Fennec fox at home. Fennec fox, dwarf fennec fox at home reviews

Can small predator– Fenech, which naturally lives in deserts and semi-deserts, to become a pet? The answer to this question is yes. But before you get such an unusual animal, you need to have some idea about the care, feeding and conditions of keeping the fennec cat, as well as characteristic features behavior and needs of the little fox.

We have already written in the article about how to keep foxes and what difficulties may arise. Here we will look at some questions that potential fennec owners have.

Is it difficult to care for fennec at home?

Caring for a fennec cat means that you give it everything it needs: feed it in a timely and correct manner, educate it, play with it, and vaccinate it on time. Fox fur in some kind special care doesn't need it. But if the animal gets very dirty, it is washed in warm water and dried well with a towel. It is also advisable to dry your pet with a hairdryer, although the animal is unlikely to like the sound of it. Yes, the little fox still needs to trim its claws.

Caring for a desert fox is not difficult, but you must be careful: no matter how tame he may seem, he is still a wild animal by nature!

Fenechs usually like to run between human legs, and the animal is so small and fast that it can simply not be noticed. A second ago you saw him in the next room, and now he is already standing in front of you. If you accidentally step on it, this little gentle creature could be seriously injured! Therefore, caution, and caution again!

Does Fenech take a lot of time?

Fennec Requires large quantity of our time, even more than cats or dogs. Only by paying a lot of attention to the fox cub can you hope that it will truly become a PET and not remain a “savage”. If you are often away from home (for example, you have work that requires business trips), fennec as pet won't suit you. Even a once tamed fox can forget you if you are away for a long time.

Many fennec cats enjoy traveling in a car, usually curling up and sleeping. However, not all pets are delighted when they have to travel in a cat carrier.

Although it is not entirely correct to compare miniature foxes with domestic animals, they are still in some ways similar to both cats and dogs. They are the same size as small cats, they have similar habits to them, sometimes they have some of the aloofness of a cat, but the energy and playfulness of desert foxes is different from dogs. Some owners claim that fennec cats have a cat-like character.

Relationships with family members and strangers

Usually fennecs love all family members, but some individuals may “dislike” certain people without any visible reasons. Some animals are afraid of strangers, while others “fall in love” with anyone. Most will sympathize with anyone who has a “yummy” in their hands.

But never leave small children alone with these animals without supervision. If a child hurts a fenech, the animal may bite the offender.

Is it possible to train a fennec cat to a litter box?

As a rule, fennecs kept in an enclosure or a separate room, although with some difficulties, still learn to go to the tray. But “misses” also happen, especially if the animal is in an excited state. Many people have managed to train foxes to wear diapers. If it is constantly in one place, the pet will usually do its business on this diaper.

Male or female: which one to choose? Does it matter if foxes are spayed/neutered?

Sterilization of females does not affect their character in any way. But castrated males, as owners notice, become calmer and more affectionate. Boys are by nature more obedient than girls. The latter are usually more timid and nimble. Sterilization will help make the smell of urine less strong.

How do fennecs get along with other pets?

Fenechs can be friends with any pets, except those they can eat. They are not averse to playing with dogs or cats, although they do not always share their interests. Rodents and birds are not good friends for a fox cub - for him they are easy prey. Therefore, if birds live in your house, as well as hamsters, house mice, chinchillas and other furry creatures, the fennec should not know about their presence. Most domestic foxes get along well with cats and dogs, but it should be noted that it is better not to leave a fennec fox alone with them unattended.

Does the fennec make a lot of noise?

Fenechs are quite talkative. They may make sounds similar to a dog's bark, as well as purr, growl, or snarl. The most beautiful sound that can be heard from a fennec cat (usually at night) is similar to a bird's trill. A fox can also howl pitifully, whine or grumble if he is bored and lacks communication. And when you return to him and call him to play, he will squeal with pleasure.

At night, fennecs usually like to make noise, so their room or enclosure should not be located next to your bedroom. There are also quite quiet individuals that make a quiet sound, the so-called greeting, when they greet you in the morning.

