Giant crocodile. The largest crocodile in the world. Where does the largest crocodile in the world live?

Mother and son are walking along the sidewalk! And ahead is open sewer hatch. Son:
- Mom, look, the crocodile is flying!
- Where?
And they passed by. Suddenly, after a minute, a man catches up, covered in... no, and says:
- Listen, mom, tell your little bastard that crocodiles don’t fly!!!

It just seems that crocodiles are all the same: big,... In fact, these mammals also have their own hierarchy, and it concerns their size. So, Top 10 largest crocodiles.

This crocodile is considered the largest among the rather small representatives of the toothed and tailed ones. The length of such “monsters” ranges from 6 to 7 meters, but sometimes reaches almost ten. The biggest saltwater crocodile was caught in India 100 years ago.


This cutie is slightly smaller in size than the saltwater crocodile. He likes to huddle along the banks and hide his five-meter body in the swamp. It is mortally dangerous for humans, which is proven by this fact: in Uganda, villagers caught one such “crumb”, which took 83 human lives with it into the swamp.


These crocodiles are also far from “baby” - their length reaches 5-6 meters. Despite the fact that the animal’s diet consists of fish and small animals, livestock can also easily go to dinner for the Orinoco crocodile. The colossus attacks people only if there is a threat to its offspring or its own life.


This animal lives on the Hindustan Peninsula. And although its length reaches 4-5 meters, the crocodile practically does not attack people. Only if they start making fun of his pointy muzzle. It is afraid of the tiger or its relative, the saltwater crocodile, because, despite its impressive size, it can easily become their prey.


What this cutie has in common with the black Cayenne is only their considerable length: caimans in nature grow up to 4.7 meters. But if you feed a South American crocodile well and scratch it behind the ear, it can stretch up to 6 meters.


Another toothy evergreen beast, the length of which varies from 4 to 4.5 meters (if we talk about males). Female Mississippi alligators are slightly smaller - only 3 meters. However, one day on Marsh Island, located in Louisiana, a crocodile almost six meters long was caught. Apparently it was a good year.


Although the name of this crocodile sounds quite cute - “gavial”, there is little charm and charm in it. Even a narrow and long face is not able to smooth out the horror caused by its size, which is as much as 5 green pimply meters.


Another crocodile that has chosen the Hindustan Peninsula as its place of residence. It has from 66 to 68 teeth, the impression of which is complemented by a wide muzzle and an impressive size: 4-5 meters. When he smiles or yawns, everyone faints or runs away.


The habitat of this mammal is the country Southeast Asia. Compared to the above crocodiles, this guy is just a baby, since adult crocodiles of this species do not grow more than 3 meters. Maximum 4, if he is not stressed and fed well.


Closing our list of the largest crocodiles are the “babies” from New Guinea. Their height is quite small - only 3.5 meters, and only if we talk about males. However, even such “small” dimensions make him great, and terrible, and quite dangerous for those who dare to doubt his zealous character.

Gigantic lizards that awe people and animals with their size and unsurpassed hunting abilities are crocodiles. The most great representative This family is the so-called saltwater crocodile. Why did it get such a name, and what is the lifestyle of these predators? Read more in our article.

The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is also called the saltwater crocodile. He is the most a prominent representative families. These animals have earned a reputation as the largest and fiercest reptiles among their crocodile kin.

Saltwater crocodiles and their closest relatives, the alligators, caimans and gharials, have an impressive lineage - their ancestors were dinosaurs themselves.

Ancient lizards, however, surpassed modern crocodiles in size, reaching a length of 13 m. It is through the example of crocodiles that humanity can imagine the appearance of ancient extinct animals. Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, crocodiles have changed little and still resemble their ancient relatives appearance and habits.

Anatomy and physiology

The saltwater crocodile is named so for a reason. Its head is crowned with two rows of ridges located in the middle of the crocodile's snout and running from the eyes to the nostrils. Juveniles do not have such decorations - only adult animals wear combs.

The saltwater crocodile is distinguished from its contemporaries by the presence of small scales on its belly. Such “chain mail” does not undergo the process of ossification, that is, it does not turn into osteoderm.

