Personal power accumulation. Why do we lose vitality and how to accumulate energy. Let's look at three simple methods and one complex one.

Personal power

Instructions from the series “How to become a magician.”
“A man is only the sum of his personal strength. And this power determines how he lives and how he dies.”
K. Castneda “Journey to Ixtlan.”


Difficulty level: Difficult

1 step


First, let's figure out what personal power is. The concept came to us from the books of K. Castaneda, which means we will rely on his books, here is what the author writes about personal strength:
“The hunter of power catches it and then hoards it as his personal property. In this way personal power increases and one finds cases where a warrior has so much personal power that he becomes a man of knowledge.”
Conclusion: Drugs accumulate.

“It doesn’t matter where a person grew up,” he said. “What determines how a person does anything is personal strength. A person is only the sum of his personal strength. And this strength determines how he lives, and how dies."
Conclusion: all we are is drugs.

“Personal strength is a feeling,” he said, “something like being lucky. Or you could call it a mood. Personal strength is something that you acquire regardless of your origin.”
Conclusion: LS is similar to luck and good mood, anyone can accumulate it.

“...I said that I trust my personal power to guide me and that I don't need to have a plan.”
Conclusion: Having drugs, you don’t need to plan anything.

"I asked the Nagual about Pablito's chances, and he told me that I should know that everything in the warrior's world depends on personal strength, and personal strength depends on perfection."
Conclusion: Perfection will allow you to accumulate HP.

Step 2

Actions matter

Suppose I made the right conclusions - everything that we are is a drug that can accumulate regardless of who or what we are. Impeccability is the only way to accumulate personal power is the only clue for action, only it makes sense.

Step 3


Of course, in order to act, you need to have an idea of ​​what needs to be done.
In the books of the above-mentioned author it is noted that perfection is the performance of any action, not just in the best possible way, but something more that requires full dedication.
It is also noted that impeccability means saving and proper distribution of energy.
Help save energy will help

Force. This final goal, which forces us to study like crazy to get this exclusive quality.

As we have already seen, magical power comes from the natural elements and the ever-changing energy of the moon, sun and stars. It originates in nature, wells up deep inside you. Each person's strength is individual, like a fingerprint. We are not like little one-piece cookies. Magic is actually a funny thing. You either have it or you don't. Here's another surprise: no one can give you power, and you can't take it from anyone. Power is naturally present in everything and everywhere. This power is in literally Power of nature. And the trick is to tame it and make it work harmoniously with you (which we worked hard on in this chapter). So rejoice and be proud of your uniqueness! It is very important to understand that each of us will find strength and direct it along our own path.

Lessons learned.

I want to tell a story. I think it will help you understand and remember several important lessons in magic. Maybe she'll make you smile. Many years ago, when I took a class on Wicca, the teachers asked us to stand up and take turns demonstrating the ability to summon a circle of power. If I remember correctly, this is what the lesson was about, so I was very surprised that we started with a hands-on demonstration rather than a lecture.

I watched with interest as other students performed the exercise. Everyone seemed to summon the circle of power in the same way, but that didn't surprise me. Everyone began to study Wicca together. The only newcomers were me and one other man. When it was my turn, I stood up, walked to the center of the room and closed my eyes. I silently asked the elements to send me their strength and began to turn clockwise, stopping at each quarter. Turning around completely, I pointed my finger at the floor and imagined a circle of blue fire running along the ground around me. I finished, concentrated, opened my eyes and looked at the teachers.

The teachers looked annoyed, and several members of the group looked at me as if I had suddenly grown a second head. I became confused and decided to rely on my best defense tactic: attack.

· What? - I asked.

· There is a lot of power floating around. One of the teachers looked at me as if I had committed a terrible crime.

“You asked to show how we invoke the powers of the circle,” I answered carefully.

· What energy do you use? - the first teacher asked suspiciously.

· Well, I mostly use my own, and also... - I started.

“No, no, no, dear,” the first teacher interrupted me. - You never use own strength, and where are your gestures?

She didn't find fault with anyone anymore... Why am I so lucky?

· Mine - what? - I asked.

At this moment, the second teacher sighed deeply and irritably and rolled her eyes.

