Maria Gorban: plastic. Before and after a dramatic makeover. Actress Maria Gorban: photos before and after plastic surgery

In an effort to live up to the rather dubious modern ideals of beauty famous women from the world of show business often turn to plastic surgeons for help. As a result, we often see very similar friend on a friend of actresses, singers and other celebrities. Next, we offer a look at how famous Russian women have changed after plastic surgery.

socialite, who came from Tyumen as a gentle blonde, I must say, she has changed outwardly very much. The girl managed to fall in love with rapper Timati, give birth to a daughter, get a divorce and fall in love again. And also become famous all over the Internet with your answers during the Miss Russia - 2012 contest.

In a few years, the young actress turned from a pretty-looking girl into a woman with downright predatory features.

The face of "Miss Russia - 2003" has undergone significant changes. Now the fashion model and TV presenter are difficult to recognize.

The wife of rapper Zhigan also achieved, apparently, her ideal. And in the regiment of identical persons arrived.

Anastasia Reshetova

Young model for a short time changed beyond recognition. Although before plastic surgeons worked on her face, the girl was very sweet and beautiful.

Christina Sysoeva

And here is a vivid example of how the desire for dubious standards of beauty turns against you. And as a result, on the face - lips that interfere with speaking, and sharp cheekbones that you can cut yourself on.

The wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak launches her own clothing line, lives either in Moscow or London, and loves to post the same selfies on Instagram. That is, the background in the photographs is different, but the face is the same.

The young singer thought about the ideals of beauty quite early. In the wake of her popularity, the girl quickly acquired rubber features.

Aiza Anokhina

Aiza Anokhina's face, ex-wife rapper Alexei Dolmatov, really attracts attention. But not at all with beauty, as before, but with awkward and unnatural features.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

Participant of the unkillable reality show "Dom-2" in again confirms that you should not reshape yourself, even if it is fashionable. Otherwise, you can completely lose your individuality, because almost every second walks with the same face.

If you look at Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery, the famous saying comes to mind: "There is no limit to perfection." A pretty young girl with the help of surgeons turned into a fatal beauty. Today, not only directors of film sets, but also editors dream of collaborating with her. men's magazines.

Childhood and the beginning of Masha's career path: pages from the biography

Maria Gorban was born in 1986 in a creative family. her parents talented actors, and his father also mastered the profession of director. The girl's brother and uncle also worked in the theater.

The future star began acting in films at the age of 13. The girl was given a small role in the series "Simple Truths". Later, she starred in the detective film "Women's Logic".

The artist graduated from GITIS and began working in the theater and acting in films. The most popular films in which she took part are "Joke", "God's Smile", "I'm Flying". Gorban became famous after the role of a spectacular beauty, wife screen hero Dmitry Nagiev from the series "Kitchen".

Now the star lives in a second marriage with lighting designer Oleg Filatov and is raising a daughter. Her first husband was footballer Jan Dyuritsa.

Photo of the young conqueror of the stage

What the star says about her appearance after plastic surgery

Masha, unlike her colleagues in the film shop, does not hide the fact that she corrected her appearance

Gorban does not hide the fact that she turned to plastic surgeons. She is happy that she decided to go to the clinic. The actress tells reporters that her life has changed dramatically thanks to plastic surgery. The star has become more confident.

Changes in appearance and career were positively reflected. From a supporting actress, she turned into a star. Maria, who stated that she would never take part in a candid photo shoot, began to actively act in films for men's magazines.

The opinion of viewers and specialists

The changes affected both the face and body of Mary

The audience differently perceived the transformation of the actress. Some are delighted with how chic she now looks, and are sure that the beauty of the star, like a diamond, has acquired a cut. The public is interested in the name of the surgeon who worked on the appearance of the actress. Part of the audience believes that before Maria looked much better and in vain went on about fashion. In their opinion, the star has lost its natural beauty and turned into a soulless doll.

