How to make an infusion of garlic for spraying plants. Garlic infusion from garlic arrows for spider mites recipe. Recipes with garlic

For gardeners and vegetable gardeners, with the arrival of summer comes active time pest control. Against the backdrop of effective pesticides, folk remedies are no less popular, including garlic infusion from aphids and other harmful inhabitants that spoil the crop.

Why garlic is attractive for gardeners

Garlic, onions and a number of other plants contain phytoncides - antimicrobial substances that help prevent the appearance and spread of plant pests such as aphids and spider mites on the foliage. In addition, the active esters of garlic and onion repel other creatures harmful to the crop. Toxic substance activating the action of garlic is dallyl sulfite. Garlic is a natural insecticide that is especially helpful against leaf-eating insects, mites and ants. The most common types that garlic helps against are:

  • cabbage caterpillar;
  • codling moth;
  • snails;
  • mucus;
  • thrips;
  • peach glass.

In addition, garlic esters help protect the plant from fungi and bacteria.

An infusion of garlic against pests is prepared in different concentrations for different types harmful organisms. Thus, aphids can cause damage to fruit trees and shrubs by settling on their foliage, from which they draw juices, disrupting the viability of the plant. Various manipulations are carried out with solutions - plants are watered, foliage is treated, and garlic infusion is also used for spraying. It is especially important, when using garlic infusions against pests, not to harm the plant itself, so you should follow the instructions and recipe.

An infusion of garlic is prepared from all the components of this plant - leaves, arrows and even husks. To enhance the toxic effect on garden enemies, other active plant species are added to the garlic infusion.

  1. You can protect plants not only by watering them with garlic infusion: If you plant garlic next to currant bushes, you can thus protect it from damage by mites.
  2. Experienced gardeners, before planting strawberries, tomatoes or potatoes on a plot of land, plant garlic in this area a year before.
  3. Rose bushes will be protected from powdery mildew by planting garlic nearby.
  4. Garlic infusion also helps against field mice. Landed in different places Whether in the garden, it thus protects the plants from unwanted guests.
  5. Almost everything that can be watered with garlic infusion grows in the garden and vegetable garden. The most vulnerable and needy species include tomatoes, spinach, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers and other species. To ensure that vegetables and fruits do not lose their ecological purity, processing and watering with garlic infusion is what is needed.

Plants should also be watered with garlic infusion to strengthen their immunity. This property is also known in the use of the plant by people.

Despite the effectiveness of garlic characteristics for garden crops, treatment with garlic infusion indoor plants is strictly contraindicated. It should also be taken into account that the garlic infusion for plants will lose its potency if the field treated with it rains.

Treating plants with garlic infusion is a process that requires care and correct dosage. Here, as in the treatment of human diseases, the main thing is not to harm.

Recipes for infusions for spraying

For each type of pest there is a special recipe for how to prepare an infusion of garlic.

To get rid of cabbage moths, earwigs, aphids, and horned caterpillars, professional gardeners use the following garlic infusion for spraying, which is prepared in the following way:

  1. Crush a large number of garlic cloves well and pour vegetable oil. Let the mixture sit for 1 day.
  2. Strained infusion in the amount of 2 tsp. mix with 500 ml of water, add 0.5 tsp. liquid soap. Mix.
  3. Strain again.
  4. Plants are also sprayed with this solution in order to prevent the appearance of brown rot, the appearance of spots on the leaves, and fungal diseases.

There is another way to make an infusion of garlic for spraying. To prepare it, garlic should be minced and water added in a 1:1 ratio. In the warm dark room The mixture should be infused for 7-10 days. The plants are sprayed with the prepared solution at the rate of 50 - 70 ml per 10 liter bucket of water. In order for the solution to adhere well to the surface of the foliage, you can add a little laundry soap or washing powder.

An infusion of garlic leaves will help get rid of carrot flies and cucumber aphids:

  1. Fill half a bucket of green leaves to the top with water.
  2. Leave to stand in the sun for 2 days.
  3. It is advisable to carry out processing not in solar time days.

