Examples of work in English. Resume in English - sample

How to write a resume or CV in English: sample with translation and instructions with examples.

So, has there come a time in your life when you decided to get your dream job? Then the first step towards realizing your plans will be a correctly composed resume. This is the first information about you to the employer, so it is extremely important to leave a good impression. The ability to write a resume or CV in English is an advantage for a candidate. After all, there are now many foreign companies in the country that will evaluate your resume in two languages. In addition, this is an opportunity to get a job not only in Russia, but also abroad. After completing your resume, do not forget

How to write a resume in English correctly.

Given the importance of the document, be careful when drafting it and follow the basic rules for writing a resume. First of all, remember that a well-written resume takes up ONE page. If you exceed this amount, your second sheet may meet a sad fate. It may get lost, fail to fax, or attach to someone else's document. Therefore, if the amount of information you want to convey to the employer still exceeds the volume of one page, indicate your personal and contact information on each page. This will definitely help you avoid any confusion.

Take your resume writing as responsibly as possible. Write in business language, avoiding any familiarity or jokes. Be brief but specific. There is no need to overwhelm the employer with a sea of ​​information. Write exclusively to the point, provide exact numbers, avoid general phrases. Remember, the better your resume, the greater your chances of getting the job you want.

Structure of a resume in English.

Key points that make up a resume:

  • personal data – Personal Information;
  • target - Job Objective;
  • education - Education;
  • work experience – Experience;
  • skills – Skills;
  • additional information, hobbies – Extracurricular Activities;
  • recommendations - References.

Pay attention not only to the full disclosure of each item, but also to the correct formatting of the document.

  1. Personal information (Personal Information)

For many employers, it is important that the resume has a photograph of the applicant in order to see the person “in person” and imagine who they are talking about. Place your photo on the right top corner. Don’t forget - this is a business document, which means the photograph must be of high quality, taken against a neutral background, and the clothing style must be businesslike. To the left of the photo write about yourself. This section contains the following items:

Name Write your last name and first name in Latin letters. If you have a foreign passport, write down the data from it to avoid the slightest mistakes
Address Please indicate your residential address, starting with the house number, then the street name, apartment number, locality, postal code, country. For example: 137 Nekrasova Street, apr.42, Saratov, 410000, Russia
Phone number The phone number must be written in international format, starting with the country code. (+7 Russia)
Marital status Marital status: married (married), single (single), divorced (divorced).
Date of birth Date of birth is indicated in the following format: 12th, October, 1986
Email Please indicate a neutral email containing your personal information. Avoid any diminutive words. Also pay attention to the choice of email service; gmail, being international, is best suited for resumes in English. For example: [email protected]

If you wish, you can add the “Nationality” item, and in addition to email, specify additional means of communication. For example, Skype or social networks.

  1. Job Objective

Here you need to indicate which position is desired for you. Also justify why preference should be given to you, what personal qualities that contribute to your successful implementation in this position you possess. After all, you understand that this is your dream job, which means you have a lot of competitors. Try to immediately stand out among them. Why you? Here you need to indicate not who you will become someday in the future, but who you are at the moment.

Example phrases:

  • To use my professional skills to help achieve the company’s aims as a sales manager Use your professional skills to help the company achieve its goals as a sales manager.
  • To get a position in the field of clients supportthat will allow me to use my communicative skills and advanced English To take up a position in customer support, which will give me the opportunity to use my communication skills and advanced knowledge of English.
  • I would like to get a position of English teacher to use my professional skills and knowledge of English I would like to get a position as an English teacher to use my professional skills and knowledge of the language.
  1. Education

Here write what your education is, indicating the date of study. If you have more than one education, write each one in reverse chronology - from the last place of study to the first. Write the name of your educational institution in full, indicate the faculty, specialty, as well as your educational and qualification level. This section can be formatted in different ways, the main thing is to comply with the listed requirements.


  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Psychology Department, Master’s Degree in Psychoanalysis (2003-2008) Pyatigorsk State linguistic university, Faculty of Psychology, Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis (2003-2008).
  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Department of Roman Languages, Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics (2003-2008) Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Faculty of Romance Languages, bachelor's degree in Linguistics (2003-2008).
  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Psychology Department, PhD in Psychoanalysis (2003-2008) Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Faculty of Psychology, Doctor of Science in Psychoanalysis (2003-2008).
  1. Qualifications

This section is intended to indicate all professional courses, master classes, seminars or conferences that you attended to improve your qualifications.

For example:

Certificate in Accounting (2008) accountant certificate (if you did not receive your education at a university);

Marketing Specialist Courses in Moscow Economic College (2012-2014) courses for marketing specialists, Moscow College of Economics (2012-2014).

Having such additional certificates is your advantage over other candidates, use it.

