Why dream about a big boar pig. Combined modern dream book. The dreamer's actions and their interpretation by the dream book

Why do you dream of a pig with piglets? These animals in a dream indicate a new source of income, the favor of Fortune, an increase in salary or success in business. But sometimes the dream book warns: complications, conflicts and even losses are possible.

Good changes, profitable endeavors

Have you seen a sow surrounded by piglets? If they are healthy and plump, favorable changes in business are coming. You will be able to conclude very profitable contracts.

They in a dream represent, according to the dream book, a profitable enterprise. Perhaps the dreamer will have a new source of income - albeit small, but permanent.

Did you dream about a pig with cubs? Fortune will show favor and will not interfere with your endeavors.

Great prospects or annoying misunderstandings?

Why do you dream about pigs and piglets? The interpretation of the dream depends on the details:

  • clean, beautiful - everything will turn out great;
  • plump, rather grunting - a salary increase is possible at work;
  • thin, sickly - annoying misunderstandings, put off your plans for now;
  • dirty, unkempt - because of your own mistake, ruin a good deed.

Implement projects, invest money

The dream book calls a pig with piglets a symbol of excellent profit. Now the sleeper has the strength and desire to realize his grandiose ideas. He will succeed in many things, so a good result will not be long in coming.

Seeing them in a dream foretells a favorable time for financial investments. Do this thoughtfully - and you will soon enjoy good dividends.

Come up with a new idea

Have you had a chance to care for these animals? The dream book promises: a new successful idea will arise. It needs to be thought through to eliminate any errors.

A well-fed sow hare surrounded by pink piglets in a dream seems to suggest: the dreamer’s financial affairs are now in perfect order.

Why do farmers dream of such a vision? The plot promises a big harvest, a successful and quite profitable year.

There will be quarrels and wasteful expenses

Did you dream of a pig with piglets lying in a dirty pigsty? The dream book warns: there are parasites in your environment.

If pigs are in your house, there is a quarrel ahead with loved ones, friends through their fault, betrayal, loss of a loved one.

Did you happen to feed them while dressed smartly? You are wasting your energy and money in vain, it will not bring satisfaction.

Be careful: they want to use you

Did the piglets run after the sow in the dream? In reality, some people want to use the sleeping person without giving anything in return.

Were they dead? In reality, diseases are possible. Businessmen face failures and losses, so they must try to avoid unjustified investments or new projects.

New opportunities will open up

Why do you dream that there were a lot of piglets? The dream book indicates: they will open before you great prospects V business sphere, don't miss them.

Seeing an animal in a dream is always very interesting, what a pity that this happens so rarely, but as a rule such a dream carries with it deep meaning. Representatives of the animal world be it mice, dogs, ducks or lions, etc. always carried in dreams important and foretell the dreamer many interesting events waiting for him in the future. And each animal in a dream is unique in its interpretation. Therefore, if you saw some kind of animal in a dream, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s domesticated or wild, herbivorous or predatory, you definitely need to turn to the dream book and find out what fate has destined for you.
A piglet is a baby pig. Pigs are also found in wildlife they are also bred in farming. The domestic pig is the most important and very useful animal. From them they obtain leather, lard, meat, pigs are also useful in pharmaceuticals, pork bristles are used for brushes and paintbrushes. And some people keep dwarf piglets as pets. Piglets evoke affection in people and are in no way associated with negative emotions. But the synonym piglet is used to describe people who are sloppy and dirty. That is why if you dreamed of a pig, you should not try to interpret the dream yourself. A pig in a dream can portend you material well-being and home comfort, or it can talk about the state of your health; sometimes such a dream speaks of your unceremoniousness and rudeness. In any case, to understand what this beast promises you, you need to remember your dream with all the details; they will be the key to the correct interpretation.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • Why do you dream of clean piglets - well-groomed piglets in a dream mean that your financial situation get better and you will succeed.
  • Why do you dream of dirty piglets - you will get into some kind of business that will cause financial losses and poverty.
  • Why do you dream of little piglets - such a dream means that you will need to pay for all the benefits that you have.