To avoid bacteriosis between cucumber rows, it is also recommended to plant onions and garlic. They also help prevent this disease by watering the areas between the rows with an infusion of garlic arrows according to the above recipe.

Spraying tomatoes with garlic infusion prepared according to the following recipe is necessary to get rid of late blight. This garlic infusion for spraying should be used 4-5 times per season:

  1. Pass 200 g of garlic through a meat grinder, leave for several days in 1 liter of water.
  2. Add the prepared infusion and 30 g of laundry soap (shavings) to 10 liters of water.
  3. The spray solution is also used against cutworm caterpillars.

There is another way to prepare a garlic infusion for spraying from the husks and leaves of the plant. To do this:

  1. The dry components of the plant are poured into a bucket of warm water at the rate of 150 g of raw material per 10 liters of water.
  2. The finished composition is filtered and fruit and berry plants are sprayed for 7 days.

Garlic peel, an infusion of which is used against spider mites, cutworms, and aphids, is also effective:

  1. 500 g of garlic peels are passed through a meat grinder and 5 liters of water are poured in.
  2. Strain the mixture and fill the extracts with water again. Do this several times to get 10 liters of composition.
  3. After last stage straining, treating with infusion
  4. plants.

Garlic infusions for flowers

Garlic infusion against pests is also used for watering flowers that decorate personal plot. Gladioli are protected from fusarium by planting 1 row of garlic between 2 rows of flowers, as well as by watering and spraying with garlic infusion.

If it is not possible to protect the flowers by simply planting garlic, you can spray the plants with an infusion of garlic prepared from 300 g of crushed plant and 5 liters of water. Infusion, strained after 2 days of exposure, based on 10 liters of water 1 half liter jar, used for watering flowers. It is strictly forbidden to water and spray in sunny, hot weather.

There is another way to infuse garlic for watering flowers:

  1. Pour crushed 600 g of garlic into a bucket of hot water.
  2. Boil covered over low heat for 3 hours.
  3. Strain the broth and dilute it by half again with water.
  4. The finished decoction should sit for at least a day.
  5. Water the soil at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 square meter.

An infusion of onion and garlic is used against pests that destroy the plant not only from above, but also in the soil:

  1. Boil 50 g in 2.5 liters of water onion peel and 50 g of tobacco dust for 2 hours.
  2. The broth is infused for an hour and 50 g of ready-made garlic pulp is added.
  3. Dilute the prepared composition in 5 liters of water.
  4. Plants already infected with other diseases are also used against aphids. Flowers can be irrigated.

Other Ways to Use Garlic for Plots

Before planting annual flowers in the ground in the spring, it is recommended to treat the selected planting sites with ready-made garlic infusion. do this a day before planting.

In addition to watering plants with garlic infusion, you can protect them even more. in a simple way- place arrows, leaves and garlic pods near them, as well as apply protective strapping.

An infusion of garlic arrows, prepared according to the standard method at the rate of 500 g of arrows per 5 liters of water, is used to water trees when ants appear near them. Arrows are also used in another way, which is no less effective than preparing garlic infusion. It consists in making flagella from them, which are tied around the trunk at a height of 30 cm from the ground. The smell of garlic will repel the ants, and they will not attack the trees.

In addition, there is another way to prepare an infusion of garlic for watering and irrigation. It implies a way to make a concentrated infusion of garlic for long-lasting plants:

  1. Grind the garlic bulbs into a paste, place it in a dark glass container and add water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Leave in a cool room for 11 days.
  3. Strain the finished infusion and store in a dark glass container, using garlic infusion against aphids and other pests, diluting 2 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water.

They also spray with garlic infusion in the form of a soap-oil concentrate, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Peel 5-6 cloves of garlic, press them through a press, add 10 ml of vegetable oil and 5 ml of liquid soap.
  2. Infuse the garlic in water for 3 days, strain, and add the remaining ingredients.
  3. For convenience, the contents are poured into a spray bottle and used for their intended purpose. The optimal proportion for 2 liters of water is 60 ml of concentrate.

