The stomach becomes stone at 39 weeks. Size, appearance and position of the fetus

Closer to birth, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less, although it is still renewed every three hours and will continue to do so even when labor begins. You should no longer be gaining weight, but the baby continues to grow. At week 39, it weighs an average of 3300 g and reaches more than 50 cm in length.

Fetus at 39 weeks of gestation: movements

And, since the baby is already quite large and already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, he has nowhere to move much. Accordingly, if before this you could observe periodic “dancing” of the baby in your tummy, now he will only push you from the inside from time to time.

Although he has nowhere to move, the baby, nevertheless, tries to move. Moreover, through movements the child trains coordination and little by little increases muscle strength. The intensity and nature of the movements should be further monitored: the mask should respond about 10-12 times per day. If the child shows excessive activity, pushes strongly and often, or, on the contrary, his movements are felt weakly and rarely, immediately inform the doctor about this: a change in the nature and frequency of movements in one direction or another indicates trouble.

Baby at 39 weeks of pregnancy The heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys - everything is ready to support the life of the baby outside the womb. However, the processes of development and improvement do not stop and will continue after birth. In particular, the central nervous system develops unevenly.

The pancreas begins to produce enzymes that will break down food entering the baby's stomach. But beneficial bacteria will begin to populate the intestines only after tasting - now it is sterile.

In most cases, immediately after birth, the newborn's intestines are emptied with meconium. But it often happens that this happens in the womb before the birth process begins (most often the cause is a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy). In such cases, the doctors and obstetricians delivering the baby perform a special procedure to cleanse the bronchi, called lavage. As before, all nutrients reach the child through. But in recent weeks it begins to age: its service life is coming to an end. The umbilical cord will be cut after childbirth only when it stops pulsating. And only then does the birth of a child’s place take place - last third.

Expectant mother

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already completely ready for independent existence, but ideally the pregnancy should still last this and next week. But you should have been completely ready for childbirth a few weeks ago. Although this does not mean at all that the expectant mother is obliged to lose peace and be in constant anticipation of the start of contractions.

If your bags for the maternity hospital are packed, and you are psychologically prepared for the events awaiting you, then you should not care. But it’s easy to say, but not easy to do, right? Some anxiety and nervousness are still present. The main thing is to listen to the baby, talk to him, calm him down before giving birth, but ask him not to linger - the time is approaching.

You will certainly understand that it has “started”: spasms will appear in the lower abdomen, repeating 5 times an hour, and then more often; you will feel nagging pain in the lumbar region; perhaps the water will break and appear spotting. IN initial period During childbirth, your mother's appetite may increase - prepare yourself some light, low-fat snack in advance.

Childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy: harbingers

In the meantime, until it “starts”, listen to yourself and track possible changes that will indicate the imminent onset of labor. Shortly before the start of labor, a woman learns about its approach by changes in appetite - it noticeably decreases. The weight of a pregnant woman can also decrease: many successful mothers say that the weight at the end of pregnancy, if it does not stop, then decreases by 1-2 kg.

False contractions, which until this time were painless and infrequent, now become more intense and noticeable. In addition to the fact that contractions begin to appear more frequently, they occur against the background pulling stomach and lower back: nagging pain ringing the lower abdomen and lumbar region, is another one of the harbingers of childbirth. You can distinguish false contractions from real ones - and many expectant mothers are very afraid of confusing them - by changing the position of the body. Do you feel like you're giving birth? Get up, walk around the apartment, sit down on the chair again. If the contractions have passed with a change in body position and type of activity, then it is too early to go to the maternity hospital.

The appearance of mucus in the vaginal discharge will indicate that labor is approaching - it can be either transparent or pinkish or brown. An admixture of mucus consists of particles of a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. Now the cervix is ​​gradually softening and contracting, preparing for childbirth, so the particles of the plug come out. But you can see the mucus plug itself in the form of a lump of mucus, possibly streaked with blood, the volume of which is approximately 2 tablespoons. The release of the mucus plug is another signal that labor is about to begin.

