Leslie on the waterfront. Public orgy, the hunt for a billionaire and an abandoned son: what is the heroine of Navalny's investigation, Nastya Rybka, known for? From Nastya Rybka's book "The Diary of Seducing a Billionaire"

The participants in the scandalous video on the Taras Shevchenko embankment, after leaving the pre-trial detention center, went into politics and coaching.

As it became known to the Internet newspaper "Crooked Mirror", the hooligans who served their sentences made several loud statements in the wake of popularity. One of them unexpectedly touches political life in Russia.

Having trained in the detention center that a person lives “not by sex alone”, the girls were released with finished projects startups.

First, Sasha Travka announced her new role - now she will share her experience with men who have not yet tried the "forbidden fruit". “Depriving virginity and teaching sex,” reads a promotional post on her Instagram account.

There is no end to those who wish. Travka's phone goes off. Messages in social networks and instant messengers overwhelm the memory of the smartphone. Success seems to have come, but the sex diva decided not to stop there.

Hunter Alex Leslie declared war on Alexei Navalny. Suddenly appeared after the "imprisonment" Political Views sexual revolutionaries almost coincide with John Lennon's statement: "make love, not war ..." (translated from English make love, not war), but they sound a little more vulgar.

- Hello, dear Alexei Navalny. I know that you are going to start a bloody revolution in Russia. We are against blood. We are for everyone to copulate* (quote changed). Sex will conquer violence and we declare war on you. We will find you, identify you, have sexual intercourse with you * (the quote has been changed), put compromising evidence online, and you will not be able to participate in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Alex Leslie will win, become president, and then there will be no more blood and violence in Russia, - the heroine of the porn video from the embankment addresses the opposition politician.

The “master” of her craft, but the “forever second” participant in the scandalous video, Nastya Rybka, does not lag behind her friend and also threatens Navalny with sexual violence.

- We are against the fucking bloodshed that Navalny is pushing the country to make a revolution in it! We are for sex and for peace, and we will look for Navalny in order to have sexual intercourse with him * (quote changed) and put it on the net. He is the same male as all men and we know it! And he pretends that he is "correct" - we went hunting, because we do not want a bloody massacre of peasants in December. And our president will be Alex Leslie, who is for Love and sex, - the free Nastya Rybka has been writing on her instagram for several days.

Prior to this, threats from sexual terrorists were addressed to Ivan Urgant, who ridiculed the video of the hunters on the air of the Evening Urgant program, but the words are still just words.

Recall that a wave of fame covered two participants in the training of pick-up artist Alex Leslie after completing his task, in which he asked the girls to have sex on the street with the first comer and put this video on the Internet. For hooliganism and distribution of pornography, the girls were detained and sentenced to arrest for 7 days. Having been released, the girls continue to seek scandalous fame on the instructions of their owner, Alex Leslie.

Diana Egorova
PHOTO: Alex Leslie, Instagram
VIDEO: Sasha Travka, Instagram

Dmitry Borisov invited two "moths" for 1 million 200 thousand!

The owner is in a very difficult situation. industrial group « base element"Billionaire Oleg DERIPASKA, according to the magazine" Forbes"ranked 23rd richest businessmen Russia.

The Life Internet portal, the REN TV channel and a number of well-known media recently spread the news that they were mistress Oleg Deripaska was the author of the book "The Diary of the Seduction of a Billionaire" Anastasia Vashukevich, acting under a funny pseudonym Nastya Rybka and calling herself a follower of some self-proclaimed sex guru Alexa Leslie. The one who is paired with her girlfriend Anastasia Davydova with an equally funny pseudonym Sasha Grass copulated at five in the morning with a random passerby on the Taras Shevchenko embankment in Moscow. And by decision of the Dorogomilovsky District Court, she received seven days of arrest for disrespect for society and violation of the rules of conduct for citizens in public places.

Contact @oleg.deripaska and ask him for help, - such a message on behalf of Nastya Rybka appeared on Instagram while she was serving her sentence. “I really need his help right now, I can’t solve it myself. Please. Apart from him, no one can help me. Highly high level people want to shut us up in a criminal case, they won't let us go just like that. Let him meet with them and ask them not to do this. This is very important, in memory of our game and love with him. Only he can positively resolve this issue. Write it on insta, he will see ...

What nonsense?! Oleg Deripaska seems to have been married since 2001 to Polina Yumasheva, daughter from son-in-law's first marriage Boris Yeltsin Valentina Yumashev. She brings up two children with her - 16-year-old Peter and 14-year-old Maria.

Well, DERIPASKA took the girl for a ride on a yacht. And how she thanked him is their own business. A photo: Instagram.com

What other "game and love" can connect him with a dubious girl who is ready to give herself on the street to the first person she meets? Maybe she just made it all up or greatly exaggerated to attract even more attention to herself?