Some owners let the foxes out of the enclosure at night to walk around the apartment, although this is not recommended! An unattended pet can swallow something, choke, and it can also try to play with its owners and scratch with its sharp claws. But there are chanterelles that adapt to their owner’s daily routine, and accordingly, they also prefer to sleep at night. In general, it is not difficult to transfer a very young fennec cat to daytime mode. If you work with your pet all day and evening, play with him, by night his supply of irrepressible energy will dry up, and he will sleep soundly. So gradually the animal will get used to daytime look life.

If a fennec cat is left alone for a long time, it may bark. But some individuals do not bark at all. They only make sounds similar to yapping. Animals yap a lot when excited (they come out of their enclosure for a walk, play with their owner or their favorite toy, etc.).

What to feed a fennec fox?

IN wildlife The fennec cat's diet consists of 90% small animals/insects and 10% roots and the rare vegetation that can be found in desert conditions. In particular, in natural conditions, the fox feeds on locusts, beetles, lizards and other reptiles, birds and their eggs, rodents and other small mammals, and only a small proportion of their diet comes from plant foods (more information about how fennec lives in the wild is described in the article). Thus, the diet of fennec cats mainly consists of protein foods.

At home, you need to adhere to the same nutritional principles. If you feed a desert fox incorrectly, it will develop all sorts of health problems. The body of these animals is not adapted to process large amounts of plant fiber. If you give your fennec cat more plant food than he needs, he will experience indigestion (this can be seen by the nature of his stool). In addition, miniature foxes have weak jaws and small teeth, best suited for crushing insects. Therefore, the closer the animal’s diet is to natural, the better. If you remove small animals or insects from your fennec's menu, he may develop cardiomyopathy or liver disease.

Your pet should eat several dozen mealworms, several crickets or other insects per day, as well as eggs (chanterelles prefer quail eggs). In addition, they give lean raw meat, and if possible, mice.

Additional food includes vegetables (fresh or frozen), but no more than two teaspoons per day. Corn, carrots and grains are poorly digested by the fox's body. Fruits are given in small quantities as a treat. Figs and dates will especially please the little fox, as will cherries. The latter, by the way, reduces the smell of the animal’s urine. But let us repeat that the basis of the fennec cat’s diet is meat. They need a high protein diet.

Observe your pet's feces. If you feed a lot of grains or vegetables, you will see undigested pieces of these foods in your stool.

If you are not sure that your fox is getting all the vitamins and minerals he needs, give him Vionate (Vionate) 2 times a week, as well as taurine capsules. Sprinkle the contents of one capsule (500 mg) onto a serving of vegetables or mealworms and offer it to your little fox 2 times a week.

Some facts about taurine

Taurine (a biologically active amino acid) is found only in products of animal origin. Taurine is necessary for proper operation cardiac muscle, maintaining the integrity of the retina, as well as reproductive function. Like cats, fennec cats need high amounts of taurine in their diet. With a deficiency of this element, cats and dogs experience reproductive problems, cardiomyopathies, juvenile cataracts, etc. The same problems can occur in fennec cats. Heat treatment destroys a lot of taurine. Best source taurine – raw meat.

Ready-made food for fennec cats

In addition to the above, fennec cats can be fed dry or canned cat food. But not every commercial food meets the needs of the chanterelle. It's no secret that cheap dog and cat food uses the cheapest ingredients. Such feeds are inadequate in quality and quantity of animal protein and fat, but they contain a lot of grain and starch. For fennec cats, ready-made food with a high content of high-quality protein, as well as taurine and a minimal content of cereals and starch, is suitable.

If you decide to feed your fennec cat with ready-made food, we recommend paying attention to the following:

Nature's Variety food

This food contains only high-quality meat protein, a small amount of carbohydrates, and does not contain grains at all. Feed components: chicken meat and fat, fish oil, vitamin C and supplements that are harmless to the animal.

Wellness food

This food is rich in proteins with additional high quality fats. Contains 2% taurine.

It has a completely natural composition, contains high-quality easily digestible protein and does not contain starch, preservatives, cereals/grains and other fillers. Excellent balanced food for fennec cats.

