Why do you dream of trying on old things? Why dream of trying on clothes in front of a mirror? Measure in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga

Shopping in a dream is considered a harbinger of the prospect of gaining new experience or knowledge, and also promises profit or financial influence. The explanation in dream books about why one dreams of trying on clothes is related to the emotional mood of the sleeping person, his ability to adapt to changes and innovations.

Wardrobe items

According to dream books, you need to interpret what you dream about trying on clothes based on the item of clothing you dreamed about. Thus, trying on a blouse or skirt warns against excessive curiosity and frivolity.

Trying on in a dream wedding dress or a veil promises acquaintance with a wealthy or influential person or it foreshadows the imminent receipt of an inheritance. I dreamed that I had to put on ordinary things in front of the mirror, decorated with embroidery or beads - fortunately, increased well-being; choosing new branded items - to a quarrel.

Trying on underwear in a store foreshadows in the dream book a showdown with your significant other. Try to control your emotions in public and do everything possible to prevent the details of your conversation from becoming public knowledge.

The new dream book explains why you dream of putting your outerwear on yourself as a subconscious desire to protect yourself from public opinion. Throwing a coat over your shoulders means a favorable period for developing your abilities, promotion, financial investments. According to the dream book, trying on a fur coat in a dream means the support of an influential person.

Condition and color of things

Putting on someone else's skirt in a dream foreshadows an unpleasant story, due to which there will be a need to move your place of work. I dreamed that I had a chance to change into a beautiful new dress, which means that in reality a pleasant acquaintance with a young man will occur.

Trying on dirty, torn or defective clothes means unforeseen events that can cause loss of reputation. Black - to bad news, quarrels; white - to joy and prosperity; green - fortunately in the personal sphere; red - for a romantic date, a love adventure; blue - you can completely rely on your friends; orange - count on a quick improvement in your financial situation.

In a dream, buy or try on clothes pink color in the store, the dream book speaks of an inflated opinion of one’s own successes. What you dream about choosing a black wardrobe item in a dream calls on the dream book to be vigilant and cautious when communicating with unfamiliar people.


Trying on new clothes in a store means lack of self-confidence and a desire to change something in your appearance. Showing off in front of the mirror in other people's things or a friend's new clothes speaks of the dreamer's subconscious envy of the character's successes, and her boyfriend's jealousy of her.

According to Dr. Freud, dressing up in other people's clothes in a dream is explained by the fact that the sleeping person underestimates the attractiveness of his own body. If you dreamed that you had to buy clothes without trying them on, it means that you are surrounded by reliable people and are dealing with decent business partners.

Buying a jacket is a sign of a promotion; trying on clothes before purchasing means you are overcome by doubts about your competence in a work-related matter; if the new thing turns out to be torn or dirty, be vigilant with your work colleagues.

Clothes have great value not only in real life: our perception of movie characters, for example, depends not least on what they are wearing.

Since ancient times, heroes of fairy tales and literary works, changing into someone else's clothes, it was as if they were trying on someone else's guise. Therefore, in the interpretation of dreams it is very great attention is given to what clothes are meant for in dreams.

In reality, the way a person is dressed can tell a lot about his character and habits. From what kind of clothes we saw in a dream on ourselves or the people around us, we can draw equally profound conclusions. What does he think? Symbolic dream book, clothing in dreams is a reflection of social status, as well as the embodiment of the sleeper’s way of thinking.

The clothing of the dreamer himself and the people with whom he interacts may be a symbol of the current situation in which the dreamer finds himself, as well as his “social mask”. For women, the answer to the question “why do you dream about clothes?” interpreted even more broadly - the wardrobe of characters from a dream can predict what the nature of love, friendship and business relations. Details of clothing can predict what it will be like in the near future financial situation sleeping, him career growth, whether he should go on a trip and much more interesting things.

As the Modern Dream Book writes, clothes - new, neat, beautiful and stylish - symbolize the fact that the dreamer looks at everything that happens with a true and adequate look, and knows how to separate correct information from false. Such a person is confident in own strength and is capable of achieving a lot. A nice, but unfashionable attire - the sleeper has all the makings to become successful, but he should not neglect fresh ideas.

