The winner of the "battle of psychics" intervened in the fate of Viktor Cohen from Vladivostok. In Vladivostok, the court found Victor Cohen guilty of murder (photo; video) Battle of psychics Victor Cohen

The Leninsky court sentenced Victor Cohen to 9 years and 9 months in a strict regime colony for the murder of an ex-girlfriend. The verdict on the retrial of the case was announced on Tuesday, June 21.

Under article 105 of part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the court decided to leave the measure of detention unchanged. In the term of serving the sentence, it was decided to count the detention from July 23, 2014 to June 20, 2016.

The court, based on Cohen's confession, did not question that the defendant strangled ex girlfriend Galina Kolyadzinskaya, crushed the body in a meat grinder and burned the remains at night in the Varyag region. “He carried out all the above actions in order to hide the traces of the crime,” the presiding judge noted. The court explained the absence of the corpse by the fact that it was destroyed, while considering the fact of committing an intentional crime as established.

The verdict clarifies that no biological traces were found at the alleged site of dismemberment of the body and in the defendant's car. The documents cite the conclusions of one of the experts interviewed at the meetings that it would take about eight hours to burn the body, while this cannot be done without preserving the remains. At the same time, he did not rule out that they could be taken away or destroyed by animals in the forest area. The court assessed the arguments of many defense witnesses critically.

In the verdict, the judge took into account Cohen's testimony about the violent actions of the police and the denial of his testimony. However, she noted that he was interrogated in the presence of an appointed defense counsel, and during the process he did not answer many questions of the court, using the provisions of Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Data on the violent actions of law enforcement officers are not confirmed by verification and medical documents.

The verdict cites the mother's words about Galina's unstable behavior, isolation and decisive character. In the testimony, the injured party did not rule out that the daughter could engage in escort services and leave Vladivostok without warning any of her relatives. According to her subjective feeling, Cohen did not kill her daughter. The father and sister of Galina Kolyadzinskaya agreed with the position of the mother.

In testimony, witnesses noted that Cohen's relationship with his cohabitant deteriorated after the start of communication with now ex-wife Tatiana Cohen. There were frequent departures from home and scandals, and once he suddenly raised Kolyadzinskaya by the throat right in front of a guest. At the same time, the girl reacted to such behavior calmly, without responding with violence. The court considered it established that at that moment the fate of Kolyadzinskaya was indifferent to him.

Last week, Victor Cohen announced the last word before the verdict. He called the retrial in the criminal case of the murder of his cohabitant absurd, and the regime "rotten." Then the injured party, in the person of mother Galina Kolyadzinskaya, came to support the defendant, admitting that she was sure in advance of the guilty verdict.

The convict called the announced term expected and stated that he intended to appeal the verdict. “The prosecutor rushed around the city and told in advance what the term would be. Due to the fact that it was published on Twitter, the term was increased. For 9 years and 6 months, the prosecutor said in his informal conversations, ”Viktor Cohen told correspondent.

Tatyana, a resident of Vladivostok, turned to the "Battle of Psychics" for help to help her husband Victor Cohen, who is here in prison. The man was sentenced to 10 years in a strict regime colony for allegedly killing his ex-girlfriend Galina Kolyadzinskaya.

Victor and Galina met for 5 years, but it all ended in a grand quarrel, during which the girl said that Victor would never see her again. And so it happened, she disappeared and no longer got in touch even with her parents.

Victor's wife claims that the investigation had no evidence of the murder. But he was found guilty, attributing everything to the fact that he burned the corpse of his former lover.

Tatyana decided to turn to psychics for help. She admitted during the filming of the show that she did not understand what she was doing here, because she had always been skeptical about this. But something pushed her to take this step. Psychics confirmed Tatyana's guesses, it turns out that Galina is alive, but she constantly moves from one place to another and does not communicate with either relatives or old acquaintances. Psychic Marilyn Kerro said that Victor would be released at the end of 2017, since Galina would be found, so all murder charges would be dropped immediately.

