Phrases about attention to a woman. Loved ones need attention. The "3 Magic SMS" technique in action

First, the phrase “ Good morning, dear!” then gradually the imagination for writing SMS was exhausted, a little later you noticed that he thanks you for the wonderful dinner and does not pay attention to your new hairstyle or makeup. What happened to the man you loved? Have you really stopped being more than just a housewife to him?

Let's talk about the topic “How to regain the attention of the man you love?” Even if it seems to you that everything is useless and there is no longer an opportunity to return your former passion, turn back time and once again enjoy the happiest moments, then you are mistaken. There is always a way out difficult situations, the main thing is to make a clear plan and act according to it. So, first, let’s find out the reasons why the man you love stopped paying attention to you.

We often ask ourselves the question and then know that we have fallen in love. We're curious about when we fall in love the most: be it as teenagers, mature adults, or maybe older adults? Who is more “amorous” - women or men? And how many times in life can we fall in love? Is it once or infinitely many times?

The main condition for work

People who answer a question and then find out that they are in love most often talk about such psychophysical experiences as “swinging in the clouds”, “floating above the ground”, “seeing the world through rose-colored glasses”, “feeling butterflies in the stomach”. This is a very pleasant experience during which the person constantly thinks about the loved one and it is difficult to concentrate on daily responsibilities. Some emphasize that falling in love at first sight sometimes occurs unexpectedly, violently and falls on us like a “bolt of light.”

Firstly, the time we now spend on everything except our personal needs is limitless. We very often regret that we cannot give precious moments to our loved ones. But such is life and we must put up with its laws. Due to the fact that the man disappears at work, he does not have the opportunity to see you and ask how you feel, what you want. And when he comes home, he immediately goes to bed because he is tired and doesn’t want to see anyone.

After the war, every Saturday and Sunday, dance evenings took place in factories and parks. In a beautiful black, shiny dress and knee-length lace boots. Tender blonde with blue eyes. Such stories once happened and happened. Harris, confirmed that people - regardless of culture - experience romantic love.

Data from 100 crops from different regions the world show that romantic love is known everywhere. To talk about falling in love and romantic love, certain conditions must be met. First of all, you need to strive to “merge” with your loved one, both in the physical and sexual aspects, as well as in the spiritual and mental aspects.

Secondly, you don't have time. Sometimes, when a girl herself does not have time for her man, a problem arises - lack of attention on both sides. The girl is busy with her own business, shopping, chatting with friends, and the man, in turn, spends time watching movies and going bowling with friends. So it turns out that both spouses do not have a single free second to pay attention to each other.

Secondly, you can be in love with the same person at the same time - although, of course, life writes different scenarios, and there are known cases, when at the same time. Thirdly, falling in love influences the change in life priorities, because the person we love is the most important to us, and we are ready to change a lot for her in her life.

My career, which was so important to me, fell by the wayside. It's an amazing feeling, the world turns you upside down, you don't think, you feel. It all feels like someone has temporarily turned off your brain, your emotions and body remain - Julia, 32 years old. It turns out that falling in love puts our body into a real revolution - we have increased blood pressure, a higher heart rate, and also stress. It happens that at the first, or most cruel, stage of falling in love, people make the most radical decisions, for example, related to a quick transition “for the night” to their loved one.

Thirdly, a third person has appeared who is trying to quarrel with the loving couple. Yes, yes, this is the mistress. When a man begins to give attention to another person, then there is no longer enough time for his own wife, and there are no more material means to give the same expensive gifts How new companion. He tells his beloved girl that he simply did not receive his salary, or that he was very busy. In fact, at the first opportunity, he goes to the neighboring area and spends a joyful time.

At this stage we work as after taking the drug. Stimuli are stronger for us, such as smells, words, gestures. There is also a feeling of longing for a loved one who alone can “calm down” this uncomfortable state. Ortigue from Syracuse University - the evolution of hormones such as adrenaline, serotonin, oxytocin or dopamine, called euphoric substances. Educated people fall in love more often.

In an attempt to answer the question of how often we fall in love, let's take a look at the Center sociological research, which shows that more than 60 percent. Poles believe in love at first sight and are almost equally open to falling in love. Among people who were in love - 74 percent. he admits that it is emotional condition experienced only once, 19 percent. he talks about two times, and only 8 percent that three or more times. It turns out that feeling crazy feelings is preferable, first of all, higher education and good material conditions.

Fourth, why is there no attention yet? Have you thought that he is simply offended by you? Suddenly you did or said something, because of which now resentment has settled in his heart and he is trying to attract you with a lack of attention. Tries to make you understand your mistake and correct it yourself as soon as possible. For example, a girl and a guy decided to go to the store. While my wife was choosing goods for the home, I noticed that her beloved man was standing and talking to the opposite sex, and at the same time managed to hug her several times. What happens? Of course, jealousy and interest. The girl loves to chop from the shoulder and does it with pleasure. So she decisively approaches those talking, and immediately slaps her beloved man in the face. What was the girl’s reaction when she found out that it was the guy’s sister? She showed him in a very bad light in front of his relative, and also humiliated him in front of people. Thus, the guy decided to punish her and make it clear that she was not worthy of his attention. That's why roses in the morning, compliments during the day, sexual contact in the evenings and trips to different restaurants disappeared. Whether the woman understands her mistake or not is of no concern to the guy, he will only wait for the result.