If the clothes in the dream turned out to be old and torn or worn and outdated, this warns the sleeper that his views on reality are also outdated. Or maybe he has outdated information that can serve him badly in business. Dirty clothes warns: you need to be careful not to tarnish your reputation.

However, these details alone are not enough to accurately interpret your vision. Other points need to be analyzed:

  • Where exactly and what kind of clothes were you wearing?
  • Her color.
  • Separate dreamed details of robes.
  • Actions that you yourself or someone else performed in your dream with wardrobe items.

From store to closet

Like any other item, the details of clothing in a dream can be seen from the outside, or you can interact with them. Why do you dream about clothes that you just see - on a display window, in your closet or dressing room? This will largely depend on what exactly you dreamed about.

For example, if you dream of or, - regardless of the model and color scheme - this may mean that your success is just around the corner. But to achieve it, you will have to make serious efforts, and this is provided that you saw new clothes in your dream. Pants or breeches have a similar meaning in a dream.

Why do you dream about clothes - such as a raincoat or, that is, outerwear? Most often, the meaning of specific wardrobe items needs to be looked at separately in the dream book, but we can say with confidence that a new jacket indicates that you should change the style of your own appearance (this could be clothing, hairstyle, or the way you wear accessories) - this will help you become more successful. The coat can be seen if soon your merits in reality will be noticed and appreciated, and - on the eve of an improvement in your financial situation.

What does he think? Noble dream book, children's clothing is dreamed of by someone who in real life should behave more appropriately for his age. Perhaps you are comfortable living in your own childish perception of the world, the share of infantilism in your character makes the obvious world fresher and more interesting for you, but this prevents you from achieving life success. There is another interpretation of why children's clothes are dreamed of: for a woman to see new children's clothes in a dream is a sign of an ongoing or upcoming pregnancy.

If you only see new clothes large sizes, interpreters believe that you are not too happy with your current social circle. You would like your friends to have connections and opportunities to help you in business, or to make more influential friends. Unfortunately, while you will have to look for opportunities in your current circle, such a dream does not promise new profitable acquaintances.

If you dreamed of clothes in your own closet or wardrobe, and they were new and neatly laid out, it means that you adequately assess your abilities and capabilities and set quite ambitious goals that you can achieve. If in a dream you saw things in a closet, piled up at random, the dream book advises you to sort it out own feelings, thoughts and desires in order to identify goals and start moving towards them.

White and black

When trying to understand why clothes are dreamed of, you must pay attention not only to whether they were new or old, your size or not, but also to what their color was. White clothes often appear in dreams.

If white clothes often appear in dreams, this means that the dreamer values ​​his inner world more than contacts with others. White clothes dreamed about other characters in your dream - you are not satisfied with the relationships that you have in your work team. Perhaps you should be more confident so that the attitude towards you changes.

White new clothes was put on the person sleeping in a dream - the dream means that you will be asked for help, and you will be able to provide it. If for some reason the white thing you are wearing is old and torn, then such a dream warns that you may not be able to cope, so evaluate whether it is worth taking on the request that they will turn to you with.

However, the white color of the clothes of all the people in your dream may also portend some sad events, so in reality you should be as careful as possible in order to, if not prevent them, then at least reduce them negative effect. If one white figure flashes in your dream, then you need to pay close attention to what you say and do in reality, someone really likes to collect gossip about you. One white item in your wardrobe in a dream means that soon you will have a warm meeting and joyful feelings.

If in a dream you were wearing a black shirt or a black blouse, then this is a sign of regret about the mistakes of the past. If you can somehow correct the situation, then you need to do it, and if not, you need to move on so that the dark streak of your life is left behind.

Also, black clothing can signal that something is brewing around you. conflict situation. In reality, it is worth finding and eliminating its cause without leading to an “explosion.” A black veil on a hat for a girl or woman in a dream means that the dreamer has a rival in a love relationship. An old, torn thing, the color of which was black, means that some of your sorrows and disappointments will soon become irrelevant to you.

