Brown recluse spider. Harmless in appearance and deadly - the brown recluse spider

Dream Interpretation yellow spider

Dreams in which disgusting insects are present signal psychological problems. Feelings of guilt and anxiety break through from the depths of the subconscious and require analysis and resolution of accumulated problems.

A dream book will help you understand why various colored spiders appear in dreams. We remembered their actions, our reaction to them, and the fact that the spiders were brightly colored.

All shades of yellow

The color of the insect, if remembered well, affects the interpretation of the dream. Yellow itself carries a deep semantic load. Why do you dream about spiders of different colors?

Dreamed of a golden insect

  • Bright, golden - wealth will fall on you, which will result in the collapse of an established business.
  • Greenish-yellow - envious people are weaving their web around you, the danger of illness cannot be ruled out.
  • Orange signals that you have not fully developed your creative potential and organizational skills. A bright shade can warn of a disease of the circulatory system.
  • Red - your enemy is careful and cunning, don’t relax, be prepared for trouble
  • Black and yellow - financial problems.
  • Large, brown - the fruits of your efforts will not take long to arrive.
  • Colored spiders - for joyful events in the house.

Spider behavior

Did spiders in a dream pose a threat to life and health, or were they simply weaving their web?


The spider unexpectedly attacks and bites. Why dream of such horror? Consider this as a warning against participating in intrigues that could harm your career. The dream book also interprets an insect bite as a betrayal of close friends and possible machinations of enemies.

A huge, red spider is approaching you - you have an influential and insidious enemy who has not yet shown himself, but is already near you.


They do not cause panic fear or negative emotions. They are busy with their own affairs and do not pay attention to you, crawling along the walls, ceiling, floor, all over the dreamer himself.

On the human body

Why did you dream that insects were crawling on your body? You felt their touch and got a good look at them.

Crawling on the face

  • Sitting on a woman's body - pregnant women may have a miscarriage or other complications.
  • On the back - betrayal, selfishness of friends, a treacherous blow on the sly.
  • The face shows the deceit of loved ones.
  • Crawling along your hand - expect an addition to the family.
  • An insect on your head, in your hair - an energy vampire has appeared in your environment.

In your habitat

We watched insects from the side in a dream. They behaved calmly and measuredly. The dream book will help you decipher the message of the subconscious and understand why you are dreaming about such a vision.

Other options

I dreamed about spiders in bed - yours intimate relationships will soon be destroyed. A traveler dreams about starting a journey - for reasons beyond your control you will have to change the route. A painted or toy spider means your loved one is deceiving you. Why do you dream of a dead spider - your efforts are in vain, laziness and idleness prevent you from achieving success.

The dreamer's behavior and emotions

We remembered the plot of the dream well. You wanted to catch or kill an insect, you felt disgust and disgust - all these small parts influence the interpretation of sleep.

Interpretations of popular dream books

There are so many dream interpreters, so many opinions. Depending on the circumstances and plot of the dream, the interaction of the characters, seers draw different conclusions about future events.

Vanga's Dream Book

Finally, a serious conversation will take place, important for your future destiny. This is what spiders dream about.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you are trying to kill a spider, your position in society will be strengthened. He runs away - expect an unexpected breakthrough in life.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dream that spiders in a jar are fighting among themselves - in reality your competitors will busy themselves with their internal squabbles, and they will forget about you for a while.

Islamic dream book

A man dreams of a spider as a warning about a possible relationship with someone else’s wife, which will cause irreparable damage to his reputation.

Loff's Dream Book

A light spider in a dream means changes for the better and good news await you.

Muslim dream book

Why do you dream of spiders in a dish of food? You will be presented with a veiled problem by people from whom you would not expect anything like this.

Love dream book

You dream about an orange spider when everything is good in the dreamer’s house, but it will become even better, more fun and comfortable.

Seeing a spider in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, and luck will thank you for this.

Seeing a spider weaving its web means that you will be calm and happy in your home.

Killing a spider in a dream foretells that you will quarrel with your wife or lover.

If a spider bites you in a dream, you will become a victim of betrayal, and your work will suffer due to the fault of your enemies.

If you see in a dream that you are surrounded by many spiders hanging on their webs, this promises you an unusually favorable combination of circumstances: good health, good luck, the support of your friends.

