A short story about autumn for kids. Short stories about autumn. Pages of the book - fairy tales about an autumn leaf

Once upon a time there was Autumn, and she had three daughters: Sentyabrinka, Oktyabrinka and Noyabrinka.
One day, mother Autumn got together to check her possessions and ordered her daughters not to leave the house until she herself called them.
They did not wait for the daughter's mother's call and decided to go for a walk together.

As soon as Sentyabrinka opened the door, all the leaves and grasses in the yard turned yellow, the flowers wilted.

And when Oktyabrinka crossed the threshold, the wind rose, cut off all the foliage from the trees, and overtook black clouds.

After Oktyabrinka and Noyabrinka ran out into the yard - it began to snow with rain, it became cold and dark.

The daughters were frightened and out of fear and forgot who they are, what their names are and where they live. They dispersed in different directions, and on Earth darkness came.

Autumn returned home, unable to find her daughters in the darkness and cold. She ran to her friend Month, told about her misfortune.

Saddled the Month of the faithful horse and went in search.

How long, how short he was driving, suddenly he sees a light in the distance. I drove up, and this is the old man Stovek sitting near the fire, turning the coals, asking where the good fellow is heading. The Moon told him about the trouble. The old man replies: “I know how to find the daughters of Autumn. Here, take the scarf. She is magical. Whoever takes hold of its tip will stick to it. Only with the help of this kerchief will you be able to gather Sentyabrinka, Oktyabrinka and Novyabrinka together.” He thanked the Month of Stovek and set off.

He rides and rides and suddenly he hears: someone is quietly muttering. The Moon took a closer look, and this crane freezes from the cold. Well done picked him up, warmed him up, fed him and let him go free.
The Moon arrived at the forest. He sees that the hunters are chasing the fox, he feels sorry for the beast. Month covered his face, and it became completely dark. At this time, the fox ran away.
He took only two steps, found a hare in a snare and released it.

How long did the good fellow wander, but at last he gathered all the daughters of Autumn. They go home, hold on to the magic scarf, but they cannot remember who they are. The Moon was saddened.

Suddenly they see a crane wedge flying in the sky, and the smallest crane is cooing the loudest. Senyabrinka heard a cry, raised her head, and remembered her name. And then the fox ran, flashed with its red tail and painted the whole forest in yellow and red. As the middle daughter saw this, she immediately remembered that her name was Oktyabrinka. And after the fox white hare, like a blizzard across the field, flew by. Noyabrinka looked at him and guessed her own name.

Daughters returned home and mother began to listen to Autumn, but in turn they went out for a walk in the yard, each at its own time. And on Earth, peace and tranquility has come.

We read to children, months.


Bull hedgehog was sitting on the lawn near the house and noticed how green grass covers more and more yellow leaves. How sad he got. After all, yellow leaves are a sign of autumn. The kid went to his room to find out when this insidious cold season would come. He carefully looked at the calendar and could not believe his eyes. It turns out that autumn should come tomorrow! Can't be! He quickly called his girlfriend Gru the squirrel, for her the new season is a real fairy tale about autumn. And for him - a whole tragedy.

Gru, do you know that autumn starts tomorrow?
- Of course! I'm incredibly happy! Golden season, beauty, flowers, warm sweaters, cocoa, books, fireplace….
- Wait wait. Bull interrupted his girlfriend. “All this causes me terrible stress. Maybe you will come to visit me?
The squirrel agreed and quickly rushed to his friend. She took apples and nuts with her. Gru knew very well - the best remedy to calm the boys - food. And while preparing delicious dishes, one could have a heart-to-heart talk.

A fairy tale about autumn for children: how to stop being sad and start to rejoice?

