Summary of a theatrical lesson on fiction in the middle group on the fairy tale “Teremok”. Summary of an open lesson in the middle group on fiction “How a goat built a hut”

Diana Mashukova
Lesson notes on fiction V middle group Topic: “Visiting a fairy tale”

Training tasks:

1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about Russian folk fairy tales.

2. Learn to recognize fairy tale according to assignment.

3. Learn to convey structure fairy tales using simulation.

Developmental tasks:

1. Remember the order in which the heroes appear in fairy tales.

2. Develop the ability to act in concert.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate interest in oral folk art.

Equipment: illustrations,

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we are going on a trip to most interesting world fairy tales.

What is it fairy tale? (Children's answers) IN what happens in fairy tales, which does not happen in ordinary life. Animals can talk, people use magic objects. What magical objects do you know? (Children's answers) Baba Yaga's broom and stupa, magic ball, wand, walking boots, flying carpet, invisible hat, Koscheev's death in an egg, etc.

Didactic game "Guess fairy tale»

The grandmother loved the girl very much. I gave her a red cap. The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

It's mixed with sour cream, It's cold on the window, The round side, the ruddy side Rolls. (gingerbread man)

She is the most important mystery of all, even though she is in the cellar lived: Helped grandma and grandpa pull the turnip out of the garden. (Mouse from Russian folk fairy tales"Turnip")

They were waiting for mother with milk, and they let the wolf into the house. Who were these Little Children? (goats from fairy tales"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")

Near the forest, on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs. Three beds, three pillows. Guess without tips Who are the heroes of this fairy tales? (Three Bears)

The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground, The tail is small with a hook, Instead of shoes - hooves. There are three of them - and how alike the friendly Brothers are. Guess without tips Who are the heroes of this fairy tales? (The Three Little Pigs)

Treats small children, Treats birds and animals, Looks through his glasses Good Doctor. (Aibolit).

Didactic game “Whose words are these?”

Children are asked to name the hero fairy tales, to which the phrase and the name itself belongs fairy tales.

“I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother”(Kolobok from fairy tales"Kolobok")

“Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie”(Masha from fairy tales"Masha and the Bear")

“Stove, mother, hide us!”(Sister from fairy tales"Geese-Swans")

“As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go down the back streets!”(Fox from fairy tales"Zayushkina's hut)

Gave us fairy tale relax! Have you rested? On the road again! (Children repeat the movements described)

Didactic game "To what fairy tale illustration»

"Masha and the Bear" "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" "Zayushkina's hut" "Teremok" "The cat, the rooster, and the fox"

The mouse ran quickly.

The mouse wagged its tail.

Oh, I dropped an egg

Look, it's broken.

Here we planted it

And I will pour water on it.

The turnip grew well and strong.

Now let's pull it

And we’ll make porridge from turnips.

And we will be from the turnip, healthy and strong.

We are like seven little goats.

We love to jump and gallop.

We love to run and play.

We love to butt heads.

Didactic game "Give me a word"

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you rush...jump?

I smacked you with my palm.

You jumped and stomped loudly.

("Ball" S. Marshak)

Masha put on her mitten.

Oh, where am I going...what's going on?

There is no finger, it’s gone,

I didn’t get into my little house!

("Where is my finger" N. Sakonskaya)

If the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run along... the path.

She would dance

Together with us

She would knock... her heels.

("Christmas tree" E. Trutneva)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...

Well, I didn’t play...

I don't start a top

And I sat down and... I sat.

("Let's sit in silence" E. Blaginina)

Finger gymnastics “We counted on our fingers” (based on a poem by I. Tokmakova)

We counted on our fingers

And they laughed terribly:

Are these fingers?

They're just boys!

Here's a big, funny fat man,

Likes to brag just like that.

How are you? - ask him.

He will jump and shout: - Wow!

The index beckons,

Will threaten, show the way,

And then it gets stuck in your nose:

You need to rest somewhere!

Average finger is an angry boy.

Click on the forehead - there will be a bump,

Click on the ball - the ball will burst,

Click - and the mosquito faints.

Nameless until the morning

Selects names:

Maybe Petya? Or Vova?

Or Alla Pugacheva?

Thumb Boy? Karabas?

Everything has happened a thousand times!

I'm tired, it's time to sleep,

I'd better choose in the morning!

And the little finger is my favorite!

I'll take him to the menagerie,

I'll buy him a popsicle -

I love very little ones!

