Online calculator for determining the sex of a child. Calculators. Chinese method of sex determination

In the life of every woman, sooner or later there comes a moment when she wants to give life to another person. It is generally accepted that it is possible to determine pregnancy only from the first day of absence of menstruation, but is this true? After all to the expectant mother Can’t wait to find out if this long-awaited pregnancy has arrived?

Mom or not? Early pregnancy

For some women, this expectation becomes a miracle, and for others it turns into an insurmountable fear, so the ability to diagnose pregnancy in its early stages is always relevant. If the long-awaited miracle happened, what to do next?

For the expectant mother the best option is registration at the clinic in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case, the likelihood of its successful course is much higher, because every day spent in the womb is important for the future child.

If pregnancy is undesirable for a woman, then abortion should be done, as is known, at early stages(from the first day of delay until 10 days after it).

Is it even possible to determine early pregnancy and how? At least once in her life a woman asked herself these questions. And, of course, the answer was always the same: yes, it can be determined. What should you do in this case?

The female body is a delicate and precise system that begins to change with the onset of the first day of pregnancy. It is these changes that can tell the expectant mother about the presence or absence of “ interesting situation».

Modifications in the functioning of the body after conception

The state of pregnancy is directly related to the course of the menstrual cycle, and this connection is indicative for a woman. It is not for nothing that the cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation, since it is during this period that the birth of the egg occurs. Its development continues from 14 (with a cycle of 28 days) to 17–18 days (with a cycle of 35 days), after which the adult egg is ready for fertilization.

With unprotected sex, conception occurs. The fertilized egg grows into the wall of the uterus and continues to actively develop.

Of course, these are not all the preparatory processes that occur in the female body for conception. Against the background of the maturation of the egg, the endometrium softens, and the follicle that produced the egg is transformed into corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone.

These internal changes affect the rectal temperature, which rises to 37 ° C, which is the most optimal temperature body for the development of pregnancy. The body arrives in this state within one week.

If the process of conception does not occur, then everything returns to normal:
  • the corpus luteum stops developing;
  • exfoliated endometrium comes out along with menstruation;
  • Rectal temperature decreases.

The menstrual cycle begins again.

But what to do if fertilization does occur? The egg, fertilized by the most active sperm, continues its movement through the fallopian tube. Having not yet reached the womb of the uterus, the egg begins the process of division and development of the future fetus. After approximately 7 days, autointrusion of the fertilized egg into the uterus occurs, after which the fetal membrane begins to actively produce the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, thanks to which conception can be diagnosed.

Pregnancy test or self-diagnosis

ate (10 days) after the process of conception itself.

Most often, a woman begins to suspect her “interesting situation” only when her period is delayed.

It is impossible to determine pregnancy until the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus.

Until its introduction into the uterus, the egg has no contact with the mother's body. That is, the female body itself is not yet aware of its own pregnancy, so no changes simply occur.

But constantly running to doctors is far from the most suitable option. Today, more convenient methods for calculating pregnancy are available, including in the early stages, and of course not without the help of the same human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG hormone). Every woman can easily purchase a pregnancy test at a pharmacy. They may differ from each other appearance, packaging color, price, but built on the same operating principle. Detection of pregnancy using a test occurs on the principle of detecting this same hormone, hCG, in the urine.

So from what day of conception is it possible to determine pregnancy using a test?

The tests are usually designed to be carried out on the first day of the delay, but there are also tests with greater sensitivity (and therefore higher cost) that can detect pregnancy several days before the delay.

Of course, when choosing to determine pregnancy using a test, it is worth considering the possibility of error before contacting antenatal clinic, several tests should be done. There should be a short break of 2 days between procedures.

Pregnancy and basal temperature

In addition to the pregnancy test, you can use other methods for calculating the “interesting position”, for example, measuring rectal temperature. The procedure is not the most pleasant, but every woman can do it.

Measuring basal temperature is quite a troublesome task, but reliable, since it has been tested by more than one generation of women in labor.