After, Victor Cohen's wife Tatyana began to receive hundreds of messages on social networks. She claims that many kind words of support are being sent to her. Also, social media users send Tatyana photos of girls who look like the missing Galina. Tatyana shows all the pictures to Kolyadzinskaya's parents, but so far they claim that they have not recognized their daughter in any of them. Victor's wife is ready to look for Galina as long as it takes. After all, if she is found, her husband will be released.

Tatyana Cohen about filming in the Battle: “I have always been skeptical and still am about “supernatural forces”, “magic”, etc., but on the LIVE program, in the process of filming, there were things, the words of the participants in the frame and behind frame, their reactions and "opinions" that defy my, at least again, logic! Psychology will not help here to the extent that it could .. I have no explanation for some points, no matter how I tried .. But I tried carefully! During the filming and after .. No one offered me money, everything went by itself! I mean, no one imposed or offered any “behind-the-scenes instructions”, neither my words nor my emotions!

Tatyana claims that many psychics told her about something so personal that no one but her knew. This dispelled all her skepticism.

After years of selfless struggle for the freedom of her husband, Tatyana Cohen, nee Krapivnaya, demanded a divorce from her husband and successfully received it: Victor signed everything Required documents in February while in jail.

No one seemed to have expected such a turn of events. Tatyana was compared with a Decembrist who would support her husband to the end. She, according to tens of thousands of people from all over the country, was the main engine and source of truth about the complicated case of Victor Cohen and his ex girlfriend Galina Kolyadzinskaya. It was Tatyana who called all the media a year and a half ago, sent out letters and petitions in support of her husband, told a bitter story about how confessions were forced out of Viktor under torture. She collected money for lawyers from all those who were not indifferent, participated in high-rated Russian TV shows and talk shows, including the Battle of Psychics. Probably, incredible story love is over.

It is not known what will happen now with the surname "Cohen", which the former spouses chose together, whether the brave ex-wife will turn back to Krapivnaya and whether the exciting love story really ended so banally: there are rumors that Tatiana has long fallen in love with another man named Sergey. Fans of following someone else's personal life posted a photo on the Web, where she is having a good time with a handsome bearded man. The ex-Krapivnaya herself refuses any comments on the part of the divorce.

Our relationship with Victor is no longer the same as before, - Tatyana shared on her page on the social network in December.

A year ago, in her words, she began to think about a divorce, but it was impossible to get it unilaterally: Victor was not convicted. And this was her last comment to the press: "My personal life has nothing to do with the case itself, and my position regarding the innocence of Victor Cohen will remain unchanged."

Now the pages of activist Tatiana Cohen have disappeared from social networks. The Freedom Cohen group, which previously numbered tens of thousands of adherents of the selfless wife, was blocked by the administration of the VKontakte social network for "suspicious collections for charitable purposes." According to the latest data, all the money raised was given to lawyer Ivan Mikhalev, who is now handling the Victor Cohen case.

I try not to get into Victor's personal life, - the lawyer comments. - But I can say that the divorce did not affect his emotional mood. As for Tatyana, most likely she will no longer actively support Cohen on social networks. She has her own personal life.

According to Ivan Mikhalev, the Cohen case has a chance to change in a positive direction for the defendant.

My work with the case continues, - added the lawyer. - A number of evidences have already been collected that the investigation was conducted largely contrary to the law. For example, it was possible to ensure that the videotape, in which Victor Cohen confesses to the murder, will not even be provided by the prosecution as evidence of his guilt. The interrogation of Cohen in that case was completely wrong, he did not even have a lawyer. In addition, the interrogation at that time of Viktor's wife, Tatyana, in the second video was also conducted illegally: as a spouse, she was on the list of close relatives who, by law, have the right not to testify against Viktor.