Many women, before giving birth, develop a nesting instinct: out of nowhere, strength and an irresistible desire to improve the house, making it as comfortable as possible, appear. Do not deny yourself such pleasure, but it is difficult physical work instruct assistants. Save your strength for yourself important event in your life.

IN last days before giving birth, a woman may also notice disorders in digestive system. Diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, perhaps even vomiting - all these symptoms may well precede the onset of labor. Well, while your tummy is calm, provide your baby with sufficient oxygen supply - go for a walk. But don’t go too far and be sure to take it with you.

Belly at 39 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts, droops

A drooping abdomen is another sign by which you will know that labor is imminent. In theory, the belly drops between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy, but this can happen now. Or it may not happen at all - some women do not notice a drooping belly until the onset of labor. If your stomach drops, you will definitely feel relief: it becomes easier to breathe, and the annoying heartburn will subside. Instead, there is a need for more frequent urination: the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which means the need for more frequent emptying increases.

Do not worry if you suddenly find pain in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back. Nagging pain localized to the “lower abdomen-lower back” at the 39th week of pregnancy is one of the normal variants, indicating the approach of labor.

Pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy

So, we already know about the nature of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back - these are the consequences of preparing the body for the upcoming birth and its attempt to tell the woman about their inevitable approach.

Again, due to the body’s preparation for an imminent birth, you now probably feel pain in the pelvic region, in the sacrum, in the pubis. The body actively produces the hormone relaxin, main task which - softening and relaxation of ligaments and bones. Plus, softened pelvic bones at this stage, they gradually diverge, preparing the most favorable conditions for the baby to travel through the birth canal. So the mother has to endure the pain caused by such changes in the body and wait for childbirth, after which the pain will go away on its own.

Surely you are already familiar with pain in the sacrum, in the back, in the spine. This is the result of a mixing of the center of gravity and increased loads. Leg pain is common for the same reason. In addition: due to compression of the femoral nerve, you may feel a shooting, aching pain in the back of the leg, sometimes reaching the knee. Recommendations for minimizing pain in the back, legs, and sacrum are still the same: relieve them regularly, sleep in the correct position, good rest, wearing a prenatal bandage.

By the way, by this time you may feel that your chest hurts. Don’t be surprised or scared: your breasts are now noticeably larger and heavier, and very soon they will be needed to feed your baby. Well, in the meantime, you patiently remove colostrum from your nipples and endure the usual pain and heaviness in your chest.

Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy

An important point this week is vaginal discharge: normally it should have a light milky color, uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir. Don't be surprised to notice a slight increase in vaginal discharge - this is a normal symptom of the 39th week of pregnancy. Also, you should not be alarmed by the presence of mucus impurities in the discharge: transparent, perhaps with a shade of pink, brown, beige, the mucus is particles of the mucus plug that still covers the cervix today.

But here is mucopurulent discharge, curdled or flaky, green or yellow should be a mandatory reason to see a doctor. A change in discharge in this direction clearly indicates the development of any genital infection, and while there is still little time left, it is imperative to undergo treatment. After all, if this is not done and the infection remains with the mother, the woman will probably “share” this very infection when the baby travels through the birth canal.

Do not delay your visit to the maternity hospital if you notice even small amounts of amniotic fluid. You will recognize amniotic fluid by detecting a thin, watery discharge, perhaps of a slightly yellowish tint. The rupture of amniotic fluid is a sure sign that labor will begin in the very near future. At the same time, the water cannot always be poured out immediately, in one stream: it is possible for the amniotic fluid to drain in small portions. This happens when the integrity of the membranes is worn out or damaged, and poses a certain danger to the child - if the integrity of the membranes is damaged, he becomes vulnerable to infections. This is why the appearance of amniotic fluid cannot be ignored in any case.

Contact the ambulance operator without delay even if you notice bloody discharge. Blood from the genital tract is a sign of abruption of a normally located placenta, a serious pathology that threatens the life and health of the baby. True, vaginal bleeding may also indicate placenta previa, but doctors have probably already ruled out this condition through preliminary multiple examinations.


