Scenario of entertainment “Fairy tale journey. Instructive tale "Journey to Vrunland

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution


Tambov region, Nikiforovsky district

Lesson on the development of speech

« fairy tale journey»

for children from 3 to 4 years old

Fedorova Inna Alekseevna

r.p. Dmitrievka, 2017

Program content: continue to teach children to listen with interest to familiar fairy tales, poems; name the work (in an arbitrary presentation), after listening to an excerpt from it; recite a short poem by heart with minimal help from a teacher; to teach to describe the subject, based on the questions of the educator; learn practically the word-formation with the help of diminutive suffixes; to cultivate the ability to listen to music, to display the character of the hero in singing.

vocabulary work: Lenochka, Romochka, frog, laswhat's the word, carelessly.

Visual aids, materials:

    puppet theater, wolf, fox, frog masks;

    toy hare;

    wonderful bag, cucumber, tomato, carrot, apple, tangerine;

Tape recorder, music recording.
Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, listening

and learning songs music lessons memorizing poems.

Lesson progress

In the hall there is a screen for puppet theater. On the stage - a teremok, trees.

Russian folk music "I went up the hill" sounds.

Children sit on chairs and listen.

Educator. Birds flew from the sea

They sat on the fence.

The birds sang, the birds said

Songs and fairy tales, there were yes fables.

I adopted one

Yes, I brought you.

Do you love fairy tales? And if you can find out what fairy tale is said so...

The mouse has found a home

The mouse was good.

In the house that after all

Are there many residents? (Teremok.)

Today, the residents of the tower will help us to study. Do you remember who first found the teremok? (Mouse.)

(Mouse appears on the scene. The song of the Mouse sounds - isfilled with children.)

How the tower is built!

I'll lock the door.

I'm going to sleep under the stove

I will live safely.

Following the Mouse to the tower, galloped ... who? (Frog.)
(A character appears on the stage. The song of the Frog sounds -performed by children.)

In the Terem I want to move in,

Dance and have fun.

I'm tired of grass!

Unlock! Qua-qua-qua!

Guys, you know not only the fairy tale "Teremok". Let's try to learn other fairy tales from poems.

Fairy tales ask: "And now

You, friends, recognize us!

Wasn't on the window

Rolled down the track.


There is no river, no pond,

Where to drink water.

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof! ..

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,

I screwed up a little.

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.

(Cat, rooster and fox.)

And the road is far

And the basket is not easy.

To sit on a stump,

I would eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear.)

Opened the goat door

And they all disappeared.

(The wolf and the seven Young goats.)

Educator. Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. Now listen to the song and answer, who will help us to study further?

(The music director performs "The Bunny Song".)

I do not like thunder and cold,

Warm house I really need.

Who lives in the tower?

I'm bored alone.

Educator. Here he is, our assistant. (Because of the screenthe feeder takes out the toy hare.)

Guys, the hare brought the bag. I wonder what's in it?

What is it? (Carrot.)

What is she? (Long, orange.)

What is it? (Cucumber.)

What is he? (Long, green.)

What is it? (Apple.)

What is it? (Round, red.)

What is it? (Orange.)

What is he? (Round, orange.)

What is it? (Tomato.)

What is he? (Round, red.)

(Then the children pick up the object and describe it themselves. ATfruits are placed in one vase, vegetables in another. Reinforce general words.)

Educator. Well done! Completed the task. Who else asked to be in the teremok? Listen to the poem.

1st child.

I am a beautiful fox

I can't sleep in the forest at night.

It's damp and dark

I haven't eaten in a long time.

I want my ears to sleep

On a fluffy pillow

To let my tail sleep in bed

In a gentle warm cradle

. (Children call: fox.)

2nd child.

I Gray wolf fanged,

I often steal lambs.

And sometimes I steal chickens

Because I'm too greedy.

Hunters don't like me

I'm afraid they'll kill me

For being gloomy and unsociable.

I need a teremok.

Educator. That's how many animals gathered in the tower. They lived together, did not offend each other, called each other affectionately. What do you think Lisa was affectionately called? (Fox). What did the fox call the wolf? (Top). How did the animals affectionately address the frog? (Frog).

3rd child.

We are frogs,

We are green frogs.

We are little frogs

We are happy sisters.

We are no longer tadpoles

We are frogs-eyes.

Educator. Here is a sweet poem that Natashenka read to us. Let's affectionately call each other by their first names - Tanechka, Lenochka, Yanochka, Dimochka...

Well, business time, fun hour! It's time to get into the "Affectionate round dance."

(Children walk in a circle and sing.)