  • At birth, crocodiles weigh no more than 70 g, and their body length is 30 cm.
  • Males are considered capable of reproduction when they reach a length of 3 m, females - 2 m.
  • Some adult crocodiles can grow up to 6 m and weigh about 1000 kg.
  • On average, the length of a crocodile is 4 - 5 m, weight - 450 - 800 kg. Females are more miniature, reaching 2–3.5 m and weighing 450 kg.

Yellowish scales evenly cover the entire body of the lizard, and dark spots form on its tail and body. In mature individuals, the skin becomes darker, eventually acquiring a greenish-gray tint with brown patches. The belly of the crocodile is yellow-gray, the tail is painted with dark stripes.

FYI. Crocodiles even resemble their dinosaur ancestors in their skull structure. The organs of hearing and touch of this lizard are located in close proximity to the top of the head. This feature helps crocodiles stay under water for a long time with their nostrils pointed outward. Watching what is happening on the shore in this way, the crocodile senses prey located many meters away from it.

Lifestyle and habitat

Saltwater crocodiles can live in both fresh and salt water. In this case, the reptile can be found on ocean coast, in lakes, swamps, rivers. Capable of swimming far into the sea, the lizard easily drifts from shore to shore. But most often, combed creatures live in deep water.

Special glands that the crocodile is equipped with help it remove salt from the body. Thanks to this feature, the animal can live in salt water, but it cannot drink it. It gets the missing moisture from the food it gets.

These predators are considered loners - each of them has its own “room” within the reservoir. On land, crocodiles move slowly, at a speed of 3 - 5 km/h, but in water they can accelerate to 30 km/h.

During the day toothy reptiles bask in the water, preferring to hunt early in the morning or at dusk. Crocodiles feel most comfortable in conditions tropical climate, and therefore are able to migrate when cold weather sets in.

Saltwater crocodiles live in Indian and Pacific Oceans. They can also be found in coastal waters Sri Lanka, New Guinea, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, East and Southeast Asia. But the largest concentrations of these predators are observed in the north of Australia. Able to swim quickly, these crocodiles reach the coast of the Philippines or Japan.

Behavior and nutrition of reptiles

This species of reptile feeds on mammals, fish and birds. Individuals living in the seas can easily cope with even a white shark. Adult predators kill buffalo, antelope and other large horned animals. Their menu may also include wild boars, leopards, monkeys, crabs, and snakes. The cubs eat fish, insects, and shellfish. During periods of famine, this animal is capable of committing an act of cannibalism, eating its own kind.

These predators have interesting feeding habits. Large prey crocodiles don't eat right away. Drawing victims into the depths, they place them under snags and stones to prevent them from surfacing. When the meat begins to decompose, the lizard begins to eat. However, there are often cases when prey hidden in this way goes to other carnivores.

When hunting, a crocodile camouflages itself in the water, waiting for its prey to approach. Suddenly attacking prey, the predator knocks it down with a blow of its tail or captures it with its powerful jaws. The reptile drags the defeated animal into deep water until the victim finally drowns.

Bite force, attack on people

The terrible crocodile's mouth is equipped with cone-shaped teeth, each 5 cm long. There are cavities inside them, in which new chewing units are subsequently formed when the old ones wear out. Total number teeth can reach hundreds.

The saltwater crocodile is the most dangerous representative of its family for people. About 2,000 people become its victims every year. Largest number attacks are recorded on the coast of Australia.

This is interesting. In 1945, saltwater crocodiles staged a real carnage on Ramri Island. 1,000 Japanese soldiers trying to ford the local swamps were attacked by toothy creatures. Only a few dozen soldiers managed to escape.

The sea lizard holds the record for jaw power among all animals living on the planet. Thus, the bite force of a crocodile is 16,480 newtons, or 251 atmospheres. For comparison, the bite force of a jaguar is 136 atmospheres, and that of a hippopotamus is 124.

Large individuals often attack pleasure boats and easily bite through them.

Reproduction and lifespan

With the coming mating season crocodiles become extremely inventive when it comes to flirting. To attract females, males make various movements, splash their muzzles on the water, and make characteristic sounds reminiscent of croaking. Through short period after mating, the female lays 40 - 60 eggs in a previously dug clutch.