Nastya Rybka is a unique character among the many escort models that I had to deal with, - the producer admitted Alexander Valov. - We met her in Thailand, where I moved a few years ago. She wrote to me that she needed a quick and dust-free job and familiar models recommended me to her as herself. the best specialist in this business, which can always find any oligarch in any part of the world. "Send pictures!" I replied.

Wench- the fire!

I liked her type: plump lips, an elongated neck, freckles on her nose, a slightly offended look, ”continues Valov. - If they shot a new adaptation of "Lolita" Nabokov, it could be taken without samples for leading role. "Where are you? I asked. - In Moscow?" - “No, I'm here, in Thailand, in Pattaya,” Rybka dumbfounded me.

I immediately invited her to meet. She was even better in real life than in the pictures. And on top of that, she pleasantly surprised me with her intellect, knowledge of literature and good English. "What are you doing here?" - I was surprised. Usually those who do not shine in Moscow go to Thailand. They have to work like a machine. And with her data, you can occasionally go on a good topic from 2 thousand dollars and not twitch anywhere. It can't even be called prostitution: so, I just indulged a little and at the same time earned "dough".

She explained that she came to Thailand not to work, but to relax, but had a fight with her man and was left without money and without a roof over her head. As I later realized, this man was her sex instructor Alex Leslie, who at that time lived in Phuket with his harem. But then she didn't tell me much about it. And she even introduced herself not as Nastya Rybka, but as Alina.

I settled her in a hotel and in the evening I took her to my manager in one of the clubs. The next day, the manager told me: "The girl is just fire!" One rich client constantly went to them, but did not take anyone. Seeing Rybka, he immediately paid the club 2 thousand dollars for her. And he was so delighted that he gave her more money and wanted to take her again.

Dmitry BORISOV - a new star of Channel One

Unfortunately, Rybka lit only one day and left. Apparently, reconciled with her Alex. Then we crossed paths with her several times in Pattaya. They just hung out together. Gradually, we developed a friendship. In one of the meetings, she told me that she was the mistress of one tough oligarch. I didn't want to call him at first. But then she rambled anyway. According to her, it was Deripaska. Whether this is true or not, I do not presume to judge. I myself was not a witness to these relations. And you can say whatever you want.

Recently I married Rybka to my friend - former owner striptease club Show Girls Serezha Korean, known by the name Lucky Lee. He wanted to use her in his reality show "The Beast and the Beauties". But before their cooperation began, this story with sex on the embankment happened.

I don't understand why the girls are picky. They didn't do anything bad. Apparently, the police were just jealous of that passerby. But after the arrest, Rybka became no less popular than Diana Shurygina. The other day she boasted to me that they were called to Dmitry Borisov in “Let them talk” and promised each of them 600 thousand rubles for an exclusive.

From Nastya Rybka's book "The Diary of Seducing a Billionaire":

“He always had sex with the lights off. I taught him sex everywhere: in the light, in public, with two or more girls. It was his secret dream. He is a healthy man with excellent potency, he wants a lot of sex.”

How much do they pay for "Let them talk"

  • The Dozhd TV channel conducted an investigation into the talk show now hosted by Dmitry Borisov, who replaced Andrey Malakhov. The authors of the investigation claim that the provincials receive an average of 15 thousand rubles for participating in the program, plus payment for the flight and hotel. In rare cases, the fee of mere mortals for a story about family squabbles can rise to 50 thousand rubles.
  • Producers are ready to pay 100 thousand rubles or more to the main characters of the show. According to former employee"Let them talk" Andrey Zaoksky, a family Diana Shurygina got rich after filming "200 thousand, maybe 300"
  • Star guests and their relatives can get exorbitant amounts for an exclusive to Channel One about their personal lives. For example, the son of an actress Tatyana Samoilova at one time he received half a million rubles for flying in from the USA and talking about his mother.

Nastya Rybka. Photo: @nastya_rybka.ru

Nastya Rybka accused Oleg Deripaska of rape (video)

Nastya Rybka is the pseudonym of Anastasia Vashukevich, who came to Moscow from Belarus (from Bobruisk). According to some sources, she was born in 1996, according to others, she is already 28 years old.

This girl positions herself as a model and coach, leads trainings on seduction. According to her, she seduced at least six dollar billionaires. Nastya Rybka is also the author of the book The Diary of Seducing a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch. In the book we are talking about the seduction of a certain oligarch Ruslan.

Nastya Rybka calls herself a student of Alex Leslie, who also conducted similar sex trainings. It is known that he contains voluntary concubines, among whom the most famous are Nastya Rybka and Sasha Travka, who served time in prison.

Rybka is also known for the fact that she, along with Sasha Grass, took part in a scandalous orgy on the Taras Shevchenko embankment in Moscow. Both girls had sex with stranger. For this they were arrested for seven days.