They led a round dance, they were affectionate,

The circle was called, the name was called.

Come out, Lenochka, in a circle,

Take, Lenochka, a flower.

(To lose, children perform rhythmic movements undermusic, caused the child to dance in a circle.)

Educator. Well done! The round dance was well led! (The teacher takes out a big toy - a bear. Chitaetc.)

What a beautiful house!

I didn't get that!

I slept in a den all winter,

He sucked his paw with hunger.

After hibernation, hot summer

I will live in this house.

Teremok is good, high

Just a miracle teremok!

Educator. So the bear came to the teremok. All the animals have gathered.

Our lesson has come to an end, thanks to our friends for their help, to Bunny for vegetables and fruits.

(42 pages)
The book is adapted for smartphones and tablets!

Text only:

Ryan the lion cub lived in a large New York zoo with his father Samson, Bridget the giraffe, Nigel the koala bear, Larry the python and many other animals, and Benny the squirrel came to visit them.
Ryan was born in a zoo and never been in the wild, but he really wanted to become as fearless and strong as his father. Ryan tried to imitate his father's powerful growl, but all he got was a faint squeak.
Well, isn't it embarrassing?
Father often told Ryan incredible stories about the times when he lived in the wild. Ryan had heard them so many times that he knew them all by heart.
I wish I could grow up and become the same strong lion like Samson! Had he lived in the wild, he probably would have learned very quickly to growl as menacingly as his father. However, Samson did not want to hear about it.
“We have everything we need here,” he said.
Living in the zoo was not bad at all. When the visitors left and the zoo closed for the night, the animals showed their true nature.
That evening all the animals went to the penguins to play one of their favorite games...
They went out of their dwellings and enjoyed themselves as best they could.
This game was called turtle curling!
Samson and his team were against the penguins.
Samson's team, despite all the tricks of the penguins, led the score.
This time it was decided to use Larry as a giant slingshot in order to better disperse the turtles on the ice. Where could the penguins resist such an onslaught!
Meanwhile, Ryan went to play with his buddies Duke and Gig. Ryan tried to keep them from playing pranks, but these pranksters persuaded him to tease the gazelles. They frightened the gazelles so that they fled in horror.
How could Ryan have foreseen
that the frightened gazelles will jump over the fence directly onto the playing field, ruining the game for the teams. What a misfortune!
Ryan felt small and miserable.
Oh, how bad it turned out with these gazelles! .. Probably, he will never become as strong and brave as his father. “If I could go to the jungle! he thought.
“There I would quickly become a big and formidable lion!”
Suddenly Ryan noticed a pile of boxes in a van on the other side of the fence.
He remembered that the pigeons once said that these boxes would be taken to the ship, and that ship would go to wild lands. Ryan looked at the empty boxes, and then it dawned on him: he must hide in one of them - and he can get into the jungle! And then, when he returns home as a big and brave lion, his father will be proud of him.
Ryan jumped over the fence and nimbly climbed
But later, as the van pulled away, Ryan felt uneasy.
— What have I done? - the lion was scared. He did not think what it would be like for him to be completely alone, without a father.
- Dad, help! - desperately
he cried.
Samson heard his son's cries for help and immediately rushed to
for revenue.
"I have to save Ryan!" he exclaimed. -He can't survive alone in the jungle!
Wasting no time, Samson, Nigel, Benny, Larry and Bridget set off after the lion cub.
Friends had to drive through the whole city to get to the port. Without thinking twice, they climbed into a garbage truck that was taking waste out of the zoo.
Benny was quite sure that he would not get lost in the great city.
Soon the garbage truck stopped, and the animals found themselves on the streets of New York. The sight seemed daunting to them. All around were tall skyscrapers!
They have never seen anything higher. And getting through the huge city turned out to be much more difficult than friends expected.
They ran along the streets and lanes, even used the underground sewer pipes and finally...
They made it to the port just as the ship with Ryan on board left.
- Hurry, follow! cried Samson.
The animals jumped onto the deck of a small boat, terrifying the captain.
Friends did not immediately figure out how to operate the boat.
But then, finally, the rescuers set off after the ship taking Ryan into the jungle.
For the inhabitants of the zoo, this was the first trip in their life.
After a long, eventful voyage, the boat sailed to small island. Friends looked at Samson expectantly. What should they do now?
But Samson himself did not know. After all, he had never been in the jungle and invented all his stories in order to produce
impression on others. Especially Ryan.
The zookeepers panicked.
- We want to go home! they shouted and rushed to the boat. And Samson, having gathered his courage, went alone in search of his son.
did not want to leave his best friend, and he persuaded the others to help Samson find Ryan. But where did Samson go?
Troubles rained down on the animals as if from a cornucopia. Before the friends had time to go deep into the jungle, they were surrounded by evil wild antelope wildebeest with sharp horns. Vile creatures drove the travelers to a terrible, dark cave.
To everyone's surprise, the antelopes placed Nigel on the throne as king. What would that mean?
Kazar, the leader of the antelopes, declared Nigel his deity And added that they were tired of serving the food of the lions, and from now on they themselves will feed on the lions! And Larry and Bridget will be eaten as a sample!
“But first we will fry you,” Kazar reassured them.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Samson, having heard Ryan's cries for help, found his son.
Ryan was attacked by vultures.
However, as soon as Samson appeared, they immediately scattered.
- Dad! What a blessing to have you here! Ryan rejoiced.
How good it is to be together!
- Run, son! shouted Samson.
- Why do you have to run, dad? Ryan was confused. “After all, you are the king of beasts!” Drive them away!
- Then I'll explain everything ... if it's possible, - said Samson,
planting his son on a tree, away from the sharp antelope horns.
But then they were overtaken by antelopes led by Kazar.
“I'm sorry I deceived you, Ryan,” Samson said, looking at his son. - I've never been in the jungle. I was born in a circus, and my father was always angry with me for not being able to growl loudly and not being as brave as he was. My father was born in the jungle, and I wanted to be like him. And I dreamed that you were proud of me!
Ryan was disappointed by his father's confession.
Samson and Ryan started to run at full speed, but the antelopes were faster. Soon the evil pursuers overtook them. Samson was dragged off a sheer cliff, and poor Ryan was surrounded and driven towards the cave.
Finally, the antelopes pushed Ryan, Larry, and Bridget into a large cave where Nigel was sitting on a throne.
The antelopes were preparing to feast on the inhabitants of the zoo, and Nigel did not know how to stop the massacre.
Luckily, Samson found the entrance to the cave and slipped in unnoticed, hoping to save Ryan and the others.
- Dad! Ryan shouted in delight at the sight of his father. - Let's show these weaklings who's food for whom here!
Father and son stood shoulder to shoulder against the angry antelope.
At that moment, the formidable Kazar appeared. Putting out his horns, he rushed at Samson and knocked him to the ground. Little Benny, looking at his defeated friend, shouted to his friends:
We must help Samson!
The inhabitants of the zoo looked at each other and instantly figured out what to do. Just like when playing curling, they pulled Larry between two protruding rocks. Then, using this living slingshot, they shot Ryan into Kazar. The lion cub knocked the enemy to the ground.
Samson soon came to his senses. Now it's time to prove that, although he is not from the jungle, he has enough strength and courage.
And Samson let out a roar so powerful that Kazar fell on his back, and stones fell on him from the ceiling of the cave. Luckily, the others managed to escape in time.
- Phew! Ryan said breathlessly. - Now it will be yours. best story, dad!
Finally, everyone was on board the boat to sail home to New York. Ryan was proud of his father. Samson proved that you don't have to be born in the jungle to be brave. Any lion with a truly manly heart is capable of roaring intimidatingly loudly. And of course, Samson, as never before, was pleased and proud of his son.