Recall that 26-year-old Viktor Cohen was sentenced in September 2015 to 9 years and 10 months for the murder of his cohabitant Galina Kolyadzinskaya in 2011. This case became resonant thanks to the efforts of the defendant's wife. She created the story that Victor is innocent and brought it to all Russians. After a year of Tatyana's active struggle for the love of the public, videos from the interrogation of the Coens appeared on the Web. On the recording, the then suspect Victor Cohen calmly and judiciously tells how he killed his girlfriend because of the love of his current wife. Where did this video come from and whether Cohen is really on the recording - there is no official confirmation yet. The court of second instance overturned the verdict in December 2015 and sent the case back for retrial. AT this moment Witnesses and representatives of the parties are being questioned again in the Leninsky District Court.

The trial of Viktor Cohen, which received a wide response in the social networks of the Internet and local media and about which Novaya Gazeta in Vladivostok has repeatedly written, has been completed. On Tuesday, August 11, the judge of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Vladivostok, Natalya Verkhoturova, announced the verdict: for the murder of former cohabitant Galina Kolyadzinskaya, Viktor was sentenced to 9 years and 10 months in prison to be served in a strict regime colony. She recognized the arguments of the defense as untenable and untrustworthy, and classified what Cohen had done as a particularly serious crime.

The defense does not agree with this outcome of the case and plans to appeal the decision to a higher instance - to the appellate board of the regional court. The deadline for filing an appeal is 10 days from the date of the judgment.

This is a personal decision of a particular judge, nothing can be done about it: he is guided by his own life experience, - says Cohen's lawyer Ivan Mikhalev. - The court is provided with evidence from all sides - both the prosecution and the defense; they are different. And the judge already subjectively chooses what evidence should form the basis of his decision. In a higher instance there will be other judges, other people. Let them express their opinion.

The victim, Elena Kolyadzinskaya, the mother of the missing girl, did not change her attitude to the case either. She considers Cohen's detention to be a miscarriage of justice. On the eve of the verdict, Kolyadzinskaya spoke in the debate: nominally - representing the prosecution, but in fact - defending the now convicted Viktor Cohen.

My opinion was and remains the same: my daughter is alive, - said Kolyadzinskaya during the debate. - Testimonies of witnesses who spoke in court without me serve as confirmation. Galina will definitely be found, I have no doubts about that. Everything that is happening now is a big mistake.

Elena Alexandrovna - in addition to maternal feelings - also has quite objective arguments to disagree with the opinion of the state prosecution (and now - with a court decision). Most recently, she traveled to Moscow, where she took part in the filming of the well-known and popular program "Wait for Me", aired on Channel One. Kolyadzinskaya returned to Vladivostok, armed with new information: the journalists of the TV show had data that could help search for the missing girl.

Galina is alive?

Arriving in Moscow, I met with the director and journalists of the “Wait for me” program, and they provided me with all the information that they have,” Elena Kolyadzinskaya told the court. - I was provided with a transcript of a conversation with a person who responded to the application for the search for Galina. The conversation with him took place first on the Internet, and then on the phone. The man claimed that he knew my daughter, but now she has a different hair color, hairstyle and name. This confirmed my suspicions: I used to say that she changed her passport details and a little - her appearance.

Nevertheless, the man who introduced himself to the authors of the program as Andrei Blinov (looking ahead, let's say that he used a false name), claimed that it was her: character traits you can't hide your face; unless you do plastic surgery. But, according to her mother, Galina was always against surgery.

During the conversation, the director and journalists asked the man to arrange a meeting with this girl. After a pause, he replied that this was impossible: Galina did not want to see anyone. But then he added that he was ready to arrange a phone call.

Here it is important to make a reservation. Each application that comes to the “Wait for me” program is processed by separate groups of journalists. Two people were looking for Galina at once: Cohen's mother (Elena Alexandrovna Kolyadzinskaya asked her about this) and his wife. Applications were received at intervals of time: the first - on the fact of the disappearance of the girl, the second - in connection with the initiation of a criminal case on her murder.

The self-proclaimed Andrei Blinov - we'll talk about him a little later - responded to the first application. That is, he talked with those journalists who never knew about the criminal background in the story of the disappearance of the girl. That is why the authors did not consider it necessary to make an audio recording of the subsequent telephone conversation. Only a transcript has survived.

And here is what follows from it.