The crocodile is an example of true maternal dedication. After all, after burying the eggs in the sand, she continuously stays near them for almost 3 months, while remaining hungry. The female carries the hatched cubs with extreme caution in her mouth to the water.

This is interesting. Moving towards the water, a female crocodile can also carry newborn turtles along with her children. Their parents often lay eggs near crocodiles, considering the formidable toothy mother an excellent guard.

Crocodiles are long-lived predators living in wildlife about 60 − 80 years.

Red Book, interesting facts

Saltwater crocodiles are inhabitants of the Red Book, because at the end of the last century their population was teetering on the brink of complete extinction. And all because of the value of crocodile skin, which made these predators a target for poachers and hunters. The law now limits the hunting of large pangolins.

Many years of experience of naturalists observing crocodiles allows us to highlight several interesting facts about them:

  1. Literally translated, “crocodile” means “pebble worm.” There are several explanations for this name. The most common version is that the scales on a crocodile’s body are similar to small pebbles.
  2. Crocodiles grow and increase in size throughout their lives. This is due to the continuous growth of cartilage tissue.
  3. While in water, reptiles are unable to close their mouths. In this case, water does not enter the predator’s body due to the presence of a secondary bony palate. The so-called velum palatine acts as a valve, and the crocodile is able to breathe through nostrils exposed to the surface of the water.
  4. The crocodile's stomach is equipped with gastroliths - the so-called "stomach stones". They help him grind hard food and shift the crocodile's center of gravity while swimming.
  5. The crocodile is one of the few animals that have remained virtually unchanged in appearance since prehistoric times. This is explained by the way of life of reptiles - both then and now they lived and live in water. It was this kind of habitat that saved the lives of the lizards, since the waters of the World Ocean almost always maintained approximately the same temperature.
  6. The largest saltwater crocodile in the world was caught in the Philippines in 2011. The predator's body length was 6.17 m, weight - 1075 kg.

Menacing saltwater crocodiles are beautiful and dangerous creatures. Direct descendants of dinosaurs, these lizards are distinguished by their cunning and fearlessness. Both animals and people can become victims of the reptile - powerful jaws allow the crocodile to choose an object for hunting at its own discretion.

The crocodile is perhaps one of the most terrifying animals used to scare children. His aggression is inexplicable to the unenlightened man in the street, although it is dictated only by instinct. Many stories have been built around the inexplicable desire of an adult crocodile to drag its victim to the bottom faster. works of art. Therefore, the answer to a purely practical question is always interesting: “How much does a crocodile weigh so that it can so easily deal with the victim?”

Size and weight

How much a crocodile weighs and what its size will be depends on the type and sex of the reptile. The sea one (also known as the combed one) can grow more than seven meters and, accordingly, will weigh approximately a ton. Dwarf (aka West African) grow to a maximum of 1.9 meters, and it will gain weight up to 32 kg (maximum - 80 kg). Crocodiles are animals with pronounced sexual dimorphism; males grow much faster and become much larger than females. Moreover, a carcass weighing more than a ton grows from a baby measuring 20 cm.

Observations of the size of crocodiles and their weight are difficult due to behavioral characteristics and inaccessibility of the reptiles’ habitats.

Only observations of crocodiles in captivity are reliable. Most big crocodile that has ever been observed is a hybrid of a saltwater and Siamese crocodile named Yai on a farm in Thailand. Its length is 6 meters, weight - 1114 kg.

The length of the largest crocodile caught alive is 6.17 meters, weight - 1075 kg (Philippines).

How long do crocodiles live?

It is difficult to determine with a high probability the age of a crocodile. The usual method is to measure lamellar rings in teeth and bones: once every year, when the climate changes from dry to humid, a new ring appears as a result of the change in growth rate.

Therefore, the age of crocodiles is almost always spoken with a speculative degree of probability. According to such estimates, almost all species of crocodiles live from thirty to forty years, although it is believed that large ones (combed, Nile, marsh, Central American) can live up to 70 years. Some of the largest specimens of saltwater crocodiles live more than a hundred years.