Municipal educational institution - Lyceum No. 10 of Belgorod

extracurricular activity

"Fairytale Journey"

Developed by: GPA educator

Zhurakhova Lilia




Presenter: A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows, says folk wisdom. And it's true! Every story has something to teach. You met with fairy tales back in early childhood. It is from fairy tales that you learn about positive and negative traits the nature of the characters. On the example of heroes, you will learn about good and bad deeds. So our journey begins.

What do you need for every trip? That's right, you need to choose a route. Our itinerary is shown on this fabulous map(shows a map). We will travel from station to station.

(The melody of the song “We are going-going-going” sounds on the verses of S. Mikhalkov)

Presenter: Our fabulous train is approaching the firstLost and found station.To go to the next station, you must help the stationmaster sort out the fabulous items and determine their owner.

  1. glass slipper(Cinderella, "Cinderella", Ch. Perrot)
  2. A flower with seven colored petals(girl Zhenya, "Flower-seven-flower", V. Kataev)
  3. Golden Key (Pinocchio, "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio", A. Tolstoy)
  4. Pot of honey(Winnie the Pooh, "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all, all", A. Milne)
  5. Feather of the Firebird (Ivan the Fool, The Little Humpbacked Horse, P.P. Ershov)
  6. Pea (princess, "The Princess and the Pea", G.H. Andersen)
  7. Mirror (evil stepmother, "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", A.S. Pushkin)
  8. golden egg (grandfather and woman, "Ryaba the Hen", Russian folk tale)
  9. Egg and needle (Koschei the Immortal, "The Frog Princess", Russian folk tale)
  10. Arrow (Ivan Tsarevich, "The Frog Princess", Russian folk tale)

Presenter: You have successfully completed the first task, let's move on.Station "Mysterious".At this station you need to guess fairy tale character.