To dream that you have stumbled upon a web with a huge spider means, despite dangerous connections, quick success in life.

A dream in which a very large and very large person is approaching you at the same time. little spider and, means that you will succeed in business and will more than once rejoice at your immense luck; however, if huge spider bites you in a dream - your enemies will steal your luck. If you are bitten by a small spider, then minor attacks and envy will bother you.

If you dream that you are running away from big spider- this means that luck will leave you under humiliating circumstances. If you kill this spider, you may take a worthy position. However, if he later comes to life and chases you again, then you will be oppressed by illness and the variability of fortune.

If a girl dreams that golden spiders are crawling around her, then her happiness is not far off and she will soon be surrounded by new friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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What do most people do when they see a spider? They squeal in fear, wince, try to smack the alien with the first thing that comes to hand? Most people do just that. Even those who experience neither fear nor disgust at the sight of an insect usually prefer to keep their distance from it. But our ancestors didn’t think so! For them, the spider was a very valuable predictor, whose color, size and actions determined what events awaited in the future.

What to see in the house

It is quite natural to encounter an insect on the street or in a private home. An open window, a door, a crack in the floor - a yard spider has thousands of opportunities to “look at the light.” It is more difficult to detect an uninvited guest in a metropolitan apartment, but there is nothing supernatural about this either. Spiders arrive on clothes, fly with the wind onto the balcony, go down the ventilation shaft from the attic... Therefore, you should not see every meeting with an insect as a sign of fate. But no one is stopping you from trying to figure out what it could mean. At least for the sake of interest.

  • If a spider crawls along the floor or wall towards you, rejoice: it is carrying profit with it. If he's in a hurry to leave, he carries him away.
  • If an insect has descended from the ceiling on a cobweb and swayed right in front of your face, do not rush to jump to the side screaming. Most likely, unexpected news or a guest will come, and whether they will be good or bad depends on your reaction. Gather your will and remain calm.
  • However, there is another interpretation. It is believed that if an insect climbs up the web, it promises good news, if down, it promises sad news.
  • If a spider falls on your head, it will be very difficult to keep your cool. But as a reward for the ordeal you have experienced, a pleasant surprise awaits you, most likely material.
  • Did the spider end up on your shoulder? Good luck in something important to you.
  • Dive right into an open palm? For a wedding or success in business. Without delay, start implementing a long-planned project: everything you take on now will literally burn in your hands.
It's hard to believe, but a spider in its web is a real talisman for your home

In general, although proximity to these creatures is unpleasant and poorly compatible with hygiene, many peoples consider it a good omen. Spiders catch happiness and good fortune in their webs, set traps for enemies at home, and bring peace and harmony to the family. In any case, in the old days, a piece of cobweb clinging somewhere in a dark corner was considered a kind of amulet - if it were there, there would be harmony among the family.


But this is not all superstition! The ability of our ancestors to notice and compare different events was truly inexhaustible, and their imagination was limitless. One can only wonder at own experience check their observations.

Why are there so many spiders?

  • This home is inhabited by balanced and good people, the energy background is impeccable, and peace and mutual respect reign in relationships.
  • Wealth and great luck will soon fall on you.
  • You haven't done any spring cleaning for a long time. It also happens.

Why is size important?

Whatever the signs promise you, when you see a big spider, multiply what you promised by two. Is it crawling towards you? Get really big win. Runs away? Hold on to the money, you will need it. Hanging from the ceiling on a cobweb? Important and interesting news will come. Little spider in this situation it is also good. If troubles are coming, let them be smaller. And luck, no matter how small, is still luck.


Red and red are the color of money

The brown spider... just a spider. Pay attention to the size and location where you met it.

  • By location
  • An insect that has chosen a bathroom or toilet for its home hints that a lot of unnecessary things have accumulated in your life. Old things, protracted situations, outdated relationships... it's time to change something. A spider in the sink portends vanity. There will be a lot of work, but the result will be scanty. But you shouldn’t wash it off, since according to the same signs, killing an insect threatens with all sorts of misfortunes.
  • It’s better to throw the alien out of the sink with a broom or cover it with a glass and send it outside.
  • A cobweb in the bedroom, unless it is the work of a white craftsman, symbolizes stagnation and boredom in a relationship.
  • Has an insect settled in the nursery? Your baby now has a personal protector amulet. If there is no danger that one day he will fall into the crib and scare the child, leave the spider in place.
  • Cobwebs in the kitchen are usually interpreted as a sign of a lack of love in the house. But why would that be?
  • The network is spread out on the doorframe - an influx of money into the house is expected.
  • If a spider walks on the pillow, there will be a lot of trouble ahead.
  • A spider descended on the table during dinner - someone is unkindly disposed towards the family.
  • Running around the table - hints at moving.
  • Plopped down on the threshold - prophesies illness or death. Sweep the gloomy predictor out of the threshold with a broom and slam the door.

