Why are the icons streaming myrrh in the temple of the matron. Rational explanation of the nature of the phenomenon. What does it mean and what does it portend

Christians often observe how an oily or red liquid, very reminiscent of blood, begins to stand out from the icons. Moreover, as a rule, this happens precisely from the eyes of the one depicted on the shrine.

It is difficult for people who have not watched this to believe in such an unusual phenomenon. However, it has a place to be and there is a huge amount of real evidence for this. Why do icons stream myrrh and what does it mean?

It is difficult for people who have not watched this to believe in such an unusual phenomenon.

Before you figure out why icons stream myrrh and what it means, you should find out what myrrh streaming is.

This word comes from the term "miro", which is translated from ancient Greek as "oil having a fragrance." Christians use it to consecrate a newly built temple, or to perform the rite of Chrismation. The creation of the world is also a kind of sacrament that was carried out during the life of the apostles of Christ.

The creation of the world is also a kind of sacrament that was carried out during the life of the apostles of Christ

In the Orthodox Church, the patriarch blesses the creation of the myrrh. This sacrament takes place once every few years and is combined with the singing of songs and the reading of a large number of prayers.

After making the myrrh, it is poured into special containers, then sealed and transported to the dioceses.

After making the myrrh, it is poured into special containers, then sealed and transported to the dioceses.

So, it is this liquid, as a rule, that is distinguished by various icons. A few drops may appear on its surface, or it may also happen that the shrine is completely covered with myrrh.

According to the Holy Scriptures, the relics of Theodotus, John the Theologian and the Apostle Philip annually release oil. When icons stream myrrh, not all Christians understand what this means, but everyone knows that this phenomenon is miraculous and serves as a sign from above.

When icons stream myrrh, not all Christians understand what this means, but everyone knows that this phenomenon is miraculous and serves as a sign from above.

What kind of icons distinguish the myrrh is also unknown. It can be either an ordinary shrine located in the house, or one that has been preserved since ancient times.

Myrrh streams of past centuries

What does it mean when the myrrh-streaming icons, tried to find out in the past centuries. The first cases of the release of an oily liquid were described in Holy Tradition and non-canonical apocrypha.

The myrrh-streaming of icons took place as early as the 7th century.

It is known that the phenomenon first occurred in 1040. John Skylitsa wrote about this in writing. But Dmitry Rostovsky stated that the myrrh-streaming of icons took place as early as the 7th century.

However, Christians observed the phenomenon long before that - in the III century. A vivid example was the myrrh flow from the remains of Fedot of Ancyra and the Apostle Philip.

A vivid example was the myrrh flow from the remains of Fedot of Ancyra and the Apostle Philip

The world flows of the last decades

Many reports that the icons are streaming myrrh began to arrive at the end of the 20th century. So, in the early 90s, a rumor spread among Christians that they began to massively “cry” the shrines of the Virgin called “Derzhavnaya”.

This phenomenon first occurred in the Nikolo-Perervinsky Church, and then in the Assumption Cathedral, when droplets of liquid appeared on the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Liquid droplets appeared on the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

And what is history worth when the image of Tikhon of Zadonsky became myrrh-streaming in 2004. After that, residents of the whole world learned that the TU-154 plane crashed along with passengers and pilots.

The same phenomenon was observed before the terrorist attack in Beslan and the military conflict in Ukraine. From all this, we can conclude that the icons “cry” just before terrible events that take a huge number of lives.

Icon of the Iberian Mother of God

It is worth telling about the case when, located in Montreal, streamed myrrh for 15 years. Special attention deserves the blood tears of the shrine of the Mother of God "Softening evil hearts". This happened in Sevastopol during a service in 2009.

What to do if the icon of the house is streaming myrrh

What this means and why the icons of the house are streaming myrrh, no one knows except the Lord God. But we are sure of one thing. This phenomenon is miraculous and is directly related to the message from heaven. Therefore, in no case should you wipe the myrrh from the shrine.

You need to treat the icon with care and respect, because it was you who was honored to watch this miraculous event.

Why are myrrh streaming, crying Divine icons in church, at home: folk signs

It is commonly believed among the people that if the myrrh stands out from the eyes of the one depicted on the icon of the Saint, then one should expect global change. Tears are dark? Expect bad news and grief. If they are bright, then events will develop for the better.

