Ivan Petrovich yarlykov is the husband of Natalia Perminova. "Expensive Pleasure" by Alexander Lebedev. Personal life of Alexander Lebedev

“Actually, doctors give the go-ahead for sports three months after giving birth. But I started earlier, two weeks later, even though C-section... The result appeared quickly - the buttocks rose, the legs tightened. All thanks to the fact that the muscles are very good memory. Before pregnancy, I, as they say, got hooked on fitness. Went to normal gym, I worked out honestly, not sparing myself, and easily began to take a weight of twenty kilograms, ”said fashion model Elena Perminova in her interview to Vogue magazine on November 5, 2014.

Perminova gave birth to her third child in April 2014. When did she manage to get hooked on fitness before pregnancy, if in February 2013, in an interview with Gossip.ru, the model admits that she does not do any sports:

“I have one problem, I can’t get better in any way ... I don’t do any sports, it’s contraindicated for me, because. I am actively starting to lose weight, and this is a fatal number.

Apparently, Perminova is a genius and a child prodigy in the world of fitness, since she managed to get hooked on it for 3 days. And not just get hooked, but in such a way that her previously untouched by fitness and no longer quite young body suddenly had a muscle memory.

“Perminova is filmed naked. She has nothing to hide. Moreover, there is something to show: the body is in perfect shape, although two months after giving birth is just nothing, ”the author of the article praises Perminova.

Can you imagine how a woman who gave birth two months ago feels and is now reading this interview? I can. She compares herself to the beautiful Perminova and feels fat, lethargic, loose. “Super-Lena started doing fitness two weeks after her third birth, and this despite a caesarean,” the unfortunate woman thinks. - In a month and a half, she reached a form that allows her to pose nude in a magazine. And I am a nonentity, a miserable loser.

“During breaks, our cover girl expresses her milk and asks the female part of the film crew about the subtleties of transporting it on the plane,” the author of the article adds fuel to the fire.

Calm down, bunnies. No panic. Let's figure out together what, in fact, is the ideal form of Perminova.

Perminova is a model, that is, a professional in posing in front of the camera. Even in amateur photographs, she will stand up, stretch out and turn so that she emphasizes the dignity of her figure and hides her flaws. And where the pose, make-up and skillfully exposed light will not help, retouching will help out, without which the models are helpless like blind kittens.

If you think that being a model means having a quality body and nothing else, you are greatly mistaken. To be a model is to have a proportional body and professionally own it in front of the camera. Photoshop will do the rest.

A proportional body and a quality body are not identical concepts, as we can see by looking, for example, at this honest photo of Perminova:

Cellulite on the sides is an indicator of not just low, but very low quality of the body.

However, like any professional model, Perminova has excellent proportions and is thin. In some photos, Perminova's thinness looks fragile and graceful. Especially when Lena arches her ass. In reality, there is nothing elegant in her haggardness:

A thin body and a good body are not synonyms. It is not difficult to turn yourself into a dead wood woman with knotty knees covered with thin skin:

But Perminov, to put it mildly, strange shape doesn't bother. Lena is not shy about giving out fitness and nutrition advice on the sole basis that she is extremely thin and her abdominal muscles are visible:

Lena, who is very far from fitness, simply does not know: the abdominal muscles are visible in all women with anorexia, regardless of their relationship with sports. Muscles that even a minimal layer of fat does not cover are always in sight:

Here is a clearly defined press:

Keira Knightley, in general, the cubes are visible, but she - last man whose fitness advice I would listen to.

As, however, I would have ignored the recommendations of Izabal Gular, a model whose fitness skills Perminova praises with might and main in her interview. Isabelle, like Lena, is a professional, which means she knows how to squirm beautifully in a photo, but without retouching her form leaves much to be desired:

This begs the question: why should models, who have always been far from fitness, get into it? What drives them? What makes them pretend that fitness is an important part of their lives when unretouched bodies scream otherwise? What forced Perminova to talk about the fact that even before pregnancy she was heavily addicted to fitness, despite the fact that this runs counter to her answers in another interview? What, finally, prompted the gloss to pay attention to the topic of sports, which he, even in the "zero", bypassed a long journey?

The answer is contained in an interview with Perminova. Here it is: “Every pregnant woman is afraid of stretch marks. I'm not an exception. I am sure that their appearance is associated with hormonal changes in the body: somehow in the morning I had perfectly even skin, and in the evening I saw unfortunate stripes in the mirror. Thank God, now there is no trace of them thanks to the Rose de Mer skin firming gel from the Israeli brand Christina and the La Mer cream, which I have been using for all nine months.”

