Makarsky Anton and Victoria age difference. Victoria Makarskaya - photos of Anton Makarsky's wife after plastic surgery. Great start, sad ending

Victoria Makarskaya - Russian singer and film actress. Today, the artist is more known as a wife. But Victoria Makarskaya, whose maiden name Morozova, beginning creative biography and became popular long before her husband's star lit up.

Victoria Morozova was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk. Victoria's father is a military man, he served in the secret garrisons of the Baltic states, so her childhood years were spent there. FROM young years the girl delighted loved ones with a beautiful voice. At the age of 15, she already sang in an orchestra in Belarus, where her family moved.

After school, Morozova entered the directing department of VGIK. She graduated from the institute and went to get a job at the Moscow musical theater. She didn't get it right away. The girl was alone at the Belorussky railway station. Not knowing what to do, Victoria Morozova went to the Bolshoi Theater, but the personnel department was closed. However, fate favored her. An Englishman accidentally saw her, approached her and in a conversation offered to become a soloist in his group. That meeting became fateful.


Soon Victoria Morozova became a soloist and earned fabulous money. Her videos were shown on leading music channels, her songs were played on all radio stations.

A year later, Vika and Anton got married, and three years later they got married. In the same period, Makarsky was offered a role in the musical "Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris', his career took off.

Happy newlyweds equipped their own house, in which they wanted to build 4 children's rooms. But the pregnancy didn't work. Vika and Anton believed that they would become happy parents. After 13 years of marriage, the singer is finally. According to rumors, Victoria was able to get pregnant only after IVF, and the procedure almost cost the singer her life.

Throughout her pregnancy, the artist lived in Israel, with Anton Makarsky's parents. She also gave birth there. In September 2012, they became happy parents long-awaited daughter Mary. On May 31, 2015, their son Ivan was born.

After the birth of the artist, fans and ill-wishers began to argue whether Victoria did facial plastic surgery, because in the photographs after the decree, the singer looks changed. Victoria posted in Instagram"A number of photos without filters and makeup, according to the artist, to stop the rumors about plastic. According to Victoria, the artist did not plastic surgery, and the photo shoot that gave rise to such a rumor was made under an advertising contract, which involved studio lighting and retouching. Own appearance Victoria explains with a regular post and the fact that the artist has ceased to envy.

Victoria Makarska now

In April 2017, Victoria quit creative projects and flew to Israel to restore health. The singer did not suffer from any rare disease, the woman caught a cold on tour, but a banal cold led to serious consequences. The singer's voice was under threat, so Victoria decided to completely shut up and direct all her strength to treatment.

Today there are rumors that the singer is expecting her third child. Moreover, Victoria Makarskaya herself became the initiator of such gossip. The actress shared with fans on Instagram a post that the couple are planning to have another child. According to Makarska, the artists saw how younger son Vanya communicates with his cousin, and they understand that they want to always have many children in the house. Fans of the star family reacted positively to this news and wished the artists a speedy replenishment.

In 2017, Victoria and Anton Makarsky perform together on the stage and tour Russia with a new duet concert program. The artists promise the audience a bright interactive musical performance that goes beyond the classical format of a pop concert and has no predecessors or analogues among the projects of other Russian performers.

The duration of the concert is 2 hours. During this time, the spouses-musicians will perform a number of songs, as well as communicate with the audience. Some of the compositions performed by the Makarskys were written especially for this duet by famous authors,. Victoria and Anton will also perform cult songs, for example, "Hug" and the aria "BELLE" from the musical "Notre Dame de Paris".

November 2017 celebrity couple participated in the party on the occasion of the awarding of the "Family of the Year" award.