An infusion of onion and garlic is prepared separately. To do this, add garlic pulp to 2 liters of water and at the same time add onion peels to 2 liters of water. Everything is left for 3 days, then the solutions are mixed. Use formulations prepared from diluted infusions (500 ml) per bucket of water. An infusion of garlic and onions against aphids prepared in this way will help not only prevent their appearance, but also cure a plant already infected with it.

Despite its effectiveness, the prepared infusion of garlic leaves or its other components is not a drug that will have an immediate effect. Like any folk remedy When choosing what to water with garlic infusion, owners of personal plots must be patient, since the process of treatment and prevention of plants is designed for at least weeks, or even months.

In any case, knowing how to make an infusion of garlic for spraying or watering a plant, you can be sure that thanks to this remedy, garden trees and shrubs, as well as flower plants, will not die from harmful insects and diseases.

Ordinary garlic can be an excellent assistant in the fight against garden pests. The article provides recipes for a decoction and several infusions of garlic and garlic peels, which will act as safe insecticides on your site. and there are a lot of them. Without fighting them there is no harvest. In the spring, you definitely need to cultivate the garden and...

If you do not want to use chemical insecticides at your dacha, you can use time-tested folk remedies, having the same properties, but safe for humans and environment. Garlic infusions– protection from pests.

spraying with garlic infusion

Garlic broth (helps against many pests living in the soil)

Garlic heads (600 grams), without peeling, chop in any way. Fill in hot water(1 bucket) and boil with the lid closed for about 3 hours. Then cool, pour through cheesecloth or a sieve into another container and dilute by half with water. Water the soil with this liquid once every 6-8 days, calculating so that for each square meter I had to use half a liter of product.

Garlic infusion

Eat different recipes Preparation and use of garlic infusion:

Recipe 1.

Grind garlic bulbs (half a kilogram) in a meat grinder or grind them in a mortar. Fill with warm water (5 liters), stir, leave for fifteen minutes. Strain and squeeze. Fill the pomace again with warm water (1 liter) and also let it brew for fifteen minutes, then strain. Now combine both solutions (prepared first and prepared after) and add another 4 liters of water. How to use: the resulting product is added to water in a ratio of 3:100, and plants affected by rust, spider mites, and aphids are watered using a watering can. For best results, apply in the evening or when it is cloudy.

Recipe 2.

Grind the garlic bulbs into a paste, place in a glass container and fill with cool water (ratio 1:1). Seal the mixture with a lid and let it brew for about 10 days. Strain the infused liquid, pour into a dark bottle and use as needed (for 10 liters of water - 25 milliliters of infusion), and keep in a cool place for storage. The infusion is effective against aphids and gray rot.

Recipe 3.

Grind half a kilogram of garlic bulbs thoroughly, place in a three-liter glass jar, pour in water at room temperature to the very top and leave to infuse for 5 days. warm place. Then strain and use, adding to 10 liters of water 60 milliliters of the resulting garlic infusion and 50 grams of grated laundry soap (the composition sticks better with soap). Treat plants by spraying. Helps get rid of aphids and spider mites.

Recipe 4.

The husks remaining when peeling garlic can also be used to prepare an infusion. Don't throw it away, but collect it throughout the year for summer season. To make an infusion, pour 150 grams of husks and dry garlic leaves into a bucket of water, leave for a day, and then strain. Apply immediately - spray plants that need to be rid of pests such as spider mites and aphids. I invite you to the group on for summer residents and gardeners: “Country hobbies” Everything about country life: dacha, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, relaxation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

In the garden and vegetable garden, farmers are faced with an invasion of various pests that have a detrimental effect on the future harvest and destroy plants through their vital activity. Garlic is rightly called a natural insecticide. It contains antimicrobial substances (phytoncides), a toxic component (dallyl sulfite), active esters that are effective against leaf-eating caterpillars, spider mites, various small larvae and others. harmful insects. Garlic infusions for spraying against pests should be prepared taking into account their type, making the product more or less concentrated. Only with this approach will processing be effective.

Efficiency of use

By using water-infused garlic in the garden, you can not only save the affected plant, but also protect the rest of the plantings from attack by harmful organisms. The natural insecticide is active against:

  • cabbage whites;
  • snails;
  • slugs;
  • sawfly larvae;
  • thrips.

