Smart female thoughts about life. Phrases of wise women, the cream of insight and humor


1. If a child is often criticized, he learns to condemn.
2. If a child is often praised, he learns to evaluate.
3. If a child is shown hostility, he learns to fight.
4. If the child is usually honest - he learns justice.
5. If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid.
6. If a child often lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe.
7. If a child is often shamed, he learns to feel guilty.
8. If a child is often approved - he learns to treat himself well.
9. If a child is often indulgent, he learns to be patient.
10. If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence.
11. If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world.

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"You need to believe that you really deserve better. You need to stop listening to bad things, you need to stop communicating with people who are always whining, because all these everyday problems contagious. If you are healthy, you have no problems at all: just work hard and everything will work out. All solutions are very simple. Fat? Use Maya Plisetskaya's diet: "Do not eat!" - and in a moment you will lose weight. Waiting for a prince? First, love yourself, and a whole regiment will ride on white horses. And do not look for the way "to yourself, to success, to harmony" and other nonsense. Keep it simple. And buy new shoes."
© Evelina Khromchenko

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0 commandments of an ideal wife.

1. Don't wake him when he is sleeping.
2. Don't make your husband wait for food. Hunger is the father of anger.
3. Don't argue with him or tell him that your advice is better than his.
4. Don't say anything that would offend him.
If you treat him like a king, he will treat you like a queen!
5. Do not approve of his enemies and do not hate his friends.
6. Don't expect the impossible from him.
7. Be careful with his money. Don't hide your money matters from him.
8. Keep his secrets. If he boasts, keep that a secret too.
9. If you are attentive to his requests, he will become your slave.
10. Be careful when your husband gets angry. At this moment, be neither cheerful nor grumpy - smile and speak softly.

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Christian Dior: about women...
1. Each piece eaten remains in the mouth for two minutes, two hours in the stomach, and two months on the hips ...

2. A real woman should be harmful and capricious ...

3.Perfume is an unsurpassed shade of female personality, this is the final touch of the image.

4. Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.

5. Women are most attractive between the ages of thirty-five and forty. And since few women go beyond the age of forty, the peak of attractiveness can last forever.

6. If you have crooked legs - wear a deep neckline.

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Angelina Jolie's 5 Rules:

1. I have no regrets. Never regretted. And I don't believe in the fruitfulness of regrets. While you regret, you are ashamed of yourself. While you are ashamed in a cage.

2. You never need to look for someone to blame, you need to live without hurting anyone, not judge other people and be absolutely free.

3. We love someone not because we finally met the ideal, but because we saw it in someone imperfect.

4. I don't have many close friends with whom I could open up. Therefore, loneliness is sometimes also a worthy interlocutor.

5. When you do something for others from the bottom of your heart, without expecting gratitude, someone writes it in the book of fate and sends happiness that you never even dreamed of.

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20 golden quotes by Coco Chanel

1. For women, the G-spot is at the end of the word SHOPPING.
2. The worse things are for a girl, the better she should look.
3. Like it or not, there is only one woman in a man's life. Everyone else is her shadow...
4. I don't like long jackets - when talking to a man, I don't see how he treats me.
5. Every girl should always know two things: what and who she wants.
6. Don't marry men with change purses.
7. I don't care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all.
8. If you want to have what you never had, you will have to do what you never did.
9. There are no ugly women, there are lazy ones.
10. A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man does not worry about the future until he marries.
11. When taking care of beauty, one must start from the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.
12. A woman who does not use cosmetics thinks too highly of herself.
13. Restrain yourself when it hurts, and not make a scene when it hurts - that's what an ideal woman is.
14. Nobody is young after forty, but we can be irresistible at any age.
15. Everything is in our hands, so they cannot be omitted.
16. Old age does not protect against love, but love protects against old age.
17. With my manner of dressing, I caused ridicule of others, but this was the secret of my success. I didn't look like everyone else.
18. Genuine happiness is cheap: if you have to pay a high price for it, then it is a fake.
19. If you were born without wings, do not prevent them from growing.
20. Hands - business card girls; The neck is her passport; The chest is a passport.

