Why dream of looking at yourself. Big dream book online. Dream Interpretation - I saw my corpse from the side

Who among us has not at least once in our lives tried to interpret the meaning of a dream? For a long time, people have been interested in these mysterious nights in incredible nightmares or being in beautiful places that we have never visited before, sometimes comparable to fabulous travels. How to interpret what we see in a dream, and how to protect ourselves from unwanted consequences? We are trying to find answers to these questions in dream books. Knowing the interpretations, it seems that we can prevent ourselves from an unexpected illness or resolve a problem that is looming over us. To believe or not to believe, everyone will have to decide for themselves.

So what does it mean to see yourself in a dream? First of all, it is advisable to remember exactly in what image we saw ourselves in this or that dream, because in determining the meaning, each new detail carries a certain meaning. Perhaps you were surrounded by some objects, you were a participant in events or communicated with people.

For example, seeing yourself naked in a dream means that in your life there is a risk of illness, scandals, and possible reckless actions. It can also mean receiving unexpected surprises. You should expect them if you suddenly undressed in your sleep.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream, but at the same time trying to hide your naked body from others means that you may have a hidden desire to receive dubious pleasure. You will be ashamed of it later. If a girl admires her nakedness in a dream, then in reality she will be surrounded by the attention of the stronger half of humanity. As a result, this will not bring positive results; all gentlemen will quickly lose interest in her. If you see your own naked body in an ugly state, then get ready for unforeseen scandals. And plunge into the clean, clear water can be interpreted as a sweet but forbidden love that lies in wait for you. You cannot avoid punishment for it.

Let's consider another option. For example, seeing yourself with long hair in a dream means gaining wealth and power over others. By its nature, hair symbolizes human wisdom, vital energy, and what happens to hair in a dream will determine what ups and downs will await you in the future. life path.

Seeing yourself in a dream with long hair tangled in branches means that you have this period difficult situation, a way out of which you will not be able to easily find. Relationships with people are like a tangled ball of thread, and the same confusion occurs in your life. sexual relations.

If your hair is too long, you will feel exhausted, spiritually tired and depressed. If you're trying to braid yours long hair in braids, then a long journey awaits you in pleasant company.

You see yourself in dreams quite often. Events occurring in dreams on a subconscious level depend on our desires, experiences, and, often, fears. Therefore, what you see in your dream will depend on the mood and thoughts with which you spent your day. If you observe yourself during night visions from the outside and without any interest, it means that you do not have inner harmony, you are not interested in your life and the business you are doing. This means that the time has come to radically change the approach to your life, way of thinking, and behavior with people.

Seeing yourself in a dream from the outside, but at the same time being interested in yourself means that you are not indifferent to the opinions of others, their assessment of your behavior and the results of your activities.

Our subconscious seems to help us look at the problems that are hidden in the depths of each of us. And, perhaps, thanks to dreams, we will be able to realistically assess our problems and resolve them correctly.

This dream predicts changes for you. Especially if your image seemed completely different from life and even a little strange.

Sometimes during sleep a person begins to see his own reflection in the mirror, on the TV screen, and also in reflections. Sometimes in a dream a person may even notice his double or notice that he has a twin.

The dream book interprets this kind of night pictures as a sign of change. They can be either favorable or not very favorable.

If you had to see yourself in a dream, try to remember where and under what circumstances it happened and what you liked and remembered most. This is what this dream can mean most often.

On the TV screen or in the cinema

Such a dream could represent a failed episode in your life, a creative personality, or a clue that could change your life.

Why dream of seeing yourself from the outside on posters of cities and countries, for example, while driving in a car or in any other form of transport down the street? The dream book interprets such a dream to mean that you will soon find out how others see you from the outside.

If you liked the image, then this dream is favorable, although in some cases it can warn you about envy and gossip.

Seeing yourself naked or ugly on a screen in a public place is a sign of trouble.

If in a dream your body is naked more than is allowed by the rules of decency, then the dream book interprets seeing yourself this way as gossip.

The dream book writes that you should not be frank about your personal life in front of strangers, since your name is being inclined to the right and left.

In another situation, seeing yourself naked in a dream on a poster, TV screen, or just on an advertisement in big city- to illness or inner freedom, narcissism, that is, to the fact that you are so confident in your own irresistibility that you will not be ashamed to expose yourself in front of the whole city.

The dream book writes why you dream of such a dream in another situation, if you didn’t like your appearance, your clothes and body looked ugly. This is a sign of your own defenselessness and fear of unforeseen circumstances.

In many situations, such a dream predicts either an illness that you want to hide from prying eyes, or a feeling of defenselessness and fear. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles and illnesses, as well as unfavorable changes in life.

Second "I"

In such a dream, your own image does not shock you, but the dreamer begins to see himself in a dream in a completely different form. For example, a modest girl looks in the mirror or at the TV screen, monitor and sees an uninhibited temptress in red lingerie. Or, on the contrary, a bright and completely uncomplicated girl a person notices herself in the mirror as a defenseless and timid girl. The images can be completely different, but what does such a dream mean? Such a dream shows changes or reveals the true essence of a person. In some situations, it shows a failed episode of your life, dreams and true desires. Therefore, such a dream should be given meaning, since it can show something that may elude you.