Ancient Russian dream book

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of clean little piglets? Clean and well-fed piglets in a dream promise the dreamer success in work and any business he undertakes.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of a roast pig - such a dream means what awaits you happy holiday with a lush table. (cm. )

Children's dream book

And piglets - one of the people you dislike will do a small but extremely unpleasant dirty trick. But a forewarned man is forearmed.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream of piglets in a dream - such a dream indicates that a long-awaited meeting awaits you.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream a lot about piglets - expect a miracle.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream of a black pig - some kind of situation awaits you that will cause a lot of trouble and worry.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream of a big pig - such a dream suggests that they will “put a pig on you”, someone from your environment will treat you very meanly.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Why do you dream of a living pig - such a dream means that you will soon find happiness.
  • Why dream of feeding piglets - you need to be more careful, someone will try to set you up.
  • Why do you dream of a slaughtered pig - in your life you will encounter circumstances that will cause you a lot of heartache.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a lot of little piglets? Seeing a lot of piglets means that you will make a big profit, but it will bring you a lot of anxiety and worry.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

  • “Piglets” - Miller’s dream book says that seeing healthy and clean piglets in a dream portends you good changes in life and there are many transactions that will bring income.
  • Why do you dream of dead piglets - soon you will encounter difficulties in work and business and problems with children.
  • Why dream of a pig with little piglets - a white streak will come in your life, and all your new projects will be crowned with success.
  • Why do you dream of a small black pig - expect bad news from loved ones who are far from you.
  • Dream Interpretation “feeding a pig” - such a dream suggests that you will be offered some kind of business, participation in which will double your finances.
  • Why dream of buying piglets - you will be able to buy something valuable, something you have long dreamed of, but to get it you will have to try hard.

Dream book of psychologist Sigmund Freud

  • Why do you dream of a dead pig - such a dream suggests that your relationship is not what you want. You encounter a rude and cold attitude from your partner towards you. Actually the problem is that your idea of love relationships does not correspond to what is happening between you.
  • Why do you dream about giving birth to a piglet? unusual dream predicts that you will spend your holidays in a completely unusual way. But you are guaranteed to receive pleasure, although at first it will be difficult for you to decide on it.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Why dream of a pig in your arms - holding a pig in your arms means that happiness will fall on you literally out of nowhere.
  • Why dream of butchering a pig - you will receive a very favorable offer.
  • Why dream of a pig covered in blood - your relationship with your family will deteriorate, there will be discord in the family. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of wild pigs - your ill-wishers want to harm you, be prepared for this and try to protect yourself from them.
  • Why do you dream of a sow with piglets - you will earn a lot of money, try to invest it in a profitable enterprise.
  • Why dream of eating roast pig - you will do something that will help you provide for yourself in the future.

Esoteric dream book

  • Why do you dream of many little piglets - even if all the circumstances in life are stacked against you, you will be able to achieve success and influence.
  • pig - slaughtering a pig in a dream means that you will be able to make good supplies of all sorts of good things.

Modern dream book


  • Why do you dream of a white pig - despite the fact that society generally considers piglets to be unclean animals, in a dream they foretell your well-being and good luck.
  • Why do you dream a lot about dead piglets - such a dream warns you of troubles and sorrows.

Combined modern dream book

  • Why does a woman dream of a pig? For a woman to see such a dream means that she will meet a man, having fallen in love with whom she will find out that this man is jealous and very greedy.
  • Why do you dream of a small pig in your arms - if you make an effort, you will be able to complete a task that seemed to have reached a dead end.
  • Dream interpretation “black pig” - the influence of people whom you consider your friends will negatively affect you, and your actions will be condemned.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why do you dream of a pig biting - such a dream says that you and your loved ones will be harmed.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Why dream of a pink pig - to see a clean one little pig means that you are ready to lie down under everyone if it is necessary in order to achieve something.
  • Dream interpretation “dead piglets” - because of your arrogance and stubbornness, you will find yourself in a situation that will cause you harm.
  • Why do you dream of a pig in the house - you will find a person with whom you will be happy, but be careful, they will envy your happiness and try to destroy it.
  • Dream interpretation “pig with piglets” - a pig feeding its piglets indicates that you need to be more attentive with your colleagues, they will try to deceive or set you up.
  • Dream interpretation “cutting a piglet” - killing a piglet with your own hands means that you will suffer losses.
  • Dream interpretation “roast pig” - you will be happy in family life, you will be loved and respected by others.
  • Dream Interpretation “catching piglets” - running after piglets and catching them means you will find something you like that will bring you prosperity.

