Why does a woman dream of a dead cat: interpretations of the dream. Why do you dream about dead cats a lot?

Dream interpretation dead cat

The English writer Terry Pratchett, speaking about cats, mentioned their ability to live in some kind of time stream. As soon as cats appear in a home, it seems as if they have always lived here. The world of people is like a stop on their way to something much more interesting.

Dream symbolism

The ability of cats to change the shape of their pupils is personified by the phases of the moon; fertility, the ability to see at night, the sparkle in the eyes - turned cats into mysterious animals that are initiated into mysterious forces. This animal in a dream represents heightened intuition. Dream books decipher these symbols in the captivity of Morpheus.

Alternative interpretation

Many popular dream books agree that pussies in our dreams represent enemies or ill-wishers.

Therefore, the image of an animal can inform the sleeper about the need to hear his inner voice and trust his intuition.

Miller's Dream Book

A cat promises failure, its death - good sign

The psychologist points out that the cat itself is a harbinger of failure in dreams. But just seeing her death promises overcoming obstacles and the rise of the dreamer’s reputation.

Holding a dead animal in your arms means a worthy way out of a dubious enterprise in which the dreamer was involved.

For a merchant, such a dream guarantees the collapse of the plans of competitors trying to destroy the dreamer’s commercial venture.

If in a dream a snake bite caused the death of kittens, it means your enemies will suffer from their machinations.

Vanga's Dream Book

The soothsayer indicates that this animal brings negativity in dreams. Seeing them means expecting discord and quarrels with relatives in reality.

If the sleeping person runs after a cat, expect to meet a very narcissistic person.

Many pussies portend to experience shame.

Only when you dream of a dead animal is this a guarantee of a successful resolution of all problems and obstacles.

Freud's Dream Book

The psychoanalyst identifies this pet with the sexual sphere of the sleeper’s life. Hence, seeing how the dreamer tortures or kills him speaks of the sleeper’s tendency towards sadism in his intimate life.

I dreamed of a dying cat, this is a sign of fading sexual energy, and problems are brewing in this area.

Modern interpretation

Current interpretations of dreams with kitties have diverse interpretations. Many of them are based on the intuitive abilities of these pets.

Loff's Dream Book

Listen to your intuition

The pastor believes that a dreamed pet calls on the sleeper to turn to his own intuition in making a decision important issue, which will soon mature.

I dreamed of a dead kitty, which speaks of the dreamer’s predilections for the occult sciences. However, their use can be harmful to the sleeper himself.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The medium is of the opinion that purrs seen in a dream promise deception and betrayal.

If you happen to kill and eat a cat in a dream, this convicts the dreamer of infidelity, which will soon become apparent.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to the esotericist, a living cat in dreams promises tears and betrayal. And the death of this animal marks victory over rivals.

Dream subjects

Cats are very active and dynamic animals. They have a lot of mysterious properties. Dreams with images of these animals are also dynamic and diverse. Exactly why do you dream of a dead cat?

  • suit of the beast;
  • dead kittens;
  • many cats;
  • decomposed animal

Seeing a black pussy die in a dream predicts the failure of the treacherous plans of an open enemy. And if you dreamed of the death of a white cat, it promises to expose the deceit of a close friend. A dead red kitty symbolizes the final victory over an obsessive rival.

If you dream of dead kittens, this is a long-awaited death to your complexes, which made it very difficult to live peacefully and did not give you the opportunity to improve your personal life.

Seeing many dead cats around you in a dream indicates that you are surrounded by a lot of hidden enemies. They do not sleep, but plot against you. But they thereby create interference for each other. And thanks to such chaos, they drown each other. Therefore, this dream is a good sign for the dreamer.

A warning will be a dream where many purrs that were dead are dreamed of coming to life. Your enemies have simply lulled your vigilance. You should not give in to provocations. Don't believe dubious arguments. Connect your intuition.

If you dreamed of a dead pussy that had already undergone decomposition, this indicates the reason for the intractability of your problems. You are looking for a solution on the surface, but its roots must be sought in old unfinished business, unfinished disputes.

Catching the death of a cat in a dream on the threshold of a house is a guarantee of avoiding a major scandal that threatens bad consequences. It doesn't matter what, but something will prevent it from happening.

If you dreamed of a lot of dead cats in a box, be vigilant. One of your colleagues is collecting incriminating evidence against you in order to tarnish your reputation.

Since ancient times, the cat has represented mysticism, magic and other world. It is believed that they live simultaneously in two worlds: the real and the astral. The symbol of kittens has the same complex, mysterious and ambiguous meaning. Seeing dead kittens in a dream is a sign that everyday problems and everyday troubles will be resolved in the near future. In some cases, this will happen without the active intervention of the dreamer, which will make his life much easier. A dream about a dead kitten speaks of the absence of teenage naivety and gullibility; a person has learned to independently make thoughtful decisions and is able to stand up for himself.

