Celebrity love stories. The most famous love stories of all time

Famous people love, lose and suffer no less than others. We will tell you about the seven most touching and sad love stories that the whole world watched.

One of the most famous couples in America of the 50s - an iconic actress and a famous baseball player. In 1954, the lovers got married and seriously planned to become a model family. The fatal blonde insisted with all her might that she wanted to give birth to Joe's children and become perfect homely woman. True, in Marilyn’s understanding this did not include leaving Hollywood. Of course, the hot Italian husband did not like this, and his wife’s status as a sex symbol acted on him like a red rag on a bull. Jealousy conquered love, and after just 2 years of marriage the couple separated.

However, the warmest feelings between the former spouses still remained - all their lives they maintained communication and helped each other. Moreover, it was DiMaggio who was involved in preparing Monroe’s funeral, and on his orders, fresh flowers appeared on the actress’s grave for many years as a sign of love and respect from her former lover.

This love story began quite pragmatically - presidential candidate John Kennedy needed a profitable match and found it in the person of the respectable and educated Jacqueline Bouvier. The wedding took place in 1953 - the couple looked impeccable, but their happiness was mostly an invention of PR people. Kennedy did not take the oath of fidelity to his wife particularly seriously and started affairs left and right, while the faithful Jacqueline tolerated all his adventures and remained nearby during severe attacks and operations that John endured due to his serious problems with the spine.

In the late 50s, Jackie's patience ran out and she decided to file for divorce. Her father-in-law and former diplomat Joe Kennedy persuaded her to save the marriage. The couple stayed together, and for some time peace and love truly reigned in their family - John began to appreciate his wife, and she allowed their relationship to start over with a new leaf.

But the idyll was not destined to last b for a long time - on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, a shot killed Kennedy and at the same time ended the story of their relationship with Jacqueline.

Witnesses of that tragic event especially remembered the gesture of the faithful wife, who decided not to change her blood-spattered suit so that the whole world could see not only her pain, but also the horror of the crime committed by the killer.

Although Birkin did not become the first love of the French chanson star Serge Gainsbourg, she definitely left a serious mark on his life and work. The couple met in 1968 on the set of the film “Slogan”. At first they hated each other, but after a while the situation changed dramatically, and from an enemy, Jane turned into the musician’s third wife.

The lovers stayed together for 12 long years, during which their daughter Charlotte was born and the famous hit “Je t"aime... Moi non plus” (“I love you... I don’t either”), which was personally criticized by the Pope, which , however, only added to the song’s popularity.

The tandem broke up due to Serge's addiction to drinking, but they remained good friends and colleagues - it was Gainsbourg who wrote it for Birkin best songs. To this day Jane speaks of ex-husband with great warmth and calls him a very vulnerable, but incredibly talented person.

This romance can rightfully be called a work affair - it flared up on the set of the film “Flame Over England”, where Lee and Olivier played lovers. Despite the fact that both actors were married, they decided to not care about everything and start living together. The couple decided to formalize the divorce from their other halves only a few years later, and only after that they were able to register their relationship.

Destroyed this one wonderful story both sides -Lawrence was tormented by envy of his beloved’s success, and Vivienne began to experience an exacerbation of manic-depressive psychosis, which ultimately ruined her life and put an end to her passionate relationship with Olivier.

The actor came to his senses quite quickly, got married a year later and lived happily for 30 years, but Lee died just 7 years later from tuberculosis and remained single for the rest of her life.

The fatal blonde of our time and her famous husband met in 1968 on the set of the Warner Brothers studio. The romance flared up quickly - the couple got married the same year. The couple stayed together for 7 years.

They separated because of Penn - he was never famous for his exemplary behavior, but in those days he broke all records: he regularly got drunk, was wildly jealous of his wife and often beat her. One day he became completely carried away - the severely beaten singer even filed a report with the police. A little later, she actually took him away, saying that she wished Sean all the best, as long as he was away from her.

However, Madonna's feelings were strong - she later admitted more than once that Penn was her greatest love. In 1996, she invited the actor to attend her birth, and after that she regularly appeared with him at events and was extremely flattered when Sean visited and approved one of her performances. However, the couple was never able to fully forgive each other, and their reunion remained only in the dreams of fans.

6. Romy Schneider and Alain Delon

Another office romance, which, moreover, began with mutual hatred - having met on the set of the film “Christine,” the impulsive Delon and the sophisticated Schneider immediately disliked each other. But a few months later, Romy moved from Australia to Paris to Alain, and a couple of months later their engagement was announced. The wedding, however, never took place - after some time, Delon was spotted by the paparazzi with a certain blonde, a little later he left Romi, and he married this blonde. Schneider remained bottom.

Coping with grief, she got married and forgot to think about Delon, until fate brought them together again on the set of the film “The Swimming Pool.” As it turned out, fate was here And Moreover, the role for Romy was procured by the actor himself. Passion flared with new strength, Schneider’s husband left, and soon Delon himself fled, again leaving the actress alone with herself and her pain.

Romy's suffering turned into a passion for alcohol, and in 1981 she suffered another blow - her 14-year-old son suddenly died. Soon the actress herself died of a broken heart.

Delon perceived the death of his former lover as his fault - he wrote about this in a letter published in one of the newspapers: “It was because of me that your heart stopped beating. Because of me, because 25 years ago I was made your partner in Christina.

7. Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger

Williams and Ledger met on the set of the controversial film Brokeback Mountain. According to the actors' colleagues, their romance flared up immediately. The couple was happy together for three years - in 2008, after the birth of their daughter Matilda, they announced their engagement. However, they never got married - after some time, both actors announced a break in relations. For the press, the main version was the employment of Ledger and Williams. But close sources said that the matter was Heath’s addiction to drugs. The actor also experienced a difficult and painful breakup with Michelle with their help. And soon he was found dead in his own home. He allegedly accidentally mixed strong sleeping pills, after which he could no longer wake up.

Williams suffered from the loss for a long time and is unlikely to fully recover from it now. In an interview, she said that no one can even imagine how many things died for her along with Heath.

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They did not seem, but were an ideal couple, in which one respected the other and supported him in difficult situations. Some of them have already become history, others are still in the prime of their lives and careers, in any case, website I'm sure there is a lot to learn from them.

Federico Fellini and Giulietta Masina

The great Italian director and his muse met on the set and got married two weeks after the meeting. Juliet was Federico's assistant and ally all her life. God did not give them children, but, as they themselves said, their children were Fellini’s films, which to this day are a treasure of Italy and classics of world cinema.