· Your gestures. Your greeting every quarter. God, they shouldn't have gotten into that.

“I think I’m a sorceress who can do without gestures,” I snapped with a grin, thinking about one gesture that I would now be happy to show to both teachers.

They asked each student to demonstrate how they summoned a circle of power. And listen, my way has always worked for me. Who are they to say I'm doing it "wrong"? It was extremely frustrating to stand up, do what was asked, and then be criticized in front of the entire group. Extremely irritated and offended, I sat down so that the next victim, that is, the student, could speak.

When I sat down, a classmate - the second newcomer besides me - leaned towards me, took my hand and whispered:

· You did great. I think you really surprised them. You are a natural witch, right? Smiling at my surprise, he patted my hand in support. You simply summoned the elements in your head.

The latter was said in the affirmative.

Wow... How did he know?

· Yes, I asked them to give me their power, I admitted. I was intrigued. He was from the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids... Maybe it was a Druid trick?

· I thought so. He smiled at me. I felt them in the room. Girl, my hair stood on end.

When it was his turn, he also called the circle without a single sound or gesture. The difference between his method of calling and mine was that he moved in a circle with a kind of grace that reminded me of the material arts.

So, I thought to myself, isn't it interesting that our summoning techniques are so similar? It was a wonderful experience, and for the first time I felt that there was someone else's power in the room. I looked at the man with different eyes.

Accumulation magical power has nothing to do with yours magical traditions, magic words or gestures. Strength comes from within (from the heart and mind) and from without (the four natural elements, the sun, moon and stars). Whatever magical gift or personal positive spin you choose, everything will work out perfectly.

The most important thing here is how you collect and direct power, how you interact with natural elements and magic. Everyone has the right to express themselves using magic as they wish. This is what I call “the magic of personality.” So be yourself.

We live in a world of power and the limitations of power. Both are very necessary things, but only if they are applied in moderation. Society teaches us limitations, and they are needed. Because if everyone could calmly use their power, the existence of society would become impossible. Therefore, society introduces various deterrents to the use of force. Without these limitations on strength, a weak person (child) would not be able to survive in society, since everyone is born small and weak. And from the position of society, this is justified. But the fact that society takes away personal power remains.

Restrictions are necessary for life in society. When you live in wildlife, there is no need for you to restrain your strength. But man is a social being, outside of society, very, very few can survive alone (“Lone wolf, that’s cool! But it’s so hard, son..” A. Rosenbaum).

It is easier to survive in society; even weak people manage to survive in society. And society, as we have already said, requires restrictions. Therefore, people quite often face a choice - personal power or society. And most give up their personal power forever. From the position of our esoteric club, personal power is the level of the manipura chakra (Lower Tan Tien manipura - the course of development of personal power, interaction in society), but now we are talking about personal power in its general understanding.

Accumulating personal power is impossible as long as it is constantly taken away from you. The egregor of any country (society) constantly accumulates strength, its strength is not only the personnel of the armed forces, it is also your strength, as well. And in order to take away your power, he limits. These social limitations are what we constantly hit at the level of consciousness. These are the limits beyond which we cannot go. These concepts go far beyond the understanding of the laws of social existence. You can follow these laws and be a limited slave (law-abiding citizen), you can break them, but be even more dependent (underworld). But you can follow all these rules and be free. Some successful people society, intuitively, understood this (developments of the past). Finding strength can be learned again . Very often, it is precisely the acquisition of strength and power for many people that is the basic motivation for joining various and esoteric clubs. From our point of view, there is nothing bad in this, and there is nothing good in it either. Being strong is a natural need of all people. Every child dreams of becoming big and strong in order to receive all the advantages of an adult.

Personal strength is what allows you to move towards your goal and arrange your personal life. This power is controlled by the individual, but only with a certain level perception. This is only the view of a person limited by his personal perception. Essentially, this is the position of people who believe that there is nothing more behind the individual. And because such people are the majority, the term “personal power” was born (Castaneda was one of the first to talk about it). But the very concept of personal power goes far beyond the individual. From our point of view, this is the power that the original Spirit has, which manifests itself through each person. It can be said that the Spirit is the source of personal power. And restoring personal power (building personal power) is a serious step towards the Spirit. Society, limiting you at the level of the manipura chakra, actually limits you at the level of the Spirit.

