How to study in medical school. How to study well in first year

How quickly the bright ones pass sunny days summer, together the restless languor recedes in them in anticipation of the results of enrollment in the first year. Soon you will become a freshman and it will begin for you new life. The environment, the way and rhythm of life, and the worldview will change. Some interests will also change, for the better or for the worse - it’s hard to say. But right now, before such serious changes, it is necessary to get ready to receive an education.

Perhaps now you are starting to worry about questions: what is the first year like, what awaits me in student life, and did I make the right choice?

Of course, studying at an institute is not the same as studying at school. Here no one will follow you around, monitoring your attendance and behavior.

No one will “pull” you to an “A” because the teachers don’t know you yet, but are just taking a closer look at your abilities. This, so to speak, “cold” attitude towards students at first is even relaxing, and problems with self-discipline among students gradually turn into problems with academic performance by the first session and threaten expulsion. And this is not entirely good.

It is at the first session that happens natural selection among students admitted based on results. That is, the Unified State Exam is not the last test that must be overcome on the path to higher education. The first session is much scarier for some. It's not so easy to study in the first year!

So, if at some point there is a lack of interest in studying, absenteeism and laziness begin, rest assured, expulsion is not far off. The same thing can happen quite good reason- getting a job. It’s clear that you want to provide for yourself and be independent, but there are some that are very convenient to combine with studies. They are written about in one of the articles.

It is clear that when new acquaintances appear, you want to spend as much time as possible communicating with people and doing common things. Almost half of all first-year students begin studying at a university not by attending lectures, but by participating in extracurricular activities social activities: whether it is participation in student activities, visiting sports sections and other student associations. Meanwhile, one should not interfere with the other and priority direction your personal growth should be attending lectures.

Even if you are so good and smart that you can easily catch up in a few hours. Understand that the first impression is the most important. And how the teachers remember you from your first year will directly affect first the results of the session, and then, if you’re lucky, your further studies.

By personal experience I know that the teacher’s attitude towards a student who attends lectures, but is naturally stupid, is always better than towards an intelligent but truant student. And there’s no getting around it: a teacher is also a person and he’s not alien to making mistakes.

In conclusion, I want to give some advice for freshmen:

1. Don’t hang out among others, but don’t stick out for show either.

2. Chat, make friends, join a student council or interest group.

3. Pay more attention to studying rather than socializing with new friends.

4. Plan your time so as not to completely give up your student vacation.

5. Show your abilities in class. Participate in scientific activities.

6. Prepare for the first session, counting on receiving an increased scholarship, i.e. to the maximum.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that in student life you need to find a middle ground between study and entertainment, have time to improve your personal life and ensure a comfortable existence for yourself, receiving a scholarship with bonuses for excellence. Think about what is truly important in life. And you will see how to study well and have time to do everything!

The period of admission to college for graduates is stressful. The main worry that covers everyone is how to pass the Unified State Exam and how to enter a university. However, after admission, the most interesting thing begins - studying at the institute. If such a prospect looms in your near future, it's time to think about whether studying in your first year is difficult.


It is important to understand that studying at school and studying at higher educational institution- these are completely different concepts. In the first year, adaptation to student life occurs; the student’s lifestyle changes radically and adapts to the university education system. Studying in the first year does not begin with specific subjects and practical classes. Immersion in the profession occurs gradually.

Studying in the first year is not difficult if you have chosen an interesting and relevant specialty for yourself. Unfortunately, some graduates go to university on the principle of “wherever they take it” and thus lose valuable five years of their life. It is important to understand that the first year is just the beginning, “natural selection” among applicants. Studying in the first year is sometimes difficult, because maximum “cleansing” occurs, and some students remain “overboard”, unable to cope with the academic difficulties of the first year.

For those who are wondering whether it is difficult to study in the first year, it will be useful to get advice from those who have already successfully completed university. It is important to understand the value of studying at an institute, competently filter the information that is taught, and not waste time. If you study in the first and subsequent courses consciously, without thinking about what is difficult or not, then you will prepare a strong foundation for successful career in future.

So, the experiences associated with choice of profession And admission procedure to the university. The applicant turns into a full-fledged first-year student who begins completely new stage own life. But along with this joyful event, new anxieties, new worries and expectations appear, which we will talk about today.

So, first time for the first year. What to expect from the first year of university? What are the surprises and disappointments of the first year?

University and school

The first thought that should definitely be learned is that university is not a school. Many will consider this statement to be self-evident and banal, but even more applicants underestimate the differences in the system of secondary and higher education. But what are they?

At a university, a student is completely left to his own devices. In the vast majority of cases, no one controls him, no one calls his parents and, in essence, does not force him to visit couples. Moreover, most teachers demonstrate an indifference to the fate of individual students, which is simply unimaginable in school.

For some newly minted students, such changes cause a feeling of relaxation, because if no one particularly demands anything, then you can study carelessly. The more powerful such students will be stress at the first session, when the true essence of studying at a university is revealed to them. Nothing describes education at an institute or university more successfully than the proverb “students live cheerfully from session to session.”

Thus, special meaning starts playing in his first year self-discipline and self-organization. These qualities will help you achieve the desired success in your studies. But even if the young man does not strive for special achievements in this field, he can make his life much easier if he forces himself to do minimum required without outside pressure.

Education and self-education

From the previous thought comes another: at the university there is significantly higher value is given to self-education. In essence, the task of an institute, academy or university is not to give the student all the skills and knowledge in the chosen specialty. It is much more important to teach him to find this knowledge and work on his own professional development in the chosen field.

For example, in universities, homework is much less important: some teachers do not practice this form of teaching at all. But much more important role The lecturer’s recommendations, advice on choosing literature, and independent research on a specific topic play a role.

In essence, you can graduate from college without any self-education, using only notes and cheat sheets. But self-education is the first step towards professional self-development. After all, then, at the place of work, no one will dictate lectures to the newcomer and give him the “correct” literature.

The first course is the most difficult (the easiest)

Both beliefs are equally wrong. After all, in fact, the first year for a student is a period of adaptation to new reality and a new training model. Many things will be difficult and unusual, but, on the other hand, knowledge in the first year is usually general character, and somewhere echo what each of us learned at school.

The importance of the first course lies, rather, in create a certain reputation for yourself from teachers and classmates. The great thing is that this reputation can be created literally from scratch, forgetting about the grievances, conflicts and disappointments of the school. In addition, in the first year it is important not to initially derail the learning process, because it will be very difficult to restore lost knowledge and reputation!