She, despite the offers, starred only in his films, and he always listened to her advice. The love of Federico and Juliet lasted 50 years and one day, ending only with the death of Fellini.

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward

“A happy marriage doesn’t just happen, it has to be created,” Paul wrote to his fiancée Joan before their wedding. And they managed to create one of the strongest couples in the history of world cinema.

Newman and Woodward met on the set when they were already successful Oscar-winning actors. Their marriage was tested by fame, the death of their son, and career failures. When directors began to refuse Joan, Paul mastered this profession for her sake and made several films with his wife’s participation.

They lived together for 50 years. Paul remained faithful to his wife until the end of his days, jokingly explaining that there was no need to run for hamburgers if there was a prime steak waiting at home.

Lyubov Orlova and Grigory Alexandrov

Another union of a director and an actress, a union of two geniuses and idols of their era. They met on the set of the musical comedy “Jolly Fellows” and have not separated since then. Their marriage is for Soviet people was the standard.

For all the time, there was not a single gossip or rumor about a scandal, they addressed each other as “you” all their lives, Aleksandrov filmed Orlova in all his films as the main romantic heroine, but at the same time she did not have a single kissing scene.

They say that Lyubov Orlova, in their entire long life, did not allow herself to appear in front of her husband without her hair and in a robe. They were together for 42 years; after Orlova’s death, Alexandrov lived another 8 years, managing to film documentary about his beloved wife and muse.

Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti

An experienced film producer, Carlo taught Sophie a lot: he got rid of the Neapolitan accent, instilled the ability to dress and do makeup, came up with the pseudonym Lauren instead of the surname Scicolone, and looked for the first roles for her, then still unknown.

Sophia Loren became a world star and a symbol of Italy largely thanks to loving husband, who was always there.

They lived together for almost 50 years. Carlo passed away in 2007, seven months before their golden wedding.

Iman and David Bowie

A cult musician and a supermodel - they were called the most stylish couple of the 20th century. Cynical rocker Bowie did not believe in love until he met Iman, the woman of his dreams.

They met at the birthday party of a common hairdresser and from the first meeting they realized that they had found each other. Their relationship was easy and happy. David and Iman never ceased to surprise and delight each other throughout their 24 years of marriage.

David recently passed away, he died after a difficult battle with cancer surrounded by loving wife and children.

Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin

They met at an evening at Lily Brik's (that same fatal love of Mayakovsky). The great ballerina and composer were similar not only internally, but also externally - they were often called brother and sister.

They drew inspiration from each other and admired each other. In 50 years of marriage, there was not a single quarrel between Plisetskaya and Shchedrin.

Maya Mikhailovna passed away on May 2, 2015. As Rodion Konstantinovich said in an interview after the death of his wife: “I always told her that she was from another planet, perhaps now she has flown back.”

Jeff Bridges and Susan Gaston

They were recognized as one of the most perfect couples Hollywood. Jeff and Susan met more than 40 years ago on the set of Rancho Deluxe, where Susan was a waitress serving the crew's lunches. Bridges was captivated by her figure and grace.

The couple considers the main secret of their long-lasting happiness to be the ability to adapt and understand each other.

Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva

Alla and Robert with their daughter Ekaterina

An outstanding poet of the 20th century, a man of the era, Robert Rozhdestvensky loved one woman all his life - his wife Alla Kireeva. They met at the Literary Institute and lived together for 41 years until Robert's death in 1994.

Together they survived lack of money and life in a communal apartment, remaining attentive and tender to each other. Robert dedicated poems to Alla and declared his love every day.

Their daughter, already an adult, found a note that Alla once wrote to her husband: “Robochka, if you get up before me, wake me up, I’ll cook porridge for you.”

Keith Richards and Patti Hansen

Keith Richards, the legendary guitarist of the Rolling Stones, traded sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll for family life with model Patti Hansen.

They met at the Studio 54 club and got married a short time later, with Mick Jagger as best man at their wedding.

Patti accompanied Keith on all his tours, creating comfort, and gave him two children. He wrote songs and poems to her, helped her survive cancer, without leaving her bed for days. Patty says Keith saved her. It was his love that gave her strength and desire to live.

Sean Connery and Micheline Roquebrune

Unlike his hero, the heartthrob James Bond, Sir Sean Connery has been faithful to one woman for 35 years - his wife, the French artist Micheline Roquebrune.

Connery still admires his wife and considers her unique. The basis of their relationship is trust. According to Sean, Micheline never asked him during their entire life together where he went and where he came back from.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell

One of the strongest couples in Hollywood. It seems they were made for each other. Goldie and Kurt, even after 30 years of marriage, glow with happiness and treat each other with youthful love.

Kate was captivated by Andrew's inner charm. As the actress admits, Upton makes her truly happy; with him you can come up with and bring to life the most daring creative ideas.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

Sarah and Matthew met at a New York party and, as they themselves say, it was love at first sight. Broderick was charmed by his future wife's sense of humor and spontaneity.

They helped each other get out of depression after a previous failed relationship and believe in true love. The marriage of Sarah and Matthew is one of the strongest and happiest in modern Hollywood. They support each other both in raising children and at the premieres of their films.

Chance meetings of future couples turned their lives upside down, some romantic relationships changed the destinies of other people, influenced art and even the history of the 20th century.

Feelings sometimes required significant sacrifices from lovers; perhaps the largest of them shocked Great Britain in the 30s of the 20th century.

Kingdom in exchange for love

An acquaintance that radically changed the lives of Prince Edward of Wales and the American Wallis Simpson occurred in 1931. They began dating 3 years later, and the high-born family initially accepted the prince’s new hobby condescendingly, hoping that he would soon lose interest in the married woman.

At the end of January 1936, King George V, father of the Prince of Wales, who became the new monarch Edward VIII, died, and the scandalous relationship could no longer be continued without jeopardizing his reputation. He understood this, but the couple was not allowed even a morganatic marriage, so on December 10, 1936, the man abdicated the throne. The modest wedding ceremony took place on June 3, 1937, and Times magazine awarded Wallis the title of “Person of the Year,” because her love was more important to Edward than power and changed the fate of the United Kingdom.

In the USSR, around the same time, a beautiful love story took place, which became the standard for the tender, respectful feelings of two creative people.

Director and muse

In 1933, by order “from above,” Grigory Alexandrov (pseudonym of Alexander Mormonenko) was to remove the first Soviet musical comedy with Leonid Utesov in the leading male role, and he had to painfully search for a partner worthy of him. There are several versions of how the director met Lyubov Orlova, who later brilliantly played the housekeeper Anyuta: from the romantic version in which Alexandrov saw his future wife in the musical theater at the Moscow Art Theater, to a pragmatic meeting arranged by the actress’s friend. In January 1934, Alexandrov and Orlova got married, all 41 years of marriage family life addressed each other as “you,” and after the death of his beloved, the man made a documentary film in memory of her.

