The documents were not accepted to the university. How to enter the institute: rules, requirements, documents and recommendations. Will last year’s Olympiad diplomas be valid for admission?

Exams have been passed, graduation has passed, and student life awaits yesterday's students! The time has come to apply to the university. How to do this without unnecessary worries?
Applicants can apply to five universities at the same time, to 3 faculties. This increases your chances of admission by fifteen times. In addition, you can choose different shapes studies: full-time, evening or correspondence.
Where to begin?

How to apply to a university - call the admissions office or go to the website

Find out the deadlines for submitting documents, which documents need to be provided and the deadlines for admission tests.

How to apply to a university - necessary documents

The complete list of documents for different educational institutions may differ, but the main documents are:

  • passport,
  • photocopies of a passport with a photograph and a record of place of residence,
  • certificate of complete secondary education,
  • certificate of passing the Unified State Exam,
  • 6-8 photos 3*4,
  • registration certificate or military ID (for those liable for military service),
  • medical certificate form 086-u (for full-time applicants),
  • if you decide to enroll in a creative university, then most likely you will need to provide some of your works,
  • diplomas, gratitude, certificates of completion of courses, diplomas of victory or participation in olympiads and competitions. In general, everything that characterizes you from the best side.

How to apply to a university - visit the admissions office

So, with the folder collected documents We are moving towards the university. The admissions committee deals with applicants. They accept documents and answer questions. Often in admissions committee 2nd and 3rd year students work, so don’t be shy.

The admissions office will ask you to fill out an application for admission and process all your documents. You may be waiting in line for hours, so be prepared for that. Check carefully that you have everything on hand Required documents, be sure to take a couple of extra photocopies and photographs, just in case.

The application for admission can also often be downloaded from the university website and filled out at home, this will save you time. Sometimes the admissions committee allows applicants with all completed documents to pass without a queue.

After receiving your documents, you will be given a receipt according to which you can pick up your documents. You are now officially a university applicant.

How to submit documents to a university - dates and times of entrance examinations

During the consultation, you will be told in detail about how the exam will be held and what you need to be prepared for.
If there are no exams for your specialty, and you have already passed all the disciplines necessary for admission to the Unified State Exam, then you do not need to do anything else. Rest and calmly await the results.

How to apply to a university - new ways

If previously the personal presence of the applicant was necessary, now you can submit documents by mail or via the Internet.

If you plan to enroll in another city, it will be more convenient to send documents by mail than to spend money on travel and accommodation. Choose express delivery with notification, so you will be sure that your documents will arrive on time.

You can also submit documents to in electronic format. To do this, you need to download the application for admission, print it, fill it out, sign, scan it and all the necessary documents and send it by email. A convenient way, but sometimes it happens that due to large quantity statements, sites do not cope with their work. Keep this in mind.

Follow the results

If you have applied to several universities, especially if you want to get into a budget department, then after the results are announced you need to very quickly figure out where you still want to study. Because without the original documents I cannot enroll you in the university! Make a ranking of universities for yourself, it will help you quickly decide in the future. Once you have decided, quickly bring your original certificate to the admissions office or send it by express mail to be sure to meet the deadline.

To successfully enter a university, you should realistically assess your capabilities. But don’t underestimate yourself too much! Choose a specialty you like, and then submitting documents and entrance examinations will be an interesting quest for you.

1. What documents are needed?

When submitting documents: a copy of the passport, a copy of the certificate (all pages), benefits (if any), achievements (Only those that the university takes into account. Each university has its own list. You can find it in the section of the university admission rules “Taking into account the individual achievements of applicants” ).
Upon enrollment: original certificate, 6 photos, medical certificate form 086u.
Each direction of bachelor's/specialist's training has its own package of documents!

2. How many universities can I submit documents confirming preferential conditions?

The benefit can be used when submitting documents to only 1 university. In other universities you will be accepted through a general competition.

3. Do copies of documents need to be certified?

Copies of documents need to be certified only if you are not submitting the documents yourself (parents, relatives, etc.).

