Presentation on the topic of Karelia. Presentation on the topic of traveling to the country of Karelia. School uniforms in Karelia.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The Republic of Karelia is a land of lakes and rivers! Completed by: student of MAOU Lyceum No. 21 4 “B” class Tatyana Orchikova Classroom teacher: Naumycheva Lyubov Vitalievna

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Have you been to Karelia, where the grass spreads like a carpet, and where the lakes turn blue in the distance, shimmering with silver. Where the waves of endless Ladoga fly to the shore in bulk, About unsolved mysteries The waterfalls tell us. Where the bronze pines stood like an impenetrable wall... Have you ever been to Karelia? No? So travel with me! I.I. Shishkin. Balaam. A.I. Kuindzhi. Ladoga lake.

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The Republic of Karelia is located in the northwestern part of Russia, in the taiga zone coniferous forests. Western side of Karelia on the border Russian Federation and Finland. In the east, Karelia borders on the Arkhangelsk region, in the south - on the Vologda and Leningrad regions, in the north - with the Murmansk region. It is washed by the White Sea in the northeast.

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Flag of the Republic of Karelia The flag of the Republic of Karelia consists of three equal horizontal stripes - red, blue and green. The red color in it symbolizes shed blood, Blue - Karelian rivers and lakes, Green - the forests of Karelia.

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Coat of arms of Karelia The coat of arms of the Republic of Karelia is a Varangian type shield. Against the background of the flag of Karelia there is an angry black bear standing in profile. The golden frame of the shield is an image of spruce and pine. At the top of the shield is an eight-pointed gold star, symbolizing eternity, prosperity and happiness.

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Anthem of the Republic of Karelia Composer: A. Beloborodov. Authors of the text: Armas Mishin and Ivan Kostin Our native land is Karelia! An ancient wise land. Brotherly tribes are one family, Karelia! Ring, lakes, and sing, taiga! Native land, you are dear to me. I stand high on your hills and sing a song in your glory. Our native land is Karelia! Fate has given you to me forever. Hello for centuries, my country, Karelia! The heroes of epics among the forests and mountains still live on our land. Leisya, song! Kantele, sing louder in the name of the holy Karelian land! Our native land is Karelia! The rune and epic chant are alive. I see your radiant dawn, Karelia! I see your radiant dawn, Karelia!

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The city of Petrozavodsk is the capital of the Republic of Karelia. In 1703, the great Russian Tsar Peter I created a factory in these parts to melt cannons. The city of Petrozavodsk is located on the shores of Lake Onega.

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Attractions of the Republic of Karelia Karelia is popular among TOURISTS. On the territory of the Republic of Karelia there are 27 thousand RIVERS and about 60 thousand LAKES. The river beds have many THRESHOLDS that create WATERFALLS. There are sanatoriums in the village of Marcial Waters (iron-rich waters). This is the FIRST RESORT in Russia, founded in 1719. by decree of Peter I

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A section of the lower Suna River, now dehydrated by the construction of a dam. In this area there once existed the grandiose rapids-waterfalls Girvas and Poor-threshold. Only the Kivach waterfall (10 m) has survived to this day, which is now the second largest lowland waterfall in Europe. Kivach waterfall

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The highest point of western Karelia is Vottovaara. Another name for the mountain is “Death Mountain.” This mountain keeps many secrets: numerous “seids” (stone structures), strangely shaped trees, a stone pool, circular stonework, a staircase “carved” into the rock. Vottovaara is the most mysterious mountain in Karelia.

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Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Located on the territory of Karelia and the Leningrad region. 32 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, and only one flows out of it - the Neva. Many rivers connect Ladoga with other lakes, and through the Svir River - with Onega. The lake is rich in islands. These are the famous Ladoga skerries - a beautiful necklace of islands that are separated by straits and channels.

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Valaam is the largest ISLAND in Lake Ladoga– historical and architectural natural museum reserve. The village of Valaam and Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky are located on the island. monastery. The monastery is one of the most important shrines of Orthodoxy. The history of its origin goes back to the 1st century, when Valaam was visited by Andrew the First-Called.

