Real options for the exam in literature. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature. The volume of the essay will increase

Gorina Elena, 17 years old

BOU NPO "PU No. 33" Nazyvaevsk

Head Bondarkova Tatyana Viktorovna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

The role of art in society


The culture of the people took many centuries to develop. Art is a creative understanding of the world around us talented person. The beauty of it is that it is created by a select few, but belongs to millions and is passed on from generation to generation. The beautiful creations of Raphael and Aivazovsky, Dante and Shakespeare, Mozart and Tchaikovsky, Pushkin and Lermontov are immortal. “All types of art serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth,” Bertolt Brecht rightly noted. The culture of past generations created us today. Without the past there is no present and there can be no future.

Questions about the role of art in society, about the artist’s responsibility for his work are reflected in N.V. Gogol’s story “Portrait”. Through the image of the artist Chartkov, the writer shows that there are obstacles on the path of a true creator: this is the desire to become famous, and the desire to quickly get rich in money. An artist, like any person, is subject to temptation. “In passion for art,” Gogol said, “there is a lot of tempting charm of infatuation - but only in combination with love for the good, for the bright in a person, can it enlighten both the creator and those for whom he creates.”

The main character chooses a different path. He destroys beautiful paintings, kills goodness. And talent, separated from goodness, is a destroyer of personality. And the author pronounces the verdict: “Glory cannot give pleasure to those who stole it and did not deserve it.” After all, not every person is endowed with talent, therefore he must skillfully direct his abilities and strengths, must spread love, light, warmth, and teach. In general, N.V. Gogol even considered art as a variety civil service. He who has talent should be cleaner.

Talent without faith, without repentance for sins did not bring any benefit to Chartkov, who was unable to cleanse his soul and went crazy, and will not benefit people either.

True art must have a good, humane beginning with centuries-old traditions. And today's society, where many are lost moral values, where a person is most often assessed by financial situation, you need to learn to see beauty, be able to admire it, and improve yourself. You need to listen to the wise words of the writer, actor, director and just a person Vasily Makarovich Shukshin:

“Literature should help us understand what is happening to us.” It is impossible for everyone to be creators, but it is within our power to try to penetrate into the essence of the creation of a genius, to come closer to understanding the beautiful.

I'm sure it's wonderful work of art can influence a person, can make him kinder and cleaner, more honest and sensitive.

Public discussion of the new Unified State Examination model in literature has begun

Text: Natalya Lebedeva/RG

In 2018, Russian school graduates will take a literature exam using a new model. Demo versions of the updated Unified State Exam is already ready, moreover, they have already been tested in 13 regions Russian Federation. 1000 high school students from 60 took part in the experiment educational organizations different types. The majority of teachers (94 percent) approved of the changes. And analysis Unified State Exam results showed that new model is not more complex than the current one.

However, based on the results of testing, a promising Unified State Exam model on the literature has been finalized and is now presented for wide public and professional discussion.

We have studied the demo version and are ready to tell you what graduates of 2018 should prepare for.

The main difference is that in the Unified State Exam 2018 in literature there will be no short-answer tasks at all. All assignments will require you to write detailed answers.

Also in the new model, the number of tasks at the participant’s choice has been increased, but at the same time, as the developers assure, the total number of tasks with a detailed answer remains unchanged: the examinee writes four detailed answers of a limited volume and one essay.

But now it will be easier to complete comparative tasks: the source text will need to be compared with only one work, and not with two, as now.

But the requirements for the length of the essay will become stricter. If previously it was enough to write 200 words, then in the new model it is already 250 words. If the work contains less than 200 words, it will be scored 0 points. The developers also specified the scope of detailed answers for the first part of the exam. Each answer must be at least 50 words.

To increase the objectivity of the assessment, the criteria for assessing detailed answers have been improved. The teachers who took part in testing the new Unified State Exam model insisted on this.

You can get acquainted with the demo version of the updated Unified State Examination in literature on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

Your comments and suggestions on the promising model of the Unified State Exam in Literature can be sent until the end of March 2017 to the following address: FIPI: [email protected].

Please note that the new examination model Literature will not be used on the Unified State Exam in 2017; its introduction is planned in 2018.