Believe in the "wonderful Kiss"

Many women dream of meeting a prince, but not everyone knows that the “prince” is a symbolic figure. "Prince" is the bearer of a sensitive, loving heart and the keeper of the "wonderful Kiss" that can awaken the female soul from the sleep of everyday life, false expectations and fuss. Outwardly, he may differ from the fairy-tale prince, because he has a different task - to warm the heart of a woman with pure Love. In order not to miss her "prince", a woman needs to learn to see with her heart, and not with her mind. The main magnet of the meeting is the woman's deep, inexplicable faith in the “wonderful Kiss”.

In the pattern of a woman's fate there is an entry about the soul-transforming Kiss. It is important not to wait for it, but simply to believe and know, trusting the flow of Life!

Show Generosity

Despite the fact that the World loves a woman, some people are unfair towards her. They want to harden her heart by creating difficult life circumstances around her. Combinations of ill-wishers are always destroyed, a woman invariably finds worthy helpers. The Forces of Love and Vitality will surely defeat evil. And now those who started the turmoil are asking for mercy. The fate of enemies is in the hands of a woman. This is the moment of the last test of a woman: what will she choose - generosity or vindictiveness?

Generosity feeds on forgiveness and wisdom. By forgiving, a woman invents a way by which people can atone for the wrong they have done.

Finish nicely

The completion of something - a business, a process, a plot of a relationship - is a special female art. A beautiful ending begins with gratitude for everything that was received and for everything that was released from. When the pure sadness and joy of thanksgiving build up inside a woman, she gains the ability to forgive and let go. As a girl throws a wreath into the water, giving it to the river flow, with such a feeling the woman completes what is now needed. At this moment, a space is formed in her soul, ready to accept Love and the New.

If you look at the past with kindness and wisdom, the blessing of each moment will be revealed, and the flow of gratitude will be born of itself. Let the completion of all your affairs and processes be beautiful!

Choose the Right Companion

A woman is like a fertile earth, accumulating strength in its depths. It is important that next to her was someone who really deserves it - a subtle gardener. A worthy Companion feels his woman as well as a good gardener feels the earth. He knows how to take care of her, waters in time and helps to get rid of weeds, adds fertilizer, gives rest. As a good gardener takes care of the fertility of the earth, so a worthy Companion protects Harmony and Love in the soul of a woman.

It is not easy to choose one of the many worthy applicants. A wise sensitive heart and love will help you make the right choice!

Trust yourself and change

A woman is like water - just as water grinds even the sharpest stones, giving them smoothness and beauty, so a woman knows how to “grind” obstacles and difficult situations in her path. She notices the slightest changes in current events and knows how to adapt flexibly in accordance with the requirements of the moment. It carries the rhythms of all natural cycles - spring, summer, autumn and winter, subtly feels how nature changes and changes itself. She is never the same, so she forever remains a mystery to a man.

Trust your natural being, listen to yourself and you will feel the moment of necessary changes!

Show clairvoyance

On the women's way meet different people. Some of them wear masks of benevolence, hiding something completely different underneath. The naive part of the female soul is ready to believe the mask. But in the soul of a woman there lives Serendipity, which sees what people carefully hide. It is Perspicacity that reveals to a woman the true motives and desires of people, saves her from careless decisions and actions. Serendipity simply conveys accurate information to a woman without causing hard feelings towards those who are used to living in a mask.

Perspicacity has nothing to do with suspicion and suspiciousness. It is based on healthy caution, sensitivity of the heart and love for the idiosyncrasies and oddities of people!

Choose the best from many

Every moment of time opens up a lot of opportunities, ways, ideas for a woman. All these are symbolic seeds that she can give shelter to in her inner world, in her soul. But the full set of "seeds" is not easy to contain. Therefore, a woman has to choose the best, most necessary and useful for her in this moment life. In such a choice there is no ground for "female competition": what is best for one woman is not necessarily useful for another. To choose correctly, you need to get rid of the fuss and carefully listen to your heart - what it is drawn to. If it seems to a woman that she has nothing to choose from, this is a delusion, as well as evidence that for some reason she stopped seeing the world in all its diversity and closed her heart.

The way out is simple - let your Love and Peace into your heart, and they will help you to see the Best and choose the Best at this moment in time!