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Natural wonders of Karelia: the Ruskeala marble canyon. In Karelia, in the village of Ruskeala, on the banks of the Tokhmajoki River, there is the Ruskeala mountain park. The main attraction of this park is the amazingly beautiful marble canyon. It stretches almost 500 meters in length and 100 meters in width. The Tokhmajoki River is one of the most major tributaries Lake Ladoga. It has many rapids and waterfalls. The largest of them is the Ahvenkoski waterfall. The name of the waterfall is Finnish, but among local residents There is a name “waterfall at three bridges”.

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Lake Onega is considered the second largest in Europe after Lake Ladoga. Almost fifty rivers carry their waters into Lake Onega, and only one flows out of it - the Svir River. There are more than 1.5 thousand islands in Lake Onega. There are several dozen marinas and ports on the shores of the lake.

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The main attraction of Lake Onega is Kizhi Island. The State Historical, Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve is called “Kizhi”. There are 89 monuments of wooden architecture on its territory. The center of the island is the Kizhi Pogost, consisting of the summer 22-domed Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the winter 9-domed Church of the Intercession of the Virgin and a hipped bell tower. The amazing thing is that it was all built without a single nail. Kizhi Pogost included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

The Republic of Karelia is the legal successor of the Karelian Labor Commune. The western border of Karelia coincides with the state border of the Russian Federation and Finland, has a length of 798.3 km, at the same time being the border with European Union. In the east, Karelia borders on the Arkhangelsk region, in the south on the Vologda and Leningrad regions, in the north on the Murmansk region. The capital of the Republic of Karelia is the city of Petrozavodsk.

Geography The Republic of Karelia is located in Northern Europe, in the northwestern part of Russia, washed by the White Sea in the northeast. The main relief of the republic is a hilly plain, turning in the west into the Western Karelian Upland. The glacier, retreating to the north, greatly changed the topography of Karelia; moraine ridges, eskers, kamas, and lake basins appeared in abundance. The highest point of the Republic of Karelia is Mount Nuorunen.

Climate The weather is changeable. The climate is mild with plenty of precipitation, changing in Karelia from marine to temperate continental. Winter is snowy, cool, but usually without severe frosts, if frosts occur, then only for a few days. Summers are short and warm, with plenty of precipitation. Even in June there are sometimes frosts in the republic (extremely rare). Heat is rare and occurs for two to three weeks in the southern regions, but due to high humidity it is noticeable even at 20°C. In the northern regions, heat is extremely rare and lasts no more than a few days.

Geology Karelia's subsoil resources include: 489 explored deposits, 31 types of solid minerals, 386 peat deposits, 14 deposits of groundwater for domestic and drinking purposes, 2 mineral water deposits, 10 officially recognized and over 200 registered geological monuments.

Main minerals: iron ore, titanium, vanadium, molybdenum, precious metals, diamonds, mica, Construction Materials(granites, diabases, marbles), ceramic raw materials (pegmatites, spar), apatite-carbonate ores, alkaline amphibole-asbestos. granite diabase marble

As of September 1, 2004, the distributed subsoil fund in the Republic of Karelia included 606 valid licenses: for precious metals and diamonds 14, solid non-common minerals 16, block stone 94, building stone for the production of crushed stone 76, other common minerals (mainly sand and gravel materials) 286, The groundwater 120. More than 600 deposits have been put on balance. Of these, 378 peat, 77 sand and gravel material, 38 natural facing stone, 34 building stone, 27 muscovite sheets, 26 feldspar raw materials, 21 construction sands, 13 groundwater, 9 milky white quartz, 8 ore raw materials ( iron ores, vanadium, tin, molybdenum), 8 clays, 7 small-sized muscovite, 3 kyanite ores, 7 mineral paints, 4 sulfur-pyrite ores, 3 raw materials for mineral wool, 1 shungite, 1 raw materials for stone casting, 1 quartzite, 1 dolomite for metallurgy, 1 talcum stone.

