How long do red-eared turtles live? How long does a domestic turtle live? How long can a turtle live at home? Lifespan of a red-eared turtle

Many animal lovers wonder: what is the lifespan of a turtle. It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Everything will depend on the species to which the pet belongs. Conditions of detention also play an important role. In this article, we will discuss how long a turtle lives, how to care for it at home, so that it pleases you for as long as possible.

How long does a turtle live?

For example, the lifespan of a giant tortoise is over 50 years. This is much longer than the life of any vertebrate animal. European bog turtle lives an average of 20-25 years.

The main difference between these cute creatures and other animals is their slow metabolism. Therefore they long time They can do without food or even water. In addition, they have very high immunity, in connection with this, their injuries heal quickly and they are resistant to various infections. It also helps them to be remarkably hardy. Few people know that turtles have the unique ability to stop their heartbeat and then start their "motor" again.

All currently existing species of turtles descended from cotylosaurus - their terrestrial ancestor. The descendants of this animal in the course of evolution have learned to live both in salty and in fresh water. It is worth noting that the question of the life expectancy of a turtle is quite lengthy. Well, judge: a tortoise lives on the Galapagos Island, which, according to local residents, has reached 300 years old. Although, this may well be just a legend, because scientists say that large turtles (which include the long-liver) are able to live up to 180 years, but no more.

In any case, the answer to the question of how long the red-eared turtle lives depends directly on people who constantly destroy the habitat of individuals with their actions. Mankind has repeatedly made attempts to relocate turtles from their usual habitats, in addition, people barbarously exterminate these animals for their meat, skin and shell.

How long does a turtle live at home?

There is no single answer to this question either. This largely depends on the conditions of their detention. If the conditions you have created are suitable for a given species of red-eared turtle, for example, a red-eared slider turtle can safely live with you up to 30 years. Along with this, there have been cases when, at home, a turtle lived for four decades to the delight of the owner.

Description of red-eared turtles

The genus of these turtles (Chrysemys) has 8 species. The habitat of their representatives is the reservoirs of the South and North America. The shell of these animals reaches 28 cm in length. The color of the shell and the pattern differ in different individuals. For example, sexually mature males are completely black. Their main distinguishing characteristic is the presence of 2 orange, yellow or red spots that can be seen on the sides of the head, hence their name.

Subspecies of red-eared turtles

Scientists subdivide the species of red-eared turtles into several subspecies. For example, the Colombian subspecies, which has been listed in the Red Book as the most vulnerable for many years. The Colombian tortoise is the smallest of its relatives. It lives in the waters of Lake Maracaibo, located in northwestern Venezuela. It can settle in lagoons and swamps, in the lower reaches of the basins of the Sinu and Magdalena rivers. This subspecies is protected in Colombia at the legislative level, thanks to which the export of turtles outside the state was minimized.

German lovers of these individuals released them into natural reservoirs in Germany and some other states in Europe. Due to the fact that these countries have a predominantly mild climate, the turtles have taken root well there. Today, European animal rights activists, together with biologists, urge not to start at home red-eared turtles.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle?

If several turtles live in an aquarium, then their gender is very easy to determine. Males differ from females in that they have there is a long tail , wider at the base. In females, the tails are thin and short. Males also have longer front claws than females.

Habitat and its impact on life expectancy

Anyone who wants to extend the life of their pet should definitely be interested in its natural habitat. After all, if you try to repeat at home natural conditions these animals, their life expectancy will increase. Red-eared turtles live in swampy shallow waters in the eastern United States and northeastern Mexico.

At home, they received the nickname "red-eared gliders" for the manner of running away when they are in danger, while sliding their abdomen on the ground, this helps them to reach the water sooner. They have every reason to be afraid of people. The locals often eat meat adult turtles and their eggs.