Show me at least one woman who got rid of stretch marks with a cream. At least one. And I apologize to all the models in the world whose fitness advice I recommend ignoring.

Meanwhile, a tube of La Mer cream costs 8,300 rubles. How many postpartum stressed women do you think will go out and buy this cream in desperation? These women, unlike Perminova, do not cohabit with an elderly oligarch, and 8,300 rubles is a decent amount for them.

I understand the reason why a woman who has recently given birth pays a lot of money for a cream that will not help her in any way. Being in post-natal depression, she is ready for anything: to buy an expensive remedy for stretch marks and, two weeks after giving birth, start practicing following the example of Perminova. A woman wants to be like that deathly photoshopped Perminova, who is in the gloss, but which does not exist in reality.

Gloss is an extremely cynical and merciless business, implicated in human complexes and fears. First, gloss inflates these fears, and then offers frightened people a remedy that, supposedly, will fix everything.

Step one: Vogue, along with Perminova, shocked a retouched body in front of women who gave birth, presenting Perminova as a unique woman who, two weeks after a cesarean, returns to training and achieves perfect shape in a month and a half.

“But I can’t, like Perminova, start training now,” the woman who recently gave birth sadly sighs. That's right: it can't. Yes, and you don't need it. Do not start training soon after giving birth. An organism that has experienced a huge “birth” stress is not physically ready for new stress, which always happens when a person joins fitness or returns to it after a break.

However, this does not negate the fact that a woman wants to look at least a little better.

Step two: “And we have a wonderful remedy for 8300 rubles especially for such unfortunate cows like you,” they whisper “Vog” and Perminov to the desperate woman, grinning.

Sneaky situation. And this meanness is also my fault.

I set the trend for women's fitness in our country. Before I started writing about it and actively promoting it to the masses, they, of course, were engaged in it, but in a quiet way. And it certainly wasn’t in the gloss. Fitness fans discussed something there on their forums, fitness articles were published in specialized publications. Now every housewife, model and female from House 2 is trying to put her 5 kopecks into the topic of fitness and cut down her 30 pieces of silver on this.

But they were all very unlucky. I not only set the trend, I also monitor its purity. If you - those who yesterday were stoned with coke in clubs - today decided to open your mouth and spit something about fitness into the public space, keep in mind: I will definitely see this and put you in your place.

Not because I'm angry, but because I'm worried about women who are stupid enough to believe you. You, in your thoroughly cynical gloss, do not care about them, their health, their fate. I got used to them and loved them.

Day after day, I answer their questions and write articles for them so they can better navigate the fitness space. And women believe me. So I will protect them. From you. And, believe me, I have enough arguments. First, I am much smarter than you. Secondly, you do not rummage in this topic. You are speculating on it. And speculation is very easily deduced to clean water, if, of course, to understand the issue. I understand.

Today Elena is a successful model, socialite, fashion blogger, happy wife and mother of three children, and once not only her career, but her whole life could be crossed out due to an unpleasant story, which the future helped to get out of husband of Elena Perminova Russian entrepreneur MP, oligarch Alexander Lebedev.

When 17-year-old aspiring model Elena Perminova was accused of drug dealing and threatened with six years in prison, her father turned to deputy Alexander Lebedev for help. It was his support that helped Elena then get off with a suspended sentence, and soon she began to appear everywhere with her savior.

In the photo - Elena Perminova with her husband

The age difference of twenty-seven years did not prevent Lebedev from becoming the husband of Elena Perminova. Lebedev already had a marriage with the daughter of a famous biologist, academician Vladimir Sokolov, Natalya, who gave birth to his son Yevgeny. The meeting with Elena changed his whole life - he was fascinated by a simple provincial girl, and became a real guardian angel for her. A few years later, and Elena gave birth to her civil husband son Nikita, and two years later, in 2011 - Yegor.

In the photo - Elena with her husband and sons

But Elena and Alexander are not going to stop there, and last spring their daughter Arina was born. Three children almost did not change the lifestyle of Elena Perminova - she still takes part in photo shoots, fashion shows, in 2006 she became Playboy magazine's "Girl of the Month". Today, Elena is not only a successful model and socialite, but also her husband's business partner.