It is recommended to carry out this procedure before the start of pregnancy, that is, 2–3 months (60–90 days) before the expected date of conception, in order to identify the peculiarities of the behavior of your own body. The measurement procedure is quite simple, but it must be done strictly following all the rules, otherwise the effectiveness of this method is reduced to zero.

Of course, this method should not be used as a basis, but as an auxiliary tool in detecting pregnancy, measuring rectal temperature is suitable for absolutely all women. It should be remembered that the temperature rises only during ovulation and falls after it ends. If basal temperature remains elevated, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

A pregnancy test is a device that allows you to easily and quickly determine the presence of pregnancy at home. Express tests are easy to use, but there are nuances that affect the reliability of the result.

How many days after conception does the test show pregnancy?

All types of rapid tests, be it a strip test, cassette, inkjet or digital, operate on the same principle: responding to the hCG hormone produced during pregnancy.

There is no point in doing a pregnancy test after conception: the production of hCG begins after implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. And this happens 6-10 days after fertilization.

Rapid tests differ not only in the complexity of their design and ease of use, but also in the level of sensitivity. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly on what day the test shows pregnancy: it depends on the ability of the selected rapid test to capture a certain amount of hCG in urine.

Will the test show pregnancy before the delay? It is possible that inkjet and tablet tests, with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml, can detect pregnancy 5 days before the expected menstrual date. Rapid tests with a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml can be used 2-3 days before the expected menstruation.

Test strips with a sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml indicate pregnancy 14 days after ovulation or from the first day of a missed period. The popular Clearblue digital test, which can determine not only the presence but also the duration of pregnancy, has similar sensitivity, so it is not advisable to do it before a missed period.

When to take a pregnancy test

It is optimal to carry out the procedure immediately after the first morning urination - at this time the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine is highest.

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test during the day?

It is possible, but using a rapid test in the daytime or evening, especially if the test is not ultrasensitive, is fraught with a false negative result.

How to use a pregnancy test

Express pregnancy tests come with detailed instructions which must be followed strictly.

  • The urine sample must be freshly collected. It is advisable that at least 4 hours have passed since the previous urination.
  • The urine collection container, if required for the test, must be clean.
  • It is important that the urine comes into contact only with the areas of the test intended for this and no longer than the time specified in the instructions (usually 5 seconds for jet tests and 10-15 seconds for test strips).
  • The surface on which the rapid test is placed must be dry. Do not expose the test to direct sunlight.
  • The result must be assessed within the time period specified in the instructions. A barely noticeable second stripe that appears after this period is not a sign of pregnancy.
  • To clarify the result, it is recommended to repeat the test. How soon should I take the second pregnancy test? The level of hCG in the body of the expectant mother during a normally developing intrauterine pregnancy grows rapidly, therefore an interval of a couple of days between the tests is sufficient.

Pregnancy test - result evaluation

Interpreting the results of a digital express test does not pose any difficulties: a positive result will be indicated by the corresponding inscription, a plus sign or a cheerful emoticon. But tests that produce different combinations of stripes confuse some.

  • If only a line appears in the control zone, it means there is no pregnancy.
  • If both the test and control lines appear, then there is a pregnancy.
  • The appearance of a dim strip in the test zone and a bright control strip is interpreted as pregnancy (very early or ectopic).
  • If only a stripe appears in the test zone or if none of the stripes appear, the test is considered invalid.
  • The appearance of a faint line in the test zone after the time allotted for evaluating the results in the instructions is not regarded as pregnancy.

False negative pregnancy test results - reasons

  • Pregnancy is too short, drinking too much or taking diuretics on the eve of the procedure.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, anembryony, non-developing pregnancy.
  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Expired, damaged, poor quality test.

False positive pregnancy test - reasons

  • Trophoblastic disease.
  • Taking medications containing hCG to combat infertility.
  • Recent childbirth or termination of pregnancy.
  • Ovarian cystoma.
  • Failure to comply with the rules specified in the instructions.
  • Poor quality, damaged, expired test.