Student novels pSometimes they are strong, especially if one of the partners becomes famous, but there are happy exceptions.

echo of love

In Moscow in the 50s, there was a meeting between Alla Kireeva, a student at the Literary Institute, and the talented young man Robert Rozhdestvensky, who transferred to the capital’s university from the philological department of Karelian University. He dedicated many poems to his beloved, who became his only wife and permanent muse, and, perhaps, was able to express the entire depth of his feelings with the words “we coincided with you.” Deafening popularity fell on the poet, who became one of the most beloved “sixties” people, but he did not pay attention to the huge number of fans, because his wife and 2 daughters were waiting for him at home.

Over the course of the 41 years allotted to them by fate, they went through the everyday chaos of the first years of their life together, the test of fame, serious illness Rozhdestvensky, the couple’s incredibly harmonious relationship is immortalized in his poems.

In theater circles, beautiful romances are not uncommon, but not all couples can boast that they were able to preserve their relationship.

Creative Union

The acquaintance of the already famous actor Sergei Yursky and theater institute student Natalya Tenyakova took place in 1965 at the television play “The Big Cat's Tale,” in which they played detective Sidney Hall and his bride Alice, respectively. The romance did not happen - they were not free, but a few years later a new meeting on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater became the beginning of their story of happy love. The modest wedding took place 5 years after they met, and the romantic and creative union of the actors turned out to be surprisingly strong - they live together and play on the same stage. Was a resounding success collaboration actors in the film “Love and Doves,” where Yursky and Tenyakova portrayed an elderly married couple (in fact, they were 49 and 40 years old at the time).

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we decided to remember the stories of the great novels of the 20th century - those that shocked the world and, to one degree or another, influenced modern society. The most touching and passionate, happy and unhappy novels of famous people, stories of mutual love and ostentatious prosperity, marriages of people equal in their greatness and the most famous misalliances.

Wallis Simpson - Edward VIII of England

The history of the most famous misalliance in modern history received incredible resonance because English monarch Edward VIII(1894-1972) became the first and only king in English history to voluntarily abdicate the throne. The reason was a passionate love for a twice-divorced American woman.

It wasn’t even a scandal - it seemed like the end of the world and collapse moral and ethical standards and the foundations of secular society.

The heir to the world's main monarchy was 36 years old when he met Mrs. Wallis Simpson(1896-1986), née Warfield. The woman was married for the second time and lived in London with her husband, a wealthy entrepreneur. Ernest Simpson.

The fateful meeting took place in early November 1930, when the Simpsons were invited to a dinner party where the Prince of Wales was to be present. Legend has it that the English prince was enchanted at first sight, even though Wallis was not even a beauty. According to the stories of her contemporaries, she was an unremarkable person at first glance, but in her interactions she had an amazing charm.

Amazingly, the lovers did not hide their feelings, even despite Edward’s status and Family status Wallis. They appeared together on the streets, social events and in restaurants. The royal family did not even think that this shameful hobby would last long. But when it became clear that the affair was dragging on, attempts were made to hide the details of the prince's relationship from the public.

In January 1936, King George V of England died and Edward assumed the throne. At the same time, Wallis filed for divorce. About the legal union of Edward with an American woman The Royal Family, neither parliament wanted to hear. Edward was given a choice: either the throne or Wallis. His choice was clear: the price for love was the abdication of the English throne.

On December 10, 1936, Edward VIII made his famous speech to the people: “You all know the circumstances that forced me to abdicate the throne. But I want you to understand that in making this decision I have not forgotten my country and empire... But you must also believe that it is impossible for me to fulfill my duty as a king as I would like to, without help and support of the woman I love..."

The couple lived happily ever after, traveled, and wrote memoirs. Their family idyll lasted until 1972, until Edward died of cancer.

Vivien Leigh - Laurence Olivier

The most famous couple British stage and film actors Vivien Leigh And Laurence Olivier challenged the Puritan England of the 30s when she stopped hiding her whirlwind romance. The difficulty of the situation was that both were married. The spouses did not give them a divorce, and the need to live in sin, deception and an atmosphere of universal condemnation forced Vivien Leigh give frank interview magazine "Times", where she honestly outlined the details of her personal drama. The public unexpectedly went to meet the public's favorites who were leaving for America - it was there that Vivienne won her right to play Scarlett O'Hara in the film adaptation « Gone with the wind» .

Vivien Leigh And Laurence Olivier were not just movie stars, but intellectual actors who received the status of great performers. Both shone in theater and cinema, and their love story unfolded on stage and in life - unlike most acting couples, they worked well together on camera and on stage. Thus, they played together in the film Fire Over England (1937) and the classic film version of Lady Hamilton (1941), where Lawrence played the role of Nelson and Vivien played Emma Hamilton. . In addition, they were united by a huge number of joint theatrical works. Their tandem was recognized in their homeland as the most outstanding theatrical duet. Lawrence was called “the king of actors,” and Vivienne became a national treasure after receiving two Oscars for her roles as Scarlett in Gone with the Wind and Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire. . Her international fame was gaining momentum. The image of the first world beauty and the main British actress, as well as a marriage that was called the happiest among acting unions - all this seemed like a dream come true for millions of viewers.

But there was no happy ending in this love story. The bright life of two wonderful actors was not so cloudless. As you know, Vivien was a woman of incredible inner strength, achieving what she wanted at any cost. All biographers vied with each other to tell how she twice made fateful promises to herself. For the first time - without anyone yet famous actress who saw the famous Laurence Olivier. After the first meeting, Vivien decisively told everyone she knew that she would marry him. At the time it seemed pure madness. The second time she made a loud promise was on the eve of the filming of Gone with the Wind, when the most ambitious film casting in US history was gaining momentum. The first Hollywood beauties dreamed of playing Scarlett; no one believed in the success of the visiting Englishwoman. “Larry won’t play Rhett Butler, but I’ll play Scarlett!” - Vivien announced then.

They said that Vivienne was more practical in all matters than Larry, but, like a true woman, she created the impression that all decisions were made by her husband. A strong character, however, was also her problem - like many great actresses, she had an extremely flexible psyche. Each absence of her husband for filming could end in depression for her, and work on the role could result in attacks of obsession. Her genius, turning into whims and capricious attacks, began to irritate her husband.