Show Resilience and Love for Life

Sometimes a woman learns lessons not in the most favorable conditions. Life learning takes place in conditions of constraint, subordination, and even an unfair attitude towards it. Under such circumstances, it is easy to become discouraged and disappointed, to succumb to irritation and anxiety. But the more constrained circumstances are offered to a woman, the more valuable is the experience and strength she acquires. The strength of patience, resilience, acceptance, humility, diligence, as well as the most important female skills - true wealth, which will become the foundation of her happiness and can be inherited.

Let a smile play on your lips under any circumstances. Love for life and a subtle understanding of the purpose of the current situation will help you gain invaluable experience!

Show your talent as an actress

An actress lives and creates in every woman. She understands that social life- it's just a game. This gives a woman the opportunity not to suffer from the harsh rules of society. Faced with injustice, social imperfections and restrictions, a woman does not despair, but sees the situation as an invitation to play. She strategizes by activating all her "feminine resources": beauty, intelligence, weakness, the ability to flirt and appear ignorant. Where people evaluate each other, the thin woman observes. It captures the characteristics of people, both positive and shadow. She accepts these characteristics and, based on the information she collects, comes up with how to build relationships with different people.

Let the talent of the Actress help you on your life path!

Show patience and understanding of the moment

What a woman creates needs her patient accompaniment for some time. A wise mother will not demand literacy and independence from her newborn child. Some processes are not happening as fast as we would like. For someone or something to exist independently, it will take some more time and hard work and patience. This is a special female power that helps to live and act, subtly understanding the current moment.

If a woman supports any business with her thought, her feeling, and even her deed, this is always a gift for him. Such patient giving multiplies feminine strength and creates favorable circumstances in the future.

Remember and keep positive life impressions in your soul

In the life of a woman there are many different experiences. Among them there are joyful, happy, amazing - they feed her soul. But among them there are difficult, painful, disturbing ones - they teach her resilience and patience. A wise woman knows that there are many Lessons in life. She tries to keep in her soul only the best of what she has experienced, timely freeing herself from the hard; forgiving and letting go of those who hurt her. This strengthens her. Love and peace accumulate in the inner world of a woman, and she herself begins to radiate light.

Remember all the best that happened to you, keep it in your soul for as long as possible. May joy and happiness fill your heart!


The female body is designed for creativity by Nature itself. She gives birth new life. For this to happen, she chooses best man, gives him the opportunity to fertilize himself, keeps the seed inside, carrying it. So in due time is born new person. It is the same with the events of life - she chooses the best idea, is inspired by it, keeps it in her thoughts, bears it, forming a new event. Thus, in due time, a favorable situation develops.

Think about the future with joy, and a bright idea will arise in your soul. May it be filled with your faith and come true in due time!

save your heart

Women's courage is manifested in maintaining the ability to love. Love not with your head, but with your heart. To love not from a pragmatic calculation, but from a deep spiritual need. If there is no Love in the heart, it can become cold from disappointment. A wise and courageous female heart, in order to save Love, strives for Light, cleanses itself of adhering dirt, learns to thank and forgive. It's important to save your heart. Love makes him very sensitive, vulnerable to rudeness and lies. Foresight, wisdom, common sense are faithful servants of a sensitive female heart, they will help protect it from empty sorrows and fuss. A wise woman guards her heart and does not allow unnecessary worries to reach it.

Surround yourself with worthy people who can see the beauty of your soul and take care of the peace of your heart!

Create beauty within and without

The female soul is incredibly beautiful. Does a woman know how to see her or is she carried away only by the beauty of the external? When a woman begins to see with her heart the beauty of her inner world, strives to put things in order in her thoughts and feelings, brings only the most worthy life impressions into her inner home, and leaves dirt outside the threshold, then her natural beauty blooms. And the habit of seeing and maintaining the beauty within oneself helps to create external beauty: the beauty of the appearance, the beauty of the home, the beauty of relationships. And then the various events taking place directly around the woman gradually become beautiful.

Look at yourself through the eyes of a person who loves you endlessly, and you will discover the true beauty that lives inside you!