Did a spider live in the refrigerator? Maybe it's time to get serious about housekeeping?

By time of day
  • If you meet a spider in the morning, there will be no luck until the evening. It is especially bad to see an insect in a village house next to the stove! This is explained simply: the stove has long been considered the heart of the home, and the spider is the guardian of peace in it. If the guardian sits in such an important place in the morning with a ruffled face, it means he senses something is wrong. Don’t start anything important today, but postpone all decisions until tomorrow.
  • If you run into an insect during the day after lunch, you will soon find new love.
  • In the evening, the insect promises everyone who notices it good events and peace of mind.
  • If you happened to see a spider at night, don’t expect a peaceful life the next day. You will have to work hard solving everyday issues.

According to the gender of the person who saw it

  • In general, signs do not differentiate whether the spider caught the eye of a man or a woman. But sometimes you can hear versions that it promises a new admirer to a girl, and a friend to a guy.
  • It’s worse if the bride encounters an insect on the way to the registry office or church. Such a marriage is destined to not last long, especially if you are inclined to believe in signs and begin to consider any random quarrel as a sign of an impending separation. Some beliefs believe that it will be bad if both newlyweds notice a spider. Although, if you think about it, the omen is strange. How can a meeting with someone who is considered the patron of the family hearth threaten a young family?
  • But if a spider crawls onto the bride’s dress or veil, the marriage will be strong and the house prosperous.


If the insect died through no fault of yours, there is nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes beliefs still try to predict failure for a person who discovers a dead spider, but rarely. Most likely, neither bad nor good will happen.

However, you can try to turn this circumstance to your advantage. Fans of omens advise carefully picking up the spider with a sheet of paper or a dustpan (you can do it with your hands, if you’re not afraid) and throwing it into the fire. And after that, ask him to talk with higher powers in “that” world and beg for something useful for you. Since the spider has earned a reputation as a mysterious animal since ancient times, who knows what connections it has on the other side?

A way to neutralize a negative omen

  • If a bad prophecy still overtakes you, carefully catch the insect with a jar, take it outside and throw it on the grass with the words: “Go away, take your troubles and misfortunes with you!”
  • Another option: so that the eight-legged weaver does not predict for you, turn to face him and say loudly: “Forget me!” Considering that our Slavic ancestors called Churom the mighty guardian of the clan, from now on you will have nothing to fear. With spider predictions ancient warrior will definitely cope and save you.

How to treat signs, everyone decides for themselves. But you definitely shouldn’t subject your life to them. Do it differently: having received another prediction from a spider, connect your personal intuition and listen to what it tells you. Folk wisdom paired with a sixth sense, and even supported by a little logic - a more efficient adviser.


The leg span is 6-20 mm, females are slightly larger. The body is colored brown, gray or dark yellow. The dorsal side of the cephalothorax usually bears a dark pattern resembling a violin (the neck is directed towards the posterior end of the body). The presence of such a pattern is not unique for this species, and is common not only among closely related forms, but even among representatives of other families (for example, hay spiders).

Cephalothorax Loxosceles reclusa . Three pairs of eyes and a pattern resembling a violin are visible.

Unlike most spiders, which have eight eyes, this species is characterized by the presence of six eyes, organized into three pairs: one medial and two lateral. From other spiders with six eyes (family Scytodidae) is distinguished by the absence of color patterns on the abdomen and limbs. The abdomen is covered with short hairs. The legs are somewhat lighter in the joints.

The legs of a recluse spider are widely spaced if it is on a flat surface, however, when alarmed, it takes a defensive position: it draws its front legs inward, raises its pedipalps, and extends its hind legs to lunge.