  1. Work experience (Work Experience)

Your task here is to reveal your professional experience as fully as possible. List all places of employment in reverse chronology that relate to the scope of the desired position. If you are aiming to get a position as a sales manager now, but some time ago you worked as a cook in a cafe, this has nothing to do with sales, which means you should not indicate such experience. Describe the professional responsibilities you performed in your previous job. Write the name of the company and your position in full, mark the city and country.

What to do if you do not have formal work experience noted in work book? In this case, indicate any work experience you have. For example, practical training, internship, freelancing, part-time work, etc. Achievements, if any, should also be mentioned here. Provide only specific facts indicating exact numbers and percentages. However, do not forget that the information can be checked at any time.

Examples of phrases that can be used:

— preparing business plans preparation of business plans;

analyzing data sets from all departments analysis of data from all departments;

preparing financial forecasts preparation of financial forecasts.

When specifying your responsibilities, use gerund(prepare + ING) (as written in the examples above), and when describing achievements - Past Simple.

For example:

  • raised sales on 8% increased sales by 8%;
  • attracted 57 new clients attracted 57 new clients.
  1. Personal Qualities

Here you should indicate your personal qualities. But be careful, you don’t need to over-praise yourself or, conversely, keep silent about your merits. How to find the golden mean? Just imagine yourself in the employer’s place, think how he would react to this or that quality. Also, do not forget that the specified qualities must be suitable for the vacancy. For example, excellent communication skills are a plus for a sales manager, but an accountant must be attentive, diligent and patient.

  1. Skills

This section includes 4 points, each of which is studied by the employer very carefully:

  1. Language Skills– indicate all the languages ​​that you already know or are still learning, including your native one. Don't forget to write what your level of proficiency is. To do this, you can use the usual gradation:

— Pre-Intermediate;

— Intermediate;

— Upper-Intermediate;

- Proficiency.

You can also use definitions like:

Native- native;

Fluent- fluency;

Good reading and translating ability- I read, translate with a dictionary;

Basic knowledge- basic knowledge.

  1. Computer literacy- computer literacy. Indicate all the programs that you are proficient in.
  2. Driving license- presence or absence of a driver's license.
  3. Hobbies- hobbies. Be careful in this matter. There is no need to list a dozen hobbies; indicate no more than three main ones. You can write about achievements, if any.
  4. Awards

Add this item to your resume only if there is something to write about. Leaving a field blank is not a good idea. If you have achievements, list them in reverse chronology.

  1. Research experience

This point is also not mandatory. Add it to your resume only if you have conducted any scientific work.

  1. Publications

Another optional section. If there are publications, write them in reverse chronology, mentioning the edition and date of publication.

  1. Memberships

This item is also enabled only when necessary. If you are part of an organization, simply write its name.

For example:

Russian Teachers Association (Association of Russian Teachers).

This is where you provide contact information for people who can provide you with a recommendation. Just write the person's first and last name, the name of the organization and a contact information.

For example:

Sergey Petrov, Company Name, +7XXX-XXX-XX-XX, [email protected]

If you don’t want to immediately provide people’s data for recommendations, just write available upon request ( available upon request).

Summarizing the above, we would like to give you 6 more tips for competently writing a resume in English:

  1. Formatt your resume correctly . Half the success depends on this. Choose the standard font Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri. Make sure that the letter size is consistent throughout the document. Give preference to standard formatting. It is enough to highlight the headings; all other font changes will be inappropriate, as they reduce the readability of the document.
  2. Provide links to your social networks. If necessary, edit your pages so that they do not spoil the impression of your business image.
  3. Carefully review your resume at least 3 times at intervals. You can even ask someone else to read it. Any typo or missing comma can ruin your resume, no matter how good it is.
  4. Consider the employer's requirements. Sometimes employers indicate specific requirements when describing a vacancy, for example, attaching a certain photograph or a completed test. Fulfilling these requirements will demonstrate that you are attentive and serious about your work, and will therefore increase your chances of getting the position.
  5. Set the right goals. If you are submitting your resume to multiple companies, create a separate document for each. After all, every employer wants to see a certain employee and your task is to show that you meet all the criteria.
  6. Attach a cover letter. This document is not mandatory for domestic companies, unlike foreign ones. But for Russian companies this will be an additional advantage for you as a job seeker. Your cover letter should briefly describe in a business-like style the personal qualities and strengths that make you the best candidate for the position. You can see an example of a cover letter in English in our article.

Such simple tips will help you write an impressive resume in English that will definitely attract the employer's attention to you. Below is an example of a resume in English, take it as a sample and be sure to tell us whether you managed to achieve your goal.

Example of a resume in English.

Good luck with your interview!

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Over four years of work, we have reviewed several thousand English-language resumes of both Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers. Based on this experience, we decided to compile for you detailed instructions on how to write a resume or CV in English, what phrases to use and what rules to follow. At the end of the article you will find a sample resume in English, as well as a large list of vocabulary to describe your personal qualities and skills.