Therefore, we begin training in magic with the Lower Dan Tien basic course (link below, left menu). It consists of practical classes, in which you will be given certain exercises, with the implementation of which the development of personal strength begins. In addition to the exercises, there are lectures that take place in the form of conversations, and through this communication your worldview changes, which, in turn, allows you to return your personal power from a society that is actively absorbing it. And only after you regain some of your power can you move on and take part in other projects. The personal power of a magician is something without which a magician cannot exist in principle! He could be a psychic, yes, but never a magician.

Restrictions are necessary for life in society. When you live in the wild, you have no reason to restrain your strength. But man is a social being, outside of society; very, very few can survive alone.

It is easier to survive in society; even weak people manage to survive in society. And society, as we have already said, requires restrictions. Therefore, people quite often face a choice - personal power or society. And most give up their personal power forever. From an esoteric position, personal power is the level of the Manipura chakra (Lower Tan Tien - Manipura - the course of development of personal power, interaction in society), but now we are talking about personal power in its general understanding.

Accumulating personal power is impossible as long as it is constantly taken away from you. The egregor of any country (society) constantly accumulates strength, its strength is not only the personnel of the armed forces, it is also your strength. And in order to take away your power, he limits. These social restrictions are what we constantly hit at the level of consciousness. These are the limits beyond which we cannot go. These concepts go far beyond the understanding of the laws of social existence. You can follow these laws and be a limited slave (law-abiding citizen), you can break them, but be even more dependent (underworld). But you can follow all these rules and be free. Some successful people in society intuitively understood this (developments of the past). Finding strength can be learned again. Very often, it is precisely the acquisition of strength and power for many people that is the basic motivation for entering various schools of magic and esoteric clubs. From our point of view, there is nothing bad in this and there is nothing good in it either. Being strong is a natural need of all people. Every child dreams of becoming big and strong in order to receive all the advantages of an adult.

Personal power is what allows you to move towards your goal and arrange your personal life. This power is controlled by the individual, but only from a certain level of perception. This is only the view of a person limited by his personal perception. Essentially, this is the position of people who believe that there is nothing more behind the individual. And because such people are the majority, the term “personal power” was born (Castaneda was one of the first to talk about it). But the very concept of personal power goes far beyond the individual. From our point of view, this is the power that the original Spirit has, which manifests itself through each person. It can be said that the Spirit is the source of personal power. And restoring personal power (building personal power) is a serious step towards the Spirit. Society, limiting you at the level of the Manipura chakra, actually limits you at the level of the Spirit.

You need to start restoring your personal power by restoring the Lower Tan Tien (Muladhara, Svadhisthana and Manipur chakras). The personal power of a magician is something without which a magician cannot exist in principle! He could be a psychic, yes, but never a magician.

Finding Personal Power

Why do some people, having fallen ill with some even minor disease, cannot be cured and die? Do some patients with so-called “incurable” diseases find strength and recover? Why do some people quickly and easily realize their intentions, while others take years to realize their desires? I asked myself these and similar questions many times.

From my previous books, readers know that a person creates all his own illnesses and problems. We even know where to look for the causes of our ailments and how to work on ourselves. But to do any work (including changing your character) you need Strength. One desire is not enough. And we are not talking about physical strength, with which we are accustomed to dealing, but about the Personal Power of a person, his vital energy. Our ancestors called her Mother Living, Goddess Living or simply Living. Alive is the energy of Life, a person’s ability to live in this world. She has several other names in different traditions: Zhi, Prana, Qi, Ki, Chi. It comes into our body with breathing and more and stimulates our body to life. It manifests itself in the body of any living creature, thanks to it we live, and it leaves our body after death. If a person has a lot of Zhiva, then he looks very good. His skin is clear and elastic. He is energetic and can accomplish many things.

Which apple would you prefer? The one that was just picked from the tree, or the one that lay in the basement all winter? The answer is obvious. But why would you make this particular choice? Yes, because the first apple contains a lot of vital energy.