An ultrasound at 39 weeks of pregnancy is usually not required, however, there may be individual indications for repeat ultrasound examination. As before, during an ultrasound, the doctor examines the baby, its size, and determines the degree of development.

Again, the condition of the uterus, its size, and the degree of maturity of the cervix will be assessed. An important criterion is also the assessment of the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity of the placenta will be determined: at the 39th week of pregnancy, the placenta is often in the third degree of maturity. The higher the degree of maturity of the placenta, the more degree its wear and tear. But for now, the placenta continues to serve well - through it, antibodies are supplied to the baby from the mother, which take part in the formation of the immune system.

An ultrasound at 39 weeks of pregnancy will also give an idea of ​​the location of the umbilical cord and eliminate the risk of the fetus being entangled in the umbilical cord. Keep in mind that entanglement with the umbilical cord is not a clear contraindication for childbirth. naturally: the umbilical cord is 55-65 cm long, which makes it possible for a woman to give birth on her own, and the umbilical cord itself is removed from the baby’s head immediately after birth. But, even if the umbilical cord is short and the noose around the neck is tightened as the baby passes through the birth canal, doctors, when monitoring and monitoring the birth process, react promptly and may decide to deliver by caesarean section.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Pregnancy is one of the most unforgettable periods in the life of every woman, and its last stages are very significant and exciting. It is at this moment that it is most important to monitor all changes and the emergence of new sensations that can indicate the correct or incorrect course of pregnancy.

In the penultimate week of pregnancy, any expectant mother already begins to mentally prepare for meeting the baby, listens especially carefully to all changes, both significant and minor, occurring in her body, and a stone belly at 39 weeks can cause a lot of anxiety and fear. In order to understand the nature of this phenomenon, it is necessary to become more familiar with all the changes that occur this period.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is ready to be born. During this period, his motor activity decreases somewhat, since the child no longer has enough space for frisky somersaults and somersaults. His height at this time averages 50-54 centimeters, and weight, as a rule, varies from 3200 to 3400 grams, but this does not mean that deviation from these parameters is not the norm. In this matter, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the baby. At this time, his liver and kidneys are already sufficiently formed, but they will continue to develop during the first months of life. The baby's intestines are filled with meconium - original feces accumulated after swallowing amniotic fluid. The baby already has excellent vision, allowing him to see in the dark and focus his gaze at a distance of about 20 centimeters. During this period, the growth and development of the placenta slows down significantly and it begins to age. It is believed that it has already fulfilled its function. Intrauterine development The baby’s growth also slows down, since nutrients are now supplied in quantities necessary only to maintain his vital functions. At the appointment, the doctor will definitely listen to the fetal heartbeat, and may also do an ultrasound to make sure that everything is fine with him. The gynecologist is obliged to examine the woman herself, in whose body certain changes have also occurred.

Starting from the 39th week of pregnancy, belly growth and weight gain stop. On at this stage The mucus plug may come away and the discharge from the genital tract may increase. The removal of the plug can only indicate that labor may begin very soon. After this, it is necessary to especially carefully observe hygiene and remember that under no circumstances should the possibility of infection of the fetus or microbes getting inside be allowed. During this period, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, but there is still enough of it for the baby to be protected from external influences.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, weight loss may occur. This becomes possible thanks to the derivation excess liquid and creating a certain hormonal levels, namely a change in the amount of progesterone and estrogen, which contributes to the loss of several kilograms.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, an inevitable decrease in the fundus of the uterus occurs, due to which the abdomen prolapses and the woman feels much better. This will be a real relief for those who suffer from heartburn. But it is during this period that pain in the back and lower back causes particular inconvenience. This is not surprising, because a growing fetus creates a serious burden for musculoskeletal system expectant mother. In this case, doctors recommend resting as much as possible, taking a horizontal position more often and getting enough sleep if possible. Water procedures also help well, but at this time it is better to limit yourself to taking a shower, especially if the mucus plug has already come off. It is not recommended to visit the pool during this period. In addition to these changes, there are also certain conditions that bring discomfort and anxiety.