You've probably come across two terms: resume and CV (from the Latin curriculum vitae - life path). In our country, they are used as synonyms to define the concept of “resume in English”. In Europe they use the term CV, in the USA - resume. IN lately the fragile boundary between these concepts has completely blurred, and the terms CV and resume can be regarded as identical.

Structure of a resume or CV in English

Each document has its own structure that must be followed. We will tell you in detail how to write a resume or CV in English. Typically the sections go in this order:

1. Personal information

You should place your photo in the upper right corner at the beginning of your resume. good quality. To the left of the photo, enter basic information about yourself. This section consists of the following items:

NameFirst and last name in English. If you have a foreign passport, write down this data from it letter by letter.
AddressThe address is usually written in this order: house number and street name, apartment number, city, postal code, country.
Example: 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia.
Phone numberPhone number. Enter your number in international format, because the employer may call you from another country.
Marital statusMarital status: married (married), single (single), divorced (divorced).
Date of birthDate of birth. We recommend writing the month in letters, since abroad there are different formats for writing dates. To avoid confusion, write, for example: 25th July 1985. Remember, the names of months in English are written with a capital letter.
EmailEmail address: [email protected]

In the same section, you can optionally indicate your nationality, and after email write other methods of communication: Skype, social networks, etc. We offer an example of this part:

Personal information
NameIvan Ivanov
Address201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia
Phone numberhome: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ
mobile: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ
Marital statusSingle
Date of birth25th July 1985
Email[email protected]

2. Objective

In this paragraph, you must indicate the purpose of the resume - applying for the position for which you are applying. In this case, you can not just write what position interests you, but also briefly justify why you should take it, what qualities will help you successfully realize yourself in this position.

Examples of writing a purpose in a resume in English:

Sales manager.Sales Manager.
An office accountant position in the Name company.The position of chief accountant in the company “Company Name”.
A general office position with a focus on wholesaling.Office employee position with specialization in wholesale trade.
To contribute professional skills to achieving your company's goals as an accountant.Contribute to the development of the company using professional accountant skills.
To obtain employment in the field of client support that will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.Obtain a position in customer support, which will allow me to use my people skills and knowledge of the English language.
I am seeking employment with a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.I am interested in employment in a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people with the opportunity to use my knowledge of the English language.
I am seeking a competitive and challenging environment where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.I am looking for a challenging and competitive position where I can use my interpersonal skills with the opportunity to apply my English language skills.
I am seeking a position in the banking sector focusing on microcredit.I am looking for a position in banking with a specialization in microcredit.
I want to obtain a position as an accountant in your company.I would like to get a position as an accountant in your company.
I am looking for a position as a sales manager for a distributive company.I am looking for a position as a sales manager in a distribution company.

3. Education

In this section you need to write what education you received after school and where exactly. That is, you need to indicate the full name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and your educational qualification level.

If you have completed several educational institutions, indicate them in reverse chronological order - from last to first. Look at an example of how you can indicate your education on your resume if, for example, you studied at a college or university:

There are several more options for how you can indicate your education on a CV in English. They are all correct, you can use any of them:

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (2001-2005)Moscow state university instrument engineering and computer science, faculty of computer science and computer equipment, bachelor's degree in computer science (2001-2005)
2001-2005; department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia

Bachelor's degree in Computer science

2001-2005; Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Bachelor's degree in computer science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow

Master's Degree in Computer science,

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Moscow
2001-2006 Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master’s Degree in Computer science2001-2006 Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, master's degree in computer science
Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001-2006
Degree in Computer Science and computer facilities

Master's degree in Computer science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, 2001-2006, diploma in informatics and computer technology

Master's degree in computer science

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, PhD in Computer science (2006-2009)Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Science in Computer Science (2006-2009)

Please note: educational qualifications in our country and abroad differ. To figure out what degree to write on your resume, read the article by our teacher Anastasia “English abbreviations: academic degrees in North America.”

4. Qualifications (additional qualifications)

In this section you can specify everything professional courses, which you studied or are studying. If you also attended training seminars or conferences, be sure to indicate this fact:

September - December 2014; Programming in Java courses at the Solution Training Centre, Moscow, RussiaSeptember - December 2014; Programming courses in Java at the Reshenie training center, Moscow, Russia
Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2014 up to presentCourses for marketing specialists, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2014 to present
Certificate in AccountingAccountant certificate (if you did not receive the certificate from a university)

5. Work experience

At this point, you must provide the potential employer with information about your professional experience. You need to list all your jobs in reverse chronological order, that is, from last to first, indicating the length of time you worked in these companies. Also, list your job responsibilities. This way, your potential employer will see what skills you have acquired in your previous jobs. Job responsibilities we recommend describing using a gerund, for example: writing program codes for mobile applications, preparing business plans, etc.

For each place of work, you must indicate the full name of the company and your position. Please also indicate which country and city you worked in. You can also indicate the type of activity of the company and the name of the department in which you worked.