If the surface of the shrine is completely covered with drops of peace, then wait good news. Is the holy face emitting large amounts of oil? This is a harbinger of kindness and auspicious events.

Why does the icon flow with blood

If the icon bleeds, this is a harbinger of terrible news. The Orthodox Church claims that this happens when people separate from God. From this, the hearts of the Saints and the Mother of God begin to break from pain, and bloody tears flow.

One of the confirmations of this is the case that happened to a resident of Kurgan. The icon that lay on her table began to cry bloody tears. Then the woman realized that by her alienation she had greatly offended Saint Irene. After repentance, the shrine stopped crying.

In addition, icons can bleed when some terrible event is coming. The Sacred Chronicles indicate that one of the shrines of the Mother of God wept tears of blood before the persecution began and mass kill Christian.

What icons are streaming myrrh in Russia now: a list

On this moment in Russia, the allocation of myrrh on:

  • the shrine of the "Hodegetria of Dorogobuzh" of the Most Holy Mother of God;
  • the icon of the Mother of God "Cyprus";
  • the face of the Mother of God "Iberian".

The point of view of the ministers of the church

Even the priests do not know the answer to the question of what it means when the icons are streaming myrrh, despite the presence of numerous videos on the Internet. However, some of them have their own opinion on this matter.

Many of the servants of God urge not to treat this phenomenon so enthusiastically, and, moreover, to consider it a sign from above or a harbinger of some event.

So, one of the priests, Andrei Kuraev, claims that pagan statues also streamed myrrh at one time. And even now, in one of the most terrible sects, the “Orthodox Sovereign Church of the Mother of God,” this phenomenon is observed.

Therefore, it would be wrong to say that myrrh-streaming is a sign of the holiness of this or that image.

Nikolai Kutepov, Bishop of Nizhny Novgorod, thinks the same way. He argues that this phenomenon should be treated with caution. After all, liquid can stand out on the icons for other reasons - vapor condensation, capillary effect, unfavourable conditions in the place where the shrine is kept.

Myrrh-streaming is a unique phenomenon. It is considered a real miracle, since not all icons can stream myrrh. Miro is a special oil that stands out on the surface of the icon, images, relics. It exudes a pleasant fragrance, the consistency of myrrh can be honey, sticky like resin or similar to dew.

The icon that streams myrrh is deservedly considered special, and the myrrh itself is miraculous. Those who touch it will be healed of any ailments, relationship problems, mental and physical illnesses, disasters.

INTERESTING: With the appearance of dew on the icon, a special commission immediately comes to it, which confirms the fact that this phenomenon is not a fake. The myrrh-streaming icon is placed in a special capsule.

Why does the icon flow with blood?

Icons and images do not cry blood in literally. If the myrrh-streaming process is not artificially faked (i.e., there are no special holes in the icon that release moisture or oil), then, most likely, the myrrh is mixed with paint that an image was drawn, which in its mixed state has a brownish tint.

IMPORTANT: From the point of view of esotericism, such a phenomenon can be regarded as a sign. Warning of future events (most often bad ones: war, losses, disputes, death, illness).

Why are myrrh streaming, crying icons in churches, at home: folk signs

Interpretations will accept:

  • Icon "crying" - a sign that portends changes in the future for you, if the “tears” are light, they will be good, if dark, they will be bad.
  • The icon was covered with "dew" - a good sign that tells you that everything will be fine.
  • The icon abundantly streams myrrh - a good sign of upcoming favorable events.
  • The icon streams myrrh in the church - a favorable sign for the church, city, parishioners.
  • The icon streams myrrh at home - a good event will happen in the family

What does it mean when the myrrh-streaming icon of the Almighty, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, Seven Arrows?


  • Myrrh-streaming icon of the Almighty - wait for favorable events and changes, your affairs will improve and life will become happy.
  • Myrrh-streaming icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker - happy event or message, favorable life changes.
  • Myrrh-streaming icon Mother of God children's health, the appearance of a child, getting rid of diseases.
  • Myrrh-streaming icon of the Seven Arrows - peace and quiet at home, protection from the "evil eye"

What to do if the icon of the house is streaming myrrh?