Each product is filled to one degree or another with vital energy. If there is a lot of Zhiva in a product, then we want to eat it. If we like the taste or smell of a product, then the nature of that product suits us.

Why does an apple lose its vitality over time?

Any product decomposes after a certain period of time. The living leaves it, moving into other forms of life (for example, fungi, bacteria). Of course, by drying, freezing or canning you can slow down this process. But in the end it is inevitable, since everything has its time and place.

Yesterday I planted trees and shrubs on my plot. I planted apple and pear trees, plum and almond trees, quince and many other plants. In a few years they will delight me and my whole family with tasty and juicy fruits. These fruits will give me my Life. In addition, each plant has its own character, and this determines their different taste.

If a fruit is torn from a tree, it gradually loses its vitality. Because it loses connection with the plant that fed it with energy. So a person, cut off from his Family, having forgotten his ancestors, language and traditions, gradually loses the ability to live. It is the Family Tree that gives a person the necessary energy for his growth and development.

The genus gives a person as much energy as he needs to fulfill his destiny, his mission in life. This is the energy of Divine Love. It is concentrated in the human heart and is consumed in the process of life. This is a person's NZ. His inviolable supply of Love. From here it becomes clear why some people quickly die. On the one hand, their supply of vital energy is small, which is associated with the power of piety accumulated by their race and their past incarnations, and on the other hand, they commit actions that are incompatible with life. Their heart and soul are filled with aggression towards themselves, towards people and towards the world around them. And on the contrary, a person who has not allowed destructive feelings and emotions into his soul, who has preserved in his heart Love for God, for people, for everything that is in this world, will always be healthy and full of strength.

On this occasion, in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas there are wonderful words of the sorcerer Velimudr: “Do not let unrighteous anger into your gracious heart, for anger will destroy all goodness and spoil pure heart yours."

There is another type of life energy. It is concentrated in the seed of a plant, animal and human. And gives the beginning of a new life. This energy can be replenished. The more careful we are with this energy, the slower the emergency reserve is consumed, the more vitality we have.

Why am I describing all this in such detail?

The fact is that there are factors in our lives that accelerate the consumption of vital energy, and there are those that preserve it, replenish it, or even increase it. Therefore, spending your life force must be taken very seriously.

I have already said that in order to make the transition from the old model of consciousness to the new one, energy is needed. But in the process of working with people, I discovered that some people do not have enough personal strength to change their character, their thoughts. And some don’t even have the strength to listen and hear, let alone make serious changes in their lives. Skepticism and distrust and even extreme rejection are actually caused by Zhiva deficiency.

But where to get strength and how to spend it correctly?

It is important how we live and why we live. What kind of relationship do we have with people, with Nature, with the Cosmos? Inevitably the world influences us, and we influence him. There are many different energies in the Universe, and how we interact with them is very important. I have already written that there are no bad or good energies. There are simply different energies, and each of them has its own characteristics. Also there are no bad or good people. There are different people. And each has its own character. We need to learn how to interact correctly with both people and the forces of Nature. As our ancestors said - to live according to the Rule, that is, according to the Truth. Then we will stop wasting energy. Our life will improve, and we will become healthy and full of strength.

Strength depends on the knowledge you have. Owning it means using it in your life. That is, this knowledge must be practical.

Personal power does not come to a person just like that. It comes as a result of purposeful work on oneself. When a person leads a disciplined life. When he gives up his sense of self-importance, his pride. Only then can he possess the power of Life to the fullest. The Power of Life controls us, but we can also influence it with our thoughts and intentions. And if a person is indiscriminate in his desires, leads an aimless life, feels like an unhappy victim of circumstances, then he simply becomes ballast in this world. You need to handle vital energy very carefully, carefully and accurately, as it can cause harm, or it can make a great gift.

Alive cannot belong to anyone. When we talk about personal power, we are talking about a person’s special ability to preserve and accumulate it, redistribute it and direct it to certain things.

And you need to accumulate your personal power gradually, step by step. And it helps to do this by taking responsibility for your world, for your life. Only a sense of responsibility can make a person strong. At some point, a person will be able to feel that he already has a sufficient amount of Life, and then direct it to what is needed. To achieve your goals. But even achieving goals, if you act responsibly and purposefully, with full awareness, also gives strength.