If you do not have official work experience, you can indicate in this section industrial practice, internship, part-time work, freelancing, participation in any projects, etc.

In the same section of your resume in English, you can indicate your professional achievements (achievements). This should only be done if you can be specific about your successes. For example, if you managed to increase sales by 2-5% or attract 100 new clients, be sure to indicate this in this paragraph. To describe achievements, we recommend using the Past Simple tense, for example: attracted 100 new consumers (attracted 100 new clients). Let's give an example of this CV item:

Work experience

Company Name 1, 2012-present
Moscow, Russia
Financial analyst

  • Preparing business plans
  • Planning investment activities and budget
  • Analyzing data sets collected through all departments
  • Preparing financial forecasts

Company Name 2, 2007-2011
Krasnodar, Russia
Assistant manager

  • Providing main office with office supplies
  • Analyzing large data sets collected through all departments
  • Preparing financial forecasts
  • Preparing reports for the board of management

If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.

If you call your failures experiments, you can add them to your resume and call them achievements.

6. Personal qualities (personal qualities)

This section of your resume might seem like the easiest to handle, but in reality you'll need to find a balance between being self-congratulatory and being overly modest. Our advice: try to put yourself in the employer’s shoes and think about what qualities a candidate for this position should have. For example, initiative and ambition are mandatory qualities for a development manager, but for an accountant, attentiveness and perseverance are more important.

At the end of the article, we presented phrases to describe personal qualities and skills in English with translation into Russian, which can be reflected in your CV. For example, you can note the following qualities:

Personal qualities

  • Dependable
  • Determined
  • Initiative
  • Versatile

7. Special skills (special skills)

This section may include several items. Despite the fact that it is located almost at the end of the resume, employers study it no less carefully than the work experience paragraph. It is in this section that you have the opportunity to open up and show your best side thanks to additional skills.

What to write about in this paragraph:

  1. Language skills (language proficiency). List all the languages ​​you speak or are learning. In this case, to describe the degree of language proficiency, you can use the standard gradation: , . You can use the following words:
  • Native - native.
  • Fluent is fluent.
  • Good reading and translating ability - I read and translate with a dictionary.
  • Basic knowledge - basic knowledge.
  • Computer literacy. In this paragraph, list the names of the programs that you know how to work with.
  • Driving license (driver's license). If you have a driver's license, mention it on your resume.
  • Hobbies (hobbies). You should be careful with this point. The main mistake is to tell a potential employer about all your hobbies in 10 pages. Briefly mention 2-3 of your hobbies, write about your achievements in this field, if any.
  • Let's give a small example:

    Special skills

    • Native Russian
    • Fluent English
    • Working knowledge of German (Basic knowledge)
    • Driving License (Category B)
    • Computer literacy (Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C: Enterprise)
    • Hobbies: foreign languages, chess

    8. Awards

    This item is optionally included in your CV only if you have any significant awards. Here you indicate all the certificates, awards, grants, scholarships that you received while studying at the university or while working. Please list your achievements in chronological order.

    If your rewards directly concern professional activities, you can write this section above after work experience.

    9. Research experience (scientific activity)

    This item is also optional. In the section you indicate in which area you conducted scientific activity and what achievements you have in this field. If you have never conducted research or participated in scientific activities, you can also skip this point.

    10. Publications

    Another optional item. Here you write the title of your publications, the year they were published and the name of the publication in which they were published. If you do not have such work, skip this point.

    11. Memberships (membership in organizations)

    This item is also included in a resume in English only if you are a member of an organization. In it you indicate which professional and public organizations you are a member of. In this case, it is enough to indicate only the name of this organization, for example: Russian Managers Association (Association of Managers of Russia).

    In this section you should indicate contacts of people who can recommend you as a good specialist. You can write it this way:

    Petr Petrov, Company Name, xxx-x-xxx-xxx-xxxx, [email protected](first and last name of the contact person, company name, telephone number, email address of the contact person).

    If you would not like to provide contacts of your former employers yet or do not want to overload your resume, write the phrase available upon request (provided upon request). Try to take recommendations from any place of work. A letter of recommendation can always be attached to your resume if necessary.

    At the end of the article you will find an attached sample CV in English, which can be downloaded for free. We also recommend that you look at resume samples in English on the sites dayjob.com, freeresumesamples.org and resumegenius.com.

    And before introducing you to 13 tips for writing a competent CV in English, we suggest taking a little break and looking at an example of an alternative resume for creative people:

    13 tips for writing an effective resume in English

    1. Correct CV design

    • Use a standard font

      When writing your resume, use one of the standard, easy-to-read fonts. Flourish letters can bore the reader of your document and reduce your chances of getting hired. Opt for Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, these are commonly used for business papers. The font size of resume paragraph headings should be slightly larger size than the font size of the contents of these paragraphs. At the same time, check that the font matches in all parts of the document.

