Unusual creatures captured. The most mysterious creatures on earth. Glowing sea turtle





Almost everything is collected here mythical creatures, about which we know anything.

It's no secret that in ancient times, to explain this or that natural phenomenon people referred to the will of the Gods. Thus, thunder and lightning were an indicator of Odin's rage. While the storm and the death of the sailors was an expression of Poseidon's wrath. The Egyptians believed that the sun was controlled by God Ra. In addition to explaining certain phenomena associated with the favor of the pantheon of Gods of a certain nationality, people often described their assistants as mythical creatures.

Myths and legends

Many epics, tales, legends and myths have survived to this day, which describe amazing creatures. They can be good and evil, help and harm people. The only one common feature each of mythical characters- magical abilities.

Regardless of their size or habitat of mythical creatures, in various legends a person could turn to them for help. On the other hand, there are many stories about how people fight “creatures” that intimidate residents of villages, cities and even countries. Interestingly, the presence of mythical creatures is described in the treatises of almost all nationalities inhabiting planet Earth.

Fact or fiction?

Each of us in childhood heard fairy tales about Baba Yaga, the Serpent Gorynych or Koshchei the Immortal. These characters are typical of the legends that arose in Rus'. At the same time, stories about gnomes, trolls, elves and mermaids will be closer to Europeans. However, almost anywhere globe Have you heard at least once the legends about vampires, werewolves and witches?

Is it possible to say that all these fables are a figment of human imagination or reliable confirmation that mythical creatures previously lived on our planet? It is impossible to reliably answer this question. However, many legends or events described in them are confirmed by the facts that scientists discover.

What is this section about?

The mysteries of the existence of fairies, unicorns, griffins, and harpies have been attracting people for many centuries. IN this section On the site you can get acquainted with information that will lift the curtain on the mystery of the origin of magic and answer the most popular questions about mythical creatures.

Presented here historical facts and various versions of the legends are described. After reading the articles, for yourself, everyone will be able to answer the question of whether these races actually existed or whether they are a figment of the imagination of people who were afraid of every rustle.

Our world is not so harmless. After all, somewhere out there, in the dark, in forests isolated from view and in the deep depths of reservoirs, they live mysterious creatures. They appear unexpectedly and just as unexpectedly they disappear. Frightened witnesses find themselves dumbfounded and bewildered.

As a result, there remains no evidence of such meetings. But the creatures continue to exist, in their secluded places, and in our imagination. Below we will tell you about the ten most mysterious creatures that, according to many, still exist on our planet.

After all, there are eyewitnesses who saw them with their own eyes. Even if some creatures are more incredible than others, we will leave it to our imagination to decide whether they really exist.

Yeti. Bigfoot is perhaps the most frequently encountered mysterious creature. Yeti have been found in forests and mountains almost all over the planet. Scientists still cannot obtain reliable evidence of the existence of the Yeti. But every year more and more evidence of its existence appears. It's interesting that from Florida to Australia people describe Bigfoot quite consistent and similar. The height of the creature is from 2 to 2.5 meters. The yeti itself is covered with long brown, red or white hair. There is a nasty smell coming from him. ABOUT large size feet, like hands, are evidenced by imprints on the ground. They say that the yeti avoids humans and can howl at night. The huge number of encounters suggests that this creature has every chance of becoming real, so far unknown to science. But what is it? The missing link in evolution? Ancient ancestors of people who remained to live in deserts and mountains? Or maybe it's just unknown species monkeys? Perhaps the secret will soon be revealed. After all digital technologies allows you to significantly improve surveillance of the area. In America, cameras are beginning to be installed in forests that will monitor movement around the clock, trying to detect a mysterious creature. For now, all that enthusiasts have are prints big feet, scraps of wool and eyewitness accounts.

Loch Ness Monster. In this series, it is worth noting several monsters living in the depths of lakes. Although scientists today are equipped with sensitive electronic devices, aquatic monsters still elude observation. But there are good eyewitness observations. The most famous monster is Loch Ness, also called Nessie. It is known that this inhabitant of the depths has a long head and neck, and a hunchbacked back. Similar animals were encountered in other places - Chessie in the Chesapeake Bay, Storsi in the Swedish Lake Storsjon, Selma in Norway, Champion on Lake Champlain in New York. Most observers say how they noticed a towering hump above the water; only a lucky few were able to see the outstretched neck and head. Usually the creature immediately begins to dive. There is very little photo and video evidence of water monsters and almost all of them are blurry. The most famous is the photo of the fin taken by the Rhines expedition in 1975. If the creature actually exists, then researchers believe it could be a plesiosaur. But it became extinct more than 66 million years ago! But maybe these incredible creatures were able to somehow survive deep underwater?