When we want to be healthy or achieve other goals in life, we must have a certain amount of personal power. In fact, our personal power helps us achieve what we want, that is, it fulfills our desires. If we have a lot of personal power, then our desires will be realized without problems, easily and without delay. But if we led a careless life, scattered energy left and right, then at the right moment we become powerless.

I have often encountered this in my medical practice. A person comes to an appointment with a minor problem, and you have to spend a lot of effort to help him.

Usually such a person asks: “Can you help me? What guarantees do you give? Have there been any cases of healing with similar diseases in your practice?”

Why does he ask such questions? Yes, because his personal power for healing is not enough, he wants to borrow it from someone. He is waiting for them to give him guarantees, that is, to take responsibility for his healing.

But now the situation is different. A person with severe cancer comes to an appointment. The skin is jaundiced and completely dry. But he is ready to go to the end. There is determination in his gaze, he is ready to act. He is ready to do whatever he is told. If they tell you that you need to drink urine, he will drink; if they tell you that you need to smear yourself with manure, he will do that too. If they say that he needs to work on himself, change his character, he will do it selflessly. And then after a week or two, after a month, he comes back as a different person. Not only internally, but also externally. Along with resentment and pity, the jaundice goes away, he gains weight, and the disease recedes. By working on himself, a person accumulates personal strength, and it gives him the opportunity to live. He begins to live consciously and responsibly. And Zhiva returns to the person, since he declared the seriousness of his intentions to live in this world.

If we accumulate personal power, our body becomes capable of incredible things. And if we scatter it in vain, we quickly become like a ruined old man. I have repeatedly witnessed how people restore removed organs, cut off fingers, and grow a third set of teeth. All this becomes possible precisely with personal strength.

One seminar participant described what she went through when she decided to get treatment for glomerulonephritis (kidney disease). She knew very well that medicine was powerless against this disease, so she decided to take an unconventional path. As soon as her decision became firm, she received information about a healer.

She came to see him, and he gave her unusual tasks in addition to herbs. Including: not talking to anyone for six months (you could only communicate with loved ones using one or two words), not watching TV, not reading newspapers and no sex with your husband.

“I didn’t understand then why I needed it, but I did everything as this man told me. And I was cured. Today I can do things that I couldn’t do before I got sick. I have become healthier, stronger and more resilient.

To have power, you need to lead a perfect life filled with power. Our actions must be conscious and at the same time detached and filled with faith. But detached not from life, but from the way of life that we have led until now and which has led us to suffering.

I see a young woman who was diagnosed with acute leukemia a year ago. She signed a refusal of treatment at the hospital and left. Six months later, she came to the hospital again, she was tested and the diagnosis was removed.

“The first feeling that came to me,” she says, “was a feeling of deep humility, trust and detachment. I completely trusted the world. I said, “God, the Universe, guide me. If I need to die, then I will die, but I will do it without drugs. Because life on pills is not life. If I need to live, then I will live and will do everything possible for this.”

The next feeling that arose for me was an overwhelming desire to ask everyone for forgiveness and thank them for the lessons of life. And I started doing this. I did it sincerely and selflessly. I called, wrote letters, met with people.

Today I came to you so that you could help me make the right intention to attract my soulmate into my life and for a happy family life.

You need to behave impeccably in life, eliminating everything unnecessary from your life, including those emotions that literally suck all the juice out of us. For example, we can harbor grievances against someone for years, allow ourselves to become irritated and angry, and jealous. If you want to accumulate the vital energy you need for achievements, then you need to track your feelings. They help with this life situations, communication with people. They, like a litmus test, reveal our aggression, our sense of self-importance. All negative emotions, which I wrote about in my first book, are the product of our pride. They come from a lack of understanding of their place in this world and from ignorance of the laws by which this world lives. That is why they are destructive, since they destroy ourselves first of all. To call the Force into your life, you need to plug all your energy holes and pick up your “tails.” And then the Force itself will find us.

Well, it's time to move from words to actions. And we'll start with the most important thing.

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