Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group Topic: “Journey to the forest. Lesson summary for the junior group “It’s impossible to live without a forest, but making friends with it is so easy”

Educator: Mantrova S. N.

2nd junior group



Summary of the integrated lesson in the 2nd younger group

"Take care of the forest!"

Program content:

To form in the minds of children the principles of ecological relationships with nature, to feel part of the ecological system;

cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world, teach to protect the forest (remember the first rule of behavior in the forest - silence);

increase children's motor activity;

introduce to summary the story by Yu. Dmitriev “What is a forest?”, learn the poem by V. Stepanov “What is a forest?”;

Strengthen your skills in working with glue (the ability to apply glue with a brush, use oilcloth and a napkin), knowledge of colors and their shades;

Give children the joy of hearing the sounds of the forest.


Toy Old Man-Lesovichok,

Recording “Sounds of the Russian Forest”,

Paintings (pictures) depicting a forest in different times years, trees, insects, birds, animals, flowers,

A sheet of Whatman paper with tree trunks drawn by the teacher,

Glue, brushes, oilcloths, napkins,

Palms cut out of green (different shades), yellow, orange, red and brown paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs on the carpet facing the board (pictures depicting a forest at different times of the year, trees, insects, birds, animals, flowers are hung on the board), materials for appliqué are prepared on the tables.


Guys, when I was going to work today, I met an old friend of mine and invited him to our garden. I really want you to meet him. He is very shy and afraid of noise, so sit quietly, close your eyes and listen... (the recording “Sounds of the Russian Forest” is played)

Now open your eyes and tell me what did you hear? Where can birds sing like that? (That's right, in the forest)

And here is our guest (he shows the children the toy of the Old Man-Lesovich)! This is Old Lesovichok, he always lives in the forest and knows a lot about it.

The old Lesovichok greets the children (the children can touch him).

Old Lesovichok draws the children’s attention to the board decorated with pictures and asks the children questions:

What do you have in the pictures here? (children answer the question; if necessary, they help Lesovich - ask clarifying questions: what time of year, what to call it in one word...).

Then Lesovichok asks the children:

Have you been to the forest? (Children's answers)

What were you doing there? What did you see? (Children's answers)

Weren't you making any noise there? (That’s right, the forest doesn’t like noise. All its inhabitants will immediately hide, and you won’t see or recognize anything in the forest). My entire forest is a miracle of miracles! And it must be protected!

I want to tell you a story: brief retelling story by Yu. Dmitriev “What is a forest?”


Grandfather, the guys and I also know the poem “What is a forest?” and we can not only tell you about it, but also show it to you. Really, guys?!

Children, together with the teacher, perform a physical education poem “What is a forest?” V. Stepanova:

What is a forest? hands forward palms up

Pines to the sky, hands up, rise on your toes

Birches and oaks, right, left hand to the sides

Berries, mushrooms... right, left arms to the sides

Animal paths, hands together, showing a “snake”

Hills and lowlands right hand up, left down

Soft grass, arms in front of chest to sides

Fuck the owl. depict the wings of a bird

Silver lily of the valley, right hand bent at the wrist (flower)

The air is clean, clean. wave your hands in your face

And a spring from a living palm depicts a cup

Spring water. "drinking" from a cup


Children also know very well how animals move in the forest.

Children depict how a hare, fox, wolf, bear moves, birds fly, frogs jump...

Old Lesovichok:

Well done, guys! I really liked it with you, and you come to my forest, just be quiet.


Guys, did you like playing with grandpa? Let's invite him to visit again, and so that he doesn't forget about us, we'll give him a gift: we'll show him what the trees around him were like. kindergarten in the fall.

Children go to the tables, glue leaves to birch trees, maple trees, make coniferous paws of spruce trees and a carpet of fallen leaves. The teacher and the Old Forester specify the color of the leaves, earth, and grass.