Children are invited to draw different faces on small paper circles and stick them with sweet water on their fingers. You can go to « guests» : touch thumb alternately to the remaining fingers.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson with elements of cooperation topic “Visiting a fairy tale” synopsis of an integrated lesson with elements of cooperation on the topic “Visiting a Fairy Tale” for children in the senior and preparatory children’s groups.

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Summary of a lesson on fiction in the middle group
Topic: “Journey to the village “Skazkino”
Educator: Zui O.V.
“Journey to the village “Skazkino”
Educational objectives:
1. Introduce children to the history of fairy tales.
2. Clarify children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.
3. Clarify children’s knowledge about the diversity of Russian folk tales.
4. Reinforce the concepts: before, between, behind.
Educational tasks:
To cultivate a desire to read fairy tales, to understand the meaning of fairy tales.
Developmental tasks:
Develop interest and emotional positive attitude to Russian folk tales.
Preliminary work:
1. Making planar images of four houses with removable locks and opening windows.
2. Memorization of physical education minutes.
Progress of the lesson.
- Guys! Look. Dunno came to visit us. He doesn't know a single Russian folk tale. Let's help him get acquainted with fairy tales.
- Do you like fairy tales? (Love)
What Russian folk tales do you know? (“Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Mashenka and the Bear, etc.)
- Well done guys! You know a lot of fairy tales. Do you know why fairy tales are called Russian folk tales? I'll tell you now. The Russian people composed fairy tales to tell their children, to teach them to distinguish between good and evil in life. When the children grew up, they told their children these same tales. And so fairy tales passed from adults to children.
- And now I invite you, together with Dunno, to the village “Skazkino”, where fairy tales live. We'll go by steam locomotive. Carriages, line up!
The children stand behind the teacher and the “train” departs.
Carriages, trailers
There's a rattling sound on the rails.
They are being taken to the village “Skazkino”
A group of guys.
Chug, chug, chug.
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the houses and invites the “train” to stop.
- So we arrived in the village of Skazkino. Look how beautiful the houses are. Each house has a lock. And in order for us to open it we need to solve the riddle. Listen carefully.
Why did this happen?
That the egg suddenly broke?
Grandma knows, mouse knows,
Grandfather knows, and you, little one?
- What is the name of this fairy tale? (Rock hen)
The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see the image of the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen”.
- Right! Which egg did the hen lay first? (Golden egg)
- What happened to the testicle? (it crashed).
- How did your grandmother and grandfather react? (They cried)
- How did the chicken calm them down? (children's answers)
-Which egg is better, golden or simple? Why? (Children's answers)
- Well done, guys! Let's open the next lock.
One day a mouse found
A completely empty house.
I began to live and live,
Yes, let residents in.
- What is the name of this fairy tale? (Teremok)
The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see the image of the fairy tale “Teremok”.
- Fine! Who found the tower first? (mouse - Narushka)
-Who did the mouse let into the little house? (Children list heroes)
- Who came last? (Bear)
- Let's portray a bear. (Children imitate the movements of a bear)
- What happened when the bear came? (He broke the tower)
- How did the fairy tale end? (Children's answers)
- What does this fairy tale teach? (We need to live peacefully under one roof)
Physical education minute
There is a teremok in the field, a teremok
(Children raise their hands above their heads, imitating a “roof”)
He is neither short nor tall.
(Children squat and stand up)
There's a lock on the door, yes a lock
Who would help us open that lock?
(Close fingers together)
Bunny on the left, mouse on the right
Pull back the valve;
(Shake head right, left)
On the left is a mouse, on the right is a wolf -
Click on the lock;
Bunny, mouse, bear, wolf,
Open the tower!
(They try to unclasp their fingers)
- We rested a little, and now let's try to open the remaining locks. Listen carefully.
We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Little children?
- Who were these children? (Kids)
- What is the name of this fairy tale? (Wolf and seven kids)
The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see the image of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”
- Well done! Tell me, did the wolf eat all the kids? (Children's answers)
-Did the kids do the right thing? What does this fairy tale teach? (Children's answers)
- How did the fairy tale end? (The goat saved her kids)
- How should you behave when you are alone at home? (Children's answers)
- Right! Listen to the last riddle.
He left the evil wolf
And the daring bear,
And the fox has a ruddy side
There was no way I could deceive.
- What is the name of this fairy tale? (Kolobok)
The teacher removes the lock and opens the windows of the house. In the window you can see an image of the fairy tale “Kolobok”.
- What kind of bun? (Round, ruddy, naughty)
- Who did the bun go from? (From a hare, from a wolf, from a bear)
- Why did the fox eat the bun? (Children's answers)
- What kind of fox is in the fairy tale? (Children's answers)
- Let's portray her. (Children imitate the movements of a fox)
- What does this fairy tale teach? (Children's answers)
- That's right, guys! We guessed all the riddles, opened all the locks and windows. Well Dunno, now you will know Russian folk tales. And now it's time for us to return home. Guys, form a “train”.
Children stand behind the teacher and form a “train”.
Carriages, trailers
They rumble along the rails,
They take you back to the group
A group of guys!
Chug, chug, chug.