Elena Perminova's husband is the owner of the British newspapers Independent and Evening Standard, and Elena is involved in this business, in addition, she is an editor popular magazine"ROR" (in this position she replaced Daria Zhukova) and a sought-after stylist. For several years, Perminova and Lebedev have been living in the UK - after the oligarch had problems with business in Russia, he announced the sale of his assets and decided to move to England.

Today, Elena Perminova, together with her husband and children, lives in London and leads an active social life. She speaks of her spouse, first of all, as a reliable man and good friend with whom he can talk on any topic.

What is the life of a global fashion icon, wife of a millionaire and mother of many children? Model Lena Perminova spoke about this in an interview with HELLO!

Elena Perminova before the Atelier Versace show in Paris, July 2015 She has everything that girls dream of. Her husband is a millionaire, banker Alexander Lebedev, with whom she has been happy for 11 years. Three angelic children - six-year-old Nikita, Yegor, who is three, and one-year-old Arina. And finally, the status of an international fashion icon. A few years ago, she and her friends - the founder of the Internet fashion project Buro 24/7 Miroslava Duma and designer Ulyana Sergeenko - got into the lenses of photographers at Paris Fashion Week and instantly became street-style stars.

Perminova really has a talent for dressing up - brightly, femininely, sometimes eccentrically. It seems like everything suits her. But Lena does not agree with this: "How is it all? Not at all. If everything went well for me, I would buy everything, but I like a couple of things for the whole department store at most." The ability to accurately choose the very pair of things and successfully combine them helped her become a favorite of world gloss and real star on the social network Instagram. Today, Perminova has almost a million subscribers. On the virtual page, Lena shares the details of her cinematic life: she is literally immersed in pink peonies, balloons and boundless love. The model decided to use her popularity and almost unlimited resources for good: she recently opened the first charity auction on Instagram @SOS_by_LenaPerminova.

Lena, do you remember who was the first fashion professional to notice you?

Karin Roitfeld, at that time Chief Editor French Vogue. I'm not sure that she was the first, but one of the most charismatic - that's for sure. I sat next to her at the Dior show in a wide-brimmed hat, she looked at me for a long time and then directly asked: "Who are you? I like your style! I've been watching you for a long time." I was first surrounded by photographers in New York when I was in a stunning Rodarte dress, bright red, like a ball of torn threads. The next day I was on the front page of Vogue.com in the ranking of the most stylish girls month. Could I have dreamed about it then! Special meaning for me always had and has the look of my friend Giambattista Valli. I remember our first meeting at a modeling casting. I was in gray tights, a knitted dress, with a silver rim, absolutely no makeup. He said, "You are so beautiful." The designer still supports me in everything today.

At the Chloe show in Paris, 2015Do you think style is an innate or acquired quality?

Rather innate, but it is possible and necessary to develop a sense of beauty in oneself. I was lucky: I communicate with interesting, versatile people, I travel a lot. I keep my eyes and heart open. About ten years ago, my husband and I first flew together to New York. Then I could not even imagine that I would be in the city of dreams! We walked all day, I was charged with the energy of the city, I watched the style of those around me. Once in the fashionable mecca of Bergdorf Goodman, I walked all ten floors, but I didn’t like anything - everything seemed too predictable. As a result, I returned home, put on a gray sweatshirt with a hood for Sasha, a massive cross on a chain, and torn jeans. Passers-by turned to me and complimented me - at that moment I guessed the mood of New York.

Is it true that you have a separate house for the dressing room?

Can I see a photo? Of course not! (Laughs) This will probably disappoint many, but my dressing room is more modest than you can imagine. I only buy things that I would like to keep for a long time. At Fashion Weeks, I appear in clothes from the collections of the next season, which are provided to me by the designers themselves. And this is an absolutely normal practice in the global fashion industry: after appearing on the red carpet, these bows are returned to the atelier of the Fashion House for sewing a commercial collection, which will be on sale in a few months. I can count and value money. When I started raising funds for charity, I realized that I couldn’t just go and buy a bag if the money could help someone.

Why did you decide to create your own charity project?

Our family has been doing charity work for a very long time, we just never advertised it. I walked for a long time to my own project and now, more than ever, she is full of energy and desire to do this. The @SOS_by_ LenaPerminova project is like my fourth child. This is the first international charity auction on Instagram. Each lot is displayed on my page and sold within one day. The idea of ​​the auction is that anyone can not only buy the most fashionable things and unforgettable impressions, but thereby transfer absolutely all the proceeds from the sale of this lot to help a particular baby who right now needs an operation or expensive medicines.