Notice whether you like this look or not.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself beautiful and happy in a dream? This dream predicts favorable changes in life. For a girl in a dream, if she saw herself as a bright, seductive diva, similar to a screen star, it means favorable changes or that she can add a little brightness to her own life.

Sometimes such a dream means that she will soon change her style, become different, different from the image to which others are accustomed. If, on the contrary, a beauty has to see herself as modest in a dream, then she will soon make her choice and be happy. However, sometimes she will not have enough brightness and looseness in life.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself from the sidelines on stage? People around you will judge you and look at your every action.

Sometimes the dream book writes that you will be able to show off some skills, prove yourself and people will remember this, or you just think about how this or that situation will look from the outside.

Why dream of seeing yourself younger in a dream than in life? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts joy and pleasant emotions for you.

If you see yourself old and sick, expect a deterioration in your health and various troubles and disasters in your life. Modern books they write that a dark streak will soon come in your life.

Seeing yourself completely different from the outside means your shadow essence will soon come out.

But noticing your reflection, in which there is agony, illness or even death, suggests that some part of your personality may die.

Try to develop your talents and not lose important qualities in life if you want to feel happiness and joy. It is also possible that you are missing or have missed an important chance for your own well-being and development.

Our dreams are harbingers. Often, having seen a dream, we try to find in it hidden meaning and solve it. In this article we will look at what it means if you see yourself in a dream. What could such a dream mean?

In order to better understand what a night dream promises us, it is necessary to accurately remember all the details of what we saw. It is important to pay attention to appearance yourself in a dream. What were you wearing? In what place, or in what condition was it? After all, each of our appearances has its own unique interpretation.

Dreams related to clothes

  • Having seen himself “in uniform” in a dream, in reality he can judge a two-faced act.
  • If a girl dreams that she is wearing military uniform, then this means that in reality she will meet a strong and powerful man.
  • If you see yourself in uniform, but it is not your work clothes, then you are facing a promotion at work.
  • Men, seeing themselves in shape, should pay attention to the people around them; your opinion of them is deceptive.
  • If a man serves alone in a deserted place, then he should gain confidence and firmness in his actions.
  • If you dreamed that someone else put a uniform on you, this may portend an unpleasant path and melancholy for you.
  • Also, seeing dreams associated with military clothing speaks of old views on life.
  • If a girl has a dream in which she is beautifully and richly dressed, then happiness, love and success await her in life.
  • Seeing yourself in the image of a bride can foreshadow a significant gift or the upcoming receipt of an inheritance.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of yourself in casual wear, in the usual way - expect good news.
  • Wearing a light lace robe in a dream means happy event in life.
  • When you dreamed that you were dressed in black clothes, then unpleasant moments and situations may arise in life.
  • If you see yourself in a dream in a black dress, but at the same time happy and elegant, it means that in life you will change your views on many things.
  • If a girl dreamed that her beautiful white robe was beginning to darken, this indicates health problems that will soon make themselves felt.
  • A dream in which you wear red clothes may mean that vicious thoughts will overtake you in life, and you will not be able to resist temptation.
  • Seeing yourself dressed in the personal belongings of a person dear to you means this person’s endless devotion and love for you.
  • If married man I saw myself in someone else’s clothes in a dream, which means that another woman will try to get his attention. By the color of the clothes you are wearing, you can guess what color her hair will be.


  • If a woman dreams that she has grown a beard, it means that she will be lucky enough to meet a worthy man.
  • If a pregnant girl dreams that she has a beard, this foretells that she will have a boy.
  • For Not married girl Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means facing failure. And for a married girl it can mean an unhappy marriage.
  • A man who dreams of being bearded can count on an improvement in his financial condition.
  • If a married lady saw herself in a dream as a blonde, this means that her husband loves only you.
  • When a girl sees herself as red-haired, it means that she will encounter many temptations on her way.
  • Also, in a dream you can see yourself from the outside. If you see that your back is hunchbacked or crooked in a dream, this may portend a painful and difficult old age for you. If your back looks straight, then a happy life awaits you.
  • If in a dream you are drowning, greedily gulping air, then in life you have driven yourself into too strict limits, you need to reconsider your attitude to your lifestyle.
  • Having seen a dream about water, you should pay attention to its condition and appearance. Pure water symbolizes purification and peace, while a dirty, muddy one can foretell you of a growing conflict, filling you with unpleasant emotions for a long time.
  • If in a dream you had to see yourself as if walking on water, then such an action promises you a lot of troubles that can be easily dealt with.
  • Seeing your reflection in a mirror in a dream indicates a possible quarrel with your lover.
  • If in a dream you see yourself dead, it means failure in business.

This dream predicts changes for you. Especially if your image seemed completely different from life and even a little strange.

Sometimes during sleep a person begins to see his own reflection in the mirror, on the TV screen, and also in reflections. Sometimes in a dream a person may even notice his double or notice that he has a twin.

The dream book interprets this kind of night pictures as a sign of change. They can be either favorable or not very favorable.