A woman is the keeper of the Hearth, a special fire that was lit by her ancestors in ancient times. She receives from the Sort a special Power, which consists of Love and Experience. She sees with her heart how many generations of her predecessors loved, rejoiced, created, learned lessons from life situations. This created in Rod " spiritual foundation". She accepts it as a precious inheritance to multiply and pass on to her descendants. She tells the children amazing stories from one's own life, the history of the life of common ancestors, developing a sense of tribal affiliation.

Among your ancestors, which you know or don't know about, there are many who sincerely loved, had a brave heart and wisdom. Accept the spiritual inheritance from them with joy, and it will strengthen your Family!

Smile just like that

Sometimes a woman smiles “just like that”, because Love blooms inside her. For a man, a woman's smile "just like that" is a gift. He begins to think that She is smiling at Him, and she is smiling just like that. In such a woman's smile - great Mystery. It manifests the true female power of Love and Purity. A man can easily attribute the source of Her smile to his accomplishments. He is inspired by the desire to serve Her. Just for the smile. A woman who subtly understands and accepts her nature, carefully caring for her, often smiles “just like that”.

Let a wonderful smile “just like that” settle on your lips!

Believe in the result to achieve it

Achieving the intended result is inherent in the very nature of a woman. Having carried a child, a woman cannot but give birth to him. Whatever happens, it is necessary to bring the plan to the end. Preferably on time, because “post-term” children are not the healthiest phenomenon, because a certain time is allowed for each case. Self-discipline and the ability to act are important here, and doubts only distract and scatter strength to the empty. This time gives assistants who are able to quickly and accurately solve urgent problems. A thin female look recognizes these people.

Believe in what you thought, what you dreamed about. It's time for accomplishments. Trust your heart, and let reliable helpers come to you!

Save and multiply love

When a woman receives a magical gift from life - the Miracle of Love, her heart begins to beat in a special rhythm, and her soul sings without ceasing. But such a gift is also an invitation to travel. The road will help you to know yourself, other people, diverse circumstances with love and a subtle understanding of the true meaning of what is happening. The main thing on the way is not to succumb to the temptation of heavy feelings and thoughts, to protect and multiply Love in your soul. Then the amazing secrets of life circumstances and relationships will be revealed to the sensitive female heart.

Once settled in the soul, Love will never leave it. It will begin to bloom and I will show you diverse experiences, giving you new strength!

Understand who is "ours" and who is "strangers"

A woman is surrounded by different people. There are those that are close to her in spirit, blood, value system. These are "theirs". They can be trusted. But there are many among people who carry a different system of values ​​and ideas about life. Such people can cause internal tension and anxiety in a woman. This is how her natural instinct works on "strangers". You have to be careful with strangers. The natural female instinct helps to defeat naivety and gullibility and figure out who is "one's own" and who is "alien".

Trust your feminine instinct when the people around you give you mixed feelings!

Feel the measure

Life always gives a woman as much as she needs, and even with some excess. Knowing this and enjoying it is one of the components of female wisdom. Sometimes a woman wants something that is not really good for her. And then everything around: the flow of events, close people, circumstances - stand up to protect the woman from herself. The world does not want a woman to learn the lesson of the Old Woman from the story of the Golden Fish. Everything around reminds a woman of her innate ability to be content with what she already has. Even if this, according to her feelings, is very little. The best medicine in such cases is a sense of proportion and an understanding that the world cares about a woman. different ways. One of them is not to give her something that will not be good for her.

Listen to yourself, listen to what surrounds you. The world invisibly takes care of you every minute!


A woman is happy when she lives by dancing. The life of ancient women was filled with a wide variety of dances. Dancing, they entered into resonance with the forces of Nature. The power of earth, water, fire and air was poured into them. Dancing, they were freed from the burden of worries, renewed and opened to a new life, a new cycle. A woman can dance without even producing bright external movements. She dances with the corners of her lips, the arch of her eyebrows, the movement of her shoulders; a slight turn of the head, a wave of eyelashes; eyes, fingers, breath. And each of her even the smallest, barely perceptible movement can be filled with a unique and enchanting charm, the source of which is her inner movement.

Just let yourself dance, surrendering to the inner rhythm, and then everything you think about will turn out worthy!

Create comfortable living conditions for yourself and loved ones

Often the internal state of a woman depends on the external conditions she is situated. What things and walls surround it; what feelings attract those who live next to her, what ideas and thoughts she perceives from others; whether she feels love for herself and whether she gives it to others herself. If some component of comfort is not of sufficient quality or is absent, a woman feels tension inside herself. This is a signal to carefully study what surrounds her: what quality it is. Just as a woman needs protection, faith, health to bear a fetus, so a woman needs a favorable nutrient environment to realize her plans.

Renew and improve the quality of feelings, the quality of thoughts and the quality of relationships. This is a lot of daily work.

Thanks to him, the quality of your living conditions will gradually improve!

Keep the good within you

The world is generous to a woman. If she is attentive, she will see in relation to herself a lot of kindness, joyful experiences, wonderful meetings and opportunities, help in small things and big things. She will see with a sensitive heart Love in relation to herself. All this is a blessing. It is important to keep it inside yourself, not to spill doubts and anxieties into empty deeds and conversations. In the hidden part of the female soul there is a special spiritual muscle - it helps to keep the Good inside. Sometimes she is weak because a woman trains her a little. In this case, the best experiences and impressions that a woman receives in life flow away like water from poorly closed

palms. Self-discipline and imagination help train the spiritual muscle.

Keep in your memory even the smallest episodes of the experience of the Good, so that it becomes a habit. Then ATyour inner sense of self will always be filled with beauty!

Get inspired

To start a new business, you need to be inspired by both the result and the process itself. There comes a moment when it becomes clear to a woman in which direction to move. The anticipation of upcoming events gives her special inner impressions. Trembling and impatience; a sense of the fulfillment of long-desired and subtle joy; slight sadness and satisfaction with the decision made ... Women's inspiration is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Being inspired, a woman is able to work miracles. Obstacles on the way recede as if by themselves, submissive to the beauty of the feminine concept. Help comes "out of nowhere", obeying an unspoken call.

Look at the miracles happening around with sincere heart Gratitude. Then the inspiration in your heart will multiply and lead you on the path to the realization of your plan!

Better to be old than dead. Brigid Bordeaux 14

He found time to take care of me and to cheat on me every day. Coco Chanel 14

Conversation was invented to stop people from thinking. Agatha Christie 9

I, by virtue of the talent allotted to me, squeaked like a mosquito. Faina Ranevskaya 12

- What do you wear at night?
- Chanel No. 5. Marilyn Monroe 11

The doctor asks me: “How do you sleep?” I say: "I'm sleeping with Pushkin." Faina Ranevskaya 7

He loved classical music, painting, masterpieces of literature...
Well, everyone has their shortcomings. Brigid Bordeaux 20

From the very beginning, marriage was established for despicable practical reasons - a purely masculine idea. Catherine Deneuve 13

Do you really think that when you lie alone in bed at night, the thought that half the world loves you can comfort you?
Half the world is nothing. Brigid Bordeaux 19

If I'm a little lucky, someday I'll find out why people are so tormented by the problems of sex.
I personally care about them no more than cleaning shoes. Marilyn Monroe 16 - great women quotes

I don't demand that people be nice to me; it saves me the trouble of pleasing them. Jane Austen 21

Cut off my head and you won't give me more than thirteen. Coco Chanel 13

At the age of five she was vain, she dreamed of receiving a medal for saving drowning people.
Now I keep medals, orders in a box where I scrawled: "Funeral accessories." Faina Ranevskaya 17

Talent is like a wart - you either have it or you don't. Faina Ranevskaya 21

Now the actors do not know how to be silent. And by the way, talk. Faina Ranevskaya 21

Who did you learn your walk from?
I learned to walk when I was a year old and haven't taken any lessons since. Marilyn Monroe 14

It has always been incomprehensible to me: people are ashamed of poverty and not ashamed of wealth. Faina Ranevskaya 16

The illusion that a woman can turn a fool to the path of virtue is one of the sweetest female illusions of all time. Agatha Christie 20

I lived with many theaters, but never enjoyed it. Faina Ranevskaya 11

In her youth she was forced to be virtuous, with age she learned to start affairs - a natural extension of an unnatural beginning. Jane Austen 11

I didn't make a woman. Men, because of my image of a sex symbol, created by them and myself, expect too much from me - they expect bells to ring and whistles to blow. but my anatomy is no different from that of any other woman. I don't live up to expectations. Marilyn Monroe 15

Do you know what it's like to act in films?
Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and a tour is being led there. Faina Ranevskaya 26

Why should I be ashamed to undress in front of a doctor? After all, he is a man just like anyone else. Brigid Bordeaux 18

I am a mother, and a mother is never alone. Catherine Deneuve 21

I'm like an old palm tree at the station - no one needs it, but it's a pity to throw it away. Faina Ranevskaya 20

All my life I've been terribly afraid of stupid people. Especially grandma. you never know how to talk to them without falling to their level Faina Ranevskaya 26

I realized that you can’t look back, you can’t even try to look back.
Life is a one-way street, isn't it? Agatha Christie 19

I would write books even if no one read them except my husband. Agatha Christie 17

We need beauty to be loved by men; and stupidity - so that we love men. Coco Chanel 19

It seems to me very distressing that we, having at first wisely declared ourselves the weaker sex, have now become equal in position with primitive women who have been bending their backs all day. Agatha Christie 14

Paul Mauriat

Probably no one will argue with the fact that women have their own, special view of the world and everything that happens in it. It is almost impossible to understand the mysterious female soul, but it is still worth trying. Moreover, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity willingly share their thoughts about what they consider really important.
Ironic and wise sayings,
which could only come from a woman's lips.

About appearance
We women have only two weapons: mascara and tears, but we cannot use both at the same time. © Marilyn Monroe

It takes 20 minutes to look like a goddess. But it takes 3 hours to look natural. © Yanina Ipohorskaya

A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of her. © Sophia Loren

At 20 you have the face that nature has given you; at 30 you have the face that life has fashioned for you; and at 50 you have the face you deserve. © Coco Chanel

That it is impossible to hide, at least powder. © Yanina Ipohorskaya

The closer winter is, the more we look like our passport photo. © Wanda Blonskaya

Nobody ever told me that I was beautiful when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told that they are beautiful, even if they are not. © Marilyn Monroe

About love
There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time. © Coco Chanel

A woman who does not love the shortcomings of her man does not love him. © Sophia Loren

If an ordinary woman and an ordinary man consider each other extraordinary - this is love. © Yanina Ipohorskaya

Love, sex and food are what makes us truly happy. Everything is very simple. © Meryl Streep

Sometimes all you need to do to comfort someone is to remind them that you are there. © Tove Jansson

A career is a wonderful thing, but it cannot warm anyone on a cold night. © Marilyn Monroe

The boy becomes completely unbearable when he approaches 50 years. © Yanina Ipohorskaya

Adam and Eve could be the perfect married couple: Adam didn't have to listen to stories about men she could marry, and Eve didn't have to listen to stories about how good his mother was at cooking. © Wanda Blonskaya

About attitude to life
In life, you must definitely try everything, and then safely forget about some things forever. © Sophia Loren

Sometimes you have to change things. Too much we take for granted, including each other. © Tove Jansson

In some people the Devil lives, in some - God, and in some - only worms. © Faina Ranevskaya

I believe in the power of laughter. And it seems to me that you can easily disarm people if you manage to make them laugh. © Meryl Streep

Everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, or immoral, or leads to obesity. © Faina Ranevskaya

Horseradish, put on the opinions of others, provides a calm and happy life. © Faina Ranevskaya

I find the plots of my detective novels while washing dishes. This is such a stupid occupation that the thought of murder involuntarily comes. © Agatha Christie

Every second woman is in love with herself - but she could get stuck worse. © Magdalena Pretender

About the inner world
A woman to succeed in life must have two qualities. She must be smart enough to please stupid men, and stupid enough to please smart men. © Faina Ranevskaya

Go through life with your head held high, but not with your nose held high. © Magdalena Pretender

Beauty care must begin with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help. © Coco Chanel

People much more than things need to be picked up, repaired, found a place for them and forgiven; never throw anyone out. © Audrey Hepburn