Many people think that dead kittens are harbingers of misfortune. Rather, on the contrary, they promise positive changes and warn of dangers that can be avoided. The dream book informs that otherworldly forces are on the dreamer’s side.

What does dreaming with dead kittens mean?

Dream involving dead little ones cats are interpreted as successful solution financial problems, solving confusing and complex problems that have haunted the dreamer for a long time. The death of these animals portends recovery from a protracted illness, relief from life situations who have long been oppressed.

According to some dream books, seeing a dead kitten in a dream means real life a person will get rid of people who are unpleasant to him (for example, this person will be fired). If the dreamed kitten was strangled or strangled, this is a sign for the dreamer to think about the lifestyle he leads. The dream book suggests that this is the main reason for all his troubles.

If you dream of killing kittens, you will have to face problems face to face. If at this time they make plaintive sounds: howl, squeak, meow loudly or squeal - this struggle will not be easy, but the person will cope with it.

Killing kittens in a dream means a person will have to confront problems. If at this time they make loud noises, scream pitifully, squeal, this fight will not be easy. In addition, such a dream can mean deceit and betrayal of a loved one.

Dead kitten in dreams it can be a warning of domestic quarrels and showdowns. The most unpleasant thing is that the beginning of quarrels can be a complete trifle. Such household problem can provoke a nervous breakdown and illness. It is worth listening to the voice “from above” and trying with all your might to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Seeing a dead cat in the form of a stuffed animal promises victory over ill-wishers, and the methods will be completely official. This may include dismissal from service or removal from the team.

Sometimes the interpretation of such dreams depends on who dreams them:

  • For a prisoner, a dead kitten is a harbinger of early release.
  • For the patient, this sign promises complete recovery and increased immunity.
  • For children, such a dream foreshadows a situation in which they will have to grow up and forget about their carelessness.
  • Dead kittens in a dream warn young girls of disappointment in reality. This will be caused by unreciprocated love, betrayal by a lover, or an abortion they commit.
  • For adult women, this sign can also turn into negative side- illness, betrayal of a husband, severe disappointment, consequences after an artificial miscarriage, abuse of one’s own children or younger sisters (brothers).
  • For expectant mothers, the interpretation is favorable and portends an easy birth and relief from unnecessary worries.

Small dead kittens in a dream are harbingers of a quick resolution of even the most neglected financial problems and getting rid of obstacles on the path to long-awaited success. The dream book says that everyone who put a spoke in the wheels will themselves be in the hole that they dug for others.

Cat cubs drowned in water promise monetary reward, bonus or career advancement. Seeing deceased animals in the mud - the dream book says about financial success and material wealth.

Interpretation from various sources

Not many dream books interpret visions involving dead kittens in a negative sense, some of them are neutral, but most foreshadow good changes and long-awaited events:

  • Miller's dream book: finding the body of a dead kitten on the porch of your house is a harbinger of unexpected losses. The dream book advises you to take care of loved ones more often and take your work and official responsibilities seriously.
  • Vanga’s interpretation: watching the death of cats in the house in a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s internal experiences. His fate will depend on which path he follows: material or spiritual.
  • Modern dream book: if you saw a dead animal in a dream right on the threshold of a house, your betrothed or betrothed will soon step over it. If the dreamer already has a soulmate, then the dream promises family idyll and home comfort. A dead kitten found on the territory of a house means an internal struggle and an upcoming choice on which the dreamer’s future depends.
  • Predictions of Nostradamus: dead furry creatures are interpreted as the deceit of the dreamer himself. If you dreamed of dead kittens in a box, then ill-wishers’ colleagues are preparing a trap for the dreamer, which will cause a lot of trouble in the workplace. He will have to quit his previous job and find another one.
  • Esoteric dream book: I dreamed of a dead pet found near the house - such a dream promises a big family celebration (wedding, anniversary or the birth of a child). Finding a dead cat on the road - distant relatives will delight you with your visit. Even if this meeting is short-lived, it will take place in a cheerful and cozy family circle.
  • According to Freud: such a dream speaks of hypersensitivity and excitability of the sleeper. The psychologist believed that killing a kitten in a dream indicates a person’s tendency towards sadism.