After completing the work, we hang the resulting picture on the board, Lesovichok praises the children and leaves.

Concretize children's idea of ​​the forest as natural community(a forest is a community of plants and animals living together; the lives of all forest inhabitants depend on each other).
To form ideas about the importance of forests in human life (health, aesthetic, economic).
To cultivate a desire to care for nature and protect it.

Material: magnetic board, flat trees, birds, insects, animals, grass, flowers, mushrooms, figures of human tourists - all on magnets; exhibition of wood products, medicinal plants (in pharmaceutical packages), forest products; landscape painting (forest), musical soundtracks; preparation of environmental signs.

Progress of the lesson


Today we celebrate International Environment Day. What's happened environment? That's right, this is everything that is around us: this is the nature surrounding us:

Look, my young friend, Field, river and grass

What's around: Mountains, air and foliage,

The sky is light blue, Birds, animals and forests,

The golden sun is shining, Thunder, fog and dew -

The wind plays with the leaves Anything at any time of the year

A cloud floats in the sky. It's called nature.

I want to tell amazing story about the forest and I suggest you illustrate it. So the story begins...

“One day the artist decided to paint a forest. “What is a forest?” the artist reasoned. “The forest is, of course, trees.” And he began to draw birch trees and spruce, oak and maple, linden and rowan, aspen and pine.

At the same time, the teacher invites the children to place plane trees on the magnetic board.

A phonogram sounds (the noise of trees) and the children look at the image.

Then the soundtrack turns off.

“He did very well. The artist hung the picture on the wall, admired it, and went off somewhere. And when I arrived, I saw in my picture, instead of green fir trees and birches, only dry trunks.

What's happened? - the artist was surprised. – Why did my forest dry up?

What kind of forest is this? - he suddenly heard. - This is not a forest, but only trees. The artist looked carefully and realized that it was a large oak tree talking to him.

Can there be a forest without bushes, flowers, grass, mushrooms and berries?

He drew the trees again. And they turned out even better, because nearby there were the same beautiful bushes, flowers, green grass, mushrooms and berries.

Children place pictures of shrubs, herbaceous plants, mushrooms, and berries on the board.

But the forest continued to hurt.

This is because there are no insects, birds or animals in your forest,” the artist again heard the voice of the wise oak tree.

Is this necessary? – the artist was surprised. “But I don’t know who could live in the forest.”


What kind of animals do you think an artist can draw in a picture? Please find the necessary pictures, “place” the animals in the picture.

The teacher invites the children to place magnetic pictures - images animals (wild, domestic, birds, insects), children place the necessary figures “in the forest”.

The teacher continues the story.

“And the artist painted different animals. He finished his work when it was completely dark. The artist wanted to turn on the light to see what he had done, but suddenly he heard some rustling, snorting, and the cracking of branches. A miracle happened - his forest came to life!

Now this is real forest, - said the old oak tree from the darkness. - Now he will live, because he has everything: trees, herbs, flowers, mushrooms, and animals. All of them are certainly located in the forest. And all together - this is the FOREST.


Here interesting tale. Did you like her? What or who did you like the most? Why? (children's answers).

And I really liked the smart old oak. Because he was able to explain to the artist that the forest is big house with many residents. And they all need each other.

How does the forest help people? (gives berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants).

That’s right, the forest gives us all this, and we call it “gifts of the forest.” But there is much more that the forest gives to a person.

The forest gives people clean air: tree leaves attract dust and release oxygen necessary for breathing, coniferous trees secrete phytoncides - volatile substances that kill microbes. But that's not all.

Draws children's attention to the exhibition.

Come and see how many necessary things the forest provides people with. Here are the gifts of the forest, which we have already talked about, and objects made of wood. There are a lot of things in the world made of wood: colored pencils, paper, furniture, dishes, musical instruments

The forest also gives people good mood. Admiring the beauty of the forest, musicians create beautiful music (music sounds), and poets write wonderful poems:

How wonderful our forest is at dawn!