Kolmakova Sholpan Toktarovna

Mini-center "Bastau"

at the municipal state institution "Zhelezenskaya" high school» government agency“Department of Education of Zhambyl District” Akimat of Zhambyl District

North Kazakhstan region

Program content

Evoke an emotional response in children.

Learn to dramatize the content of fairy tales, convey characteristic features heroes using facial expressions and gestures; imitate the movements and behavior of characters; adhere to the appropriate intonation, timbre, and strength of voice.

Develop the ability to match the pattern with the size and shape of the mitten, without going beyond the contour.

Strengthen technical skills: hold the brush correctly, rinse it, dry it, applying it to a napkin; learn to confidently and continuously write on paper.

Form a basic idea of ​​mutual assistance.

Circle of joy: Hello, palms!

Vocal: Guys, today I want to invite you to something exciting, magical journey. And we'll go to a fairy tale. But only kind, cheerful and good children can get there. Do you think they will take you into a fairy tale? Why?

Children's answers.

Vocal: Let us show everyone how funny we are, how we can have fun and laugh.

Children laugh and smile at each other.

Question: Do we know how to frown and get angry? How?

Children show each other gloomy, angry faces.

Vosp: Now show us how friendly and affectionate we all are. Let's hug each other.

Children hug.

Vocal: This is how cheerful, kind, affectionate we are. You will definitely be taken into a fairy tale.

- Guys, this is where our miracles begin. Look here, someone has already been here and managed to leave their traces. Whose tracks do you think these are?

Children's answers, their assumptions.

Vosp-l: I suggest you follow these tracks and see where they lead us. You just need to walk carefully so as not to scare our guest.

Children with a teacher walk along laid out stencils

human traces.

Vosp-l: Where did they take us? Children, what is this?

The teacher points to a mitten lying on the floor.

Children: Mitten.

Vosp-l: Guys, the mitten was probably lost by the one who left these marks. Who do you think could have left it here?

Children: Grandfather.

Vosk-l: And from what fairy tale?

Children: “Mitten.”

Vosk-l: Of course, it is this kind and fairy tale and invites us to visit him. Well, shall we go?

Here in the forest on the path

The mitten is lying there.

It is warm and big.

He attracts everyone to him.

- Guys, who was the first to find the mitten?

Children: Little mouse.

Play: Show how it squeaks.

Question: How does she walk? Let us all, like mice, quietly sit on our tiptoes in our seats.

Vocabulary: There lived a gray mouse in a field,

Koloskov had enough.

I carried grain by grain,

She put it in a deep hole.

I saw a mitten in the field,

And she began to live in the open.

While the teacher is speaking, a child in a mouse mask runs around the hall,

collects spikelets. Runs up to the mitten.

Mouse: Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse listens, but no one answers her,

and she hides in her mitten.

Vocabulary: A mouse lives in a mitten and doesn’t get bored. It's fun, good for her.

Children, who came after the mouse?

Children: Frog - croak.

Vocal: Correct. She galloped across the field and croaked loudly. How did she croak?

Song: The snow is spinning and falling,

All paths are white.

A frog jumps through the forest,

Green legs.

A child in a frog mask is jumping around the hall.

Frog: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: I, little mouse. Who are you?

Frog: And I, the croaking frog. Let him live with you.

Mouse: Come in.

Vocal: The little mouse and the frog live so well together. But someone else is jumping along the path. Who is this guys?

Children: Runaway bunny.

Play: Let's show how the bunny moves its ears.

Children show moving their “ears” using their hands.

Vocal: To them on long white legs,

The bunny is jumping along the path.