Many women complain that their stomach becomes very hard. At 39 weeks this phenomenon is quite common. A hard belly at 39 weeks is sometimes a cause for serious concern for expectant mothers, who are truly frightened by it. But experts are rushing to convince them otherwise. In fact, this condition is more than natural and indicates how active the 39th week of pregnancy is. A hard belly is a sign of increased tone of the uterus and the beginning of its preparation for childbirth. It is at this time that training contractions intensify, which prepare the body for labor. Sometimes they can be so strong that they prevent you from sleeping at night. Gynecologists strongly advise women not to worry under any circumstances about how hard the belly becomes at 39 weeks. They assure that the threat of termination of pregnancy due to the tone of the uterus is already far behind and now this condition can only lead to childbirth, which is about to begin. Real contractions differ from training contractions primarily in their duration and frequency. If you suspect the onset of labor, you can turn on the contraction trigger, which is quite likely to confirm or refute these guesses. When confirming the start of the labor mechanism, you must take a shower, get ready and go to the maternity hospital, accompanied by close relative, or call the phone and call an ambulance team.

Childbirth at 39 weeks is not premature and is considered urgent. Therefore, if signs of the onset of labor occur, you should not panic, since this is considered a completely natural phenomenon that can complete the pregnancy quite physiologically.

So, experts talked about how the 39th week of pregnancy should actually proceed. The stomach becomes stone, as it turns out, due to the increased tone of the uterus; at such a late stage, this should not cause any concern, but can only be a signal of an approaching meeting with the baby.

The gestation period is coming to an end, and the baby can no longer wait to come out. All the baby’s vital systems are formed, and the fetus is approximately the size of a watermelon.

Spending time at home while waiting for the birth Expecting a boy
neatness of contraction phase
changes how much
in the clock position

Fetal development

When the 39th week of pregnancy begins, the baby should have the following achievements.

  1. By the end of the term, the weight of the fetus should be about 3 kilograms, and the height should reach 50 centimeters. These indicators are individual and are transmitted from the father and mother of the unborn child.
  2. The digestive, respiratory, immune and other systems of the body are ready to function. The first feces appear in the intestines as a result of the baby swallowing amniotic fluid. They are eliminated from the body after birth.
  3. The baby’s intestines do not yet have their own beneficial microflora - they will appear with the first portion of mother’s milk.
  4. The central nervous system is not yet fully developed. She will continue to improve after birth.
  5. The baby can already hear everything and feel touches on his stomach. He also distinguishes between light and dark times of the day, and he has developed a stable rhythm of life. He reacts to anxiety and calm state mother. Stress and excessive anxiety have a bad effect on a child's body.
  6. The child's eyes can focus at a distance of 20-25 centimeters.
  7. The fetus began to move less actively, as the space surrounding it became noticeably tighter. At 39 weeks this occurs due to less amniotic fluid. As a rule, the baby has already taken desired position to go outside.
  8. The sucking reflex, necessary for eating immediately after birth, actively develops.
  9. The baby's skin is no longer translucent. It has acquired a white tint, and folds due to weight gain and subcutaneous fat gradually smooth out.

Spending time at home

As a rule, the baby already has hair. Also, a child at 39 weeks of gestation tries to focus his gaze and respond to a color image.

At 39 weeks, the expectant mother is worried about the upcoming birth. Her body and baby are ready for this process. If you follow some recommendations, it will be easier for the mother to wait for the long-awaited moment.

Final preparations By this time, the expectant mother already knows where she will give birth, as well as who will deliver the baby. She must have everything collected necessary documents, medicines, things for a trip to the maternity hospital. It is worth planning this day carefully: when contractions begin, is it necessary to call an ambulance or will relatives be able to take the woman by private transport. Long trips at week 39 and long flights are also undesirable. Relatives should always be there to encourage the expectant mother if contractions begin.