    • Don't go overboard with formatting

      The title of each CV paragraph should be highlighted in bold. Within sections, do not highlight text in bold or italics, this will only make it less readable. Underscores are also not recommended. Leave blank lines between sections to improve readability. The margins on the right, bottom and top must be at least 1.5 cm, on the left - 2 cm.

    • Use PDF format

      Compose your resume in English in Microsoft Office Word and format it correctly. After that, export your CV to PDF format. To do this, click “File” - “Save As” and select PDF format. This way you will be sure that your resume will not be formatted and will get to the employer in the form in which you sent it.

    2. High-quality photo

    Be sure to place your photo in the upper right corner of the document. You must choose a high-quality photo; you must be dressed in a business style, without hats or sunglasses. Some employers won't even consider a CV without a photo, so take the time to take a good photo for your resume.

    3. Links to profiles on social networks

    Today, almost every employer checks the profiles of potential employees on social networks. Therefore, it makes sense to indicate them on your resume so that you are not confused with someone else. At the same time, we recommend that you review your page and, if necessary, edit it so that it looks presentable. Also abroad (and recently in our country), the network of professional contacts Linkedin is very popular. Create a profile there and provide a link to it in your resume.

    4. Optimal volume

    Curriculum vitae in English is not an essay in free topic, so be concise. Try to write each paragraph briefly; as a rule, the summary should take no more than 2 pages.

    5. Perfect spelling and punctuation

    No matter how excellent a specialist you are, you may not get to an interview if the HR manager finds errors in your resume. Therefore, re-read the document several times after writing, and also find a person who speaks English high level so that he can check your literacy. You can also use spell checking services. However, keep in mind that they can only check your spelling and, at best, punctuation, and not your word combination.

    6. Compliance

    Some employers, in their job requirements, ask you to attach a document to your resume: a test task, a full-length photo, a copy of your diploma, etc. Fulfill this requirement exactly and you will increase your chances of getting the desired position.

    7. Targeted resume

    If you are going to submit your resume to several different companies, create a separate document for each of them or remember to change the objective in each resume you send. Firstly, this way you can correctly write the Objective section, because companies probably require different specialists. If you send a CV with the wrong purpose, the company may think that you are an inattentive person and will not consider your resume at all. Secondly, you will be able to write the Personal qualities and Special skills sections in such a way as to match the image of an ideal employee of a particular employer. To do this, study information about the company and look in the advertisement for the search for an employee, what kind of person the company is looking for. Create a resume based on this information.

    Resume: a written exaggeration of only the good things a person has done in the past, as well as a wish list of the qualities a person would like to have.

    A resume is a written exaggeration of all the good things a person has done in the past, as well as a list of qualities he would like to have.

    8. Nothing personal

    A CV in English is written in a formal style, and this style implies “depersonalization.” That is, try not to use the words “I”, “my”, “me”, etc. Write dryly and to the point. Read ours, it will help you find the right words.

    9. Nothing extra

    Your resume should only contain information that is relevant to the vacancy. That is, if you are applying for the position of accountant, then it is not necessary to write about your passion for cutting and sewing. If you want to work as a designer, then this item must be indicated in the appropriate section.

    In addition, “extra” also includes other documents that should not be sent along with your resume. Of course, everyone wants to show off their English proficiency certificate or diploma to the employer. international conference. However, if the advertisement does not indicate whether the company requires these documents, you should not attach them to your resume. At the same time, do not forget to indicate in the CV itself what certificates and diplomas you have.

    10. Correct email

    Most employers prefer to send a response to a resume by email. Just providing an email address is half the battle, and there are also nuances that need to be taken into account. Firstly, the email address must correspond to business style. What do we mean? Make sure that the address does not look frivolous, for example karinka_malinka, otherwise you will make an impression frivolous person. It is best to indicate an email address that contains your first and last name in its title. Secondly, we recommend playing it safe and setting up an email account on Gmail. Letters sent using domestic mail clients, sometimes do not reach foreign employers.

    11. A lie does not make a person beautiful.

    This advice may seem banal to some, but let us remind you once again: you cannot include false information in your resume. Most often, applicants try to distort data about their work experience and this only makes the situation worse. In the century information technology It's hard to hide the truth. Even if the company is foreign, HR department employees will easily find a way to find out all the ins and outs of the applicant. And checking whether a person worked in a certain company is as easy as shelling pears. If a potential employee is caught lying, his access to almost all foreign companies will be closed, because blacklists of employees are a popular phenomenon even in our country. Consider whether it is worth risking your reputation.

    12. Cover letter

    Our school constantly receives letters with resumes from native speakers. And every email must have a cover letter. In our country, such a document is not always written, but if you plan to work in foreign company, be sure to write a cover letter. It should indicate why you are interested in the vacancy and why you consider yourself a suitable employee for this position. We recommend reading the article by our teacher Svetlana “Cover Letter. “We are writing a cover letter in English,” you will learn how to create a document that is attractive to the employer.