In no case should such an icon be washed or wiped. Try not to disturb her, and if you have the opportunity, invite a clergyman to your home who could witness this phenomenon. Wait until the myrrh-streaming ends, even if it lasts a very long time. Accept it as God's grace and respect the icon that gave you such a unique sign.

Most people, even those who have a very distant relation to Christianity, have heard about such an amazing phenomenon as the myrrh-streaming of icons. For many years, it has been the subject of discussion among scientists, priests and just experts. ancient art. Despite the fact that some work is being done in this direction, it has not yet been possible to establish why the icons are streaming myrrh, and nothing promises quick discoveries in the future.

What does the term "holy world" mean?

By myrrh-streaming, it is customary to understand the appearance on the surface of icons, as well as on the relics of saints, of drops of an oily aromatic liquid that emits a specific fragrance, sometimes very strong. It is she who bears the name of the world. At the same time, it should be noted that its quantity, color and density may be different and do not depend on any external factors. At least, this connection could not be established.

Myrrh streams of past centuries

It is characteristic that in Holy Scripture there is no mention of cases of myrrh-streaming in the first centuries of Christianity. Information about them is brought to us only by Holy Tradition, that is, the oral tradition of transmitting certain facts related to Christianity, as well as the Apocrypha - non-canonical (not recognized by the church) literary and religious monuments.

From them, for example, we know about the annual flow of the world from the relics of John the Theologian, as well as the Great Martyr Theodotos. In addition, the myrrh-streaming of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Demetrius of Thessalonica and John Skylitsa is widely known (from the same sources).

Myrrh streams of the last decades

Chronology known cases The expiration of the world shows that for the entire period of the history of Christianity, preceding the 20th century, this phenomenon was a great rarity. Only fragmentary and scattered information is found in the literature about him. It was only in the 20th century that it took on a truly massive character.

The first stage falls on the beginning of the twenties, but then information about the myrrh-streaming of icons becomes rare. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the atheistic authorities that had been established in the country simply hushed up such cases. It was only in the nineties that a real stream of reports appeared in the media about the miraculous acquisition of icons, their myrrh-streaming and cases of spontaneous renewal. Moreover, the places where the myrrh-streaming icons were called the most diverse - from private apartments to world-famous temples.

How did it start?

The foundation was laid in May 1991 by the icon Holy Mother of God"Sovereign" kept in the Nikolo-Perervinsky monastery of the capital. Following her, tears flowed from the eyes of the Savior on the image, which was in one of the Vologda churches, and in November of the same year, myrrh streamed from

The most abundant in miracles were the end of the XX and beginning of XXI century. Messages about cases of the expiration of the world have reached such a number that a commission specially created under the Moscow Patriarchate, whose duty it was to study and describe miraculous signs, literally did not know rest.

The point of view of the ministers of the church

From a theological point of view, if an icon streams myrrh, there must be a very specific explanation for this. Despite the fact that all canonical icons are sacred due to their spiritual content, some of them are chosen by the Providence of God, and through them the Lord sends down special signs to people.

At the same time, the real signs of the higher mountain world are considered as the world itself, which has healing properties and the fragrance it exudes. Thus, the icon streams myrrh, showing us a certain sign from above, the meaning of which is not always clear.

It is important to note that the mere fact of the myrrh-streaming of an icon is not a basis for recognizing it as miraculous, but the myrrh that has flowed from it is considered capable of performing miracles. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the capture of the Greek city of Thessaloniki by the Turks in 1430. Muslim fanatics, ignoring the stored in the city Orthodox shrines, snatched myrrh from the relics of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, using it as a medical remedy for the widest possible purpose.

Voices of Skeptics

However, it should be recognized that among the church leaders of our time there are many skeptics who are very wary of this phenomenon. They draw the attention of the public to the fact that there are known cases of myrrh-streaming pagan statues and even icons that were at the disposal of the most inhuman and inhuman totalitarian sects. In this regard, they recommend a more restrained attitude towards cases of outflow from the icons of the world, tears and even blood, and if the icon is streaming myrrh, not to draw premature conclusions.

Examination of myrrh-streaming icons

Since myrrh-streaming icons, as a rule, attract a large number of pilgrims, and thus create the prerequisites for making a profit, cases of falsification of this phenomenon and outright fraud are not uncommon. To prevent such abuses, the Moscow Patriarchate developed a special procedure for examining icons and relics to establish the authenticity of their myrrh-streaming.