Gru put on a pink apron and began to chirp about breaking news. At the same time, she kneaded the dough for an apple pie.
— And she bought exactly the same dress as mine, well, can you imagine! Give me another egg, great. At the same time, this dress sits on her better than on me. I was very annoyed. How well you cut apples, well done, Bull! But the squirrel Chris is not at all great, because she tells everyone that she bought this dress first!
Buhl cut apples with a face that did not have a single emotion. He did not react to the complaints of Gru, who was waiting for sympathy. Didn't respond to her praise. It seems that Bull was quite sad.
- Buddy, tomorrow you and I will go to school! This is a fairy tale about autumn - walking in the park after school, chewing sandwiches and apples!
“I don’t know why you are happy. Judge for yourself. The days are getting shorter and colder. We can no longer swim. We won't be able to walk outside for a long time. Soon in Fairy forest it will rain and we will stay at home. None fresh apples by the way, - said the hedgehog and put a piece of delicious apple into his mouth for a pie.
— The days are colder, but we have a beautiful new clothes! We won't be able to swim, but we can climb mountains of yellow leaves! During the rains we will put together puzzles or read interesting fairy tales. And in the morning walk through the meadows in rubber boots. At the same time, Bul, do not forget - you and your parents have been picking apples on your needles all summer. And you have a whole warehouse of these juicy fruits in your basement. Enough for whole year!

The squirrel filled the apples with dough and opened the oven. I put the cake in the middle.

“Now let’s get rid of the nuts!” she said, and handed them to the hedgehog. She sat down to rest. While Bull pressed walnuts and took the core out of them, Gru continued to protect her favorite season. - I spent the whole summer rushing through the forest and collecting fruits. There is a whole warehouse of useful things in my house. For me, autumn is a long-awaited time when I will rest and enjoy the fruits of my labors. Autumn is the rebirth of nature. The forest is preparing for winter magic, and we can watch this preparation. Green color turn with many shades of yellow and orange, red and brown. And then it will turn gray for a while, until the snow decorates everything around. Poor monkeys and elephants. They have to look at the sweltering heat and walk through the jungle for a whole year. We are so lucky with the variety of weather. For me, a fairy tale about autumn is a miracle!
Buhl listened attentively and at first wanted to argue. But then I felt with what tenderness, tenderness and love Gru spoke about the long-awaited time of the year. It seems that the hedgehog has already begun to fall in love with this autumn fairy tale. The kitchen smelled of apple pie.
"The nuts are ready," said Bull. They took a hot cake out of the oven, sprinkled it with powdered sugar and nuts. We brewed tea. And they began to eat their culinary masterpiece.
“How delicious,” said the hedgehog. - Thank you, squirrel. It seems that the leaves outside the window no longer frighten me, but delight me.
“Maybe we’ll finish our meal and go throwing leaves?” Gru smiled.
So friends did. The next day, Bull woke up very happy, because he was very lucky to be born in the Fairy Forest, where four completely different seasons lived. Each of which gave its beauty and magic.

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Tale about autumn and her three daughters

Once upon a time there was Autumn, and she had

Three daughters: September,

October and November.

Once Mother Autumn gathered

Dominion checked and punished

Daughters don't leave the house until

She won't call them herself.

Did not wait for the mother's daughter

Call and decided to go for a walk.

As soon as Sentyabrinka opened the door, all the leaves and grasses in the yard turned yellow, the flowers wilted.

Oktyabrinka crossed the threshold - the wind rose, cut off all the foliage from the trees, black clouds caught up.

November came out into the yard - it started to snow with rain, it became cold and dark.

The daughters were frightened and out of fear and forgot who they are, what their names are and where they live. They dispersed in different directions, and on Earth darkness came.

Autumn returned home, unable to find her daughters in the darkness and cold. She ran to her friend Month, told about her misfortune. Saddled the Month of the faithful horse and went in search.

How long, how short he was driving, suddenly he sees a light in the distance. I drove up, and this is the old man Stovek sitting near the fire, turning the coals, asking where the good fellow is heading. The Moon told him about his misfortune. The old man replies: “I know how to find the daughters of Autumn. Here, take the scarf. She is magical. Whoever takes hold of its tip will stick to it. Only with the help of this kerchief will you be able to gather Sentyabrinka, Oktyabrinka and Novyabrinka together.” He thanked the Month of Stovek and set off.

He rides and rides and suddenly he hears: someone is quietly muttering. The Moon took a closer look, and this crane freezes from the cold. Well done picked him up, warmed him up, fed him and let him go free.