Everything sparkles and shines in silver!

The plantain washed itself with dew,

Dandelion burns golden.

A young aspen stands -

It shines and glitters in diamonds.

A light wind suddenly touches the foliage

And drops a drop of dew on the grass...

Draws children's attention to the landscape.

Artists paint wonderful paintings. Look how similar the forest is to the real one! It seems that now a breeze will blow, and the white-trunked birch trees will sway and rustle with their leaves.


Gifts of the forest, medicinal plants, clean air, wooden products, good mood and relaxation - that’s how much the forest gives a person!

This means that people really need it, the forest is friends with people.

The model “The Forest “Helps” Man” is placed on the easel.

What do you guys think, do the forest need people?

Yes, you are right, the forest can live without people, nature can take care of itself. And now - the continuation of our fairy tale...

The forest lived wonderfully in the artist’s painting, it made a cheerful noise in the summer and decorated the earth with its golden foliage in the fall; Birds flew into it in the spring and sang their magical songs; Various animals lived in it: insects, animals. But one day people appeared in the forest. They had large backpacks on their backs, and in their hands were axes and lighters. They also had a large tape recorder with loud music coming from it. And the forest became unusually noisy. It was filled with loud voices and the sounds of music, the clatter of axes. The smell of smoke spread across the forest clearing, garbage heaps of cans and plastic dishes grew on it, pieces of paper and bags were flying everywhere... And the birds instantly fell silent. What do you guys think will happen next in our fairy tale?

Children's answers.


Yes, you're right. Frightened by the noise and loud music, the birds left their nests and the animals ran into another forest.

What will happen to the trees if the birds disappear? (the trees will die because the birds protect them from pests).

What will happen to herbaceous plants if there are piles of garbage on the ground where they grow? (grass will not be able to grow in contaminated soil, it will die).

Simultaneously with the children’s answers, the teacher removes images of plants and animals from the board.

Look what remains in the place of the recently noisy, full of life, beautiful forest? (heaps of garbage). Think about what serious consequences the wrong behavior of people in nature can lead to?

I suggest you correct the mistake in our book, let’s go back to the page where tourists came to the forest and tell them how to behave in the forest.

Children name the rules of behavior in the forest, the teacher explains.

Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

(Plant living creature. Its branches and leaves are like hands and mouth for us, with their help the plant feeds).

You can't pick flowers.

(Bouquets can only be made from those flowers that people grow. And in nature there are a lot of endangered plants, and wild plants grow much longer than garden ones).

You can't destroy anthills.

(Ants are forest orderlies; they collect small garbage in the forest. Fences are placed around large anthills and they are guarded).

You should not go close to bird nests.

(Once frightened, the bird may never return to its nest or return too late, in which case the chicks will not hatch or will die of starvation).

You cannot bring animals from the forest.

(Forest animals will not be able to live in captivity).

You cannot make noise or litter in the forest.


How to walk in the forest correctly so as not to harm it?

(You need to walk calmly, you can pick mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs, just do it right. You can draw, photograph nature, relax in specially designated places).

So, tourists entered the forest, and... (they did not make noise in the forest, but quietly and calmly rested in the clearing, observed the life of the forest, took photographs interesting events and beautiful plants. They had a picnic in the clearing. BUT all the garbage left behind was put in a bag and taken with them.

And after they left, the forest continued to live its own life: birds sang in it as cheerfully as before, bees and bumblebees flew, grass bloomed, trees rustled with their foliage. This is how our story ends happily. Look, guys, in the book we were able to fix everything and prevent trouble. But in real life It won’t work that way, so you always have to do the right thing right away. What should we do for this?

(Know the rules of behavior in nature and teach them to others).

I suggest you determine from these drawings how you can and how you can behave incorrectly in the forest and make environmental signs, which can then be placed in a forest clearing for tourists.