Nutrition A pregnant woman may suffer from constipation in the last stages, so you should avoid “heavy” foods and give preference to dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Under no circumstances should you overeat. It is better to eat often, in small portions. You should also continue to take prenatal vitamins during the last trimester.

Emotional state The child is still closely connected with the mother, not only physically, but also emotionally. This connection means that worries and stress, as well as lack of sleep, nervous condition has a bad effect on the child's health. Mom needs more positive emotions and protect yourself from worries and stress. When the baby is not yet born, you can afford to go shopping to buy all the things your baby needs.

What happens in the mother's body

The baby is considered full-term and was ready to be born at 38 weeks. Week 39 is the home stretch; the mother is about to give birth and her body is already ready for childbirth.

  1. The expectant mother's cervix becomes shorter in order to be ready to open and release the baby.
  2. The belly drops lower and lower, and the baby is closer to the exit of the uterus.
  3. At week 39, the mother may feel relief: weight loss, pain in the lower abdomen decreases, swelling of the body ceases to bother, and the lower back stops hurting.
  4. The mother may experience “training labor” - the uterus begins to contract, pain appears, as during contractions, but these signs do not lead to the onset of labor.

At 39 weeks, a pregnant woman experiences excitement in anticipation of the long-awaited meeting with her child. She worries about how labor will go at 39 weeks of pregnancy and listens to her body:

  • the expectant mother feels the baby's kicks less often, the fetus drops closer to the pelvis, which means that labor may begin soon;
  • it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, since the enlarged uterus no longer puts pressure on the lungs and diaphragm;
  • discharge mixed with mucus may begin, which means that the mucus plug, protecting the baby from the outside world, has gradually begun to come out;
  • A pregnant woman has to run to the toilet more often due to the enormous pressure on the bladder.

In general, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the pregnant woman can only wait for contractions to begin.

In anticipation of childbirth

Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy may be a harbinger of the onset of labor. In order not to miss a long time at the moment, a woman needs to carefully monitor her feelings. Moreover, discharge now serves as a signal of developmental anomalies, so at the first alarming symptoms you need to call “ ambulance».

  1. Discharge mixed with mucus occurs due to the fact that the mucus plug begins to separate. This is a sign that the baby is already asking to come out. Normally, there should be no discharge bad smell or vary in color.
  2. Discharge that is yellowish-white in color may be amniotic fluid. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, fluid may begin to leak due to a violation of the integrity of the membranes. This is an alarming symptom, since the membrane protects the baby, and infection can leak through the gap. Also, the gradual leakage of this fluid can delay labor. If you experience this symptom, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Bloody discharge may indicate that something is wrong. This is an alarming sign of placenta rejection. Also, bleeding at the 39th week of pregnancy can be caused by hypertonicity of the uterus: a feeling as if the stomach is turning to stone, the muscles are tense. To relax them, mom can drink No-shpa. You need to immediately go to a specialist so as not to harm the child and save his life.
Other period features

If a pregnant woman now feels sexual desire to your partner, then sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy is possible. Of course, this applies to those cases when pregnancy proceeds without complications. It is worth remembering that the hormonal and emotional surge achieved during orgasm at 39 weeks can cause the onset of labor. This process is especially likely in multiparous women.

During sex, a woman should not experience pain. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal head is pressed tightly against the exit of the uterus, so sudden movements should be avoided.

The fetus at 39 weeks of gestation is already ready to come out. If this is a woman’s second pregnancy, then at this stage there is a high probability of labor beginning.

When the 39th week of pregnancy begins, the harbingers of the onset of labor will be as follows:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid: fluid leakage can occur rapidly or little by little during the day, the release of amniotic fluid always means the onset of labor at the 39th week of pregnancy, it is dangerous for the baby to be in the womb without fluid;
  • contractions should occur at intervals of 5-10 minutes: in order not to confuse them with “training” ones, you need to note the time in between them and check the norm; during contractions, in order to relieve pain, the woman is advised not to lie or sit, but to walk slowly;
  • release of the mucus plug: a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder begins with the release of the plug; the woman will understand that labor has begun as soon as she notices abundant mucous discharge of a yellowish-white color.