If you had to see yourself in a dream, try to remember where and under what circumstances it happened and what you liked and remembered most. This is what this dream can mean most often.

On the TV screen or in the cinema

Such a dream could represent a failed episode in your life, a creative personality, or a clue that could change your life.

Why dream of seeing yourself from the outside on posters of cities and countries, for example, while driving in a car or in any other form of transport down the street? The dream book interprets such a dream to mean that you will soon find out how others see you from the outside.

If you liked the image, then this dream is favorable, although in some cases it can warn you about envy and gossip.

Seeing yourself naked or ugly on a screen in a public place is a sign of trouble.

If in a dream your body is naked more than is allowed by the rules of decency, then the dream book interprets seeing yourself this way as gossip.

The dream book writes that you should not be frank about your personal life in front of strangers, since your name is being inclined to the right and left.

In another situation, seeing yourself naked in a dream on a poster, a TV screen, or simply on an advertisement in a big city - to illness or inner freedom, narcissism, that is, to the fact that you are so confident in your own irresistibility that you will not be ashamed to be naked in front of the whole city.

The dream book writes why you dream of such a dream in another situation, if you didn’t like your appearance, your clothes and body looked ugly. This is a sign of your own defenselessness and fear of unforeseen circumstances.

In many situations, such a dream predicts either an illness that you want to hide from prying eyes, or a feeling of defenselessness and fear. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles and illnesses, as well as unfavorable changes in life.

Second "I"

In such a dream, your own image does not shock you, but the dreamer begins to see himself in a dream in a completely different form. For example, a modest girl looks in the mirror or at the TV screen, monitor and sees an uninhibited temptress in red lingerie. Or, on the contrary, a bright and completely uncomplicated girl a person notices herself in the mirror as a defenseless and timid girl. The images can be completely different, but what does such a dream mean? Such a dream shows changes or reveals the true essence of a person. In some situations, it shows a failed episode of your life, dreams and true desires. Therefore, such a dream should be given meaning, since it can show something that may elude you.

Notice whether you like this look or not.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself beautiful and happy in a dream? This dream predicts favorable changes in life. For a girl in a dream, if she saw herself as a bright, seductive diva, similar to a screen star, it means favorable changes or that she can add a little brightness to her own life.

Sometimes such a dream means that she will soon change her style, become different, different from the image to which others are accustomed. If, on the contrary, a beauty has to see herself as modest in a dream, then she will soon make her choice and be happy. However, sometimes she will not have enough brightness and looseness in life.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself from the sidelines on stage? People around you will judge you and look at your every action.

Sometimes the dream book writes that you will be able to show off some skills, prove yourself and people will remember this, or you just think about how this or that situation will look from the outside.

Why dream of seeing yourself younger in a dream than in life? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts joy and pleasant emotions for you.

If you see yourself old and sick, expect a deterioration in your health and various troubles and disasters in your life. Modern books write that a dark streak will soon come in your life.

Seeing yourself completely different from the outside means your shadow essence will soon come out.

But noticing your reflection, in which there is agony, illness or even death, suggests that some part of your personality may die.

Try to develop your talents and not lose important qualities in life if you want to feel happiness and joy. It is also possible that you are missing or have missed an important chance for your own well-being and development.

Seeing yourself from the outside in a dream means the dreamer’s future plans, which must come true in the near future. If for some people such a dream promises a promotion at work or in the service, then for others - financial stability. You can see yourself from the outside as old, gray, dead, or, on the contrary, beautiful, full of life or pregnant. When a person watches himself in a drunken state, such a dream usually represents a joyful meeting with an old friend. According to Miller's dream book, seeing yourself as old in a dream very often means a promotion at work. If a person observes himself in a dream during infancy, then one should expect betrayal by a familiar person.

Interpretation of sleep, taking into account details and details

To correctly interpret a dream, a person must remember how he saw himself from the outside in the dream, in what clothes, in what position. Depending on these details, you can predict your future. If a person dreamed that he saw himself, as in ordinary life, then an important event will happen in his life in the near future. When a young girl has a dream in which she sees herself in a dream beautiful dress, then this means that in real life respect, love and honor await her. For a lonely girl, seeing herself pregnant in a dream means loss of reputation. When a girl observes her reflection in a dream, it is necessary to carefully analyze it. Only in this case can you identify your strengths and weaknesses. The dream interpretation of seeing yourself naked, and especially in nature, means that a person needs to retire, to be alone with himself. For a young girl to see herself beautiful in a dream is a guarantee good attitude people around you, as well as good luck in life.

What does it mean to see yourself pregnant, according to popular dream books?

Very often, young girls are troubled by the question when they see themselves pregnant in a dream. How do famous predictors and soothsayers interpret this dream?

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means unpleasant news, especially when the girl has not yet gotten married. For married woman such a dream promises unhappiness in marriage. If a pregnant lady had a dream about her pregnancy, this means that she will have a healthy and happy baby.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga believed that pregnancy in a dream for a married woman promises her the birth of twins, and for an unmarried woman - quarrels and disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus interpreted this dream in his own way. Thus, he associated pregnancy with losses in financial matters.