  1. gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married a princess.(Emelya)

  1. At Alyonushka's sister

They took away the little brother of the bird.

They fly high

They look far.(Swan geese)

  1. Ivan had a friend

A little hunchbacked

But he made Ivan happy

rich. (The Little Humpbacked Horse)

  1. This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone to the full,

That by itself she

Full of all kinds of food.(Self-assembly tablecloth)

  1. Waiting for mom with milk

And they let the wolf into the house ...

Who were these

Small children? (Seven kids)

  1. Run away from dirty

Cups, spoons and pots.

She is looking for them, calling

And tears are shed along the way.(Grandmother Fedor)

  1. Sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And light in the night, as in the day.(Firebird)

  1. Grandma knows the whole world.

She is three hundred years old.

There on unknown paths

Her house is on chicken legs.(Baba Yaga)

Presenter: Well done boys! Let's go to the next station.

(The melody of the song "Twice two four" sounds)

Presenter: station "Fairy Mathematics".We will not solve examples and count at this station. You need to remember and name fairy tales, in the name of which there are numbers.

  1. The Wolf and the Seven Kids, Russian folk tale
  2. "Three Little Pigs", Ch. Perro
  3. "Three Bears", Russian folk tale.
  4. "Twelve months", S. Marshak
  5. "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", Arabic tale
  6. "A Thousand and One Nights", Arabic tale
  7. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", A.S. Pushkin
  8. "Two frosts", A. Nekrasov
  9. "Three fat men", Y. Olesha
  10. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", French fairy tale
  11. "Two Greedy Little Bears", Russian folk tale
  12. "Seven Simeons", Russian folk tale

Presenter: our train goes to the nextstation " Magic tangle». (Sounds of music "Engine from Romashkovo"). From this station, our path will continue on foot, but in order not to get lost, we need a magic ball. You can get a magic ball if you correctly solve a fabulous crossword puzzle.

1. Fairy shoes, high-speed vehicle, indispensable for the game of "catch-up". ( Boots - runners)

2. A fabulous kitchen item, a gourmet favorite. ( Tablecloth - self-assembly)

3. Fabulous invisible headdress, necessary for the game of hide and seek. ( Invisible hat)

4. Drink according to an old witchcraft recipe. ( potion)

5. Fairy-tale weapons of heroes. (Sword- treasurer)

6. A fabulous item needed for witchcraft and transformations. (Magic wand)

Presenter: Well done guys, they did a great job. Our driver received an urgent telegram. Fairy locomotive to arrive onMuseum stationperiod We urgently need your help period Fairytale robbers attacked the museum of fairy tales zat stole tablets with the names of fairy tale characters period Please help us restore the portrait exposition period Our locomotive is arriving at the Muzeinaya station». For you guys, the museum sent an envelope. It contains copies of portraits of fairy-tale characters. Remember the name of the fairy-tale character and the fairy tale in which he appears.

Portraits of fairy-tale characters:

1. Kolobok ("Kolobok", Russian folk tale)

2. Pinocchio ("The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio", A.N. Tolstoy)

3. Chippolino (The Adventures of Chippolino, Giani Rodari)

4. Malvina (“The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio”, A.N. Tolstoy)

6. Little Red Riding Hood ("Little Red Riding Hood", C. Perro)

7. Cinderella (Cinderella, Ch. Perrot)

8. Crocodile Gena (“Crocodile Gena and his friends”, E. Uspensky)

Presenter: Well done boys! The portrait display has been restored. This is the end of our magical journey. During our journey, you remembered many fairy tales. Fairy tales contain folk wisdom, confirmed for centuries. Read fairy tales and learn folk wisdom.