The infusion is used to spray plants against fungal and bacterial diseases. Garlic is often used against aphids. This small insect infects plantings in entire colonies and, having settled on the leaves, sucks out the juices, disrupting their viability.

For garden pests, the prepared solution not only treats the leaves, but also waters the plantings. The main thing is not to harm the plant itself, so you should follow the amount of the main component specified in the instructions or recipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of garlic infusion

Despite the list of advantages, natural insecticide has disadvantages:

  • Effective only at the beginning of the disease.
  • If the norms of plant raw materials specified in the recipe are exceeded, the solution may destroy the crop.

Infusions of garlic arrows should be used against pests in the garden in dry, windless weather, in the morning or late evening, for maximum results. It is recommended to carry out treatments for 3 days in a row, then a 7-day break, and if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

Cooking recipes and application

Depending on the type of harmful organism, the infusion recipe is individual. So, a working solution against cabbage moths, aphids, earwigs, and horned caterpillars is prepared as follows:

  1. Chop the garlic cloves (a liter jar) well.
  2. Transfer to a container and pour in purified vegetable oil (0.5 l).
  3. Infuse the mixture for a day.
  4. Strain and add to the solution of 2 tsp. and 0.5 liters of water liquid soap in the amount of ½ tsp.
  5. Mix all ingredients and pass through cheesecloth and strainer again.

Garlic infusion is used for spraying against the development of brown rot and fungal infections.

You can prepare the infusion according to another recipe. To do this, plant raw materials are passed through a meat grinder and diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Place in a warm, dark place and let it brew for 7-10 days. Irrigation is carried out with a solution made from 50 ml of infusion and 10 liters of water.

To destroy carrot flies and cucumber aphids, you need to fill a bucket halfway with green leaves, fill it with water (to the top) and let it sit in the sun for two days. To protect against bacteriosis, it is good to plant garlic or onions between the cucumber rows. You can prepare an infusion of garlic arrows to combat these pests and water the rows.

Garlic peels are used in the garden as a preventive measure. The working fluid is prepared from crushed raw materials (150 g) and 10 liters of warm water. Leave for a day, after straining the product is ready for use.



At the very beginning of my dacha “career,” I could not even think that plant diseases could be dealt with in any other way than by using solutions of insecticides or fungicides. Therefore, the beginning of each summer season for me was marked by a trip to the store, where I had to shell out a tidy sum for all this chemicals.

However, the abundance of gardening problems finally forced me to seek advice from experienced people, from whom I learned about unique properties garlic

It turned out that this traditional vegetable of our beds is capable of dealing with annoying bugs encroaching on the harvest in no time. It is no less effective in combating fungal plant diseases. I rechecked the tips on how to use garlic, collected bit by bit, on personal experience and, having appreciated their incomparable effect, I now use them annually on my site.



Garlic infusion helps me fight aphids on garden and vegetable crops. Since this weasel doesn’t let me get bored throughout the season, I prepare the infusion for future use and use it as needed. I grind 200 g of garlic cloves in a mortar to a paste, then place it in a 1 liter jar and fill it to the top with warm water. Jar with closed lid I keep it in a warm, dark place for 5 days, shaking the contents periodically. Then I filter the infusion, pour it into a dark glass bottle, seal it and put it in the refrigerator. When I notice aphid colonies on plant shoots, I pour 100 ml of the infusion into 5 liters of water and generously moisten the affected area with the solution.


These pests are most active during hot and dry summer. To rid my plantings of them, I first prepare a dandelion infusion: I infuse 1 - 1.5 kg of fresh chopped grass in a bucket of water for 2 days. Then I add a glass of garlic cloves minced through a meat grinder to the infusion and let the cocktail sit for about half an hour. After this, I filter the aromatic infusion, pour it into a watering can and irrigate the damaged plants.


The same infusion of garlic and dandelions will quickly deal with caterpillars on cabbage. Usually 2 - 3 treatments with an interval of 1 - 2 days are enough to completely rid the plantings of white moth and cutworm larvae.