Unified State Exam test in literature 2018 acquired the most creative character - in connection with the improvement of CIMs, the exam format was updated, and the main emphasis was placed on testing the ability to correctly, consistently and beautifully express thoughts.

At the same time, according to experts from FIPI, passing the exam should not become fundamentally more difficult for graduates. After all, they are given a wide choice of topics for essays, the conditions of tasks for “immersion” in the context have been changed - they will have to compare in half as much. And for those for whom writing essays is not a problem, the new Unified State Exam model will be to their liking.

Changes to the exam structure

Radical changes have affected tickets for literature– now they do not contain tasks with open answers and, as a result, automatic knowledge testing is excluded.

WITH 2018 This year, the Unified State Exam will be a “set” of five essays, which will bring its format as close as possible to a standard school exam.

At preparation don't ignore the use demo versions of the Unified State Exam on literature– last year’s version has already lost its relevance, but a version corresponding to the updated format has been developed and published. And do not limit yourself to just a superficial study of the meaning of the work, learn to understand as deeply as possible the essence of the problem that the author raises, find connections between the plot and the experiences of the characters in the work, defend and justify your opinion that arose after reading.

Works required for the exam

Number of works :

  • poetry - more than 150 poems and 9 poems;
  • novels – 11;
  • plays – 6;
  • stories – 4;
  • stories - within 20.

A specific list can be found in.

How to prepare to write an essay

Despite the small volume of the exam essay, writing it is not easy for many: anxiety and lack of experience in creating written work interfere.

To ensure everything goes smoothly during the exam, preparation must be adhered to certain rules:

  • write as much as possible, write regularly;
  • build your own unique template, based on which you will create essays on various topics;
  • delve into the problems of the work;
  • write cards for each work or author;
  • write down all the good phrases and quotes that can be used for your essay;
  • train online.

Purpose demo version according to the literature is to enable any USE participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam in Literature 2018 with answers and criteria

Variant of tasks + answers Download demo version 2018
Specification demo variant literatura ege
Codifier codifier

Changes in the 2018 Unified State Exam KIM in literature compared to 2017

Improved and closer to OGE criteria evaluation of detailed answers. The algorithm of expert actions when evaluating detailed answers of different types has been simplified; greater transparency has been ensured in the formation of assessments for individual tasks and the work as a whole (for the expert and the examinee). The changes are aimed at increasing the objectivity of assessment of examination work and strengthening the continuity between forms of final control at different levels school education. Control over the quality of the examinee’s speech has been strengthened (speech is assessed in answers to all tasks).

The requirements for completing comparative tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified: the instructions for them do not require giving a justification for choosing an example for comparison, which is reflected in the criteria for their evaluation.

A fourth task has been introduced in part 2 (the topics of the essays vary, taking into account the genre-generic diversity of literary material and the literary era).

The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points. The procedure for appointing 3 experts has been clarified.

Instructions for work and individual tasks have been improved (they more fully, consistently and clearly reflect the requirements of the criteria, give a clear idea of ​​what actions and in what logic the examinee must perform).

Duration of the Unified State Examination 2018 in literature

The duration of the Unified State Examination in literature is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Structure of KIM Unified State Examination

IN exam paper Two parts are highlighted and continuous numbering of tasks is adopted. CMM includes 17 tasks that differ in form and level of difficulty.

Part 1 suggests completing assignments containing questions for the analysis of literary works. The ability of graduates to determine the main elements of the content and artistic structure of the studied works is tested (themes and issues, characters and events, artistic techniques, various types tropes, etc.), as well as consider specific literary works in conjunction with the course material.

Part 2 of the work requires participants Unified State Exam writing full-length expanded essay on literary theme. Thus, to what was worked out in part 1 literary material another content component of the course being tested is added. The graduate is offered 4 topics.

The graduate chooses only one of the proposed topics and writes an essay on it, justifying his judgments by referring to the work (from memory). Writing an essay requires a large measure of cognitive independence and most closely meets the specifics of literature as an art form and academic discipline, which aims to form a qualified reader with a developed aesthetic taste and the need for spiritual, moral and cultural development.