Summer camp event. Scenario

Scenario. Game-journey through the "Land of fairy tales"

Evseichik Inna Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature Stakhanov secondary comprehensive school I - III stages No. 32, Irmino.
Description: this development is intended for teachers and teachers-organizers for organizing summer leisure in school camps or holiday camps. Jobs offered different types, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, interest in literature. Children of all ages can take part in the game.
Target: organize students' leisure time, cultivate interest in literature.
- develop memory, observation, intelligence, speech of students;
- to teach the children to act cohesively and in an organized manner;
- to cultivate a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, interest in literature and reading in general.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, illustrations with modes of transport, route sheets, costumes for the "owners" of destinations (grandmother-tales, postman, scientist, musician, art historian, Ole Lukoil).
Preliminary preparation: reading fairy tales, talking about fairy tales, determining the location of the game (destinations: library, museum - if any, office, on the site, etc.), preparation of route sheets, appointment and training of personnel for the game.
Terms of the game: while moving from point to point, the guys of the detachment hold hands.
Event progress
Leading. Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual day - we will go on a journey through the "Land of fairy tales". Let's visit different countries ah, from different authors, we will meet different heroes of famous fairy tales. Contests are waiting for you interesting questions, assignments and meetings. And now I want to introduce you to our honored guest - Grandmother-fairy tale.
(Includes "Grandma-Fairy Tale")
Fairy tale grandmother. Good afternoon, dear kids, listeners and readers of fairy tales! How many of you are here. I am very glad to see you all and I invite you to the "Land of Fairy Tales" with pleasure. But first you have to choose which mode of transport you would like to travel. (shows illustrations with transport). And, having chosen a transport, appoint a captain, crew commander, chief engineer, driver ...

(Teams choose transport for travel and team captain)
Leading. Well, now Grandmother Fairy Tale will give each team a route sheet along which you will travel. It lists the destinations you must visit. But you need to follow only according to the route sheet. (The order of destinations for different units is changed so that there are no two units at the same time at the same point)

(Fairy tale grandmother hands route sheets to team captains)
Fairy tale grandmother. If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
You quickly let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
You scare a little - and you will not find it.
You follow her to the threshold
And she doesn't have...
Only a thousand roads
Scattered around the world.
Which way will she go?
Where will she show up?
Should she swim or walk
Or rush from where
Only where the fairy tale be
There will be a miracle...
She has miracles
And always ready
Every time for all of us
Golden word! (Sergey Ostrovoy)
Leading. Guys! We wish you a successful journey and good achievements in it. And we will be waiting for your return with Grandmother-fairy tale.
Fairy tale grandmother. Good luck, boys and girls!

(Teams are sent along the specified route)
Author's street.
Evaluation conditions: 1 point for each correct match found. The maximum number is 16. (Sample answers: C - 1 - b)
Storyteller. Greetings, young readers and lovers of fairy tales on Avtorskaya Street. Wonderful authors from different countries live here. To continue the journey, you need to establish a connection with the arrows: the author - the portrait - the fairy tale.

(Answers: G-1-b, A-2-c, B-3-a, V-4-e, Z-5-g, F-6-g, E-7-d, D-8-z.)
(The team is given a card with a task - see the picture. The team completes the task and the Storyteller indicates the result in the route sheet).
Storyteller. Well done boys. You have completed the task and you can continue on your way. Good luck!
fabulous mail
Evaluation conditions: for a correctly named hero - 1 point, for the name of a fairy tale - 1 point. The maximum is 14 points.
Postman. Glad to see you, dear friends. I was waiting for helpers. Many telegrams have been sent to our mail, but they are all unsigned. I want you to help me determine who sent these telegrams.
(Gives the team a bag with telegrams and the guys read the telegram and call the hero of the fairy tale who sent it, and his address (fairy tale). Then the postman notes the result in the route sheet).
Telegram texts:
- “Sorry, I can’t come, because I handed over my boots for repair ...” (Puss in Boots)
“We can't meet. An egg broke - the grandfather cries and the woman cries. Should calm down…” (Ryaba chicken)
- “I got into an unpleasant situation. I float on a leaf of a water lily along the river. I want to get rid of the nasty toad. I will be later". (Thumbelina)
“I can’t leave my post. We must go right, left and guard the oak with fairy tales. (Scientist cat)
“He shot an arrow so that it flew off in an unknown direction. Busy looking for her." (Ivan Tsarevich)
“I was in such a hurry to leave the ball that I lost my shoe. I'm waiting to be returned." (Cinderella)

- “I hurt my mother. He must find her and ask for forgiveness. When I find and earn forgiveness, I will immediately arrive. (boy star)
Postman. You correctly named the heroes of fairy tales. Hope we get them. And I wish you an easy road in your future journey.
Quarter Intellectual.
Evaluation conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point, for the correct explanation - 1 point. The maximum number is 10 points.