In addition to those listed, foods such as Innova, Felidae, Solid Gold and Eagle Pack Holistic are also suitable for chanterelles.

Raising a little fox

Although miniature foxes are close to cats in behavior and character, keeping and raising them is much more difficult.

Of great importance is the age at which the fennec tree comes into your home. The more early age this happens, the easier and more successful the process of taming and education will be. Already at 7-9 months the animal reaches sexual maturity. It is up to this age that it is advisable to take a fennec cat into the house. Then the pet will get used to you and your other pets (if you have any) without any problems.

The fennec fox is an inhabitant of the desert, and for it, like many other desert inhabitants, it is characterized by night look life. During the day the animal will sleep, but at night its hunting instincts and natural curiosity will fully manifest themselves. A fennec cat can run around the house, making an unimaginable noise, make various sounds, try to dig tunnels in the floor or sofa, try wires on its teeth, throw things on the floor, etc. In a word, get ready for the fact that night is the time of peak activity for the fennec, and he will restore order in the house. There is only one way out - to give the fennec a spacious enclosure where he can frolic to his heart's content, or even better - a separate specially equipped room in which you need to try to create conditions for the pet that will be as close to natural as possible.

However, the experience of some owners of these animals shows that with due patience and perseverance, the animal can be taught to sleep at night.

It is hardly possible to raise a fox the same way as a dog. But it won’t be difficult to respond to a nickname and teach him to walk on a leash.

Of course, the animal will need a toilet. A cat litter box is usually used as such. The smart little fox quickly understands where to go to do his “business”.

Take care of special toys for your fennec cat that he can chew and sharpen his teeth. Otherwise, the animal will use your shoes or something else for this purpose.

Each fox has its own character and it depends on three factors: heredity, habitat and upbringing. This means what your pet will be like depends largely on you. Do you want your animal to be playful and affectionate? Play with him, treat him kindly, create the necessary conditions for him, take care of him. Fenech is a rather shy animal. The animal will need maximum of your attention, especially at first. When there is a fox cub, you should not make sudden movements, much less shout at him or in his presence. Too loud sounds will not only frighten the fox, but can also damage its hearing.

As already mentioned, fennec foxes usually get along well with other pets, but sometimes cats or dogs can provoke a fox cub into aggression. The same applies to children. If a child hurts a fenech, the animal may bite him. Therefore, it is not recommended for families with small children to have a fennec cat, or at least leave them unattended. Remember that the desert fox is still a wild animal.

How to make your home safe for fennec cats?

Make sure that electrical wires and sockets are not accessible to your fennec cat. Floors should always be clean: any small objects that the fox finds on the floor can be swallowed by him.

Do not leave breakable or fragile things where the fox can reach them. Fenech can easily jump even on a fairly high table.

To avoid an accident, do not forget to close the toilet lid.

Even carelessly left on the floor plastic bag a curious fennec will try to explore and play with it. This will most likely end with the animal getting tangled in the handles.

Lock the windows and front door, otherwise you risk never seeing your pet again.

Many Fennecs love to dig through garbage bags or have a particular affinity for pieces of furniture or carpets. You can give your fennec a gift - give him an old sofa, in which he will definitely dig a hole.

They love to chew on metal things (buttons, coins, etc.). Keep in mind, this is very dangerous for animals, they should not have access to such things. Another passion of theirs is things made from rubber and leather. If an animal swallows such an object, it may need emergency veterinary attention.

Fennec fox is a tiny fox that lives in deserts North Africa. The name of the animal comes from the Arabic fanak - “fox”. The weight of the chanterelle is about 1.5 kg, its body length is 30-40 cm, not including the tail. The tail of fennecs is very long - up to 30 cm.

Fennec fox in nature

Where the fennecfish lives, it always stands extreme heat. Their special ears, 15 cm long, help cool the animal’s body and protect it from the heat. And the fluff on the animal’s feet allows it to run on hot sand.

Fenech prefers to live in thickets of grass or small bushes. They serve the fox both as shelter and as a source of food. The animals dig holes for themselves with a large number of passages and live in families. Fenechs are nocturnal.