Although Masha frankly admits that she was a client of the clinic plastic surgery, but does not disclose the name of the doctor and the number of surgeries. It is known that the first changes became apparent in 2012, when the actress starred in the television series "Kitchen".

Kristina Semyonovna in the series "Kitchen" won the hearts of many men

Experts, looking at the photo of Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery, note that the actress corrected several elements of her appearance:

  • Lips - before plastic surgery they were much thinner.
  • Cheekbones - it is noticeable that they have become more pronounced due to fillers and liposuction of the cheeks.
  • Teeth - doctors made them perfectly even. The current Maria Gorban is the owner of a snow-white Hollywood smile.
  • Chest - thanks to surgical intervention, the bust has noticeably increased.
  • Eyebrows - the face of the actress is decorated with a tattoo that is fashionable today.

As for rhinoplasty, experts doubt that the artist resorted to such an operation. Apparently, the actress also achieved a slender figure and rounded buttocks without the help of surgeons. She is actively involved in sports and monitors nutrition.

Photo by Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery

Video about the transformation of the actress

The audience is watching with interest the star and the changes in her appearance. So far, the collaboration with the actress's plastic surgeons has been quite successful. Whether she will continue to use their services, time will tell.

Maria Gorban was remembered by the audience primarily for her roles in the rating series on STS "I'm flying" and "Kitchen". But after watching at least one episode of each film, you can immediately notice a pronounced transformation in the appearance of the actress. Let's try to figure out how much Maria Gorban has changed. Did plastic before and after the recent appearances of the actress on the screen take place? Or is it all about sports and cosmetic care?

Sheer charm

Maria Gorban was born in acting family. It was the profession of parents that predetermined the professional future of the girl. In 2007, she received a diploma from GITIS, but she began acting while still a student. Gorban has always been the owner of an attractive appearance. The audience especially remembered her in the form of a student intern from the TV series "I'm flying." The role of the kind, sympathetic Varya Chekhova, who was called to become a real doctor, was perfect for Gorban. A charming smile, dimples on her cheeks, a minimum of makeup and an affectionate look - these are the components of a real pretty femininity, which the actress personified.

New role and new image

In 2012, another mega-popular project was launched on the STS channel - the television series "Kitchen". Many compared it to the perfect dish, the recipe of which included the best ingredients: a thoughtful plot, great humor, interesting characters and an amazing soundtrack. Appeared in the series and Maria Gorban. Facial plastic surgery or a whole range of operations - the audience wondered what was the matter, because they simply did not recognize the actress at first sight. Bright changes in the image of the girl were immediately evident.

The heroine of the actress in "Kitchen" is the owner's wife, in which all the action of the plot is concentrated, Christina. Any appearance of her is accompanied by the lustful looks of men - the girl looks so sexy, well-groomed and spectacular that it cannot be better. Christina's seductive forms are emphasized by tight dresses, and luxurious jewelry sets off her glossy tanned skin.

Maria Gorban organically looks in this image, not only thanks to her acting abilities. Of course, the role of the fatal seductress Christina, which even Dmitry Nagiyev could not resist, would not have gone to her without the careful external transformation that was done. Let's take a step-by-step look at what the actress has changed in herself.

Her lips are two leaves at the gates of paradise

Everyone just gasped when the updated Maria Gorban appeared in the "Kitchen". Facial plastic surgery before and after (photos are presented below) the start of filming in the series definitely took place. But what exactly did the girl resort to? The first thing that can be said with certainty is that Maria Gorban increased her lips. The plasticity before and after "Kitchen" is especially noticeable when comparing pictures of different times. Previously, Mary's lips were narrower, but now they have acquired a seductive volume and plumpness. The make-up artists of the series made it almost an integral attribute of the image of Christina, which favorably emphasized the alluring lips of the heroine. By the way, Maria Gorban herself became an adherent of a more daring make-up.

smile in a million

The actress also did not forget to visit the dentist, who inserted her dazzling white veneers. The girl's smile used to be very pretty, but now it has acquired Hollywood chic. Many, discussing the transformation of Gorban, noted that too white teeth look unnatural. Others, on the contrary, liked Maria's pearly smile.