    13. Accuracy

    If you are sending a document to printed form, make sure it looks neat. There should be no stains or creases on the sheets. Attach the printed document to a file, this will help keep the document in good shape.

    Sample CV in English

    Now you know how to write a resume or CV in English to interest a potential employer. To make it even easier for you to compose this document, we have attached a sample CV in English, as well as a list of useful vocabulary to describe personal qualities and skills:

    (*.pdf, 167 Kb)

    (*.pdf, 227 Kb)

    Is your resume ready yet? Then it's time to prepare for the interview. We have developed an article for you “”, in which you will find the 10 most frequently asked interview questions and ready-made good answers to them in English.

    And if you want help checking your resume and preparing for the upcoming interview in English, we invite you to. An experienced teacher will help you prepare so that you can go through all stages of the interview successfully and without nerves.

    The Internet is full of information on how to correctly write a resume in English, as well as tips on what to do and not do when writing it. But we will share with you not just another instruction, but tips from native English speakers who work in our school.

    Resume or CV

    Isn’t that how CV is translated into English? Actually, no. CV, or Curriculum Vitae (translated from Latin - this is the path of life), and resume are very different in volume. For a resume, the polite maximum is a couple of pages, and for a CV, as much as your imagination and life experience allows.

    Remember the assignments from your literature teacher for the summer - read, for example, “War and Peace” in its entirety, all four volumes. Do you understand now how much volume this is?
    Now think about a collection of short summaries that has helped you out many times in such situations. Remember how little (compared to the original) there was to read? So, a CV is the entire “War and Peace”, only dedicated to you, and a summary is a resume that is also about you, but straight to the point and without additional details other than those that are important to a potential employer.

    Always clarify whether you need to send a CV in English or a resume, do not tire the recruiter in vain, he still has at least twenty, or even more, to read and not forget what and how + you need to make a decision!

    Resume structure in English with examples

    Here we will focus on the key points, from the point of view of our native speakers, that will be universal for any resume.

    Formatting a resume

    • Choose simple and clear fonts.
    • Highlight key points in bold or underline.
    • Use all elements to format text: paragraphs, indents, lists, alignment.

    Don't overdo it with colors. The most important thing is that the information in your resume is easy to read, and that the design does not distract from reading, but promotes it.


    The contacts section, where we indicate the first name, last name, patronymic, contact (electronic and physical) addresses. What if you take so long to get to work that by the start of the workday you’re already unproductive? You also need to indicate your phone number and all other ways to contact you. Here is an example of a resume in English:

    Bill Gates, 1835, 73rd Ave, Medina, Washington, US, 709-3100, [email protected]

    Professional profile (Specialist card)

    This is kind of a cool teaser or spoiler, which contains the most interesting facts about you related to the position for which you are applying. And, since this is information only about yourself, then “I” and “am” and “have” are omitted everywhere in the resume, so as not to be full of your ego everywhere (I’m a specialist, I have 5 years of experience, etc.). d.).

    In Western companies, it has long been customary to do this so that the HR manager opens your resume and immediately finds something for which it is worth contacting you or, in general, hiring you with your hands and feet. Here is a simple example of a resume in English:

    4+ years of professional experience in sales management.- More than four years of experience in sales management.
    Excellent managing skills and ability to work to tight deadlines.- Excellent management skills and ability to work under tight deadlines.


    Skills. It’s already difficult to elaborate anything here, we just take those that are perfect for the position and list them:

    Knowledge of Oracle, SAGE and all Microsoft Office Apps.- Knowledge of Oracle, SAGE and all Microsoft Office applications.
    Excellent communication skills and ability to present complex information in an easy to understand format.- Excellent communication skills and the ability to convey complex information accessible.


    Experience. We write about all our merits, orders and real achievements in reverse order - from the most recent to earlier periods of work. Be sure to include information about the name of the company, position, period of work and achievements in the position for that period.

    If you worked in a small and not particularly well-known company, try to provide links to more famous and large partners with whom you had the opportunity to deal. Let's take a closer look:

    LANGFORD PARTNERSHIP, Sacramento- company name and city
    Financial Analyst- financial analyst
    September 2011 - Present- period of work from September 2011 to the present
    Created financial reports and supported all areas of responsibility within a 5 person finance team.- Created financial reports and supported all areas of responsibility in a team of 5 finance specialists.
    Process journal entries and perform accounting corrections to ensure accurate records.- Process journal entries and make adjustments to official records to ensure accuracy of records.

    You may have already noticed that past accomplishments and accomplishments are described using the past tense, while current responsibilities are described using the present tense. And, again, the “I” is missing everywhere.


    Education. Everything is simple here - we list the name of the university, faculty, specialty and date of graduation, as well as all the certificates and courses that we have completed:

    GROVER COLLEGE, Alamosa- names of the university and city
    MBA with Accounting Concentration- Master's degree in accounting
    June 2008- period of obtaining a degree

    Other skills

    Other skills. Despite the name, this section is also worth paying attention to and adding here everything that is not entirely related to the work we are interested in, but is worth mentioning, and, of course, it is highly advisable to write down your level of English proficiency in your resume.