Crocodile like animal

The name crocodile is commonly used to identify all reptiles of the crocodilian species. But only representatives of the family of true crocodiles can be strictly classified as Crocodylinae. Based on this, this article will discuss the features of the crocodile family (with the exception of gharials and alligators)

There are 24 known species of crocodiles in the world, divided into 3 families and 8 genera.

The most big family- crocodilians, includes three genera - true crocodiles, blunt-snouted, gharial.
1st genus - real crocodiles:

    African narrow-snouted;





    New Guinea;






    Central American.

2nd genus - blunt-nosed crocodiles. Includes only one representative - the blunt-nosed crocodile(in Latin -Osteolaemus tetraspis) - West African dwarf crocodile.

3rd genus - gharial.

Also has only one representative - Tomistoma schlegelii(false gharial).

African narrow-snout (Mecistops cataphractus)

Classified as an endangered species, little studied. Habitat - by throughout Western tropical Africa from Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru in the east/southeast to the west. Dlength up to 4 meters (although individuals over 3-3.5 meters have not been seen during observations today), weight - presumably up to 230 kg.

It feeds mainly on fish, adults can eat turtles and birds, females lay up to 16 large eggs, the clutch is not guarded, the hatching period is up to 110 days. They live in rivers overgrown with vegetation; according to estimates, there are currently up to 20,000 adult individuals; their numbers are constantly decreasing. They live in 10 subpopulations. Scientists cannot answer the question of how long the crocodiles Mecistops cataphractus live because of insufficient knowledge of the species. . Estimated data from the Red Book is 25 years.

Swamp (Crocodylus palustris)

Listed in the Red Book, habitat - in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal and possibly Bangladesh, its range extends west into eastern Iran, current status - about 87,00 individuals, an increase of almost 6,000 adult crocodiles since 1989.

Lives in any reservoirs, even artificially created ones, digs holes along the banks, wheresurvives in dry times or extremely cold (up to 5 degrees).It feeds on fish, mammals, birds, and turtles. In a fight with a leopard, he often wins. Spotted in lately in attacks on people, which, according to scientists, indicates an increase in numbers.

Considered an average species, the average size of a crocodile is:females - up to 2.45 meters, males - up to 3.5 meters, weight on average from 50 kg for females and up to 250 kg for males. The weight of a mature male can reach up to 400 kg with a length of up to 4.5 meters. A clutch can contain up to 30 eggs, the hatching period is from 50 to 75 days. It moves well on land and can reach decent speeds - up to 12 km per hour.An interesting feature is the creation of bait for bird hunting. The crocodile places tree branches on its muzzle (and it lies on the water in a horizontal plane). Birds, concerned about the lack of building material for their nests, fly very close to the reptile.

Combed, or sea

Most great view crocodiles and the most dangerous for humans. The distribution area is in the internal and surrounding waters of Southeast Asia and Australia. This type is the most common and most studied.

How long the saltwater crocodile lives is known most fully, since both hunters and scientists have studied this species due to its danger. According to observations, the lifespan of this species is 50-80 years, although according to the studied remains, some specimens lived up to a hundred years.

The size of the saltwater crocodile is quite impressive. The maximum described is 10 meters, although today it is from 5 to 6 meters. Weight maximum up to two tons. On average - up to 700 kg.

It grows all its life. In the biosystem of its range it is the top of the food chain. Adults feed not only on fish, small and medium-sized mammals, but also on the largest animals, including predators.

According to paleontologists, this species of crocodiles arose more than 12 million years ago. It is considered very ancient.

The peculiarities of the saltwater crocodile include its ability to move far in sea ​​water. Marked individuals swam to distances of up to 500 km from their traditional habitats, using sea currents to conserve strength.

Scientists determine its status as least vulnerable to extinction.

Cuban (Crocodylus rhombifer)

Z included in the Red Book(there are up to 5,000 adults, under threat of extinction due to extermination and hybridization with the narrow-snouted (both in artificial and natural conditions, the offspring reproduce). Lives in Cubais classified as medium-sized in size (2.3 meters in length, weighing up to 40 kg), seasoned males can reach a weight of up to 200 kg with a length of up to 3.5 meters.