Chupacabra. In our area, this mystical bloodsucking monster is little known. The first data about it appeared in the 70s. But real fame came to this creature in the 90s with the development of the Internet. This creepy creature attacks livestock and poultry and sucks their blood. The most common sighting of the chupacabra is in Puerto Rico. Farmers who observed the practice of killing wild dogs say that when the monster killed them, it did not eat them or drag them away, but drained the blood through small cuts. Eyewitnesses say that the Chupacabra is the size of small monkey, while jumping like a kangaroo. The creature has red eyes, hairy skin, a snake-like tongue and sharp fangs. There are feathers around the spine that can open up. Some believe that these may be wings. By the end of the 90s, evidence of the existence of the monster began to grow more and more. He was credited with killing animals in Mexico, southern Texas and South America. In 2000, a series of incidents involving the creature occurred in Chile. There are many theories about the origin of the mysterious creature. Perhaps this is just a natural but unknown species of predator. Possibly the result of foreign genetic experiments. Most serious researchers believe that the Chupacabra is just an element of folklore, inspired by local superstitious residents. One can only be sure that news about the tricks of this creature will appear periodically.

Jersey Devil. They say that a terrible humanoid creature is roaming around the American city of New Jersey. Its terrifying appearance earned it the nickname Jersey Devil. The legend about him first appeared in the middle of the 18th century. Then the appearance of this creature was considered an omen of war or great trouble. All this time, evidence of encounters with this creature periodically appeared. Over the course of several centuries, there have been about 2,000 of them. Even today there are eyewitnesses of encounters with this monster. Although descriptions of it vary, there are some general signs. The devil is about a meter high, has a horse's face, and an elongated head, like a collie dog breed. The creature has a long neck, half-meter-long wings on its back, and hooves on its legs. The creature holds its front paws in front of itself. Many believe that this devil can become invisible. It is curious that there is some resemblance to the Chupacabra. The devil has been blamed for the unexplained deaths and injuries of dozens of animals. Did some eyewitnesses go crazy after meeting him? What kind of creature is this? The theories are similar to those that explain the Chupacabra. One thing is certain, something definitely scary is living in the woods near New Jersey.

Mothman. Beginning in November 1966, for 13 months, strange events occurred in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. In addition to many reports of UFO and poltergeist sightings, some witnesses reported encountering a strange creature. As stated in classic book John Keel's "The Moth Prophecy" hundreds of witnesses saw a winged humanoid. It is described as a two-meter giant with a wingspan of about three meters. His gray skin was covered with scales. Huge red eyes had a hypnotic effect. The Mothman could take off and land vertically, reaching speeds of up to 130 km/h in the air. Most often the monster consumed big dogs. The creature squealed like a rodent or like an electric motor, causing radio and television interference. Some of the eyewitnesses of the meeting with the Mothman said that they had an information channel. With his help, eyewitnesses began to receive strange predictions of the future, although very inaccurate.

Elves and fairies. IN modern society There are few people who believe in the existence of fairies and elves. Some of them are ready to swear on anything that they saw these creatures with their own eyes. In the same way, someone saw Nessie, and someone saw Bigfoot. Stories about elusive little magical creatures are quite ancient, they are found in almost every culture on Earth. The legends about elves, gnomes and trolls from Europe and Scandinavia are best known to us. These creatures have become heroes of numerous children's fairy tales. Fairies were described as tiny, ephemeral creatures with wings that lived in forests. Elves and dwarves lived there too. However, they looked like humans, differing only in their small stature. It is often claimed that they had their own civilization, hidden from our eyes. In the summer of 1919, 13-year-old Harry Anderson saw a column of 20 people walking one after another. Their path was illuminated by moonlight. They were dressed in leather pants with suspenders. The men were shirtless, bald and had pale white skin. As the creatures passed by the astonished boy, they muttered something under their breath. In Stowmarket, England in 1842, a farmer spoke of his encounter with fairies as he walked home through the meadows: “There were at least a dozen of them, the largest about a meter high. They walked hand in hand and formed a ring. They seemed made from the light. I saw them very clearly." When the man called his family to look at the fairies, they were no longer there. In past cultures, elves and fairies were considered very real, and some of their folklore has survived. Today society has become much more technologically advanced, perhaps in our imagination their place has been taken by aliens with their spaceships.