  • 1999 - musical "Metro"
  • 2009 - "Alexander Solodovnikov. John - Cheerful heart, or Lord, glory to You! ”, Audiobook
  • 2007 - rock opera "Perfumer"
  • 2010 - "Live Concert"


  • 2001 - "Shatun" (sings behind the scenes)
  • 2004 - "Dear Masha Berezina" (sings behind the scenes)
  • 2005 - "Who Comes on a Winter Evening"
  • 2005 - "Open, it's me!" (sings off-screen)
  • 2008 - "The Adventures of Alyonushka and Yerema"
  • 2009 - "New Adventures of Alyonushka and Yerema"
  • 2009 - “Marry Casanova” (sings behind the scenes)
  • 2010 - “Sung in the USSR. Island of bad luck"
  • 2010 - "History Russian show business»
August 26, 2015, 23:04

I wanted to make a post about a couple that I really liked, it seems that their story was not discussed here, so I hope it will be interesting for someone. I want to talk about Morozova and Makarsky until the moment when they quite ambiguously and publicly hit the faith. I want to warn you in advance that I liked both of them, especially him)

“How the Metro was born, so the novel was born, there was no such thing as gossip, well, as it were, it’s clear that Makarsky is with Morozova. Morozova is with Makarsky. That is, there’s not even anything to discuss. drummers, Morozov and Makarsky, that is, as it were, this was not discussed. Why? It was clear to everyone that it was impossible to beat off one or the second and drag it into some other hands, because it was already destined to do so. They could not come unstuck from each other friend, they constantly hugged, kissed. We have a dance warm-up, and we had such warm-ups: half standing, and half in porter, that is, lying down. And, God forbid, if lying down they were next to each other, and the teacher turned away for a second, they kiss right there, they hug right there, right there they practice almost, I don’t know, right here at the rehearsal.Therefore, our director, Janusz Yuzyfovich, at first jokingly, but then he was already very angry with them and all the time said: "Ich to the house, ich to the house! Rabbits!" - Evelina Bledans.

Here are the broadcasts in more detail about how eyewitnesses perceived these relationships:

i watched a lot of interviews and in all of them Anton says something like this: “I immediately singled her out from everyone. She doesn’t look like anyone at all. -skirt, and on a very beautiful belly in a short top. And only then I saw her eyes ... ". But printed text is printed text, if anyone has time, watch the video file below. He talks about meeting her SO much that I envy her) And a reasonable question arises, WHAT IS THIS in her? Anton at the very beginning.

As for Vika, it personally seems to me that she overestimates herself a little, since before them, in almost all the video interviews of the joint (which I watched), she reminds Anton that they say the oligarchs promised her mountains of gold, they called her in marriage, at home, they offered cars, yes and many of the Metro actors “glued” to her, and she chose him unknown and a beggar, even if everything is so, then it’s ridiculous to remind about it at every opportunity after a year. But I want to note that in general I like or liked her.

One example of Wiki's coquetry is the program "So far everyone is at home" for 2007. By the way, I highly recommend comparing it with the record "So far everyone is at home" for 2014. It's like two different couples.

Well, the story about "two grilled chickens", which everyone who watched or read at least one interview with Makarsky probably knows. It feels like this grilled chicken is Anton in nightmares.

"I remember once, when we first walked from the Operetta Theater to the house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where we lived at that time, Vika said: let's buy grilled chicken. I thought:" Wow, requests! Grilled chicken! Yes, I'm on I will live this chicken for a week myself and feed my entire hostel! But, of course, he said: “Of course, come on, no question!” I scraped from all my pockets everything that I had there for a month in advance, and suddenly she says: "Let's buy two, otherwise guests will suddenly come." This was a terrible blow for me! I said: "Vika, what two chickens, I have no money!" And she: “I have!” And so, without wanting it, again punched me in the gut. I then complexed terribly!

About money

Anton: The biggest problems were due to the fact that I was a poor actor, and Vika was a popular singer with big, as it seemed to me, claims. In the first year, I left her three times precisely because I could not provide financially his beloved woman and could not live at her expense either. It’s something to me, I’m used to a penniless, easy life, and 200 dollars was enough for me. And suddenly, next to me is a woman for whom these 200 dollars are zilch! Go to a restaurant a couple of times.