The little cowardly hare was jumping through the forest,

I saw the mitten and immediately said:

Bunny: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: It's me, little mouse.

Frog: It's me, the frog frog. Who are you?

Bunny: And I, the runaway bunny. Let me live with you.

Everyone: Come in.

Vosp-l: And the three of them began to live.

White land around

The veil lay frosted.

A fox is running from the forest,

She went to the mitten.

Fox: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: It's me, little mouse.

Frog: It's me, the frog frog.

Bunny: It's me, the runaway bunny. Who are you?

Fox: And I, little fox-sister. Let me live with you.

Everyone: Come in.

Vosp-l: They began to live even more friendly. But they hear branches crunching, breaking, and someone coming. Guys, who came to the mitten after the fox?

Children: Top-gray barrel.

Vocabulary: How does a wolf growl?

Vosk-l: The four of us lived quietly,

Everyone knew their place

But one day the angry wolf

He came from the forest and knocked.

Wolf: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I, the frog-croak.

Fox: I, little fox, sister. Who are you?

Wolf: And I, the top, am a gray barrel. Let me live with you.

Everyone: Come in.

Vosk-l: They feel crowded, but still they all live together in friendship and harmony. Here is another animal making its way through the forest.

A big bear once in a season,

I was looking for my den.

And I saw near the spring

A very beautiful mitten.

Bear: Who lives in a mitten?

Mouse: I, the mouse, am a bitch.

Frog: I, the frog, am a frog.

Bunny: I, bunny, am a runaway.

Fox: I, little fox, sister.

Wolf: I, the top - the gray barrel.

Boar: I, boar, are a fang. Who are you?

Bear: And I, little bear, am father. Let me live with you.

All: We have very little space. Well, okay, come in.

Vosp-l: They all began to live together. No one was offended.

Guys, you hear someone’s steps, someone else is coming here. Who is this?

A child appears wearing a grandfather mask.

Children: Grandfather.

Vosp: Why do you think he came?

Children: Behind the mitten.

Grandfather: There are a lot of you animals here. Do you have nowhere to live?

Animals: Nowhere, grandfather, and in winter it’s cold in the forest.

Grandfather: Well, okay. I'll leave you a mitten. Live in it.

Grandfather leaves.

Vocal: The old man knew how to feel sorry for animals,

I always wanted to do good.

Learn, children, from him

To love, to be sorry and to be affectionate.

Vocal: Guys, grandfather felt sorry for the animals and gave them his mitten. And he himself was left with nothing. But we have a fairy tale and it can’t end so badly. So let's do everything together and give grandpa a lot of mittens. Now, even if he loses them again, he will have more than one pair. Do you agree?

Vosp: We will go with you to our magic workshop. But we won’t just walk, we’ll jump like frogs.

Physical education minute

Two cheerful girlfriends

Two green frogs. (jumping)

Woke up early in the morning (stretch)

They dried themselves with a towel (imitate movements)

They clapped their hands: clap - 3 times (clap)

They stomped with their feet: top - 3 times (stomp)

To the right, to the left leaned (tilts)

And they came back. (jumping)

Vosp-l: So we ended up in our fabulous workshop. Look how beautiful it is here. There are so many mittens, but they are all white. Therefore, I want to invite you to decorate them, make them colorful and beautiful. You and I have already painted with a brush, a finger, and a stick. And today you will draw with whatever you want. I also made a mitten, look how beautiful it is. I drew lines and circles on it with a brush, and dots with my finger... And your mittens will also be very beautiful, right?

Children sit at tables, the teacher reminds them

how to sit at the table and hold a brush correctly.

Individual work.

Analysis of works.

Educator: Guys, for your kindness, for your efforts, grandfather gave you gifts - bagels for tea and wants you to always remain so cheerful, friendly and responsive.

Thematic week “Visiting a fairy tale”

Topic: Telling the Ukrainian folk tale “Rukavichka”

Goal: to continue to develop in preschoolers the ability to listen to a fairy tale, follow the development of the action, and empathize with the heroes of the work.

Support children's desire for theatrical and play activities; (cognition).

Continue to teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand asked question, answer it; (communication).

Using modeling, promote the development of skills in expressive and emotional transmission of fairy-tale images.

Develop responsiveness, desire to help others (socialization, communication)

*Cultivate interest in work of art.

The form of organization of children is subgroup.