    By the way, the standard options are: elementary - basic, intermediate - average, upper-intermediate - above average. We believe that we speak confidently and fluently - fluent.

    Great experience in Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), intermediate level of English.- Extensive experience in Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), knowledge of English at an intermediate level.

    Cover letter

    The cover letter is not exactly a section of the resume, but what the recruiter will see first, because he or she will first open the letter to which you attached your resume, and only then the resume itself.

    The letter should be formatted in a business style. We begin the letter with the address: Dear Mr. Edison, for example. It’s better to find an HR profile on social networks and contact him or her by name - this will 100% be a plus for karma!

    Next, we introduce ourselves and explain why we are interested in the vacancy. To explain why only we are suitable for this position, we paint our skills and achievements with all the colors. For example, My security plugin for Windows browsers made them work faster. - The security plugin of my creation speeds up the work of all browsers!

    At the end of the letter, we thank you for your attention - thanks for your attention, and that in general we will be happy to answer any questions, or even come for an interview - feel free to contact me for more details. We politely end the letter with the standard phrase “Regards”, i.e. “With respect” / “With respect”, not “See you later, alligator.”

    Resume template in English

    Dear Mr. Edison, I am highly interested in your position at findajob.com.- Dear Mr. Edison, I am highly interested in your vacancy, which I found on findjob.com.
    In my last job I managed a $350,000 budget, with a reduction of costs totaling 15% over two years.- In my last job, I managed a $350,000 budget, reducing costs by a total of 15% over two years.
    Thank you for your time. Please contact me for any relevant information.- Thank you for your time. Please contact us if you require any additional information.
    Regards, Andrew Wilson.- Best wishes, Andrew Wilson.

    Please note that in a cover letter we can already write I am, I have. And, if you have recently reached some heights or have just completed an English course, you can say this using Present Perfect- I have just finished an Intermediate English course. - I just finished an intermediate level English course.

    Mistakes when writing a resume

    Let's talk about typical mistakes when writing a resume.

    • Volume more than 2 pages.
    • Poor visual design and all text without paragraphs.
    • The absence of a professional profile (spoiler about yourself and how cool our experience and skills are) - this is how you will force the recruiter to read all two pages of your resume.
    • Insufficient contact information. This way your resume immediately ends up at the end of the list and there is even a risk that it will simply be missed.
    • Insufficient information about previous employment. This looks suspicious and immediately reduces your chances of getting the desired position.
    • Indication of short periods of operation in the “Experience” section. They may scare off a potential employer (except for participation in project work- in this case, be sure to mention that this was a short-term project).
    • Irrelevant experience - don’t write about how you worked in construction in the summer if you want to become a senior financial analyst.
    • The use of I am and I have are all in the same “Experience” section. As our speakers explained, this is bad form and a waste of symbols.
    • Certificates and skills that don't exist. Everything is easy to check, and if you indicated your level of knowledge of English in your resume, for example, as a native, but in reality - with a dictionary, and even then I’m embarrassed, you will definitely find yourself in an awkward situation. It is better to take an interview preparation course, which includes writing a resume in English, or a business course. By the way, we have just such courses and cool teachers who can easily prepare you and help you write a resume. So feel free to sign up for a free introductory lesson at EnglishDom.
    • Lack of cover letter. Use every opportunity to draw attention to your candidacy, including a cover letter.

    We hope that our article will help you write your resume correctly, but here is a video that will be useful during an interview.

    We are confident that you will draw the right conclusions and take a responsible approach to drawing up your resume, and also check it carefully, because this is the key to your employment. Good luck on your journey!

    Big and friendly EnglishDom family

    Surely you have come across two terms: resume and CV [from Lat. Curriculum Vitae - path of life]. In our country, they are used as synonyms to define the concept of “resume in English”. In Europe they use the term CV, in the USA - resume. Recently, the fragile boundary between these concepts has completely blurred, and the terms CV and resume can be regarded as identical.

    Structure of a resume or CV in English

    Each document has its own structure that must be followed. We will tell you in detail how to write a resume or CV in English. Typically the sections go in this order:

    1. Personal information In the upper right corner at the beginning of your resume you need to place a good quality photo of yourself. To the left of the photo, enter basic information about yourself. This section consists of the following items:

    Name First and last name in English. If you have a foreign passport, write down this data from it letter by letter.

    Address The address is usually written in this order: house number and street name, apartment number, city, postal code, country. Example: 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia.

    Phone number Phone number. Enter your number in international format, because the employer may call you from another country.

    Marital status Marital status: married (married), single (single), divorced (divorced).

    Date of birth Date of birth. We recommend writing the month in letters, since abroad there are different formats for writing dates. To avoid confusion, write, for example: 25th July 1985. Remember, the names of months in English are written with a capital letter.