To combat the cruciferous flea beetle, which throughout warm season attacks cabbage, radish, radish, daikon and other cruciferous crops, using a different recipe. Pour a glass of sifted wood ash into 10 liters of warm water and leave it overnight. In the morning I add a glass of garlic pulp to the ash infusion; After half an hour, I filter the liquid and dissolve in it 1/4 of a bar of tar soap, grated. To rid the plantings of already appeared flea beetles, I water the plants with this infusion from a watering can every 2 - 3 days, and in order to prevent the invasion, it is enough to carry out the treatment once a week.


To combat the voracious Colorado potato beetle, I use a fragrant infusion of garlic and celandine. For this purpose, I place 5 - 6 unpeeled heads of garlic in a bucket (I crush them with a rolling pin), as well as 1.5 kg of chopped celandine herb. I fill the contents with hot water to the top, cover with a lid and leave for 5 - 6 days.

Then I filter the infusion and spray the potato bushes and the ground under them, repeating the procedure every week. I go to the dacha on weekends, and by the time of my next visit, a new portion of such a killer cocktail is ripening.

Prevention of fungal diseases with garlic

In addition to powerful phytoncides that repel garden pests, garlic contains valuable compounds (with antiseptic and bactericidal properties) that suppress the activity of pathogens of fungal plant diseases. Therefore, garlic infusion helps get rid of such plant ailments as late blight, rust, scab, bacteriosis, gray rot, etc. But it is worth noting that such a remedy must be used at the first signs of a fungal infection, and better yet, in advance - for prevention. At an advanced stage of the disease, garlic will be powerless; here it’s time for killer chemicals.

I spray plants to protect against diseases without waiting for their unpleasant symptoms to appear. To do this, I prepare a concentrated infusion based on 0.5 kg of garlic cloves. I pass the vegetable through a meat grinder, place the pulp in a saucepan and pour in 5 liters of warm water.

I keep the contents for an hour under the lid, then I filter and again fill the squeeze with 1 liter of clean warm water. After another hour, I filter the second infusion, combine it with the first and bring the volume to 10 liters, adding clean water. For foliar spraying, I pour in 1.5 cups of this infusion for every 10 liters of water.

ADVICE. To retain the garlic cocktail on the foliage of plants, before foliar spraying I add 1-2 tbsp to the liquid. spoons of liquid or a piece of solid soap, grated (this does not apply to the composition for cruciferous flea beetles, which already contains tar soap). I carry out any of the treatments in the evening, and if suddenly “unscheduled” rain happens, then after it ends I repeat the procedure again.


I use the garlic squeezes remaining after preparing each infusion for a second purpose: I place them close to the trunks of trees and the bases of berry bushes. This helps to scare away ants from garden crops, which graze aphids on the tops of their branches.

And if I notice an anthill in the garden bed, then I spread the cake from the infusion directly on its “top”. Immediately after such a treat, the ants begin to grab their eggs in panic and retreat in an unknown direction.


An infusion of garlic and wormwood serves as an excellent remedy against a variety of pests. fruit trees- aphids, mites, flea beetles, honey beetles, codling moths, earwigs, etc. I fill the bucket a quarter full with freshly picked wormwood grass (which I chopped with a hatchet) and fill it with water heated in the sun. I keep the contents in the sun under a lid for 3 days. Then I add 300 g of chopped garlic, mix and leave the infusion for another 30-40 minutes. After careful filtering, I pour the fragrant elixir into a sprayer and generously moisten the crown of the affected tree. I spray garden strawberries with the same infusion to protect them from weevils.

In this case, prevention turns out to be more effective than treatment: it is important to scare away adult pests from plantings and prevent them from laying eggs on plants, since it is the larvae operating inside the ovary that reduce the yield. To do this, during the budding period of the bushes, I carry out 3-4 sprayings with an interval of 4-5 days and complete the procedures after the flowers bloom.