Lifespan of red-eared turtles

The future owner of these funny creatures, dressed in a shell, should be aware that he gets himself a little pet for almost a lifetime. There are cases when in captivity turtles live up to quite old age(30-40 years and more). But this happens to those owners who understand that this animal is not a toy, and it needs daily attention. If you do not observe vital important rules, then your red-eared pet can quickly expire, and even good genes inherited from wild ancestors cannot help him.

Often people are interested not only in how long they live aquarium turtles but also how to determine their age. After all, it is not always possible to have a tiny turtle and raise it from a very young age. Turtles are often given or purchased as adults. Approximate calculations can be made in a simple way- measure the diameter of the shell. Proceed from the following data: for the first year of life, a turtle grows to an average of 6 cm, then for each subsequent year, add 2-3 cm. At 6 years old, the male's shell will reach about 17 cm, and the females - up to 20 cm. However, it is worth remembering that their growth gradually slows down, and the addition is already no more than 1-2 centimeters.


The breeding season of the red-eared turtles living in southern hemisphere, - from September to December, and those living in the Northern Hemisphere - from April to June. As a rule, mating takes place underwater. They arrange their cozy nests on the sand near the water, in places shaded by plants, so as not to overheat.

Male pet turtles reach sexual maturity by 4 years, females - by 6 years. The mating season at home is from February to May. After mating, the female comes out onto land to lay her eggs. Therefore, it is very important for these animals to create appropriate conditions in captivity. Little turtles are born in 105-150 days, the temperature environment should not fall below 21 degrees. The length of the cubs is 3 cm.

Offspring are born during the rainy season, which lasts from September to December in places located north of the equator, and in June - in the south of the equator.


This is one of the most important factors that everyone who decides to settle a red-eared turtle in their home needs to know. At proper nutrition these animals will live in captivity for at least thirty years. Observe proper diets- this will allow to increase the life expectancy of an individual.

It is important to remember that turtles - diurnal animals so you need to feed them during the day. The basis of their diet is dry aquarium food. At the same time, red-eared turtles will not refuse such delicacies:

  • bloodworm;
  • earthworms;
  • pipe maker;
  • aquatic crustaceans - hamarus; the most useful for turtles is live hamarus, which is on sale in winter;
  • insects and snails - they are needed in order to bring the turtle's diet as close as possible to the natural one.

Meat supplements will allow you to balance the lack of protein in the turtle's diet. It is enough just to give the animal boiled or fresh thinly sliced ​​​​meat.

Vitamins play a special role in turtle nutrition. They not only improve the well-being of the pet, but also increase its life expectancy. Red-eared turtles need to be given vitamin supplements:

  1. An oil solution of vitamin D, it is enough to give it once a week, putting a few drops on food.
  2. Vitamin A is given less frequently - once every two weeks.

We have already mentioned that the lifespan of your turtle will directly depend on how well the habitat is organized. Make every effort to ensure that the conditions of detention are close to natural.

Remember that turtles need not only water, but also land. The volume of the aquarium should be 150 liters per individual. At the same time, it is important to comply the proportions of water and land - approximately 3: 1.

In pet stores, you can purchase a special island where your turtle can walk or just relax. You don’t need to make it yourself from improvised plastic tools - it will be difficult for the turtle to climb onto it on a slippery surface, which will lead to the animal’s refusal to walk. And this, in turn, will definitely affect the well-being and life expectancy.

Make sure that the terrarium is always maintained fairly heat. This can be easily achieved thanks to a special lamp. Don't change the water more than once a week. Take care of your pet and he will delight you for many, many years!

So how many years do turtles live on Earth?

The first turtle known to scientists lived in mesozoic era, more than 220 million years ago.

Since then, this detachment of reptiles has undergone significant changes and today has more than 250 species that inhabit almost all corners of our earth, both on land and in the oceans.

The lifespan of different turtles varies greatly.

For example, Seychelles turtle, can live from 100 to 250 years.

European marsh - 20-25.

