Why do you dream about an empty suitcase? Why do you dream about a suitcase? How it happened

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing travel suitcases in a dream means travel, as well as failure. Packing your bags means that very soon you will go on a pleasant trip. Seeing that the contents of your suitcase are in terrible disorder foretells a quarrel for you, as well as some short trip that will end ingloriously for you. An empty suitcase means disappointment in love and marriage. If a person who often travels on business matters dreams of a suitcase, then for him a promise of success will be a dream about how he checks the contents of his luggage. If he dreams that the suitcase is small and does not hold all his things, then such a dream promises him a promotion, a reward for his efforts. If a young woman tries in vain to unlock her suitcase in a dream, this means that in real life she will try to win the heart of a very wealthy man, but circumstances will prevent her from succeeding. If she cannot lock her suitcase in a dream, this means that the desired trip will bring her only disappointments.

The meaning of a dream about a suitcase

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, packing your bags for a trip means a quarrel with a loved one, during which you will say a lot of unnecessary things to each other. Buying a suitcase - this dream suggests that you find yourself in a difficult situation and are counting on some help true friend, and then you will be fully prepared for the upcoming difficulty. Carrying heavy suitcases - you have already collected a “whole cart” of different complexes that are preventing you from living a normal life, but you are too lazy to deal with them. Be careful, otherwise you risk getting hopelessly bogged down in problems.

Why do you dream about a suitcase?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

departure; receiving a suitcase with gifts - personal love joys (for a woman); buying a suitcase means a new close friend (for a man); suitcase in a suitcase - birth or desire to have a child (for a woman).

Why do you dream about a handbag?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


I dreamed about luggage

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing luggage in a dream foretells unpleasant worries. You will have difficulties because of people who want to harm you. If you carry your own baggage, you will be so busy with your own experiences that you will remain indifferent to the suffering of others. Losing your luggage means an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange or family quarrels. For unmarried people, this promises a failed engagement.

Seeing luggage in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Today it is common to talk about the emotional baggage of a person. This modern term makes it possible to take a fresh look at the problem of a person’s relationships with others. Bulky and heavy luggage is evidence that your life is too hectic and lacks emotional boundaries. The mystical nature of luggage is a symbol of something secret, hidden from prying eyes, for example, a secretly hatched idea. Maybe your luggage is blocking your path? Has the loss of something in your luggage caused you unexplained anxiety? If so, you should reconsider your things - perhaps you can get rid of some of them without any harm to yourself.

Expert answers


I dreamed that I lost my luggage, where the railway tracks were along sea ​​bay, quite narrow, you can see the bank opposite, like a river. But I understand that this is still the sea, there are a lot of people swimming. I’m running, looking for my backpack, and the train should already be leaving. In addition to the lost backpack, there is also a suitcase. I hear that the train has started and see that my suitcase is standing on the tracks and the train is crushing it. What does my dream mean? (Anna)

The dream means that in reality you are standing on the threshold serious changes in life. Losing your luggage reflects your uncertainty and fear that your plans will not be realized. Judging by the description of the dream, if you don’t take the chance, you will be left with nothing, and if you start taking action, the uncertainty will gradually go away.


In the dream, I was packing my suitcase in a hotel. My things didn’t fit, and I was in a hurry not to miss the flight with the group. I decided to leave my old boots at the hotel and a couple of other trinkets. But I packed 2 pairs new shoes. What does it mean? (Trofimova, Toma)

A suitcase in a dream often symbolizes the desire for radical changes in life. Judging by the description of your dream, it can be assumed that in reality you are in a hurry to change something faster, but do not take into account the details. Shoes in a dream often symbolize love relationship. You may be in a hurry to move on from an old relationship, but are torn between two new options.

If you happen to lose a suitcase in a dream, then someone real world will shamelessly take advantage of the fruits of your intellectual labors. Why else do you dream about such a dream plot? The dream book offers several interpretations at once.

Think about it!

The most common interpretation of a dream considers any luggage to be a symbolic repository of past feelings, memories and everyday experiences.

It’s not difficult to guess what it means if you lost it in a dream. The dream book offers two options: either get rid of heavy thoughts, or, on the contrary, you will not be able to use the wisdom accumulated over the years.


Did you dream that the handle came off and you lost your travel bag? The Dream Interpretation thinks that in reality you will be left without the support that you seriously counted on, which will lead to enormous problems.

Losing luggage in a dream warns of difficulties in business or at work. For a sick person to see such a dream - to a deterioration in health, and for a healthy person - to an unsuccessful trip.