Victoria: They approached me: “I’ll buy you a house in Switzerland, why the hell do you even work?”. Some suffering millionaire always came to my concert with huge bouquet roses: "Let's go visit me! I'll do anything for you." No, why? I didn't like them as men. Almost all rich men are unattractive. Anton left me three times. He fell into despair: “I don’t have a penny of money, and next to me is such a woman! He didn’t eat at home, because the groceries were bought with my money, he basically ate oatmeal ... He didn’t go anywhere with me. It was very difficult period life, I could not quit my job and thereby calm Anton, because I had a team that had to be fed. And I forbade me to cook. Always said: "I'll find something to eat." He always spent everything on me. His first decent fee was $ 350 from Alla Pugacheva. "Christmas meetings" were held at the "Metro", and she personally paid all the soloists of the musical. Anton immediately went and bought me a mink hat with earflaps.

About jealousy

Victoria: With Anton, it’s very dangerous for me to approach another man closer than a meter (smiles). His grandmother is a purebred Georgian. Jealous scary! .Another great-grandmother taught me: “Vika, do not be jealous of your husband and do not follow him. If you want to be happy, let him be jealous of you. This husband should think and worry about where you are, with whom you are. She seemed to foresee what my Anton would turn out to be.

Anton:Vika knows: will change - slaughter

Anton: I am not a jealous person, but very fair. But if I find out anything, I will kill (laughs).

About the environment:

Vika: All my entourage repeated to his face: “By what right are you next to her? Who are you?" I had to cut ties with many. I really regret that since then I have not communicated with my teacher. I owe her a lot. But listening to nasty things about Anton was beyond my powers. Therefore, we went to get married in a church - so that God would protect us.

Anton: All Vikino's entourage said why you need a provincial actor, poor and unemployed ... I had a complex because of this. We must pay tribute to my wife - at that time she broke off relations with many friends because they did not accept me. Only a few from Vika's entourage were for our union. The fact is that Victoria was already quite famous singer. Therefore, her friends dissuaded her: “Why do you need this poor actor, he has neither a stake nor a yard. You need a person who can financially provide for you and support you. I complexed. The last straw was the case for some new year party. Seeing us, the famous satirist Lion Izmailov spread his arms and turned to Vika: “So this is what you have, Morozov!” I don’t remember how I jumped out into the street ... When, four years after the meeting and three years after the wedding, we signed at the registry office, Vika had only one glance of mine to declare that she wanted to take the name Makarskaya.

About love:

Victoria: - Anton seduced me on the very first day after the party. Before that, this had never happened to me: I was always courted for a long time, it took me time to fall in love ... The next morning I was told that he was the biggest Casanova and the girls were in line behind him. In general, he is a male. For me it was a big blow. Immediately she told him: “I won’t be your heifer. What happened between us this night doesn’t mean anything.” He did not answer and asked to walk me home. And jumped right out of the door! Just some sexy maniac! (smiling).In our feelings with Anton, of course, there was a place to be in love, and desire, and passion. Invincible passion. We could not live without each other, in a second we began to get bored in body and soul. Recently, our director Janusz Yuzefovich recalled: “You are like rabbits! Kissing non-stop! You put them at rehearsals at different ends of the stage, you just gape, they - hop! - already together, kissing. In the ballet class, you will separate in opposite corners, turn away for a minute, looking - Anton has already crawled up to Vika like a plastuna, they are kissing again ”And when there are no words, everything is fine with us, love is carrots. That is, so that there are no quarrels - we do not need to talk. As soon as we opened our mouths, the struggle of opposites began. Those people who are nice to me, he does not like at all. On the second day, he proposed to me:

While I have nothing but jeans and a T-shirt, I understand that I have no right to ask you to marry. But I promise you will have everything.

What exactly? - I flirted, I was wildly interested in what “everything” means for a Penza guy who had just come from the army.

Dresses, a fur coat and a house - that's what, as it seemed to Makarsky then, you can lure a woman.