If the clothes in your dream are so colorful that you cannot really determine their color, this means that your emotionality often prevents you from correctly assessing the situation and turning it to your advantage. In reality, you should more often resort to logic rather than emotions.

Red, yellow, blue

Of course, in dreams, as in life, everything is not divided only into white and black. The color red has a very great symbolic meaning; blue and yellow have a slightly less emotional load.

Red clothes in a dream can mean the dreamer's strong emotional attachment to the person who was wearing it. This could even mean loving feelings for the “lady in red,” or for a gentleman, but only if you experienced pleasant sensations in the dream.

The dark red color of robes promises victory over competitors and enemies. Why do you dream of red clothes, despite the fact that in a dream you do not feel too comfortable? Perhaps this indicates that you have strong negative feelings towards the person dressed in red, but for some reason you are not too comfortable admitting it in reality.

As the Modern Dream Book says, yellow clothes have several meanings in night dreams. Yellow things can symbolize a “sunny” mood and a desire to get rid of negativity towards someone you know.

Also, yellow things can mean that the dreamer will soon have some pleasant event. But for a person engaged in intellectual work, a vision where he is wearing new yellow clothes is very good sign: His thinking abilities are at their peak, and this can bring not only speculative, but also financial fruits.

A torn yellow thing - you are not satisfied with either the situation or your opinion about it, and you want to start all over again clean slate“, dirty - an error has crept into your estimates and calculations, it’s worth checking your own conclusions again.

A blue item from your wardrobe in your dream means that you are ready to move from assessing the situation to decisive action to achieve the goal. But if the blue clothes in your dreams were dirty, the action plan should be reconsidered, otherwise active actions you risk harming yourself. Torn clothes blue may signal that you are inclined to quit things halfway, you should not do this so as not to miss out on a substantial jackpot.

Why might you dream about wet clothes? Wearing wet clothes is a warning that with careless words you can ruin relationships with others: think first, then speak. Also, a wet wardrobe item can symbolize that your conscience is tormenting you, but your sense of guilt is greatly exaggerated.

Choose your style

Your actions in the dream that you performed with things are also important. Few girls don’t like trying on and buying new things for themselves. And many guys too.

Why do you dream of trying on clothes in your dreams? For a girl or woman, choosing and trying on a dress or skirt means that an exciting romantic meeting will soon await the dreamer. But if a wardrobe item turns out to be torn, you should be wary of envy even from your closest friends. Try to talk less about your successes in amorous affairs, so as not to cause even more envy.

Why dream of buying clothes in a fashion store or luxury boutique? If you dreamed of choosing and buying things for yourself in such a place, then such a dream promises prosperity and success in all matters. If you dreamed that you were trying on and going to buy things that you clearly cannot afford in real life - in reality, beware of quarrels over money.

But if you dreamed that you had to choose your wardrobe in such point of sale, where there is little choice - this means that in reality you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve well-being. If you dream of a burning store with shelves littered with things, your life will come to an end. new stage, you will have new interests and new projects.

There are some additional meanings to dreams about robes that are significant. So, if the things in your wardrobe are patched, it means that someone wants to harm you. Your task is to “find and neutralize.”

If the clothes in the dream turned out to be dirty due to your oversight, then this is a warning that you should not make mistakes in reality, since they can become serious obstacles in your business. A dream in which you calmly walk around naked has a similar meaning.

If you dreamed about dirty clothes that you wash, in reality you will be able to overcome obstacles and achieve your goal. But for this you will have to show enviable hard work.

If you dreamed that you were giving someone wardrobe items, it means that they will soon turn to you for advice. But if suddenly the donated item turns out to be dirty, then in reality take a balanced approach to your words, otherwise your advice may harm the person who turned to you for help. Dreamed of ironing pants or shirts - to good relationship in your family circle.

Shoes are of great importance in our life. Sometimes, by what pair of shoes we put on and how they look, others can guess our mood, and some can even determine our character. Being an integral part of our life, shoes can tell us a lot even in our dreams. Let's try, with the help of dream interpreters, to figure out why you dream of trying on shoes.