Scientist. Hello guys!
I'm a scientist,
Your passionate people were waiting for you.
I have prepared assignments for you
To test your logic and knowledge.
I think it's up to your mind
Tell me what's wrong and why.
Hurry up to the tasks,
Decide everything together.
Exercise: find the redundant and explain why.
1.A. S. Pushkin, S. Marshak, R. Kipling, K. Chukovsky. (Superfluous - R. Kipling, since all writers are Russian, except R. Kipling).
2. "Ugly duckling", "Cinderella", " The Snow Queen", "Wild Swans". (Extra - "Cinderella", it was written by C. Perrot, and the rest of the tales - G. H. Andersen)
3. Stepmother, mouse, swallow, mole. (Superfluous - stepmother. She is not the heroine of the fairy tale "Thumbelina")
4. “Puss in Boots”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Porridge from an ax”. (Superfluous - "Porridge from an ax", since all fairy tales are magical, and this one is everyday).
5. "Kolobok", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Crane and the Heron", "Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo". (Extra - "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", since this tale is the author's, and the rest are folk)
Scientist. You guys are great -
Completed the task.
Cut all ends
Demonstrating both logic and knowledge.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that troubles do not know on the way
And they won.
Good luck on your journey.
Picture gallery.
Evaluation conditions: it is necessary to add four illustrations in 3 minutes and name which fairy tale they are for; for time - 4 points (if you managed), 5 points (if you did it earlier), 3 or less (if you didn’t invest on time); 1 point for each correctly assembled illustration and 1 point for the title of the fairy tale. The maximum number of points is -13.
Art critic. I am infinitely glad to welcome you to our temple of art. But we had a misfortune - I can’t show you all the paintings, because recently robbers climbed into our gallery and cut the paintings into pieces. To find out what paintings were, you need to restore them.


("The beauty and the Beast")

("Alice in Wonderland")

("Aladdin's Lamp")
(Gives the team several envelopes with illustrations for fairy tales cut into pieces - the illustrations are suggested below, and you can cut them arbitrarily. The guys should fold the pictures and name the fairy tale as quickly as possible. Time is taken into account when setting the result)
Art critic. Well done boys. You saved our gallery. Now other children can see these pictures. Thanks for the help. I wish you success.
(Notes the result in the route sheet)
Music Salon
Evaluation conditions: for each correctly guessed melody - 1 point and for each excerpt from the song performed - 1 point. There are five melodies in total: total points - 10.

Musician(music director). Hello guys! In our music salon, guests are always welcome, true connoisseurs of music and singing.
What is a song?
This is true friend.
The song is joy
Loud laughter all around
A thousand melodies, surf voices ...
There is nothing in the world
Music is more wonderful
Because music is always with you!
You love musical cartoons and films based on fairy tales. Many of their songs are probably familiar to you. Many have become beloved. And many of you even like to sing yourself. I suggest you play the game "Guess the melody". I will play a few notes of the melody, and you should name what movie or cartoon this song is from and sing a few lines.
(Songs: Cinderella "Stand in a circle", Princess Fun "But I don't want, I don't want according to the law ..." from the cartoon "Flying Ship", the song of the Bremen Town Musicians, the song of the Turtle Tortilla from "Pinocchio", the song of the squirrel from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and other.
Note: the leader can choose songs at his discretion; you can play them musical instrument or listen to the audio recording; there should be no more than five melodies.)

Musician. Hooray! On a narrow path
Meet sometimes
Poetry with music
Like a couple in spring...
And at that time, hearty,
Merge then
They are eternal in understanding,
Like air, bread, water.
They sing better
They sound brighter
And, becoming a good song -
Make people happy! (Vadim Semernin)
Guys, live with music in your soul. Let her make you happy.
Boulevard of Secrets
Evaluation conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point if you invested in time; additional 2 points if you did it faster; maximum amount- 6 points.
Ole Lukoil. They say there are no fairy tales...
You don't believe! Who told you so?
The one who grew up completely forgets
As once in his childhood he dreamed.
They say that there are no miracles in the world.
Lie! Believe me, miracles happen!
The main thing is to believe in them, like children,
And they will visit you immediately. (Marina Loksina)
I welcome you to the Boulevard of Secrets.
(Pulls out a large colored envelope)
There's a secret hidden in this envelope
Having declassified it, they must give an answer.
Your captain will help you with this:
What he will show - try to find out.
Your team leader will be a pantomime, and how good your answers will show. Taking out a picture from the envelope, you need to show what is shown on it with the help of gestures and movements. And the team must name the object. One picture is 30 seconds.
(Pictures in the envelope: 1) magic wand

2) magic mirror

3) sword-kladinets

4) walking boots

Anna Demidova
Scenario of entertainment "Fairytale Journey"

Target: To evoke positive emotions from cooperation with peers.