Preliminary work:

Reading the Russian folk tale "Rukavichka"

Conversation with children on the work they read

Learning physical exercises

Equipment: mugs of various colors and sizes (gray, white, orange, brown, large gray and brown); picture book “Teremok”, footprints, screen.

GCD move:

Educator: - Guys, look at the tracks. Let's follow these trails and see where they lead. (Children walk next to the laid out stencils of footprints.)

Where will they take us? Some kind of snowdrift! I’ll come closer now and see what’s there, and you sit down and rest.

Oh, this is a fairy tale!

Theater show based on the fairy tale “Rukavichka”. (Narrator - teacher, puppeteer-educator).

The grandfather was walking through the forest, and the dog was running after him. The grandfather walked and walked and dropped his mitten. Here is a mouse running, got into this mitten and says:

This is where I will live.

The bunny is running. He ran up to the mitten and asked:

The mouse is a scratcher. Who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny. Let me in too!

There are already two of them. The fox runs:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse is a scratcher, the bunny is a runner. Who are you?

And I am a fox-sister. Let me in too!

There are already three of them sitting there. Lo and behold, the top runs - and also towards the mitten, and asks:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse is a scratcher, the bunny is a little runner, and the little fox is a little sister. Who are you?

And I am a top - a gray barrel. Let me in too!

Well go!

This one got in too. There are already five of them.

And then the branches began to crack: a bear crawls out and also approaches the mitten and roars:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse is a scratcher, the bunny is a little runner, the fox is a sister, the top is a gray barrel. Who are you?

Gu-gu-gu, there are too many of you here! And I am a bear - father. Let me in too!

How can we let you in? It's already cramped.

Yes somehow!

Well, go ahead, just from the edge!

This one got in too. There were six of us, and it was so crowded that the mitten was about to tear.

Meanwhile, the grandfather missed it - there was no mitten. He then returned to look for her. And the dog ran forward. She ran and ran and looked - the mitten was lying there and moving. The dog then:


The animals got scared, broke out of the mitten - and scattered through the forest. And grandfather came and took the mitten.

Physical exercise.

Questions about the fairy tale:

Guys, let’s remember who lost the mitten. Who was the first to live in a mitten? Yes, little mouse. What color and size will the circle be? Why gray and small?

Afterwards, the teacher emphasizes that only friendly animals can live together and not quarrel. Let me show you how friendly you are. To do this, we will stand in a circle, hold hands, and smile at each other. (Music sounds). And what kind of character does the melody sound like (cheerful, playful, danceable). Well done guys.


So they told the fairy tale, and played and danced, now the fairy tale ends. Guys, I really enjoyed traveling to a fairy tale! What about you? What did you like? (remember, which fairy tale characters did we meet? Did they live together or quarrel (amicably, they all loved to dance together). And you guys live together in kindergarten? (Yes). And never quarrel (Yes) Well done!

Target: continue to develop an interest in fiction.


1. Develop the ability to listen carefully to a piece.

2. Develop the ability to talk about your attitude to a specific action literary character: why did he do this, did he do the right thing.

3. Continue to improve the dialogical form of speech: answer and ask questions, listen to the interlocutor, express your point of view.

4. Develop qualities such as empathy, responsiveness, caring for younger people, helping others, protecting those who are weaker.

5. Foster friendly relationships between children: play, work, study together, treat each other with respect; the desire to please elders with good deeds.

Vocabulary work: hard worker, slacker, waiting out the rain, stronger and stronger, fit in, made room, guessed, dry out, chasing; "In cramped conditions, but don't be offended."

Materials and equipment: flannelograph, fairy tale, cards with the image fairy-tale heroes: Ant, Butterfly, Mouse, Sparrow, Hare, Mushroom and Fox; riddles; fairy tale.

Preliminary work with children: conversation “getting to know insects”, reading fiction: “Like an ant hurried home”; poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings on the topic of insects; p/i "Sly Fox".

Progress of the lesson:

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

Let's give each other a smile. What's your mood today?

Guys, do you like listening to fairy tales? And I love it. Once upon a time I was as little as you and often visited the land of fairy tales. The Storyteller lives there. He once told me a fairy tale, which I still love to this day. Do you want to know which one? To do this you need to solve riddles. Are you ready to guess them? Then sit down and listen carefully:

(For each answer, the teacher takes out a picture with a fairy tale hero and the children take turns attaching it to the magnetic board.)

1) He is a hard worker, not a slacker,

Builds a whole anthill.