Maria Gorban: rhinoplasty

A number of articles published in the wake of the increased interest in the updated appearance of the actress also claimed that she changed the shape of her nose. The celebrity herself did not give any comments on this matter. Did or did not Maria Gorban do nose surgery? Rhinoplasty is not traceable. It may seem that the tip of the nose has become narrower, but most likely it is the skillful contouring of the face.

Another part of the actress's face, which is also credited with unnaturalness, is the cheekbones. They have become more voluminous and sculptural. Fillers or weight loss and make-up magic? It remains only to guess.

Ah, what forms!

So, the result of plastic surgery Gorban - in literally- on the face. However, the girl did not stop there. Of course, an important component of the beauty of any woman is a figure. Maria decided to take care of herself and devoted a lot of time to sports. Hard training was not in vain - the body of the star acquired became toned. She noticeably lost weight - the childish swelling of the face disappeared, and the general parameters became almost model. In 2014, the actress gave birth to a daughter, but managed to as soon as possible return the weight to the ideal norm.

Nevertheless, Maria Gorban relied not only on sports. Plastic surgery before and after childbirth also affected the figure of the girl. The actress decided to increase her breasts. There is also an opinion that she could not resist and followed the example of J. Lo, inserting implants in the buttocks. However, it is impossible to say with 100% certainty. Perhaps, such forms of Mary were helped not by a plastic surgeon in the operating room, but by an active and professional trainer in the gym. In any case, the game was worth the candle.

Since 2012, the actress has not left the ranking of the most sexy women Russia according to MAXIM. In 2015, she so fascinated the male half of the population that she almost became queen, but lost the championship to Vera Brezhneva, remaining in second place in the top 100.

cosmetic touches

So, we examined what probable operations Maria Gorban resorted to. Plastic before and after filming in "Kitchen" made her a sex symbol, regularly adorning the most juicy covers of men's magazines. The directors turned their attention to the actress and began to invite her to new projects. In addition, MTS signed a contract with her, and Gorban, in the image of Christina, became the heroine of commercials for a solid cellular brand along with Nagiyev. In addition to surgery, the girl changed her hairstyle and hair color, turning from a brown-haired woman into a brunette, tattooed her eyebrows and increased her eyelashes. In addition, she regularly visits the solarium so that her skin does not lose its seductive peach shade.

As for the public opinion about the transformation of the actress, the public split into two camps. Some are convinced that Gorban lost her individuality and succumbed to the harmful influence of fashion. Supporters of this position tirelessly regret the past pretty appearance of the actress. The rest, on the contrary, are delighted with the updated appearance of the star and believe that her beauty, like a diamond, has been cut. From a pretty, but rather nondescript girl, she turned into a fatal beauty, an icon of temptation and an object of passionate male dreams.

It is not surprising: the similarity between Masha and Maria can now really be observed (and there are those who see Kozhevnikova in Maria). Gorban’s style has also undergone changes, so the “before” and “after” of this girl are especially contrasting. Second Malinovskaya ”- this is how the public dubbed the actress after her trip to the plastic surgery clinic.

It is impossible to say that this is bad, although it is unrestrained to praise surgical intervention is also incorrect. And now, in the age of virtual communication, an attempt to impress is much easier ... you just need to somehow stand out. Who does not have enough intelligence for this, then tries to light up by outrageous and unusual.

But always and in everything a measure is needed, and ideally, as we will see now examples, the measure cannot be met. Creepy. I remember I came across some program in which Zverev admired her lips, and specifically this clipping. If you look closely, they even have something in common. She spoke about Oksana Fedorova in a previous publication.

Extremes in everything ((But if you look, all the girls are pretty and, most importantly, everyone’s lips are beautiful. They broke up, he kicked her out and put the apartment up for sale. But they are always beautiful and smart, from time to time I feel like a beggar against their background)) but At least they have a nice house.