After 17 years spent together, Lawrence left her, unable to withstand another attack of hysteria. The actress was already seriously ill. Many fans of the actress consider Olivier, first of all, not a brilliant actor, but a cowardly traitor - depression aggravated the course of the disease, and Vivien Leigh died of pulmonary tuberculosis in the summer of 1967 at her home in Iten Square in London.

Eva Duarte - Juan Peron

Evita- a household name in Argentina and the most famous first lady of the twentieth century. Second wife of the 29th and 41st president Juan Peron, Eva Duarte was an example of an ideal communicator, diplomat and ideological inspirer of the first person of the state.

She was born into a poor family and devoted her whole life to the struggle for better living conditions. Legend has it that the young actress and the colonel became lovers on the very first day they met. Peron, who initiated the military coup, might not have had so many ambitions if not for Eva, who made him believe that he would definitely become the head of government. Peron appeared openly with his young girlfriend, shocking the officers with his relationship with the actress.

After Peron's arrest, October 17, 1945 happened - this date went down in the history of Argentina as the day of “the liberation of Peron by the people.” 5 thousand workers and their families gathered in Buenos Aires's May Square in front of the presidential palace, demanding "the return of the colonel." After such support, Peron began to prepare for the presidential elections, having previously married Eva, who immediately left her job in cinema and joined the headquarters of his closest aides. Peron relied on feminist slogans, and therefore wanted a wife next to him, a presidential candidate, who personified the increased role of women in the modern world.

Eva turned out to be so energetic that she began to play one of the main roles in the government under Peron, although she did not officially hold any position. She founded charitable foundation named after herself to help the poor and since 1949 has become one of the most influential people in Argentina. Moreover, she was right hand and advisor to Juan Peron, although gradually in their tandem she came to the fore. The charismatic Evita very quickly turned into a cult personality, her popularity was supported by propaganda - Eva, despite her closeness to power, was an idol of left-wing youth, like Che Guevara. Assessments of her life and personality are contradictory, but it is Eva Peron who is considered responsible for attracting women to the social and political life of Latin America.

Eva Peron died at 33 from uterine cancer. After her death, Juan Peron was destined to once again become president of Argentina. Notably, his next wife, Maria Estela Martinez de Peron, a former nightclub dancer, became the first female president in history after his death.

Grace Kelly - Prince Rainier

There was no great love in this union. However, the history of the relationship between the most mysterious actress in Hollywood and the Prince of Monaco is inscribed in the history of the greatest novels of the 20th century.

Favorite actress of the “king of horror” Alfred Hitchcock, Grace Kelly was different from most Hollywood stars. She behaved and looked like a true princess thanks to her Nordic appearance and reserved manners, although, as often happens, behind the beautiful façade hid an amorous and passionate nature, prone to both adventurous short relationships and calculated profitable relationships. Beautiful, cold, and seemingly inaccessible, Grace Kelly misled men - it seemed that a more inaccessible star simply could not exist. However, there were legends about the actress’s promiscuous relationships behind the scenes - she could give herself to an ordinary cameraman from the set on the first day of meeting her, while accepting the advances of the Iranian Shah. Many biographers seriously talk about the actress’s nymphomania and a slight mental deviation associated with playing the inaccessible Snow Queen. So, during filming, she always entered into love affairs with partners on the set, and on the set of the film “High Noon”, not only her partner Gary Cooper, but also the director of the film, Fred Zinneman, became her lovers.

The aura of purity and purity that Grace Kelly cultivated in her image worked for her - in Hollywood they gave her the nickname “Miss High Society” and believed that she should only marry a real prince. Angelic appearance and the right image did the trick - it was she who was wooed to marry the Prince of Monaco Rainier III(Rainier III).

An epochal acquaintance that changed the fate of an entire state happened in 1955. Rainier III had long been looking for a worthy wife, since the fading economy of the bankrupt state of Monaco required drastic measures. Marrying a famous Hollywood beauty with a good reputation could attract investment and arouse tourist interest in the region. All that remained was to choose a bride. Grace Kelly seemed like the perfect option - impeccable manners, classic elegance, gentle eyes. After a short romantic correspondence, the young people agreed on a wedding.

Monaco is not a state where marriage with a star would be considered a wild misalliance. Prince Rainier was a good politician, and therefore his plan to attract an Oscar-winning Hollywood beauty to the royal wedding became one of the most successful PR moves in history. The fairytale wedding that took place in 1956 not only revived interest in Monaco, but turned the region into one of the most prestigious on the planet.

The country idolized its new princess - Grace gave Monaco heirs and new economic opportunities. A flood of tourists and investment has transformed the troubled region into a thriving financial center. Grace's life resembled a fairy tale: couture outfits, filming in palaces for glossy publications, international visiting trips.

But in reality, everything was not so rosy. Grace, who managed to curb her temper and passionately embraced her new image, suffered from Rainier’s difficult character, and social duties made her forget about personal things. After forty-five, the princess began to have health problems - she began to gain weight. Beloved children - two daughters and a son - grew up and turned into scandalous heroes of gossip columns. Grace recognized with horror in the indomitable daughters who ran away from home, neglected social duties and had affairs with bodyguards, her young self, suppressing her instincts in the name of new role, who wrote her name in history.

In 1982, Grace Kelly lost control of her car and was involved in a car accident. Her daughter, who was also in the car, escaped with minor fright. The princess's injuries turned out to be incompatible with life - the next day, by decision of Prince Rainier, the life support machine was turned off.

Reporters still consider Kelly's death not as clear-cut as it seemed from the outside.

Maria Callas - Aristotle Onassis

Story passionate love and humiliation - this is how one can characterize the romance between the great opera diva and the richest man in the world in the mid-twentieth century.

Greek ship owner Aristotle Onassis- a cult personality, a billionaire who prefers to communicate with representatives of the elite different countries- he was a dear guest at receptions and social events of any level. He surrounded himself the most beautiful women from influential circles, which, however, he often used for his own purposes - to achieve personal or business goals. He experienced a real feeling only once - in 1959, when he met a young opera singer Maria Callas, whose talent was applauded by the whole world.

Callas (real name Cecilia Sophia Anna Maria Kalogeropoulos) was born into a family of Greek immigrants in the United States. She married very successfully and was happy in her marriage - her husband was a wealthy Italian industrialist Giovanni Battisto Meneghini, a great opera connoisseur who fell in love with the singer at first sight. He became for Maria not only a faithful husband, but also a devoted manager and generous producer, who sold his business for her sake and lived only in her interests.