And recently Nastya Rybka published in Instagram photo and videos showing a person who looks like businessman Oleg Deripaska. At the same time, the girl accused him and other participants in the entertainment on the yacht of rape. This story was also touched upon by opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who is investigating cases related to participants in orgies on a yacht. At the same time, he calls Rybka a prostitute.


Here is what Rybka herself says: “I want these people to answer before the law, because I have the honor and feeling dignity. And I want Oleg to decide exactly how we will deal with this issue. I see two options for resolving this issue: either he will marry me, and I will not lose my honor and dignity, or I will write a statement for group rape and I will ensure that both he and his friend come to “Let them talk” and told how it all happened in reality and answered for their actions.”

And later, she hinted either at the fact that Navalny himself was in love with her, or at sex with him, which happened on the embankment.

The name of a certain Nastya Rybka became popular on the net after Alexei Navalny unveiled his next investigative film, Sex Hunter Exposes a Bribe Taker. As the heroine of Navalny's film herself said, she was allegedly on the yacht of businessman Oleg Deripaska, where he met with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Prikhodko, where she was allegedly raped.

Rybka posted her revelations on Instagram, where she turns to a certain Oleg, possibly the owner of the yacht, and states that he has only two options: either marry her or be accused of gang rape.

Who is this girl?

Nastya Rybka is the pseudonym of Anastasia Vashukevich, who moved to Moscow from Belarus (from Bobruisk). According to some sources, she was born in 1996, according to others, she is already 28 years old.

In Moscow, this girl, who positions herself as a model and coach, conducts seduction trainings. She claims to have seduced at least six dollar billionaires. He is the author of the book "The Diary of the Seduction of a Billionaire, or a Clone for an Oligarch."

She calls herself a student of another native of Belarus, Alex Leslie, who also conducted similar sex trainings. Known for faking his own death in Thailand (due to the need to avoid criminal liability). It is known that he contains "voluntary concubines", among which the most famous are Nastya Rybka and Sasha Travka, who served time in prison.

Rybka's scandalous actions


In 2017, Nastya Rybka organized a rally at the US Embassy in Moscow, in which she and a number of naked girls supported Harvey Weinstein in connection with allegations of sexual harassment against him.


She, along with her friend and "student" of Alex Leslie Sasha Grass, took part in a scandalous orgy on the Taras Shevchenko embankment in Moscow. Both girls had sex with a stranger. Video with this indecency got into the network. For this, both participants in the orgy were arrested for seven days.

Nastya Travka claims that she participated in a dubious charity event: she comforted refugees with other ladies in need of female caresses. About 20 people were saved in this way.

According to Alexei Navalny, Rybka has declared a sexual hunt for him.

The scandal with three "students" of the Belarusian "guru of sex and seduction" Alex Leslie (Aleksey Kirillov) is being discussed in the media and Runet: the girls had sex with by a stranger on the Taras Shevchenko embankment in Moscow, and later the corresponding video was published on the Internet. The incident is interesting and law enforcement.

Ripped off orgy

Police officers disturbed the "pickup guru" during another "meeting" with three girls in a hotel room. They not only interrupted Alex Leslie's orgy, but also called all its participants to the station.

Three "student slaves" Leslie, who were the heroines of a pornographic video, went to the police. Everyone has bright pseudonyms: Sasha Travka, Nastya Rybka and Maria Misha.

The girls told the police that on the embankment they were fulfilling the requirements of the "owner" - Leslie himself, who watched what was happening on the video broadcast and corrected the process in real time.

A trial will soon take place to decide whether orgy participants will be arrested for malicious hooliganism and distribution of porn.

Sex guru on the loose

Leslie himself was released from the station - his involvement in the intimate process on the embankment has not been proven, and other videos, including those in his in social networks do not violate the law.

In 2016, Leslie was also accused of harassment by Belarusians attending his sex trainings. However, no cases were initiated against him in Belarus, just like now in Russia. But law enforcers emphasize that the "sex guru" will now be monitored more closely.

So who is Leslie?

Aleksey Kirillov, 35, is a native of Vitebsk who became famous thanks to the Internet. The network also had the first publications of his books, which later found a print publisher. In his books, Kirillov talks about how to seduce girls, "spin" them for sex.

Among the most famous objects of Leslie's work are "Life without panties", "How to wake up at a party: the secrets of successful dates."

In addition, Leslie actively conducts trainings - both master classes in seduction for men and "sex lessons" for women. He himself does not hide that he promotes the philosophy of "free love" and BDSM, that is, the range of his sexual hobbies is quite wide.

Several times Leslie was accused of creating a brothel, and various girls also complained about him. But as before, the man remains at large: law enforcement agencies do not see corpus delicti in his actions.