Children are offered blank environmental signs (drawings depicting different situations, red and blue circles, red stripes). Children find out how to behave correctly and incorrectly in nature and perform an application: glue a blue circle to the permission signs, and a red circle with a flat circle to the prohibited signs.


By educational field – Cognition

section – Ecology

Topic: “Save the forest from fire!”

2nd junior group “Smile”

MBDOU teacher

Kindergarten "Beryozka"

Oleinik N.A.


Program content:

1. Expand, clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire;

2. To introduce children to the work of firefighters, to awaken interest in the heroic service of firefighters;

3. Broaden the horizons of children, tell them about forest fires;

4. Develop a sense of empathy;

5. Arouse a desire to help forest inhabitants, instill a love for native nature.

Vocabulary work: firefighters, rescuers, forest fire, flame, helmet, fire extinguisher, gas mask, acrid smoke.

Preliminary work: viewing the presentation “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”, conversation “Matches are not a toy for children”, viewing a presentation on the poem “Cat House” by S. Marshak, dramatization of the poem “Cat House” by S. Marshak.

Methodical techniques: Making riddles, using literary words, games, conversation, watching a presentation, looking at a fireman's costume, telling a teacher's story, relay races, using musical accompaniment.

Integration educational areas: Cognition, communication, physical culture, music, health, safety.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Part 1

The teacher asks a riddle:

“He hisses and gets angry, he’s afraid of water.

With a tongue - but does not bark, Without teeth - but bites" (fire)


That's right guys, it's fire. Listen to the poem

People felt strength and power

Since fire was tamed.

But there are other fires too -

It won't warm your palms

Turns everything into ash and smoke

And he is cruel, and menacing, and terrible.

In the last lesson, we talked about when fire is our enemy and when it is our friend. Who can say why we need fire? ( Children's answers)

In what cases should you be afraid of fire? ( Children's answers)


Today I will tell you about the evil fire that brings grief and misfortune to the forest inhabitants. We'll talk about forest fires. Let's remember who lives in the forest?

(Children list wild animals, birds and insects)

View the presentation, accompanied by the teacher's story.


I'll show you the picture

Children look:

What did the artist paint?

Come on, explain!

Showing children's drawings and discussing the content of the drawings

After watching the presentation, the children, with the help of the teacher, draw a conclusion.

part 2


If suddenly there was a fire, who would we turn to for help?

Of course to the firefighters. Firefighters are brave, strong, agile and resourceful. They always rush to help. To carry out their difficult and dangerous service, each firefighter has a special uniform, which they wear when going out on call. Let's see what uniform firefighters wear.

(Looking at a firefighter's uniform)


Guys, do you want to be like firefighters, dexterous, strong, brave and resourceful? Let's play firefighters and find out which of the guys will be the bravest, dexterous, strong and resourceful.

Part 3

Relay races

Children walk, marching in a circle, the teacher reads a poem

One, two, three, four

Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row?

A cheerful squad of forest defenders!

(Children march around the hall to the musical accompaniment of “March”)

Rebuilding in 2 columns

(Relay races are conducted with musical accompaniment)

1) “Let’s save the forest inhabitants from the fire”

Put on a helmet, walk along the stairs lying on the floor on your hands and feet, take one toy and run back to your team.

2) "Let's put out the forest fire"

Put on a helmet, take a bucket, walk along the bench, simulate pouring water from a bucket and run back to your team.


Well done guys, you are all brave, dexterous and resourceful. We saved all the forest inhabitants and put out the forest fire.

Remember guys:

For fun, for play

Don't pick up matches

Don't joke with fire my friend

So as not to regret later.

Summary of the GCD game lesson in the younger group on the topic “Travel to mysterious forest»

Durasova Elena Nikolaevna – teacher MBDOU children's garden No. 2 of the village. Novozavidovsky, Konakovsky district, Tver region.
Description of material: I bring to your attention a summary of a GCD game lesson in a junior group on the topic “Journey to the Mysterious Forest.” This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers for classes with children of the younger group. Continued involvement of children in play activity will help maintain their attention and interest.
Integration of educational areas:“Socio-communicative development”, “ Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development".