How to use garlic against pests

NATALIA KOMAR shared her experience

To combat pests and fungal diseases of plants, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of garlic

Many people have heard that garlic can be used instead of pesticides.
against pests and plant diseases in your garden. They heard it, but they don’t know or don’t remember how to do it. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of garlic. Read on to find out how this is done. I offer two ways to prepare garlic infusion.

So, the first way.

To prepare an infusion of garlic against pests such as cabbage
moths, earwigs, flea beetles, mosquitoes, aphids, whiteflies, bedbugs, horned caterpillars, the following is required:

1. Finely chop or crush large number cloves of garlic and place them in purified vegetable oil for a day;
2. Strain;
3. Mix two teaspoons of the resulting solution with half a liter of water, add a little (several grams) of liquid soap;
4. Mix well and strain again.

To spray plants in the garden, we use this particular concentration, because... higher concentrations may damage the plant itself. The substances contained in the resulting garlic solution can cope with brown rot, leaf spot, scab, rust and many other fungal plant diseases.

You can also use a mother infusion of garlic to control pests.
1. To do this, garlic is passed through a meat grinder.
2. Add water at a ratio of one to one.
3. The container is tightly closed and placed in a warm, dark place for 1 - 1.5 weeks.

The resulting garlic solution can be stored for a very long time. For spraying, take 20-70 ml. on a bucket of water. For better adhesion of the solution to the leaves
plants, you can add a few grams of soap or washing powder to it.

What plants can be treated with garlic tincture?

Yes, perhaps, all the plants that grow in the garden, which someone gnaws, and which suffer from fungal diseases. These are primarily tomatoes (in the greenhouse and in open ground), cucumbers, sorrel, spinach, radishes, etc.

All living things scatter from this infusion. There is only one drawback.
The garlic solution is effective until the first rain. The rain has passed, washed it away, and needs to be sprayed again. But it is an environmentally friendly drug for controlling pests and plant diseases.

The only drawback of these methods is the more frequent complex use various means, compared to chemical treatment. In any case, the choice is always yours.

From caterpillars on trees. Boil 1 kg of dried wormwood for 5-10 minutes
a small amount of water. I cool the infusion, filter and dilute 10 liters
water. You can also add laundry soap. I add 1 tsp to the solution.
a spoonful of birch tar and spray the trees. This

the infusion also helps get rid of aphids. In addition, they are good at repelling caterpillars
dill, parsley, mustard and cumin planted under the trees.

From caterpillars on cabbage. I use decoctions or infusions from potato tops,
burdock, milkweed, garlic, tansy or wormwood. I add laundry soap to all these infusions (for sticking).

From cruciferous flea beetle.
I pollinate plants with wood ash mixed in equal parts with tobacco dust. Garlic, celery, and coriander planted nearby cope well with this pest.

From leaf-eating pests. Add 10 liters of warm water, 1 glass of 9% vinegar and 400 g of salt. I thoroughly bathe the cabbage in this solution.

From the scoop. At the beginning of summer, I spray the beds with an infusion of flowering wormwood: finely chop 300 g of wormwood, add 1 glass of wood ash, 20-30 g of laundry soap (even better - tar), pour 10 liters of boiling water over everything. I cool the infusion, strain and

I spray it.

Another simple remedy gives a good effect on scoops on tomatoes and cabbage: let jars of fermented compote or kvass stand on the beds all summer (they need to be renewed from time to time).
To get rid of cutworms on trees, I hang the compote product on the branches in cut-off PET bottles. In addition, to repel cutworms, it is good to plant the beds with calendula and marigolds.

From slugs in the garden. Once a week, in the evening, I spray the beds with a 10% solution. ammonia(2 tablespoons per bucket of water). Besides, it's not bad
plant nutrition.

From ants. Pour 1.5 kg of ash into 10 liters of water, bring to a boil, cool, add 20 g of tar soap. With this infusion I spray areas where ants accumulate, which are primarily harmful due to the spread of aphids. Garlic infusion works well against ants:
I dilute 1 liter of infusion of fermented garlic arrows with 5-7 liters of water and add 4 tbsp. spoons of birch tar. Sometimes I water the places favored by ants with a solution of old vegetable oil and water.