The largest turtle is leatherback, her age can reach 50 years, but rarely even reaches 35. It is known that this beauty, living in the expanses of the seas and oceans, in salt water, is the heaviest of all reptiles. Its weight can reach 1 ton, but more often does not exceed 500 kg.

The life expectancy of other, smaller species of these amphibians is about 50 years.
Balkan live up to 90 years red-eared turtles live an average of 30 years, tons, and the Mediterranean - only up to 30 years.

domestic turtles live an average of 8-12 years. Many factors affect their lifespan: what turtles eat, whether they are properly cared for, what temperature is maintained, and what kind of lighting in a turtle aquarium.

Wrinkled skin on the body and slowness in movements slow down the aging process in the body of these amphibians.

After many years internal organs remain the same as in youth. Many scientists are looking for secrets “ eternal youth” in their genetic code. They rarely die of natural causes. This is mainly due to disease, predators and human interference. If these factors did not interfere with them, then one would only be surprised how many years turtles live. Nature has endowed them with a magnificent ability to stop their heartbeat and resume it if necessary. When the heart stops, the turtle does not move, but seems to freeze.

In a turtle, internal organs do not age over the years, and their functionality remains the same after 200 years as in youth. Scientists are trying to unravel this phenomenon, which can greatly change the idea of ​​longevity. They study the genome of turtles, because the answers to all questions can be contained in the genetic code.

Turtles rarely die of natural causes. Usually the causes of death are various diseases, large predators And, alas, we are humans.

We found out with you how long do turtles live, and even found out why this happens. If someone asks you about the average age of turtles - feel free to say that the most big turtles live from 100 to 250 years, and red-eared and other species - an average of 25 years. We found out which of these reptiles is the heaviest and which is the largest. And about how things happen aging processes in their body. And they even read about who was the ancestor of many and reptiles (reptiles). In the next article we will talk about other amazing facts relating to turtles.

When are we going to buy pet, not the last is the question of how much time our pet will spend with us. turtles today is considered the longest, in some individuals its life reaches the mark of 150 years or more. AT recent times it became very popular to keep them at home.

Turtle Features

Them appearance so peculiar that these reptiles cannot be confused with anyone. They differ from other animals in the presence of a shell, which serves as a kind of shield located on the top. The shell is a bone covered with keratinized plates.

The body of the turtle is fused with the shell, and is a single whole with the entire skeletal system. The shell is equipped with holes through which the animal can easily retract its limbs. Its shape and structural structure can be different and are largely determined by the habitat of the turtle. For example, marine reptiles have a flat shell, while land-based counterparts have a thicker and convex one.

How long do turtles live?

The question of how long the life expectancy of turtles is is particularly acute when they are fascinated by lovers of starting houses. exotic pets. The answer is obvious: it all depends on proper care for the reptiles.

Today, there are about 300 species of turtles all over the world, while only 7 are found in Russia. Animals of any kind are very tenacious and hardy. They have good immunity, which helps to overcome many infections and promotes the rapid healing of injuries.

These cute reptiles are absolutely picky in food, they can long time stay completely without food, while feeling good.

Turtle lifespan different types different from each other. For example, a case is known when a turtle named Marion is 152 years old and is still alive. Under favorable conditions, it is quite capable of reaching 200 and even 300 years. This is how long the giant tortoises that live on Galapagos Islands. Turtles of large sizes are recognized as long-lived among this class of animals. Obviously, this is due to a slow metabolism. Most species of turtles are 20-30 years old. popular view red-eared, for example, lives 30 years when favorable conditions are created.

Why do turtles live so long?

This animal is able to do for a long time not only without food, but also without water. There are cases when turtles did without food for a long time, measured in several years. This amazing fact their behavior has been recorded for quite some time. Turtles all their long life move very slowly, have wrinkled skin. For these reasons, age-related changes and aging are very difficult to notice in them. The same applies to internal organs.

Scientists have long been looking for an answer to what determines the life expectancy of turtles, studying their genetic characteristics. The natural death of these reptiles overtakes very rarely. The cause of death is often disease or death from predators and people.