Found it or not?

Why else would you dream if you were unlucky enough to lose your suitcase? The dream book believes that in reality you will cry and suffer, suffer major losses or break up with someone forever.

If you dreamed that you forgot it somewhere and found travel luggage, then you will return what you thought was long lost. The return of lost luggage always means the beginning of a more successful period in life.

To see that the search for something lost in a dream was not crowned with the desired result - to irretrievable losses.

Miller's Prophecy

Miller's dream book insists: losing a suitcase in a dream is bad in any case. You are waiting for an unsuccessful investment of money, a deal failure, or family quarrel up to complete rupture. For unmarried dreamers, the image promises loneliness due to a postponed wedding.

Get your act together!

Why do you dream if you lost travel bag with things? This is a sure sign that you will not be able to cope with life circumstances. This same image reflects missed opportunities and general self-doubt.

Did you dream that you took all the measures, but still managed to lose a suitcase with things in your dream? Conceived plans will be upset and will not come true.

If you deliberately left heavy luggage with things somewhere, then the dream book suspects that you are deliberately putting off solving numerous problems, which invariably leads you to a dead end.

How did this happen?

Did you dream that you managed to lose a suitcase with money? Be prepared for serious disappointment. Losing a bag with documents warns: you are getting involved in a risky business, doomed to complete failure in advance.

The dream book also advises you to remember exactly how you lost your hand luggage.

  • Threw it away - disagreements with your partner.
  • Forgotten - getting rid of unnecessary things.
  • If you voluntarily give it to someone, you will pass on some of the worries.
  • If it is stolen, you will lose something important and valuable.

Take the chance!

Why do you dream that you gave someone your own suitcase? You will have to communicate with an extremely stupid person, or you yourself will become an object of ridicule and discontent from others.

To believe in dreams or not is an eternal question for many. Some people consider night visions simply a game of imagination and immediately forget about what they dreamed at night. Others, on the contrary, wait for the arrival of new dreams and consider them as clues that sometimes help in life. In addition, there are those who believe that faith in different meanings dreams are nothing more than an attempt to shift all responsibility for what is happening in life to the power of night visions.

There is an opinion that it is during sleep that the human brain gets the opportunity to rethink all the information that was received during the day, and with the help of a dream, demonstrate which events were main and which were secondary. It is thanks to a dream that our subconscious can sometimes suggest a way out of a difficult situation or find an answer to difficult question, and all we need is to remember and then correctly interpret what we saw.

While resting at night, all people dream. However, they cannot always remember their vision the next morning. And no matter what pictures flash before our eyes when we sleep and see or prophetic dream, you always want to figure out the meaning. Why? Yes, simply because it is in a dream that every person is alone with himself, his experiences, aspirations, expectations and fears. Sometimes it is a correctly interpreted vision that helps you better understand yourself, your feelings and actions. In a dream you can see some kind of plot or just individual objects. Very often our visions are repeated, which makes us want to understand and explain them even more.

If you love solving dreams, then you might be wondering how different dream books interpret the same objects.

So, if you remember your vision and can retell it in the morning, you will be able to understand quite well what it means. But when unraveling the meaning of a dream, do not forget that the same symbol different people and in different situations, most likely, will have the opposite meaning.

Knowledgeable people have long begun to attach meaning to their visions, recording all the information and comparing it with the events that happened later. This is how the first began to appear, revised and republished many times, helping to understand the signs of our subconscious today.


Now let’s look at what a suitcase in a dream can mean, as well as the actions that are associated with it. So, have you been dreaming of a travel bag?

Both in real life and in a dream, a travel bag symbolizes some kind of journey and more. If you look in the dream book, a suitcase in a dream means failure or travel. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret this symbol, you need to remember in as much detail as possible how exactly this object was dreamed about. In life, a suitcase can be associated with work or leisure. Therefore, not only the size of the travel bag is important, but also the contents, whether it was your personal luggage or someone else’s.

As you can see, in order to specify the meaning of a symbol in a dream, you need to pay attention to all the nuances. So, what meaning does the dream book give?

A suitcase in a dream quite often signifies your inner desire for change. Perhaps you want to change something radically. What other meaning does the dream book give? A suitcase, if it is new, can mean for a man - new connection with a young woman. But for a girl, a suitcase indicates, on the contrary, her purity. How else does the dream book interpret such a vision? Packing your suitcase means a very quick and pleasant trip. Another meaning is that in reality, a person who sees travel bags in a dream is trying to bring some clarity and order to his life or affairs. What does such a vision mean for someone who often travels on business trips? What does the dream book say about this? Packing a suitcase means that there will be success in business ahead. Although only if a person checks his packed bag.