Target: Development of cognitive skills through play activities.
1. Develop the cognitive activity of preschool children;
2. Develop social and communicative interaction skills of children;
3. Maintain children’s interest in gaming activities;
4. Improve friendships in the children's team
Demo material: A basket of honey, berries, fish (fake fish), costumes for a bunny and a bear.
Methodical techniques: Game situations, conversation-dialogue, productive activities of children, summing up.

Progress of the lesson:

- Dear guys, today on the way to you I found this basket. Look, do you know what's in it?
(The teacher shows the children the contents of the basket - honey, berries, fish)
- That's right, it contains honey, berries, fish. But the question remains, whose is it, after all, someone probably lost it. Do you want to know whose it is?
- Yes!
- Great, then let's go with you for a walk in the forest.
(The teacher leads the children to the forest scenery)
- Tell me, guys, do you know what animals live in the forest?

- Bears, wolves, hares, wild boars, moose.
- That's right, well done! What do you think, are these wild or domestic animals?
- Wild.
- That's right, you're absolutely right. And if so, you and I must be very careful.
- Look, guys, there are two roads in front of us, do you think they are somehow different from each other or are they the same?
- The roads are different, one is narrow, the other is wide.
- That's right, what do you think will be the most convenient road for us to take?
- On a wide one.
- Well done! Now let's move on!
Complex “Walk in the Forest”
We'll walk through the forest and learn a lot of new things.
About trees and bushes, birds, animals and flowers.
We know almost all the trees. We recognize them by their leaves.

(Legs slightly apart, hands below. Execution: on the count of 1-2 – raise your arms, stretch; 3-4 – etc. Repeat 6 times.)
We also know bushes by their fruits.
(Legs slightly apart, hands below. Execution: on the count of 1-2 – sit down, arms forward; 3-4 – etc. Repeat 4 times.)
The berries disappeared from us. But let's find them all now.
(Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs, hands on your knees. Execution: on the count of 1-2 - turn to the right, slam your palms on the floor; 3-4 - i.p.; 5-6 - turn to the left, slam your palms on the floor; 7 -8 – etc. Repeat 3 times in each direction.)
We got a little lost, we lost our basket.
(Legs together, hands down. Execution: on the count of 1-2 – inhale; 3-6 on the exhale say: “Ay!”. Repeat 2 times.)
The wind blows and blows, it plays with the leaves.
(Final part: lightly running one after another on toes in a circle, turning into walking.)
- Guys, look who's hiding under the Christmas tree!

- Bunny!
- Look, guys, he's shaking all over. What happened to you, Bunny?
- Today my friend Mishka-Toptyzhka and I went for a walk and decided to play hide and seek. Mishka began to count, when suddenly I saw an unusual beautiful butterflies and, of course, I chased after them, but as soon as I caught a few of them, I realized that I was lost.
- Guys, look, what else is there under the Christmas tree?
- Red bag.
- Bunny, is this your bag?
- Yes, I collected butterflies in it.
- Guys, look how many of them there are, what are we going to do with them?
Children and Bunny:
- Let's set him free!
- Which wise decision Guys, let them live and rejoice in your kindness!
- Now, let's help Bunny find his friend Teddy Bear
- We can find our little bear faster if we know his habits and treats. What do you guys think Mishka likes to do most?
- Sleep!
- Right! What does he like to eat most?
- Honey, berries, fish.
- Well done! Guys, look at these pictures and try to choose the bear cub’s favorite treats from them.
(The teacher lays out illustrations of different berries, several types of fish and honey)
- Well done, guys. You did everything right! Now we know that Mishka loves to sleep, pick berries and honey, and also fish. Guys, listen, you hear a river gurgling nearby, look, there are raspberries growing on these bushes, probably our friend the bear cub is somewhere nearby... Do you hear this noise? Who's that in the bushes?