The fennec fox, or steppe fox, feeds on the roots and fruits of plants, insects, and small vertebrates. Without water, an animal can be very for a long time, he gets the necessary fluid from the berries and plants he eats. In addition, fennecs are very thrifty; they always have food in stock.

At 8-9 months, fennecs reach puberty. These foxes breed once a year. A fennec cub weighs only 50 grams at birth. Until the puppies are two weeks old, the mother remains with them in the den, and the male brings them food. Each pair of fennecs settles in a separate area; these animals are monogamous.

Fenech habitats: Central Sahara, Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas, northern Morocco, as well as Sudan and Niger.

Fenech is the only fox that can be kept at home. But keeping a pet fennec is much more difficult than keeping a dog or cat.

These animals are nocturnal, so at night they can cause disturbances to their owners, that is, at night it is better to leave the fennec in a separate room.

Fennec foxes get along well and calmly with other pets at home. But, since the fennec is still a wild animal, and he began to live with people only recently, sometimes other domestic animals can provoke the fox cub into aggression. For the same reason, you should not get a fennec cat if you have very small children at home. But cats and fennec foxes can even play together.

These foxes are very active and need a lot of space, so a small apartment is not suitable for them. The ideal would be a spacious enclosure or a separate room in which the fox cub’s living conditions will be as close to natural as possible. Don’t forget about the Fenech’s keen hearing. High noise can damage the animal's hearing, so it is necessary to protect it from loud sounds.

Also, the house where the fox lives should be very warm, because it comes from hot places. If a fennec catches a cold, it is very difficult to cure it, and sometimes it can die due to a cold.

On average, fennecs live 10-15 years. If treated well and proper care this beautiful fox can live longer.

Fennec cat care

It is better to take a fennec cat into your home as a small child and start raising it right away. You should not shout at the fox or make sudden movements in front of him. These foxes are very shy. They are difficult to train; their natural instincts will always dominate. But they quickly get used to the tray.

When getting a fox cub at home, many do not know what the fennec fox eats outside the wild. You can feed them minced meat (cereals + lean meat), sometimes pamper them with insects and mice. You can also feed dry kitten food. It is better not to give food from the table to foxes.

Take care in advance of toys that can be chewed. Otherwise, the fennec will begin to chew furniture and wires. He will also appreciate a small container of sand.

Fenechs need to be vaccinated on time. All vaccines used for dogs are suitable.

Some people are attracted by the exotic. These can be a wide variety of animals, from bears. However, lovers of exotic animals often do not think about the fact that keeping such “friends” in their apartment can be uncomfortable for the animals, and in addition, dangerous for their owners.

Keeping fennec foxes, miniature foxes, at home is becoming increasingly popular. Let's figure out how safe it is to have such a pet and how easy it is to tame and raise it. And believe me, this animal really has something to surprise you with, from its appearance to its habits and behavioral characteristics.

Appearance and photo of fennec cat

The weight of such animals does not exceed 1.5 kg, height 18-22 cm, body length 30-40 cm excluding the tail, and it is quite long, sometimes reaching 30 cm.

A small fox with disproportionately large ears (up to 15 cm) looks incredibly cute and attractive, which explains its popularity. Their muzzle is small, their nose is elongated and pointed, and their eyes are large and expressive.

Immediately after birth, their fur is white, and some time later it becomes red or fawn. These animals are very fluffy, their fur is not very long, but incredibly delicate and soft to the touch.

Important! Large ears help the fennec cat in thermoregulation due to the fact that the vessels on them are located very close to the skin - this helps foxes remove excess heat from the body, since in the wild they live in hot deserts. Naturally, owners of such large ears are also endowed with excellent hearing..

Characteristics of the chanterelle

Fennec foxes are very active, playful animals. They are excellent jumpers; jumping 1 m in length and 70 cm in height is not particularly difficult for them. Another feature of this animal is that it stays awake at night and gets enough sleep during the day.

Eared foxes get along well with pets, provided that they met when the fennec was very small. Actually, this also applies to people: in order for an animal to become tame, it is necessary to get it at the age of 2 months, only in this case can you “domesticate” the predator.