So, a suitcase in a dream means both a quick trip and a long trip. In addition, it is the travel bag that can portend quite serious quarrel with a loved one or severe disappointment. If in a dream a large suitcase stands or lies, then this may portend you a lot of hard work. But if you are carrying travel bags, then in this case the dream shows your financial difficulties.

The dream portends changes in life

To understand all the meanings, let's try to systematize all possible options.

If you dream of a suitcase in which there is a complete mess, get ready for quarrels and unsuccessful trips. But if things cannot fit into travel bags, be prepared for the fact that your business will expand and success will come to your business. If you look through the dream book, an empty suitcase in such a book means disappointment in marriage or a symbol of your gullibility. While a travel bag of gifts means the joys of love soon. Of course, such a vision pleases. And if in a dream you bought a new suitcase, then in reality there is a high probability of making a new acquaintance soon.

Baggage size

Suitcase large size and very voluminous, but without things - your journey will be long, but in vain. Accordingly, a large travel bag (filled) will be a harbinger of a long and successful trip. A small suitcase with things is a walk or a short trip that will help solve important issues.

Bag fullness

Depending on what your travel bag is filled with, dream books also have several interpretations. So, a bag with paper money is a symbol of quick success in business; if it is filled with copper money, an important, fateful acquaintance awaits you on your journey.

Old or new?

Your travel bag is dirty or slightly torn - expect slight illness or quarrels at work. A brand new travel suitcase portends important negotiations, but an old and shabby one is a symbol of the fact that you miss the past.

In a dream, things fall out of your suitcase - you will be promoted up the career ladder.

What is it made of?

In addition, in a dream, the material from which the bag you take on the road is made is also important. If your suitcase is on wheels, you can quickly solve complex problems; a leather one means a lot of work and a good reward for your work awaits you; a plastic one means a quick completion of the work you have started.

The meaning of sleeping with a suitcase

You pack a travel bag and put it in light summer clothes - pleasant things await you romantic trip. If you pack other people's things, then in real life you often use other people's thoughts to achieve your goals. The suitcase falls from your hands - you will make a mistake that can be corrected. Putting unnecessary things in a travel bag is a distraction from the main thing, an inability to achieve your goals. What does it mean to throw away a suitcase in a dream? This means that you will cancel an important trip or postpone your trip.

There is another interpretation given by the dream book. Losing a suitcase is a warning that someone will soon take advantage of your intellectual work or try to steal your ideas.

If in a dream you carry a travel bag around the house, then this indicates a reluctance to go on an upcoming trip.

The place where you pack your travel suitcase also matters. If you do this at a friend’s house, the dream foreshadows a reliable partner, but if you are in a hotel or some other unfamiliar place, a stranger will come into your business.

Dream Interpretation: a suitcase was stolen or forgotten in a dream

What does night vision mean when your travel bag is stolen? This means that you will have to go on a trip instead of a colleague or boss.

If you left a travel bag somewhere, what does the dream book say about this? Forgetting your suitcase means missing out on some great opportunities for your further growth and development.

Certain things

You put your underwear in your bag - a little adventure awaits you on the trip. And if you put dishes in it, expect a noisy feast on the road. In a dream you wipe your travel bag, which means in real life you always calculate your steps in advance.

Empty or full?

Buying a new and empty suitcase in a dream shows your chance to increase your intellectual knowledge. But full and heavy, on the contrary, speaks of your great store of knowledge, which is time to pass on to your receivers.

If in a dream you are packing a bag...

It is worth noting that there is various dream books. These books sometimes interpret the same meaning from completely opposite positions. Let's take a new one as an example family dream book. A suitcase with things in a dream is interpreted as an addition to the family, while the dream book for a bitch explains the same dream as a promotion. In the same way, different interpreters explain the meaning of the dream in which you are packing a travel bag with ambiguity. If you look in the suitcase, it explains how actions aimed at putting things in order in life and resolving difficult situations. Whereas in other sources the interpretation of this dream is different. Let's look at them: packing things in a suitcase in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one and dear person, in connection with which you will tell each other a lot of unnecessary things. What other interpretation does the dream book give about such a vision? Packing a suitcase for a trip for a woman means imminent betrayal, but for a man it means a decision to understand his sexual relationships and preferences.