A bear came out of the forest,
He started stomping and roaring.
- What are you upset about, bear?
- I had a terrible dream,
I saw the girl Alina -
I ate all the raspberries in the grove!

(A bear cub appears from the bushes)
- Well, our little bear has been found. Teddy Bear, where are your berries, honey or maybe fish? Did you collect them today?
- I collected them, but I lost the basket with them, so I go looking for it, but I just can’t find it.
- Bear, look, isn’t it them?
- They!
- So, guys, today we did a great and good thing - we helped the little bear find his basket, and the Bunny a friend.
Bunny and Bear:
- Thank you guys, in gratitude we have prepared delicious treats for you, help yourself, bon appetit and see you again!
- Thank you, goodbye!

Goal: to introduce children to the world of nature, to an understanding of its universal value in the life of every person, their involvement in the conservation and protection of natural inhabitants, inhabitants living near you and objects inanimate nature. Reinforcing the rules of behavior in nature.

Equipment: model of a seven-flowered flower, flowers for the meadow, costumes of environmental characters, signs (pictures) with the rules of behavior in nature.

Preliminary work:

1) A walk with children along the alleys of the city microdistrict, to the site in the kindergarten, so that the children can admire the beauty of nature to their fullest, listen to the sounds of spring: the murmur of a stream, the rustle of leaves, the joyful and ringing voices of chirping birds.

2) Thematic drawing “Spring in nature” and “Let’s protect nature.”

View ecological fairy tale was presented to kindergarten children and disorganized children of the city microdistrict.

The course of the tale:

A teacher enters the hall dressed as a tourist, holding a seven-flowered flower in his hands. (The recording of forest voices is turned on).

A tourist approaches a birch tree.

Birch: - As soon as the snowdrop blooms on time,

As soon as the first thunderstorms approach,

Juice appears on the white trunks

Now the birches are crying, now the birches are crying. (Birch sobs)

Tourist: - What happened, Berezka? Why are you crying?

Birch: - Spring has come. My birch tree friends and I woke up from our winter sleep and suddenly people came and cut our trunks with knives, and our tears and juice flowed. We are in a lot of pain.

Tourist: - Oh! It’s terrible that there are people who don’t value, don’t protect, and don’t have pity on nature. After all, birch trees decorate our lives, and medicines are made from birch buds. I think the seven-flowered flower will help us. You need to tear off a petal and make a wish. (Having picked the magic petal of a seven-flowered flower, the tourist says):

- Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

I want the birch trees and all the plants of the earth to always be safe and sound, to bloom and turn green for the joy of people.

Birch (bows): - Thanks for your help, guys! (Steps aside).

An ant enters the hall.

Tourist: - Where are you going in such a hurry, Ant and what are you talking about?

Ant: - I’m carrying planks for construction. People in the forest tore up our anthill, trampled everything, broke our house. We'll fix it (sighs).

Tourist: – Ants are the orderlies of the forest. Where there are a lot of ants, the forest is clean. Ant, now you will find out that you have many protective friends. (Song “About Me and the Ant”).

Tourist: - The guys and I will help you too, Ant. (Having picked the magic petal of a seven-flowered flower, the tourist says):

- Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

I want the anthills in the forest to never be destroyed! (The ant thanks and runs away).

Tourist: - Guys, I wanted to drink something. I'll go to the river and drink water. (The river girl appears.)

River: - You can’t drink my river water. People were resting on the shore and throwing all the garbage into the water. The water became very dirty, many fish died and it became dangerous to drink!

Tourist: - don’t be sad, little river, we will help your trouble. (Having picked the magic petal of a seven-flowered flower, the tourist says):

- Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

I want the water in the river to become clean!