Guess quickly:

"Who is the builder?" (ant)

2) It flutters and dances over the flower,

Waves a patterned fan (butterfly)

3) Small legs, afraid of cats,

Lives in a mink, loves crusts (mouse)

4) Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy! Who is this? (sparrow)

5) The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark. (bunny)

6) Red-haired cheat,

cunning and dexterous,

got into the barn,

counted the chickens (fox)

7) In the summer you will find her in the swamp.

Green frog, who is it? (frog).

8) It looks like an umbrella,

Only a hundred times less

He has a hat and a leg.

When it rains, it will grow. (mushroom)

Well done, you solved all the riddles! Name all the heroes. All these heroes gathered in one fairy tale, written by Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev. And it’s called “Under the Mushroom.” Do you want to listen to her? Sit down so that it is comfortable, listen carefully:

Reading the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" by V. Suteev

“Once Ant was caught in heavy rain.

Where to hide?

The Ant saw a small fungus in the clearing, ran to it and hid under its hat.

He sits under a mushroom and waits out the rain.

And the rain comes harder and harder.

A wet butterfly crawls towards the mushroom:

Ant, Ant, let me go under the fungus! I'm wet - I can't fly!

Where will I take you? - says the ant. - I somehow fit in here alone.

Nothing! In cramped conditions, but not in offence.

The Ant let the Butterfly under the fungus.

And the rain is falling even harder.

Mouse runs past:

Let me go under the fungus! Water flows from me like a stream.

Where will we let you go? There's no room here.

Make room a little!

They made room and let the Mouse under the fungus.

And the rain keeps pouring and doesn’t stop.

Sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries:

The feathers are wet, the wings are tired! Let me dry under the fungus, rest, wait out the rain!

There's no room here.

Move over please!


We moved - Sparrow found a place.

And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing and saw a mushroom.

Hide, - he shouts, - save! The fox is chasing me.

I feel sorry for the Hare, says the Ant. - Let's make some room. chasing

As soon as they hid the Hare, the Fox came running.

Have you seen the hare? - asks.

Didn't see it.

The Fox came closer and sniffed:

Isn't this where he hid?

Where can he hide here?

The Fox waved her tail and left.

By that time the rain had passed and the sun came out. Everyone came out from under the mushroom and rejoiced.

The ant thought about it and said:

How so? Previously, it was cramped for me alone under the mushroom, but now there was a place for all five of us!

Kwa-ha-ha! Kwa-ha-ha! - someone laughed. (sounds of frogs croaking)

Everyone looked: a Frog was sitting on a mushroom cap and laughing:

Eh, you! It's a mushroom.

She didn’t finish saying it and galloped away.

We all looked at the mushroom and then guessed why at first it was cramped for one under the mushroom, and then there was room for five.

Did you guess?”

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened! You're probably already tired of sitting, let's get up and warm up a little:

In the morning the gnomes went into the forest.

(step in place)

On the way we found a mushroom.

(lean forward, straighten up, hands on waist)

And then one, two, three -

(torso tilts from side to side)

Three more showed up!

(arms forward, then to the side)

And while the mushrooms were being picked,

(bend forward, hands to the floor)

The gnomes were late for school.

(hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side)

We ran, we hurried (running in place)

And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)

Have you rested? Then sit down on the chairs.

Remember the name of the fairy tale we read.

What was the first fungus? What did he become later?

Guys, what animals hid from the rain under a mushroom? (children's answers). How many were there?

Who was the first to hide under the mushroom? And then? Let us now arrange the pictures in order. Let's try to portray the first hero, the second.

What was the weather like at first, what happened then? (children's answers). Try to imitate him.

Who did the animals rescue from trouble? (children's answers). What was he like? Timofey, try to imitate him.

Did the fairy tale heroes do the right thing by hiding the bunny?

Which Fox? Try to imitate her, Arina. Why did the animals deceive her and not give up the Bunny? (children's answers).

Why was there previously not enough room for one person under the mushroom, but then five could fit in?

What kind of animals were they, tell me, in a word? (children's answers).

Right! Friendly, brave, resourceful!

Would you like to have such friends? (children's answers).

Which of the fairy tale characters did you like best? Why?

I see you liked this fairy tale, let's try to call each character affectionately. I throw a ball to you, name any hero from a fairy tale, and you catch the ball and call this hero affectionately: ant (ant, sparrow, mouse, hare, fox, mushroom, frog.