easily: using an auxiliary verb will and verb in initial form . Note: ending the verb does not change at all, unlike the Present Simple, where the ending changes depending on who performs the action. Education scheme:

Actor + will + action (verb in initial form).

We work
They will sleep
She play

Let's look at examples.

Iwill play tennis tomorrow.
I will play tennis tomorrow.

Shewill buy a car this year.
She will buy a car this year.

He won't call you back.
He will call you back.

It will help you.
This will help you.

They will watch an interesting film at the weekend.
They will watch an interesting movie this weekend.

How can you shorten will?

We can shorten the auxiliary verb will:

will = 'll.

He'll get a taxi.
He'll take a taxi.

Is it possible to use shall to form the future tense?

The auxiliary verb shall is obsolete and is no longer used in the Future Simple tense. It can only be found in official or outdated texts.

However shall we can use, to ask someone's opinion.

Shall I buy this dress?
Should I buy this dress?

Shall I read this book?
Should I read this book?

Shall I take a taxi?
Should I take a taxi?

You can also find the use of shall V meaning "should".

He shall buy this dress for me.
He must buy this dress for me.

She shall read this book.
She must read this book.

Future Simple tense indicators

When you see the following words, then this means that you have a simple future tense.

  • Tomorrow - tomorrow.
  • Next day, week, month, year - next day, month, year.
  • In one day - every other day.

My sister will return nextweek.
My sister will be back next week.

His friend will sell the phone tomorrow.
His friend will sell the phone tomorrow.

Children will play football in two days.
The children will play football in two days.

Negative sentences in the Future Simple

We use the negative form when we say that we will not perform some action in the future or that something will not happen. Negative sentences will be constructed by adding the particle not. For example: I won’t go for a walk, it won’t rain tomorrow.

Negation in the Future Simple is formed by adding a particle not to auxiliary verb will.

Actor + will + not + action (verb in initial form).

We work
They will not sleep
She play

For example

Hewillnot study English next month.
He won't study English next month.

Theywillnot help you.
They won't help you.

Wewillnot meet you tomorrow.
We won't meet you tomorrow.

How can we shorten will + not?

In negation we can shorten the particle not, pay attention to how exactly:

will not = won't

She won't call you.
She won't call you.

Interrogative sentences in the Future Simple

To ask whether someone will do something in the future, we put the auxiliary verb will in the first place in the sentence. The structure of the question will be as follows.

Will + actor+ action (verb in initial form)?

we work?
Will they sleep?
she play?


He will get up early tomorrow.
He will get up early tomorrow.


Will will he get up early tomorrow?
Will he get up early tomorrow?

Short positive answer, that is, if we want to say “yes”, will contain the auxiliary verb will.

Yes, he will.
Yes, it will.

Complete positive answer will be constructed as an affirmative sentence.

Yes, he will get up early tomorrow.
Yes, he will get up early tomorrow.

Short negative answer, that is, if we want to answer “no”, it will contain the auxiliary verb will + the particle not.

No, he will not.
No, it will not.

Complete negative answer will be constructed as a negative sentence.

No, he will not get up early tomorrow.
No, he won't get up early tomorrow.


Will do you do your homework? Yes, I will.
You will do homework? Yes, I will.

Will do you do your homework? No, I will not.
Will you do your homework? No, I will not.

Will they cook dinner tomorrow? Yes, they will cook dinner tomorrow.
Will they cook dinner tomorrow? Yes, they will cook dinner tomorrow.

Will they cook dinner tomorrow? No, they will not cook dinner tomorrow.
Will they cook dinner tomorrow? No, they won't cook dinner tomorrow.

Special questions in Future Simple

Special questions are asked using the following question words:

  • what - what;
  • where - where;
  • which - which one;
  • why - why;
  • when - when;
  • who - who;
  • how - how.

Question word + will + actor + action (verb in initial form)?

What I
Where you
Which we work?
Why will they sleep?
When she play?
Who he

What will do they do tomorrow?
What will they do tomorrow?

When will she buy a new phone?
When will she buy a new phone?

How long will do you do your homework?
How long will it take you to do your homework?

Where will he lives next year?
Where will he live next year?

Who will feed your cat?
Who will feed your cat?

In English there is a construction to be going to, which translates as “getting ready to do something.”

We also use it when we talk about actions we plan to take.

That is, we say:

1. About plans for the future
2. Events that are likely to happen

For example: “She is going to buy a new dress.”

In English, such sentences are formed according to the following scheme:

Actor + verb to be (am, is, are) + going to + action.


She is going to study English.
She is going to learn English.

They are going to buy a car.
They are going to buy a car.

What is the difference between will and to be going to?

I think you noticed that the construction to be going to is similar in use to will (Future Simple). Very often they can replace each other.

But there is still a slight difference.

We use the construction to be going to when the decision is balanced and thought out in advance. That is, you have preliminary plan to do something.

For example, you say to a friend: “I am going to learn English.”

That is, you have already decided and thought about what you need English, looked for suitable courses and signed up for several introductory lessons to choose. And now share your plans with a friend.

The Future Simple tense is usually used when you are unsure of your plans. Perhaps you made a decision mid-conversation and didn't have time to think about it.

For example, you didn’t pass the interview because the job requires fluent English. You get upset and think: “I will learn English. Then I will definitely find a good job.”

This decision was made spontaneously, that is, on this moment you didn't have time to think about it.

Read more about this design.

Now let's summarize briefly and look at general table use of time Future Simple.

General table of time use Future Simple

So, Future Simple (simple future tense) is used in the following cases:

1. When we talk about an action that we will perform in the future (facts that will happen).
2. When we talk about an action that may take place, that is, we make a forecast or express our opinion.

Let's look at the formation of all types of sentences in this tense.

Offer Education formula Examples
Affirmative Actor + will + action (verb in initial form).

I will go to work tomorrow.
I'll go to work tomorrow.

She will fly to New York.
She will fly to New York.

Negative Actor + will + not + action (verb in initial form). We willnot come.
We Not we'll come.

She willnot go to a cinema.
She Not will go to the cinema.

Interrogative Will + actor + action (verb in initial form)? Will are you studying English?
Will you learn English?

Will she play tennis?
Will she play tennis?

Future Simple is a very simple tense. I hope you don't have any difficulties using it. If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

Reinforcement task

To consolidate what you have learned, I suggest you translate the following sentences into English. Write your answers in the comments to the article.

1. My friend will work on the weekend.
2. We won't buy a new car next month.
3. He will go to the hospital tomorrow.
4. Will you go to the theater with us tomorrow? No, I won't go to the theater with you tomorrow.
5. He will not sign this agreement next week.