Ultrasensitive pregnancy tests are informative 7-9 days after conception; it is reasonable to use classic test strips no earlier than two weeks after the expected fertilization.

It is important to exclude diseases that can distort the results, and also to strictly follow the instructions included with the rapid test.

Valeria My husband and I are planning to have a child. Last month, I had unprotected sexual intercourse. Tell me, on what day after conception can I take a pregnancy test?

If you know the date of expected conception, then you can test for pregnancy ten days after intercourse. To obtain reliable results, it is recommended to use tests with a sensitivity of 10 milligrams. As a rule, fertilization of the egg occurs 7-10 days after conception. It is on these days that the hormone gonadotropin begins to be released in the woman’s body. However, the concentration of hCG in urine in early pregnancy is low, so to ensure the reliability of the results, home testing is recommended for several days in a row.

If you are planning a pregnancy, you can use the test already on the 10th, 14th and 16th day after unprotected intercourse, as well as in the first days of missed menstruation. Testing is best done in the morning, when the concentration of gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine reaches highest level. Already on the 7th day after ovulation, the process of fertilization of the egg occurs, and tests with a sensitivity of 10 milligrams can show pregnancy with an accuracy of 99%.

Please note that even a faintly colored second line on the test in most cases indicates that pregnancy has occurred. However, if you have been practicing unprotected sexual intercourse throughout your entire cycle, and testing shows a negative result, you should not be upset. Repeat the test after your period is missed. The fact is that each woman’s body is individual, and the likelihood of receiving erroneous results when testing in the early stages of pregnancy is quite common. Therefore, do not worry if the test does not show pregnancy on the 7th or 10th day after ovulation or the expected date of conception. Maybe, good news awaits you a little later. According to statistics, in women with a regular menstrual cycle, the test shows a positive result within a week after conception. The main thing is to believe, and the long-awaited pregnancy will definitely come!

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Thanks to the fact that at one time they were invented tests for early pregnancy detection , a woman can receive a positive result long before the happy news is confirmed by a gynecologist. You can be sure that you are pregnant already in the first weeks after conception. If you use the test correctly, you can get the most accurate result.

But for this you need to know exactly how to do the test, which one to buy, when to do it and when you can find out about pregnancy. All the features of rapid pregnancy diagnostics, as well as how to choose best test which ones are best to use in a certain period and how to understand the result are described in this article.

How does it work?

The mechanism of all pregnancy tests is the same: they determine whether a woman’s urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin hormone(HCG) , which begins to be produced in the body after the embryo attaches to the uterus. That is, when conducting a test, the result appears when hCG appears in a woman’s urine after conception.

Positive result “two stripes” in the photo

Women are always interested in when the test will show the exact result. It should be taken into account that the amount of hCG after conception increases every day, but immediately after fertilization, only specialists can determine that a woman managed to become pregnant by conducting a special study of venous blood. In this way, you can get a positive result five days earlier than any of the tests will show 2 strips. Sometimes in the first days after conception, the 2nd stripe is barely visible - this depends on the level of sensitivity.

For most rapid tests, the sensitivity level starts at 25 mUI hCG. Sensitivity on some is indicated by 10 mUI hCG, but there is no evidence of this. According to many pharmacists, such sensitive tests are just an advertising ploy. It can also be considered a publicity stunt that the rapid test supposedly has the highest probability of detecting pregnancy even before a delay with an accuracy of 99%. Moreover, their price is quite high.

How to do it?

When to take a pregnancy test is determined by each woman independently. But at the same time, it is important to know when you can take a pregnancy test so that it correctly shows the exact result. The answer to the question of when it is better to take a pregnancy test after conception depends on whether it is regular or not. menstrual cycle in a woman. The corresponding number of days is counted after ovulation , so it depends on when to do the test.

After a delay

If you need to determine whether there is a pregnancy after a delay, then on what day the test is done does not matter, since the presence of hCG in the urine can be diagnosed already from the first day of the delay. In any case, test manufacturers, when answering the question of how long after a pregnancy test can be taken, claim exactly this. But in fact, experts say that pregnancy should be determined a week after the delay, that is, after the expected day of the onset of menstruation. At what delay the test accurately determines pregnancy also depends on the level of its sensitivity.