Features of life in the wild

The central Sahara is considered the homeland of the fennec; they live in the Arabian Peninsula, the Republic of Chad, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and southern Niger.

desert foxes They prefer to choose areas for their homes that are densely overgrown with grass and shrubs, due to the fact that this makes it easier for them to get their own food. And they eat snake eggs, plant roots, small vertebrates, fruits and carrion.

To make it easier to endure the heat, their houses are built deep underground, that is, they are burrows with numerous underground passages. Thus, they are excellent diggers.

Important! Once a year, the family is replenished; after the birth of the young, the mother protects and protects it, and the father serves as the breadwinner. At the age of 3 months, the fennec fox cub begins to show interest in its surroundings and go beyond the parent burrow.

It is worth noting that these animals lead social image life, live in groups of 5-10 animals. But they go for prey alone.
The lack of water in the desert does not affect foxes - their body is designed in such a way that liquid accumulates in it with food, and the kidneys retain the necessary amount of moisture so that the miniature can go without drinking for a long time.

How to create a comfortable environment at home

Before getting a fox, you should understand that the fennec is first and foremost a predator. It is possible to grow and tame it at home, but this will require some effort and patience.

In addition, it is necessary to create favorable living conditions for the animal, provide it with a proper, balanced diet and proper care.

Cage and your own corner

Since the biological activity hours of humans and fennec cats do not coincide, it is better to give the animal a separate room or create a corner outside your bedroom so that you can sleep at night.
A very important point in keeping these little ears is the air temperature in the room where they live.

The room should be very warm or even hot, otherwise the little fox will start to get sick, and this can result in a big problem, since the animals get sick seriously and for a long time, and it’s not so easy to find a veterinarian who knows how and with what to treat them.

Since the animal loves to dig, it is advisable to organize play area with sand; if this is not done, he will make tunnels in things and furniture, so ensuring the pet’s leisure time is clearly in the interests of the owners.

The safety of the fennec cat plays a big role; his excessive curiosity and activity can play a cruel joke on him. Therefore, always close windows and doors and hide all fragile items. Make sure that the wires are not accessible to your pet fox, as the fennec fox will definitely be interested in them.

Did you know? A couple from South Africa once rescued a pygmy hippopotamus during a flood, which then became their pet. Hippo Jessica loves her owners very much and does not want to part with them.

To avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to arrange a cage or a cage for the animal, and let it out for walks around the apartment only under the supervision of the owners.
Of course, this will require additional costs, but your home will be in order and you will be able to calmly go about your business without worrying about what your pet has done.

Feeding the little animal

In order for the fox cub to feel good, it needs to be provided with a balanced diet. He is not picky about food; can be used for, which contains everything that an eared animal needs.

If you prefer natural nutrition, then your diet should include fruits and vegetables, eggs, chicken and cereals. A real delicacy for them are insects and small ones, as well as dates and figs.

Important! It is best to observe the animal for some time, offering it to taste different foods, and identify its taste preferences, since they can be individual.

Pet care

One of important points care is to accustom the fox to the tray. The fact is that animals can mark the territory and after that an unpleasant odor can concentrate in the room.
So, from childhood, you need to teach the animal to go to the toilet in a certain place.

The opinions of breeders regarding the difficulty of such training are ambiguous: some say that fox cubs very quickly master going to the litter box, others say that there is a problem with this certain problems, but eventually everyone overcomes them.

In no case do you forget that the eared cat has the finest hearing; therefore, it is better to avoid loud sounds and conversations in its presence.

The animal's fluffy coat requires special attention - the fur needs to be combed regularly with a special brush, which brings great pleasure to the fennec. Every year the animal must be vaccinated against rabies.

Fennec at home: pros and cons

From the above description and characteristics of the fennec, we can draw a conclusion as to what advantages and disadvantages are inherent in this animal. Let's start with the pros:

  1. Decorative and exotic look.
  2. The animal is active and playful.
  3. Easy to care for.
  4. Not picky about food.
  5. Easily gets along with and.
  6. At correct content They live long (up to 15 years).