Details of visions and their interpretation

An important detail This dream is the color of dead kittens:

  • Redheads - portend profit, a monetary reward or a small material bonus.
  • White - the dream suggests the revelation of a personality who annoyed the dreamer and secretly envied him. If this kitten managed to bite the dreamer before dying, then you need to take a closer look at your surroundings - there are many deceivers and scammers there.
  • Black kittens: kill with your own hands - deal with the enemy, watch how he dies - the enemy discredits himself. Also, black pets are a sign that there is hidden magical support in the dreamer’s life.
  • Smoky or gray kittens are a secret message from fate that everything will change in better side. This concerns home comfort, order in the family and the well-being of all household members.
  • Tabby cat warns the dreamer about deception and betrayal that will happen in the near future. The dream book recommends being careful and not trusting everyone.
  • Dead cats multi-colored color is a sign of human shortsightedness. He is easy to deceive and fool, which is what will happen in the near future if you continue to believe in other people's fairy tales. Because of this person, there will be great disappointment in people.

The interpretation of the dream also depends on who caused the death of the cats. If a stranger kills them, it is a very favorable sign. Troubles and troubles that have accumulated over so many years will be resolved without the dreamer’s intervention.

A dream where kittens are killed by a snake speaks of an enemy who tried to harm the dreamer, but he himself fell into a trap and now he will leave him alone, dealing with his own problems.

Finding dead animals in your bed - such a nightmare warns that in real life envious people want to cause damage that will be aimed at the dreamer’s personal life. Finding dead kittens in the middle of the road is a warning to be careful, otherwise evil interference threatens to destroy the dreamer's fate and life. Advice from dream books - protect yourself from others, so as not to show them your true feelings.

Dead kittens in the cemetery mark the emergence of unpleasant circumstances. One of the colleagues is weaving intrigues behind their back. If you see dead cats in a ditch, it means troubles and preparations for a festive event. Regardless of the reason for the holiday, the feast will be fun and relaxed.

If the killer of the kittens is the sleeper himself, then such a dream has the following interpretation:

  • Drowning small pets means achieving success in real life. The dream signifies that in the dreamer’s hands is not only his life, but also the fate of a group of fellow believers. With their support, you can cope with any complex tasks.
  • Kill a cat - dream books interpret this as solving problems without outside help. If the kittens do not die in any way (they squeal, scratch and try to escape), it will be difficult to overcome the problems in reality. This activity will take a lot of effort and resources.

A dream in which a person buries a deceased kitten is a sign that in real life the moment has come when you need to put an end to past grievances and try not to envy other people’s successes, but to pursue your own plans.

Enough large number people care about why a dead cat dreams. Most often, a fallen animal is interpreted by dream books as a bad symbol, but in the case of cats, the interpretation of the dream significantly changes its meaning. Remember the details of what you saw in your dream - this way you can interpret it more accurately.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpretations of those who saw in a dream will not be very happy dead cat on the threshold of your own home. Such visions signify the beginning of a “streak of troubles” in the dreamer’s life and promise tears and grief, both at work and in relationships.

But if you dreamed that a dead cat was lying in the mud in the middle of the road, you can rejoice, since such a dream means quick enrichment and prosperity.

Why did he die?

When figuring out why a dead cat dreams, remember what exactly caused the death. For example:

  • the cat was drowned - expect problems with your lover;
  • a headless cat symbolizes “career battles” for a position;
  • the animal was hit by a car - warn your loved ones about the danger;
  • a poisoned cat promises disappointment in an old friend;
  • a strangled cat prophesies the “resurrection” of past grievances and problems.

The death of a pet as a symbol of deceit

If you dreamed about your cat being dead, check to see if your pet died in reality. If you have recently experienced death pet, then most likely, according to most dream books, this plot indicates that you really miss him. And if you have never kept animals at home, and your “fictional” cat died in a dream, then you should be wary of troubles from your competitors.

Nostradamus’s dream book will tell you why you have a dream in which you bury your dead cat: one of your colleagues is preparing a trap for you, dreaming of taking your place. Be careful and don't share your plans with everyone.

A fallen “tramp” is a sign of struggle with difficulties

Seeing in dead person's sleep a cat that lived in the slums during its life, pay attention to the color of its fur. For example, a dead black cat symbolizes a serious struggle for a “warm place.” Seeing two black cats dead in a dream is a lucky coincidence. But if a woman dreams of a dead black cat, then this is a sign of victory over her rival, if there is one.

If you dreamed that a white stray cat died, do not brush aside minor troubles, otherwise they will develop into big problems, Medea’s dream book suggests. And a red, dead cat means cunning and resourcefulness. In a dream, you buried a red-haired “mustachioed-tailed dead man” - you will come up with tricks.

The miracle of resurrection, or Be careful with your spending

Learn to count money and beware of unplanned expenses, advises Lunar dream book, explaining why there is a dream in which a dead cat comes to life. The resurrection of an animal can also be seen as a return to old unfinished business.