Old Russian dream book

Dream interpretation “small pig” - you will experience anxiety and anxiety.

English dream book

Assyrian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation “seeing piglets” - if you are asked to see them in a dream, it means the situation in your life will improve. Harmony will reign and happiness will open its doors to you. Such a dream can also speak of the birth of sons.
  • Dream Interpretation “little piglets are running” - if piglets are running in a dream, but you can’t catch them, then difficulties and health problems await you. It is best for you to undergo a full examination before they occur.

Collection of interpretations


The kingdom of our dreams is so secret and unknown. And even such an animal as a piglet has a whole bunch different meanings. Pay more attention to your dreams, memorize them and find interpretations, by comparing them with what is happening in your life, you will be able to understand what to expect from your intriguing fate. Believe in the best and everything will work out for you. Good dreams to you.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, riding a pig is an unusual pastime when, on the one hand, you will be pleased; on the other hand, you simply won’t know how to feel about what happened.

Seeing a dirty pig in a dream means you lack purity in your relationship. Every now and then you are faced with rudeness and neglect, although, in general, everything is in order - your partner treats you well, but at the same time, what you have does not coincide a little with your idea of ​​how you should treat lovingly the one he loves.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Having a pig is great happiness; slaughter - benefits; feed - cares about the future; wallowing in the mud - bad relationship in the house; wild - evil people will harm you; with piglets - you will earn a lot.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Family dream book

Pig - Not good, someone unpleasant will invade your life. If a pig is running - a warning that not everything can be told even to your husband, not to mention your children. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you should not abuse your position either in the family or at work.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Pigs in a dream symbolize everyday troubles and worries.

Seeing them well-fed and well-fed is a sign that your patience and diligence will result in a good income.

Thin pigs are a sign of decline in business, the cause of which, most likely, is your laziness. The dream suggests that you should conduct your affairs with greater accuracy.

Dirty or skinned pigs in a dream portend a conflict.

If the pig behaves aggressively and tries to bite you, this means that the conflict threatens to seriously affect your well-being. After such a dream, you should refrain from any confrontation.

Why do you dream about a pig?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Pig - someone close to you will be seriously harmed, the meaning of the dream increases if you see several pigs.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Spring dream book

Pigpen - This dream is the fruit of your fatigue, overwork.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Summer dream book

What does it mean to see a pigsty in a dream - they are preparing a big piggery for you.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Autumn dream book

Pigpen - Coming from among the guests, your spouse will cause a scandal.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Pig - Great happiness - a lot - unpleasant company - slaughter - benefit - feed - care about the future - wallowing in the dirt - bad relationships in the house - wild - evil people will harm you - with piglets - you will earn a lot

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a pig in a dream means big profits.

Eating pork means an obstacle in business.

In a dream you bought a pig - soon you will receive a lot of money.

Selling means big trouble.

If you dreamed that you saw someone eating pork, things will stall for one of your loved ones.

In a dream you slaughtered a pig - commit a rash act, and luck will turn away from you.

Cooking pork or some kind of pork dish means minor troubles.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Esoteric dream book

Pig - to prosperity, no matter what the circumstances.

Slaughtering a pig means supplies, bins full of goodness.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Azar's Dream Book

Pig - someone will really let you down.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Pig - success, wealth; a lot - bad reputation; lying in the mud - quarrels in the house.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Modern dream book

Seeing healthy, well-fed pigs in a dream predicts dynamic changes in commercial affairs and safe transactions.

Seeing skinny pigs in a dream foreshadows annoying misunderstandings in business and troubles with children and subordinates.

Seeing a pig with piglets promises a bountiful harvest for farmers and good luck for everyone else.

Hearing pigs squeal is a harbinger of unpleasant news from absent friends. This dream also predicts grief over death and failures in commercial affairs.

If you dream that you are feeding your pigs, this predicts an increase in your well-being.