The Moon arrived at the forest. He sees that the hunters are chasing the fox, he feels sorry for the beast. Month covered his face, and it became completely dark. At this time, the fox ran away.

He took only two steps, found a hare in a snare and released it.

How long, how short, the good fellow wandered, but at last he gathered the daughters of Autumn. They go home, hold on to the magic scarf, but they cannot remember who they are. The Moon was saddened.

Suddenly they see a crane wedge flying in the sky, and the smallest crane is cooing the loudest. The girls heard a cry, raised their heads, and Sentyabrinka remembered her name. And then the fox ran, flashed with its red tail and painted the whole forest in yellow and red. As the middle daughter saw this, she immediately remembered that her name was Oktyabrinka. And after the fox, the white hare, like a snowstorm across the field, flew by. Noyabrinka looked at him and guessed her own name.

The daughters returned home and began to listen to their mother, taking turns going out into the yard for a walk. And on Earth, peace and tranquility has come.

Writing fairy tales with your mother is the type of creativity that was very common in the families of the intelligentsia in the nineteenth century. Then even house magazines and newspapers were published. Now this type of speech creativity is almost forgotten. Let's try to revive and see what happens?

Surely, all the adults, walking in the fall with the baby, answered his endless “why” - why the leaves are falling and spinning, why the fog, why the aspen leaves are trembling, why the birds are flying away and hundreds of different reasons. Of course, you spent time with him. Surely your baby can already name the signs of autumn and knows how autumn differs from other seasons. And today, on the basis of your child's knowledge and experience, we will compose with him his first author's fairy tale about nature - an autumn fairy tale. He will be a real writer and artist in it!

And this autumn song about autumn in pictures will help you and your baby plunge into the autumn fabulous mood!

We write a fairy tale with children. Tale of the adventures of an autumn leaf.

Secret 1: how to teach how to build a fairy tale storyline.

I want to offer to compose a fairy tale with the children about the adventures of an autumn leaf. Why this particular topic? First, children always like adventure. Secondly, when writing this fairy tale, the kid will remember the signs of autumn, learn to use his knowledge about autumn in a new creative situation. And this means that he will learn to be not a consumer, but a creator!

If you do not first discuss the plot of the fairy tale with the child, then he will forget the words, stumble, get confused, and the fairy tale will not work. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss what your fairy tale will be about before writing.

Ask the child:

  • “Our hero is a leaf - will it be a leaf from which tree - young or old? Maple or rowan? A tree from the forest or a tree by the river? Or a tree in our yard? Will he have a name? »
  • "Where will our fairy tale begin?"
  • “What will happen to the leaf in the fairy tale? Maybe he will go on a trip with migratory birds? Or will he meet a silver cobweb on his way and start talking with a spider? Or maybe he will land on a twig and swim along the river, and along the way he will get acquainted with mountain ash, birch and other trees that he has not seen before. Or maybe a leaf will fall on a stump and see how different insects hide in the stump cracks before winter, and make friends with them. Or will he be carried by the wind into a squirrel hollow and he will make friends with a squirrel?
  • "How will it all end?"

This simple planning of a fairy tale will help the child build a plot. And then the process of composing-telling a fairy tale will be easy and enjoyable for the baby! You can even sketch the invented plot with sketchy pictures if it turned out to be long enough.

Come up with a title for the story that will make it clear what it is about. You can show the covers of children's books and read their titles for example, remember what the child's favorite fairy tales and cartoons are called.

Secret 2: how to teach a child to tell his own fairy tale?

After creative planning - inventing the plot of a fairy tale, start telling a fairy tale with your baby.

If the child is still small (3-4 years), then start the phrase, and the baby will finish it. It will look something like this: “Once upon a time there was ... who? (child - "leaflet"). And he lived on ... (the child finishes). Has come…. blew strong wind. One day the wind ... The leaf got scared ... He asked ... Rowan answered ... And he flew .... " etc.