Usually, by this stage of pregnancy, the “alarm suitcase” has already been collected (if this is a woman’s second birth, then she already knows exactly what needs to be put in it). All you have to do is call an ambulance and wait for the magical moment of meeting your child. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the warning signs of labor can be confused with “training contractions.”

Waiting for a boy

If at 39 weeks of pregnancy a woman feels that her lower abdomen is tight and hurts, then you should not worry too much. This normal condition, because on the eve of childbirth, the uterus descends to make it easier for the baby to come out.

It’s another matter if the nagging pain does not stop for several hours and radiates to the lower back. It could be contractions. The expectant mother should note the intervals between pain sensations so as not to confuse them with “training contractions.” This is how the uterus prepares itself for childbirth.

If the pain in the lower abdomen intensifies and bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a pathological or abnormal condition. The doctor will help save the baby’s life and not harm the mother’s health. Find out if it's normal if .

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, due to family circumstances or health reasons, it may happen that a woman needs to give birth ahead of schedule. There are folk and time-tested methods on how to give birth faster.

  1. Having sex can stimulate labor. Sperm, when released into the vagina, can speed up labor by affecting female hormones. Also, having sex promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs, which can also cause labor.
  2. Active physical activity- another way to speed up labor. Energetic walking, long-term cleaning of the room, and brisk walking up the stairs are suitable. A woman just needs to warn her relatives in advance about her actions.

The 39th week may be the last week of pregnancy, or maybe not the last - it is quite difficult to predict the due date, and there is no point. For the expectant mother, something else is more important now - monitoring her well-being, counting the baby’s movements and getting proper rest.

Size, appearance and position of the fetus

The weight of the fetus at week 39 reaches 3.5 kg (but can be either 3 or 4 kg), height is 51-52 cm. The baby has a fairly large head, wide shoulders, a convex tummy, a narrow pelvis and legs, which may seem short compared to the body and arms. Folds and constrictions have already appeared on the baby’s arms and legs, and the larger the baby’s mass, the more pronounced these constrictions are. There is still a little protective lubricant left in the folds, but on the body it is practically gone. In the same way, vellus hair has disappeared from the baby’s body (a small amount of it can only remain on the shoulders). The skin has lost its redness and wrinkles. The marigolds completely covered the nail beds on the fingers. That is, the baby is now no different from a newborn.

At the 39th week of the prenatal period, the expectant mother may notice that the baby seems to have become calmer, and the stomach has stopped shaking. There is no need to worry about this. The baby simply does not have enough space and all he can do is lightly push his mother with his elbow, knee or heel. But what is very important is that a woman must feel these movements; the “rule of 10 movements” has not been canceled. If the tremors disappear, you should immediately consult a doctor.. Ultrasound and cardiotocography (CTG) will help assess the baby’s condition.

By week 39, the fetus has already taken the position in the uterus in which it will be born. Normally, it should be longitudinal, head down, with the back of the head towards the internal os of the cervix. But in some cases the baby is located completely differently:

  • transverse;
  • obliquely;
  • or legs;
  • throws back the head and turns the forehead or face to the internal os of the cervix.

Most of these baby positions are indications for cesarean section.

Well-being of the expectant mother

The fundus of the uterus has dropped down a little, so it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe and eat at 39 weeks (the stomach and lungs are no longer supported by the uterus). But the bladder, on the contrary, now feels the highest pressure during the entire pregnancy, so I have to pee almost every hour.

In general, the woman’s well-being remains consistently satisfactory - it cannot be called good, since preparation for the approaching birth makes itself felt constantly:

  • the pelvis diverges;
  • legs go numb and hurt;
  • the stool becomes liquefied.

At week 39, when she steps on the scale, the expectant mother may notice a weight loss of 1 or even 1.5 kg. This is absolutely normal. The body, in preparation for childbirth, tries to get rid of excess fluid and toxins that have accumulated in the intestines. That is why a pregnant woman has to run to the toilet more often, “big” and “small”.