So, to unravel your dream means to become one step closer to yourself, your inner self. That is why many people like to determine the meaning of each vision, especially if dream books interpret it from a positive side and promise the coming of pleasant events. But very often it happens that the meaning of the dream book does not coincide at all with the consequences that come after the vision. Even very experienced researchers find it difficult to say why this happens. After all, the topic of sleep has not yet been thoroughly studied and therefore always raises many questions that still remain unanswered. Therefore, we advise everyone: trust your own inner feelings more. It is your subconscious that will help you accurately interpret night vision. Even if you had a completely ordinary dream about a suitcase, this does not mean that the subconscious cannot hint to you about some important events. Therefore, if you like to unravel your visions, do not think that most of them are empty.

And also, in order not to forget what you saw, try to always wake up slowly and without fuss. Sharp sounds, a quick rise, or someone’s question can lead to you immediately forgetting the dream and, of course, no longer being able to explain its meaning. It is very useful to always keep a dream diary, where you should write down everything you dreamed about and then compare it with events in your life, drawing appropriate conclusions. You need to correlate what happens in a dream not only with your present. Important role Events from the past can also play.

When solving a dream, you always need to find in it main image and work it out first. Everything is important here: color, size, location, as well as the feelings you experienced. In addition, the personal associations that objects in a dream can evoke are also very important. This is why dream books do not always correctly interpret someone’s visions. After all, they usually demonstrate the result of someone else's experience.

In addition, it is worth noting that very rarely dreams interpret the future and are prediction dreams. In most cases, night vision is a reflection of fear or dreams. But if you learn to read them correctly, you can change your future in better side. Therefore, it is always better to try to solve secret world dreams, rather than regretting missed opportunities later.


I dreamed that our organization went out of town for the weekend. Summer, a forest clearing, clean air, blue sky, sun... We are standing in a clearing, further along the forest there are houses (one-story), where we will relax. I am on the organizing committee and run around, getting everyone settled, placing them in houses so that everyone is comfortable. So the day passes, evening comes. I have accommodated everyone and, tired, return to the clearing where I left my suitcase. He stands alone in the middle of the clearing, no one needs him, just as lonely as I am. I try to go into the nearest house, but they tell me from behind the door that the house is occupied. In general, having settled everyone, I was left completely alone, I returned to the clearing, sat down on my suitcase and cried bitterly, from which I woke up.


It is quite possible that this is a prophetic dream, especially if you are prone to this kind of behavior in life. People don’t remember good things 🙂 haha
The second meaning of sleep is the diagnosis of problems with rest. After all, at the end of the dream, it turns out that you do not have the opportunity to rest - there were some obstacles along the way. Are you a workaholic in life?


I dreamed that I was boarding a train with a suitcase of money. Well, not so much with a suitcase full of money, but with a business suitcase containing quite a decent amount. I put the suitcase in the luggage compartment, fall asleep, and when I wake up I don’t find the suitcase. I don’t really panic, I come to terms with the loss. The police appear. They probably drank, they say. I'm going to make a slight scandal. I didn’t drink, I say, I didn’t drink at all. The police are leaving. And I suddenly remember that I put the suitcase under the other seat. I look, and he lies there safe and sound. Why would this be?


I am a woman aged 28 years. I end up in the attic. The surroundings are ancient. I was very interested and curiosity filled me. I see an open, dusty, old suitcase and I see some parts from something. I'm starting to collect. I understand that at that time it was impossible to collect something like this. As a result, I assembled a device for virtual reality.


I remember a piece of sleep. My school friend Tanya and I are on the street. it's snowing, snow lies on the ground. Some kind of holiday - there are crowds of people all having fun. We are standing near some kind of gate. suddenly I need a suitcase for some reason. I approach a man completely unknown to me and ask him to give me his suitcase. It's black leather and small, but so cool. He looks at me in surprise and asks why I need him. I can’t answer anything intelligible. but I know that I really need it. He gives me this suitcase and I run away to my friend. We stand further. Some time passes. They turn on the music and my friend calls me to dance to this young man. He pushes me in the side with his elbow and says, come on, go. Dance with him, come on, come on. I deny - why, I don’t know him, etc. In general, in the end, my friend grabs my hand and drags me to this person. He lets me go and, grabbing his hands, begins to dance with him, they laugh loudly and fall into the snow. I’m nearby, either standing or lying, looking at them. The music ends. A friend runs up to me and says - this is your other half. I’m very surprised, I can’t understand why she decided this way and how she managed to determine it. my friend again starts telling me that this guy is your other half, I’m sure, don’t let him go. I can’t believe what’s happening, it seems to me that she’s delusional. and then I start swearing at her for dancing with him. I don’t remember everything else.