The journalists called the indicated number at the time appointed by the man. The phone was picked up by a girl who introduced herself as Anastasia. To the question of the authors of the program about how they can contact Galina Kolyadzinskaya, the girl answered - it's her, only in past life: in the one where she had a husband and with whom nothing connects her now. After Galina-Anastasia found out that her mother was looking for Victor Cohen, there was a pause at her end of the wire. After that, the girl hung up the phone and did not get in touch anymore. The telephone belonging, as it was found out later, to the Petersburg commercial company, is blocked to this day.

Of course, this information requires confirmation, - Elena Alexandrovna continued. - I talked a lot about this case with journalists and tried to find out: could this be a joke? They replied that they were absolutely sure that they were talking to my daughter. The program is designed in such a way that stories are recorded only if there is a prospect of a successful resolution of applications. That is the principle of this show.

As soon as the journalists learned that a trial was underway on the fact of Galina's murder, the case received new round. The director of the program came to the programmer of the St. Petersburg company, the same Andrei Blinov. During the conversation, he recorded with a hidden camera, which was then shown to Elena Alexandrovna. The victim's mother also met with Blinov and then compared her observations with video footage.

Talking with the director of the program, he was visibly nervous, wringing his hands and frankly afraid to speak. Who and why is unknown. Blinov denied everything; Galina's name was unfamiliar to him. Kolyadzinskaya does not believe the programmer, she believes that he has some reasons to hide the truth - you need to figure out what. For some reason, her dialogue with Blinov took place in the presence of his superiors, who at first persuaded her to cancel the meeting altogether. However, Elena Alexandrovna managed to snatch a couple of minutes for personal communication with Andrei. But he continued to claim that he did not know Galina - people unknown to him took advantage of his name.

The mother of the missing girl has unconfirmed information that Galina may now be with her new roommate in Yekaterinburg.

Adepts of "Doctor House"

However, both for Elena Semal, the representative of the state prosecution, who duplicated her previous accusatory speech at the subsequent debate after Kolyadzinskaya’s speech, without saying a word about the newly discovered circumstances, and for judge Natalya Verkhoturova, who made the decision on the case, the arguments of the victim did not turn out to be convincing.

Other facts turned out to be much more weighty.

After the murder, Cohen talked with his friends and in the company often talked about the fact that he had killed Galina - as a joke, as all the witnesses noted. There is even a screen in the case - a snapshot of Victor's page on social networks, where he and his friends discuss ways to kill a person and then cover up traces. Such are the jokes of today's youth. By the way, on the personal page of 22-year-old senior investigator Natalya Babakina, who led this case, such posts are no less common.

However, a sense of humor, which, among others, positive characteristics his friends noted, played a bad joke with Victor. In fact, this correspondence became the plot basis for the alleged and now proven crime.

detrimental to young man became a talent for acting. A few years ago, together with Galina, he passed entrance tests on the acting department VGIK. He passed the first round, but due to the fact that Kolyadzinskaya could not enter there, Cohen decided not to fight for a place at the institute himself. The court nevertheless appreciated Victor's acting skills - as follows from the operative part of the verdict, the man's talent was enough to simulate his innocence.

According to the testimonies of witnesses, Cohen loved serials, - Judge Verkhoturova read out the effective part of the verdict. - In particular, "Doctor House". Therefore, he could know how to dismember a corpse.

Information for consideration: the audience of the series about a cynical drug addict doctor is over 82 million people in the world. That is, each of them, according to the judge of the Leninsky District Court, actually has the skills of quartering the human body.

A lot has already been written about the broken furniture, which was found by the owners of the apartment where Cohen lived with Kolyadzinskaya, about the bathtub worn out in the same place, and a stain on the ceiling in the hall. One could dwell in detail on the testimony of police officers who claim that they did not have any conflicts with Viktor; or on information that, as a classified witness, Cohen's cellmate told the court. But this is all indirect. The main proof is his confession.

It is logical to ask the question: what about the body? It hasn't been found.

The absence of a body is not a reason to believe that the crime was not committed, Judge Verkhoturova emphasized in her verdict.