    Email Email address: [email protected]

    In the same section, you can optionally indicate your citizenship (Nationality), and after email write other methods of communication: Skype, social networks, etc. We offer an example of this part:

    Personal information

    Name Ivan Ivanov

    Address 201 Lenina Street, apt. 25, Moscow, 215315, Russia

    Phone number home: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ

    mobile: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ

    Marital status Single

    Nationality Russian

    Email [email protected]

    2. Objective

    In this paragraph, you must indicate the purpose of the resume - applying for the position for which you are applying. In this case, you can not just write what position interests you, but also briefly justify why you should take it, what qualities of yours will help you successfully realize yourself in this position.

    Examples of writing a purpose in a resume in English:

    Sales manager. Sales Manager.

    An office accountant position in the Name company. The position of chief accountant in the company “Company Name”.

    A general office position with a focus on wholesaling. Office employee position with specialization in wholesale trade.

    To contribute professional skills to achieving your company's goals as an accountant. Contribute to the development of the company using the professional skills of an accountant.

    To obtain employment in the field of client support that will allow me to use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. Obtain a position in customer support, which will allow me to use my people skills and knowledge of the English language.

    I am seeking employment with a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. I am interested in employment in a company where I can use my ability to communicate with people with the opportunity to use my knowledge of the English language.

    I am seeking a competitive and challenging environment where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English. I am looking for a challenging and competitive position where I can use my interpersonal skills with the opportunity to apply my English language skills.

    I am seeking a position in the banking sector focusing on microcredit. I am looking for a position in banking with a specialization in microcredit.

    I want to obtain a position as an accountant in your company. I would like to get a position as an accountant in your company.

    I am looking for a position as a sales manager for a distributive company. I am looking for a position as a sales manager in a distribution company.

    3. Education

    In this section you need to write what education you received after school and where exactly. That is, you need to indicate the full name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and your educational qualification level.

    If you graduated from several educational institutions, list them in reverse chronological order, from most recent to first. Look at an example of how you can indicate your education on your resume if, for example, you studied at a college or university:

    Lomonosov Moscow State University, Economics department, Master’s degree in Marketing (2001–2006) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics, Master’s degree in Marketing (2001–2005)

    Krasnodar Marketing College Krasnodar College of Marketing

    Marketing analyst – basic Junior marketing specialist

    There are several more options for how you can indicate your education on a CV in English. They are all correct, you can use any of them:

    Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2001—2005) Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2001 —2005)

    Department of Computer Science and computer facilities, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow, Russia

    Bachelor's degree in Computer science Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

    Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Moscow

    Master’s Degree in Computer science Master’s degree in Computer Science

    Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master’s Degree in Computer science Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Master’s degree in Computer Science

    Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001—2006 Degree in Computer Science and computer facilities Master’s degree in Computer science Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, 2001—2006, diploma in computer science and computer technology Master’s degree in Computer Science

    Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, department of Computer Science and computer facilities, PhD in Computer science (2006—2009) Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Science in Computer Science (2006—2009)

    Please note: educational qualifications in our country and abroad differ. To figure out what degree to write on your resume, check out this article.

    4. Qualifications (additional qualifications)

    In this section you can indicate all the professional courses that you have studied or are studying. If you also attended training seminars or conferences, be sure to indicate this fact:

    September - December 2014; Programming in Java courses at the Solution Training Center, Moscow, Russia September - December 2014; Programming courses in Java at the Reshenie training center, Moscow, Russia

    Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2014 up to present Marketing Specialist courses, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2014 to present

    Certificate in Accounting Accountant certificate (if you received the certificate outside of the university)

    5. Work experience

    At this point, you must provide the potential employer with information about your professional experience. You need to list all your jobs in reverse chronological order, that is, from last to first, indicating the length of time you worked in these companies. Also, list your job responsibilities. This way, your potential employer will see what skills you have acquired in your previous jobs. We recommend describing job responsibilities using a gerund, for example: writing program codes for mobile applications, preparing business plans, etc.

    For each place of work, you must indicate the full name of the company and your position. Please also indicate which country and city you worked in. You can also indicate the type of activity of the company and the name of the department in which you worked.

    If you do not have official work experience, you can indicate in this section industrial practice, internship, part-time work, freelancing, participation in any projects, etc.

    In the same section of your resume in English, you can indicate your professional achievements (Achievements). This should only be done if you can be specific about your successes. For example, if you managed to increase sales by 2-5% or attract 100 new clients, be sure to indicate this in this paragraph. To describe achievements, we recommend using the Past Simple tense, for example: attracted 100 new consumers (attracted 100 new clients). Let's give an example of this CV point.

    Company Name 1, 2012-present Moscow, Russia Financial analyst

    • Preparing business plans
    • Planning investment activities and budget
    • Analyzing data sets collected through all departments
    • Preparing financial forecasts
    • Preparing reports for the board of management