1. I’m on a small area surrounded by white walls (height-height), on the left is a blue shelving unit with 1 shelf, next to it are 2-4 steps (reminiscent of an eastern courtyard). I see 2 people with cases climbed the steps and left. Friend Tatyana arrives with a case in her hand. I told her: “You’re a schmuck, then quit!” She laughs, repeating: “Shit!!” (before meeting T. or after I don’t remember) I approach a square bed (1x1m), it has high plank walls, and the ground is low, level with the main surface. I bend down and plant a squash seed in each corner. At the same time, I think that there is a reason for the high sides, because in a high bed the roots are warmer, they grow better, they should be filled with soil. 2. I came to the 2-room apartment on the right open door into the room, I see there lives a man with a thick build and a representative appearance. I walk further, there is a stocky middle-aged man, I go into the room and we talk. Suddenly, a man appears in the corridor, covered in blue tattoos, covered in stubble, drunk, a “criminal” (Oh, horror!) and tells the man that he has space in this apartment. The man first shows a square in the corridor closer to the exit: “Here, maybe?” I'm scared and want to leave the apartment unnoticed. Then the man shows with his hands which part of the room can be selected (1x1 m) and part of the corridor. In the corridor front door I see a small TV, an interesting program is on, I watch a little, turn around and see that part of the corridor has already been blocked off by a white wall made of gypsum fiber board, forming an additional room. Then I’m on the street large area fenced with a solid wooden fence, wide open gate. I go out of the gate and brake the truck going on the left, it passes by and begins to slow down after 50 meters. In the back I see a light green easy chair. Something is rolling along the side of the car next to the car (I don’t remember). I first ran to the car, then I got worried when I saw 3 cars or motorcycles coming towards me, with men driving. And she returned to the territory from which she had left. At the gate I see a small TV broadcasting. Some kind of cart (garden?) loaded with something passes me and along the road going into the depths of the park. I look at her in surprise. There are 2 men and actor Bezrukov here, he extends his arms to me and I hug him and feel this hug clearly, pleasantly, I don’t want to break away, but Bezrukov says: “I have to go,” I unclench the hug...


1. Friend T. works as a chief accountant, she has a small garden, where I sometimes come to relax and work for my own pleasure and to help the owner. I worked as an accountant 8 years ago and now I’m thinking of using my knowledge and updating something to earn extra money. 2. 2, 3 men appear in a dream. I think it has something to do with family, as I had 2 older brothers (11 and 14 years apart) and a father. It's sad, but both brothers, although they were popular people, ended up drinking (this contributed to their early death(44 and 54g). The “criminal type” somehow reminds me of Sharikov, but in my family no one was in trouble with the law. I think this is a collective image of what I don’t accept and fear in men. Lately, this is the second time I have dreamed about an actor, after I (from the outside) became acquainted with the theater of spontaneous improvisation.


The theme of seeking a sense of security continues here. When the heroine works in the beds and deals with the soil, this means restoring internal balance. In addition, let’s try to touch on a very delicate issue related to the number “four”. I plant four squash seeds. I meet four men (personable - stocky - criminal - actor). I stop one car, and three more are coming towards me. All these repeating quantitative proportions indicate leadership role complex. Imagine a person who looks at the world through a transparent tetrahedral crystal. The complex or crystal distorts vision; it has its own vector graphics. Meneghetti writes about the number “four” that it “symbolizes a number striving for perfection. Represents an obsession with the crucifixion; expresses an obsession with the idea of ​​“carrying the cross”, generated by a feeling of unfortunate situation; is a consequence of distorted feelings, carries a feminine modality, which with rational precision social order builds negative consequences.”

Those. The meaning of the dream is that I know how to regain my peace of mind, but inside me there are certain stereotypes that - under the guise of help - will interfere with me in every possible way. This is also indicated by the TV monitors placed everywhere and the appearance of celebrities. The complex gives me its behavior patterns and role models. In addition, when in a dream we see many walls, fences, gypsum board partitions, this indicates the existence of a barrier between the “I” and Inse. Or this: the voice of the soul is drowned out by the sound of the TV.