If you dream that you are selling pigs, you will become the owner of significant property, but for this you will have to do a lot of hard and rough work.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Pig - You see a large, fat pig in a dream - after such a dream, do not doubt: success in business is guaranteed to you. You see a pig lying in the mud - the dream suggests that you will have reason to suspect your business partners of dishonesty. A girl dreams of a pig lying in the mud!.. - this girl’s new admirer will be a miser; but the wealth he has accumulated is too attractive to immediately, without weighing all the pros and cons, break off relations with him.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Pig - your gluttony / your self-adoration, assertion of yourself physically / trouble.

Seeing a lot of pigs is gossip.

Seeing a pig in your house - good health have; recovery.

Slaughtering a pig means demotion, dismissal.

Seeing a pig's snout is a bruise or injury.

Eating a pig's head means there's a road ahead.

Seeing piglets is a profit.

Eating them is a loss.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pig - wealth; an image of one’s own laziness, gluttony and idle life.

Piglet - profit; anxiety; a kind, pure and innocent person.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Otavalos Indians

Feeding pigs corn means losses, material losses and debts.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Big online dream book

If you saw a pig in a dream, you are extremely lucky, because a pig in a dream always means big profits! Try to estimate the size and weight of the pig by eye, because the dependence here is quite obvious: the larger and heavier the pig, the greater your profit will be.

If you saw a skinny pig in a dream, you shouldn’t be upset: even a skinny pig will make a very decent profit.

But eating pork in a dream is not worth it: it promises trouble in business.

If you are persistently offered a dish of pig, try to strain your subconscious and perform an action in a dream that will save you from eating a pig: break the plate, jump up from the table, refuse food.

If you fail and you are forced to try this dish, try to remember who is offering it to you. It is quite possible that this will be the person who will try to harm you and disrupt the correct conduct of business.

Buying a pig is a very good and useful thing. This dream means that you will receive a lot of money in the near future. When purchasing a pig, do not bargain and be sure to try to purchase the pig that is offered to you. Again, remember the person who sold it to you: this is the person you should do business with. real life: It is possible that a contract with this person will enrich you.

Selling a pig is never a good idea.

If you sold a pig in a dream, expect trouble. Luck will turn away from you for an indefinite time. Moreover, the more expensive you sold the pig, the longer you will have to wait for the situation to change for the better.

If you dreamed that you saw someone eating pork before your eyes, then for one of your friends or family members things will stall for an indefinite period of time.

If a complete stranger ate pork before your eyes, don’t think about what you dreamed about: it won’t affect you in any way.

If you slaughtered a pig in a dream, this means that in the near future you are going to commit a rash act. Luck will turn away from you, and because of your own rash actions. What you saw in a dream can serve as a warning to you: think again about all your planned actions: it is quite possible that you made a rash decision about one of them, and it can still be reconsidered.

If you dreamed that you were preparing any pork dish, then expect minor troubles. Try to remember all the circumstances that accompanied this process. Perhaps, by comparing and analyzing all your actions, you can avoid some of these troubles.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Pig - success, profit, pig's head - someone will plant a "pig", seeing a toy - piggy bank, saving money. A dirty little pig is a base success. Thin - little profit. Feeding a pig means taking care of the future.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing a pig in a dream means swinishness. As Maria Semyonovna told me: “the guests will come and everyone will get drunk like pigs.”

Why do you dream about a pig?

Ladies' dream book

Interpretation of the dream book: Pig - you are only interested in material well-being. Slaughtering a pig means material troubles; complications at work.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Pig - You slaughter a pig. - Fortunately. The pig dies on its own. - Unfortunately. Pig, boar turns into a human. - There will be a government case, a situation related to officials. The pig or sheep is itching. - Foretells a squabble, a quarrel. The ram turns into a pig, walks like a pig. - A wanderer will arrive, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Islamic dream book

Pig - Seeing a pig in a dream is a sign of evil, misfortune, depravity, baseness, and alienation from religion and money earned through sinful means. The grunt of a pig heralds victory over the enemy and the seizure of his wealth.

Why do you dream about a pig?

English dream book

Pig - We often mention pigs in different images: greedy like a pig, dumb like a pig although pigs are very smart animals), the room is like a pigsty. Why do you have a dream: Are you “exposing yourself as a pig”? Or is someone close to you acting like a pig? Maybe you are “rolling in the mud” and it’s time to get yourself in order?

Why do you dream about a pig?