Hydrology There are about rivers in Karelia, of which the largest are: Vodla (length 149 km), Kem (191 km), Onda (197 km), Unga, Chirka-Kem (221 km), Kovda, Shuya, Suna with Kivach and Vyg. In the republic near lakes. Together with the swamps, they contain about 2000 km³ of high-quality fresh water. Ladoga and Onega are the largest lakes in Europe. Other large lakes Karelia: Nyuk, Pyaozevro, Segozevro, Syamozevro, Topoz euro, Vygozevro, Yushkozevro. Since the territory of Karelia is located on the Baltic crystalline shield, many rivers have rapids and are often lined with stone banks.

Flora and fauna The fauna of Karelia is relatively young, it was formed after Ice Age. In total, 63 species of mammals live on the territory of the republic, many of which, for example, the Ladoga ringed seal, flying squirrel and the brown long-eared bat are listed in the Red Book. On the rivers of Karelia you can see the lodges of European and Canadian beavers. The Canadian beaver, as well as the muskrat and American mink, are acclimatized representatives of the fauna of North America.

The raccoon dog is also not an indigenous inhabitant of Karelia, it comes from Far East. Since the end of the 1990s, wild boars began to appear, and roe deer entered the southern regions. There are bear, lynx, badger and wolf. Karelia is home to 285 species of birds, of which 36 species are included in the Red Book of Karelia. The most common birds are finches. Upland game such as hazel grouse, black grouse, ptarmigan, and wood grouse can be found. Every spring to Karelia from warm countries the geese are flying. Distributed predator birds: owls, hawks, golden eagles, marsh harriers. There are also 40 pairs of rare white-tailed eagles. Among the waterfowl: ducks, loons, waders, many seagulls and the largest of the diving ducks of Karelia, the common eider, valuable for its warm down. There are only 5 species of reptiles on the territory of the republic: common viper, snake, spindle, viviparous lizard and sand lizard.

Just like the fauna, the flora of Karelia was formed relatively recently, 10-15 thousand years ago. Prevail coniferous forests, to the north there are pine trees, to the south there are both pine and spruce trees. Basic conifers: Scots pine and Norway spruce. Less common are Finnish spruce (north of the republic), Siberian spruce (east), and extremely rare Siberian larch (in Zaonezhye, in areas bordering the Arkhangelsk region). Small-leaved species are widespread in the forests of Karelia, these are: downy birch, warty birch, aspen, gray alder, and some types of willow. Mainly in the southern regions of Karelia, less often in the central ones, usually in small groups in the valleys of rivers and streams, on the shores of lakes and in damp, swampy places, black alder is found (its individual locations are also in the northern regions of the republic), and small-leaved linden, rough elm, smooth elm and Norway maple grow mainly in the undergrowth, as individual trees or clumps in areas with the most fertile soils in southern Karelia. Karelia is a land of berries; lingonberries, blueberries, cloudberries, blueberries, and cranberries grow in abundance here; raspberries, both wild and feral, grow in the forests, sometimes moving from village gardens. In the south of the republic, strawberries and currants grow abundantly. Juniper is common in the forests, bird cherry and buckthorn are not uncommon. Red viburnum is occasionally found. At the extreme southwest Republic (in the north-western Ladoga region) common hazel is also very rare.

Mainly in the southern regions of Karelia, less often in the central ones, usually in small groups in the valleys of rivers and streams, on the shores of lakes and in damp, swampy places, black alder is found (its individual locations are also in the northern regions of the republic), and small-leaved linden, rough elm, Smooth elm and Norway maple grow mainly in the undergrowth, as individual trees or clumps in areas with the most fertile soils in southern Karelia. Karelia is a land of berries; lingonberries, blueberries, cloudberries, blueberries, and cranberries grow in abundance here; raspberries, both wild and feral, grow in the forests, sometimes moving from village gardens. In the south of the republic, strawberries and currants grow abundantly. Juniper is common in the forests, bird cherry and buckthorn are not uncommon. Red viburnum is occasionally found. In the extreme southwest of the republic (in the northwestern Ladoga region), common hazel is also very rarely found.