If these cases were excluded, then the life of turtles would last much longer. They have another amazing feature - to control the heartbeat: stop it for a while, and then start it again. When the heart stops, the turtle freezes and does not move at all.

Turtles - long-livers of the planet

Studies have shown that they live on earth for more than two hundred million years. There is a suspicion that they have mastered the land before dinosaurs. For such a long time, turtles have not changed at all, as if evolutionary changes have not touched them.

This has not happened to any animal on the planet. This is the quality of adapting to any external conditions and explains such a long life of turtles.

Lifespan of pet turtles

The age of wild turtles can exceed, under favorable conditions, the duration human life several times.

If we consider the issue of the lifespan of domestic reptiles, then here the indicators are more modest. And yet, compared to other pets, such as cats and dogs, they live much longer.

Popular types of turtles at home have the following life expectancy:

  • red-eared - 30 years;
  • European marsh - 20-25 years;
  • Central Asian - 20-30 years.

When looking at these indicators, the conclusion suggests itself that when you get a turtle at home, you must be ready to live a significant part of your life with it and provide worthy care and attention to this amazing silent inhabitant.

Land turtle sizes

The size of a land reptile is largely influenced by its appearance. The largest land individual is the elephant. The sizes of turtles sometimes reach 1.8 meters, and weight - 300 kilograms. It is impossible to keep such a giant at home.

Land turtles that are recommended for keeping at home are usually about 40 centimeters long. This is due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living quarters and the limited housing of the turtle. If she lives in a spacious place that does not restrict movement, then she develops much more actively. If the turtle, upon reaching a certain size, slows down in growth, it means that it has become crowded in the enclosure and, accordingly, it is difficult to move around in it. In order for a reptile to grow much larger than its relatives, it is necessary to provide it with a spacious abode.

turtles most large sizes living in marine environment, are huge reptiles, they are also called leathery. They got their name because of the shell, which consists of small lamellar bones connected to each other, but separated from the skeleton. Due to this structure, the turtle is unable to retract and hide its head inside.

The length of the reptiles reaches two and a half meters, and the weight is about six hundred kilograms. They are inhabitants of any southern warm sea. Despite the fact that there are many such turtles in the world, it is extremely rare to see them.
Due to caution, the leathery ones swim close to the shore and emerge from the sea only at night, when there are fewer dangers on land.

The main delicacy of these turtles are molluscs, as well as small fish, crustaceans, jellyfish, scallops. The meat of the reptiles themselves of this species is quite suitable for eating, despite the fact that there are cases of poisoning by the toxins contained in it. For a turtle, toxins that enter the body with food are not dangerous, but for humans, such meat is dangerous.

Among the inhabitants marine reptiles the so-called green ones are also considered large. They are also called soup. The habitat of these animals is the subtropics and tropics of the oceans. In size, they reach one and a half meters in length, and their weight is close to two hundred kilograms. There are single individuals that have a weight of half a ton, and a length of up to two meters.

The red-eared tortoise is ideal for those who have not previously domesticated reptiles.

Such a pet is quite hardy and can adapt to different environments habitat. Still, the owner needs money and time to keep such a friend in good health. In general, it tolerates cohabitation with a person, even despite its shyness in wild environment. From food, domesticated reptiles prefer special food. The life cycle of this exotic animal is from 50 to 70 years.

If you are serious about searching pet with whom you want to live side by side for a long and happy lifethe right choice will undoubtedly become the purchase of a turtle.

Now it is especially popular to have unusual pets, for example, reptiles. The red-eared turtle would be an excellent option for keeping in ordinary apartment, because it does not require a lot of space and any complex special care.

Before getting such a pet, many are interested in how many years red-eared turtles live. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question.

Lifespan depends on various factors:

  • The species to which the turtle belongs.
  • Conditions of detention.
  • Nutrition.
  • Health.