A dream in which a lifeless cat was seen is alarming, especially for pet lovers. However, this image is not always interpreted negatively and poorly in dream books. The nuances of a night dream, as well as minor details remaining in the dreamer’s memory, will help you understand why you dreamed of a dead cat.

Miller warns!

A series of troubles that is about to disrupt happy life, can predict a dream about dead cat, who came to life on the threshold of the dreamer's house. Miller believes that such a plot predicts adversity in his personal life, problems at work, and in business.

But this same eminent psychologist and dream interpreter promises the sleeping person prosperity and financial well-being, if in night dreams a dead cat was seen in the mud or a fetid puddle in the middle of the road.

Cause of death

To find out exactly why you dreamed about the corpse of a cat, the cause of your animal’s death will also help. So if in a dream he was drowned, then in reality, quarrels and misunderstandings with his lover are likely. But a nightmare about a cat with a severed head predicts conflicts at work associated with a lucrative vacancy.

If your cat was hit by a car in a dream, the dream book warns that your loved ones are in danger. If the cat was poisoned, then the old friend will give you an unpleasant shock or even betray you or set you up. What to prepare for if night dream was the mustachioed tabby strangled? Such a plot suggests that you will have to remember past grievances, humiliations and scores.

Signal from a pet

Why do you dream about a dead cat that you recognize as your favorite furry cat? First, if you are away from home, check when you wake up to see if an accident has actually happened to your pet. Secondly, the dream book suggests that such a vision simply reflects longing for an animal, if in reality it recently died or died of old age.

For those who have never kept cats, such a dream can serve as a warning - rivals or competitors are preparing a trap, trying their best to harm and cause damage.

So Nostradamus, in his dream book, mentions that the funeral of a cat that actually belonged to you, but died, is a sign that in reality the enemies are plotting. Moreover, we are most likely talking about ill-wishers in the service. Hence the advice: be careful, do not be frank with colleagues.

A beast walking on its own

Did you see a lifeless animal that lived in a garbage dump? Be sure to pay attention to the color of his fur. If it was pitch black, then in reality there will be a battle for a “warm place” in the sun. However, if at the same time in a dream you noticed the corpses of two black cats, then the circumstances will clearly be in your favor.

The rival will be defeated and put to shame, this is why a woman dreams of a dead black cat! But if in a dream you found the corpse of a white stray cat, then know that problems, even the most insignificant ones, need to be solved as they arise, without delay. Otherwise, you will become a hostage to your own laziness and sloppiness, which already threatens great trouble, predicts the dream book of the sorceress Medea.

Did the red-haired, mustachioed, tailed tramp die in his sleep? Then beware of cunning, deceitful, flattering people.

But if in a night phantasmagoria you yourself buried such a red-haired dead man, then you will have to catch it in reality.

Money and miracles

A dream in which you witnessed a miracle - a dead cat came to life - should make you take money more seriously. The lunar dream book does not exclude the possibility that such a plot predicts the need to once again pay attention to old problems, unfinished business, and unfulfilled obligations.

What if, in his night dreams, the deceased cat was not only reanimated, but also calmly showed up on the doorstep? home? Tsvetkov in his dream book mentions various kinds of household chores facing the sleeping person. For example, guests may arrive unexpectedly, or some of the home appliances may break.

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In night dreams you can see very strange pictures, they can shock and leave behind a persistent feeling of fear and hopelessness. The average person doesn’t often dream of dead people. Sometimes in a dream you may dream of a dead cat, and you will find out why you see it later.

Prophecies of interpreters

Dead cat in reality

I dreamed of a cat that was already dead: seeing such a dream is sad and depressing. However, it doesn’t just come to you in a dream; perhaps your pet wants to warn you of impending danger. In reality, be careful, be vigilant.

Your living cat dreamed of being dead - postpone planned activities or abandon them completely. Also, such a dream speaks of good health your pet.

It is possible that you dreamed of a cat that had already died, bloody and near death - in reality, it is necessary to refuse communication with unfamiliar people, you don’t need to reveal your plans, feelings or ideas to them. This applies not only to the dreamer himself, but also to his close people.

Dead kittens in a dream

Dead kittens promise only a successful resolution of cases. For the prisoner - early release, for the sick - a speedy recovery, for pregnant women - an easy release from the burden.

If in a dream you saw that little kittens drowned in the water - it promises good luck at work, bonuses, promotion, financial well-being, execution of plans.

Black kittens symbolize the end of a bad streak of bad luck and the beginning of a new one. If you yourself drown kittens in a nightmare - The fate of your loved ones and colleagues at work is in your hands. But you will cope with all the difficulties and find a way out of the situation.

Killing a small kitten with your own hands - in You will solve problems on your own, without anyone's help. If at the same time the kitten bites you, there is a liar in your environment.