How did it all start?

I followed the page of the volunteer Masha Kravchenko @masha_subanta on Instagram. Imbued with her sincerity and fortitude, we met. The idea of ​​how I could help in addition to material participation arose literally immediately. I decided to put up for sale my clothes, in which I was seen in international glossy magazines, on the main page of Style.com, in photo reports from Paris Fashion Weeks. These are the things that I was often asked about: "What brand is this? Where can I buy it?"

How was the very first auction?

I took pictures of my things, Masha and I posted pictures on Instagram. Bidding took place right in the comments, with real battles! For the first day we collected 1 million 200 thousand rubles! We didn't have a social dinner, we didn't invite celebrities. All this was done only at the expense of subscribers.

Lena Perminova at the Chloe show in Paris, March 2015Does it happen that you don’t want to part with the lots?

This became the rule of my project: absolutely all participants in the auction, whether fashion brands or famous people, I ask you to provide exactly those lots that are of great value to them, with which they are ready to part only for the sake of charity. I remember I had a really memorable Elie Saab dress, black with a small train. My husband gave it to me on the eve of an important event at the Chekhov Theater in Yalta, which he completely restored. My favorite actor Kevin Spacey was invited to the literary evening on the occasion of this reconstruction. I could not even imagine that someday I would talk with him, sit at the same table! Of course, the dress in which I was that evening is memorable for me, I cherished it very much. But is it worth keeping it in a closet if it can save someone's life? I put it up for auction without hesitation.

Are there only your outfits among the lots?

There are far more valuable things than my clothes. For example, the Chloe brand not only provided the iconic items of the new season, but was able to highlight two invitations to the front row of their show - for the first time in the history of the company. French House Louis Vuitton, with the participation of its ambassador Sati Spivakova, provided us with a trip to the family estate of Louis Vuitton and, moreover, a dinner with Maestro Spivakov himself. Once we raffled off a ticket to a 30 Seconds To Mars concert with the opportunity to visit the stage and backstage, meet Jared Leto. And just recently, we held a fantastic auction together with Yana Rudkovskaya, Evgeni Plushenko and Dima Bilan. Yana provided her luxurious outfits Chanel, Dior, Valentino, created in a single copy. The real excitement was caused by such lots as a trip to the Bolshoi Theater and dinner with Dima Bilan, the opportunity to get on the backstage of his concert, as well as individual training with Evgeni Plushenko anywhere in the world. It is thanks to such responsible and involved people as Yana and the guys that we manage to work miracles: to save children, from whom many have already turned their backs.

Lena Perminova with Yana Rudkovskaya and Natalya Yakimchik Lena, your way of life for most girls looks like a pipe fantasy. Have you ever experienced outright jealousy?

I don't have time to think about it. On Instagram, I only delete comments that offend my children. When people say: "Of course, it's all because she has a lot of money!" They just justify their laziness. I am no longer 18 years old, I gave birth to three children, and over my beautiful body I'm working. I go in for sports - sometimes with children instead of dumbbells. (Smiling.) As they say, who wants - looks for opportunities, who does not want - looks for reasons. I would like my Instagram page to inspire someone, not envy. My message: do not be afraid, give birth to children, everything is in your hands! By the way, there are much more positive-minded people than envious people. Some write: "I did not want a third child, but looking at you, I understand that everything is possible."

Have you always dreamed of becoming a mother of many children?

Yes, I used to say that I want ten children. Probably because I had no idea what it was. To give birth is still half the battle, but to grow up is daily work. I want my children to be good people honest, so that they have an incentive to earn money on their own. This is a huge responsibility! Of course, I'm thinking about the fourth, but definitely not now. (Smiling.)

You have two sons. What qualities are important to cultivate in a future man?

Children are brought up not by words, but by example. I would like them to be like their father. There are very few people like Sasha. He is courageous, responsible, knows how to love, constantly develops and strives to move forward. Children should value their family and respect other people. I say banal things, but it's true. I can talk about my children endlessly. (Laughs.)

Lena with sons Nikita and Yegor
Lena with her daughter ArinaTo Arina in the family special treatment? She's the only girl.

Arina - long-awaited child. I really wanted a girl! And Sasha too. I used to look at other moms and think, "Why do all their girls only wear pink? Are there no other colors?" And what do you think? As a result, my Arisha is all in ruffles and bows! She has a princess room: a bed, a pillow, a locker, a rug - everything is pink. I even had a dream to create my own children's clothing line.