4. When should I submit documents?

Until July 26 (For those who apply only for the Unified State Exam for full-time or full-time part-time training on a budget).

There is no dependence between the date of submission of documents and the place in the final ranking!
- until July 5 (Or 10) (If you have additional entrance tests at the university itself (Find out specifically)).

Date of submission of the original certificate and application for consent to enrollment (New for this year. You can write this application at each university no more than twice. It is submitted for a specific field of study. Even if you have a certificate, but do not have an application, you will NOT be enrolled):
The first wave is until 18:00 on August 1. The enrollment order will be issued on August 3.
The second wave is until 18:00 on August 6. The enrollment order will be issued on August 8.

If you want to be enrolled in the 1st wave, then you must have the entire package of documents + the original certificate and a statement of consent at your university before 18:00 on August 1st.

5. How to submit documents?

Documents can be submitted in person / by mail / electronically (Be careful! In most universities, this form of submission does not replace personal presence).

The original certificate and application for consent to enrollment can be submitted in person or by mail.

6. Is it possible to apply to both college and university?

Yes, and the number of colleges where you can apply is not limited.

7. Do I need to come with my parents to submit documents?

It is only necessary if you are under 18 years of age and you have entered into a training contract with the university.

Questions about enrollment:

1. What to do with the original certificate during waves?

You give the original certificate when submitting documents or during the waves. Without the original, you will not be admitted to any university. The original document can be collected at any time.
It's better not to rush to serve it.

2. What are stages 1 and 2 of enrollment?

First wave - enrollment of 80% of certificates (originals only) of the first rated Unified State Exam points of the number budget places.

For example, if 10 budget places are allocated, then the first 8 people (80%) in the ranking with a certificate and consent to enrollment will be enrolled in the first wave.
Second wave - 20%.

3. Is it true that the likelihood of admission is higher if you immediately submit the original certificate?

Questions about admission:

1. Is it possible to enter a university with C grades in the certificate?

Yes. Your grades don't affect anything. There is no consideration of GPA.

2. For what can I get additional points for the Unified State Exam?

For the GTO badge, certificate with honors, Olympiads different levels, writing, volunteering, etc.

3. Is it possible to apply for a contract and then transfer to a budget job?

Yes, but only on the condition that someone is expelled from the budget.

4. Is it possible to enroll in a correspondence course on a budget?

5. Is it possible to enroll in one university full-time and another part-time?

Yes, provided that one of them is paid.

80% of freshmen are accepted from those who immediately bring the original certificate

The admissions campaign of the 2016 season is shaking the nerves of unfortunate applicants. The new rules, in fact, put an end to the possibility of submitting documents to more than one university: 80% of the first-year places are now immediately given to those who brought the original certificate, and the guys with the best scores, but with unpassed certificates, fly by.

Now school graduates first wait in huge queues at the admissions office of their most preferred institute, and then, if they can’t get into the budget department there, they run as fast as they can to a simpler university in order to at least get a chance there.

Unified State Exam system allowed admission to several specialties at several universities, and therefore applicants for years brought copies of their certificates to the admissions committees. Submitting a copy or original did not affect enrollment until the moment when a choice had to be made: lists of candidates were compiled purely based on Unified State Exam scores.

The new rules, in fact, put an end to the possibility of submitting documents to more than one university: 80% of the first-year places are now immediately given to those who brought the original certificate, and the guys with the best scores, but with failed certificates, fly by...

When introducing the Unified State Exam, the authorities emphasized two main advantages of this system of entrance and final exams: the objectivity of assessments and the ability to enroll in several universities at the same time.

Just with objectivity and honesty Unified State Examination grades it didn’t work out right away, and this year the second “advantage” was also hit - the opportunity, especially valuable for children from the outback, to send documents to several universities at once.

For applicants, this was indeed convenient: I sent copies of documents (who would trust the originals by mail?!) to universities, chose the best one from those where you were admitted based on your points for the budget, and then took the original, and that’s it - enrolled. But for universities, the matter turned into a colossal hassle - endless adjustments to the lists of conditionally admitted students and three waves of real enrollment, the last of which smoothly flows into the beginning of a new one school year September 1. And no vacations for the administration - just a hassle. Hence, one must think, the need for change has matured...