If you are interested in how to properly care for the red-eared turtle so that it pleases you and lives a long life, continue reading this article and find the answers to all your questions.

Turtles are cute little creatures, very well adapted to long life. . Unlike other pets and all animals in general, they have a very slow metabolism. Thanks to this feature, turtles are able to do without water and food for a long time. They are also lucky to be the owners of a very developed immune system. High immunity allows their body to quickly recover from rare diseases, promotes rapid healing of wounds and provides resistance to various infections. All these features also make these animals unusually hardy.

Few people know but turtles are truly unique creations. Their body is able to stop the heartbeat for a while, and then start it again.

The cotylosaurus is the ancestor of all turtles living on Earth today. In the course of evolution, all animals that are descendants of this dinosaur have learned to live in water - both fresh and salty.

The question of how long turtles actually live is quite complicated. Think for yourself, there is a turtle on Earth that has lived for more than three hundred years and is still in good health . This unusual long-liver lives in the Galapagos Islands pacific ocean, but the scientists who turned their eyes to it are convinced that the turtle is actually much younger and this is just a story of local residents to attract tourists. Such an opinion may indeed exist, because scientists have recorded that large long-lived turtles can live no more than 180 years.

How many years a turtle lives is a question primarily addressed to people. Very often, by their actions, humanity endangers these animals, destroying their habitat. Many turtles fell victim to human greed, they were exterminated by poachers for their meat, skin and shells.

How long do red-eared turtles live at home

How long your red-eared turtle will live at home depends primarily on you. The lifespan of a domestic turtle directly depends on the conditions created for it.

If a red-eared pet completely satisfied with his house, care and nutrition, he can easily live up to thirty years, and maybe even more. Since several cases have been recorded when red-eared turtles lived for forty years at home. Of course, thanks to the efforts of the owners.

The main rule of keeping a turtle at home is to provide her with living conditions that resemble natural ones as much as possible.

To feel good, one turtle needs an aquarium with a volume of one hundred and fifty liters. The aquarium should have not only one water, but also land, so that the pet can sometimes walk, rest and bask on a solid surface. Land should occupy 1/3 of the volume of water in the aquarium. Pet stores sell special islands for turtles, among them you can choose one of the right size and place it in the aquarium.

Do not try to save money and build islands yourself. The turtle will have a hard time climb on slippery bottoms plastic bottles and other garbage depicting land. This will spoil the mood of the animal, and will also lead to the refusal of hiking, which will certainly affect the health and well-being of the pet.

Turtles are very fond of heat, so the aquarium should always be maintained at the same temperature. Special lamps for terrariums will help you with this. Drafts and cold are dangerous for red-eared beauties, they can catch a cold and get sick. Therefore, you need to protect them from strong temperature changes.

Periodically, you will have to change the water and clean the aquarium. You don't need to do this more than once a week, but don't take too long between cleaning the turtle house.


Nutrition is a very important aspect. caring for red-eared sliders. With the right diet, a pet will live at home for at least thirty years. After all, a balanced diet is the key to a long life for your pet.

It is worth feeding the turtle during the day, as it is a diurnal animal. The basis of the turtle diet at home is a special dry food. It can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or pet supply store.

One dry food will seem to the turtle too poor nutrition. In order to replenish the required amount of protein, the animal's diet should be diversified.

Products containing proteins needed in the diet red-eared turtle:

  • Meat: chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey. It shouldn't be greasy. Boiled or raw, always thinly sliced.
  • Insects: bloodworms, earthworms. They are needed so that the turtle's body perceives its diet as natural.
  • Fruits, vegetables, various plants.
  • Gamarus and snails. Hammarus are aquatic crustaceans, in a live form they are the most useful food for a turtle. You can buy them all year round.
  • Seafood.

Turtles also need a variety of mineral and vitamin supplements. They make up for the lack of trace elements, and also improve the well-being and appearance of the pet.