Tasks: To cultivate emotional responsiveness in children, to form positive attitude to fairy tales, develop imagination and acting skills, teach children to work in a team and listen to the interlocutor.

Children sit in the hall, the screen turns on. On Screen Storyteller

storyteller: So, what do we have here? BUT! There you are! Where are you? Something I got lost ... Guys, I urgently need to get to you! But how to do that? We need to come up with something ... Can you tell me the address, but I'll come by taxi? For a long time? Well, yes. So let's try the old fashioned way: Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly take me there! It doesn't work... Probably, you need to help me. Let's get up from our seats, raise our hands up and, together with me, say the spell loudly and clearly! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly take me there! No, you need to be even more friendly and louder, and repeat the movements after me, let's try again! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly take me there!

The storyteller disappears from the screen and appears at the front door

storyteller: Hello, dear children! So I got it, thank you very much for your help! What are you good fellows! \ Tell me, do you read fairy tales, or do you just sit on the Internet?

Children's answers

storyteller: Well, then let's check how you love and remember fairy tales! Who had an icy hut, and who had a bast?

Children: Icy - at the Fox, bast - at the hare.

Storyteller: In what fairy tale could an apple tree, a stove and a river speak?

Children: "Swan geese"

storyteller: A fairy tale in which main character turned into a cloud?

Children: "Snow Maiden"

storyteller: Which of the animals was the first to discover the teremok in the forest?

Children: Norushka mouse.

storyteller: What is the beginning of fairy tales?

Children: In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, Once upon a time there were ...

storyteller: And what words end fairy tales?

Children: That's the end of the fairy tale ... He began to live, live ... They lived happily ever after ... And I was there, drinking beer honey.

storyteller: Well, I see you read fairy tales, well done! Do you want to be part of the story?

Game based on the fairy tale "Turnip"

storyteller: Guys, do you all know the tale about Turnip? Let's remember it together now. We all need to stand in a circle. In the center there will be a leader - Grandfather, he will call for help from his relatives: Grandmother, Granddaughter, Zhuchka, Cat and Bear. The grandfather will go in a circle and when he stops, points to the participant and names the character, the one he pointed to must immediately portray this one. If there is a hitch, then this participant goes to the center and becomes the Grandfather.

storyteller: Great guys! And tell me, which of you have a grandmother or grandfather? Do you visit them? (phone rings) Hello! Hi, how's life? ( turns away) Sorry, children ... What are you? Oh, I'm with the children now, can you come to us? Come on! Excuse me, a friend called me, her granddaughter very rarely comes to her. She even forgot what she looks like! Can you imagine? She wants to find her, but she’s just blind ... She should come to us, but she lives far away - in the forest ... I need your help, let's say the spell again! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly bring granny here! Well, what are you guys trying to do badly, let's do it one more time with the movements! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly bring granny here!

Grandma appears. He looks around and adjusts his glasses.

Grandmother: Oh, where am I?

storyteller: Don't worry, my friend, it was we who brought you here with the children!

Grandmother: Ah… Thank you! And what kind of kids are sitting there? Looks like my granddaughter is among them! I can smell it right! (looks at the children) There you are, my Little Red Riding Hood! How long have I not seen you! She grew up, got prettier ... Well, show your grandmother how you are in a hurry to me! (puts a hat on the child and takes him to the stage) Here you are walking through the forest to visit me. You go very fast, because it's scary in the forest. You are jumping up and down like you are in a hurry to your beloved grandmother... You stumble, but you still run to your grandmother...

The game "Pantomime" The child shows with movements everything that Grandmother says

Grandmother: No, she doesn't look like my granddaughter. If she ran so well, she would already be at my house with pies ... Well, let me look again, maybe you are my granddaughter? (calling another child) You're so slow, slow. You go slowly because you dream about something all the time, You always turn somewhere and go astray. You pick up mushrooms and flowers along the way, and all this is very slow, and when you hear that someone is coming, you immediately hide behind a tree ... (the child performs movements)

Grandmother: No, she doesn’t look like my granddaughter ... My granddaughter is not afraid of anything, even a wolf ... I remember a wolf came to me and ate me, and then swallowed her ... So she was not scared a bit! (calling another child) There you are, you look like my granddaughter! My granddaughter is brave and determined, she is not afraid of any obstacles! She walks proudly with her shoulders squared and looks down on everything. My granddaughter is so beautiful, so she often looks at herself in the mirror and does not pay attention to anything else ...

The child shows with movements everything that Grandmother says

Grandmother: No, and this is not my granddaughter ... Probably, she is now doing her homework at home, and I am looking for her here ...

storyteller: Do not worry, dear friend! Your granddaughter is coming soon! (hugs Grandmother and takes out her phone and writes SMS) Let's play with the children for now, since you're here?