People who achieve the highest incomes are much more likely than others to say that they are or have been in love. It may be easier to fall in love when you are deprived of the material worries associated with day-to-day functioning. In addition, a high professional position contributes to more frequent emotional involvement: among respondents in management positions and the self-employed, about three-quarters say they have been in love.

The "3 Magic SMS" technique in action

By all accounts, teenagers fall in love the most. Perhaps the younger ones think that real love still to come. Older people are also less likely to fall into love, perhaps because they are focused on other life problems such as health problems, loss of a partner, etc. However, it should be emphasized that older people, under the influence of hormonal changes, often make quick decisions about entering into a new relationship, emphasizing that they have “nothing to lose” and time passes inexorably.

How to regain the attention of a loved one? Here it is important to understand the reasons why it disappeared; if the fault is yours, then try to make amends for it. Probably the very first thing a couple needs to do is change the environment. Often, when you are in the same house for a long time, you have to see pieces of furniture and interior, and not changing, even the view from the window can provoke nervous tension. If this has already begun to be felt clearly, you know that it’s time to change something. This could be wallpaper, carpet, wall carpet, even the furniture itself. You know, girls often say that they can barely change tables. Then they will buy a new chair on wheels, paint the walls, and the whole house will breathe in a new way. Why not really spend some material resources and decorate your apartment? Perhaps this is the way to do repair work both at home and in relationships at minimal cost?

Men fall in love straight away. In our stereotypical thinking, we think that women fall in love faster than men. Such opinions are often based on messages recorded in films or romantic novels. However, research shows that it only takes a few weeks for men to fall in love. If they are truly in love with a partner, they communicate it directly and do not experience - like women - the dilemma of whether it is "the one". Women, in turn, usually need several months to find out about their feelings and their partners.

But I always need to get to know someone better, see what kind of person they are. Of course, sometimes a guy is attracted to me physically, it's good to talk to him, he spends his time, but it's more of an infatuation at first rather than love. Men usually know right away whether this is "the one" or not, and they are ready for a relationship very quickly. Sometimes, after just two or three weeks, they know whether this is a lifelong partner or a "passing deal." And therefore they are more open at the very beginning of the relationship, also in terms of gender.

Next, if a man is tired of his previous lifestyle, then try changing his employment. For example, paperwork should be replaced with sports exercises or leisure. If you used to love spending time with friends often, and then work took away this joy, then choose a day and spend it usefully. You will be able to demonstrate to your beloved man that you still want to give him pleasure and give him a smile, that his wishes mean a lot to you, and you are ready to fulfill his whims. Holidays with friends will give great mood and return the previous one positive attitude and attention!

If sexual relations are no longer the same, then it’s worth updating them. It is possible that the man is already tired of the same position and it is important for him that the girl also becomes the initiator of change. Perhaps if you change the sheet on which you are used to enjoying yourself, or use a different lamp for lighting, or maybe just change positions, the world will become more beautiful and more fun? Men note that in most cases they are ready to pay attention to those women who are confident in themselves and do not require more than what the men themselves give them. There is even such a law - if a woman wants to get something from her man, then she shouldn’t get on his nerves, it’s important to just ask once. If you couldn’t get his consent, then after a while, cook a wonderful dinner, invite his friends, buy him a ticket to the matches and that’s it, his heart will thaw. It will also have a positive effect if the girl leaves her beloved man alone and does not bother her with her requests, questions and interrogations.

It is possible to regain attention!

Take advantage of this simple and at the same time effective technology, which can help you awaken romantic feelings in your boyfriend, man, husband. In some cases, men simply “blow their minds” and they think about their lovers all day long.

Don't use it in 2 cases

    If you have only recently met a guy/man, you will be misunderstood.

    Do not apply it to your “ex” boyfriends/husbands - the result may be negative

Let's look at why this technique works:

Reason #1

A mobile phone is “sacred” for your partner.
He would never leave him on purpose. The phone is always with him and this is the most quick way– delivery of your “love” message.

Reason #2

Men are visual people. Men think with their eyes. AND The best way awaken his emotions - turn on his imagination.

Men are pretty simple creatures. And if we're talking about about romance, which girls sometimes need so much - mostly men are very “primitive” in this regard. Men have rather simple needs and the issue of romance may not be addressed in the way women want it to be.

1. Don’t take too deeply what a man says or texts you.
2. If you want to awaken feelings and romance in a man so that he begins to treat you differently, speak to him in his language. In the case of this technique, use VISUAL images in your SMS messages.