The most necessary elements:

  • Vitamin D - once a week.
  • Vitamin A - once every two weeks.

They should be given in oil form by adding to food.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle

To determine the sex of your turtle, carefully inspect them from all sides. Males have thicker and longer claws on their paws than females. In its turn, females are the owners of graceful thin, short tails. In males, the tails, on the contrary, are long and wide at their base.

Determining the age of the red-eared turtle is quite difficult. Only the turtles that hatch are just microscopic in size, and then they begin to grow rapidly. By the first year of their life, they reach about three to four centimeters in the shell, and then, every year they add another two to four centimeters.

If the person from whom you purchased your pet did not remember or wrote down the date of birth of this animal, it will be impossible to find out. In such cases, you can only calculate the approximate age of your turtle using several methods.

We determine the age according to the average indicators

Before starting to determine the age you should find out the sex of your turtle, since females are somewhat larger than males.

Table of average indicators for determining the approximate age of the red-eared turtle by the size of the shell.

  • Two years - nine centimeters for girls, eight centimeters for boys.
  • Three years - fourteen centimeters for girls, ten centimeters for boys.
  • Four years - seventeen centimeters for girls, twelve centimeters for boys.

Determining age by rings

There is another way to determine the age of a turtle - by the rings in the pattern on its shell. The first ring is formed before the animals reach one year. Then two or three more rings are added annually.

But this method is very inaccurate.. Patterns and rings on the shell are formed not only because of age. Their appearance also depends on many factors. For example, from the conditions of detention, nutrition, health. Even hibernation affects the formation of patterns and rings. Therefore, this method is not recommended. With it, you can only determine the approximate age of a fairly old turtle, and even then with a large error of five or seven years.

Red-eared sliders are very cute and lovable creatures. They do not require special care. Such an animal is an excellent pet for busy people or children. The turtle will be able to accustom the child to responsibility and care for our smaller brothers.

Subject to all conditions of keeping and feeding, as well as giving the turtle care and attention, you can easily grow another long-liver who will please another generation of your family.

Many animal lovers are interested in how many years turtles live. The life expectancy of a pet largely depends on the species to which the animal belongs, as well as on the conditions of its maintenance in captivity. Today we will discuss how to care for a pet turtle so that it will please you for many years.

How long does a turtle live?

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. For example, giant turtle lives much longer than any vertebrate animal - 50 years or more. European life span marsh turtle- from 20 to 25 years.

These cute creatures differ from other animals in their slow metabolism. In this regard, they may not eat or even drink for a long time. Thanks to effective work immune system, they are resistant to various infections, quickly recover from injuries and amaze with their endurance. They are able to stop their heartbeat, and then start the "motor" again.

All species of turtles are descended from one terrestrial ancestor - cotylosaurus. In the course of evolution, its numerous descendants were able to learn to live in water, both in salt and fresh water.

I must say that the question of how long a turtle lives can be called lengthy. Judge for yourself. A tortoise lives on the Galapagos Island, which, according to local residents, is 300 years old. But perhaps this is just a legend, because scientists believe that large turtles (namely, the long-liver belongs to them) can live up to 180 years, no more. Be that as it may, the answer to the question of how long a turtle lives depends on a person who, with his life activity, destroys the habitat of parareptiles. Repeated attempts to relocate the turtles from their native lands have been unsuccessful. Man savagely exterminates these lovely animals for their skin, shell and meat.

How long does a turtle live

This question also does not have a clear answer. How long they live depends on the conditions of their detention. If the environment is suitable for this individual, then, for example, a red-eared turtle can live with you up to 30 years. However, there have been cases where domestic turtle lived to the delight of the owner for four decades.

Red-eared turtles: description

The genus of decorated turtles (Chrysemys) includes eight species. Their representatives live in the waters of South and North America. The most famous is the beautiful red-eared turtle. Its shell reaches a length of 28 cm. The pattern and coloring of the shell and body vary in different individuals. Mature males are completely black. Home distinctive feature is the presence of two orange, red or yellow spots, which are located on the sides of the head.