Dover demon. In April 1977, near the town of Dover in Massachusetts, a strange creature was seen several times. He was called the Dover demon. Although there have been only a few evidence of its appearance, the creature is one of the most mysterious. The monster was first encountered by 17-year-old Bill Barnett, who was driving a car late at night with his friends. Suddenly he saw something crawling along the stone wall not far from the side of the road. unusual creature. Although the other boys did not see anything unusual, they noted their friend's great shock. Just a few hours later, 15-year-old John Baxter was returning from his girlfriend's when he saw something wrapped around a tree trunk. His description matched the previous one. The final evidence came the next day, when 15-year-old Abby Brabham and his friend saw a strange creature in the headlights of a car. It was about 1.2 meters high and stood on two legs. The body was naked with rough skin. His limbs were long and thin, brown. The head was shaped like a watermelon; it was as big as the body. The monster's eyes glowed orange. Further studies of this unusual case did not provide a single piece of evidence of its reality. True, no motive for deception was found either. Skeptics suggest that teenagers could see a young moose, and ufologists prove the theory of meeting with aliens.

Loveland lizard. This creature is quite little known, because only two people saw it, albeit separately. On March 3, 1972, a police officer was driving along Riverside Avenue along the Little Miami River in Loveland, Ohio. Suddenly, on the side of the road, he saw something that looked like a dead dog. The policeman stopped to move her out of the way. As the man approached, the creature quickly stood on hind legs. It turned out that it was not a dog at all, but some kind of monster a meter high. His weight was 20-30 kilograms, his skin was all in folds, he had matted hair on his body, and a short tail. The monster's face and head looked like those of a frog or lizard. The creature looked at the man and jumped into the river. The officer reported what had happened and returned here with his partner. Evidence was immediately found - footprints on the slope that the lizard left as it rushed towards the river. This story would have been forgotten, but two weeks later another policeman saw the monster. He also stopped when he saw a strange thing in the middle of the road. And in this case, the lizard disappeared towards the river. Subsequent investigations revealed that one farmer said that he saw some large creatures, like lizards. Since then, no one has seen the lizard.

Living dinosaurs. In the movie "Park" Jurassic period"Digital technologies have been able to create a very realistic world of dinosaurs. Many are already looking forward to the time when cloning will make it possible to breed long-past inhabitants of the planet. What if dinosaurs are still alive? Maybe some of them are not extinct at all? Many people believe that this is - true for more than 200 years from the secluded forests of Africa and South America There are stories that local tribes were familiar with large creatures. Their description perfectly matches the species of sauropods and apatosaurs. The natives called them giant divers. In 1913, the German explorer Freiherr von Stein said that the pygmies told him about a strange creature called a “river plug.” It had smooth brown skin, was the size of an elephant (up to 10 meters in length), and had a long flexible neck. The animal ate plants, but could also attack people if they disturbed it. When an expedition to these tribes took place in 1980, and zoologists showed large sauropods to the natives, they recognized them as their “river plugs.” However, the testimony of illiterate tribes alone was not enough. It is assumed that the researchers were able to discover huge footprints. And in 1992, the Japanese were able to film 15 seconds of the movement of something huge in the water in these places from an airplane. There is no doubt that the search for dinosaurs in virgin forests will continue.

Jumping Jack. This creature is also called Spring-on-Heels Jack. It appeared in Victorian England. This monster is said to have attacked its victims in the dark in London in the 19th century. The victims escaped with terrible scratches, and it was impossible to catch Jack due to his truly inhuman abilities. Waitress Polly Adams, a victim of the monster, said that it tore her evening blouse, touching her stomach with iron claws. Victims paint the big picture. The creature looks like a human, but with a disgusting appearance. His claws were sharp and iron. He himself was thin, strong, tall and powerful. Jack's eyes burned, he himself knew how to spit flames out of his mouth. The monster was wearing something tight over his body, with a dark cloak on top. They said he wore some kind of helmet. And his nickname was given by the fact that he could jump to incredible heights, even jumping over walls. The attacks led to an official order from the mayor to capture the perpetrator. But all attempts to catch him were unsuccessful. Rumors of Jack's appearances continued to appear in the following decades. He scared people with his appearance and quickly disappeared. Interestingly, Jack did not kill anyone; only 18-year-old Vesa Lucy was seriously injured, after Jack breathed fire into her face. Who was this Jack? A devilishly clever maniac or a demon? Or maybe an alien? We are unlikely to ever know the answer, and Jumping Jack remains one of the most mysterious creatures of our time.