The day before I talked with a man (I wrote about him earlier, I’ll call him BB), this weekend we are planning an excursion trip together. I also fantasized about sex, as the Analyst suggested, but it didn’t work out very well for me))) Lately I adhere to the fact that what to fantasize, you need to live reality. This man has an adult daughter-student, an adult son-student and an “ex-wife” in another city)) (In a dream, 2 women appear) Only if he lives in her apartment (de jure ) and she is in his (de jure), it is clear that the relationship is not resolved. And the most difficult thing is that adult children live with dad during their studies, and the children study)) in the full-time department Dad gets shushed because he talks on the phone around 2300 Therefore, the previous dreams were angry)) In general, I decided to let go of these thoughts and look at everything differently))


I remember that in the dream there was a residential city house to the left of the river, and there was something on the right until I saw the perspective Left side the body is considered to be yin (feminine), the right yang (male) On the left in a dream I see men swimming, but ahead of them there is a high barrier from negative psychology, which means “no” and “no” are all my conventions? Fear of a huge wave, I think it’s my indecision, maybe fear of something beyond


The river can be seen as a flow of instincts, because there are a lot of men there and they vote “yes” when they see a woman floating, the heroine of a dream. And the heroine wants to photograph them. Photography is like a stopped moment - it is an erotic deviation when alive real person interests us less than the moments and memories associated with it. The river itself, flowing into the sea, is instincts that connect with Being, that is, it is the symbolism of enlightenment. But this is de jure. And de facto, we still see a dividing barrier of logs. In addition, the water is cloudy, there is fog in the air, the landscapes along the banks of the river are not very poetic. This is the prose of current life

In the first part of the dream, the heroine “wants to go home,” but suffers from confusion. What does this “home” mean to you? Start a family with someone you know? There are no “documents” or “tickets” for this yet. Probably, the dream that you will see after being together will be more informative. excursion trip


In reality, I’m interested in photography, it’s a wonderful opportunity, while experiencing an emotion, to capture the object that caused it And later, looking at the photo, I’m delighted again, it’s similar to eating ice cream)))

Why does a living real person interest me less than the moments and memories associated with him? Maybe because these are MY moments and memories and it’s interesting and important to me what I see, experience, feel. If I’m interested in a person, get involved in him, I’m already losing some of my clarity, and it’s not enough yet. The Dream shows , that this deviation is associated specifically with men. I admit that I am inclined to keep men at a distance, since I have life experience when my spontaneity, openness, trust led to capture, sexual violence, when it seemed to me that I was not ready and disposed for such interaction It came as a surprise to me at the time; I felt confused. Physical strength men, of course, more. Reasons for mistrust, of course, come from childhood, and the feeling that at the moment of openness I will be hit

It’s good that today I understand that these are just memories imprinted somewhere in the body and I need to do at least something to change the situation, somehow interact with the man(s). This is largely thanks to the practices carried out by P Erzyaykin for me a new understanding arose about the here and now, about acceptance, about how the human brain works, to feel at home. I am grateful to him. It is noteworthy that during the seminars I didn’t dream of anything, if only the current viscous yellow paint. And when I went to work after the first seminar, I dreamed that I’m standing at the window in the house and the house starts to move slowly at first, then it accelerates and moves faster and faster, I feel uneasy, I’m rushing towards the city river embankment, I think I’m falling and waking up

What does this “home” mean to me? Home is akin to “finding yourself,” being at peace with yourself, a feeling of some kind of integrity

What separates me from this? Fear of death, a former experience when unexpectedly I began to hear and see, feel unusual. Then I didn’t work, I had some money of my own, and when “this” happened, I experienced horror that I couldn’t get rid of it and there was no one to help. Having received pills from a psychiatrist, I went to work in the same place where I left. Much later, I got to the PE and felt the ground under my feet, I realized that when a person is here and now he is healthy, and while he is alive, everything is possible for him. Only me and two people knew about my trouble, now - three Although, I completely forgot that K ( ex-husband) also knows a lot, he introduced me to PE - it turns out that you, Arseny, are the fourth

Working with dreams, I want to understand what my life project is, how I can realize myself based on what I have. Of course, I want to achieve mental and social health

Do I want to start a family with my friend BB? There are no “documents” or “tickets” for this yet. Maybe that’s why there are no documents and tickets because I don’t think about it? I still see that this is a man, and if he is a guy, it means he can organize a business, he can think big, at least within the framework of his projects. Yes, he works in the **gas** system and therefore, partly does not belong to himself. From his words he is divorced from his wife, and this is a plus for a possible relationship. I know that he has a desire to improve his personal life