With your busy fashion industry and now charitable work, do you still have time for your family?

As for any normal woman, family comes first for me. In our free time, we fool around together, go to the cinema. Our main ringleader is Yegor. He is the soul of the company, constantly doing something. Sometimes I take the kids with me to Fashion Week. Recently we were on vacation with my husband and sons: we sailed on a sailboat along Aegean Sea, visited an uninhabited beach between Turkey and Greece. They didn’t take Arisha, so far such pitching is a big stress for her. How I missed my daughter! We love Easter very much. Children are in awe of this holiday, they are waiting for us to decorate the house, paint eggs, go to church to consecrate them. All these moments are my happiness.

Elena Perminova was born in the town of Berdsk in 1986. Now, when looking at past photos of Perminova, you can’t immediately tell about the nature of a real daredevil.

Lena's youth was filled not only with dreams of fame, but also with crime adventures. Elena loves to tell a story about a happy accident that determined the future, and hush up the past under investigation. Alexander Lebedev, who soon became not just a guardian angel, but also an official husband, helped Elena get off with a slight fright and a suspended sentence.

Currently, Elena has 11 years of life with a billionaire, and most importantly - three charming crumbs.

Despite having many children, the model looks flawless, elegant and elegant. This is evidenced by numerous fresh photos and likes from a million followers on Instagram.

Elena Perminova before and after pregnancy

Elena does not hide her athletic toned body and is photographed in bold outfits for magazine covers, at secular parties and shows.

The celebrity claims that the combination of training and special cosmetics works wonders. Ideal Shapes just two months after the birth of the child, they prompted fans to think about the plasticity of Elena Perminova.

Elena herself says about the impeccability of the figure that immediately after pregnancy and childbirth, contrary to the prohibitions of doctors, she did light exercises daily, used creams for stretch marks, and beauty procedures. The main thing that can get in shape, according to the model, is sports and regular training. Perminova did yoga, jogging, performed general physical exercises but never went on a diet.

Internet users suggested that Elena Perminova did liposuction and removed stretch marks from plastic surgeon. A refutation of such statements is Elena's confession in an interview with a fashion magazine.

The podium star said that she did not spend much effort on restoring and normalizing the condition of the skin and body after childbirth. Thanks to proper care for the skin, after the birth of her first child, Elena needed only 3 weeks to return to the model norm, and after the birth of her daughter - a couple of months.

Lena Perminova before and after the alleged plastic surgery (photo)

"While talking about plastic surgery doesn't go!" - so says Perminova. She says that the visible changes in the photo after are the result of properly selected cosmetics and professional makeup. But fans are not satisfied with this answer.

Many users social networks it is believed that Lebedev's wife did plastic surgery and slightly enlarged her lips. In the photo of Lena Perminova, after the alleged plastic surgery, the narrower upper lip has acquired volume, which may indicate filler injections or successful lip makeup: applying a pencil a little further than the natural contour.

Lena Perminova, before plastic surgery, whose photos are slightly different, was more natural and “not stretched”. Perhaps such an effect is the consequences of "beauty injections".

The model calls disinfectants the reasons for the flawless color and evenness of the skin. cosmetic procedures, expensive masks and regular detox.

Most likely, not plastic, but many years of experience in the field of fashion and beauty, constant personal care - the key to the excellent condition of Lena's skin and body.

The ability to present yourself in the best perspective, the work of professional photographers and retouchers provoke the appearance of gossip about plastic famous model and socialite. If we compare how Lena Perminova looked in the photo before and after plastic surgery, it is hardly possible to say with 100% certainty about the fact of plastic surgery.

The famous model Elena Perminova, who is now invited to their shows by world brands, has gone to fame. However, some of the journalists, on the contrary, believe that she was lucky, like Cinderella.

Where is the truth and where is the lie

Probably, as always, the truth is in the middle. The main bump on life path Elena Perminova was the story of drugs, the sale of which was put on a grand scale in the nightclubs of the city. Perhaps the youth of years, and perhaps the love for the man with whom she then lived, pushed her to this step. A seventeen-year-old girl was not only involved in but was even detained, and then sentenced to six years probation for drug trafficking.

But it was at that time that Elena Perminova met the Russian billionaire. The biography of the beginning model was replenished with the story of Cinderella. Elena's father sent a letter to the deputy State Duma Alexander Lebedev, who was just developing a draft law on the protection of witnesses. The patronage of a high-ranking person came in very handy, otherwise the girl would hardly have gotten off with such a light sentence.