Interpretation according to Gustav Miller's dream book

Miller believes that dreams in which you try on shoes are associated with changes awaiting you in the near future. But he interprets these changes depending on the details of the dream. To the question of why one dreams of trying on shoes, Miller’s dream book answers as follows:

  • try on new beautiful shoes in a dream - expect an improvement in your financial condition due to an increase in wages;
  • if these are old shoes, then trying on such shoes in a dream means that you have envious people and ill-wishers who want to prevent you from achieving your goal;
  • if the dreamer sees that someone else is trying on his shoes, such a vision may be a harbinger of betrayal by one of the spouses or the appearance of a third party in the relationship of a couple in love.

Interpretation according to Medea's dream book

Medea's dream book gives us its interpretation of dreams. According to this collection, trying on shoes means the following:

  • If you try on someone else's shoes, it means that in reality you should pay attention to the advice of others.
  • If the shoes are new, expect an improvement in your financial situation.
  • Fitting large quantity new shoes symbolizes that in reality the dreamer has many opportunities to implement his plan.
  • Trying on old shoes in a dream means that trouble will soon come in your life.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • If the shoes you try on in a dream squeeze your feet, this is a sign to the dreamer that difficulties will arise in his affairs, since he did not take care of making the necessary decisions in time.
  • If the shoes are too big, Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima explain such a dream. Trying on shoes large size, in their opinion, dreams lead to reflection in reality. This plot warns you that you have too many plans that you will not be able to implement. You need to review them and stop at one thing and try to finish the job you started.
  • If the shoes you try on in a dream are sports, you will have to hurry up with your affairs.
  • To dream that a stranger is trying on your shoes is a bad sign. This is a warning that in real life someone is aiming for your position.

Interpretation according to different dream books

  • Vanga's dream book promises a woman who sees such a dream an acquaintance with a man, which will most likely develop into intimacy. But if a person tries on shoes that are too small for him, this means that there are people in his life with whom he would like to sever all relationships.
  • Freud, as always, is not very original in his interpretations. If the dreamer tries on several pairs of shoes and finds it difficult to make a choice, this dream promises him to soon sexual relations with several people at once.
  • According to Hasse's dream book, such visions predict long trips. This can be either a trip or a business trip.
  • By Modern dream book, trying on shoes in a dream definitely means traveling. But if the shoes in the dream are clean, the trip will be successful, but if, on the contrary, they are dirty, you will encounter many difficulties along the way.
  • The Chinese dream book warns men: if someone tries on your shoes in a dream, you may find out about your wife’s infidelity.
  • The esoteric dream book considers a night vision in which you are trying on or choosing new shoes to be a harbinger of your receiving profits from a successful undertaking in the near future.
  • According to Veles’s dream book, a dream in which your shoes are too small indicates that in real life the job that you will be offered will not be to your liking.

Why dream of trying on shoes: nuances

As in any other dreams, in night visions where you try on shoes, there are many nuances that must be taken into account when interpreting them. Let's look at some of them.

  • A person in a dream can try on shoes with heels - these dreams are usually associated with his intimate relationships.
  • Trying on shoes in a dream You can use your own or someone else’s. Some dream books interpret such a plot as a warning about possible betrayal, while others say that the dreamer himself is jealous of the success of his friends.
  • There are dreams in which you try on a lot different shoes. Here, as well as in previous case, the plots are interpreted in two ways. Some dream books foretell you the presence of various paths leading to achieving your goal, while others talk about the dreamer’s indecision.
  • If the shoes you try on in a dream are mismatched, this indicates possible sadness and loneliness in the near future.
  • Shoes in a dream may have holes in the soles. This kind of thing dreams of breaking love relationship or divorce.
  • Both the setting and the place in which you find yourself matter. Let's say a girl had a similar vision. Trying on dress shoes in a store in a dream means you will soon meet an interesting young man. However, if she doesn’t buy this pair of shoes as a result, the relationship with him may not last long.