There are two nature reserves in Karelia: “Kivach” and “Kostomuksha”, as well as the Kem-Ludsky section of the Kandalaksha nature reserve. Ecological routes are laid out on their territories, there are nature museums, and scientific tourism is carried out. There are three in the republic national parks“Vodlozersky” (partly located in the Arkhangelsk region), “Paanayarvi” and “Kalevalsky”.

There are also two museum-reserves: “Valaam” and “Kizhi”. The Ladoga Skerries park is at the design and development stage. In addition, in the 2000s it was planned to create national parks“Tulos” in the Muezersky district and “Koitajoki-Tolvajarvi” based on the Tolvoyarvi landscape reserve in the Suoyarvi district, north of Ladoga.


geography teacher

Northern lights

  • It is truly a sparkling multi-colored glow in the sky. The typical northern lights look like a curtain of light, shimmering with blue-green lights interspersed with red and pink.
  • The Northern Lights occur on Earth, but are caused by processes occurring on the Sun.
  • In Karelia, auroras occur not only in winter, but also in early autumn.

Karelia located on a plain, within the Baltic Shield. The territory is covered with dark coniferous taiga

« Lamb's foreheads."

freshwater lake in Europe. Its maximum depth is 127 meters. The lake is of glacial-tectonic origin. 50 rivers flow into it, and only the Svir flows out. Storms are frequent at sea. The height of the waves reaches 2.5 meters.

Small forest lakes are very picturesque, called here lambs or lambushkas.

Paanajärve – a typical tectonic lake , stretching out as a narrow ribbon (width - 1.5 km, length - 24 km) among the hills of northwestern Karelia. Its depth is 131 meters. This is Karelian Baikal.

Nature Reserve of Karelia - “Kivach”

In the very heart of the republic, in its Kondopoga region, there is the first protected reserve of Karelia - “Kivach”. It was formed in the 30s of the last century. The flora of “Kivacha” is represented by more than 600 species various plants, and the fauna includes more than 300 species. On the territory of “Kivach” there are also their own water resources- the Suna River, which has more than fifty waterfalls and rapids.

Vegetable world Karelia

  • The pearls of Karelian forests are relict pine forests. Pine trees rustle above, lingonberry and blueberry bushes below. In such forests, the porcini mushroom is not a rare guest.
  • In contrast, spruce forests are dark and mysterious. It seems like there’s a bear standing behind that tree sniffing at strangers...

Slide 19. Lake Onega, Onego is the second largest freshwater lake in Europe. Its maximum depth is 127 meters. The lake is of glacial-tectonic origin. 50 rivers flow into it, and only the Svir flows out. Storms are frequent at sea. The height of the waves reaches 2.5 meters.

Slide 19 . Small forest lakes are very picturesque , called here lambs or lambushkas. In some, the water has a brownish-red tint, and the bottom is no longer visible for half a meter. In others, the water is crystal clear, it seems that you can stretch out your hand and reach the bottom... It is quiet, calm here, there are no high waves.


Slide 1. Karelia is one of most beautiful places Russia, located in the northwest of the country, on the Karelian Isthmus.

Slide 3-4. This is the land of white nights.

White nights occur in the Arctic Circle. At this time, evening twilight turns into morning twilight and darkness does not set in. Beyond the Arctic Circle, white nights precede the polar day. On a white night, you can read in the house without turning on the lights.

Slide 5. This is the land of the northern lights

Slide 21 .

Slide 22. The rivers are fast and swift.

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Slide 24-25. Waterfall Kivach on the Suna River

Slide26. Winter in Karelia

Slide 27. The pearls of Karelian forests are relict pine forests. Pine trees rustle above, lingonberry and blueberry bushes below. In such forests, the porcini mushroom is not a rare guest.