Evolution is a mystery, an incredible mystery! However, from time to time, she presents us with some very strange surprises, something like these strange creatures unusual appearance which are presented below. Not only do they look strange, but they are also creepy in themselves.

water bear

There are more than 900 species of water bears - or tardigrades - around the world, living since high mountains, ending in the depths of the oceans.

Membranous predators

These hermaphroditic creatures live anchored on sea canyon walls or to the seabed, waiting for tiny animals that might have the misfortune of getting caught in their flycatcher-like hood. These creatures produce both eggs and sperm within the same body, so they can easily reproduce themselves.

Aye-aye is a native of Madagascar who has many unusual features, such as a long, bony middle finger, like a witch's, which he uses to extract insects and larvae from tree trunks. Perhaps because of their appearance, these creatures are harbingers of death. There is a local superstition. Previously people They believed that if an aye-aye points its middle finger at you, it is an omen of death. But all this, of course, is not true. In fact, the aye-aye is a harmless and very cute animal.

Batfish - fish with red lips

Batfish found near Galapagos Islands, is quite unusual fish, especially thanks to her lips, which look like they're wearing red lipstick. In addition, these fish have a modified set of fins that allow them to “walk” across the ocean floor instead of swimming. Residents deep sea, these fish are predatory carnivores whose diet mainly consists of small fish and crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp.

Giant Japanese spider crab

This spider crab has the potential to not only grow to gigantic size- about 15 feet - but also live for more than a hundred years. The giant Japanese spider crab is largest representative crabs In Japan, these crabs are considered a delicacy.

Chimera - ghost shark

Ghost Shark or Chimera is distant relative sharks and rays. Found in oceans around the world. It is edible and can be bought at the market. And the fat of this shark was once used to lubricate weapons.

Brazilian humpback

These are small insects distinctive feature which are outgrowths of the most incredible shape located on the back. They can be in the form of horns, ridges, balls, spikes, horns, etc. These “structures” sometimes exceed the size of the humpback itself. Actually, because of them, this insect got its name.

Black dragon fish

The black dragon fish is a bioluminescent creature that has light-emitting organs throughout its body to fool predators by changing its silhouette. She also has long teeth that resemble fangs. The ghost-like fish also has bioluminescent "lights" next to each ear, which it can use to attract prey or signal to find a mate.

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The world we know is not so harmless.
After all, somewhere out there, in the dark, in forests isolated from view and in the deep depths of reservoirs, they live.
They appear unexpectedly and disappear just as unexpectedly. Frightened witnesses find themselves dumbfounded and bewildered.
Let's talk about six mystical creatures who were captured on camera


1. Bigfoot was filmed running near a lake

An ordinary family reports that they managed to capture the legendary Bigfoot on video. The Americans made this amazing discovery during their trip to Oregon.

In the presented video you can see the father of the family standing near the lake with a camera and telling his family about the area. At the same time, on the opposite bank of the reservoir, a tall dark figure is noticeable, which begins to run away through the grass to the side.

It is noteworthy that the incident took place back in July last year, and the next day the Americans uploaded this video to YouTube, but then no one was interested in it. Now cryptozoologist Nathan Griffin from Massachusetts found the old material and talked about it on his website, after which the recording finally gained popularity.

Skeptics are convinced that we're talking about about a hoax, and the video shows a man in a suit, but Griffin believes it could very well be a real Bigfoot.

2. The corpse of an unknown creature was found in a Siberian mine

On March 8, 2017, Siberian miners completely accidentally made amazing find
Miners dug up an incomprehensible, creepy creature in the sands of a diamond mine. Many local miners believe that this is the corpse of an animal unknown to science.

But skeptics on the World Wide Web have suggested that we are talking about the remains of a young wolverine, and the corpse was simply deformed under the influence of sand and time.

The remains found by the Siberians actually somewhat resemble a mammal of the mustelid family. Impressive sharp fangs and an elongated skull indicate that this monster was a carnivore. However, the creature has an excessively long body for a wolverine, and its legs are too short and powerful.

Several zoologists who previously examined the corpse reported that they had never seen such animals before. Although experts do not rule out that it could be a mutant or some kind of mythical Chupacabra.