By setting the beginning of phrases, you help your child build connections between sentences and parts of the text. Such co-creation is very useful for a child, because in it the baby accumulates a kind of “dictionary” of connectives and fabulous words (once upon a time, suddenly, once, asked, said, answered, surprised, started, and they became, etc.). Often writing fairy tales with my mother and “absorbing” this experience, after a while time will happen fracture: You will suddenly notice that the baby has begun to actively use fabulous words and links in his speech, in his compositions without your help, he easily builds the text and does not stumble between sentences, he has a smooth rich expressive speech! This is exactly the result we are striving for!

If the child is 5-6 years old , then your help will depend on the level of speech development of the baby and his individual characteristics. Some children do not need help, others need to be given the beginning of phrases as they were at 3-4 years old, for others, a hint question is enough: “What happened next? Who did he meet? What did you say?"

Reception of dictation of a fairy tale to an adult.

I strongly advise you to write down the resulting fairy tale under the dictation of the child. This method of "dictation" by a child to an adult develops speech in a way that no other method will develop it. And the point here is that the baby is put in a situation where he has to dictate, and therefore, think through his speech and every word! With this technique, we prepare the transition from oral speech to writing! When a child dictates, he builds sentences that in another situation he is not yet able to build! That is, the dictation of the text is like a "bar" of growth for the baby!

If the baby repeats the same word many times, then you can correct it: “Listen, how did we do it. The leaf said: "Hello," Rowan said: "Hello." The leaflet said: “Who are you?” And the mountain ash said: “I am a mountain ash. And who are you? You and I keep repeating the same word “said” over and over. Let's try to replace it. How else can you say? (together with the baby, pick up the words - whispered, said, exclaimed, answered, asked, surprised). With the help of a child dictating your fairy tale, you will not only enrich the baby’s vocabulary and develop coherent speech, but also make a significant contribution to successful training child to school.

Secret 4. How to make a homemade book with a children's fairy tale?

I always arrange children's fairy tales into homemade books. I fold the album sheet in half. It turns out a "book" of 4 pages. The first page is the cover. The child draws it. On the cover we sign the name of our fairy tale. Be sure to choose a name so that it is clear from it what the story is about. The next three pages are the fairy tale itself: its beginning (second page), middle (third page) and end (fourth page). I write the text at the bottom of the page under dictation. And the child draws pictures.

The child quickly forgets his actions, especially his words. Speech is generally a phenomenon that cannot be touched, stroked, or somehow felt. Such books show the child a clear result of his speech, his efforts and are of great interest to all kids. After all, this result is beautiful, you can show it to a friend, dad, grandmother, stroke it, touch it!

Honestly, I have not seen a single small child who would refuse to compose a fairy tale and publish his own book based on it, in which he will be both an artist and a writer. Moreover, even the most mobile and hyperactive preschoolers are ready to do this exciting thing for hours!

Secret 5. Approximate themes of autumn fairy tales for kids.

If you like to compose fairy tales about nature, then here sample topics autumn stories which my children and I loved. Maybe you will like them and inspire creativity: “The Adventures of Autumn Rain”, “What did the mountain ash whisper about”, “Why is the oak green in autumn?”, “How the squirrel prepared for winter”, “A pleasant dream autumn tree”, “What do the trees in the forest say in autumn?”, “What did the autumn wind tell me yesterday?”

Lessons with children on storytelling with examples of exercises, speech games and tasks you will find in the article

I invite you to dialogue:

Your baby has turned out interesting tale ? Send it to the "Rodnaya Path" and we will be happy to publish it with your last name, first name and baby's name.

Have you been writing fairy tales with your child for a long time? Write about it in the comments. What topics do you like to write about? Your ideas will inspire other families to follow your example!

Happy storytelling everyone!

Here is what a wonderful autumn fairy tale was written by one of the readers of the site based on this article - look at what a beautiful autumn book they made at home with the baby:


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Autumn is the most exciting, magical time of the year, it is an unusual beautiful fairy tale that nature itself generously gives us. Many famous figures cultures, writers and poets, artists tirelessly praised autumn in their creations. A fairy tale on the theme "Autumn" should develop in children emotional and aesthetic responsiveness and figurative memory.