Anton: At first I "sunk down" just for a very beautiful woman... Vika claims that on the second day I proposed to her. But before her, I had never confessed my love to anyone. And then suddenly these words escaped against my will: "I love you." I even got a little scared. Vika looked at me with surprise and replied: “I love you too”

Victoria: Antosha always says that he loves me much more than I love him. But who can measure love?

P.S. I won’t be offended by criticism, I know that the post wasn’t composed very well and correctly, and this couple made a lot of teeth on edge, but still ..))


Updated on 27/08/15 08:38:

Anton: For me, the main thing is that this blonde should feel good, this the main objective life. Therefore, let Vikochka do what she wants, I will take root everywhere. The same thing happened with the renovation of this apartment: I still cannot look at the color of the bedroom walls without shivering! (Laughs.)

V.M.: I went up to Anton and asked: “Can I paint our bedroom bright green?” - knowing that my husband hates it. He said, “No way! Anything but green!” - "Good". And I saw an orange bedroom in one picture, and composer Laura Quint said in an interview: “Peach color has a good effect on relationships.”

A.M.: When I saw this bedroom, I only sighed heavily and cursed softly. What could be said here? Seeing how I grimaced, Vika exclaimed: “Don’t you like it?” - “Vikochka, the main thing is that you are happy!” (Laughs.)

Victoria: A woman should never, no matter what the scandal, leave home. A man can slam the door and leave, but a woman should always wait at home, - says Victoria.

Anton: Because when she is about to leave, especially if the quarrel looks at night, the man will not let her go anywhere alone, and then a fight is inevitable, and a fight on the part of the woman, because the man will only restrain her, gently press her against the wall and say: you are not going anywhere You will go, believe me, - Anton agreed.

Updated on 27/08/15 08:47:

Victoria: Every time Anton told me: "I don't want to ruin your life. I'm not your match", I'm in, literally words, on my knees with tears, with all the female tricks and ways, I managed to drag him back home and not let go anymore. And I advise all women who want to save their marriage and family to do this, realizing that men can really have complexes, especially on financial grounds.

Anton Makarsky and his wife, singer Victoria Morozova, do not hide their personal lives and often give interviews to various magazines and on television, and only a blind or deaf person does not know their love story.

It is known that young people met at the casting in the musical "Metro". Victoria came in a short skirt, a microscopic top and high-heeled shoes.

Anton at that time was an unknown poor actor from Penza, while Victoria was quite famous in Moscow, earned decent money and had excellent prospects for developing her singing career.

Conquest of Moscow

Victoria was born in 1973 in the city of Vitebsk in a military family. Her entire childhood was spent in closed Baltic garrison towns. Later they returned to Belarus, where from the age of 15 Victoria performed in the Belarusian orchestra.

She participated in various vocal competitions, and repeatedly became a laureate. In her interviews, Victoria says that got to Moscow by distribution in Musical Theatre , but it is immediately stipulated that the person contributing to its distribution has set the condition that a seventeen-year-old girl should cohabit with him for this service.

It is clear that at the age of 17 no one gets anywhere “according to distribution”, because at this age normal people just enter professional educational establishments but never finish them. Most likely one of influential people made her patronage, and announced the conditions later, in fact.

In any case, Victoria did not accept such a "seductive" condition, and ended up at the Belorussky railway station.

She tried to get a job at the Bolshoi Theater in the choir. At her first visit, both failure and success awaited her: the personnel department turned out to be closed, and at the exit, on the porch, a man approached her and on English language said that he was looking for a singer for his "band".

Victoria agreed to try, and she succeeded. For the first performance, the girl received $ 55, at that time - a crazy amount. Soon she managed to earn money to pay off the loan that her mother took out for her. The young singer achieved complete independence and independence at such a young age.