The corpse of a mysterious animal was dug up in the Udachnaya mine in the Mirny district of Yakutia. In this area there are many diamond-bearing sands that were here back in the Mesozoic era.

Thus, the age of the mummy of the mysterious monster could be two hundred million years. Was it really possible that chupacabras penetrated our world in those distant times?..

3. The Jersey Devil Was Photographed in Pennsylvania

The Jersey Devil represents the mythical American monster, allegedly living in the wooded Pine Barrens area of ​​southern New Jersey. Numerous eyewitnesses describe the cryptid as an upright creature measuring one to two meters in height.

6. The legendary Mothman was photographed again in the USA

The Mothman is a mysterious creature that has been repeatedly spotted in the vicinity of the American city of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, since the sixties of the last century.

According to eyewitnesses, this cryptid resembles a two-meter-tall man with short, ashy-colored hair. The monster’s legs are similar to human ones, on the shoulders of the amazing creature there are two huge wings with a span of at least three meters, resembling the wings of a bat.

One more distinctive feature The Mothman has two large, glowing red eyes that can hypnotize people. The creature cannot speak, but is capable of producing a piercing sound that has something in common with a heart-rending female scream.

The Mothman has been photographed several times. One of these photographs was taken in January 1967, a few months before the Silver Bridge collapsed in Point Pleasant.

An eyewitness saw a winged creature sitting on the bridge and took a photograph of it. And in December of the same year, the bridge collapsed, killing forty-six people. Researchers suggest that mysterious creature became a harbinger of disaster.

Based on this tragedy, the mystical thriller “The Mothman Prophecies” was even filmed in 2002.
A resident of Point Pleasant managed to get new photos of the legendary cryptid.

A man was returning to the city in the evening along local highway number two and suddenly noticed a large “animal” jumping from one tree to another. The American grabbed his camera, ran out of the car and took three photos, capturing a fantastic creature against the dark sky. It was clearly a humanoid creature with wings.

The man quickly contacted journalists from a local TV channel and provided them with these images. The incident and its coverage became something of a sensation in Point Pleasant, as the Mothman had not been seen there for many years.

Residents of the city are both proud of their mythical monster and afraid of it: although the cryptid does not attack anyone, accidents often occur where it is noticed.

Is the Mothman really prophesying something evil again now?...

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It seems that in our time everything has been studied far and wide, but over time our planet presents us with more and more surprises. Today, people know about 15% of all living organisms on our planet, and 85% remain a mystery to us.
Sometimes, having discovered the corpses of unknown animals, science comes to a dead end and cannot explain what kind of creature it is and where it came from. Sometimes, of course, it happens that these “corpses” are just falsifications and are made in order to increase their own popularity, and sometimes just for fun.

October 24, 1924 near the city of Margita in South Africa local residents witnessed an unusual sight. In the ocean, not far from the shore, two completely ordinary killer whales fought with a huge strange creature of milky white color, whose body was completely covered with thick fur. One of the eyewitnesses later said that the creature vaguely resembled a “polar polar bear”, although it had fins and a whale’s tail. The animal used this tail for attack - first the animal attacked the killer whales, jumping out of the water to a height of about six meters, and then hit them with its tail.

The white giant was defeated in the battle. In the evening of the same day, his bloodless carcass washed ashore. It turned out to be even larger than it seemed at first: the body length was about 14 m in length, three m in width and 1.5 m in diameter. The length of the tail was three meters and was shaped like a lobster's tail, and the body was actually covered with thick fur 20 cm long. Instead of a nose, the creature had a trunk similar to an elephant's, 1.5 m long and 14 cm in diameter. The creature was named Trunko.

But bad luck - eyewitnesses examined the body, measured it and told everyone about it. But scientists never saw the unknown monster, despite the fact that the carcass lay on the shore for ten whole days until the tide dragged it back into the ocean. Hoax? Speculation of ordinary people? Not at all.

In 1924, information about a strange creature was published in several reputable newspapers, but the case did not attract public attention. People talked about it a little and forgot about it for many years. But in 2007, cryptozoologist Markus Hemmler published photographs of Trunko that he found in a newspaper archive, which confirmed that the case really took place. Careful analysis of the photographs revealed that Trunco ​​was just a globster - a massive, tough "bag" of fat and skin containing collagen. This sometimes happens to dead whales: when a whale dies, its skull and skeleton separate from the body and fall to the ground. seabed, and the remains remain “drifting” in the ocean. As for the battle with killer whales, they could simply eat the corpse.