Onassis noticed Maria Callas at a ball in Venice, later went to her concert, and then invited her and her husband to his legendary yacht “Christina” - the main symbol of unprecedented luxury of the time. The Greek tycoon, who was also married, was stunned by the singer's magnificence; for the first time in his life, passion was stronger than the voice of reason. Maria Callas, who made a career out of being a huge, obese woman, had by that time lost more than 30 kg and was in excellent physical shape.

The events that unfolded on the luxury yacht Christina, cruising the Mediterranean Sea, amazed the public. Forgetting about decency, Onassis and Callas not only began an affair in front of their spouses and guests, but also demonstratively reveled in their love - they danced to the music on the deck and disappeared all night long until the morning.

Discouraged, Meneghini could not find a place for himself and felt like a real fool. Even then, he hoped for the prudence of his wife and was ready to forgive the holiday romance, but the lovers did not think of leaving. Onassis and Callas began to live together. Having achieved his goal, Onassis turned from an ardent lover into a rude and oppressive roommate who was in no hurry to register the relationship. Maria's pliability and sacrificial love gave rise to Onassis's unpunished cruelty towards her - he began to insult her in front of friends, openly cheat on her and even raise his hand against her. Callas endured it without complaint, which provoked even greater attacks of aggression from her lover.

Opera diva, blinded by love, stopped giving concerts and tried to cultivate sacrifice in herself - she decided to devote herself to love, even if it cost her giving up her feelings self-esteem. She lost her voice and withdrew into herself, even the memories of her magnificent triumph at La Scala did not give her peace - she lived in the hope of once again experiencing the feelings that she experienced on the yacht Christina. .

In October 1968, Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis married the widow of the US President Jacqueline Kennedy. His partner, Maria Callas, found out about this from the newspapers. The blow was so strong that she withdrew into herself and did not leave her apartment. A little more than a month passed when Onassis, realizing his mistake, rushed to Paris, begging his former lover for forgiveness. Aristotle tried to assure Mary that marriage to Mrs. Kennedy was an image deal for him, a PR stunt that had nothing to do with normal human relationships.

Former US first lady Jackie Kennedy turned out to be a cold, energetic and calculating woman - she devoted herself entirely to consumption. There were legends about Jacqueline’s extravagance: she bought hundreds of creations by famous couturiers and left them unpacked in closets, constantly traveled around the world and spent such sums on entertainment, furs and diamonds that even the fantastically rich Onassis clutched his heart. Jackie literally bought designer items in stores. Being a recognized style icon, she allowed herself to experiment - she appeared in public in short skirts and transparent dresses, and social life occupied her much more than the illness and suffering of her elderly husband. When he died in a plane crash The only son billionaire Alexander, Onassis almost went crazy - everything in his life lost its meaning. Last years he lived out his life, finding peace only in communication with his beloved and all-forgiving Mary.

He died in a Paris hospital on March 15, 1975. Next to him was Maria Callass, and Jackie was in New York at that time - having learned about Onassis's death, she calmly ordered a collection of mourning dresses from Valentino.

Elizabeth Taylor - Richard Burton

Relationship Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor and a British character actor Richard Burton, which has made a brilliant career in Hollywood, is called nothing less than the “novel of the century.” Firstly, both of them were stars of the first magnitude, and the era of the paparazzi was just emerging - and it was their love story that became the main news feed of the era. Secondly, the romance of the two stars was not just stormy, but itself worthy of film adaptation: love to the point of frenzy, quarrels, fights, separations and reunions - the lovers married twice and divorced twice, starred together in Oscar-winning films, proudly posed on the red carpet and they destroyed rooms in expensive hotels in a fit of drunken quarrels. This lifestyle and the close attention of the world community allowed them to become the first classic celebrities - with exorbitant raiders and millions in fees, as well as the most expensive collection of jewelry that the generous Richard gave to Elizabeth after every quarrel.

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the true legends of Hollywood and the most famous actresses of all times. Before meeting Richard, she did not yet have a reputation as a dramatic actress - a fatal beauty, she was already married for the fourth time at that time (there were eight marriages in her life, two of which were with Barton) and was considered an eccentric star. Barton, with his incredible dramatic role, had a reputation as a character actor on stage and in life - temperamental and aggressive, he loved to drink and did not try to seem at all politically correct.

A whirlwind romance, followed by the whole world, happened on the set of the film “Cleopatra” in Rome in January 1962. Compared to the scale of that action, the story of modern Jolie and Pitt looks like a timid parody of the majestic epic - Hollywood shot the most expensive film in history (40 million of those old dollars), where the main roles are Cleopatra and Mark Antony - played by the stars who laid the foundation for the gossip column genre, million-dollar fees, diamonds as gifts, yachts and the front pages of newspapers dedicated to the ups and downs of the relationship between the main film couple of the century.

By 1961, thirty-seven-year-old Welshman Barton was being called "British Brando." He was happily married to actress Sybil Wallace, and the couple had two children. Twenty-nine-year-old Taylor was married to singer Eddie Fisher. The passion that flared up on the set consumed the actors so much that they did not even make an effort to hide their love and did not listen to anyone - they continued to kiss when the love scene had already been played and the director said: “Stop!”, They made love wherever it was possible perhaps they indulged in drunkenness and debauchery and drowned in the abyss of sinful passion.

The uproar created by the newspapers led to the Vatican officially condemning Liz and Richard's relationship. They tried to separate, but they were irresistibly drawn to each other.

In his letters, which have now become a bestseller, Barton, blinded by love, wrote: “In my poor and painful youth, I dreamed of only such a woman. And now, when from time to time the dream returns to me, I reach out my hand and realize that it is here, next to me. If you haven't met or known her, you've missed out on a lot in your life."

Ultimately, they both divorced their legal spouses and married in 1964. Barton showered his wife with diamonds and instilled in her confidence that she had the potential to be a profound dramatic actress. They demanded millions in fees from film bosses and in every possible way created the legend of great stars of the first magnitude.

In the second half of the sixties, their famous films were shot - “The Taming of the Shrew”, “The Comedians”, “Boom”, “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”. For the last film, Elizabeth received her second Oscar. In their personal lives, two brilliant dramatic actors experienced painful love on the verge of frenzy, attacks of jealousy and addiction to alcohol. “Maybe we loved each other too much... I never thought this was possible,” Liz Taylor wrote in her diaries. And in July 1973, she suddenly announced: “Richard and I are separating for a while. Maybe we love each other too much... Pray for us!” The divorce took place in June 1974.

Life apart turned out to be unbearable - 16 months spent as if in delirium ended with a re-wedding. The second marriage lasted from October 1975 to July 1976.