Before the delay

However, many women still rush to take a pregnancy test before the delay, choosing highly sensitive samples that have good reviews. However, it should be noted that even the most sensitive test before the delay may not always show the correct result. After all, it is important to correctly determine when testing can be done before the delay, so that even before the delay, the reliability of the result is high.

For example, if a woman has a regular cycle of 28 days, then if the procedure is done on the 23rd day of the cycle, even a sensitive jet before the delay will not detect pregnancy, since there will not be a sufficient level of hCG in the blood. Whether pregnancy will be indicated before the delay on the 26th day of the cycle also depends on the day of fertilization and the duration of the cycle, etc.

With a regular menstrual cycle

It is with her that the reaction occurs when the pregnancy test shows. That is, when a pregnancy test shows a result, this is due to the fact that the hormone contained in a woman’s urine reacts to the impregnation of the strip. As a result, a second line quickly appears on the test.


The test is easy to do: you need to take a clean container and collect some urine in it. The strip is lowered into the urine with the tip to the mark indicated on it and held for 10 seconds. It is necessary to lower the strip on the desired side. Evaluation of the result takes from 1 to 10 minutes. Whether the second strip will show in the first minute depends on the hCG level: the lower it is, the later the second strip appears.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.




It’s not very convenient to use, it can make mistakes, and it won’t show until there’s a delay.

Modern strip tests

  • Evitest №1
  • FRAUTEST Express
  • Eve (can be determined from 1 day of delay)
  • Secret
  • BBtest
  • Femitest Practical
  • Femitest Practical Ultra
  • Itest Plus

Tablet test

Produced in a special box with two window openings.

Tablet (cassette) - Evitest Proof

Works like a strip test. Also included is a pipette and a container for collecting urine.


The first step is to drop 4 drops of urine into the first window. After 1-10 min. in the second, 1 or 2 stripes appear.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.


Inexpensive, the result is easy to determine.


There are a lot of steps to take to get done.

Modern tablet tests

  • Evitest Proof
  • LadyTest-C
  • Frautest Expert
  • Sezam
  • Clearblue
  • KnowNow Optima
  • Femitest Handy

Jet test

The name itself determines the principle of action: it can be done by placing it under a stream of urine.

Inkjet testing method - Frautest Exclusive

It is important that those who use Frautest , the instructions for use were strictly followed. Although sensitivity Frautesta and others of the same type are very high, Frautest Exclusive may show a negative result if used incorrectly.


Place the tip with the filter under a stream of urine or in a container with it for 10 seconds. After this, 1 or 2 stripes appear in a special hole after 1-10 minutes.


Can detect hCG in urine as early as 5 days before the delay. When asked whether the test may not show pregnancy if conception has occurred, the answer is negative. The jet test will show pregnancy before the delay, as well as in the first days of the delay.


Convenient use, accuracy.


The price of a jet pregnancy test is high.

Modern inkjet tests

  • Frautest Comfort
  • Evitest Perfect
  • Frautest Exclusive
  • Femitest Jet Ultra
  • Clearblue
  • Clear View
  • Duet

Electronic test

It is also called a digital pregnancy test.

Electronic verification method - Clearblue

Reviews from experts indicate that this is the most modern rapid test.


You need to lower the test end with the filter into the urine and hold it until it is soaked. You can evaluate it in three minutes. If the result is positive, the word " pregnancy" or the "+" sign.


Shows pregnancy 4 days before the delay. Thanks to high precision shows 99% correct result 2 days before the date of menstruation.


If we evaluate the sensitivity of pregnancy tests, then it is the electronic test that has the highest sensitivity. There is no need to ask which are the most sensitive electronic tests, since they all have high sensitivity.


The price of an electronic pregnancy test is very high. How much such a test costs depends on the manufacturer, but on average the cost is about 400 rubles.