And last year it was first tested, and this year the practice of enrolling 80% of first-year students from among the children who immediately brought original certificates was finally established. And even if among the rest, for the time being, even those with 100 points remain left behind, while 80% of the places are filled, for example, with 60–70 points, I don’t care.

They don’t give a damn about the extreme stress of those who are still trying to exercise their right to enroll in several universities at the same time, and therefore are rushing with certificates from one queue to another. But the admissions campaign had not yet begun, and the university, without any hassle, had already completed 80% of its first course.

With the possibility of admission to several universities based on Unified State Exam results“It seems that it’s over,” Oleg Smolin, co-chairman of the Education for All movement, told MK. “Universities are now recruiting not those who have more points, but those who brought their certificates earlier,” the home principle “the first to get up gets the slippers” has begun to work. This is, of course, more convenient for universities - but the Unified State Exam was introduced for the convenience of applicants, not universities!

If the university where the original certificate was submitted is not accepted, then there is a risk of not having time to deliver the original to another, which poses a significant problem for non-resident applicants who have to go headlong to Moscow again, comments the deputy chairman of the commission on education and science of the Public Chamber. Lyubov Dukhanina. - Another one serious problem this year's entrance campaign - there are long queues, students stand for 3-4 hours near the university to submit documents.

This year, many universities ran out of budget places suspiciously quickly, notes the head of the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services, Viktor Panin. - Applicants with high Unified State Examination points, come to universities or go to the websites of educational institutions and see that there are practically no budget places: all the largest universities in many areas have almost finished enrolling for budget places. All of them are occupied by benefit recipients - Olympic winners, socially vulnerable people, etc.

It is obvious that people have already adapted to the existing admission system and have found their own “tricky bolt” for the “tricky nut” of the Ministry of Education. The systems of competitions and benefits are not transparent, the corruption situation in universities that existed before the introduction of the Unified State Exam did not disappear, but was transformed in the spirit of the times...


MK visited several popular universities in the capital to see how reception in progress documents.

Moscow aviation institute(MAI). The porch is crowded; young people are crowded in front of the checkpoint, waiting to submit documents. The admissions committee starts working at 2 p.m., in the heat of the day, but many, like graduates of the capital’s school No. 949 Tatyana and Anastasia, arrived several hours in advance. Fatigue is visible on the faces of those waiting.

Moscow State Linguistic University(formerly Inyaz). There are no queues, the atmosphere is calm. Near the building where the admissions office was located, tents were stretched out, with additional garden benches, tables and chairs placed under them. The doors to the room where documents are submitted and exam papers are issued are wide open, and it is not stuffy there. The number of volunteers, security guards and admissions members helping the process is comparable to the number of applicants.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN). Queues at the reception RUDN Commission There is. But, despite the fact that this year there are significantly more applicants than last year, the organizers competently cope with the flow of applicants, of whom there are about two hundred every day. In order not to get lost or confused with submitting documents, at the entrance of the main building of the university, future students are met by admissions committee coordinators who help applicants and their parents.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science will continue to test new rules regarding the deadlines for enrollment in universities. Order No. 1147 of the Ministry of Education and Science was adopted back in 2016, on October 14. According to the text of the order, new procedures for the admission of future bachelors, specialists and masters have been established since 2017. The order gives clear instructions to universities to post information about enrollment deadlines no later than October 1 of the new academic year. The information should also include deadlines for correspondence students. In addition to these innovations, the ministry introduced such concepts as “consent to enrollment,” but first things first.

Stages of enrollment in universities in 2018. Deadlines

In accordance with the new rules, the deadlines for enrollment in 2018 and beyond will look like this:

By 06/01/2018 Universities and institutions secondary special education must announce on their websites or specially designated places in institutions:

Number of budget and paid places in 2018,
- total number places for targeted reception,
- number of places or benefits for winners of Olympiads and All-Russian championships,
- all information about hostels, including prices for accommodation and number of places,
- full schedule entrance examinations for applicants (dates and venues are indicated).