Reason #3

A man gets great pleasure from the opportunity to please his woman and receive recognition from her.

We will discuss this topic in more depth not today. But what I want to tell you, as a man, we get GIANT pleasure when we can do it for our beloved. And if our beloved appreciates our efforts, this is the best reward for us!

Reason #4

Emotional romance in a man can be turned on when he feels that he is “CONQUERING” you, while feeling a slight excitement.

This is one of the most important reasons. Your man needs to feel a little excitement towards you. And this is not even a psychological factor - this is what is inherent in men by nature. We are created to be "hunters".

I will help you learn how to create “easy” manipulations for your man (easy!), with the help of which he will think about you all day and passionately wait for the moment when he again feels that he is with you.

The "3 Magic SMS" technique in action

Main working conditions:

Your man must have primary skills in working with mobile phone. Namely, to be able to read SMS :)

Step 1: Arouse curiosity and attention

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have attracted his attention and we do this without unnecessary noise and shouting... but with the help of a special “whisper”. You hook his attention by using his curiosity.

Remember, our the main objective- create an “alternative world” for you and the man you love.

A world where you can feel closer to each other and create great intimate (and passionate) relationships even when you're at work, or just going about your day, or even while looking after the kids...

So, the first thing you need to send to your loved one is:

"I can't stop thinking about..."

Pretty simple, right?

But this puts incredibly POWERFUL pressure on the male mind. He will be completely exhausted in his thoughts, “what are you thinking about...?” In fact, the three magic dots at the end (...) work like a MAGNET!

Of all the options for your man's answers, in this case, you will receive only one.
The only thing he will answer you...

Or something similar effect.

I do not recommend that you not write anything until you receive an answer from him. If you DO NOT receive a response, don't worry. This may mean that he is slightly confused (“She usually just sends an SMS: don’t forget to buy bread or something special. What is she up to this time?”). If he doesn't respond, you can pause and try again a little later... or move on to the next SMS.

Step 2: "Highlight His Strength"

Great! Now that you have his attention, it's time to stroke his EGO a little and make him feel important (that you really appreciate him).

When you text your loved one, try to make him feel strong, wanted, and important. Our main goal is inspire your man has a DESIRE to act, a DESIRE to give you the attention you deserve. Literally “wake up” his thoughts about how wonderful and unique a woman you are in his life.

Let me remind you what the last message was about.

So you wrote...

And he answered something like...

"About what?"

He will be in real confusion... While his thoughts will go through everything possible options answers, you make a “Freeze Frame” in his head.

As soon as you receive a response, write a second message:

"How safe I feel with you..."

"How incredible I feel when you look at me."

"About the goosebumps that run through my body when we kiss."

Please note that in each of these SMS you let your man feel his GREATNESS. You tell him how something relatively harmless he does creates a wonderful effect that you can't resist.

If you're more advanced, here are a few options you can try.

The main key is to be as SPECIFIC as possible...

"The way you smell. It's something... Hee. It just makes me shiver when I think about it."

"How happy I am that I... Yours

Do you understand the main idea?

There's nothing complicated about it.

You are simply emphasizing his power and strength, and also recognizing him as a man.

It sounds really simple, but you will be surprised how such simple SMS can have a “magical” effect on your man. By helping him become happy with himself and your relationship, he suddenly becomes incredibly motivated to reciprocate your feelings by creating romance for you and giving you the attention you deserve.

And now we can safely move on to the last step...

Step 3: "Turn on his feelings"

So, so far we've used his curiosity to get his attention and used what I call "Subtle Text Power" to compliment him and make him feel strong and powerful. (Remember, men need to feel in charge)

In our third SMS we will use ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL WORDS IN THE WORLD and the principle of “getting ahead”, which will bring a big smile to his face and create romantic thoughts for the rest of the day.

We will use the word "imagine" to turn on his imagination basic level, and turn on his attraction to you, wherever he is.

So your short conversation looks like this:

You: "I can't stop thinking about..."

He: “About what?”

You: "About how good I feel when I'm next to you. :-)"

(small smiley is optional)

Him: "Really?"

You: " I'm sitting here and all I can do is imagine what I will feel when I see you in the evening."

The word IMAGINE (IMAGINE) is like atomic bomb in the text.

It is very difficult for the human mind to read the word imagine without IMMEDIATELY imagining what you are talking about.

(try not introduce spilled milk =-))

And, although you will talk about how YOU will feel (basically, it is much more difficult for men to talk about their feelings), as a result HE will imagine how HE will feel when he sees you.

Of course you can experiment...

Let's summarize what was said above

Step #1. Curiosity.

Step #2. Reinforce in his thoughts that he is strong/attractive and the one who makes you happy.

Step #3. Use “Imagination” in SMS to transport his thoughts into the future and how wonderful it will be when he sees you.

And most importantly, be careful when you return home in the evening. Approach him. Look into his eyes. Say: “Did you receive my text messages?” And watch what happens to him. =)

www. Love Time. pro