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  1. The high cost of the animal and the high costs of initial stage(cage and toys).
  2. It will take a lot of time and effort to tame an animal.
  3. They mark the territory.
  4. They don't sleep at night.
  5. They love to throw things around.
  6. It is very difficult to find a doctor for fennec cats.
  7. They can be aggressive; You cannot have such an animal if there are small children in the house.

Did you know? Even if youalready a lot We've seen it and it's hard to surprise you with exotic animals; a flying squirrel will definitely impress you. This good-natured and loving people The animal from Australia is capable of jumping over a distance of 40 meters. At the same time, proteins are suitable for home care- of course, if living space allows.

Where and for how much can you buy an animal?

fennec - not only a rare, but also quite an expensive animal, the price for it in Russia varies between 75,000-150,000 rubles.
You can find a lot of offers on the Internet at a lower cost, but in such cases there is a risk of purchasing an animal whose parents live in natural environment, and this greatly complicates the process of taming the animal.

Therefore, it is best to purchase fennec cats from experienced breeders; At the same time, you should definitely take an interest in his pedigree.

Before getting an eared fox, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, and also study more information about it. Despite the fact that it is very beautiful and amusing, we should not forget that, first of all, it is a wild animal with its own habits and character.

And, quite possibly, an ordinary cute dog or a pretty cat will much better satisfy your need for a pet.

The fennec animal is a dwarf fox whose natural habitat is the African desert. Lovers of unusual pets keep big-eared fox at home. Thanks to its small size, it easily gets along even in a city apartment, but requires proper care. In size, the little fox is inferior even to a domestic cat.

The cost of a domestic fennec fox starts from 25,000 rubles. She gets along well in a warm house and does not cause much trouble for the owner. So how to care for a fennec fox at home and what to feed it?

Features of the fennec fox

The dimensions of the dwarf fox are as follows:

  • height - about 20 cm;
  • body length - approximately 40 cm;
  • weight - only 1.5 kg.

The muzzle is short and sharp, and the eyes and ears are large in proportion to the size of the head. The length of the ears is about 15 cm. In its natural habitat, the ears help the fennec cat to hunt insects and lizards. During the hot season, heat is lost through the ears. In the dark, the fennec cat's eyes glow red as she the retina is specific and designed for night hunting.

The fur of the big-eared fox is thick, and the color blends with environment(the back is red and the belly is white). The tail is dark and slightly fluffy at the tip. Main feature dwarf fox is considered her jumping ability. She can jump a meter forward and 70 cm in height, making her an unrivaled hunter. The big-eared fox goes hunting at night, and during the day it hides from the scorching desert sun in holes that it digs itself. In one night, a fennec can even dig for itself six-meter hole. Under the ground, foxes make several branches so that in case of danger they can quickly hide from the enemy.

The big-eared fox is omnivorous and sometimes digs up food even from underground. It feeds mainly on lizards, insects and eggs. There are also root vegetables and carrion. It tolerates thirst well and compensates for the lack of water with liquid contained in food. Sometimes stocks up.

Fennecs live large families- up to 10 individuals, where 2 are parents and the rest are cubs of different generations. Over time, the foxes are divided into several small families, and communicate with each other using an unusual set of sounds.

Gallery: fennec fox (25 photos)

Natural habitat

This unusual animal is most common in the central part of the Sahara Desert. The fox also lives in Algeria, Libya and Egypt. The big-eared fox can also be found in Niger, Mauritania and Tunisia.

The animal prefers to live in hot deserts, hiding from possible ill-wishers and the scorching sun in thickets of dry grass and bushes. In nature, the fennec prefers to live away from people, and if a person settles nearby, then she quickly changes her place of residence, going further away.

Reproduction and lifespan

Foxes have offspring once a year. For the second time in a year, babies can be born only if the babies from the first batch died. Mating games foxes begin to estrus in mid-winter, but females' estrus lasts only 2 days. Fennec cats are monogamous and form pairs for a long time.

Each pair of individuals assigns a separate area to itself. During the first few weeks, males are aggressive and actively mark their territory. Females signal to males that they are ready to mate by sharply moving their tails to the side.