Childhood and family of Maria Gorban

There is an issue about Eagle and Tails, it seems about Miami, he rides in a convertible, in a rapper's coat, a lot of attributes. And I will say again - if she likes it, she considers herself more beautiful, feels more comfortable - yes, the flag is in her hands, even if she continues to transform her appearance.

Today it is fashionable to be thin, tomorrow it is fashionable to be in the body, the day after tomorrow lips, then to be a blonde ... You need to know when to stop! Sometimes, with the right dosage, lips can be plumper and more beautiful!

And I really like it.) From this article, you can understand that people can go too far (overdo it) and spoil the appearance that your parents gave you! People, don't go crazy! Plastic surgery can be resorted to in cases where it is really necessary, and not in order to become a laughingstock!

Masha was born in Izhevsk. Both mom and dad were actors. She and her parents moved to Yaroslavl, and then to Moscow. Dad, who worked at the Yaroslavl Drama Theater as an actor, and then as a director, was invited to work in the capital. Masha spent a lot of time in her childhood at the Satyricon.

In order to devote herself to her daughter and her husband who was making a career, Maria's mother left her job, sacrificing the acting profession. Only when Masha entered the institute did she go back to work.

That is how she remembers herself at that time. She could fight with the girls because of nonsense, she could even appoint a “shooter” for the school, but at the same time she herself did not come, fearing to be beaten. Gorban recalls that she was a tall and very thin girl with two protruding pigtails as a schoolgirl. In 1999, Gorban in one of the series of the Simple Truths project played leading role. This was the first film experience, which took place thanks to Mary's brother, who starred in this series.

Mukla dolls, but is it necessary? Before and after. ..Part 2

Maria wanted to be like the clown Polunin. After that, Gorban realized that the likelihood of success was low and decided that she would enjoy the creativity and performance of clowns as a spectator. Due to the fact that Masha was admitted to the institute, she had to finish the eleventh grade as an external student.

The daughter and mother managed to persuade him, and Masha began to study. Maria, being a pretty girl, with the ability to transform, with deep serious eyes, was an excellent “material” with which the GITIS teachers worked. In order to reverse the student's craving for acting, already in her second year she began to be given serious roles. So, she played Lisa Khokhlakov in the production of The Brothers Karamazov, played Mary Stuart.

The aspiring actress added a Ukrainian dialect and went all out on stage so that the teachers were surprised at how she played. The Durova Clown Theater invited Maria to her place when she was still at the institute, but the girl, whose parents worked as theater actors, knew that work in the theater was very difficult.

Maria Gorban at present

In "Free Love" they go on stage with Dmitry Dyuzhev. Masha appeared on stage in productions of Balzaminov's Wedding and Gorgeous Wedding, as well as in the play Bust. Among the rest of the actress's friends are mostly men.

One of Mary's hobbies is football. At first, of course, she did not understand anything about this, but now everything has changed. It is known that for some time the actress was married to Jan Dyuritsa, who at that time played in the capital's Lokomotiv. And they are striving for this ideal with all their might!

In 2007, Maria graduated from GITIS and began to actively act in films. In addition, Maria's uncle and cousin are also actors. That is why she entered the theater, since her clown idol had an acting education. Masha believes in friendship between women and men.

The series "Hotel Eleon" and "Kitchen" made the theater and film actress Maria Gorban truly popular. Those who followed her activities until the peak of popularity know that before the plastic surgery, the girl looked no less beautiful and bright. However, after plastic surgery, her appearance nevertheless became more expressive, and now she is not in danger of going unnoticed.

Future actress was born in 1986 in the city of Izhevsk. The life of her family was closely connected with the theater all the time. His father was an actor, and later became a director, and his mother is an actress.

All of her school life was closely associated with school productions, so after graduating from school it was decided to enter GITIS, despite the fact that her father saw her future as a producer.