One of the most aggressive crocodiles. Moves well on land at speeds of up to 17 km per hour. Females lay up to 60 eggs, the incubation period is up to 70 days. They eat fish, mammals, and birds. People are rarely attacked in natural conditions; it is believed that this is due to their small numbers. Behavior in captivity extremely aggressive towards people.

Nile (Crocodylus niloticus)

This species is considered to be as aggressive as the combed one. The size of a crocodile is slightly smaller than that of a saltwater crocodile. The descriptions indicate a length of up to 6 meters, but today existing mature individuals, depending on the region of their habitat, can be up to a maximum of 3.5 meters. Modern reliable records of how much a crocodile weighs Crocodylus niloticus,there are enough to estimate its weight on average. Observations show that the weight of modern Nile crocodile can range from 250 to 350 kg.

His cannibalistic predilections are known to all residents of the vast territory of sub-Saharan Africa. It prefers the fresh waters of Africa, but the population has also noticed it in coastal waters. He, like the saltwater crocodile, is the top food chain of its ecosystem, eats everything of varying weights that it can reach, jump, and grab. The status of the animal is the least dangerous for extinction.

New Guinea (Crocodylus novaeguineae)

A relatively small of the true crocodiles. According to DNA studies, it is recognized as a close relative of the Philippine, but isolated as a separate species. Habitat: internal bodies of water islands New Guinea. Until 1996, it was listed in the Red Book with the status of “threat of extinction”, then with an assessment of “least concern”. Like all crocodiles, it was destroyed in the fifties and sixties of the last century because of its valuable skin. In 1970, after the adoption of a program of conservation measures, the numbers were restored to the natural continuation of the population by 1996. Now, according to various estimates, there are up to 50 thousand.

Crocodile sizeCrocodylus novaeguineae -from2.7 meters in females up to3 .5 meters for males.Measured body weight: 294.5 kg.

The New Guinea crocodile is divided into two populations - northern and southern. The lifestyle (especially clutches) of crocodiles in them is slightly different. In the northern population, the nest is built on water from plants, in the southern population - more often on land.

The New Guinea crocodile is the most vocal crocodile: both babies and adults make a huge number of soundsfor different life situations, which allows them to “communicate.”


This crocodile(Crocodylus intermedius) has the status of an endangered species in the Red Book. Today, its numbers are estimated as extremely low to maintain the population - only up to one and a half thousand.

INIn the fifties and sixties of the last century, after mass hunting, the population was almost on the verge of extinction. In 1970, after the introduction of protective statusthe number has increased slightly.It is still exterminated because it has valuable skin.Besides, local population collects baby crocodiles for the purpose of subsequent sale.

Lives in Venezuela and Colombia (the basin prefers fresh lakes and rivers.

The size of the crocodile is quite impressive - up to 5.2 meters (males), females are much smaller - up to 3.6 meters. Due to the lack of knowledge (due to the lack of the individuals themselves), there is a problem in determining the mass. How much does a crocodile weigh? Crocodylus intermedius, known from hunters, the average weight of a male is 380 kg, a female is 225 kg.

IN clutch maximum of 70 eggs. The mother not only guards the eggs for two and a half months before hatching, but also takes care of the babies for the next three years.

There are known cases of attacks on people. But due to the small population and inaccessible habitats, this rarely happens.


The largest crocodile in the New World. Lives in fresh and salt lakes, at river mouths. They move well through the water, populating islands. The size of a crocodile of this species depends on the population, in some places it is smaller (on average up to 4 meters), in others it is larger (up to 5-6 meters in mature males). The main diet is fish, unlike the combed and Nile (similar in size), they do not switch to feeding on mammals. Seen in attacks on people, although these are quite rare cases.

Freshwater (Crocodylus johnsoni)

It does not go out to sea or river mouths for fear of being caught by a saltwater crocodile. It feeds on fish and small vertebrates. The average size is up to 3 meters; in the population in northern Australia the size is smaller. It is not dangerous for humans, since the compression force of its jaws is quite weak. How long do crocodiles Crocodylus johnsoni live in captivity (in particular, in Australia Zoo) is known for sure - up to twenty years, although presumably individual individuals can exist and grow up to a hundred years or more.