According to the established rule, in cases where an icon is streaming myrrh, and a message about this is received by the local diocesan administration, a special commission is immediately formed, which examines it and interviews witnesses. The purpose of these actions is to establish the presence of external causes that can cause a similar effect and mislead others.

In their absence, the icon on a certain period placed in a locked and sealed case. If in this case the appearance of oil stains does not stop, then an official conclusion is given about myrrh flow. Over the past decades, using this simple method, many cases of outright forgery have been identified.

Examination conducted by the sovereign

It is interesting to note that the first known fact exposure of this kind of falsification is associated with the name of Peter I. It is known that once the sovereign began to carefully examine one of the icons of the Mother of God, which was leaking “tears”. It did not escape his attention that the finest holes were made in the corners of the eyes of the image, skillfully disguised by a shadow superimposed on top.

This prompted him to continue his inspection and remove the coating from the back of the icon. Under the outer layer, he found indentations made in the board just opposite the holes in the eyes of the Virgin. As expected, they were filled with thick oil, which, under the influence of the heat of candles lit in front of the icon, melted and came out through the channels, creating the effect of tears flowing down the cheeks.

Having thus exposed the fraud, the sovereign issued a decree determining the punishment for those whose guilt in falsifications of this kind would be established and proven. However, since then, the villains have not been translated into Rus', who equally despised both God's Court and the earth's - criminal. And the holy images continued to flow with the purest lamp oil, filled with incense.

Other reasons for the appearance of drops on the icons

But besides God's command, as a result of which the icon streams myrrh, and deliberate falsification, there are other reasons for the appearance of characteristic drops on their surface. First of all, they can be formed quite naturally - as a result of external conditions.

In addition, the reason may lie in the ingress of drops of oil after the parishioners, having passed the rite of polyeleos (anointing the forehead with oil), kiss the icon and, touching it, leave traces of oil. And, finally, there are cases when the icon “streams myrrh” as a result of accidental oil from nearby icons falling onto its surface.

It is important to note that the phenomenon of the expiration of the world is not a feature of the icons of any particular country or even continent. For example, there was a lot of information in the media that the icons of Abkhazia were actively streaming myrrh. Twelve images of St. George were told in connection with this. And at the same time, similar cases recorded in Greece, Italy, Canada and South America are widely known.

What icons are myrrh-streaming?

It is very difficult to give any definite answer to this question. But, nevertheless, it has been noticed that most often this happens with relatively new icons painted during recent decades. Information about the myrrh-streaming of ancient and revered icons from ancient times is very limited.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to foresee when and under what circumstances this may happen. On one of the photos cited in the article, an icon depicting Tsarevich Alexei, painted today (photo No. 1), is streaming myrrh, and on the other, the Savior, whose age is more than a hundred years old (photo No. 2).

can lead good example taken from the recent past. In 1981, an icon of the Mother of God was painted on Athos by one of the monks. The following year, a certain Canadian, Joseph Cortes, saw her and wished to buy, but was refused. Not wanting to upset the guest, the monks presented him with a list of the image he liked so much. Before leaving, the Canadian attached a copy to the original, after which he went to his homeland.

A few days after his return to Montreal, the copy he had received as a gift began to stream myrrh, and this continued for fifteen years. It should be noted that on the remaining Athos monastery The original never had an ounce of peace. In 1997, Joseph Cortes was robbed and killed, and his relic was stolen. But the miracle did not stop there - in 2007, unexpectedly for everyone, a paper reproduction made from it began to stream myrrh.

If the icon is streaming myrrh, what does it mean?

From the above example, we can conclude that it is impossible to explain the emergence of this phenomenon from the standpoint of our universal human logic. Why does the icon of the Mother of God stream, which is only a typographical print, and does not exude the original myrrh, written in the holy monastery on Athos? It is impossible to give any exhaustive answer to this and many similar questions. But the main thing is incomprehensible to us hidden meaning this phenomenon. If it is sent down from above, then, alas, it is not given to us, sinners, to see what is in it. The only thing that can be said with a certain degree of certainty is that myrrh is not an indication of the miraculousness of the icon on which it appeared.