During her studies, she began performing on the stage of the theater, and in 1999 she acted in films. After her debut as a film actress, the girl was showered with many different offers, and in 2003 she became successful after filming in the series "Women's Logic". Her acting work includes many paintings, the most famous of which are "Hotel Eleon", "Kitchen", "I'm flying", "Game".

Today she is a very famous theater and film actress, plays roles in various productions, and also leads an active rich life, highlighting the brightest events in the famous Instagram network. In 2014, Maria had a daughter, Stephanie, from her first marriage to Oleg Filatov.

Her real husband is the famous sound engineer Kirill Zotkin. The couple is fond of sports together, loves to travel. Since 2010, the actress began to appear in some candid photo shoots, which even more attracted the attention of her fans.

Maria Gorban: appearance at the beginning of her career, figure parameters, height, weight

Fans have long been accustomed to seeing Maria Gorban with fluffy extended eyelashes, plump lips with bright red lipstick and graceful forms.

Before changes in appearance with the help of cosmetic manipulations and plastic intervention, the girl was also very pretty, however, not so bright:

Looking at the appearance of Maria in the photographs before plastic correction, you can see how charming and feminine she was: a rounded face with small dimples on her cheeks when smiling, long hair with bangs, a sweet natural smile, a minimum amount of cosmetics on her face.

The girl’s height cannot be called miniature, and it is 172 cm. For such a height, the real weight is quite small - 53 kg, but at the beginning of her career, the girl talks about the presence of 10-15 extra pounds. It should be noted that Maria never possessed particularly magnificent forms. The actress tries not to advertise her exact parameters.

How has the artist's appearance changed over the course of her career?

Maria has always been the owner of an attractive appearance. She was often invited to various filming and to participate in theatrical productions. In 2012, the premiere of the famous popular series "Kitchen" started on the STS channel, which immediately gained many fans thanks to an extraordinary plot, subtle humor and well-chosen characters with their own history.

After the appearance of Maria Gorban in the series, many started talking about the fact that the girl's appearance had changed almost beyond recognition.

Bright changes in her usual image could not be overlooked:

It was in this image that Mary appeared before the audience. Such a sharp transformation was directly related to her role - the girl played a spectacular luxurious wife restaurant owner Claude Monet.

Maria believed that with her former appearance she would not be able to play the role of a sexy girl, so she decided to add a little brightness to her image. The opinions of the fans were instantly divided into radically opposite ones: some consider the changes to be very successful, others do not hide the fact that they were unpleasantly surprised.


The first thing that most often pay attention to in appearance are the eyes and lips. Previously, the theater and film actress had habitual, unattractive lips. The lip makeup was also nondescript and subdued.

Maria Gorban has changed a lot before and after plastic surgery, especially striking changes are noticeable when looking at her photographs. The first thing that stands out the most is the lips. From thin and graceful, they became lush and large. After gaining a seductive volume, the girl began to emphasize them with red lipstick, which makes them even more expressive.

The effect of lip augmentation was achieved through the use of fillers filled with hyaluronic acid. This procedure gives a temporary effect, since hyaluronic acid dissolves over time. But Maria periodically repeats this method of increasing the volume of her lips, which allows her to maintain their shape and volume.

The actress is pleased with her new image, and fans have a mixed opinion. Some of them believe that Maria is now another fashion victim, and some fans appreciated her new shape and size of her lips, believing that this way the girl became much brighter.


Most often, Mary got the role simple girls for which the possession of a bright appearance was not required. For this reason, the girl decided on a global transformation, which is hard to imagine without going to the dentist. The actress herself does not admit exactly how she achieved such a dazzling smile.

Maria Gorban (before and after plastic surgery, the girl changed dramatically) by nature had straight teeth, their color was a natural white tint. According to experts, the girl used veneers.

Photos before and after dental plastic surgery of the teeth of Maria Gorban

Custom-made plates have successfully replaced the surface layer of her teeth, making them perfectly even and snow-white. The girl's smile used to be very cute, but now it has become like a real one. Hollywood star.