In contrast, spruce forests are dark and mysterious. It seems like there’s a bear standing behind that tree sniffing at strangers...

Slide 28. This is the first resort in Russia, founded by Peter I. Healing mineral water its sources for iron content are unparalleled in the world.

Slide 29. The historical and architectural museum-reserve KIZHI is located on one of the islands of Lake Onega. Main value– 22 Church of the Transfiguration, a masterpiece of wooden architecture, built in 1714. The height of the church is 35m. Most of constructed without the use of nails. Twenty-two chapters vary in size

Slide 6. Karelia is located on a plain, within the Baltic Shield.

Slide 7. Rocky outcroppings are found everywhere and are of ancient age: Archean and Proterozoic.

The territory of Karelia rises 300-400 meters above sea level, but the predominant heights are from 100 to 300 meters.

But the slopes of the hills are steep, saturated with large debris. This gives the relief a mountain character. These places are sometimes called Karelian Switzerland.

Slide8. Highest point Mount NUORUNEN 577m.

Slide IN Cenozoic era An ancient glacier worked on the relief and greatly changed it. As a result, moraine ridges, eskers, kamas, and lake basins appeared in abundance.

Slide 9-12. Lamb foreheads, various shapes.

Slide 13-14. Karelia is a country of granite.

Embankments are made of Karelian granite

and many monuments of St. Petersburg

Slide 15. Most picturesque and the unique park complex “Ruskeala”. His main feature- an extensive quarry of white marble. This is unusual. The mineral was actively used in finishing the most famous architectural buildings of the city on the Neva. Even in the St. Petersburg metro you can find this rare and unusual stone.

Slide 16. B Karelia has over 61 thousand lakes, mostly of glacial origin. By the number of lakes per 1 thousand. km² area Karelia ranks first among the regions of the planet.

Slide 17. Lake Ladoga - Ladoga. Ancient name- Nevo. This is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Maximum depth– 230m. It is of glacial-tectonic origin. 35 rivers flow in, and only one flows out, the Neva. The route “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” from Scandinavia to Byzantium passed through Ladoga. “The Road of Life” during the Great Years Patriotic War saved thousands of people.

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Lesson-game “Travel to the country of Karelia”

National-regional component in educational field"Art" and "Technology"

The Karelian land is rich and sweet

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Goal and tasks

Nurturing artistic culture, developing interest in folk art, its traditions and heritage. Instill a love for traditional Russian and Karelian art; Develop artistic and creative abilities; Formation of holistic perception folk art as part of the culture of the people.

Slide 4

Which of the data musical works is the anthem of Karelia

Slide 5

From the proposed color range make a flag of the “country of Karelia” and explain your choice

Courage, heroism, blood

Water resources Forest resources 4 6

Slide 6

What images can be associated with Karelia

Slide 7

“In a blue field on golden poles there are red banners placed crosswise.”

Historical coat of arms of Sortavala (Serdoblya) (1788)

Historical coat of arms of Petrozavodsk (1781)

At the top of the shield is the coat of arms of Novgorod. At the bottom, on a field divided by stripes of gold and green paint, there are three iron hammers, covered with mining vines, as a sign of the abundance of ores and the many factories found in this area.

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The main idea of ​​the coat of arms is the centuries-old merciless struggle between Sweden and Russia for possession of the territory of Karelia. The coat of arms initially operated on the ancestral Karelian lands between Lake Ladoga and Baltic Sea(Karelian Isthmus).

"In the golden shield, there is a hand emerging from the left side from the azure cloud, facing inward, holding an azure oval shield and accompanied below by four black cores connected by the same chained indirect cross. The shield is crowned with the Imperial crown and surrounded by golden oak leaves connected by St. Andrew's ribbon ".

Coat of arms of the Olonets province (1878)

Traditional Karelian coat of arms (1562)

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Riddles competition

They beat me, beat me, promoted me to all ranks, and then put me on the throne together with the king.