Pregnancy test Clearblue (the so-called “blue” test), despite its high cost, is very popular. If you are using an electronic Clearblue If the instructions are followed, the result will be as accurate as possible. However, this pregnancy test, the instructions for use of which indicates that the resulting inscription on Clea Blue disappears after some time, the woman will not be able to keep it as a souvenir as the first certificate of pregnancy. Nevertheless, Clearblue is now popular.

Reusable digital tests

Latest invention - test with USB connector , which you can connect to your computer and see the result.

The kit includes 20 cartridges treated with a reagent that reacts to the presence of hCG in urine. With this test you can check whether conception has occurred 21 times.


Shows the result 4 days before the delay.


If you choose such a test, it can be used many times. Some tests can also check your gestational age. But the time of conception can be determined with 92% accuracy.


It is currently very difficult to purchase replacement cartridges.

Negative pregnancy test

A pressing question for many women is whether the test can be negative during pregnancy? Patients often ask doctors whether a rapid test can not show pregnancy.

Why the test does not show a delay in pregnancy may be explained by the fact that the woman is using it very early . After all, some of the tests are not so sensitive.

In some cases, a woman who wants to get pregnant begins to check the “situation” too early, long before her expected period. For example, if you start testing on the 25th day of the cycle, then at this time the hCG in the blood has not yet reached the desired level. Even if a woman has a 25-day cycle, when you can get pregnant depends on the day of ovulation, so if the value is negative, you should check the result after some time. The woman decides which test to choose. But it is important to consider that negative value It is also possible if it is used incorrectly.

Thus, the reasons for a negative test during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • Testing too early.
  • Disorders in a woman's body.
  • Incorrect application of the test.

False Positives

The appearance of two stripes in the absence of pregnancy is possible:

  • During the first two months after birth.
  • During development ovarian dysfunction .
  • In case hormone-producing tumor .
  • If a test is used that has expired.

Are the results reliable if testing is done during menstruation?

Another pressing question is whether it is possible to do it during menstruation pregnancy testing? After all, sometimes a woman’s periods continue even after conception, so such an analysis is very relevant.

Menstrual blood does not affect testing, so how much a pregnancy test shows the result does not depend on menstruation. Rest assured that even if the procedure is done using blood-stained urine, the results will not be affected. This means that during pregnancy two bright stripes will appear.

Results for ectopic pregnancy

If , the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus. However, the body still produces hCG. But in this case, hCG grows slowly, and sometimes is absent altogether. That is, the usual rapid test for ectopic pregnancy shows 2 stripes. In this case, the second stripe may be barely noticeable, blurry, when compared with the one that appears during normal pregnancy. When taking a pregnancy test, you need to take into account what day it will show the result for an ectopic pregnancy: the second line appears only after a delay has occurred. What day the pregnancy test will show depends on the day of conception and the individual characteristics of the female body.

There is a special test Inexscreen , which, a few weeks after the delay, makes it possible to suspect that the pregnancy is ectopic. Its action is based on the determination of the modified isoform that is part of hCG. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, this figure is much higher than the 10% that is observed during a normal pregnancy.

Results for frozen pregnancy

Positive or negative when frozen pregnancy the test result will depend on the time when it was carried out. So, if two clear stripes initially appeared, then, after a few days, one stripe became fuzzy, and a few days later one stripe disappeared completely, you can suspect that the pregnancy has stopped. In this case, it is important to immediately visit a specialist who will determine how to check the result in this situation.

Whether a gynecologist can determine pregnancy before a delay in this case depends on the research methods.

What to do next if the result is questionable?

Regardless of which day of the cycle the test is taken, it may ultimately be questionable. This is often evidenced by the reviews that women write on each thematic forum.

Doubts arise if it is not clear how many stripes have appeared. Sometimes the second stripe is difficult to see, it is somehow blurry and indistinct. This happens in the following cases:

  • Low levels of hCG in the body are associated with women’s health problems.
  • A test that is no longer suitable for use (it may not work due to its expiration date or damage).
  • The desire to see exactly two stripes (“I’m afraid I’m not pregnant”). Often a woman notices indirect signs - nausea, weight loss - and assures herself that she is pregnant.