Most of her fans were disappointed with this change of image, calling her teeth unnatural. Maria herself does not respond to unpleasant comments and argues that one should do what one likes to oneself. This allows you to remain an individual. In addition, the actress is quite pleased with her changes, because now she can play the role of luxurious fatal beauties.


In the wake of the sharply increased interest after the change in Maria's appearance, many published articles appeared about the change in her image. It was often mentioned that the actress did a rhinoplasty of the nose. In frank interviews, Maria never talked about nose plastic surgery, because by nature she has an elegant, neat and slightly upturned nose.

Experts notice that even upon close examination it is difficult to determine the changes. The only thing that the actress could change was to slightly correct the tip of the nose, making it narrower. It is impossible to judge this unequivocally, since such an effect can be achieved with the help of skillful makeup and facial contouring.


In a modern actress, the owner of a round face earlier, it becomes difficult to recognize Mary with pronounced angular cheekbones. The girl herself does not deviate from her principles, preferring not to openly comment on her dramatic changes. She does not hide the fact that she turned to the help of plastic surgery, but she does not name the name of the doctor and the number of surgeries undergone.

Maria Gorban has noticeably changed, judging by the photos before and after plastic surgery. Now she is not the owner of a rounded face, but has more pronounced cheekbones. Experts believe that fillers were used to change the shape of the face and liposuction was performed in the cheek area.

This procedure made it possible to hide age-related changes and some fluctuations in weight, which were reflected on the face in the form of blurred oval contours.

The actress corrected cheekbones that were mild by nature with the help of special fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which are injected using a thin needle. Now the face of the actress has become fully consistent with the modern ideals of beauty that many celebrities want to achieve.


famous actress Maria Gorban does not hide the fact that surgery helped her become much more confident and feel her own attractiveness.

At the moment, despite the pregnancy and childbirth, the actress looks like a real model. Feminine parameters and graceful form, according to Maria herself, she achieved thanks to regular classes in the sports hall.

Previously, the actress often complained and was unhappy with her extra weight, which did not allow her to feel confident. The abdomen did not look taut, and the waist could not be called thin. After Maria became a young mother, she managed to competently and quickly eliminate the consequences of her pregnancy and achieve ideal parameters.

There is an opinion that the actress put her body in order not only thanks to sports. However, there is no evidence that the girl resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon for liposuction in the abdomen. This opinion appeared due to the too rapid transformation of Mary.

Other interventions in the appearance of Maria Gorban

Sharing her impressions of the results of plastic surgery, the actress claims that during her early youth, the girl did not like herself. In particular, she did not like excess weight, which appeared during the filming of the series "I'm flying." Sleep deprivation, malnutrition and stress have taken a toll on her. appearance.

Maria decided to revise her usual diet and decided to follow the advice - do not eat after 18. The actress failed to achieve good results by following such a diet. That is why she became an active fan proper nutrition and intensive training with a professional trainer, which allowed her to look athletic and fit.

In addition, the changes affected other aspects of the appearance of the actress:

  1. The buttocks, which have noticeably increased in volume and shape, have become the subject of much gossip. Many articles about the transformation of Mary were written that the girl decided to follow the general fashion and used implants to increase her buttocks. The actress claims that she achieved everything on her own.
  2. When comparing photos before and after plastic surgery, you can notice a significant transformation of the girl's breasts. She became more expressive, toned, increased in size. With the help of the gym, this effect cannot be achieved, so it can be argued that Maria resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon.
  3. The actress changed her usual hairstyle. Previously, she was a brunette and wore bangs, and now she has become an imposing platinum blonde with long hair.
  4. To give expressiveness to her look, the actress regularly visits an eyelash extension master, who makes them lush and long.
  5. The shape of the eyebrows has also changed. Before plastic surgery, the girl had a natural thin eyebrow shape, now her eyebrows are fully consistent modern ideas about beauty - they are thicker and thicker. For this, Maria used a tattoo.

So many interventions in their natural data did not go unnoticed. Since 2012, the girl has not left the rating of the sexiest girls in Russia.