You can also prepare bait for insects: dissolve in 1 glass of water 1
teaspoon boric acid and 3 teaspoons of sugar (or make a mixture of boric acid and egg yolk). Place lumps of cotton wool soaked in this solution around the anthill or on the paths.

From the bear. This pest can be effectively combated by spraying the rows with ammonia water (1 glass per bucket of water).

To combat onion flies, dilute 1 glass of salt in 10 liters of water and water the onions: for one plant - approximately 100 ml of solution (pour into the center of the onion nest). It’s good to plant marigolds next to onions. I tried alternating onions with carrots - the result was not very good. To protect onions from various diseases, I spray them with a solution of baking soda (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

Carrot. You can repel carrot flies by dusting the carrot rows hot pepper and wood ash. You can also spray the soil and the carrots themselves with an infusion of onion peels, tobacco dust, garlic, spruce or pine needles, tomato tops (every 3 days) and often loosen the rows. If you are not going to use the tops in the coming days, you can add birch tar to the infusions (1 teaspoon per 10 liters) - then you can spray the carrots once a week.

To get rid of cucumber aphids, I treat cucumbers with an infusion of green potato tops: pour 0.5 buckets of tops with a bucket of water and leave in the sun for 2 days. To repel insects, you can add the green part of garlic to this infusion. From powdery mildew Every 2 weeks I spray cucumbers with this infusion: I infuse a half-liter jar of fresh ash in 10 liters of water for 2-3 days. To avoid bacteriosis, I plant onions and garlic between the cucumbers (I also scatter their shoots between the rows).

From late blight on tomatoes. About five times a season I spray my tomatoes with garlic infusion: leave 200 g of garlic minced in a small amount of water for several days, then dilute it in 10 liters of water and add 30 g of laundry soap. This remedy is also effective against armyworms.

Since there are a lot of recipes for combating various pests and diseases, I wrote them all down in a separate notebook (for each plant) - and now I always have them at hand.

I wish everyone environmentally friendly harvests without much effort and high costs!

L. S. Moskalenko, Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region.

Garlic. Controlling garden pests using herbal remedies
Man has long known that plants help each other. And it is not at all necessary to make a decoction of one vegetable in order to pour the healing liquid over another. Sometimes it’s enough just to correctly plant a couple of tasty and fragrant plants nearby, and they themselves will establish relationships of mutual assistance and support.

Many attentive gardeners notice that rows of carrots alternating with rows of onions are less damaged by carrot flies. Onions, in turn, suffer less from onion flies and onion hoverflies. Growing garlic in beds with
cucumbers, cabbage, turnips, potatoes reduces the risk of their damage various diseases. To increase the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to cut from time to time garlic arrows. Then the cleansing fragrance of the vigorous vegetable will spread much more strongly.

If there is a nematode in the area, garlic, this unique insecticidal vegetable,
can also be a great help. It has long been proven that many types of nematodes in the soil become significantly smaller if garlic was the predecessor of potatoes, tomatoes, and strawberries.

Other plants also have effective anti-nematode properties. For example, medicinal marigolds, or calendula. These flowers can serve as good predecessors for potatoes, strawberries, carrots, onions and the same garlic, because it itself often suffers greatly from onion stem nematode. (He helps others, but is powerless against his own illness.)

Marigolds do not have to be sown directly on the vegetable bed. Place them next to protected vegetables and you will notice that the latter will get sick
much less.

There are pragmatic gardeners who are skeptical about flowers, considering their beauty and aroma to be useless. They say that everything that does not go directly to the table only wastes space in the sun. This is wrong.

Any plants blooming in the area usually attract numerous beneficial insects, especially the so-called parasites, which lay their eggs in the bodies of harmful insects, subsequently causing their death.

Bulbs, dry leaves and garlic peels are actively used against aphids, cutworms, and spider mites. For spider mites and aphids, 0.5 kg of garlic is ground or passed through a meat grinder, 3-5 liters of water are poured in, stirred, filtered, and the extracts are filled with water again. After filtering, the resulting solution is brought to 10 liters (water is added) and immediately used against pests.