Victor Cohen is recognized as the murderer, Galina Kolyadzinskaya, respectively, is recognized as murdered. This is another strong blow to her mother, Elena Alexandrovna Kolyadzinskaya, because now no (competent) authorities will accept her application for the search for her missing daughter.

Cohen: "I will be acquitted"

One more nuance. minute entertaining mathematics, task for lower grades. The judge read out the verdict - the explanatory and operative parts - for two and a half hours. At the same time, the reading speed was quite high. But even if we calculate that on average a person can cope with an A4 page of printed text in two minutes, using simple calculations, we can find out that in 150 minutes he will have time to master at least 75 pages - this is without respite and with even reading.

Attention: question! How long did it take Judge Verkhoturova to write the 80-page verdict, if the previous hearing took place on the eve of the announcement? To admit the possibility that all the information necessary for the preparation of a decision on the case, that is, the protocols in the course of everything litigation, exists in in electronic format, we cannot, because the lawyer Mikhalev was never provided with it.

The court refused to satisfy my request for the provision of protocols, - the lawyer commented, - referring to the fact that this is a single whole with the verdict and they will be given to me three days after the announcement of the latter. At the same time, the Criminal Procedure Code (Code of Criminal Procedure - Ed.) says that we have the right to receive parts of the protocols during the trial. In any case, we intend to appeal against this refusal along with the verdict.

One way or another, the process is complete. The court's decision caused a heated discussion on the Internet: someone took the side of the defense, others believe that the letter of the Law was observed and now Cohen will suffer a well-deserved punishment. Victor himself expressed his attitude to the process during the last word given to him on the eve of the decision on the case:

It confuses me that on the street that is named after the Hero Soviet Union Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev, who was tortured to death by the Nazis in a prisoner of war camp, the people who are called upon to keep order exhibit atrocities that are unacceptable in a healthy society. I believe that in judicial system there will be a person who will pay attention to the absurdity of this criminal case - sooner or later. I will be acquitted, I have no doubt; I will fight for it no matter what. Right now this is my only goal. I lost everything: front teeth, meniscus in the knee, social status, property, the opportunity to be with their loved ones. But I have not lost the main thing - the strength of the spirit. I know that I am innocent. One way or another, I'll prove it.

Marina Chernykh,
Novaya Gazeta in Vladivostok, No. 300, 08/13/15

Victor Cohen became known to the public after the release of the program "The Battle of Psychics" on the TNT channel. Over destiny young man sobbed many Russians. The guy was accused of killing an ex-girlfriend, which he allegedly did not commit. What they write in the latest news of 2017 about Victor Cohen, read in our article.

Recall why Victor Cohen is widely known in Russia. Real surname Polov men.

Viktor is a resident of Vladivostok who became widely known after he was charged with the murder of his ex-girlfriend Galina Kolyadzinskaya, who went missing in 2011. Cohen only received murder charges in 2014.

Perhaps the story of this young man remained unnoticed by the media, if it were not for the appeal of Victor Cohen's wife to psychics on the TNT channel. His wife Tatyana Krapivnaya hoped that psychics would tell who actually killed Galina. According to clairvoyants, she does not see Victor's ex-girlfriend dead.

In their opinion, she is alive and is somewhere abroad. When asked why Galina disappeared without telling anyone, psychics suggested that ex-lover Victor wanted to take revenge on him in this way. It was revenge for the fact that Victor acted ugly with her and left her.

Supporters of Cohen's innocence began to collect signatures on social networks, which were used to write a petition for a retrial. The retrial of the case took place on June 21, 2016. According to its results, Victor Cohen was sentenced - guilty of murder. The man was sentenced to 9 years and 9 months in prison. It is worth noting that the body of the girl was never found.

case materials

Galina Kolyadzinskaya was put on the wanted list in 2011 after she did not return home. Viktor Cohen was also among the suspects. The young man was tested on the G detector. In addition, a search was conducted in his apartment and car, during which no traces of a crime were found. Approximately 2.5 years after these events, Victor married Tatiana Krapivna.