If I put it on, it will crimp, if I take it off, it will fall like a snake, it doesn’t provide any warmth, and without it it’s cold.

Girls love to wear it to surprise boys.

Warms the soul, warms the soul a little...

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The basis of any Karelian costume was a SHIRT. It was wide, decorated along the hem, collar, and edge of the sleeves with embroidery. And she always tied it with a belt.

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The main part of a woman's outfit is a sundress. Its most ancient type is the “kostych”, a slanted sundress with a high back and chest, decorated with a row of buttons on the front. The second type is “assembled”. It was sewn from straight strips of fabric.

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The festive girl's outfit, along with a sundress, shirt, belt and jewelry, included a soul warmer - an assembled brocade or damask with sleeves or a “short” blouse with narrow straps, similar to a small sundress.

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A very important part of the ancient folk clothing of the Russians, Karelians, Vepsians who lived on our lands.

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Everyone wore a belt - women, men, and children. If the belt was not worn over clothing, then it was necessarily tied under the clothing. Several belts could be worn at the same time.

This has been customary since ancient times. After all, the belt was not just a comfortable piece of clothing, but most importantly, it was a talisman that protected against evil forces.

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Particular attention was paid to the headdress - canvas magpies, warriors, podchelok. U married women it was closed, for the girls it was open. Headdresses were decorated with gold or pearl embroidery, and later with beads and bugles.

Magpie Povoinik

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Architectural monuments

When building churches, ancient masters tried to find them a worthy place, placing them on hills or picturesque places. The architects tried not to disturb the grandeur and silence of nature. Ancient architects inscribed their masterpieces in the artistic contrast of nature. Mighty pines and spruce trees, which have confidently dominated for centuries, seem to recede into the background, and only the temples attract attention.

Slide 17

An architectural monument of the 17th century located in the Suojärvi region

Chapel of St. George in the village of Kangozero

Chapel of the Sign of the Mother of God in the village of Korba

Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and Varlaam Khutynsky in the village of Podelniki

Chapel of Kirik and Ulita in the village of Vorobyi

Chapel of Peter and Paul in the village of Nasonovshchina

Chapel of Michael the Archangel from the village of Lelikozero

Slide 18

George's Chapel

The monument of republican significance is located in the Suoyarvi district, Veshkelitsa village. Dates from the end of the 17th century. Until 1987, the chapel stood in the village of Kangozero, Suoyarvi district. By 1985 the village was almost completely lost.

The chapel dates back several construction periods. The first is the end of the 17th century. The second is the mid-19th century. An open gallery-porch with a quadruple belfry above it is attached to the west. The third period is the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century. The wall between the prayer room and the vestibule was cut out, window openings were cut out, a window was cut on the northern wall of the prayer room, and the frame of the belfry was covered with boards.

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Hut - the image of a person’s face

Platband Prichelina Towel Gulbishche

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Here are illustrations by the famous Karelian artist B. Akbulatov. Name literary work to which they were carried out

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Akbulatov Boris

Born in 1949 in the Karelian village of Ladva. In 1979 he graduated from the Moscow Printing Institute with a degree in book artist. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1977. Participant of all-Union, Russian and foreign exhibitions. Since 1985 he has been working on illustrations for the epic "Kalevala". Personal exhibitions dedicated to the “Kalevala”: Petrozavodsk - 1987 Kajaani (Finland) - 1988 Helsinki - 1988 Tampere - 1995 All works were done on paper using the gouache technique. Artistic concept of illustrations for the epic "Kalevala": conveying the rhythm and power of the spells of ancient runes; archaism and cosmogony of the epic; mystical symbolism and the relationship between the energy of the elemental forces of nature and the creators of the runes. It is also important for the author to show the originality of the nature of the North, the richness of the material culture of the Finns and Karelians.