Siamese (Crocodylus siamensis)

AND Yvette V Indonesia, Brunei, East Malaysia, southern Indochina. Populations of crocodiles living in all countries of the region number only 5,000 individuals. Listed in the Red Book. In Kam In Boja and Thailand, special programs for the conservation of the species are successfully operating. The maximum size of this crocodile is 3 meters, although when hybridized with a combed crocodile, it can reach 4 meters. It feeds on fish and small vertebrates.

Philippine (Crocodylus mindorensis)

Endangered species, only 200 adults. Maximum size up to three meters. It feeds on fish and small mammals. Previously considered a subspecies of the New Guinea crocodile, it is now separated into a separate species.

Central American (Crocodylus moreletii)

Lives in tropical forests Central America. The size of male specimens in today's conditions is up to 2.7 meters (previously, according to the results of hunts - up to 4.5 meters and weighing up to 400 kg). Cannibalism has not been noticed recently, the explanation for this is the remoteness of its habitats. It feeds on fish, reptiles and mammals.

Blunt-snouted crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) - West African dwarf crocodile

Grows up to 1.8 meters (maximum), weighs from 18 to 32 kilograms (maximum - 80 kg), occurs alone or in pairs, lives in burrows or hollows lahs of trees leaning close to the water. This is a heavily armored crocodile(he needs this to protect himself from those who eat him large predators) , with dark spots on the back and sides, with a yellow belly.Compared to the largest saltwater crocodile (up to9 -and meters) he’s just a baby,countsthe smallest crocodilein the world (similar in size to the smooth-faced caiman).

Refers to little-studied species. According to the study, the number of crocodile is slowly decreasing due to changes in the habitat ecosystem (deforestation, proximity of human habitation areas). Listed in the Red Book with slightly vulnerable status.

Lives in western Africa. Prefers fresh water bodies. Leads night look life. Digs deep holes, and quite often their entrance is located below the water level.

There are most often 10 eggs in a clutch (sometimes there can be up to 20).

Tomistoma schlegelii (false gharial)

Lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam. Prefers slow rivers, swampy lakes. Lives among thickets or on drifting islands of vegetation. The species of false gharial is listed in the Red Book with the status “endangered. The size of all populations is no more than 2500 adult individuals. The size of males of this species can reach up to 6 meters. Because of its elongated snout it got its name - gharial. The narrow, long muzzle is a result of their feeding habits, mainly soft mammals and reptiles. IN recent years b there were several cases of attacks on people to her.

At the end of May, the world's largest crocodile, named Cassius Clay, celebrated his 110th birthday. The gift was a huge 20-kilogram chicken cake. In 2011, one of the most famous inhabitants of northern Australia was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest reptile kept in captivity.

This giant was caught 26 years ago in the wild in Australia. He struck fear into local residents and caused a lot of inconvenience by attacking boats. He was placed with the owner of Green Island Farm in Marineland Melanesia.

But we will start not with him, but with past record holders. For example...

Length - 6 meters, Weight - 1 ton. Photo taken in 2002 in the Republic of Burundi. This monster caused the death of more than 300 people.

The crocodile in the photo was shot by Steve Curl after numerous complaints from local residents.

But the largest saltwater crocodile in the world at that time was caught in the Philippines. Its length was 6400 mm and its weight was more than 1000 kg. It is almost a meter higher than its relative from the Guinness Book of Records!

The crocodile was captured in September 2011 during a three-week hunt opened after authorities suspected the giant reptile was attacking local residents. At least one person became his victim, another is listed as missing. It took about a hundred people to pull the crocodile out of the water.

For more than half a month, residents of the town of Bunawan tried to catch the discovered giant crocodile. Repeatedly, the entire bait of dog meat and pig meat was eaten by a colossal crocodile and freely left the prepared trap. But then, a whole squad of thirty hunters managed to throw nets on him and wrap the crocodile with a metal cable.

Then this giant reptile became the main attraction of the town of Bunawan. A special water park with an area of ​​150 square meters was built for him. meters.