Astrological dream book

Interpretation of the dream in the dream book: Pig - deception from the environment and indecent behavior symbolizes this dream.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Christian dream book

Pig - good benefits await you. Imagine that you feed a pig and it gets fat right before your eyes.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Ancient Russian dream book

To see pigs in a dream - Look in the dream book for the interpretation of the word piglet.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Pig – Reflection of human physical needs. A pig can also be a symbol of an acquaintance whom you do not respect. A pig at a trough is a hint of someone’s (maybe yours) gluttony and untidiness. A pig is bathing in a puddle - there is a useless lazy person near you; anticipation of family difficulties.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

wealth, "pig piggy bank." In general, this is a symbol of sloppiness, stupidity, and arrogance. Seeing a pig in a dream, smeared from head to toe, denotes gossip, empty rumors, intrigues. Seeing a pig that undermines the roots of an oak tree means that you are faced with an incompetent person who will cause you a lot of trouble and trouble. Feeding a pig in an expensive suit, from a golden tray, is wasting your money and energy. Seeing a pig sitting in your favorite chair means a quarrel with friends and betrayal.

Family (relatives) symbolizes unity and support, on the one hand, and on the other, the root of evil: “and a man’s enemies, his household...”

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

In general, this is a symbol of sloppiness, short-sightedness, stupidity, and clumsiness.

To dream of a piglet holding onto the tail of a large pig and moving forward unhindered - you will be faced with the impudence of a shameless person who does not pay attention to any principles and does not suffer from remorse; a more cunning one will get ahead of you; Remember that patronage is a very powerful means of achieving a goal.

Seeing a pig smeared from head to toe with fresh mud in a dream means gossip, empty rumors, and intrigues.

To see a pig's coin sticking out of a dung heap - you have to take part in something that contradicts your principles, or step away from business.

To dream of a pig tearing up the roots of a tree means you will encounter a person who, due to incompetence, will cause a lot of trouble and trouble not only to you, but also to those around you.

In a dream where you are offered to buy pork legs, beware of deception and participation in events that violate the law.

To dream that you are feeding pigs from a golden tray, although you are dressed in an expensive formal suit, is a warning that you are wasting money and effort; this will not bring peace of mind, but threatens severe disappointment.

Seeing a dirty pig sitting on your bed in a dream means betrayal, a quarrel with friends,

The loss of a loved one due to the fault of relatives or friends.

Seeing a pig with a crown on its head is a symbol of conflict with influential person, changing jobs, running away from the people around you.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream book of catchphrases

PIG - “put a pig” - a catch, harm from another person; “Well, you’re a pig!”, “Behave like a pig” - arrogance, impudence, rudeness; "dirty as a pig"; “piggy bank” (income, savings, thriftiness). "An ungrateful pig." “Dirty as a piglet,” and at the same time the piglet is a symbol of purity and innocence.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Old Russian dream book

success, wealth; a lot is a bad reputation.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream book for women

Not good, someone unpleasant will invade your life. If a pig is running - a warning that not everything can be told even to your husband, not to mention your children. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you should not abuse your position either in the family or at work.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

A pig is disgusting. As they say: “the guests will come and everyone will get drunk like pigs.”

Why do you dream about a pig?

Idiomatic dream book

“Putting a pig” is a catch, harm from another person; “Well, you’re a pig!”, “Behave like a pig” - arrogance, unceremoniousness, rudeness; “dirty as a pig” - negligence; “piggy bank” - income, savings, thrift; “ungrateful pig” - misunderstanding; “dirty as a piglet”, and at the same time the piglet is a symbol of purity and innocence.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream book of relationships

If you dream of a dirty pig, this means that your relationship with your partner is not working out as you would like. Sometimes it seems to you that he is too rude or does not pay attention to you at all. However, in reality, everything may not be so bad, you just have a different understanding of how you should treat loving person to the object of your passion.

Riding a pig in a dream foretells that you will have an unconventional time. You will experience doubts and hesitations about how to respond to the event.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream book for the whole family

A pig is not good, someone unpleasant will invade your life.

If a pig is running - a warning that not everything can be told even to your husband, not to mention your children.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you should not abuse your position either in the family or at work.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Online dream book

Why do you dream about a pig? This animal symbolizes success in business and great income.

If she was thin, this is a bad sign, problems await you.

If you dreamed of a pig with piglets, it means that you will succeed in everything you have planned.