The species of red-eared turtles is divided into several subspecies. For example, the Colombian subspecies, which has long been listed in the Red Book as the most vulnerable. This is the smallest turtle among its relatives. It is found in the area of ​​​​Lake Maracaibo, located in the north-west of Venezuela, settles in swamps and lagoons, in the lower reaches of the Magdalena and Sinu river basins. Today, it is protected by the laws of Colombia, which has minimized the export of turtles outside the country.

Lovers of these animals from Germany released them into the natural reservoirs of their country and some other European countries. Turtles have taken root well there due to the mild climate. Animal advocates are currently European countries, as well as biologists urge not to buy red-eared turtles as pets.

Habitat and its impact on the lifespan of an animal

Anyone who is interested in how many years turtles live should know what their natural habitat is, because you can try to repeat the natural conditions in the places where these animals are kept, and then their life expectancy will increase. Red-eared turtles live in northeastern Mexico and the eastern states of the United States, in shallow wetlands.

At home, they are often called "red-eared slippers." Turtles got this name for the way they run away from danger at great speed, sliding their belly over the surface of the soil in order to quickly jump into the water. They have every reason to fear a person. In their homeland locals eat adult animals and their eggs.


Red-eared turtles, which live in the Southern Hemisphere, breed in September-December, and the inhabitants northern hemisphere- in April-June. They mate under water, and arrange cozy nests on the shallows, on the sand near the water, in those places that are shaded by plants to avoid overheating.

The offspring appears at the beginning of the rainy season, which occurs in September-December in the territories located north of the equator, and in June - south of the equator.


Favorite pets of many are red-eared turtles. How long do these animals live in captivity? The duration of their life in the aquaterrarium is great. Of course, if the rules of their content are observed.

AT natural environment these animals live for more than 50 years, and in captivity they may not live even five. Does this mean that keeping at home dooms turtles to early death? Of course not. The duration of their life in captivity, as mentioned above, depends on the conditions of detention.

Red-eared turtles that fall into the hands of a responsible and caring owner can live up to thirty years or more. What needs to be done in order for the turtle to become a long-liver? Let's figure it out.


This is an important factor to consider for anyone with a red-eared turtle in their home. How long do these animals live with proper nutrition? At least thirty years old. With an adequate diet, their life expectancy in captivity is greatly increased.

It must be remembered that turtles are diurnal animals, and therefore they must eat during the day. The basis of nutrition is dry aquarium food. At the same time, red-eared turtles will not refuse to eat bloodworms, earthworms, and tubifex.

Don't forget to feed your pet aquatic crustaceans- hamarus. The most useful is live hamarus, which goes on sale in winter. To make the turtle's diet as close to natural as possible, use live insects and snails.

The lack of protein in the turtle's diet can be balanced with the help of meat supplements. Just give the animal thinly sliced ​​boiled or fresh meat.

Vitamins play an important role in turtle nutrition. Not only the well-being of the pet, but also the duration of his life depends on them. Turtles, including red-eared turtles, need vitamin supplements - vitamin D solution (oil). It should be given once a week, putting a few drops on food. Vitamin A is given every two weeks.

How well the captive habitat is organized depends on how long the turtle lives. The conditions of detention should be as close to natural as possible.

Keep in mind that turtles need both water and land. The volume of the dwelling, therefore, should be 150 liters per animal. The proportions of water and land should be approximately 3:1.

To organize sushi for walking and resting turtles, you can buy a special island in the store. It is not worth building it from improvised plastic materials - it will be difficult for the turtle to climb onto a rather slippery surface, and as a result, it will refuse to walk. And this will definitely affect her well-being and life expectancy.

The terrarium should be maintained at a fairly high temperature. This can be achieved using a special lamp. Water should not be changed more than once a week.

If you treat the turtle with responsibility and love, then this charming creature will delight you for many years.