Placenta at 39 weeks of pregnancy

At week 39, the placenta begins to age - its thickness decreases, calcium deposits appear in the tissues, and blood flow in the vessels worsens. Of course, these changes affect the blood supply and provision of the baby with all the necessary substances, but not critically. Doctors believe that such stressful training is even useful for the baby before childbirth, during which there are always periods when the fetus begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. However, it happens that the baby's place begins to age prematurely and by the 39th week they almost completely lose all their functionality. In such conditions, the baby stops gaining weight and is constantly in a state of oxygen starvation.

It is possible to determine that the baby is unwell inside the uterus using CTG and Dopplerography. In addition, both the obstetrician-gynecologist, having listened to the fetal heart, and the expectant mother, monitoring the movements of her baby, may suspect something is wrong. Therefore, you should not ignore going to the antenatal clinic and monitoring the baby’s motor activity in the last weeks of pregnancy.

There's another one important point– aging of the placenta leads to the fact that it ceases to perform its barrier function. Now the baby can get pathogens, toxins, harmful chemical compounds etc. Therefore, the expectant mother should not forget about vigilance for a minute:

  • no self-medication;
  • no visiting crowded places where you can “pick up” something;
  • no experiments with food;
  • no general cleaning using strong household chemicals or home repairs.

Precursors of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother has most likely already become acquainted with the harbingers of childbirth, but if not, let us remind them:

  • Prolapse of the abdomen (the stomach begins to sag slightly downward).
  • The release of a lump of mucus from the vagina is a mucus plug that “clogged” the cervix throughout pregnancy and protected the baby from the outside world.
  • Frequent training contractions.
  • Selection. It could have been released before, but not so abundantly.
  • The desire to “build a nest for your chick.”
  • Reducing body weight.

The appearance of any of these symptoms does not mean that you need to immediately go to the hospital. This is only evidence that labor will begin very soon (perhaps in a few days), so it is advisable for the expectant mother to carefully listen to her body.

Necessary examinations

At week 39, you should visit an observing gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Now this is more important than ever, since only a doctor can determine whether everything is fine with the baby and whether there is a reason for hospitalization in the maternity hospital.

During this visit, the doctor will do the following:

  • Ask about your well-being and complaints.
  • Will evaluate the results, which should be taken in advance.
  • Measures the patient's blood pressure, weight and abdominal parameters.
  • Listen to the fetal heart.
  • He feels the stomach to determine whether the baby is positioned correctly and whether his head has dropped into the mother’s pelvic area.
  • Check the woman's legs for swelling.
  • He will give a direction for CTG, if there are indications.

If a woman cannot give birth on her own (for example, if there are several scars on the uterus, if there is a narrow pelvis), at 39 weeks she will most likely be hospitalized and undergo a planned procedure.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

The peak of experiences for the expectant mother usually occurs at the end of pregnancy. How to understand that it’s time to go to the maternity hospital is one of the most exciting questions. To reassure themselves and their loved ones, some pregnant women go to a medical facility in advance and wait there for the start of labor. In fact, you can wait for the birth at home - there is nothing difficult or dangerous about it.

An expectant mother at 39 weeks of pregnancy needs to focus on several important points:

Also, the expectant mother needs to know about situations in which it is better to immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital on her own, without waiting for contractions to appear, the intervals between them to shorten, or amniotic fluid to leak out. Such situations include:

  • Severe pain - as if the uterus cannot completely relax between contractions.
  • A change in the nature of the baby’s movements – if the fetus has stopped moving altogether or has become very active.
  • Increased blood pressure. It is advisable to check it if the expectant mother has a severe headache or blurred vision or spots appear.
  • The onset of labor in a woman with a multiple pregnancy.
  • Permanent and expectant mother.

When going to the maternity hospital, the main thing is not to panic! Important: do not forget to take documents with you (passport, exchange card, certificate issued antenatal clinic) and a prepared bag of things (it should already be in the room, packed, for at least 2 weeks).