If you heard her squealing, annoying news awaits you.

According to the dream book, feed a pig - good sign, you can improve your financial situation.

To dream of selling a pig means that you will receive something large as your property.

If you stroked her, then you will have to flatter someone.

The dream in which you killed her hints that career difficulties await you.

Becoming a pig is a bad sign, you will suffer.

The dream book interprets a well-fed, large pig as a good omen, promising many joyful events in your life, your business will undoubtedly go up, and all your endeavors will be successful.

If you dreamed of a black pig, those around you will treat you and your creative ideas with interest and respect, which will give you the opportunity to succeed in a field related to creativity.

If a pig bites and is hostile, then in real life you will have to suffer from someone’s irritability and unfriendly attitude.

In a dream, you saw a pig with piglets - fate is sending you a sign that the time has come to realize your plans; everything you undertake now is guaranteed to bring you enormous benefits and profits.

If you only dreamed of a pig's head, something might happen at your work. global changes, and they will not be for the best for you, be fully prepared.

Dreaming of a dead pig is sure sign the fact that you will be able to prove your advantage even to those who initially surpassed you in capabilities or the degree of their influence.

According to the dream book, cutting a pig is an unkind sign warning about serious problems at work, try to constantly keep this situation under control, be careful and do not allow the slightest mistake.

A dream in which you saw a lot of pigs means that you will fall into bad company or some kind of dangerous place, which will deprive you of peace and make you worry about your well-being.

Also a whole herd of wild boars

If you dream of feeding pigs, now you are sacrificing yourself and spending energy and money helping those who could do without your assistance, but prefer to use you for their own selfish purposes. In the future, you risk being cruelly betrayed by them.

According to the dream book, if you slaughter or kill a pig, you will be able to safely deal with all your ill-wishers; you will not be afraid of any of their machinations.

Why do you dream about a pig?

American dream book

Pigs - you are not giving enough or feel that you are not receiving enough.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a domestic pig is a sign of happiness and positive emotions; seeing a pig wallowing in the mud is a sign of deterioration family relations; see wild pig- to the evil eye, damage from evil people in your surroundings.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

Pigs - this dream speaks of a mixture of good and bad luck. You will have many problems, but you will successfully resolve them all. You will have many enemies, but there will also be those who will help you.

Why do you dream about a pig?

An old English dream book

Seeing pigs in a dream is a harbinger of a series of successes and failures in life. You have many imaginary friends, but at the same time you will have a sincere friend (girlfriend). The dream foreshadows sadness and illness. You will be exposed to great dangers, but you will be able to escape them with little loss. This dream foretells that, despite many obstacles. You will achieve a high position in society and wealth. But he also warns you that your children may show frivolity and wastefulness.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing pigs or wolves means illness.

Seeing a lot of pigs portends losses from unknown persons.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Russian dream book

Pig - ingratitude, meeting with bad person.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Russian dream book

Pig - wealth, “pig piggy bank.” In general, this is a symbol of sloppiness, stupidity, and arrogance.

Seeing a pig in a dream, smeared from head to toe, means gossip, empty rumors, intrigues.

Seeing a pig that undermines the roots of an oak tree means that you are faced with an incompetent person who will cause you a lot of trouble and trouble.

Feeding a pig in an expensive suit, from a golden tray - you are wasting money and effort.

Seeing a pig sitting in your favorite chair means a quarrel with friends and betrayal.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

You slaughter a pig - fortunately.

The pig dies on its own - unfortunately.

A pig or wild boar turns into a human - there will be a government matter, a situation related to officials.

A pig or ram itches - portends a squabble, a quarrel.

A ram turns into a pig, walks like a pig - a wanderer will arrive.

Why do you dream about a pig?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Pig - ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, gluttony. It may indicate recognition by the individual’s self of these qualities within himself. Without this recognition, neither transformation nor domination is possible.

Pearls before swine - failure in assessing spiritual values.

Seen in a dream, reflects the dreamer’s desire to enter into sexual relations with the first person you come across. No need to follow the lead own desires, it's better to turn on your head and think about possible consequences from such an act: conflicts, gossip and a tarnished reputation. A dirty and ugly pig in a dream speaks of future problems arising due to the dreamer’s stubbornness and intransigence.