Unfortunately, often the solution to the mystery is the most mundane - as, for example, it was in this case.


In October 1932, two gold miners, Cecil Main and Frank Carr, were searching for gold in the San Pedro Mountains. During the blasting work, a cave that was clearly man-made suddenly opened before their eyes: the walls and ceiling were reinforced with beams hardened over time. The cave was small: only 1.2 m in height and width and 4.5 m in length. But that’s not what’s strange: the fact is that the cave turned out to be “inhabited.”

To tell the truth, the “owner” of the cave was dead. And to be even more precise, he was a mummy. At the far wall, in the lotus position, with his arms crossed, sat on a small ledge a tiny man who, no doubt, had once been alive. The height of the mummy did not exceed 17 cm in a sitting position, therefore, if the mummy had been possible to straighten, the height of the man would have been no more than 35 cm. The mummy was preserved so well that the prospectors were able to examine it in great detail: a flat skull, bulging eyes with heavy centuries, flat nose, thin lips and a wide mouth, brown wrinkled skin... Even flat nails on thin elongated fingers were visible.

The prospectors removed the man from the cave and took him to the nearest city, Casper, where the mummy immediately fell into the hands of researchers. In honor of the mountains where she was found, she was given the name Pedro. The mummified remains were carefully studied for many years, and in 1950, X-rays were taken, which clearly showed a well-preserved skeleton and internal organs, very reminiscent of human ones. It is noteworthy that the creature’s fangs were disproportionately large in relation to all other parts of the body.

An anthropologist from the American Museum of Natural History, Henry Shapiro, carefully examined both the mummy and the photographs, and concluded that the death of the creature was unlikely to be natural - some bones were broken, and dried blood was found on the head. Consequently, someone killed the creature, or it was involved in a terrible accident and received injuries incompatible with life. Pedro was apparently about 65 years old at the time of his death.
True, other theories also appeared later: for example, it could have been the body of a child from some unknown Indian tribe. This hypothesis is supported by the second find made in the same places - a woman’s mummy ten cm in height. The researchers again suggested that it was an infant. But babies don’t have such teeth - strong, healthy and with disproportionately long fangs.

Science has not given any answers, since both Pedro and his “girlfriend” were bought by an unknown businessman in the 1960s, and since then no one has ever seen the mummies. Now a reward of ten thousand dollars has been announced for them. But the Indians who inhabit those places have their own version, in whose folklore there are many legends about tribes of little men who inhabited America in time immemorial. Legends say that these little men were harmful and evil creatures, and when they grew old, their fellow tribesmen simply hit them on the head with a stone so that they would not eat food in vain. And all these legends arose long before prospectors found Pedro’s mummy in the mountains.

Persian princess from Balochistan

On October 19, 2000, a strange mummy was discovered in Baluchistan. Oddly enough, it was sold on the local black market for the fabulous sum of $20 million and would probably have fallen into the hands not of scientists, but of some wealthy lover of antiquities, if a certain Ali Akbar had not sent Pakistani scientists a videotape where the mysterious remains were shown in all the details.

Further - more. Akbar was found, he testified, and the police arrived for the mummy in the city of Kharan. The mummy was discovered in the house of Wali Mohammed Riki, who explained that the mummy was “gifted” to him by the Iranian Sharif Shah Bahi, who accidentally discovered the corpse near Queta after the earthquake.

The story itself would be quite ordinary - a mummy is like a mummy, in Egypt, for example, there are many of these. However, careful research made it possible to establish the identity of the mummified woman - it turned out that her name was Rodugune, she was the daughter of King Xerxes I of Persia from the Achaemenid dynasty. The information was obtained after deciphering the inscription on the golden crown that rested on the princess’s head. In addition, initially the mummy was in a gilded coffin, and the embalming mixture was not cheap - wax and honey.

Rodugune died 2,600 years ago, and it seemed a great success that the remains were so perfectly preserved. In addition, it was previously believed that the Persians did not embalm the dead. In this regard, there was a stir in scientific circles. But the problem is that the ancient princess turned out to be fake. Professor Ahmad Dani, after a careful study of the remains, found out that “Rodugune” died only in 1996 at the age of 20 - the young woman was first killed and then made the subject of speculation. The real identity of the "princess" has not yet been established, and since she does not represent scientific interest, according to the laws of human morality, she should have been buried, but due to bureaucratic intrigues, the body still rests in some Pakistani morgue.