- June 20– start of accepting documents for admission,
- July 7– last day for accepting documents from persons applying based on the results of additional entrance exams,
- July 10– the last day for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently,
- 26 July– last day for accepting documents from applicants only according to the results of the Unified State Exam

University enrollment results 2018

- July 27- last day for educational institution to publish lists of applicants.

- July 28 - 29- priority admission of applicants entering the university outside the competition and in targeted areas (20% of the number of places at the university),

- July 29- the last day of publication of competitive lists of applicants for 80% of budget places remaining after 20% of priority admission applicants.

What is “Consent to Enrollment” in the new procedure for admission to universities?

The most important change in the procedure for enrolling in universities since 2017 can be called the introduction of a new document called “Consent for Enrollment”. It is submitted by the applicant to the admissions committee of the educational institution no later than 2 days before the release of the university’s order on enrollment with the obligatory indication of only one specialty. At the same time, the applicant, as it was before, can apply for admission to 5 universities at once (no more) and indicate in his application a maximum of 3 specialties; it is important not to miss the deadline - no later than 2 days before the release of the admission order. Consent to enrollment is required for enrollment in any specialty, any educational program, it contains information regarding admission and admission. Those applicants who submit documents within the target enrollment quota must submit consent for enrollment immediately with the application for admission and the original document of education.

Terms and procedure for enrollment in master's programs from 2018

For admission to the master's program, the start date for accepting documents and the completion of entrance examinations are determined in accordance with the above rules, while universities finish accepting documents no earlier than August 10.

In view of this, new and convenient ways sending documents to the university. If previously the personal presence of the applicant was necessary, now there are 2 new ways of submitting applications for enrollment: by mail and via the Internet.

Let's consider the advantages and features of these 2 methods separately.

Sending documents by mail

Sending documents by mail - this is a fairly convenient and acceptable way of submitting applications for applicants living in all corners of Russia.

When sending documents to a university by mail, it is important to take into account that post offices sometimes do not have time to cope with a large volume of work. Therefore, sending letters may take from 5 to 7 days. It is better to send documents as early as possible. Do not forget that applications to universities close at the end of July. Applications sent after the date set by the university will not be considered.

For those who do not know how to send documents to a university by mail, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations. In order to send documentation, you need to go to the official website of the educational institution, download and print a sample application. Then fill it out, sign and date it.

You will also need to attach a photocopy of the document:

  • about citizenship (passport),
  • about education (indicating the date and year of issue). By the way, in this year certificates are accepted from 2008-2011.
  • certificates of USE results,
  • other documents required by each university individually.

All letters sent are checked for accuracy using data from the unified general education database of the Russian Federation. If the data is confirmed and meets the requirements necessary for enrollment in the relevant specialty, then the student will inform the admissions committee about the decision within 3-4 days.

Sending documents via the Internet

Submitting documents electronically has a very unique character. Compared with traditional way for sending applications, this one is as convenient and efficient as possible.

Last year, a company for accepting electronic applications to Russian universities was introduced for the first time. During this process, due to technical problems, the process of accepting documents was delayed for a long period. This year, all glitches have been eliminated, making the process of accepting documents more efficient.

Documents are submitted online in the following way. Having looked at the official website of the university, the applicant downloads an electronic copy of the application for admission to the university. Then he prints it out and fills it out, putting his own signature. After that, he scans it, as well as a number of other necessary documents, and sends it to the certification commission for consideration. To do this, he receives a login and password, with which he can visit his Personal Area and send new requested information.

When sending an email, you also indicate the residence address, telephone number and postal address of the applicant, to which the university administration sends a notification of admission to the university. Review of the email occurs within 2-3 days from the moment it is sent.

Some universities, in addition to sending an email and scanned documents, also require a personal visit by the student to the educational institution. It is important to remember this and inquire in advance about these issues from site operators or consultants.