In 2014, Viktor was again summoned for interrogation, where he confessed. Cohen confirmed that he killed Galina. The young people quarreled, after which Victor killed the girl, dismembered her in the bathroom and took her to the forest.

Victor was convicted for the murder of Galina Kolyadzinskaya

Victor later said that he testified under duress, so they are incorrect.

Divorce of Victor and Tatiana Cohen

In 2017, it became known for sure that Tatyana and Viktor divorced, so official representatives couples confirmed this information. It's about about Victor's lawyer. The latest divorce news is from 2016. The press received information that Tatyana filed for divorce and plans to divorce Victor. Then it became known that Victor gave his wife a divorce. After that, Tatyana disappeared from the field of view of Russian journalists.

For many, the news about the divorce of Tatiana and Victor was a real surprise. She was compared with the wife of a Decembrist, who is ready to fight for her husband to the last.

From unverified sources, it is known that Victor signed the consent to divorce while in court. Rumor has it that Tatiana began a completely different life. Someone close to the family said that the girl had new man whose name is Sergey. Tatyana is in love with him and, perhaps, they will soon enter into an official marriage. The network even appeared a photo in which ex-wife Koena is pictured with another man. In the picture, the girl looks very happy and clearly does not think for her ex-husband.

From Tatyana herself, the press was never able to get at least some comments regarding the divorce. The only thing the girl said was that her relationship with Victor is completely different from what it used to be. Perhaps in this way Tatyana decided to hint that she was tired of fighting for her husband's innocence. The girl also said that for a year now she had wanted to get a divorce. Her desire is not connected with the fact that she stopped believing in the innocence of her ex-husband. Tatyana says that she still believes that Victor did not kill Galina.

Tanya chose not to talk about herself. The girl said that her personal life is not related to the case of the murder of Galina, so she does not plan to dedicate to the press whether she is dating someone now.

How did Victor react to the divorce?

Victor's lawyer said that the man is in stable condition. emotional state despite the divorce. Cohen's representative noted that Tatyana would no longer organize actions in support of Viktor and raise funds for the maintenance of a lawyer.

After information about the divorce of Viktor and Tatyana became available to the press, the girl's page was deleted in all social networks. Hashtags in support of Victor Cohen have disappeared from the expanses of Vkontakte, as the administration of the social network considered them to be fraudulent. We are talking about raising funds for charitable causes, which were in doubt.

Latest news about Victor Cohen

In early 2017, supporters of the theory that Victor Cohen did not kill his ex-girlfriend began to hope for a review of the case. From latest news it became known that a witness appeared who claimed to have seen Galina alive a few days after her “murder”. However, he was brought to justice for giving false testimony, since, according to the investigation, the witness could not see Galina. At that time, she was already dead.

The name of the witness is Paul. The young man claimed that he saw Galina on November 17-18, 2011 and even talked to her.

In turn, the investigation believes that Viktor Cohen killed the girl on November 14, so Pavel could not see her on the days indicated by him. A criminal case was initiated against Pavel under Article No. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What else is known about this case?

At the beginning of 2017, information appeared on the Internet that Galina had been seen in Thailand. This was reported by users of social networks. The court decided not to take this fact into account, since officially no one could confirm whether it was really Galina. Victor Cohen's defenders continue to claim that the girl is alive and is abroad. Human rights activists remind that Galina has not traveled abroad, therefore she cannot be in Thailand or in another country, provided that she is really alive.

The body of the murdered girl has not yet been found. After the divorce of Tatyana and Victor, the Cohen case is not as often discussed in the press as it was before. Former spouse the guilty person is no longer organizing an action and writing petitions in support of Viktor, who was found guilty.

Galina's parents still hope that the girl is alive and is abroad. At the same time, they are not embarrassed by the fact that for almost 6 years their daughter has not contacted them. If Galina really wanted to take revenge on Cohen, she would hardly have done this to her parents. They, like all the other defendants in this case, are in the dark and blindly believe that their daughter is alive.