People began to interpret dreams in ancient times. They very carefully observed the events that followed this or that dream, wrote them down, forming dream books. Thus, the first known written dream book-interpreter was published by the Greek from Daldis Artemidorus back in the second century BC. Now there are many such collections, and in them we can find interpretations of a wide variety of night visions, including finding out. The main thing is not to forget about the details of the dream. After all, the more you remember all the details, the more more dream books will help you figure it out.

If you remember your dream, this is already a reason to open the dream book.

Some dreams are forgotten the next morning, but even if not the whole plot is remembered, but at least a certain sign, this is an important symbol. Especially if you remember your clothes in a dream.

In reality she is given great importance. People meet with it, draw conclusions about a person, with its help we talk about ourselves, express our inner world, attract attention, hide from view, assert ourselves, seduce, shock, surprise, arouse admiration, and so on.

An outfit is an extension of a person. And in dreams, clothes can have even more important, and from her appearance, color, condition can depend a lot. How to understand correctly what clothes are meant for in dreams, and what to expect in reality?

There are a lot of meanings in the interpreter, and they are all different, unique, significant. To avoid confusion, you should be more careful. After all, it could be important advice, both an omen and a warning.

Getting the correct answer to what clothes are meant for in dreams is actually simple - you just have to remember the details and not confuse them. They may be as follows:

  • I dream about new clothes.
  • Torn clothes in a dream.
  • She has patches on her.
  • I dreamed of things with a stain.
  • Children's clothes in dreams.
  • White clothes in a dream.
  • Things are motley, bright, different colors.
  • Black robe in a dream.
  • I dreamed of red clothes.
  • Dress with embroidery and beads.
  • Silk robes in dreams.
  • Velvet outfits.
  • Rich, luxurious outfit.
  • Clean your things in a dream.
  • Choose whether to buy new things in a store or on the market.
  • Try things on in a store or salon.
  • Place a patch in place of the hole.
  • It's a dirty thing, remove the stain from it.
  • Try on or wear very nice things.
  • Being very fashionably dressed in a dream.
  • The thing in your dreams doesn’t fit well or doesn’t suit you.
  • Tear something on yourself.
  • A wet thing is on you in a dream.
  • Wear clothes of the opposite sex.
  • Suddenly find yourself naked.
  • Undressing in a dream.

The dream book offers so many options that it’s easy to get confused. But concentrate and remember the most important thing - what you saw in the dream and what you did. This will help you reliably decipher your dreams.

See but don't take

You can notice that any dreams are divided into two main types - in some the dreamer only notices a sign, looks at it, and in others he takes active (or passive) actions with this symbol.

If in your case there were no actions, and you just looked at some things, it’s worth remembering all the details, what they were. This will help you decipher what clothes are meant for in dreams, understanding what awaits you in reality.

1. As the dream book says, clothes that were new in a dream: in a store, on a display window or in your wardrobe are a good sign, but not an easy one. A new skirt, dress, trousers - of any style and color - is a symbol of success, good luck and achieving goals.

But the interpreter hints that you will achieve this if you are stubborn and do not back down, even if there are difficulties.

2. Torn things are a symbol of change. A new line of life, a white streak, awaits you, but only thanks to considerable effort and work. It's worth putting in the effort to succeed!

3. If you see patches, this is a warning that you are in danger of harm from unkind, dishonest people. Be careful, avoid hassles and try not to get involved with bad, evil people.

4. A stain on a dress, skirt, blouse, etc., a dirty thing is in reality a kind of obstacle. However, it will not disrupt your plans if you calmly and confidently move towards your goal, without being distracted by minor obstacles.

5. As the dream book assures, children's clothing for the dreamer is a symbol that it is time for you to become more serious. You probably have a considerable amount of immaturity in your character, and it prevents you from living a full life and achieving success.

6. White skirt, sundress, suit, white shirt- this is always a wonderful sign that portends great happiness, love, and a harmonious marriage.