There is a source of youth: it is your mind, your talent, the creativity that you bring into your life and the lives of your loved ones. When you learn to drink from this source, you will truly conquer age. © Sophia Loren

Three things are not forgiven to women. But no one knows which ones and why. © Yanina Ipohorskaya

  • If a woman is silent, it is better not to interrupt her.
  • Ancient wisdom says, "What a woman wants, God wants." - So God wants flowers, French perfume and marriage.
  • It is absurd to say that women have no logic: We do not deny the existence of atoms, just because we have never seen them.
  • It’s bad without women and bad with women ... But on the other hand, it’s good with women and it’s also good without them!
  • On one issue, men and women certainly agree with each other: both do not trust women.
  • Choosing a bride is stupid! The main thing is to choose a mother-in-law!
  • What is it - both of my boyfriends are cheating on me?
  • The girl is a bullet with a displaced center of gravity: it hits the eye, passes through the heart, hits the pocket and exits sideways.
  • - Honey, look, I parked the car not too far from the curb? - From the right or from the left?
  • If you want to marry smart, beautiful and rich, you have to marry three times.
  • If a woman does not give up, she wins. If he surrenders, he dictates terms to the winner.
  • If a woman asks for something, it must be given to her. Otherwise, she will take it herself.
  • If I jump into the water, will you save me, dear? - If I say yes, will you jump, love?
  • There are two ways to command women. But nobody knows them.
  • Marriage is not a lottery. You still have a chance in the lottery.
  • A woman is a mirror in which a man tries to see himself. This latter, running from one mirror to another, with a tenacity worthy of a better application, seeks out the one in which he would be reflected in the most attractive way for himself. ... And those representatives of the weaker sex are truly unhappy, in the reflection of which a man sees himself as he really is.
  • A woman is a weak, defenseless creature, from which it is impossible to escape.
  • A woman can be mysterious, a man can only be misunderstood...
  • A woman never lies - she just does not remember what she said a minute ago.
  • A woman does not know how to hammer a nail, but she knows exactly where.
  • A woman is invincible in the ability to surrender
  • A woman is offended by a man in two cases: when he needs only one thing from her and when he does not need anything from her.
  • Women downplay everything: age, weight, shoe size, and the number of men they've had. And men exaggerate everything: including what women underestimate.
  • Women dye their hair, face, make plastic surgery and silicone breasts - and then they say that there are no real men!
  • Women, of course, know how to keep a secret ... but together.
  • Women, for the most part, love to hear the truth, no matter how flattering it may be.
  • The eternal question of women: what would it be to eat to lose weight?
  • Intuition is an amazing instinct that tells a woman that she is right, regardless of whether she is right or not.
  • A woman is waiting for every man somewhere, but no one knows where, so not everyone manages to avoid this meeting.
  • A beautiful woman pleases the male gaze, an ugly woman pleases the female.
  • The best woman is the one that makes you forget about the ideal.
  • Love helps to kill time; time helps kill love.
  • The man chases the woman until she catches him.
  • A real woman must cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter.
  • Our women spend much more on cosmetics than the country spends on armaments. This is understandable: they win more often.
  • Do not try to understand a woman, otherwise, God forbid, you will understand!
  • It is not true that married people live longer. It seems so to them.
  • Legs allow a man to walk, and a woman also to move forward.
  • She was my dream girl... Until I found out my girlfriend's dream.
  • She was a rare bitch. Although I may be wrong. In an adjective...
  • Attractive women are distracting.
  • Tell me, can women be trusted? - Can. Let them believe.
  • Hurrying a woman is the same as trying to speed up the loading of a computer. The program still has to do all the obviously necessary things and much more that always remains hidden from our understanding.
  • She had eyes like dominoes "empty-empty" ...
  • He killed a woman - saved a beaver ... and a mink ... and a sable ... and a crocodile ....
  • Want to admire Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile without visiting the Louvre? Ask your wife where she puts your salary ...
  • Man descended from a monkey, and woman from a bird or a fish.
  • In order not to feel like an idiot, never consult a woman about anything. They simply overwhelm with their competence in any matter.
  • I love you! I will love you in sorrow and in joy until the wedding!