Females carry their cubs for about 2 months.. With the onset of spring or a little later, about 6 newborn fennec foxes are born. Babies are born helpless and blind. Their weight is only 50 grams, and their body is covered with a small cream-colored fluff. Their eyes open a couple of weeks after birth. The initially folded ears unfold and stand upright. Ears grow very rapidly and soon after the birth of the cubs, they acquire a full-fledged appearance.

From newborn babies, right up to the eruption of their eyes, the female does not leave a single step. A caring mother fox does not allow even the male to approach her cubs. The female is extremely aggressive and the male only pushes food into her hole without entering it.

Month-old fox cubs emerge from the burrow and begin to explore the surrounding area. At first they do not go far from their mother and mink, but after reaching 3 months they begin to travel independently over longer distances. It is at this age that the mother stops feeding her cubs milk.

9 months after birth, foxes are ready to mate and live independently in the desert. Some individuals leave and build their own clans, while others remain with their parents and continue their family, helping each other in raising their young.

In the natural environment The lifespan of fennec cats is very short - a maximum of 7 years. At home, funny foxes live much longer - up to 20 years on average.

Difficulties of keeping an animal at home

Breeding these animals at home is quite simple. They quickly get used to new conditions and people. With appropriate upbringing, a fennec baby grows up to be a smart and affectionate pet.

It is advisable to purchase a special large cage or a separate room for the fox. Of course, in a small apartment this will be very problematic and therefore it is not advisable to have a pet in one. Fennec foxes are wild animals and need free personal space.

The floor in the enclosure must be covered with a thick layer of sand. so that the pet can dig minks. If this is not done, then the fox, following its instincts, will begin to dig everything. Main difficulty Keeping a fennec cat at home involves teaching him to relieve himself in a designated place. As a rule, foxes relieve themselves right in the enclosure, and a terrible smell spreads through the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to still teach the fennec to go to the tray.

It will be difficult for the owners and it will be necessary to treat the pet if it gets sick. Despite the fact that bat-eared foxes get sick quite rarely, few veterinarians will be able to help them if necessary.

What to feed your fennec cat?

The animal is not particularly picky when it comes to food and eats almost everything that its owners offer. The predatory fox naturally gives preference to meat. Your pet rarely drinks water, but a bowl filled with it should always be freely available.

At home, you can feed your unusual pet with the following products:

  • pieces of meat;
  • live food (grasshoppers, mice, lizards);
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • fish.

You can also occasionally feed your fenech a variety of cereals, if he likes them. In any case, the diet for the animal must be compiled based on its taste preferences.

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare. This unusual appearance and its small size attract the attention of lovers of exotic animals to the fox. IN lately This big-eared fox has gained popularity as a pet, kept in apartments like a cat or dog.

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare.

Main characteristics of the species

This is the smallest fox in the world. Its parameters speak volumes:

  • the height of this animal at the withers reaches about 20 cm;
  • chanterelle length – no more than 40 cm;
  • the tail, of course, is fox, and therefore relatively long - about 30 cm;
  • the animal weighs no more than 1.5 kg;
  • Ears with such small sizes reach 15 cm in length.

Thus, the body of the fox itself is smaller than that of a cat. However, if you take into account the ears and tail, the cat will still seem smaller.

The systematic position of this animal differs from all other foxes. Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family. Especially for him, zoologists have allocated separate genus– Fennecus, which includes only one species – Vulpes zerda.

Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family

Lifestyle and character

The big-eared fox attracts and surprises everyone with the size of its ears. During strong winds the ears act like a sail and the poor animal has to make great efforts not to fly away along with the desert plants.

The fennec fox lives in the deserts of North Africa. It got its name thanks to the Arabic word fanak, which is translated as fox.

The small fennec fox hunts alone, mainly at night. She is a predator like all foxes. She only chooses her prey according to size. Its diet includes small lizards, insects, worms, mice, eggs of birds and reptiles, and the birds themselves. Life in the desert does not indulge in an abundance of food, so the bat-eared fox feeds on carrion, fruits and roots. All canines do not disdain such food. She tolerates thirst well, often being content with the water contained in her food.