Miraculous icons of Russia

As for the icons that really became famous for miracles, then, according to the available official data, which the Russian Orthodox Church, there are about a thousand of them in the entire history of Christianity in Rus'. Most of them are images of the Most Holy Theotokos. In all cases, their veneration is due to the specific help provided to people. Usually this is the healing of the sick, protection from enemy invasions, fires, as well as getting rid of epidemics and drought.

Often with miraculous icons associated with various supernatural events. For example, the appearance in a dream vision of the Virgin, indicating a specific place where her image will be found, the movement of icons through the air, the radiance emanating from them, and much more. There are also cases of miraculous renewal of icons and even voices emanating from them.

On the eve of the Week of Orthodoxy, a friendly fuss arose on the Internet about the message of Natalia Poklonskaya about myrrh-streaming in the chapel in the name of the Royal Passion-Bearers. Competed in "wit" not only the theomachists like Nevzorov, but also, it seems, Orthodox bloggers. The softest epithet in this regard: "whoops". Some of their attacks border on blasphemy.

Let's not criticize a young, still inexperienced in politics, a woman deputy. You should not pay attention to the theomachists and net idlers - the humpbacked grave will fix it. Let us also leave alone the highly educated Orthodox intellectuals and theologians, in whom the very fact of myrrh-streaming causes caustic ridicule. Let us turn to the question in essence: myrrh-streaming - what is it? From God or not? Omen or deceit?

If we talk about cases of the outflow of tears, peace, blood from the icons of the Mother of God in Holy Russia, which are preserved in the Tradition of our Church, then they are quite enough to confidently say: this phenomenon happened from ancient times, sometimes accompanied by numerous healings, and sometimes by itself It was perceived as a miracle, as a sign of God - that is how they began to call the famous Novgorod icon of the Mother of God - "The Sign". Another well-known icon "Tolga" on September 16, 1392 exuded myrrh during Matins.

The Mirozh Icon of the Mother of God exuded myrrh. There are icons less known: the Vladimir Oranskaya Icon of the Mother of God - myrrh-streaming in the 17th century. Ilinskaya Chernihiv icon Mother of God (outflow of tears) and others.

Russian people for centuries perceived these phenomena as signs of God, why should we now play a trick on them, as on medieval ignoramuses? Their relative scarcity probably indicates that these phenomena were carefully tested before being accepted. In any case, in some descriptions there are references to the verification of the authenticity of miracles by a commission specially sent by the ruling bishop.

Now a little about our time. Everyone remembers what a significant role she played in the popular veneration of the murdered royal family myrrh-streaming icon of Nicholas II. In the late 1990s, this icon was transferred to many monasteries and temples of our Church. The then members of the Synodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints told me that there were documented cases of healing through prayers to the Royal Passion-Bearers.

This icon also visited Valaam. I must say that I do not consider myself to be gullible people and I always try to explain an unusual phenomenon first by natural causes. But something happened before our very eyes, natural causes inexplicable. When we were transporting this icon on a horse-drawn carriage, it was in the hands of a hieromonk sitting next to me. A paper icon of a small size, tightly closed in a glazed wooden icon case, was easily visible from all sides. The fragrant myrrh usually appeared inside the icon case, sometimes outside on the glass. But when we drove up to the Cathedral with the icon, Father Benjamin, who was sitting opposite me, exclaimed: "Peace!" and pointed to the icon. Before our eyes, a drop of a thick, fragrant liquid swelled on the upper end of the lacquered wooden surface of the icon case.

Then it came out so much that it began to flow first along the upper end of the icon case, and then it poured down the surface of the icon case. When we brought the icon into the Cathedral, laid it on the lectern and began to sing a prayer service, the people standing in front of the large old icon of the Savior at the right pillar suddenly became agitated and made a noise. It appears right before their eyes from the blessing right hand of Christ on ancient image a fragrant ointment also came out of the fingers and flowed down in several trickles. Then the same phenomenon was repeated at the Smolensk skete, which was historically associated with the Romanov family (until 1940, the jewels of Empress Alexandra were kept in the skete church, transferred to the shegumen Ephraim Anna Vyrubova, who lived there). It was there that Anna Vyrubova received monastic vows at the hands of Father Ephraim.

None of the brethren or pilgrims doubted that a miraculous sign had taken place, confirming the sanctity of the Royal Passion-Bearer.