The confluence of circumstances did not end there. The MP not only defended young beauty, but also fell in love with her, besides, he also turned out to be a billionaire. Why not a fabulous story that had a happy ending? But first things first.

Dreamed of being a model since childhood

The two most significant moments in a girl's life sometimes overshadow the rest of her life, especially the part that took place in the homeland of the model. And yet Elena Perminova does not refuse her. The biography of the catwalk star begins in the small town of Berdsk, which is located in the Novosibirsk region.

Elena was born in 1986 in a family with an average income. had older sister. Like all girls, they dreamed of clothes, fame, wealth.

After school, Elena entered the Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law, but his. She preferred a career as a model, which she began at the age of sixteen, becoming a scout for the Modus Vivendis modeling agency. With this agency, the girl even entered into a contract, which was interrupted when she was under investigation.

Elena's perseverance is to be envied. Already under investigation, she is filming for Playboy magazine. Participates in several shows. Finally, it appears in the clip of Stas Piekha.

Success on the runways

Probably, this success would not have come if it were not for Alexander Lebedev, who fell in love with the future star. He helped her become one.

After a relatively happy ending judicial history Elena continued her modeling career. Soon Playboy magazine chose her as the girl of the month. And a little later, since 2009, she has already taken an active part in fashion shows that take place in European cities, trendsetters - Milan, Rome, Paris. The Russian model brilliantly demonstrates the new collections of Viktor & Rolf, Lanvin, Armani and others.

Graceful and fragile Elena Perminova (height, weight - 174 cm and 50 kg, respectively) with bright features has won many admirers both in Russia and in Europe.

Model style - avant-garde

This style does not prevent Elena from remaining romantic and feminine. It would seem that she wears incongruous things at the same time with grace and simplicity. On others, these clothes would look out of place, if not funny, but the model feels great in them. Maybe that's why she causes so much conflicting opinions. And yet, no matter how some individuals slander, they are the first to always strive to see a new image of the model, and photos of Elena Perminova can often be seen in magazines.

As a model, the girl participates in the shows of many famous fashion houses, but for herself, in Everyday life, prefers the work of young and still little-known designers. Some journalists call this her style "urban crazy". Because among her things there are no ordinary T-shirts, blouses, jeans. Elena chooses outfits that are memorable, noticeable, in which she always remains a stunning beauty.

Wife and mother Elena Perminova: biography is replenished

With Alexander Lebedev, Elena created happy family where two boys are growing up. However, their marriage is not officially registered. But, apparently, this does not bother the couple, since they are expecting another baby soon.

Elena Perminova gave birth to her first son in 2009. The boy was named Nikita. The second son Yegor was born at the end of 2011. The family is missing a daughter. However, the model is sure that both she and Alexander will be happy if another boy is born. Her fans were able to find out about this through Elena Perminova's Instagram.

By the way, Alexander Lebedev still has an older son, Evgeny, born in 1980. He lives in London. Although his mother Natalya, Lebedev's first wife, lives in Moscow and works at Moscow University.

Alexander Lebedev is a versatile person. Known as a businessman, philanthropist, politician, doctor of economic sciences. Owner of the National Reserve Bank, Russian and British newspapers Moskovsky Korrespondent, Novaya Gazeta (49%), Independent, Evening Star and others. At the end of last year he turned fifty-four.

Career continues

The family of Elena Perminova and Alexander Lebedev lives in London. Despite motherhood, Elena leads an active lifestyle. She participates in fashion shows, happens at almost all secular parties.

In addition, she is a business partner of her husband. The young active woman has already managed to get an economic education at Moscow State University and owns a part of the shares of the British "Evening Standard". In 2011, Elena began working as an editor for the Ror magazine.

The circumstances are such that the Perminov-Lebedev couple have to live not only in two houses, but even in two countries. This is required by a business that is located both in England and in Russia. However, Elena and Alexander do not complain. After all, having worked hard, they have the opportunity to have a good rest.

As Elena admitted, before the birth of children, she and her husband traveled a lot and visited the most exotic countries: in Colombia, Mongolia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and others. Her favorite vacation spot is the Maldives with their warm sea, white sand, fresh food. Now the family prefers to relax in one of their estates in Umbria, near Perugia.

Here she is - model Elena Perminova, whose biography, according to many, is similar to the story of Cinderella.