Kozhanov Dmitry Alexandrovich biography. education and professional experience

Department: Theories of structures and technical mechanics
Job title: Head of Pre-University Training and Marketing Department educational activities, associate professor
Academic degree:
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Telephone: Worker: (831) 280-84-45
Personal: 8-960-165-97-45
  • Kozhanov D.A. Fundamentals of modeling delamination processes using the finite element method in the ANSYS system // Proceedings scientific conference 17th Russian Architectural and Construction Forum / Nizhny Novgorod. state architect-builds University; resp. ed. A. A. Lapshin. – N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2019. – 144 p. ISBN 978-5-528-00364-1. – P. 7-11.
    • II International Scientific and Practical Conference " Environmental safety And sustainable development urbanized territories" // Collection of reports. / Nizhegorod. state architecture - builds. University; Editorial Board: A. A. Lapshin, V. N. Bobylev [etc.] - N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2019- 618 pp.
    • Kozhanov D.A., Vasilyeva A.A., Pronina Yu.A., Likhacheva S.Yu. Simulation of the deformation process periodic element masonry under conditions of short-term compression // Collection of reports of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development of Urbanized Territories” / Nizhny Novgorod. state architecture - builds. University; ed. coll.: A. A. Lapshin, V. N. Bobylev [etc.] - N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2019, pp. 167-173
    • Kozhanov D.A. Basic principles used in modeling processes of delamination of plates of medium thickness // Collection of reports of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development of Urbanized Territories” / Nizhny Novgorod. state architecture - builds. University; ed. Col.: A. A. Lapshin, V. N. Bobylev [etc.] - N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2019, pp. 188-194

    An intrigue of federal significance revolves around a subsidiary of the Voronezh defense concern Sozvezdie.

    Research Institute electronic technology(NIIET) found itself at the center of a scandal (for now – informational) around the possible “cutting” of hundreds of millions of rubles Russian microelectronics.

    The first insight about the problems of the institute with a half-century history was released last week by the telegram channel “Poligrafmedia,” which is backed by Vitaly Pankov, a native of the FSB. (Earlier, Notebook Voronezh reported that Vitaly Pankov is one of the founders of a new Voronezh media outlet with the same name; the Poligrafmedia telegram channel apparently appeared as the vanguard of the project, which knows the inner workings of the Constellation concern.)

    According to Roligrafmedia, in an effort to comply with the import substitution policies set by the president, the management of NIIET decided to complete the five-year plan in three years. To do this, we decided to expand the company’s technical capabilities and update the equipment.

    At the end of 2016, two competitions from NIIET appeared on the government procurement website for a total amount of more than 300 million rubles. One for development project documentation, and the second - for construction and installation work on technical re-equipment. An ambitious update of the telegram channel is associated with the appointment of a new general director NIIET - « effective manager from Moscow and part-time humanitarian Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kozhanov.

    In January 2017, a contract was concluded with Aloyan Argishti LLC CityLine.

    And everything would be fine if it were not for the subcontractor Otto LLC who suddenly appeared in the construction arena of NIIET technical systems-M“, which was supposed to carry out the arrangement of clean rooms, ventilation and a number of other delicate works, but did not complete it,” writes “Poligrafmedia”. - Moreover, he left the arena in English, taking with him 98 million rubles of Russian microelectronics. Construction work were due to end on September 30, 2017. But, according to available data, there can be no talk of any production of new microelectronics products at the Voronezh NIIET. There is no money, there is no subcontractor, and the general contractor seems to have started having problems with law enforcement agencies...

    The insider message ends with three pressing questions: “Will work on the technical re-equipment of the company that supplies products for the needs of the military-industrial complex be completed at all? Who will be responsible for the failure of the project? Were you aware? implemented scheme Director of NIIET?

    Aware information resource clearly hints at the key role in this story of NIIET General Director Dmitry Kozhanov. And he makes it clear that what is being told is just the tip of the iceberg on the path of the Constellation liner. Which looks especially alarming against the background of strategic weapons in the message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

    Let us note that before this, the name of Dmitry Kozhanov was heard in the public sphere in connection with the piquant situation surrounding the appointment of Daria Filippova as director of the Sochi National Park, whom Kommersant calls the niece of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry.

    Dmitry Rogozin has repeatedly mentioned that he older sister Tatyana Filippova continued the family aviation dynasty and graduated from MAI. When running for the Moscow City Duma in 2005, Tatyana Filippova listed her daughter Daria Kozhanova, who graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, in the “About Me” section. So, Daria was married to Dmitry Kozhanov - before becoming director of the Sochi Federal State Budgetary Institution national park».

    However, the couple not only separated, but with a scandal. On her Facebook page, in the “Family” column, Daria set the status to “widow”, although she ex-husband not only alive, but also, as we see, actively “developing” a subsidiary of the Voronezh defense concern “Sozvezdie”.

    Voronezh Notebook's sources in the regional authorities, who closely monitor Constellation, note that the niece of the deputy prime minister in charge of the defense industry did not just disown her ex-husband. And at the same time they refer to the proverb: “In Russia they harness for a long time, but they go quickly.”

    Our publication will follow the development of this story.

    Victor Ganik

    News on Notepad-Voronezh

    Born in 1970 in Moscow.

    In 1992 he graduated from the faculty foreign languages Military Red Banner Institute of the Ministry of Defense.

    Passed military service in the Armed Forces Russian Federation.

    Between 1992 and 2006 he worked in various commercial and government organizations in leadership positions.

    In 2006 he graduated from the Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in National Economics.

    As an assistant manager Rosinformtekhnologii Vladimir Matyukhin(2006-2008), took part in the development of the project “ Electronic government ».

    Before joining the FSUE Central Research Institute of EISU as Deputy General Director for Development in June 2012, he held the position of First Deputy General Director of Information Communications and Security LLC.