Richard Burton died of a heart attack on August 5, 1984. His death was a terrible tragedy for Elizabeth, despite the fact that at that time she already had another lover. Elizabeth Taylor herself, despite her illnesses and ailments, died at the age of 79 in March 2011. The published letters of Richard Burton, who turned out to be an incredible writer, formed the basis of the book "Fierce Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and the Marriage of the Century"(Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century). Today, major Hollywood directors are fighting for the right to film this story, and the best Hollywood actors- to play lovers of the brightest drama of the twentieth century.

Frank Sinatra - Ava Gardner

For America Frank Sinatra not only “the most popular singer of the century,” but also a real legend and symbol of the era of show business and the golden era of Hollywood with all its attributes - classic glamor, gangsters, millionaires and the aura of greatness and inaccessibility of idols. A Sicilian, a friend of the mafia, he was named the most desirable man of the 20th century. His biography, in which incredible creative victories were combined with friendship with presidents and politicians, crime bosses and the first beauties, is one of the brightest pages of world culture.

Concerning great history his love, then there was only one. While all the women in his life were passable, including such Hollywood beauties as Marilyn Monroe And Lana Turner, his passion for one woman shocked him so much that the great Sinatra lost his voice, went on a drinking binge and tried to commit suicide.

Her name was Ava Gardner. Actress, one of brightest stars Hollywood of the 1940s and 1950s, an incomparable beauty and a woman of incredible temperament, she was famous for her magnetic effect on men. There were legends about the power of attraction of this fatal beauty. The great Hemingway himself called her his muse and favorite actress. At the time of meeting Sinatra, she had been married twice and was experiencing a dizzying affair with a multimillionaire Howard Hughes who first encountered such a wayward woman. The fan indulged all the beauty’s needs: airplanes, diamonds, outfits.

Frank was married and had three children. He did not consider family an obstacle to a stormy relationship, but a passion of such strength turned out to be more important than the desire for home comfort.

They met in 1950 at the premiere of the film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" The state in which Sinatra was after this meeting is described by his friends and biographers as insanity. “She slipped something into my glass!” - he justified himself. The feeling that captured the main star of the era destroyed him: Sinatra suffered, suffered, went crazy with love and jealousy. It was difficult for him to compete with Hughes in offering expensive gifts, and his signature methods of fooling Ava did not work. Frank's friends didn't recognize him - he either beamed with delight when Ava agreed to have dinner with him, or he walked like a beaten dog when she stopped taking him seriously. "I have got you under my skin” - Frank Sinatra wrote down these words of the famous song in one breath late at night, dying of love for Ava Gardner.

He wrote his best songs while in a state of love fever, which did not let him go for a minute - ballad "Stupid, I wanted you" was the product of his sensual attack.

Sinatra knew how to love to the point of frenzy and madness, and the proud but passionate Ava was impressed by this way of expressing feelings. When she gave in under his pressure, their bright romance was called by contemporaries nothing more than a “bullfight of love” between two bright personalities and idols of the era. The clash of two southern temperaments resulted in such a passion that consumed both. Generous, bright, big-hearted Frank evoked feelings in Ava that she did not receive from Hollywood bosses and wealthy admirers. They were both witty, energetic, impetuous and emotional, they coincided in everything - in their love of strong drinks, delicious food, nightly boxing matches and love on the verge of frenzy. It was energy true love and a passion that was impossible to resist.

At the same time, Frank and Ava met secretly - for the press and society, he was Nancy's husband, and she was dating Hughes. A chance photo of a reporter who caught them together created a lot of noise. Avoiding a scandal, Ava flew to Spain, and Frank, who decided that he had been abandoned, lost his voice from grief. He flew to her on the other side of the world, but a new blow awaited him there - his beloved woman began an affair with a bullfighter. He almost took his own life, but Ava stopped him, promising to return. And she deceived again - her affair with Richard Green ended for Sinatra with an overdose of sleeping pills. And Ava gave in. The long-awaited wedding took place in Philadelphia. Several years of absolute happiness became Sinatra's reward for suffering.

However, even in family life, Frank and Ava continued to torment each other with jealousy, quarrels and stormy showdowns. Frank worshiped Ava like a goddess, kept photographs of her in his office, followed her and lost his health in his paranoid desire to possess her completely.

Such obsession cannot keep you in suspense forever - love of such intensity does not stand the test of time. But even after their divorce in 1957, Frank and Ava continued to meet secretly from time to time - the paparazzi kept catching them in godforsaken hotels under the cover of darkness.

After Ava, Frank had many women, beautiful and famous, but he never again experienced anything even remotely reminiscent of the all-consuming love that happened in his life. Ava passed away in 1990 at the age of 68. Sinatra lived to be 82 and passed away in 1998.

Alain Delon - Romy Schneider

This love story seemed real and sincere, but the ideal romance of European stars did not stand the test of fame, promiscuity and ambition.

Beginning of life Romy Schneider, best actress in the world, according to French and Austrian viewers, was cloudless and promised only happiness and prosperity. It was impossible to imagine what a nightmare her life would turn out to be.

Romy Schneider And Alain Delon met on the set of a film "Christina" in 1958. By that time, the Austrian actress, European cinema star and heir to the famous dynasty of aristocratic actors was already in a position where she could afford to choose her partners. Her choice fell on an unknown French actor.

They did not have love at first sight - well-mannered and intelligent Romy considered her colleague too young, handsome and dressed up. Alain found his partner completely unattractive. The romance broke out unexpectedly for everyone, since the young people had nothing in common. He is a cynical and cruel street child who came out of poverty, she is intelligent girl from a good family, a symbol of the bourgeoisie that he so despised. He rejected any moral principles and understood freedom as complete indifference to the problems of other people, while she tried to follow bourgeois principles and could not afford much due to the concepts of decency and duty.

Passion consumed Romy so much that she went to Paris for her beloved. Her principles and way of life, dreams of family and children evoked only contemptuous laughter from Delon. He openly called her a bourgeois and emphasized in every possible way that he was free from conventions and obligations. They were irresistibly drawn to each other, but there was never harmony, understanding and respect in this relationship. While most considered this romance a misalliance, Delon himself was pointedly rude to Romy, making it clear who needed this relationship more.

The media adored the little angel Romy and condemned the adventures of her companion, but in their desire to make his every step public, they literally killed the actress. The tabloid press tracked every step of Delon and Schneider, wrote about all his adventures and ridiculed the naivety of Romy, who forgave the groom for his infidelities and spree. Romy Schneider's humiliating fate was to endure and be ridiculed. She could not leave due to lack of experience, because of great love and a truly naive belief that everything would work out - Delon knew how to convince her that tomorrow everything would certainly be different. Meanwhile, he not only destroyed her self-esteem with betrayals and deceit, but gradually moved on to rough treatment and assault.