It is worth considering in more detail in the interpreter what exactly these things were - this will give a more specific answer, but the interpretation is always very favorable. This happy dream, a white stripe awaits you.

7. As the dream book says, colorful and motley clothes are a sign of frivolity, unreasonable actions, and stupidity. You should be more reasonable, more serious, you should think more carefully about your own actions and their consequences.

8. Black robes are a symbol of certain regrets about past actions or words. But think about it - even if you made mistakes, is there any point in just regretting it?

If there is an opportunity to correct something, ask for forgiveness - do it, and also think about the new experience you received. And live on without looking back at the past!

9. Red shirt, dress, skirt - bright, interesting symbol for a woman. This color is quite unambiguous, and red clothing is a symbol of great passion, but also the danger that borders on it. Be prudent and careful, but don’t give up on great experiences!

10. As the dream book indicates, clothes with embroidery, threads, ribbons, beads, and so on are a clear sign of approaching love. Some romantic experience that you will soon experience. Open up to love, it will change your life and you!

11. Silk is a symbol of great profit, wealth, prosperity and an excellent reputation. Are you ready for a new standard of living?

12. Velvet is a symbol of true luxury. You are about to taste a luxurious life!

13. A rich outfit, embroidered with gold and stones, royal clothes - this is a great dream. They are waiting for you happy events, amazing changes, as well as honor and respect in society.

Wear or wear

If looking at clothes in a store or somewhere else did not end the matter in a dream, and you were doing something, then it is worth remembering all these actions, because they will help explain what the clothes are in a dream about - so be careful.

What is important here is not only whether the thing was clean or dirty, wet or new, but what is more important is what you happened to do: wear it, try it on, choose or buy, repair or clean. What happened?

1. If your item was dirty and you cleaned the dirt, that’s great, because in reality new joys await you after troubles and problems. You will cope with troubles and conflicts, and a new life period awaits you, bright and full of pleasant surprises.

2. Buying new things in a store, at the market, choosing an outfit for yourself, trying them on - all this, believe me, promises you changes. Which ones exactly depend on whether you had to buy the item with joy, or whether you were disappointed in the dream. If you were happy, then the changes will be very good.

3. Just measuring a thing in a dream - good sleep, this means that you will soon begin to have new plans and ideas, and you will have enough strength to implement them. A bright streak will begin, your strength will bubble, and you will be able to realize yourself.

4. Putting a patch is a symbol of gossip. They should be carefully avoided.

5. Dirty clothes from which you removed a stain in a dream are a sign that you will get rid of difficulties. Your problems will end with your efforts.

6. Wearing excellent, beautiful things is a sign of great success, recognition and prosperity.

7. Fashionable outfits are a good symbol, it promises new ideas. Moreover, they are rare, valuable and very promising. They will bring you success.

8. If you dressed poorly in a dream, nothing fits you properly - you will have to part with some attachments in reality. It's worth doing, the time has come.

9. Tearing something on yourself is a surprise. You will be surprised by some extraordinary event.

10. And wet clothes are a warning symbol. You should take care of your reputation and behave very decently, so as not to regret later and not spoil your position.

11. For a lady who wore a man's suit in a dream, the interpreter portends simply incredible attention from men. You won't be able to fight off your suitors!

12. If you suddenly find yourself without anything your mother gave birth to, this dream indicates your excessive self-confidence. You are probably being insincere and pretending to be someone else. You should be more honest with yourself and with people.

13. Undressing in your dreams is a sign that soon in reality you will begin to change your usual life through conscious efforts. This is good, and don’t doubt it – you can change it the way you dream.

Clothing is one of the most interesting signs that has a lot of interpretations. What did the dream book tell you?

Think about it, don’t rush to jump to conclusions right away - maybe you should really change something in your actions? Or maybe just don’t stress and wait for happiness? One way or another, trust fate, but do not forget - you are its creator, and no one else. Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream interpretation new things

Any person loves new things. Of course, for some it is considered a cult, but it is hard to find a person who would not like the acquisition of a new thing. This statement especially applies to cute girls.