Life cycle

The spider lays eggs in the form of white sacs and stores them in well-covered places. Each sac is approximately 7.5 mm in diameter and contains 40 to 50 eggs. Baby spiders shed their chitinous covering five to eight times before adulthood. The shed cover has a very rigid structure and can be used for identification by experienced arachnologists. The brown recluse spider lives from two to four years.


During the day brown spider- the hermit hides under stones and snags, in crevices and burrows of small animals, and at night hunts for other spiders and insects. . He injects poison into his victims, which has hemolytic and necrotoxic effects. Unlike most spiders, the brown recluse spider leaves its web at night. Males spend most time hunting, while females prefer to be closer to their networks.


The brown recluse spider thrives when modified by humans. environment. It weaves random webs in armfuls of firewood, as well as in sheds, garages, basements, attics, toilets, plenum cavities and other places where there is wood and twilight. They can also be found in empty boxes, shoes, clothes, bed linen, behind pictures and behind skirting boards - in a word, in those places that are identical natural place The habitat of the hermit spider is tree bark, burrows, crevices, etc. In rooms with low temperatures, the spider tends to heat sources.


The distribution of this species is from the southern midwestern United States to the Gulf of Mexico. The range lies along a line from southeastern Nebraska, through southern Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and into southwestern Ohio. In the southern states - from central Texas to western Georgia and northern Virginia. Related species brown recluse spider- red spider (lat. loxosceles rufescens) - found in Hawaii. Contrary to popular rumor, the brown recluse spider is not common in the state of California - other species from the genus Loxosceles are found in the southwestern United States and California.

Danger to humans

The brown recluse spider is not aggressive and rarely attacks humans. He usually bites people when they encroach on his life and territory. Most people get bitten due to carelessness and inattention during the cleaning process. This usually happens when a spider gets under clothing or on the bed. Some people are bitten by a spider right in bed, others - when they put on shoes or clothes in which this representative of the arachnids is hiding. The arms, neck and lower abdomen are usually affected.

Poisonous Bite

Tissue necrosis caused by a spider bite

A spider bite very often goes unnoticed, but in most cases the sensations are similar to those of a needle prick. Then, within 2-8 hours, pain and itching make themselves felt. Further, the situation develops depending on the amount of poison that enters the blood.

The bite of the brown recluse spider causes a range of symptoms known as loxoscelism. It is characterized by a gangrene eschar at the site of the bite, nausea, malaise, fever, hemolysis and thrombocytopenia. In most cases, a spider bite is insignificant and does not cause necrosis, but in large doses it can provoke the formation of a necrotic ulcer that destroys soft tissue. The diameter of the ulcer can reach 25 cm or more, and after healing, which takes 3-6 months, a depressed scar remains.

The clear, viscous venom of this spider contains esterase, alkaline phosphatase, protease and other enzymes that cause tissue necrosis and hemolysis. The main role in the development of necrosis belongs to sphingomyelinase D, which binds to cell membranes and causes neutrophil chemotaxis, vascular thrombosis and the Arthus phenomenon. In case of necrosis of subcutaneous tissue, healing may take 3 years.

In rare cases, systematic symptoms are characteristic: damage internal organs and, in extremely rare cases, even death; majority deaths seen in children under seven years of age, people with weak immune systems, and the elderly. The causes of death can be hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria and renal failure.

The medical literature lists several spiders whose bite leads to necrosis. These include, for example, the American wandering spider (lat. Tegenaria agrestis) and bag spider (lat. Cheiracanthium punctorium). However, the bites of these spiders, unlike the bite of the brown recluse spider, do not produce such severe symptoms.

First aid for a bite

If you are bitten, you must first of all remain calm and call a doctor. Then it is necessary to slow down the spread of poison from the bite site in any way. To do this, you need to apply ice to the bite site. The affected limb should be immobilized and elevated. Antiseptics should be used to disinfect the wound, and aloe juice can be used to reduce pain. If possible, it is worth catching the spider in a clean and secure container - this is necessary for an expert to identify the spider.

There are many treatment options for the effects of a bite, with varying degrees of effectiveness: hyperbaric oxygen therapy, dapsone, antihistamines (for example, cyproheptadine), antibiotics, dextran, glucocorticoids, vasodilators, heparin, nitroglycerin, electric shock, curettage, surgical intervention and an antidote. None of these options have been subjected to controlled trials to determine effectiveness. In most cases, the consequences of bites are cured without any medical intervention.