Her career was gaining momentum, she had already begun to enter the big stage. She was invited to his program " Her Majesty Tale» Vladimir Presnyakov Sr., her videos for the songs “Hug” and “Someone” were played on TV, the songs were played on the radio. She graduated from the directing department of Gitis, when that landmark casting in her life at the Metro took place.

37th right

Anton had the glory of a heartthrob, womanizer, and, as Victoria herself says, a male. He managed to seduce the girl he liked that same evening, and in the morning, having learned from her friends about the amorous adventures of the dark-haired handsome man, Victoria was terribly upset. She told Anthony:

“I won’t be your next heifer, we will assume that there was nothing last night”

Makarsky said nothing, and offered to take the girl home. Entering her apartment, he literally attacked her.

Interesting Notes:

As he confessed later, he felt like he wasn't good enough last night, and decided in fact to rectify the situation. On the same night, he proposed to Victoria:

“I know I have no right to tell you this. I have nothing, but if you become my wife, you will have everything.”

Young people started dating. Anton earned at that time about two hundred dollars a month, one hundred of which he gave for an apartment. Makarsky was terribly complex about this, and even tried three times to break off relations. Morozova felt pressure from acquaintances: “ What are you, you are such a woman, and he will always be 37th from the right". This is exactly what Anton stood in the musical "Metro".

Role reversal

Fate prepared new tests for the spouses - Victoria lost her voice. She had surgery on her ligaments, and her voice became thin and quiet, like a child's. Around this time, Anton Makarsky was approved for the role of the soldier Phoebus in the production of Notre Dame de Paris, which brought him all-Russian fame.

This was followed by the main roles in serials and films. Anton happily took on the role of breadwinner and breadwinner, and Victoria with no less joy went into the shadow of her husband. The Makarsky family adheres to the Orthodox family traditions where the husband is the head, and the wife is the faithful assistant.

Victoria did not have children for a long time, and it was faith in God that helped them not to fall into despair in this situation. In 2012, the Makarskys had a daughter, Masha, and in 2015, a son, Vanya. " Our children are begged, says Victoria.

For a long time, Victoria served as director, administrator and producer of Makarsky. When Victoria was able to restore her voice, the husband and wife created a joint musical project. They tour Russia with their musicians and perform quality live music accompanied by their orchestra.

Officially, Victoria does not work anywhere., all production projects, documents, bank account are issued to Anton. Real estate, cars and other property - to Victoria, such a division of roles.

Singer Victoria Morozova and actor Anton Makarsky met at the musical "Metro", in which both were starring.

Victoria Makarskaya: My children are implored. Doctors have nothing to do with them.

Anton then was not even a novice actor, he had just returned from the army - handsome, curly-haired, - Makarsky's wife recalls. - And I thank God that he chose me. me alone a wise man once said: "A woman should always be chosen by a man, then the marriage is strong, happy."

The artists almost immediately began to live together. And after a while, considering that Vika is worthy a better life Anton left. There was barely enough money for rented housing, and Makarsky wanted to pamper the other half, provide for his family. As Vika recalls, in order to return her husband, she had to forget about pride. She still believes that pride is the enemy of happiness.

Where there is pride, love does not live there. Envy of each other's success - we have never had this and, I hope, will not, - shares Makarskaya.

The couple dreamed of a child: for 13 years, Vika tried to get pregnant, but it didn’t work out. When, it would seem, all means had already been tried and there was no hope left, Vika unexpectedly became pregnant. In 2012, 39-year-old Victoria and 36-year-old Anton became parents. In an Israeli clinic (Makarsky's relatives live in Israel. - Ed.), the couple had a daughter, Maria.

I will say right away: there was no IVF. There were no surrogate mothers either, ”Victoria admitted to KP. - Before that, I had two IVF attempts in Moscow, during which I almost died. Then came crucial moment our lives, when Anton and I decided to trust in God. They began to pray, IVF was canceled in Israel, and six months later I became pregnant with Masha. And two years later, Vanya appeared. These are two begging children. Doctors have nothing to do with their appearance. This is truly a miracle.

According to Makarsky's wife, over the years of marriage, their feelings for each other have not cooled down.

Three days ago, Anton and I were lying in bed, and I said: “My joy, we will soon be 19 years old life together. And we still love each other, ”Victoria shared with KP. - And everyone scared me: 10 years - and that's it, the craving for each other will go away. Then they told me: that's 20 years - and that's all ... But in our country it somehow gets deeper and deeper. Many people ask: what is the secret of our marriage? It's simple: we always go towards each other.

The artistic couple, as it turned out, does not see future stars in their heirs.

I want our children to become scientists,” Victoria said. - Masha's favorite books are medical, she will tell you everything about the endocrine and about nervous system. And Vanechka loves all marine reptiles and insects. Have you ever seen a child who sleeps with two huge, specially made for him toy cockroaches? But if the children want to follow in our footsteps, we will not mind, we will only support.

Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova(according to her passport, she is now Makarska) a very extraordinary couple, with 1999 years they are together. At the time of writing this article, this is eighteen years of living together, and although these two people are completely different in temperament, worldview and interests, over the years they have lived together, a miracle has happened - they have grown together and are not going to part, no matter how hard it is sometimes next to each other. Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova more than once they gave interviews about their family, and if you look at least half of them, it will become clear how this family lives and what their well-deserved happiness is based on.

One side Anton Manarsky house builder, he likes everything in his family to be as he says, he can shout and hit the table with his fist and even break down doors. But on the other hand, and Victoria the character is difficult and not very sugary. Of course, she makes it clear to her man in every possible way that he is the head of the family, what is behind him the last word, but is it really so?

In all their joint interviews Makarska chattering vying, most of all, of course, broadcasts Vika, she literally does not allow her husband to insert a word, but Anton has already learned how to write his remarks into a general conversation, otherwise, if he didn’t have such a temperament, he would sit and be silent, and his wife would broadcast and broadcast, about everything in the world, about how they met, about how they fell in love, about what a tyrant he is and a petty tyrant, and she is moderate and wise, but all this is with her humor, fun and instructive. What is the difficulty of living with this man? For example, Anton Makarsky likes to put everything in its place, Victoria it won’t seem enough if at least something is shifted at least a couple of centimeters from its usual place. Makarsky does not allow his wife to brightly paint, wear short skirts, fishnet stockings, lace underwear, eat dried roach, checks her mobile phone and literally sniffs at her betrothed when she returns from some business meeting.

Yes, this guy has such oddities. But is it weird? This is such a proof of love and indifference to the beloved woman from the outside. Anton. But no matter what you say Victoria Morozova on all television programs and in interviews, she is far from being such a submissive and moderate wife as she wants to appear. Of course, in some ways she is inferior, she learned over the years of living together, but everyone does this wise women, everyone needs to listen to their man, otherwise you won’t cook porridge - a divorce and a maiden name, or a henpecked husband who is unable to accept any independent decision. What Vika resists - this is even very good, because otherwise tyranny Anton would take on grandiose proportions, and so the wife extinguishes his flashes, yielding to her beloved in small things.

In general, each of this pair slows down fool each other. But in some ways they are similar, for example, in their faith in God. Both Orthodox, first got married and only then, two years later, signed in the registry office. In fact, looking at people like Makarska I understand what the Christian faith is for. For these two, for example, everything is tied to the Lord. If they sin, then they go to confession, the absolution of sins and a conversation with the priest confessor gives them new strength in the struggle for their marriage. In principle, if these people were even stronger and wiser, they could do all this without faith in Christ, but they chose this path as a basis and follow it, holding hands, with an eye on the righteous wrath of the Lord. But after all, people should remain people in any case, whether they live among such believers, or they were destined to be born in the wilds of the Amazon, whether they were miraculously brought to Mars. This does not mean that, in fact, Makarskikh weaklings, these are very integral, harmoniously developed personalities, who have taken place not only in their careers, but also in building family relations. In addition, they are kind, sacrificing themselves for the good of others, living in harmony with their conscience.

But have you noticed how much these two annoy many people? What do they write about them in the comments under articles with interviews on websites? In particular, I personally like them, I admire them and turn a blind eye to some of their eccentricities. What is the reason for the irritation of the army of non-worshippers? And there are many reasons. And the first is that Anton Makarsky handsome: face, figure, voice - he is almost perfect - moderately sweet, very courageous, certainly talented and hardworking, besides, he is not a goer for women, although he is gallant in relation to them, he is successful in the profession. In this man, women saw a certain ideal, and of course they want to see a certain woman with him, who could be positioned as perfection just like him. But with a quick glance at Victoria Morozov, they do not see her as a super woman, most likely they begin to notice her shortcomings. We have such a society - a lot of stereotypes imposed by gloss, television, cinema. Modern woman it is very difficult to live up to these ideals. Many people forget about spiritual qualities.

What about Victoria Morozova? She is undoubtedly attractive, but her appearance is not glamorous, look at these photos, in front of us faithful wife, mother, hostess, not a mysterious and fatal diva of the world of show business. All beauty Victoria Morozova in her charisma, in her feminine wisdom, naturalness and simplicity, in her boundless love for her man. And the viewer sees a discrepancy, because all around is chic brilliance, the wives of film actors on the red carpet are dressed in designer dresses, they have stylists, fitness trainers. On many photos Victoria Morozova even look very good, on others it is ridiculous. It seems to me that if she really wanted to, she could always look great, but maybe then she would lose her natural charm.

The second reason for the rejection of this couple is that not all spouses are happy, and when Makarska they begin to broadcast about their happiness all over the country, those people who are not very successful in marriage begin to lose their temper, they say, how is it, not everything is so smooth with you, go and beat you with a mortal battle and walk to the left. We have such a mentality, only those who hide their personal lives from the public and give very rare, discreet interviews are respected. well and Makarska- they are very emotional, they interrupt each other, let me tell you, no, let me. Moreover, they are very frank, literally do not hide anything. But nevertheless, this couple also has a lot of fans, well, sane person It's hard to be negative about them. One how Anton Makarsky loves his long-awaited daughter Masha, and the couple had a child only after thirteen years of marriage, it causes tenderness, of course he loves his son Ivana, but as it often happens, dads are waiting for their sons, and most of all they adore and love their daughters!

Victoria Morozova not just a wife famous actor Anton Makarsky– she is also a great singer with a really strong goal. Together with her husband, she tours around the world with the program "Living Voice". And when they met Anton Makarsky was an unknown aspiring actor, but she was already a pretty popular rock singer, earned decent money, a role in a musical "METRO" she got it without casting, while Anton Makarsky I had to stand in kilometer-long queues in order to get one of the roles in it. Victoria Morozova believed in her man, she inspired him in every possible way that success awaited him in acting career and turned out to be right! Why herself Victoria did not find such success as her husband? AT 2002 This singer lost her voice, she had nodules on her ligaments, and after the operation she did not go on stage for about six years, but then she nevertheless decided.

Many prim old school ladies believe that if you go to bed with a man on a first date, this will lead to the fact that the guy will not take you seriously, but life shows that relationships that start in bed can be very strong and long lasting. . Victoria Morozova couldn't resist the charm Anton Makarsky, on the day they met, he tried to charm her, they were in a common company, the aspiring actor invited all the girls in a row to dance, but when the turn came to Victoria she refused him a dance. Then Makarsky decided to surprise her with songs with a guitar, all the girls were mad, but not Victoria, she defiantly got up and went into the next room. And then the heavy artillery went into action, Anton went to freshen up in the shower, from where he came out in a towel, famously tied around his hips, Victoria struck by the beauty of his legs. Further Makarsky decided to stretch my back Vika, gave her a massage, but then, you know, everything went like clockwork, the lovers no longer parted!

Wedding photos Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova.

This is a baby photo Anton Makarsky.