What is the probability that a woman is pregnant can only be confirmed. Can a blood test for hCG be wrong? in this case the answer is negative.

But you can still repeat the test after taking a 2-3-day break - do it, for example, on the 31st day of the cycle, if menstruation usually begins on the 28th day. The second or third attempt will be successful.

Which tests “cheat” most often?

No matter how much manufacturers claim that their products are almost 100% effective, some of the tests we do still show unreliable results.

According to the observations of many women, the most common false negative and positive results are shown by the following tests:

  • Faith Test (its sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml);
  • Bebicek
  • Mon Ami
  • Bee-Sure
  • rest assured


What to do if positive test already before the woman’s eyes, it depends only on her. Many expectant mothers, even those for whom pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, do not know what to do next when they see two stripes. In fact, you need to calm down and rejoice. Regardless of which week the test you choose shows pregnancy, there is still a lot of time ahead. Now it’s important not to be nervous, to practice healthy eating and the right way of life. And also - visit a doctor to confirm the good news and receive important recommendations.

After numerous studies and procedures, women who have resorted to in vitro fertilization are eagerly awaiting the coveted lines on the test. In anticipation of a miracle, they sincerely consider themselves pregnant in the first hours after the transplantation, experiencing all the signs of conception. But nausea and chest pain do not always indicate the success of the procedure. To avoid disappointment and sometimes a serious psychological blow, expectant mothers need to know on what day after embryo transfer the test will show pregnancy.

The procedure for transferring embryos into the uterine cavity is the final stage of the IVF technique. It is completely painless and lasts no more than 5 minutes.

Most often, replanting is performed in the morning. To carry out the procedure, a woman needs to sit in a gynecological chair and relax. Then the doctor, using a catheter on which a tuberculin syringe is attached, will begin to inject embryos into the uterine cavity. The doctor controls all his actions using ultrasound. After the transplantation has taken place, the released catheter is examined by an embryologist: he must make sure that all prepared embryos have entered the uterus.

The success of the manipulation depends on many factors:

  • Careful removal of cervical mucus;
  • Viability of grown embryos;
  • Catheter softness;
  • Doctor's professionalism.

IN special cases a double transfer is prescribed, which is performed twice: on days 2 and 5 or on days 3 and 6 from the moment the embryos begin to develop. This procedure greatly increases the chances that the implantation will be successful. However, it is she who is sometimes the “culprit” for the occurrence of multiple or ectopic pregnancies.

How does the hCG level increase after the transfer?

A successful pregnancy after cryotransfer is indicated by chronic gonadotropin, or rather, its intensive growth in a woman’s biological fluids - blood and urine. Its increased amount can be determined using the same techniques as during natural conception. It's about about a home test and laboratory blood test for hCG.

It should immediately be noted that the intensity of hormone growth also depends on when fertilization of the egg occurs before its introduction into the uterine cavity. The fact is that each woman has her own cryoprotocol, according to which embryos of different “ages” are prepared for transfer: three days or five days. After embryo transfer, hCG is calculated on a daily basis, because the amount of the hormone should double daily.

Pink indicates the period when you can start testing after insemination. Violet indicates days when it makes sense to do testing after IVF.

So, after introducing three-day-olds into the uterine cavity, in some women tests may show a ghost strip by 12 days after the procedure. While after transfer of a 5-day embryo, home diagnostics can work a little earlier: by 8-10 days. At the same time, in “five-day” women, the second stripe on the home diagnostic device will by this time be clearly visible, and sometimes similar in color to the first.

However, you need to understand that home diagnostic tests are only additional ways determining the success of the fertilization procedure and serve rather as psychological support for the woman.

A reliable result during this period can only be guaranteed by a laboratory test of blood, in which the concentration of hCG is significantly higher than in the urine. Moreover, this analysis will determine the number of implanted embryos and their location in the uterus. A blood test is ordered by day 14 after transplantation.