Precautionary measures

To avoid a spider bite you should:

  • thoroughly shake out clothes and shoes before using them;
  • check bedding and toilet before use;
  • wear gloves when carrying firewood, timber and stones (you should check the gloves themselves before doing this);
  • remove boxes from under beds; move the beds themselves away from the walls;
  • be careful with boxes - spiders often hide in them;

To limit spider access to your home, you should:

  • install a protective screen on windows and doors;
  • install door sweeps;
  • seal cracks and crevices through which spiders can enter the house;
  • install with outside at home, a yellow or sodium gas-discharge lamp - such lamps do not attract insects that the spider feeds on;
  • seal the edges of cardboard boxes to prevent spiders from getting into them;
  • Use sealed plastic containers to store things in the garage, basement and attic;


  • promptly get rid of garbage, old boxes and clothes, piles of stones and other unnecessary things;
  • clean out the toilet, basement, garage, attic and outbuildings;
  • do not stack timber in front of the house;
  • prevent the presence of dead insects in the house that the spider feeds on;

Other measures:

  • use duct tape to catch spiders;
  • thoroughly dust and vacuum the premises to remove spiders, cobwebs and spider eggs (the contents of the dust container should be thrown into a trash container outside the home);
  • to kill individuals, use a rolled-up newspaper or

Having seen a spider in a night vision, most people experience a feeling of disgust and fear, believing that they are about to experience far from the most pleasant events in life, although in fact this belief has nothing to do with reality.

What if you dream about red spiders?

When figuring out why red spiders dream, the dreamer must understand that the color of this animal, in principle, has no special significance, because it is much more important to take into account its size and behavior. For example, in Astromeridian’s dream book, only black spiders contain a negative meaning, promising the sleeper a depressive state caused by sad events in his life, while red spiders and any others, on the contrary, are described as an exceptionally good harbinger.

For young girls, spiders weaving webs foretell a quick marriage, which will turn out to be prosperous, and for married ladies, the same vision prophesies prosperity and a happy life. family hearth. It is also considered a good harbinger for businessmen, promising them fabulous profits, which will be facilitated by gaining close connections in the highest and most influential circles. A dream in which I saw spiders different sizes, indicates the highest labor productivity of the sleeper, as a result of which he will be able to implement everything previously planned without any problems.

But you shouldn’t rush to rejoice, because not all interpreters share the opinion that spiders are capable of prophesying exclusively serene happiness and wealth. Eg, famous psychologist Meneghetti described this animal as the personification of paralytic zombification.

It is noteworthy that not only the dreamer, but also individual groups of people, and sometimes even entire nations, can become a victim of such vampiric influence. At the same time, the red color of an animal seen in a dream may indicate the presence of some crazy passions in the life of the sleeper. It is not at all impossible that the dreamer will fall into sexual slavery in the foreseeable future, despite the fact that this event will occur with his voluntary consent.

So in the Autumn dream book, the image of a spider crawling along a wall is considered a bad harbinger, indicating that the sleeper will have to be seriously saddened in the near future. The authors of the Summer Interpreter, on the contrary, give the dreamer hope for the best if he happened to see a spider descending along a thin web, believing that he is prophesying some amazing news from afar. In Veles’s small dream book, the spider is described as a prophecy of an imminent wedding, in which the sleeping man himself will be the groom.

What does it portend?

In this dream book, the image of a spider is generally interpreted exactly the opposite. For example, a spider crawling along a wall is considered not a harbinger of troubles and misfortunes, but the personification of stunning success in business and the implementation of everything previously planned. Killing this animal in a dream, according to this interpreter, is also a good dream, because after such a dream a person will finally be able to defeat his enemies.

Catching a spider in the palm of your hand without causing any harm to it means the birth of a child, and if it was red in color in the dream, then most likely the dreamer will have a daughter. But in Russian folk dream book the image of a spider is described as the personification of evil in its purest form, and if you believe this publication, then after its appearance in a dream you certainly shouldn’t expect anything good from life. A lot of tiny spiders in a dream often indicate the occurrence of various kinds of minor troubles in reality, which, despite their insignificant scale, will make the dreamer very nervous.

In the dream book of the ancient poet Aesop, the image of a spider is described as the personification of someone’s greed and cruelty. The red color of the animal in this case may indicate the young age of a person who has a negative set of personal qualities.