Understanding in a dream that the piglet turned out to be talking is a sign of great happiness in the future. Success and good prospects will become the envy of some people around the dreamer. If you feed a pig in a dream, in reality you should expect some kind of trick from your work colleagues. Buying a pig in a dream means improving your well-being, and slaughtering these animals means material and financial losses. Eating roasted pig means a prosperous life, good luck and love.

Why do you dream about piglets? Freud's Dream Book

The legendary scientist Sigmund Freud interprets these dreams in his own manner. For example, dirty piglets in a dream should be interpreted as a lack of purity and sincerity in the dreamer’s love relationships with some people: even sex for the sake of sex must be sincere! Pure and pink speak of complete mutual understanding in sex life dreamer: lovers are more than happy with each other.

Piglets in a dream. Modern dream book

The interpreters of this dream agree with most of their colleagues: well-fed and healthy piglets symbolize success in business and prosperity in life. Piglets lying in a dirty puddle symbolize bad changes in reality: perhaps the dreamer’s friends are trying to poison his life with their bad influence. You should not continue communicating with such “friends”.

Young girls dreaming of piglets foreshadows the appearance of a rich, but stingy and tight-fisted man in their lives. Its high social status And material security unable to make the young dreamer happy, so this dream should not be interpreted as favorable. Eating a delicious roast pig in a dream means a long journey.

Piglets according to Miss Hasse's dream book

Interpreters of this dream book piglets are called harbingers of the curious and amazing events in life. Feeding a piglet in a dream is not a good sign: in reality you should beware of tricks from envious people. People who wish the dreamer harm are next to him. You need to understand this and identify the ill-wisher. Eating a roasted and tasty pig in a dream means emotional loss, to experiences, to physical pain.

Due to insufficiently spacious living conditions, they have gained fame as dirty and unclean animals. On top of everything else, the famous pork wallowing in the mud (in fact, the most effective remedy from parasites, accessible to them), also did not stand aside and threw an extra pebble into the poor animal’s garden. Therefore, when you hear the question, a logical answer immediately arises about near misadventures and failures. But is this really so? This is definitely worth looking into.

Psychoanalysis will help

The most popular today, substantiated from the point of view of popular science psychoanalytic dream book Mr. Freud gives a specific answer to the question of why pigs dream: if the sleeper rides an animal, this means that in the near future he will have a very unusual and, one might say, immoral pastime. Moreover, on the one hand, he will really like it, but on the other, such entertainment will lead a person into confusion. If the sleeper sees dirty pigs, then this means he is dissatisfied with his relationship with his partner. Perhaps it seems to him that his partner is simply deceiving him. This can also mean the dreamer’s hidden resentment, like “no one understands me.”

Slavic dream book: why do you dream of pigs?

Russians associate pigs with troubles and dirt. Therefore, pigs bathing in mud mean that the sleeper will be involved in trouble, after which “dirty” rumors will spread about him. If pigs dig up an oak (or other tree) in a dream, this means that the sleeper will meet a person who will bring him a lot of trouble. If the dreamer is from an expensive tray (you would dream of such a thing!), then this indicates a waste of money, and if pigs walk around (or simply go about their pig business) in expensive suits, then this is a sure sign of imminent betrayal on the part of friends and close acquaintances.

Esoteric pig?

The esoteric dream book is probably the most optimistic of those presented. The participation of pigs in a dream suggests that soon all things will go uphill, despite any circumstances. If the dreamer slaughters a pig in a dream, then this means the successful accumulation of wealth.

Interpretations of other dream books

Americans tend to believe that pigs in a dream are a clear sign of insufficient attention from others (in relation to the sleeping person) or from the sleeping person (in relation to others). Also, pigs, in their opinion, are a symbol of selfishness or indulgences.

The 20th century dream book believes that pigs in a dream are a symbol of everyday troubles, and their result directly correlates with how good the dreamed pigs look. If they walk around fat - to success, if they are thin - a decline in business, and dirty pigs even foreshadow the imminent development of a conflict.

Why do you dream about a big pig?

For a girl, the sight of a large pig in a dream foreshadows an imminent separation from her beloved, and for a woman - divorce. If the pig is black, then this is a clear sign of getting a good job, career growth and all the best in the future. So understand women's logic...