I think that the violence that we suffer from other people is better viewed in the context of our own masochism. Only in this case does it become possible to change something. If we look at the symbol “house” from the same angle, then “house” is the environment of the subject And what then does the phrase mean: my environment helps me “find myself”? The “Environment” may or may not help - in a broad sense, it is not only people, but also the lifestyle itself. First, we build our own style, and only then - in the second stage - can it work for us

It is important here: have you ever been to France before or not? If you have been, then anamnesis comes first, that is, the connection between times and events. If you go to an unfamiliar Paris, then this “symbolizes a different civilization, ideology or morality that the subject is looking for.” and loves" Those are a promising project that can be useful like any search for the best. You just need to clarify something about the helicopter. In general, this image indicates a deviation monitor, that is, the influence on a person’s mind of information that is not related to his natural project. He will say this: dreams of a better life shown in a dream take you away from harsh reality, that is, it does not dispose you to perform specific and useful actions

The majority of the population of our country strongly associates suitcases with vacations and long-awaited, so pleasant preparations. If you suddenly woke up and realized that there were still a few months left before your vacation and you just imagined everything in bright colors. Well, let's figure out why you had that suitcase in your dream.

Russian dream book

This dream book interprets a suitcase in a dream in the same way as most other dream books. Dream Interpretation: a suitcase in a dream means travel and preparations will soon take place. You are about to travel and the fact that you were packing your suitcase in a dream - consider this a rehearsal for real packing. Buying a suitcase in a dream - the interpretation is the same, only you will have to wait longer until the day of travel.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

Omit the adjective “noble” and pay attention: the dream book contains more details regarding situations with a suitcase.

  • Seeing a suitcase in a dream: you either want to have a long and thorough rest, or you have long decided that you need to change something in your life. Maybe life itself.
  • Dream interpretation: an empty suitcase - insurmountable obstacles will arise before the trip, or its feasibility will initially be in question.
  • Dream Interpretation: packing a suitcase - you want to clarify your affairs and put facts in their places, like clothes in a suitcase.
  • Carrying a suitcase in a dream, but it is too heavy to lift: your stinginess interferes with success.
  • suitcase - you have serious calculations ahead of you.
  • Someone else's suitcase in a dream means that the desired result seems to be about to be in your hands, but some circumstances keep preventing this from coming true.

New family dream book

  • Suitcase: the meaning of the dream comes down not only to the anticipation of the journey, but also to failures.
  • Seeing a suitcase with things in a dream means you will definitely go on a trip.
  • The dream “the suitcase with things is all rummaged through, things are in disarray” says that a quarrel is coming, and if you are to travel, you will not bring anything good from it.
  • An empty suitcase in a dream symbolizes disappointment in love.
  • Dream Interpretation: pack your suitcase and then check its contents. Such a dream promises success for travelers.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a suitcase in which things do not fit - promotion at work and financial well-being awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the suitcase does not open. You will not be able to win the heart of the person you like due to circumstances. But if, on the contrary, the suitcase still does not close, then the upcoming trip may be disappointing.

Ancient French dream book

  • The interpretation of the dream “suitcase” comes down to the fact that you can be useful to your loved ones in a moment of need.
  • In a dream, packing things in a suitcase: it’s time to prepare for the trip in reality. But an empty suitcase has nothing to do with travel. He says that you should take care of things and people, otherwise they can be lost.
  • Losing a suitcase in a dream: all your preparations will fail due to your carelessness. You will think that once you have done it, you have done everything that was required. But missing one detail will upset everything you put your hand to.

Eastern women's dream book

You dream of a suitcase for a quick trip, but to see completely empty suitcases in a dream is a very bad sign. It means that you will be disappointed in family life.

Miller's Dream Book: suitcase

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a suitcase - of course, for travel! But also to failure. You need to be able to differentiate this. If you collect things, see how you put them in your bag, then there will be a journey and nothing else!
  • Dream Interpretation: a suitcase with things is carelessly packed, things are in disarray - a quarrel is coming, and maybe a trip, but from it you will get emotions opposite to those expected.
  • Dream Interpretation: looking for a suitcase - a long-awaited event is about to happen. You bear a certain degree of responsibility for it, and during the final preparations something may go wrong.
  • Dream Interpretation: loss of a suitcase. Your preparations will be ineffective, as circumstances will make their own adjustments.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