And even if this did not happen to you in reality, but only in a night vision, in the morning you will definitely wake up in high spirits. So it’s still worth finding out what new things mean in dreams.

New clothes in a dream

If you dream about new clothes

The dream book often considers new things in a dream as a symbol that the dreamer is beginning a new stage in his life. And although a new thing is always nice, interpreters advise taking a closer look at all the details. Even the most insignificant detail can radically change a prediction, and it will move from the category of positive to, at a minimum, a warning dream that is worth listening to.

Gustav Miller's opinion

The famous financier was also the founder of one of the most popular dream interpreters. His profession was far from predictions, but he managed to create a dream book that often correctly predicts the future.

Miller believed that when in a dream you are surrounded by new things, expensive and beautiful, then good luck will come in the financial sphere. This dream is especially good for people running their own business.

If you looked at new clothes and were surprised that things had long gone out of fashion and looked ridiculous, then you risk neglecting valuable and profitable idea, because don't pay attention to it.

It happens that a woman in a dream sees beautiful new outfits that belong to another representative of the fair sex, in this case Miller saw two options for the development of events:

Dream about beautiful outfits

  • for a married lady, such a dream predicts the unreasonable jealousy of her husband;
  • For young girls, such a vision will be fraught with the appearance of a rival.

If you don’t like new things given as a gift, you will be disappointed in life.

What will other dream books say?

Interpreters are happy to provide information about why we see certain things in a dream. Therefore, if you have a little patience and time, you can easily find the necessary advice from predictors.

Interpreter Loffa

Being dressed in new things - they symbolize the opinion of people around you about you, the level of your self-esteem. It is worth carefully remembering how your friends or just passers-by assessed you, admired you or ridiculed you?

Buying clothes in a dream

If you bought yourself a new outfit that fits you perfectly and everyone around you admires it, then you will soon be able to increase your self-esteem.

According to the dream book, buying new things in night vision, endowing them with certain properties or selecting them for a specific case - in real life you feel defenseless, you lack support.

Interpreter Meneghetti

This dream Nick believes that no matter what things you dream about, they indicate that your behavior in real life is wrong. You are also hanging out with the wrong people. This dream is a sign that it’s time for you to change yourself, your social circle, manners, style.

If you create a new thing yourself and boast about it, your character will soon change dramatically.

Symbolic interpreter

Things in a dream are a symbol of your importance in society, social status. True, often such dreams are shapeshifters. That is, when in night vision you are surrounded by new, expensive things, then you may experience financial troubles, even complete bankruptcy.

Modest, clean, appropriately chosen clothes are a symbol of your well-being; you can achieve anything.

21st century interpreter

I dreamed about my husband in overalls

When a woman sees that her man is dressed in new overalls, then such a dream promises imminent disappointment in her chosen one. A woman who has a husband, after such a dream, needs to seriously think about her husband’s fidelity. It is worth thinking about why he is not at home so often; perhaps these absences are not related to hard work? Especially if in lately he doesn't bring home a salary.

What thing did you dream about?

When you see new things in a dream, you should also take a closer look at your feelings, whether you like the things or not. Did you buy them or were they given to you? It is also important for prediction that it was:

New clothes

You can often find the following advice in interpreters: you need to look not only at how fashionable and expensive the thing you will buy or will give it to you looked, but also at its color. This symbol is especially significant if the color is simply etched into your memory:

  • white - changes in life for the worse;
  • yellow - luck in financially, a pleasant pastime;
  • blue - you surrounded yourself the right people, you have someone to rely on;
  • raspberry - you will soon be able to deal with all your enemies;
  • green – happiness in literally all areas of life;
  • colorful patterns - the situation will heat up, life will rapidly change, either positively or negatively.

What kind of things did you dream about: those you just bought, or did you just try them on in the store? This is also important. Buying things often promises obstacles on the way to your goal. But just measure them - life will give you more than one chance to radically change the state of things in better side. Only one thing is required of you: do not miss your chance.

Have you been trying on things in the store for a long time and bought what was the best? Then you can make the most daring plans, you will easily achieve everything.

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