Genre of epic

According to the definition, a fairy tale is a special piece of literature or folklore, the content of which is entirely based on fiction. Fairy tales are of two types:

There is no objection to the assertion that folk tale historically clearly precedes the author's literary one.


Autumn, coming into its own, immediately immerses us in a real fairy tale. All vegetation boldly changes the color of its decoration, changing into brighter, more colorful outfits: wide-leaved maples glow with crimson, yellow aspens gently flutter in the wind, a fire of scarlet mountain ash burns. Miracle time...

This is how any fairy tale about autumn can begin, of which there are a great many both among famous writers and those of folk origin. Absolutely anyone can compose them, even children of preschool and primary school age.


Imagination is in all of us. Only in someone it sleeps and is ready to wake up, and in someone it has fallen into a long one. But everything can be fixed. You just need to sincerely believe in the personal possession of a creative streak and give it a little push, after which it will wake up and start generating fabulous ideas, each time surpassing itself.

Imagination is the ability to create plots and images, to find the unusual in the ordinary, to give life to the unreal and inanimate. But it needs nourishment, after which a fairy tale will begin to form. This recharge can be various life situations, such as seasons (in our case autumn), changes in nature, achievements, successes, problems, failures and failures.

Communication with a young child can help spark the imagination. Answering leading questions, he himself will answer you how and what should happen in a fairy tale. Writing fairy tales with children is very cognitive activity, because they have the most vivid, lively and colorful imagination. Fantasy, revive the inanimate. Let the road run away from under your feet, the door says, the closet rejoices at your arrival and asks you to scratch your back. Special attention The title is also worth mentioning. It should be short, concise and intriguing, for example: “Autumn is on the threshold”, “The Tale of autumn miracle" etc.


The source of inspiration can be found in music, paintings, in the images of famous fairy tales and the world of cinema. And unity with mother nature can awaken ideas even in a head that is completely clogged with fuss and worldly worries. To tune in the right mood, get a certain charge of inspiration, you can listen to "Autumn Song" by P.I. Tchaikovsky or declaring the wonderful work of V. Bortsova "The Tale of Autumn-Goldilocks". It will not be superfluous to view reproductions of paintings by I.S. Ostroukhov " gold autumn"and I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

As an example, you can read the works of the following authors: Iris Review "Children's Tale of Autumn", Larisa Zubanenko "The Tale of Autumn", Shchukina Tatiana "The Hedgehog and Autumn", Ekaterina Karagodina "The Tale of Autumn", Dmitriev Vasily "The Tale of Autumn and its Three daughters." They will help you decide in advance what your fairy tale about autumn should be like.

Honest and kind

Having started writing or choosing a story to read, it is worth remembering that in fairy tales, evil forces always triumph over good, the mind surpasses stupidity, and main character for their good deeds necessarily receives an award and recognition from others. But do not delve into undisguised moralizing.

Bold and courageous

It is impossible to deny the fact that the majority are not only infinitely kind, but also courageous. The use of such an image will give both the writer and listeners confidence in own forces, will help, with the help of identification with the main character, to overcome their fears and complexes. Any children's fairy tale about autumn can give fertile ground for confidence.

"Spicy" details

Naturally, if there is evil / villain in the story, then of course he should be punished, but you should try to skip the bloody details (like chopping off the head or ripping open the stomach, as in Little Red Riding Hood). Children do not have enough life experience, so their imagination, coping with the information received, can draw frightening pictures, which is clearly not good for them.

When and what to tell

Even the most short story about autumn will surely excite the imagination of little lovers of magical stories, will cause a violent emotional outburst and response.

After reading a fairy tale or story, listeners can still experience all the events and turns of the story for quite a long time. Therefore, adventure-filled stories are best told in active time days, and before going to bed, you should give preference to a calm fairy tale, which will certainly end happily, although it will not be without moralizing. Such a fairy tale about autumn will not leave unresolved questions in the child’s head about the events that have occurred, thereby contributing to a strong and restful sleep. Dream about your world, about yourself, let your wishes come true in the created fairy tale. But be careful, because wishes tend to come true, so think positively!