    In March 2013, by order of the director of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to act as director general of the FSUE Central Research Institute of EISU.

    Appointment of Daria Filippova as director of Sochi National Park turned into a scandal when it turned out who her uncle was. But is she really... Rogozin's niece? And why did she take the life of her ex-husband?

    Pregnant girl

    If the dismissed director Sochi National Park Nikolai Penkovsky simply told reporters that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment decided to replace him with an ordinary graduate of the journalism department of Moscow State University, who, in his words, “has nothing to do with forests”; no one would have paid any attention to this personnel change. You never know how many ignoramuses we have in our leadership.

    But his hint that Daria Filippova is the niece of Dmitry Rogozin gave the Sochi story a national flavor.

    “I know Penkovsky very well, I was his boss,” explained the former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor. Oleg Mitvol. – A good professional, he worked in the most difficult conditions, demolished illegal buildings... And to appoint in his place a pregnant 22-year-old girl without a specialized education...

    – Actually, she’s 42.

    - Exactly? What a difference! The reason is still on the surface.

    Favorite sister

    About the reasons. Kommersant has already written that the new head of the park is Dmitry Rogozin’s niece: “At least in 1994–2013, Daria Filippova worked in commercial organizations, directly related to sister Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Filippova" Journalists drew this conclusion from the biography of Filippova Jr., posted on the website of the Ministry of Ecology of Crimea, where she worked as a deputy minister for several days this spring.

    The fact that Tatyana [Olegovna] Filippova is the sister of the Deputy Prime Minister is a well-known fact. The official personally congratulates her on her birthday on Facebook. And the sister herself is a public person: the stepmother of the former Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov and the widow of the former general director of the Ilyushin Aviation Complex Viktor [Vladimirovich] Livanov. Today, by the way, “Il” is headed by the son of the Deputy Prime Minister and, accordingly, Filippova’s nephew Alexei Rogozin. So representatives of this family are generally lucky when it comes to appointments.

    However, the very fact that Daria and Tatyana Filippova had common places work, does not yet speak about their relationship.

    Niece in the hole

    In the address book of the 90s, the names of two Filippovs are found, for example, among the residents of a modest apartment on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow.

    This property still belongs to the Filippovs.

    “Dasha is definitely Rogozin’s niece,” her friends assure.

    - Everyone at the journalism department knew that Dasha was from a very cool family, lived on Rublyovka and had her own house in Moscow,” said one of her classmates. – She looked spoiled, refined and hardly communicated with anyone.

    However, not everyone agrees with this assessment:

    “She communicated little, because she is modest by nature. There was an apartment, but it was small. And her first car? It was the 99th Zhigul. She even bought herself a mink coat so that it didn’t look like it was a real mink. And she never advertised her relatives: no one knew which uncle she was the niece and whose sister. She even chose journalism specifically so as not to depend on her relatives.

    The companies she is credited with working for are just notes from work book. In fact, she worked on TV and film - first as an editor at Razbash's Tema, then on TV series, then became interested in programs about fashion and design. I tried to be independent. And she never advertised her origin.

    Chips are flying

    On August 7, Nikolai Penkovsky, who challenged his dismissal, returned from sick leave to work. IN Ministry of Natural Resources They hastened to declare that Filippova’s appointment was temporary, pending maternity leave. Although the woman’s acquaintances believe that she herself is not happy about what happened:

    “She won’t stay in the park, if only because she doesn’t like conflicts.” She was simply set up with this appointment.

    A source in the Ministry of Natural Resources confirmed that Filippova played not the first role in this story:

    - Now the only talk is that she was in charge of everything there common-law husband, the father of her unborn child. There are fears that under his leadership, long-term land lease agreements were concluded there.

    “The first thing the new team did was order the old seal to be considered invalid and made a new one,” confirmed Yulia Naberezhnaya, head of the ecology section of the Sochi branch of the Russian Geographical Society. – And what they signed there, it’s scary to even imagine. Despite Penkovsky's return, the park is still awaiting his final resignation in September. And he will be replaced by a person with whom “ Rosa Khutor“It will become easier to destroy nature.

    If someone thought that under the guise of Rogozin’s name it would be easier to hold a staff clean-up day in the national park, they miscalculated. It turned out the other way around.

    Presidential Plenipotentiary Vladimir Ustinov, former matchmaker Igor Sechin, has already proposed the candidacy of his protégé. This is probably why the scandal around the park flared up with such force (Sechin and Rogozin do not have the warmest relations, and now there is an opportunity to kick the Deputy Prime Minister himself through his niece).

    “They found someone to rinse,” one of Filippova’s friends is indignant. – A mother of three children who still doesn’t respond to insults.

    Sochi National Park is one of the first in Russia (formed in 1983). The area is almost 200 thousand hectares. 800 staff. More than 60 natural monuments. Fifty tourist routes of federal significance. Dozens of Red Book animals and plants. In addition to 15 forest districts, it includes the Sochi Arboretum and the Southern Cultures Park in Adler. Four years ago, in the Sochi National Park, for the first time in Russia, a pair of leopards gave birth to offspring in captivity.

    Daria Filippova really does not make direct contact; she outlined her position on Monday in an open letter in absentia. At the same time, on her Facebook page in the “Family” column, she put the status “widow”, although her ex-husband Dmitry Kozhanov not only alive, but also well established. Hereditary security officer associated with FAPSI(he worked on the “Electronic Government” project, and his father [Alexander Vasilyevich Kozhanov] headed the telecommunications company “ Combellga"), now heads the Voronezh Research Institute of Electronic Technology, which is closely associated with the defense industry. The fact that Filippova buried him on Facebook in Sochi national park explain briefly:

    – Dasha freaked out.