This dragged on for more than five years. The passionate, painful relationship, full of ambiguity and humiliation, was broken off by Delon himself. His career took off, their joint film roles turned out to be unusually successful - the relationship they experienced at the breaking point of feelings helped the couple play the forbidden love of brother and sister in a theatrical production Luchino Visconti. Delon was accepted into the theatrical environment, he began to receive serious fees, crowds of fans appeared in his life and that “Dolce Vita” that accompanies the life of every beautiful and successful young actor. The radiant little Romy, who helped him become a star, instilled a love of literature and helped him form his own acting method, had no place in this new life. It was at this time that Romy Schneider became not just a living actress, but a deep, characterful one with a strong dramatic temperament.

Delon said goodbye to her through a note with the wording “We only met at airports.” It was his style - cold, cynical, distant. Nothing personal. Soon he married an actress Natalie Barthelemy.

Romy Schneider was dying without him. She struggled with her feelings for the man and with the feeling of deepest rejection. Over the years spent with Alain Delon, one of the best dramatic actresses in Europe completely forgot how to love herself. In the spring of 1966, she married again. For Romy's sake, her chosen playwright Harry Mayen left the woman with whom he lived for 12 years. Romy wrote in her diary: “The years spent with Alain were wild, crazy. With Harry, I finally calmed down." In this union, she was looking for respect rather than love.

Perhaps the story of her life would have been different if not for Delon’s fateful call in 1968. He convinced Romy and the producers that he only saw her as his partner in the film “Swimming Pool.” Bogged down in scandals and unsuccessful projects, Delon, experiencing the collapse of his family life, needed a high-profile successful project to improve his affairs. He needed Romy Schneider not only as a beauty and a great actress - the story of their long-standing relationship was the best PR move. The current status of a faithful wife and mother added spice to the situation.

The film was an explosion and many people bought it. European countries. Newspapers circulated photographs of Romy and Alain passionately kissing, who were experiencing a relationship renaissance in the luxurious resort of Saint-Tropez, playing six years after the breakup. The mature beauty of yesterday's cutie Romy was stunning - it seemed that she had never been more beautiful and convincing. Alain Delon achieved his goal and disappeared from her life again.

Harry Mayen was never able to forgive his wife for this; their relationship began to crack. He quit his job and started drinking. Romi fell into severe depression and also became addicted to alcohol. A terrible period began in her life. Divorce, remarriage, suicide ex-spouse. She withdraws into herself and refuses a number of offers, including “A Man and a Woman”, “Last Tango in Paris”, but flies to the other side of the world, to Mexico, to film a third-rate film with Delon and shocks everyone with candid shootings in Playboy magazine . The biggest tragedy in the actress's life happens after her divorce from her second husband - as a result of a tragic accident, her 14-year-old son David dies after running into a metal fence. Distraught, Romy closed herself off and communicated only with Delon. She drank a lot and simply faded away in front of everyone.

She died on the night of May 29-30, 1982. Everyone knew about the tragedy of the life of the great actress, and no one could believe that her, 44-year-old, heart had given out. The newspapers came out with the headlines “Romy Schneider committed suicide.” Later it was officially announced that Romy’s heart simply could not stand it. All of Europe mourned its beloved actress. But Alain Delon remained true to himself and sent a dubious appeal to the magazine “Paris Match” entitled “Farewell, my doll.”

“The day I stop trusting you will be the last day of my life,” this line from the film "Christina" Romi repeated this in real life. She trusted Delon until the end of her days.

Michael Douglas - Catherine Zeta-Jones

The scale of passions of modern Hollywood is difficult to compare with the golden age, but in its recent history there are novels worthy of special mention. Love story Michael Douglas And Catherine Zeta-Jones has long been perceived by skeptics as a demonstration of the saying about “a demon in the ribs” - the age difference of 25 years and the blooming appearance of a rising Hollywood star did not give reason for optimistic forecasts.

Michael Douglas, who belonged to the famous Hollywood acting dynasty, was never number one in the unofficial ratings, but was always among the main stars. In his professional life, everything was as it should have been - from the role of a hero-lover and an action-adventure hero in the style of Indiana Jones, he turned to psychological thrillers, the peculiarity of which was a strong erotic element. He received two Oscars and recognition, and later the status of a sex symbol - after his role in the cult "Basic Instinct" With Sharon Stone. In a word, his professional life was a success. In his personal life, he maintained the appearance of prosperity in a 23-year marriage and was sometimes seen in affairs that did not bring him satisfaction.

British beauty Catherine Zeta-Jones starred mainly in second-rate films. She no longer wanted to become a star - until the age of 27, the actress continued to be the heroine of B-category films. The accidental success of the mini-series “Titanic” with her participation helped the producers of the film notice the beauty "Mask of Zorro" With Anthony Hopkins And Antonio Banderas. And, as often happens, the next morning after the premiere the girl woke up famous. On the very day of the film's premiere, she met the star Douglas, who became so excited at the sight of the sultry beauty that he began to talk outright nonsense. The seasoned 56-year-old actor fell in love so much that he did not even think of offering the young actress the humiliating role of a mistress - all his strength was aimed at conquering the woman who drove him crazy. It was also symbolic that Katherine and Michael were born on the same day - September 25 - with a difference of 25 years.

Despite the fact that Hollywood laughed at the habits of macho Douglas and called him an “erotic playboy” behind his back, there was not a drop of vulgarity or well-established schemes in this relationship. Michael understood that after the success of the film “The Mask of Zorro”, a whole series of good offers awaited such a beauty, which meant fame and all the accompanying attributes: fans, millions in fees, photo shoots, social events. He chose to act quickly in order to be the first to get a girl who was just getting used to Hollywood.

He courted beautifully, in an old-fashioned, selfless way, convincing not only Katherine, but the whole world that this love meant too much to him. Douglas became noticeably younger - his love obsession gave the actor a second youth. After five months of siege, Katherine surrendered. Paparazzi photographs of a couple in love on the actor's yacht in Mallorca spread all over the world. Everyone was expecting a scandal, but the couple announced that they were going to get married. The scandal, however, happened: Michael Dinara's wife refused to give an official divorce until her unfaithful husband paid her $60 million from his 225 million fortune. For the sake of his desire to marry Katherine, the actor paid a huge compensation. In addition, blinded by love, Douglas gave the bride a unique ring with a 10-carat diamond surrounded by 28 more diamonds, and agreed to a prenuptial agreement, according to which he agreed to pay his ex-lover $3.2 million for each year of their life in the event of a divorce.