Baby mammoth Lyuba

Lyuba was found by reindeer herder Yuri Khudi in May 2007 in Yamal. In permafrost conditions, the baby mammoth carcass was perfectly preserved, and it was possible to transfer it to scientists without any damage - even the internal organs, fur and eyes remained intact, not to mention the skin and fur. The find allowed us to learn a lot about mammoths, their life and structural features.

The little mammoth died 42 thousand years ago. Then, according to DNA analysis, she was only a month old. Lyuba weighed 50 kg, reached 85 cm in height, and 1.3 m in length. Remnants of mother’s milk were preserved in the animal’s stomach, and feces were preserved in the intestines.

It is noteworthy that the baby mammoth died, apparently as a result of a fatal accident: it got stuck in the mud and could not get out, and subsequently suffocated. Scientists made this conclusion because the animal’s body was in perfect condition - there were no signs of disease or physical damage. In addition, Lyuba’s DNA is also perfectly preserved, and thanks to this, it is possible to someday clone a mammoth.

Montauk monster

The corpse of a mysterious animal was discovered on one of the American beaches in the summer of 2008. The body was found by four young men walking along Ditch Beach near East Hampton, New York. They were unable to identify the type of animal, and then, of course, the case was transferred to scientists. They, however, also could not immediately identify him. There was absolutely no hair on the body, the skin was smooth and thick, and the shape of the muzzle did not suit any animal living in these places.

But the story was quickly picked up by local newspapers. There were many versions of the origin and type of the creature: they said that it was simply the remains of a strange sea turtle, or even a raccoon. Or maybe a water rat, a coyote, a dog, a feral cat... A more fantastic version in the spirit of Stephen King’s novels said that this was a mutant who escaped from the Animal Disease Research Center, on whom insidious scientists experimented, did not keep track, and now deny their involvement to history. They even promised a reward of several thousand dollars for such a monster alive. True, no one else has ever found anything like it - neither alive nor dead.

However, this one monster also disappeared quite quickly - after scientists got hold of the carcass, the public had to be content with a few photographs taken by journalists. Based on the same photographs, the animal was eventually officially declared an ordinary raccoon - the body could have decomposed and swollen in the water beyond recognition, and the lack of hair can also be explained by exposure to water.

Panamanian monster

In September 2009, near the Panamanian city of Cerro Azul, children playing on the shore of a lake discovered a strange hairless creature. The children in Panama, apparently, were not timid - they stoned the animal, and later explained their action by saying that the animal crawled out of the cave and crawled towards them. After killing the animal, the children took photographs of it and threw the corpse into the water.

The photographs show that the animal's muzzle was disgusting in appearance, and its limbs were disproportionately long. Moreover, in shape these limbs resembled exactly human hands, only unusually thin.

One way or another, the body was pulled out of the lake a few days later and handed over to scientists. As a result of DNA analysis, it was found that it was just a sloth. It is not clear, however, what the sloth was doing in the cave, why there was no fur on his body, and why the shape of his body was so strange. This can be partly explained by the effect of water on the body, but why then did the corpse move, as the children said? However, the children could have exaggerated.
However, the official version is simple - it was a sloth.

Canadian monster

In May 2010, two women were walking with their dog along the shore of one of the lakes in the Canadian province of Ontario. Suddenly the dog broke off the leash and ran somewhere. The women followed her and saw that the dog was sniffing the body of a strange small animal the size of a large water rat. Eyewitnesses were frightened, took photographs of the body and hurried to leave the scene.
The picture, as usual, was published on the Internet and attracted the attention of researchers. Analysis of the image showed that the muzzle of the dead animal was somewhat unusual for a water rat or warthog: although the tail was “rat-like,” the fangs in the animal’s mouth were long for a rat and protruded strongly forward, and there was no hair on the muzzle at all. It’s a pity that when the group of researchers found themselves on the shore of that lake, there was already no trace of the animal’s body.
Where science fails, legends come into play. In the folklore of some American Indian tribes there are references to omajinaakoos (in literal translation this word means "freak"). The habitat of the legendary “freak” is the swamps of Canada. According to legend, whoever finds the body of this creature will soon be befallen by terrible misfortunes. However, given the fact that both women and their dog are still okay, it remains to be assumed that it was, after all, a dead rat or mink whose body was damaged by water.