Scientists estimate that this specimen is approximately 50 years old. He can easily take first place in the Book of Records, because now the leader is a crocodile with a length of only 5480 mm.

Residents of the town of Bunawan will now be able to sleep peacefully. Because before this, the crested crocodile ate domestic animals, and in addition, there are suspicions that it devoured the peasant who disappeared in July.

As Cox Edwin Elord, burgomaster of Bunawan, stated: “The shooting of this crocodile was not even discussed. We specifically hunted for him. To show it to ecotourists.”

I would like to remind you that crocodiles living in salt water are long-livers. Their age reaches 100 years. But, they are very vulnerable due to hunting for their valuable skin, especially in the Philippines.

And then in 2013, the saltwater crocodile died. Bunawan Mayor Edwin Cox Elord said the cause of death could have been unusually cold weather for the region.

The giant became a landmark in Bunawan. “I loved this crocodile, he brought glory to our city and the Philippines,” Elord said. An eco-park was built especially for the crocodile, after which tourists began to come to the city. According to the mayor, the city earned about 3 million pesos ($72,000) from Lolong.

It is reported that there may be similar, if not larger, crocodiles in the vicinity of Bunawan, which could pose a danger to local residents and tourists.

Now let's get back to our living champion!

The crocodile was named after the legendary boxer Cassius Clay (real name of Muhammad Ali). (Photo by SWNS):

The exact age of the crocodile is unknown, but experts estimate it to be around 110 years old. Keeper Billy Craig said crocodiles usually change their teeth and stop doing so when they become sick and old. But Cassius's teeth are fine. This suggests that he remains in good shape and can live another 30 years. (Photo SWNS):

Interesting fact: the oldest woman who has ever lived on Earth whose dates of birth and death are precisely known is Jeanne Louise Calment. She lived 122 years and 164 days.

Cassius Clay is not only the oldest, but also world's largest saltwater crocodile. Its body length is 5.48 meters and it weighs a ton. (Photo by SWNS):

In 2011, the crocodile was included in the Guinness Book of Records. True, last year Cassius briefly lost his high-profile title: his record was broken by the Philippine crocodile Lolong, whose length was as much as 6.17 meters. But the new record holder died, and Cassius again became the most large reptile. (Photo by SWNS):

At the end of May, long-living Australian giant Cassius Clay was given a 20-kilogram chicken cake for his 110th birthday. Such a gift was big even for the largest crocodile in the world.

Cassius's diet was a kilogram of chicken and fish a day, and 20 kilograms at a time seemed like a daunting task... (Photo by SWNS):

But the crocodile destroyed the “cake” in just 30 seconds. (Photo by SWNS):

Crocodiles are the oldest and most powerful predators that appeared about 250 million years ago. They live on average 80-100 years and have no natural enemies. (Photo by SWNS):

Exists ancient legend that a crocodile cries “crocodile tears” when eating its prey. In fact, crocodiles “cry” not out of pity; it is a protective reaction of the body aimed at removing excess salts.

Classius Clay, May 2013. (Photo SWNS):

This 2011 video shows a caretaker measuring Cassius. To do this, the crocodile had to be lured into a small pool and forced to lie down straight.

Let me remind you of a couple more record holders: and Well, here’s another The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Combed or saltwater crocodile(Crocodylus porosus) named Cassius is considered the largest living representative of the order.

Cassius was recognized as the largest crocodile in captivity in 2013 (5.48 m). The record holder weighs about a ton (998 kg). He was caught in 2011 in Australia. At the moment, the animal is about 100 years old. His full name- Cassius Clay. It was named after famous boxer Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay).

Cassius received the title of the largest crocodile after the death of the previous record holder - the Lolong crocodile, which reached a length of 6.17 meters. Lolong was also a member of the Crocodylus porosus species. Its representatives can live more than 100 years, grow up to 7 meters and weigh more than a ton.

The species Sarcosuchus imperator is considered the largest crocodiles to ever live. Individuals of this species lived in Africa 110 million years ago. The last fossilized remains were found in the Sahara Desert. Scientists suggest that over 50–60 years, crocodiles managed to grow to 11–12 meters in length and gain up to 8 tons of weight.