Grandmother: Well, come on, I just have one interesting game! It's called "Kolobok". We all need to stand in a circle. And now we will pass the kolobok to each other, but not just pass it on, but tell the neighbor to whom you pass it a compliment or any pleasant words. But, only, chur, speak only the truth! And you can not repeat!

Now let's pass the ball in the opposite direction.

Now let's say good wishes to each other!

And in reverse side, and remember that you can not repeat!

Game "Kolobok". The children get up from their seats and do the task of Grandmother Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandmother: How kind, sympathetic and resourceful you are! You would probably be friends with my granddaughter!

Grandma's phone rings.

Grandmother: Oh, what is it? Yes, this is what my granddaughter gave me when last time came! Hello! Little Red Riding Hood, honey! Why don't you come to me for so long? Already at my place, and why didn’t you warn that you would come to visit? In contact, you say, wrote? And I don't know where it is! I'll be there soon, just wait for me! What to do? I won't make it!

storyteller: Do not worry! The guys and I will help you. Close your eyes and think of home and granddaughter, and we will cast a spell and you will be at home! Guys, let's get together together: Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, move granny there as soon as possible!

Children with the Storyteller perform the exercise. Nothing happened.

Storyteller: Guys, let's be even more friendly!

Grandma turns around and leaves.

Grandmother: Oh oh oh! Thank you guys! Goodbye! (leaves)

storyteller: Goodbye! Such a time is now, all the youth are in contact ... I also started a page for myself, I even have friends there: Koschey, Nesmeyana, Ivanushka, Baba Yaga ... And what is it with our Yagus? Writes in the status that life is unfair! Come on, let's call her!

Calls Yaga via video link. Baba Yaga appears very sad.

storyteller: Hello, Yagusya, what happened to you? Why you so sad?

Baba Yaga: Hey! How can you not be sad when your favorite broom is broken! And now I'm neither here nor there! (crying)

Storyteller: Is your broom under warranty? Did you take it in for repairs?

Baba Yaga: No, I didn't wear it. I tried to fix it myself: I soaked it in water, dried it in the sun, knocked on it with stones, read various spells - nothing helps!

storyteller: Well, what are you, Yagusya! This job needs a master! Come to us soon, we will help you figure it out!

Baba Yaga: Now - now, only you help me, otherwise my broom does not fly ...

storyteller: The guys and I will help! Come on guys, repeat after me Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, quickly bring Yagusya here! It didn’t work out again, today everything works out the second time! Abra-kadabra, mop-broom, bring Yagusya here as soon as possible!

Baba Yaga: Hello, guys, hello, dear! What is your holiday today?

storyteller: We have gathered today to study good deeds on the example of fairy tales. Guys, what do we need to do now to make Yagusia happier? That's right, help her! Yagusya, do you have instructions for this broom?

Baba Yaga: It was somewhere, but I didn’t read it, that I don’t know how to fly on a broom or what?

storyteller: Okay, what were you doing when your broom broke?

Baba Yaga:(Embarrassed) I swept it ... I swept a whole bunch of garbage, and then I think, I’ll fly to the store, but it wasn’t there!

Demonstration of the video where Yaga sweeps the assembly hall

storyteller A: Is it possible to mount a yard revenge? Perhaps the magic twigs just fell out of your broom, and now the broom can't fly.

Baba Yaga: And what to do now?

storyteller: You need to find magic twigs, and then your broom will fly again! We will help you guys!

storyteller: Guys, let's split into two teams and look in this room for twigs from Baba Yaga's magic broom. But your main task not just to find the lost twigs, but also to do it together, without pushing or interfering with each other. Whose team will be the most polite and collect the most twigs - won!

The game "Find the magic twig"

Baba Yaga: now my broom can fly again! Thanks a lot guys! Let me give you a ride on my broom for that!

Game "Ride on a broomstick"

Baba Yaga: Once again to you thank you very much, guys! And now it's time for me to go home, see you soon! (gets on a broom and drives off)

storyteller: You see, guys, how important it is to be interested in each other and help each other! After all, each of us sometimes needs help, not everyone can ask for it.

Guys, let's help me write a fairy tale! And then I can't do it myself! Let's get in a circle. I will start, and each of you in a circle will come up with a sentence to make an interesting story.

The game "Composing a fairy tale"

storyteller: What a wonderful story! Thank you very much guys! Next time I will tell the kids your story! Let's all take a selfie together!

And now I have to go, the kids are waiting for me at another job! See you soon!