What Maria Gorban looks like today: figure parameters, height, weight

Acting profession obliges artists to look well-groomed, beautiful and comply with modern canons of beauty. The once pretty Maria Gorban, who had beautiful natural data, decided to support the fashion trend for change. She repeatedly used the services plastic surgeons and the help of beauticians.

Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery has changed a lot. In particular, striking changes are noticeable when comparing her photographs, where the girl demonstrates her new forms at candid photo shoots. On the this moment her body parameters have changed: the forms have become more curved and graceful.

Maria independently decided to transform and take care of her body, devoting a lot of time to sports training. All efforts were not in vain - the girl's body is as close as possible to the model parameters, and the weight is 53 kg with a height of 172 cm.

Simultaneously with intensive studies, the girl adhered to the basic rules of proper nutrition, based on the preparation of a rational balanced menu.

To achieve the standard of beauty, the girl lacked one thing - to enlarge her breasts. To do this, she turned to modern methods plastic surgery, changing the shape and size. Now her figure is truly feminine, as evidenced by her numerous candid shots in fashion glossy magazines.

Artist makeup

The natural appearance of the actress does not need excessive adjustment. Previously, the actress used in Everyday life discreet moderate make-up, which emphasized her advantages and hid some flaws. After the transformation, the girl changed dramatically.

In public, the actress almost always appears in accordance with her new image, devoting a lot of time to makeup:

  1. Extended long, lush eyelashes.
  2. Neatly traced eyebrows, which she received thanks to the tattoo.
  3. Perfectly even tone of the face of soft peach color.
  4. Blush-lined cheekbones.
  5. Pronounced facial contouring.
  6. Bright red lipstick that expressively emphasizes her dazzling snow-white smile.

In one of the interviews, the actress shared her favorite cosmetics that she uses daily:

Fans are accustomed to seeing Mary in this way.
The publication of her photo in Instagram without makeup caused numerous discussions. This photo is rather atypical for the bright appearance of the actress: natural complexion, eyes and lips without makeup.

On it, Maria looks very fresh and young, many commentators admired her natural beauty without catchy makeup.

What cosmetic procedures does Maria Gorban attend?

Maria Gorban does not hide the fact that she is a frequent visitor to beauty salons.

This helps her keep her skin in perfect condition:

  • She is the owner of a bright appearance, to maintain which she regularly visits eyelash extension masters.
  • A visit to the solarium is necessary for her to maintain a tan, which gives the skin a pleasant peach shade.
  • Cosmetic care procedures allow you to restore the normal tone of the face and hide the shortcomings of her profession in the form of lack of sleep.

Maintaining the magnificent shape of the lips, which Maria is the owner, is achieved through a timely visit beauty parlor where an experienced doctor makes the necessary adjustments.

Tips from the artist: how to look attractive and natural

After the actress shared with her subscribers a photo from her vacation in Bali, fans had a lot of questions about her appearance. Many of them tried to find out how she managed to give birth to a child and achieve such perfect shape body.

Maria Gorban (before and after plastic surgery, the actress has changed quite a lot) carefully monitors her appearance and happily shares her main secrets her beauty, which help her look almost perfect:

For hair care, Maria advises using products without the addition of silicone. Preference should be given to the most natural cosmetics, which will not weigh down the hair and contribute to their loss.

Regular visits to the beautician can transform the skin, so you do not need to use a large number of decorative cosmetics. This allows you to look natural and natural.

On the candid interview the girl shares her life principles: “Turn off the TV and phone, enjoy the color of your hair, make up your lips with lipstick that suits you. More positive, smiles and health!”.

Maria Gorban, judging by the photographs before and after plastic surgery, surprises many fans with the scale of the transformation. From a pretty modest girl, she turned into a passionate bright beauty with graceful forms. plastic surgery, according to the actress herself, helped her expand her acting abilities and diversify the roles that she could play.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about Maria Gorban

How Maria Gorban has changed: