The magic of numbers. Dream interpretation of medium Hasse. Meaning according to famous dream books

Seeing a cactus is a sign that in the near future you will meet someone very interesting, but, unfortunately, “closed” to you.

You will really want to get to know this person better, but for some reason he will avoid your company.

Apparently, the whole point is that, as they say, having burned himself in milk, he blows on the water and is simply afraid to make new acquaintances.

If this person is really interesting to you, do not quit what you started, but make the new acquaintance want to get to know you better.

However, don't be pushy about it.

Prick on a cactus - disappointment awaits you.

Most likely, it will be connected with the fact that some fact of the biography of your close friend or patron, which has been hidden so far, will be revealed.

Don't make a tragedy out of this.

Firstly, we all have the right to make mistakes, and secondly, perhaps only the information you have discovered will seem terrible to breed cacti: an interesting conversation.

Perhaps by chance you will meet a sage who knows much more than it might seem at first glance.

Resist the first and, by the way, completely natural impulse to leave, stop listening to what this person will say if you see a blooming cactus: it means that calm will soon be established in your life, you will be a truly peaceful person.

However, you can already begin to relax: a dream is a dream, but until you yourself learn to perceive life with all its pluses and minuses, there will be no peace.

This is what your dream is talking about: a combination of sharp cactus thorns and beautiful flower: a symbol of your wrong attitude towards life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

What do dreams mean cactus

A dream about cacti means that all your attempts to establish a good relationship they fail with someone and you are met with barbs that are offensive to you. See, prick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Cactus

To dream about how, while watering a cactus, you pricked yourself on its thorns - to pricks of conscience about your unseemly act.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Dreams

What does cactus mean in a dream

Seeing a cactus in a dream means that the environment and the people who surround you do not suit your inclinations and requirements. Watering cacti - in reality, take care of a person who was left without attention and care even by the closest people. If in a dream you observe a blooming cactus that has released a flower of amazing beauty, in real life rare happiness will smile at you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Interpretation of sleep Cactus

Complications at work. Watering a cactus - you have to be kind to people who are insincere in communicating with you. A small cactus on the windowsill - you will be accused of pettiness and pickiness. big cactus in the desert - people close to you spread gossip about you. To prick on a cactus - you have to pay for your rash actions. A lot of prickly cacti - you will find yourself at the epicenter of the scandal. Repotting a cactus - the situation is out of control, look for a new job.

Blooming - for profit.

Imagine that the cactus has blossomed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What in a dream predicts Cactus

It symbolizes hardships, hardships and spiritual bitterness. Often, such a dream can portend a ruin to a person, the cause of which will be his excessive rigidity and anger. In such cases, the best way out is to try to soften your character and not forget the saying that an affectionate calf sucks two queens.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does it mean to see a cactus in a dream

To a meeting with spiritual callousness, a deceitful friend, cold relations with friends, to a possible payment for one's rash actions so that they do not entail serious consequences.

Cacti in pots - personify your spiritual callousness and aloofness, a lot of prickly cacti.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What predicts a dream Cactus

If you dreamed of a cactus in a pot, someone will try to harm you, but will help you instead. For this person to really help you, sew a small pebble into your pillow.

If you dreamed of a cactus in the desert, then beware of the lady in red, she wants to get rid of you. To protect yourself from it, draw a blue circle, square and triangle near the right elbow, do not wash off for 5 days.

Interpretation of dreams from

1. a dream about a flowering cactus.
2. what is the dream of a blooming cactus for?
3. why is a blooming cactus dreaming? (interpretation by day)
4. Why does a woman dream of a blooming cactus?
5. Why does a man dream of a flowering cactus?
6. why do you dream of pricking yourself on a cactus?

1. a dream about a flowering cactus.

I have seen cactus bloom only twice in my life. The first time - I came to my mother, and she shows off her flowers. And he shows me the cactus, they say, blossomed. Seeing this was very unusual. It's prickly, dangerous. And the flower is small and very fragile. I remember this spectacle very much. And the second time I saw a cactus bloom in my dream. What's more, recently. It seems like I go to the window, look out into the courtyard. I have a cactus on my windowsill. Which, of course, is not the case in real life. And not only did I have plants in my house, this cactus also bloomed! It had several conspicuous yellow flowers, with delicate white veins. The petals were sharp-edged, like needles, but still the whole look of this bloom was incredibly delicate. At the same time, the needles of my cactus in a dream were fluffy, snow-white. As if a few yellow daisies had fallen on poplar fluff. I admired this plant, its majesty and audacity, but at the same time tenderness. I looked at the cactus, peered into the depths of the flowers, and even forgot about my window.

2. what is the dream of a blooming cactus for?

And in the morning I thought for a long time - why did I even dream about this? Like a cactus and suddenly bloomed. Moreover, I never have plants at home. I forget about them, with this endless work. Although my mother constantly offers me her own flowers grown at home. What is it, the dream hints that it's time to buy a plant for your house? I decided to look for interpretations. And found that:

a blooming cactus means good luck in the dreamer's life.

  • If there was a long period of work, or it was not possible to get what you wanted, then after sleeping with a flowering cactus, you can hope for success.
  • If you have been seeking a promotion for a long time, but you seemed not to have been heard, rest assured that you will get a new position soon.
  • If the endless repairs completely frayed your nerves, everything will end as if by magic in the next week.
  • If you were seeking paperwork, waiting for approval at the bank, or conducting proceedings, all the difficult and tedious trials will soon be left far behind.

The cactus itself often personifies problems, troubles, some quarrels and squabbles in the dreamer's life. But if the cactus bloomed, then all these negative values as if canceled, crossed out in a person's life. He can count on luck in many matters.

3. why is a blooming cactus dreaming? (interpretation by day)

  • For example, on Monday night blooming cactus will help you get a very good deal.
  • For Tuesday to see how a cactus blooms is a great joy in the house.
  • If you saw the flowering of this thorny plant Wednesday night - the person who did not want to make contact for a long time will soon begin to communicate with you.
  • Thursday cactus flowers speak of new forces that will appear in you, despite fatigue.
  • see such on Friday - to the acquisition of good fame in a new work team.
  • If a cactus bloom appeared in a dream on Saturday night then you will be healed. Ailments will leave for a long time this year.
  • See the cactus bloom on sunday good omen. You will be lucky in this life.

4. Why does a woman dream of a blooming cactus?

For a woman to see a cactus bloom portends a meeting with an extremely unusual man. It will be very deep and mysterious. At the same time, attractive for the dreamer, desirable. Although the man will not actively court, and will even be reluctant to talk, the dreamer will be very interested in him. Such a person will be immersed in himself, he will think a lot. And it is precisely with his mysteriousness, with his certain detachment and wisdom that this guy will be able to attract the dreamer. Decide for yourself whether such a man is in your taste, is it worth looking for a meeting with him if your ideal is not at all like that? But if you have been waiting for such a person for a long time, then a dream with a cactus bloom promises you him.

5. Why does a man dream of a flowering cactus?

But if a man dreamed of a cactus bloom, then he is in danger that will come from a certain woman. A real swindler can turn his head to a guy, or a heartbreaker will simply play with his feelings. One way or another, you should not make acquaintances in the next month if you see a cactus flower - this relationship will not only not bring you joy, but it may end badly. If you lose some of your money and time on a greedy predator, then this is half the trouble. Lose faith in love and collect your own broken heart- that's what the dreamer needs to be afraid of.

6. why do you dream of pricking yourself on a cactus?

Sometimes a person wants to touch a cactus flower, go inhale its fragrance. At the same time, if the dreamer pricked himself on a cactus, some troubles await him. Something can greatly upset him or undermine his health. Pricked on the needles of a cactus when you touched its flower? Take care of your health, take care of your nerves and eat as varied as possible. After all, a breakdown and constant nervous tension very much contribute to the fact that the body just got sick. They forgot to have breakfast, got upset at work, drank a lot of extra coffee - and now a cold or a migraine is already your companion. If you had such a dream, pay attention to such trifles that concern only you. Do not waste your health and remember that all problems are only temporary. Moreover, you can always turn to friends or colleagues for help if you feel that you are not coping with your affairs. It is better to rest a little and check the body.

Well, I don’t need to buy a cactus, judging by the interpretations. Already good. But the fact that luck and success awaits me in many matters is the most pleasant news. I have hard work and now success in some projects is simply very necessary. I hope that the dream will really give me luck!

dream cactus- symbolizes hardships, hardships and spiritual bitterness.
Often, such a dream can portend a ruin to a person, the cause of which will be his excessive rigidity and anger. In such cases, the best way out is to try to soften your character and not forget the saying that an affectionate calf sucks two queens.

Modern combined dream book

The dream in which you watered the cacti- means that you will have to be extremely kind in dealing with certain people, despite the fact that they will be insincere with you.

If in a dream you saw a small cactus on your window- soon others will accuse you of pettiness and captiousness, and they will be absolutely right.

The big cactus you saw in your dream in your garden- says that in the near future they will gossip about one of your close acquaintances and spread vile gossip.

Eastern female dream book

If you dreamed of a flowering cactus- luck will certainly smile at you and you will even get what you did not dare to count on.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cactus- communication with a poorly educated person who will insult and humiliate you.

Children's dream book

If in a dream you observe a blooming cactus that has released a flower of amazing beauty- in real life, rare happiness will smile at you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Cactus- may indicate that an unpleasant situation awaits you. Try to review your life and find "prickly" episodes in it.

Cactus- can mean something that should not be touched. Is there a person who is afraid of your touch, or do you yourself not want to be touched? Try to create a safe environment for both of you.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

cacti- dream of a meeting with spiritual callousness, a deceitful friend, cold relations with friends, a possible payment for their rash actions so that they do not entail serious consequences.

cacti in pots- personify your spiritual callousness and alienation, many prickly cacti- mean that evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.

The article on the topic: "what is the dream book of a cactus in a pot for" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Often a cactus in a dream symbolizes danger, a source of trouble - that is, everything from which it is better to stay away. The dream interpretation considers the cactus to be a symbol of life with its thorns and roses, therefore, it suggests accepting as it is everything that this amazing flower dreams of.

Cacti rarely show their flowers, because this image, even in a dream, is considered a symbol of good luck. Mayan interpreters consider the cactus blooming in the desert as an ambiguous and very insidious sign, alluring gullible travelers with its beauty. For a man who dreamed of a flowering cactus, the dream book recommends being on the alert with women, especially those dressed in red clothes. It is curious to know why a dreaming woman dreams of a flowering cactus. What you see in a dream promises a meeting with an incredibly intriguing, at the same time closed and mysterious person. A flower among sharp thorns often symbolizes the past. Remember where sharp corners lay in wait for you.

If you dreamed of a thorn, what you saw in a dream can be interpreted literally literally. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn advises in the coming period to be more prudent than ever and stay away from anything that can cause moral or physical pain. This is not the only explanation for what the needles of a prickly plant dream of. It is possible that one of the people around will manage to "prick" on the dreamer. It will be doubly unpleasant if you accidentally hurt someone who is truly dear to you. A difficult and very slippery period is coming, during which even a harmless joke can be misinterpreted.

window sill decoration

If in a dream I had a chance to see this plant in a pot, Longo's dream book believes that the sleeping person will have an interesting conversation, a meeting with a sage. Perhaps this episode will affect him future fate. If you dreamed of a cactus in a pot, you will have a chance to find out someone else's secret. Use it or not, it's up to you. The information obtained will bring more grief than good. In the dream book there is another interesting explanation of why a pet in a pot is dreaming. This is the state of the soul of the sleeping person, whose companions are distrust and isolation.

cactus care

When in a dream it happens not only to see a cactus, but also to take care of it: plant, replant, the dream book promises amazing discoveries. If you had a dream about how you had to plant this flower, which is not the most pleasant to the touch, do not rush to reject a person who did not like you at first sight. What dreams of planting cacti can make the sleeper reconsider his worldview.


And you want, and it pricks - that's what dreams of buying a cactus. If something like this was dreamed of on the eve of making an important decision, the dream book warns that the path will be thorny, but success lies ahead. When you dreamed that you were given such an unusual present, the interpretation of dreams gives great importance the identity of the donor. If this is your acquaintance, be on the lookout for him or beware of those who look like him in reality.

dead plant

The dream interpreter considers the plot in which this hardy representative of the flora has dried up to be an alarming sign. It seems that your strength is running out, and the horizon is still empty. Often a dream in which your ward withered represents a sense of guilt, including for one's own failures. A broken stem in a dream symbolizes opportunities lost in the past, which the dreamer now regrets. Most likely, the culprit of what happened was indecision.

Popular interpreters

Miller's dream book claims that seeing this symbol in night dreams is brought to those who in reality often speak taunts to others. Miller's dream book also sees in this image a person who does not find understanding. The medium Hasse claims that such an inedible plant can only be eaten because of the harmful influence environment. The sorceress Medea believes that eating thorny stems stimulates curiosity and a thirst for thrills. According to Sigmund Freud, many thorny thickets represent the fear of new relationships - past negative experience affects.

Why dream? We are going with a guy, on the road they sell field flowers, he stopped and bought flowers and a cactus, only there were no needles on the cactus.

This means there is a flower, but it will not be able to prick properly.

Dream Interpretation Cactus, why dream of Cactus in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of a Cactus from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

What is Cactus dreaming of: interpretation of sleep

What is the dream of a cactus in autumn?

Cactus - Seeing in a dream a cactus with beautiful, bright colors- to a prosperous life.

What is the dream of a cactus in summer?

Cactus - Seeing in a dream how, while watering a cactus, you pricked yourself on its thorns - to pricks of conscience about your unseemly act.

Why does the child dream of Cactus, interpretation of sleep:

Why Cactus is dreaming - The hostility of others, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of Cactus in night dreams?

Cactus - Cacti dream of a meeting with spiritual callousness, a deceitful friend, cold relationships with friends, a possible payment for their rash actions so that they do not entail serious consequences. Cacti in pots represent your spiritual callousness and alienation, a lot of prickly cacti - mean that evil and bad thoughts prevent you from perceiving reality correctly.

What is the dream of a cactus in spring?

Cactus - To the appearance of a harmful person.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Cactus - Alienation, coldness in relationships; resentment.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo

Why does the dreamer dream of Cactus in a dream?

Cactus - Seeing a cactus in a dream is a sign that in the near future you will meet someone very interesting, but, unfortunately, “closed” to you. You will really want to get to know this person better, but for some reason he will avoid your company. Apparently, the whole point is that, as they say, having burned himself in milk, he blows on the water and is simply afraid to make new acquaintances. If this person is really interesting to you, do not quit what you started, but make the new acquaintance want to get to know you better. However, don't be pushy about it.

Cacti are dreaming - disappointment awaits you. Most likely, it will be connected with the fact that some fact of the biography of your close friend or patron, which has been hidden so far, will be revealed. Don't make a tragedy out of this. Firstly, we all have the right to make mistakes, and secondly, it is possible that only the information found will seem terrible to you - others perceive this quite calmly. Breeding cacti in a dream is an interesting conversation. Perhaps by chance you will meet a sage who knows much more than it might seem at first glance. Do not give in to the first and, by the way, quite natural impulse to leave, stop listening to what this person will say - believe me, after the “prickly” energy (it is what the cacti you saw in a dream symbolize) you will be poured with what is commonly called grace . If in a dream you saw a blooming cactus, it means that soon calm will be established in your life, you will be a truly peaceful person. However, you can already begin to relax: a dream is a dream, but until you yourself learn to perceive life with all its pluses and minuses, there will be no peace. This is exactly what your dream says: the combination of sharp thorns of a cactus and a beautiful flower is a symbol of your wrong attitude to life.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Cactus is dreaming, why?

Cactus - A bad speed hurts you.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

What is the dream of Cactus - the dream book interprets as follows:

Cactus - a bad environment harms you

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Cactus in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream of Cactus in a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of Cactus from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a Cactus in a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is the dream of Cactus from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of a Cactus in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why does Cactus dream in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Sat November 14, 2015, 09:27:52 AM

Mon April 06, 2015, 13:07:05

Sun August 17, 2014, 13:13:35

Sun July 27, 2014, 06:29:59 AM

SunJanuary 15, 2012, 12:13:13

Cactus in a dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

Why dream of a cactus

What is the dream of a cactus - Miller's dream book

Your originality in some matters can cause many problems.

Cactus in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

To prick with cactus needles in a dream means that in reality someone can slander you.

Planting or caring for cacti - you are an evil, too callous and vengeful character.

Giving a cactus as a gift is a secret disapproval.

A dream in which you make your way through the jungle of prickly cacti means that in life you will find terrible gossip and oppression in any business and undertaking. But if you worthily pass all the tests and believe, God will reward you.

What does it mean according to Freud's dream book if you dreamed of a cactus

The cactus is a phallic symbol.

When a man dreams of a cactus with a lot of needles, then in reality this means his desire to demonstrate his sexual potential to others. The state of a plant in a dream can mean the state of health of the genitals of the man himself. A wilted cactus speaks of a decrease in potency, fear of sexually transmitted diseases or castration.

If a woman dreamed of a lonely cactus in the desert, then this may indicate mental trauma associated with sexual life. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

The book of dreams of Yuri Longo - why the cactus is dreaming

A dreaming cactus portends that you will soon meet a little secretive and squeezed person. If you behave delicately with him (or with her), then you will have a warm relationship.

In a dream, to prick on a cactus - to be disappointed in someone in reality.

Caring for cacti is a fascinating conversation.

A cactus in bloom portends moderation and harmony in your life.

Why do cacti dream - Denise Lynn's dream book

The cactus portends a rather vile situation. Look at your life from the outside and find “prickly” moments in it. Maybe there is a very vulnerable person in your environment. Try not to offend him.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - what does it mean if you had a cactus in a dream

If you dreamed of a cactus, then in real life you will be harmed by a polluted environment.

Dream Interpretation of David Loffe - why dream of a cactus

A dream about a cactus symbolizes the deterioration of affairs due to your internal inability to be "like everyone else."

But a flowering cactus has positive value- Unexpected luck will smile at you.

How to understand a dream about a cactus

at the Women's Club!

What does the dream in which you had a cactus mean? At first glance, it may seem that a cactus seen in a dream is not a very good sign.

In fact, the interpreters of dreams interpret the plant in a dream as a sign of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions that a sleeping person has to go through. Dream Interpretations say that a blooming cactus in your dreams suggests that life will be filled with delight and amazing adventures.

A look into a blooming future

Why dream of a cactus that was in bloom? If in a dream you saw a cactus bloom, the dream book suggests that very soon you will be lucky in a very important matter. Miller interpreted a flowering cactus as the personification of your inner world. You always attract people to you, because you have a special charm and charisma, so you always make new acquaintances and important negotiations so easily.

If you are a man and you dreamed of flowering cacti - one of your female acquaintances longs to seduce you. Allow yourself to relax a bit and let things flow. You are waiting for special evenings and magical dates with a pleasant person.

If you look into the dream book, a cactus in bloom that a woman saw in her dreams portends a meeting with a mysterious person who was previously unfamiliar to you. You can find many common topics for conversation, and then you will recognize a kindred spirit in this person, to whom you can open the most hidden secrets.

What can dream of a flower that bloomed among the thorns of a cactus? The Mayan dream book suggests that in the near future you will remember the present with tenderness, so try to enjoy its moments and remember as many beautiful moments as possible.

What does it mean to dream of a cactus that was covered with many thorns? Such a vision is interpreted by dream books as a kind of warning about moral decline or conflict at work. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, you should:

  • Spare no time and money for good rest especially sleep. If something prevents you from sleeping as much as necessary, find an opportunity to remove this obstacle.
  • With any dispute that begins, abruptly get out of it and stop communicating with the opponent. By doing this, you will discourage him and buy him time to think about his next steps.
  • Introduce variety into your daily routine - for example, include unusual dishes in your diet, play sports or visit friends three times a week.

If in a dream you happened to prick yourself on the thorns of a cactus - in reality you are very quick-tempered and sometimes sharp man. Often you push it away good people, so you just need to control outbursts of anger and learn to pacify your ardor.

Why dream of a cactus standing on a windowsill? Loff's dream book explains the meaning of a cactus in a pot: in the coming days you will have a conversation with a very experienced and wise man. You'll get valuable advice, which can affect an important decision in your life.

Why dream of cacti in pots that you transplanted in a dream? In reality, someone will reveal their secret to you. You have to decide on your own whether to disclose the information received or keep it forever with you. Remember that other people's secrets are given out only in extreme situations.

Seeing a cactus in a dream that was your favorite home plant - according to dream books, this personifies your soul. If he was small and hid behind other plants, in reality you are afraid of loneliness and often ask for support from loved ones.

If the plant in a dream was large, bright and juicy - in reality you are a leader who always achieves what he wants. Sometimes you may not even notice that you do not take into account the interests of loved ones, but over time you will learn to control this shortcoming.

If you look into Summer dream book, the thornless cactus that you saw in your dreams means that at work you will have to somehow adapt to your colleagues in order to complete the common cause. You should come to terms with the idea that colleagues are more experienced and will probably be able to offer a more productive algorithm of actions. This time, it's better to leave your ambitions and do everything to complete this task on time. Do not worry, the reward will be unexpectedly high and pleasant.

If you often dream of cacti that you regularly care for: spud, transplant or water - Modern dream book says that you are waiting for the discovery of new unexpected talents in yourself.

What does the vision mean in which you tried to transplant a cactus and pricked yourself? Such a dream says that you unreasonably reject and push good people away from you. Perhaps you are biased towards them, and it's time for you to learn to tolerate small flaws in the characters of those around you. And keep in mind that they have to be tolerant of you.

Why dream of lovingly transplanting a cactus into a larger pot? Soon you will meet a person who will influence your attitude towards some important things. You will reassess your values ​​and be able to fully enjoy all the magical gifts of fate.

The one who in his dreams bought a lot of cacti to put them in his home will have to make a difficult choice in reality. The main thing is to remember that luck will be on your side in any case, and loved ones will always support your decision, no matter how difficult it may be for you.

And the most main advice

  • Why dream of a prickly cactus in a pot?

    A cactus with prickly needles personifies any threat to a sleeping person in night visions. How to understand why a cactus in a pot is dreaming, standing on a windowsill? If the dreamer dreamed of a cactus in a pot, then soon he will have to face trouble. It will help to find out where they should be expected from. detailed interpretation sleep.

    What if you dream of a cactus in a pot?

    Scientists have proven that the cactus purifies the air and eliminates harmful electromagnetic radiation. Based on this, the compilers Esoteric dream book it is believed that a person who dreamed of a cactus planted in a pot feels the need for fresh air. Dreams with this thorny plant are often dreamed of by people living in ecologically unfavorable areas, or by those who spend too much time in front of a computer monitor. Seeing a cactus in night dreams, a person should seriously think about maintaining his own health. And this must be done immediately, otherwise diseases will begin to attack him from all sides.

    Dreamed of a beautiful flowering cactus? The dream interpretation promises a sleeping person a pleasant trip to the region with clean environment where you can not only relax, but also restore shaken health. In order for the trip to benefit the dreamer, he should refuse during it bad habits and switch to a balanced diet.

    A 21st-century dream book represents a cactus in a pot with alienation and spiritual callousness of a sleeping person. If there were a lot of thorny plants in a dream, then in real life the dreamer will not be able to correctly perceive the events taking place due to the anger that overwhelms his soul.

    A flowering cactus in a pot, according to the interpreter G. Miller, predicts the dreamer a meeting with a person whose thoughts and ideas at first will seem to him deprived common sense. But after some time, the sleeping person will be so imbued with them that he will become a new acquaintance. true friend and like-minded person. To see an unblown bud on a cactus is a sign indicating that a person who is of interest to a person will not want to contact him.

    If in night dreams the dreamer happened to hurt himself on a cactus thorn, then in reality he will not be able to hide unsightly facts from his biography from friends or a loved one. This will cause a cooling of relations between him and the people around him. Was a stranger pricked about a cactus growing in a pot? The dreamer in the near future will have to find out unpleasant information about one of his relatives or friends. You should not condemn a person and turn away from him, because each of us has our own skeletons in the closet.

    What portends?

    Why dream of a cactus in a pot according to other interpreters? Spring dream book predicts a person who sees this plant in a dream will meet an extremely unpleasant person. Autumn dream book a dream where a luxuriously flowering cactus dreamed up is considered an omen rich life. The summer interpreter of dreams regards a night vision in which a person pricked himself on a cactus thorn as a sign promising him pricks of conscience because of an unseemly act he recently committed.

    Did you dream of planting cacti, transplanting them from one pot to another? Dream Interpretation Longo considers a dream with such a plot to be a sign that portends the dreamer an interesting conversation with a wise person. Did the cactus break during transplantation? In reality, the dreamer will meet a person who can help him with practical advice. Even if the words spoken by him hurt the sleeping man's pride, you should not interrupt the conversation with him. A new acquaintance will tell him a simple way out of this situation.

    Why does a child dream of a prickly cactus in a pot? The children's dream book considers the cactus in a negative light. The interpreter is sure: if a child dreamed of this plant in night dreams, then in reality he will have to face the hostility of the people around him. It is necessary to monitor your actions, otherwise you will not be able to avoid problems.

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  • Small dream book

    Why does a woman dream of a cactus:

    If in a dream you see a cactus, then in real life your inner inability to be like everyone else often gives you a lot of problems in relations with others. If you dreamed that you saw a blooming cactus, then in reality you will certainly be lucky and you will get something that you did not dare to count on.

    Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

    Seeing a cactus in a dream means:

    Cactus - alienation, coldness in relationships; resentment.

    The latest dream book

    A dream with a cactus in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

    Cactus - communication with a poorly educated person who will insult and humiliate you.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

    Sleeping with a cactus means:

    To dream of a cactus with beautiful, bright flowers - to a prosperous life.

    Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

    The meaning of sleep cactus:

    Cactus - may indicate that an unpleasant situation awaits you. Try to review your life and find "prickly" episodes in it.
    Cactus - can mean something that should not be touched. Is there a person who is afraid of your touch, or do you yourself not want to be touched? Try to create a safe environment for both of you.

    Dream interpretation of the XXI century

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of a cactus:

    Cacti - dream of a meeting with spiritual callousness, a deceitful friend, a cold relationship with friends, a possible payment for their rash actions so that they do not entail serious consequences.
    Cacti in pots - personify your spiritual callousness and aloofness, a lot of prickly cacti - mean that evil and bad thoughts prevent you from perceiving reality correctly.

    Slavic dream book

    What can a cactus dream of:

    Cold relationship with friends.

    Modern dream book

    Cactus in a dream means:

    The dream in which you watered the cacti means that you will have to be extremely kind in dealing with certain people, despite the fact that they will be insincere with you.
    If in a dream you saw a small cactus on your window, people around you will soon accuse you of pettiness and pickiness, and they will be absolutely right.
    A large cactus that you saw in a dream in your garden indicates that some of your close friends will soon gossip and spread vile gossip.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

    If a girl dreams of a cactus, then this means:

    Cactus - to the appearance of a harmful person.

    Dream Interpretation Grishina

    Why does a woman dream of a cactus:

    Cacti in pots - your spiritual callousness, alienation.
    Seeing a lot of prickly cacti - evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Cactus in a dream dream book Hasse

    Bad speed hurts you

    Children's dream book

    Cactus in a dream Children's dream book

    Cactus - the hostility of others.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Cactus in a dream dream book Hasse

    bad environment hurts you

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

    Cactus in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August

    To dream about how, while watering a cactus, you pricked yourself on its thorns - to pricks of conscience about your unseemly act.

    American dream book

    Cactus in a dream American dream book

    Cactus is an unpleasant situation.

    Dream interpretation alphabetically

    Cactus in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

    Seeing a cactus in a dream means that the environment and the people who surround you do not suit your inclinations and requirements. Watering cacti - in reality, take care of a person who was left without attention and care even by the closest people. If in a dream you observe a blooming cactus that has released a flower of amazing beauty, in real life rare happiness will smile at you.

    Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    Cactus in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    Complications at work. Watering a cactus - you have to be kind to people who are insincere in communicating with you. A small cactus on the windowsill - you will be accused of pettiness and pickiness. Big cactus in the desert - people close to you gossip about you. To prick on a cactus - you have to pay for your rash actions. A lot of prickly cacti - you will find yourself at the epicenter of the scandal. Repotting a cactus - the situation is out of control, look for a new job.

    Blooming - for profit.

    Imagine that the cactus has blossomed.