One of the most luxurious weddings in the history of Hollywood took place on November 18, 2000 at the New York Plaza Hotel. OK magazine paid $1.6 million for the right to film this celebration. Among the guests were Jack Nicholson,Sharon Stone,Brad Pitt,Sean Connery,Anthony Hopkins,Steven Spielberg and even general secretary UN Kofi Annan. The bride wore a designer dress from Christiane Lacroix, decorated with diamonds.

A marriage that was predicted to fail continues to surprise skeptics. He is stable and prosperous - the couple has two children together; Katherine, while pregnant, won an Oscar for her role in the musical "Chicago"; Michael, thanks to the support of his wife, coped with cancer, although he suffered greatly. Rarely does a misalliance become such a strong union. And he is the only one in the history of modern Hollywood that can be called a stronghold of family values.

The romance between the famous producer began when the actress was 19 years old. But their acquaintance took place even earlier - Ponti noticed a young girl at a beauty contest three years earlier, adding: “You have a very interesting face.” Who would have thought that this would result in one of the most enduring celebrity marriages?

Their relationship, 22 years apart, at first resembled modern history Pygmalion: the eminent maestro tried with all his might to “blind” a young provincial girl into a secular lady - he forced her to study foreign languages, hired teachers in etiquette and art history. Of course, his efforts paid off in spades: and, as expected, he fell madly in love. Especially for the sake of Lauren (her pseudonym, by the way, is also the result of Ponti’s imagination), the producer divorced his wife, which in Italy at that time was considered absolutely not comme-il-faut. The couple lived together until the death of Carlo Ponti in 2007.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

One of the most controversial couples of the 20th century, and the most tragic. It all started back in 1915, when his beloved Elsa, Lily’s sister, introduced the poet to the Brik family. After reading his signature “Clouds in Pants,” Mayakovsky immediately fell before Lily’s spell. One of the most touching gifts presented by the poet to his beloved was a ring engraved with Lily’s initials: L.Y.B., which, when rotated in a circle, formed an endless “love.”

Osip with Lilya Brik and Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

The couple also irrevocably fell in love with the poet, and accepted him into their family, and in the very literally. Everyone was gossiping about their trio, who lived in the same apartment. It’s hard to imagine that under Soviet morality this would have been acceptable. But, as they say, creative people have their own world, and in addition, the poet was among Stalin’s favorites. Lilya played important role in the works of Mayakovsky: inspired by unhappy love, he wrote perhaps the most masterpiece poems. Although the poet died early, their love remained to live after them, in his immortal creations. “Instead of Writing” is one of the most indestructible poetic monuments of the last century.

Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori

53 years together - are there many couples in the world who can break the record of the most famous Italian couple? But when they met on the set of the film “A Very Strange Guy,” there was no chemistry between the actors. Yes, the actress was not at all impressed by the shocking Adriano, the idol of millions of girls around the world. However, the temperamental Italian decided not to give up and tried in every possible way to attract Mori's attention. The actress thawed out only after a public declaration of love, which Celentano dedicated to her at his concert. After a short time, the lovers got engaged.

What is the secret of their happy married life? Italian cheerfulness, family values, the ability to forgive? Perhaps all at once. As Mori says: “I have never met anyone more interesting than Celentano in my life...” Now the couple lives near Milan, they have three children.

Iman and David Bowie

Could a romance between a rock star and a model turn into something more? Of course, Iman and David Bowie proved this by their own example. Both had not the most successful relationships behind them: Bowie divorced scandalous party girl Angela Barnett, and Iman barely recovered from her second marriage to a basketball player who was addicted to drugs. But having met the model at a charity event, Bowie admitted that it was love at first sight. On their first date, the rock singer invited her... to drink tea, even though he himself had been drinking exclusively coffee all his life. And they say that stars are not shy.

The couple got engaged in Florence and lived together until David's death in 2016. Iman raises them common daughter, Lexi. In an interview, David Bowie remarked: “You probably think that being a rock idol married to a supermodel is the best thing that can happen in life? In principle, that’s how it is.”

Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin

The Bolshoi Theater prima and the composer met while visiting Lily Brik. At that time, Maya was 29, he was 22. However, they began dating only three years after the fateful meeting. How can you fall in love with a ballerina? Of course, seeing her on stage is exactly what happened with Shchedrin and Plisetskaya. Many were condescending towards the marriage of the creative couple, but as they say, he who laughs last laughs.

The lovers lived together for 57 years, until Plisetskaya’s death in 2015. The ballerina herself said that she did not believe in special secrets of family happiness: “Rodion and I simply coincided.” The couple did not have children, it was a conscious decision - the ballerina did not want to spoil her figure, and for the sake of love, Shchedrin agreed.

Federico Fellini and Giulietta Masina

The couple, who lived together for fifty years and one day, first met on the set of Cicco and Pallina. The meeting turned out to be fatal: two weeks later the lovers got married. However, in order to maintain all decency, the wedding ceremony had to be postponed for six months. After marriage, the actress turned from Julia Anna to Juliet, at the whim of her husband.

Like the Shchedrin-Plisetskaya couple, the marriage of the great Italian director and his wife was childless. The actress really wanted to have children, but, alas, after a miscarriage and the rapid death of her first child, she could no longer do so. “If a childless couple does not break up, this means that the connection is really strong,” the maestro once said, and he turned out to be right.

Despite this, their “children” became unique masterpieces of cinema. One of them - " Sweet life“By the way, this is largely due to Mazina. It was she who forced her husband to pay attention to his former colleague professionally, Marcello Mastroianni, who later played the main role in it.

Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna

Contrary to the plot of last year's acclaimed film "Matilda", the love story of the last Russian Tsar and his wife was completely different. Nikolai first saw his future wife in 1889, when he was 20. Three years later, he already wrote in his diary:

“I dream of someday marrying Alix G. I have loved her for a long time, but especially deeply and strongly since 1889, when she spent 6 weeks in St. Petersburg. All this time I didn’t believe my feeling, I didn’t believe that my cherished dream could come true”...

Moreover, the young king defended his feelings, because his parents predicted for him a completely different bride - Elena Louise Henrietta, daughter of the Count of Paris. As a result, fate decreed in favor of Nikolai, and the lovers got married. Their marriage produced five children. Until the very last days lives, sadly cut short in 1918, they sent each other tender letters with declarations of love.