Perhaps someone will consider what was told delusion, mass psychosis, or say that this has nothing to do with the Christian faith, but, in my opinion, mass veneration church people murdered royal family, manifested, including in the worship and recognition of the miraculous, myrrh-streaming icon Sovereign, could not but influence the Fullness of the Church. Popular veneration, along with the great work done by the Synodal Commission for the canonization of saints research work, eventually led to the adoption by the Council of 2000 historic decision about the glorification of the Synod of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, among whom were the Royal Passion-Bearers. Without this decision, the no less historic overcoming of the schism with the Church Abroad would have been impossible.

Remembering this, I think that in cases of myrrh-streaming or other similar unusual phenomena associated with the Church, contemptuous mockery or, on the contrary, enthusiastic exaltation are completely inappropriate. Of course, careful verification of these phenomena is required. But before official confirmation or refutation, one must follow the wise advice of the holy fathers: do not accept or reject... The Lord Himself will reveal the truth to us, if it pleases Him.

Sometimes things happen in life various miracles. One of these manifestations is the myrrh-streaming of icons. What is peace? And what does it mean if it streams? Let's try to find answers to these frequently asked questions.

Holy peace: known facts

Before the 20th century, there are very few facts of this in the literature. unusual phenomenon. There is only a little scarce information that the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Theologian, John Skylitsa and Dmitry Thessalonica streamed myrrh. And only with the onset of the 90s of the last century, the icons began to "cry" in many places: monasteries, temples, small churches and in ordinary apartments.

“Crying” or “streaming myrrh” means that an unusual oily moisture appears on the icons or particles of relics, sometimes it is released in small drops, and sometimes it flows down in streams. At the same time, an incredible aroma emanates from it. Each icon has its own smell: sweetish apple or delicate dandelion.

The most massive myrrh-streaming began in 1991, when, first, in Moscow, in the Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos wept. Then, at once, in several monasteries and churches in Russia, a variety of images streamed myrrh. A special commission was created from the abbots and specialists to study this phenomenon.

The version of the clergy

The Church explains the fact of myrrh-streaming as follows: the Lord warns us about some global changes that need to happen. This is, in fact, a holy sign of some event. It is believed that icons cry before a war or natural disaster.

In order for people to believe in these signs, the material evidence is myrrh. This liquid has healing properties, it can cure a serious illness and get rid of problems.

If the icon in the house became myrrh-streaming ordinary person, he should turn to God, pray more and attend the temple. It also indicates that God is very favorable to the owner of the icon, and everyone can come and touch this miracle. You can ask for some holy myrrh and bring it to your home.

Lab version

In addition to those who believe in the miraculous appearance of the world, there are those who are skeptical about this. There have even been laboratory studies that have not been established. true reason appearance of moisture on the images.

Only one thing is clear: the composition of myrrh fully corresponds to the composition of human tears. Scientists assumed that the myrrh-streaming appears from the material and the term of the icon. But how to explain that tears appear both on small paper icons and on glass ones? large images, on the ancient ones that have lain for more than a dozen years in the cellars, and on the new ones, just recently left the icon-painting workshops.

The consistency of myrrh is also unusual and varied. Sometimes it is very thick and viscous, and sometimes light and transparent, like a teardrop. Sometimes, if the icon was blasphemed, blood appeared on it. This is evidence that the shrine must be protected from the influence of external forces.

When they want to give icons the status of a shrine, some people commit forgery and put any oily liquid on the image. In other cases, there is a spontaneous, unintentional application of oil to shrines:

  • accidental ingress of lamp oil and candle wax;
  • after the ceremony with the use of holy oil, parishioners venerate the icons and leave oily traces on them;
  • accidental ingress of liquid with adjacent icons.

But these cases are rare and are easily distinguished from real myrrh-streaming by the aroma and the constant release of drops of liquid.

Peace or tears?

It is also necessary to distinguish between myrrh flow and lacrimation. Miro is good sign, the mercy of God, and tears are a warning about coming trouble. Therefore, it is so important to take a closer look and understand what the icon exudes, myrrh or tears. This warns us of trouble and strengthens us in faith.

If suddenly you hear about such a miracle, you should definitely visit this Holy place and think: “What does it mean if an icon streams myrrh?” And suddenly this is a warning of an impending disaster, or, perhaps, the mercy of the Lord. In any case, you should turn your eyes to this holy phenomenon and believe in a miracle.