Let the rivers on earth not die,

Let their misfortune pass them by!

May it remain clean in them forever

Cold, clear water!

(The river thanks and floats away).

Doctor Aibolit enters, coughing.

Aibolit: - Mustard plasters will not help. Factories, factories, and cars emit a lot of dust and soot into the air. And it’s hard for everyone to breathe: people, animals and plants. My animals get sick and get sick. We need clean air!

Tourist: – Both you and us, Doctor Aibolit, need clean air, we will help. (Having picked the magic petal of a seven-flowered flower, the tourist says):

- Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

I want the air on Earth to always be clean and fresh!

Aibolit: - Thank you, you helped! (the doctor leaves).

A mouse runs into the hall.

Mouse: - It’s me, the mouse, who squeaked here. I live in a hole in the ground. A lot of garbage gets into it, harmful substances, they poison the soil. Everyone suffers from this: people, animals and plants.

Tourist: - Calm down, Mouse. Our magic flower will help cleanse the soil. (Having picked the magic petal of a seven-flowered flower, the tourist says):

- Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

I want the soil on Earth to always be healthy and fertile.

(The mouse thanks and runs away).

Tourist: – Something smells like smoke. It seems like something is burning.

A bear runs into the hall and a bird flies in.

Little Bear: - Help! Protect! A big disaster has come to the forest - a fire! Animals, birds, and insects die in fire. Plants and trees are burning!

Tourist: – We urgently need to put out the fire! After all, the forest purifies the air. It gives the Earth oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. (Having picked the magic petal of a seven-flowered flower, the tourist says):

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

I want there to be no fires in our forests!

Bear: - Thank you, friends!

Birdie: - Come visit us. We will be very happy.

Bear: - Do you know how to behave in the forest?

Tourist: – Don’t worry, Mishenka. The guys will now tell us the rules of behavior in the forest. (Children go out with tables to the middle of the hall).

1st child: – There are many small animals and insects in the grass, so as not to trample them, walk carefully.

2nd child: – Don’t make noise in the forest! Remember! Loud sounds frighten the forest inhabitants, and they leave their houses.

3rd child: - Don’t pick flowers, but admire their beauty. Remember! Plucked flowers will quickly die, which means there will be no seeds or new plants.

4th child: – Don’t catch butterflies! They decorate nature and pollinate plants!

5th child: – Don’t destroy the anthills! They destroy insect pests that destroy the forest.

6th child: – Don’t knock it down inedible mushrooms! The forest needs them. Forest animals are treated with them.

7th child: – Don’t touch bird's nests! Remember - this will scare the bird and it will abandon the nest.

8-child: – Don’t catch small rabbits, squirrels or hedgehogs in the forest. They are forest dwellers and will feel bad in an apartment (house).

9th child: - Don’t light a fire in the forest. This can lead to fire, death of animals, plants and people.

Tourist (collects tables from children): - Tables with correct behavior we will leave it in the forest for other tourists (puts signs on a tree stump).

– Guys, we came to the forest to admire nature, relax and gain strength. But it turned out that nature itself needs our help and protection.

Earth is our world - Earth is our home!

A ship in the starry ocean,

Let's hold hands friends

Let's save our world before it's too late!

Let’s express our wishes with a song (Song “We want the birds to sing...”):

We want the birds to sing

So that there is noise around the forest,

May the skies be blue.

So that the river turns silver,

For the butterfly to frolic,

And there was dew on the berries.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green,

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.

For the squirrel to jump,

So that the rainbow sparkles,

So that warm spring rain pours!

After a long winter's cold,

Waking up from sleep,

Turning green in the light

Blossom my Earth!

Result: children have a desire to grow flowers on the plot, they treat plants more carefully, they maintain cleanliness, they take care of birds in winter, they themselves notice interesting phenomena in nature. Disorganized children began to break bushes less, they do not pick, but help water flowers, and do not offend stray animals and birds.