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A long time ago, when people believed that the Sun, the Moon and Water were living beings and that somewhere in the dense forests lived the evil owner of the forest and his magical assistants, when they could not explain natural phenomena in any other way than a miracle, in ancient fairy tales appeared in the Karelian land... Telling fairy tales has always been a difficult task... Each storyteller had his own special way of “telling” a fairy tale. But all the experts spoke them smoothly, melodiously, to the sounds of...

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To the sounds of what musical instrument fairy tales told

Guitar Cymbal Gusli Kantele

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My attitude towards the game

I liked it, it was interesting I didn’t like it, it was boring I learned something new I was active I would like there to be more lessons like this

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Petr Mironov

Thank you for your work, see you again!

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Slide captions:

Traveling around the country of Karelia, the Northern Pearl of Russia. Shipilina V.D.

On the left, in the west, Karelia borders Finland. In the east, Karelia is with the Arkhangelsk region, in the south - with the Vologda and Leningrad regions. And if we go north, we will get beyond the Arctic Circle, and then to Murmansk region. Neighbors of Karelia

Symbols of Karelia Flag Coat of Arms Green - nature and vegetation Blue - the color of lakes and rivers of Karelia Red - the color of strength, courage and courage of the people Gold - the color of supremacy, greatness and wealth The central element of the coat of arms is the figure of a bear. The bear was especially revered among the Karelians. At the top of the coat of arms is an eight-pointed Golden Star, symbol of the people's guiding star. Shipilina V.D.

Nature of Karelia and climate Half of the territory of Karelia is forests. And there are a lot of lakes and rivers. There are many stones in Karelia - traces of an ancient glacier. Winters are quite mild, but summers are cool. Shipilina V.D.

Paws and hooves: who can be found in the Karelian forests Bears are the masters of the Karelian forests. Wolves are another familiar and rather dangerous forest inhabitants; today there are not many of them in Karelia. The largest wild cats in Europe - lynxes - live in the forests in the south of the republic. These animals, quite cute at first glance, are armed with long and very sharp claws. Various animals live on the territory of Karelia, many of which are listed in the Red Book. Shipilina V.D.

Nature of Karelia There are a lot of coniferous trees, there you can find a spruce that is more than 170 years old. Birch grows in Karelia; it has always been highly valued among the people because of its beauty and special strength. You can also find a lot of berries there: cloudberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, and a lot different mushrooms Shipilina V.D.

The largest bodies of water in Karelia Onego (Lake Onega) is the second largest in Europe. On the banks of the Onega is the capital of Karelia - Petrozavodsk. Ladoga (Lake Ladoga) is the first largest in Europe. Ladoga is a lake with a steep character; fogs and storms are not uncommon. Belomorye (White Sea), also called the “Bay of Snakes”, because of its shape. This is where the so-called northern whale- beluga whale. Shipilina V.D.

Flippers and tail: who can be found in the Karelian lakes Seals. They seem to be very slow, because on land they crawl clumsily from place to place, sighing heavily. But once in the water, seals become very fast. In Karelia we can meet several representatives: The ringed seal, or ringed seal lives in the White Sea all year round. There is also a Ladoga ringed seal in Lake Ladoga. At the beginning of winter, herds of harp seals swim to the White Sea. Enters the White Sea for fattening, and sometimes another large one winters there sea ​​animal, toothed whale - beluga whale. Shipilina V.D.

Embroidery of Karelia In Karelia, as throughout Russia, the ability to embroider was mandatory for every woman. In Zaonezhye, for example, girls’ ability to embroider was equal to boys’ ability to read and write. Ancient embroideries have survived to this day - towels, valances, tabletops, details of folk household and festive costumes. Shipilina V.D.

National cuisine of Karelia Kalitki is a national Karelian dish. Karelian women say “The gate asks for eight.” This means that to bake wickets, you need eight ingredients - flour, water, curdled milk, salt, milk, butter, sour cream and filling. Karelians grew turnips in huge quantities, used them to prepare compotes, kvass, baked casseroles and added them to porridges. Dried turnips were the most favorite delicacy of little Karelians. Shipilina V.D.