When to take a pregnancy test after IVF

Doctors who deal with IVF issues unanimously agree that the test after embryo transfer should be done no earlier than two weeks after the procedure. By this time, all artificial hormones will “leave” the woman’s body, and home diagnostics will be reliable: the test will react to the concentration of only the hCG that is secreted by the implanted fetus.

However, women who have been pursuing their cherished goal for so long are often unable to withstand such a long period of time, in their opinion, and begin diagnostics in advance. Doing this most often makes no sense, but some expectant mothers claim that they saw the coveted second stripe even before the due date indicated by the doctors. Let's consider how possible such a situation is, and whether it is always true.

What result will the test show?

After embryo transfer, a pregnancy test can show three results:

  • Positive;
  • Weakly positive (ghost stripe);
  • Negative.

Moreover, all three values ​​can change every day after refilling. Thus, successful “five-day pregnancy” in one woman can manifest itself already on the 9th or 10th day, while in other expectant mothers a positive result will appear only on the 13th day. All these, at first glance, contradictions can be explained by the characteristics of a particular female body, as well as the speed of implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity.

In addition, do not forget that after IVF, the test, just like during normal conception, can only respond to pregnancy at a certain concentration of hCG in the urine. Therefore, if the egg is implanted in the uterus a little later than the expected period, then the amount of the hormone has not yet reached such a level that it can be detected by the test even on the 10th day after embryo transfer. Therefore, such early diagnosis is not informative. After all, if on the 11th day after embryo transfer the test is negative, this does not exclude the appearance of a second stripe on it by the 14th knock.

Separately, you need to dwell on a weakly positive result, when on days 8-13 after the transfer the test shows a barely visible second line. This development may be due to two reasons:

  • Late embryo attachment.

The first reason is extremely dangerous, so if within a few days the faint line does not become brighter, and the woman begins to experience pain, she should immediately consult a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound to exclude the development of the fetus outside the uterine cavity.

Can the test be wrong on days 14-16?

A pregnancy test after IVF may be wrong. Its false indicators are due to 3 reasons:

  • Defective device;
  • “Chemical pregnancy” (at the time of testing, the embryo tried to penetrate into the uterine cavity, but for some reason it did not succeed: conception failed);
  • Due to the fact that a woman takes a lot before the IVF procedure hormonal drugs, artificial hormones were concentrated in her body. The test reacted to them.

We have already mentioned that the results when tested at home can be considered as informative only on the 14th day after replanting. If the first test is done earlier, for example, on day 12, its result requires confirmation by repeated testing or a blood test for hCG.

However, unreliable data during testing is obtained at a later date. As a result of chemical pregnancy, a positive result recorded by the test may not be obtained after laboratory tests. In this case, it would be wrong to talk about a home adaptation error: at the time of the test, the embryo was indeed ready to attach to the uterine cavity, but something interfered with it and the possible conception was interrupted.

I would like to emphasize that any result that the test showed on day 14 requires confirmation by a blood test and ultrasound diagnostics, which are carried out in a clinic.

Test after insemination

There is another method of artificial insemination, which is used when natural conception is impossible. It's called insemination. The essence of the technique is to inject sperm directly into the uterine cavity or into fallopian tubes on a woman's ovulation days. This technique is similar to natural conception, so the processes and time of attachment of the fertilized egg will be the same.

Consequently, only on the 12-13th day after insemination the level of hCG in the urine will reach the required concentration for diagnostic devices to respond to it. However, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and different speed progress of seminal fluid, a pregnancy test after insemination is best done 2 weeks after the procedure.

Other ways to determine pregnancy after IVF

The essence of IVF is that a viable egg appears in a woman’s ovaries, which can safely implant in the uterine cavity and begin to develop, turning into an embryo. That is, help female body begin to function in the “natural” mode of conception. Therefore, pregnancy can be determined after IVF in the same ways as during conventional fertilization.

These methods include home pregnancy tests, which we discussed above, and laboratory blood tests for hCG levels. The last diagnosis is considered the most informative, since its reliability reaches 99.9%.