  • Dream Interpretation: packing things in a suitcase. This is for departure, not necessarily for a trip.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting a new suitcase, and even with gifts inside, is great joys in love (for a woman).
  • Buying a suitcase in a dream means a close friend will appear on a man’s horizon.
  • What does a suitcase mean in a dream with another suitcase inside? Women often have this dream because they want to have a child.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Packing suitcases in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one, which can end very unpleasantly. Advice: don’t say too much, especially without thinking.
  • The dream of “buying a suitcase” says that you find yourself in a difficult situation and you need the help of a friend. This is the only way you can face difficulties without loss.
  • Carrying heavy travel suitcases in a dream: you are dragging behind you a full set of various complexes and stereotypes that interfere with your life. But you are too lazy to figure it out - to throw this suitcase. The classic “suitcase without a handle” situation – it’s difficult to carry and it’s a shame to throw it away. Stop getting bogged down in problems, leave him!

Esoteric dream book

The most extraordinary approach to dream interpretation.

  • Buy a suitcase or see that it is empty: you can replenish your knowledge base.
  • Heavy suitcase: your experience is so great that it weighs on you, like a non-illusory weight pressing on your shoulders. It's time to abandon it and leave it only as a lived-in past. Such a dream promises success for creative people who want to teach, write books, or compose.
  • The dream of “losing a suitcase with things/stolen a suitcase in a dream/forgetting a suitcase” - your intellectual works will be stolen and passed off as your own.
  • Grabbing someone else's suitcase: you have done a bad job with the work of your predecessors.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Packing a suitcase means positive traits character acquired by you during life, or innate. These can be the qualities of you as a person, as well as skills, say, the ability to fix anything with a hammer and nails or to play on five musical instruments. Let's just say this dream is just for show, so you remember.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Finding a suitcase in a dream is a bad action towards you.
  • Packing things in a dream - get ready for the road/travel.
  • A suitcase on wheels: at a crucial moment it will fly out of your head important information. So don't rely on memory, but write it down.

Dream book of health

According to the dream book, you can imagine your own body as a suitcase. Just to see - problems with organs. Open suitcase - surgery may be needed.

Idiomatic dream book

The dream book interprets any signs from the point of view of situations that can be described by stable phraseological units.

  • “Sitting on suitcases”: anticipation of an imminent departure.
  • “Pack your bags”: preparing for vacation/business trip/life changes/quarrel/separation.
  • “Suitcase mood”: you are getting ready for vacation/getting ready for important event and now you’re just passing the time, counting down the weeks, days, hours.

Autumn dream book

The suitcase dreams of a dangerous road. And an empty one means the loss of someone. At all, autumn dream book has such a tendency to interpret in not the most rosy colors. And all because in the fall the luminaries move away from the Earth and their positive influence is on the decline.

Spring dream book

A more positive dream book. Just seeing a suitcase in a dream means waiting for news from afar. An empty suitcase dreams of divorce, which, you see, is better than death.

Summer dream book

Dream about an empty suitcase love affairs, and empty means... a waste of time.

Children's dream book

Children dream of a suitcase solely to communicate with peers, and without a trip at all.

Women's dream book

Suitcases in a dream represent failures and travel.

  • Dream interpretation: packing a suitcase - the trip will take place very soon. But if things are collected carelessly, haphazardly, then the trip will be in vain.
  • An empty suitcase in a dream means disappointment in your personal life.
  • Can't open your suitcase? You are trying to conquer a person, which is not meant to be.
  • Can't close your suitcase? It is better to postpone the trip, as it will not end well.

Ukrainian dream book

A suitcase dreams of travel or expenses associated with organizing an event.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • The suitcase symbolizes changes in life, not just a banal departure. The suitcase does not just promise changes that will happen on their own. The range of your responsibilities will immediately increase significantly!
  • Seeing a suitcase in a suitcase means the birth of a child
  • An empty suitcase speaks of disappointment in love.
  • Packing a suitcase means putting things in order.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The suitcase is allegorically a container for all your experiences, feelings, memories and experiences. It also speaks of your desire to change the reality around you. Packing a suitcase in a dream is akin to putting your thoughts in order. An empty suitcase is not very good good sign: the trip may be disrupted, the relationship will end, or an unexpected failure will occur in business.

Azar's Dream Book

Any suitcase in a dream is a carry-on.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing a suitcase in a dream means it’s time to get ready for the road - maybe it will be a journey, or maybe a path that you need to take to achieve a specific goal.


As we see, our mind during sleep can create a lot of interesting details, the vast majority of which have their own meaning. We hope that the suitcase you saw in your dream will bring you a long-awaited vacation and a productive trip without a single ambiguous or negative effect.